Cap. 58) Intracerebral Hemmorhage

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Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Kinan K. Hreib 58 

individuals cerebral hemorrhage associated with underlying
Clinical Vignette arterial venous malformation or cavernous angioma.
A 72-year-old woman with history of hypertension noticed
tingling in the right arm. Within 30 minutes, her right leg
buckled and she fell. Her husband helped her up and she
was able to walk without support. She rested, but within an PRIMARY ICH
hour, she developed speech difficulties and more definite Intracranial hemorrhage is a rapidly evolving process that may
right-sided weakness. progress over hours or days. The pressure effects of the initial
She was brought to the emergency department (ED) and hemorrhage lead to mechanical disruption and tearing of
was noted to have mild right arm weakness and some word- surrounding vessels with subsequent gradual expansion of the
finding difficulties. Her blood pressure was 140/80 mm Hg.
hematoma out from the original center. Rebleeding is the most
She got up to go to the bathroom, walked approximately 10
feared early complication of ICH and occurs in approximately
ft, and collapsed on the floor. She was then globally aphasic,
40% of patients. Rebleeding usually occurs within the first 24
with left gaze deviation (i.e., paralysis of gaze to the right)
hours but, on occasion, has been reported up to a week later.
and right hemiplegia. Within 10 minutes, she became grad-
The underlying pathological mechanism of primary hyperten-
ually unresponsive.
She was intubated for airway protection and taken for
sive ICH is attributable to either the formation of miliary micro-
brain CT scanning, which demonstrated a large left putam- aneurysms or primary arteriolar degeneration (lipohyalinosis
inal hemorrhage. Soon thereafter, she had bilaterally dilated and weakening of the blood vessel intima and media wall layers)
fixed pupils. The vestibular-ocular reflexes were lost. Within (Fig. 58-1). The presence of miliary aneurysms is directly related
another 10 minutes, she was determined brain dead. to hypertension but is not necessarily the initial site of bleeding,
and cases of hypertensive ICH outside the areas of microaneu-
rysms have been noted. This suggests that degeneration of the

T he preceding vignette demonstrates the classic presenta-

tion of a primary intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH with a
rapidly evolving focal neurologic deficit). Its progressively
arteriolar smooth muscle wall is likely an important factor in the
evolution of ICH. Hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhages
have a predilection to occur in the basal ganglia and the thala-
increasing size led to increased intracranial pressure with coma mus. The arterioles in these structures are likely more vulner-
from downward herniation of the uncus onto the brainstem and able to degenerative changes brought on by diffuse, large
ultimately irreversible neurologic damage. The only means to pressure pulses over time.
prevent ICH is appropriate therapy of its major risk factor, Although hypertension is considered an important risk factor
hypertension. for ICH, studies are inconsistent in estimating the exact risk of
There are two forms of intrinsic cerebral hemorrhage, ICH in hypertensive patients. It has been noted in some studies
primary ICH, which has a predilection to affect the striatum, that up to 90% of patients with ICH have evidence of hyperten-
thalamus, midbrain, pons, and cerebellum, and subarachnoid sion at the time of presentation. Other important risk factors
hemorrhage (Chapter 57). ICH comprises approximately 10% include smoking, alcohol consumption, black race, and low total
of all strokes in the Caucasian population and up to 20% in the serum cholesterol levels. The latter is likely to be an anomaly
Asian population. Over the past several years, improved treat- of population studies. Patients with ICH and concomitantly low
ment of hypertension has decreased the number of patients serum cholesterol levels tend to be older than age 80 years and,
experiencing ICH. on average, have higher diastolic pressures. The effect of lower
Hypertension is a major risk factor for intracerebral hemor- cholesterol levels, particularly LDL, on increasing the incidence
rhages in patients between the ages of 40 and 70. A small pro- of ICH is likely small and the mechanism remains unclear;
portion of intracerebral hemorrhages in patients older than age whether it is causative or an epiphenomenon of another process
60 years is not directly related to hypertension and is primarily warrants further investigation.
caused by amyloid angiopathy. Furthermore, the increased use
of oral anticoagulant therapy in the elderly population has led
to higher rates of warfarin-associated ICH. Warfarin anticoagu- CLINICAL PRESENTATION
lation increases the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage fivefold, Intraparenchymal hemorrhages vary in presentation depending
and some studies have estimated that 18% of intracerebral hem- on the site of the bleeding (Fig. 58-2). In approximately 60% of
orrhages admitted to the hospital are related to its use. Of patients, neurologic symptoms develop gradually or stepwise
interest is that most bleeds in patients on warfarin occur when over a period of hours. To some extent, the location and size of
the INR is within the recommended therapeutic limits. Second- the hematoma predict clinical outcome.
ary, less common causes of intracerebral hemorrhages include Headache occurs at presentation in approximately 40% of
primary and metastatic tumors of the brain and in younger patients with ICH. Less commonly, headache develops within a
CHAPTER 58  •  Intracerebral Hemorrhage  539

B. Microaneurysm ruptures, C. Satellite vessels D. Amount of blood extravasated into

causing pressure on adjacent rupture. brain tissue depends on tissue turgor
(satellite) vessels. opposed to intravascular blood pressure.

