644375458f16960018424d0a ## Nature and Significance of Management
644375458f16960018424d0a ## Nature and Significance of Management
644375458f16960018424d0a ## Nature and Significance of Management
1. Dinesh is a Supervisor in Care India Pvt Ltd and (4) Management is multidimensional
Harish is working as Plant superintendent in the
same company. Name the managerial levels at 6. Mr. Rajesh has the responsibility to find the right
which Dinesh and Harish respectively are working? person for the right position at the right time.
(1) Both are working at top level of management Identify which function of management is Mr.
(2) Middle and Top level of management Rajesh concerned with?
(3) Operational level and Middle level of (1) Planning
management (2) Controlling
(4) Both are working at middle level of (3) Directing
management (4) Staffing
2. Manager of the Climax Ltd. achieved the target 7. Raj and Shyam work at the same level of
production, but at a higher production cost. In this management. Raj represents workers’ grievances to
case, the manager is _________ but not middle level management and Shyam ensures a
_________. safe and proper working environment for workers.
(1) Efficient, Honest At which level of management do Raj and Shyam
(2) Effective, Efficient perform their duties?
(3) Efficient, Effective (1) Top level management
(2) Middle level management
(4) None of these
(3) Supervisory level management
(4) None of the above
3. Profit is essential for covering cost and risk of the
business. Which management objective is discussed 8. Mahesh is a strategist for XYZ Ltd. The team is
here? planning to take the company to a large scale. One
(1) Social Objective of the organizational objectives of management is
(2) Personal Objective “growth” of a business. How can growth of a
(3) Organisational Objective business be measured?
(4) None of these (1) In terms of sales volume
(2) Increase in market share
(3) Increase in number of Employees
4. Climax Ltd. is engaged in manufacturing (4) All of the above
calculators. The firm decided to provide
employment to disadvantaged sections of society. 9. Smasung keeps on introducing new models of TV.
Which objective of management is discussed here? Which feature of management is highlighted in this?
(1) Individual Objective (1) Management is pervasive
(2) Social Objective (2) Management is a dynamic function
(3) Organisational Objective (3) management is multidimensional
(4) None of these (4) management is an intangible force
5. Identify the basic characteristic of management 10. Arshiya and Jiten are discussing how coordination is
required in the directing function of management?
involved in the statement: The activities involved in
(1) Between standards of actual and expected
managing an organization are common to all performance
organizations, whether economic, social or political? (2) Among orders, instructions and Suggestions
(1) Management is dynamic (3) Between superior and Subordinate
(2) Management is goal-oriented (4) Both 2 and 3
(3) Management is pervasive
Answer Key
1. (2) 8. (4)
Operational level and Middle level of All of the above
9. (2)
2. (3) Management is a dynamic function
Efficient, Effective
10. (4)
3. (3) both 2 and 3
Organisational Objective
11. (H & S)
4. (2)
Social Objective 12. (H & S)
7. (3)
Supervisory level management
10. (4)
In directing, coordination is required among orders,
instructions and suggestions and between superior 14. (H & S)
and subordinates. For example – a manager instructs Working at the Director position of any company
the subordinates, motivates them and supervises means working at Top level management.
their work. Functions of top level management are as follows:
He had to analyze the business environment
11. (H & S) and its implications for the survival of the
Social objective was depicted in the case. firm.
Explanation - Social objectives refer to those
He had to integrate diverse elements and
objectives, which are desired to be achieved for the
benefit of the society. coordinate the activities of different
The other two types of objectives are : departments to the overall objectives.
1. Organizational Objectives He had to formulate overall organizational
2. Personal Objectives. goals and strategies for their achievement.
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