A. Microaneurysm formed in parenchymal artery of brain as result
of hypertension. Lenticulostriate vessels (shown) most commonly intracerebral
involved, but similar process may occur in other parts of brain, hemorrhage involving
especially lobar white matter, thalamus, pons, and cerebellum. left putamen, with
rupture into lateral
ventricle; brain
distorted to opposite
side; scar of healed
hemorrhage on right

CT scan showing large

putaminal hemorrhage

Figure 58-1  Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Pathogenesis.

few days after the ictus. Intracerebral hemorrhages presenting and judgment, and occasionally violent behavior. Caudate hem-
with headache are often located at the brain surface or within orrhages are associated with similar behavioral and cognitive
the cerebellum. Depression in the level of consciousness and changes. Studies suggest that these behaviors result from frontal
vomiting occur in 50% of patients, particularly those with large lobe disconnection. Often, deficits from small anterior putam-
cerebellar bleeds. Seizures occur at onset in up to 10% and are inal hemorrhages are reversible.
seen most commonly with lobar bleeds in the anterior circula- A hemorrhage within the midputamen, however, results in
tion. There are rare incidences of patients with deep hemor- severe deficits, often with poor recovery. In this case, ICH
rhages having seizures. The subsequent risk for seizures in ICH compresses and undercuts nearby cortical structures, causing
patients is up to 29% for those with lobar hemorrhages but only global aphasia if involving the left hemisphere and severe neglect
4% for those with deep hemorrhages. Other symptoms seen in if involving the right. With posterior putaminal hemorrhages, a
association with ICH include low-grade fever without obvious combination of sensory-motor deficits, visual field difficulties,
infection, cardiac arrhythmias, and dysautonomia, especially limb ataxia, and behavioral changes often results. Some putam-
with pontine bleeds. A description of some of the most common inal hemorrhages not extending into the globus pallidus present
symptoms at different sites of ICH follows. with short-lived hemichorea or hemiballismus, although a
variety of other abnormal involuntary movements have been
Deep Supratentorial Hemorrhage described. Large or medially located putaminal hemorrhages
and head of the caudate hemorrhages can dissect toward the
ventricle, with resultant intraventricular hemorrhage and the
The most common site of ICH is the putamen, and these are development of acute obstructive hydrocephalus with rapid
classified into anterior, middle, and posterior lesions. Anterior deterioration due to increased intracranial pressure. Primary
putaminal hemorrhage often causes motor weakness due to intraventricular hemorrhage, in contrast, does not affect sur-
compression of the anterior limb of the internal capsule. If the rounding brain tissue, and most cases present as a nonlocalizing
ICH is on the left, abulia and aphasia are common accompani- rapidly progressive syndrome of nausea, vomiting, stupor, and
ments. When the lesion occurs on the right, significant behav- seizure. In less acute cases, the patient presents with headaches,
ioral changes can occur, including disinhibition, poor insight confusion, and somnolence.
540  SECTION XII  •  Cerebrovascular Diseases

CT scan Pupils Eye Motor and Other

Pathology movements sensory deficits

Caudate Conjugate
nucleus Sometimes Contralateral
deviation to Headache,
(blood in ipsilaterally hemiparesis,
side of lesion; confusion
ventricle) constricted often transient
slight ptosis

Putamen Aphasia
Conjugate hemiparesis
(small Normal (if lesion
deviation to and
hemorrhage) on left
side of lesion hemisensory side)

In presence Contralateral
Putamen of herniation, Conjugate hemiparesis Decreased
(large pupil dialated deviation to and conscious-
hemorrhage) on side of side of lesion hemisensory ness
lesion loss

Both lids Slight

Constricted, retracted; eyes contralateral Aphasia
poorly positioned
Thalamus hemiparesis, (if lesion
reactive downward but greater on
to light and medially; hemisensory left side)
bilaterally cannot look loss

lobar Normal Normal Mild, transient Contralateral
white hemiparesis hemianopsia

No horizontal
Constricted, movements;
Pons reactive to vertical Quadriplegia Coma
light movements

Slight deviation to
Slight opposite side; Ipsilateral
constriction movements toward limb ataxia; Gait ataxia,
Cerebellum on side of side of lesion im- no vomiting
lesion paired, or sixth hemiparesis
cranial nerve palsy

Figure 58-2  Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Clinical Manifestations Related to Site.

Clinically, thalamic ICHs are classified into posterior–inferior, primarily cause unilateral sensory symptoms but occasionally
posterior–lateral, and dorsal–medial. Somnolence is one of the motor involvement when the hemorrhage extends laterally to
most common presentations of medial–posterior and inferior involve the internal capsule. Eye movement abnormalities, small
thalamic bleeds and can be profound as a result of bilateral pupils, ptosis, chorea, and dystonia also occur. Hematomas
disruption of the rostral reticular activating system. If the involving the dorsal-medial thalamic area present with promi-
hemorrhage dissects anteriorly, often persistent hypokinetic nent memory problems and behavioral changes thought to
behavior results from disconnection of the frontal lobe. With relate to dissociated frontal cortex, cingulate gyrus, and amyg-
inferior–lateral thalamic hemorrhage, there is weakness and dalar connections. Speech and language deficits are the least
clumsiness and, occasionally, tremors and choreoathetoid move- consistent symptoms of thalamic hemorrhages. Paraphasia,
ments. Tremors are likely related to disruption of projections naming difficulties, or a perceived inability to comprehend, with
from the cerebellum and dentate nucleus. Disruption of the preservation of repetition, is typical of thalamic aphasia. In
fibers of the ansa lenticularis are likely responsible for the cho- patients with right thalamic hemorrhage, deficits mimic cortical
reoathetoid movements. lesions with neglect or hemi-inattention, vivid visual, and, less
More lateral thalamic hemorrhages involving the ventral often, auditory hallucinations can occur in the days following
posteromedial and ventral posterolateral thalamic nuclei thalamic ICH.
CHAPTER 58  •  Intracerebral Hemorrhage  541

Infratentorial Hemorrhages
After the putamen, the most common site of primary ICH is
one of four locations in the cerebral cortex. The parietal and
occipital areas are most frequently involved. In general, hyper- Clinical Vignette
tension is an important risk factor for all ICH regardless of
A 58-year-old woman with substantial history of arterial
location, but whether blood pressure plays a lesser role in the
hypertension presented to the ED with a 1-hour duration
contribution of lobar versus subcortical hemorrhages remains
of acute-onset headache, gait unsteadiness, and left arm
inconclusive. Primary amyloid angiopathy frequently underlies
incoordination. On examination, the patient was alert and
nonhypertensive intracerebral lobar hemorrhage. Other less oriented but had left-sided dysmetria, gait ataxia, and left
common causes include vascular malformations, primary and CN-VI and CN-VII palsies. Her BP was 200/110 mm Hg.
metastatic malignancies, sympathomimetic drugs, anticoagu- Urgent head CT showed a 3-cm cerebellar hemorrhage
lants, irreversible antiplatelet and fibrinolytic agents, and sinus with slight compression of the fourth ventricle. Antihyper-
thrombosis with venous infarctions and bleeds. tensive treatment aiming for a MAP of 100–120 mm Hg was
Lobar hemorrhages often present with headaches and vomit- initiated.
ing. Seizures at the onset of lobar hemorrhage are common, Within 30 minutes after the CT scan, the patient’s level of
particularly those within the posterior parietal or frontal lobe. consciousness deteriorated, necessitating intubation. She
Functionally, patients with lobar hemorrhage may have better was brought immediately to the operating room for evacu-
outcomes than those with deep hemorrhages. However, prog- ation of the hematoma and responded well. One month
nosis depends on hematoma size, level of consciousness at pre- later, her examination was remarkable for only mild clumsi-
sentation, and presence of intraventricular blood. Mortality ness of the left arm and a slightly wide-based gait.
rates range from 12 to 30% in superficial lobar hemorrhages
compared to 25–42% in deep basal ganglionic and thalamic
hemorrhages and up to 97% in pontine hemorrhages. As in the preceding vignette, patients with cerebellar hemor-
rhages can deteriorate rapidly, even “in front of one’s eyes,” but
• Frontal hematomas. Intracranial hemorrhages in the supe- can still respond exceptionally well with expeditious surgical
rior aspect of the frontal lobe are usually small and cause intervention. Most cerebellar hemorrhages are associated with
weakness in the contralateral leg. Inferior frontal hemor- hypertension. However, approximately 10% of primary cerebel-
rhages are larger, causing a depressed level of conscious- lar hemorrhages are caused by AVM, tumors, blood dyscrasias
ness, hemiplegia, hemisensory deficits, and horizontal and the use of warfarin anticoagulation. Headache, spinning
gaze paresis. Language output can also be affected. Apathy vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and, most commonly, unsteady gait
and abulia occur with superior mesial lesions and may be characterize the typical presentation. Some headaches are occip-
prominent. ital, but many involve the orbital and supraorbital areas. The
• Parietal hematomas. With right hemispheric hemorrhages, most reliable symptoms of a hemispheric cerebellar hemorrhage
often the most striking clinical presentation is a cortical include headache, vomiting, nystagmus, ipsilateral limb ataxia
neglect syndrome, while left hemispheric hemorrhages with, at times, ipsilateral peripheral CN-VI and CN-VII palsies
produce various degrees of aphasia. Extension into subcorti- and horizontal nystagmus.
cal areas often occurs with weakness, and hemianopsia is The less common vermian hemorrhages often resemble a
frequently seen. More medial hemorrhages result in down- pontine hemorrhage and can progress rapidly to coma, making
ward pressure on the upper brainstem and can cause obtunda- it difficult to identify specific early clinical signs that can dif-
tion or coma. ferentiate one from the other. Cranial nerve palsies are related
• Occipital hematomas. Although headaches are prominent to involvement of adjacent pontine structures or stretching sec-
in many lobar hemorrhages, those occurring with occipital ondary to increased cerebellar pressure. In hypertensive bleeds
hemorrhage are particularly severe. The most obvious involving the vermis or the cerebellar hemispheres, the superior
neurologic deficit is a homonymous hemianopsia but some cerebellar artery is most often involved.
patients present with other visual changes, including flashes Unlike supratentorial bleeds, in which a small hemorrhage is
of bright lights and palinopsia (afterimages). Other deficits often well tolerated, infratentorial ICH within the posterior
indicative of more anteriorly located hemorrhage include fossa often leads to rapid neurologic deterioration and death.
visual extinction, dysgraphia, and dyslexia. Occipital hemato- Close monitoring in an ICU for 36–48 hours, when the risk of
mas are the least likely to be related to hypertension. deterioration is at its highest, is therefore recommended for
• Temporal hematomas. Neurologic deficits in temporal most patients. Rebleeding, rupture into the fourth ventricle, and
hematomas differ depending on the side involved. Fluent accelerated hemorrhagic edema, alone or in combination, often
aphasia, often associated with paraphasia and poor compre- lead to a devastating outcome. Hemorrhages larger than 3 cm
hension, is the most prominent deficit from isolated left may extend into the fourth ventricle and lead to the develop-
temporal lobe hemorrhage. In contrast, right temporal hem- ment of acute hydrocephalus and require ventriculostomy place-
orrhages are often associated with relatively minor problems, ment. The threshold for surgical evacuation of the hematoma
most commonly confusion. Other neurologic symptoms should be low and considered at the earliest sign of deteriora-
depend on whether there is extension into the surrounding tion. The major goal is decompression of the posterior fossa to
subcortical areas or adjacent frontal lobe. prevent blockage of the fourth ventricle and compression of
542  SECTION XII  •  Cerebrovascular Diseases

the adjacent brainstem. Fortunately, if impending brainstem Box 58-1  Common Causes of
compression is recognized early, there are often only minimal Intracerebral Hemorrhage
residual deficits after surgery, even with extensive cerebellar
evacuation and decompression. The potentially positive recov- 1. Primary intracerebral hemorrhage
ery from cerebellar hemorrhages and decompressive surgery Hypertension
reflects that the deep cerebellar nuclei, crucial for gait coordina-
2. Vascular malformations
tion and balance, are often spared from direct damage. Aneurysm
Arteriovenous malformation
Cavernous angioma
3. Embolic infarct
Pontine and midbrain hemorrhages are relatively uncommon 4. Anticoagulant therapy
but have the most devastating outcome compared with other
sites of primary intracranial hemorrhages. Three distinct vascu-
lar territories dictate the clinical presentation. The paramedian Box 58-2  Uncommon Causes of
penetrators, arising directly from the basilar trunk, are the Intracerebral Hemorrhage*
primary arteries supplying the midline pons or midbrain. ICH
in this location causes bilateral damage and is often fatal. Sudden 1. Endocarditis
onset of deep coma, quadriparesis, ophthalmoplegia, and bilat- 2. Venous sinus thrombosis
3. Malignancy: primary, metastatic
eral papillary abnormalities are the presenting signs.
4. Blood diathesis
Another group of small arteries, the short circumferential DIC, ITP, TTP
penetrators, courses laterally, supplying the lateral basis pontis, Leukemia
where a hemorrhage may predominantly cause unilateral bulbar Multiple myeloma
symptoms with profound dysphagia. The third important Sickle cell disease
group of vessels, the long circumferential arteries, arises from 5. Other hematologic disorders, particularly coagulopathies
the anterior–inferior cerebellar artery and primarily supplies the
von Willebrand factor deficiency
lateral tegmentum. ICH within this segment leads to relatively Afibrinogenemia
minor symptoms, including facial numbness and ataxia second- 6. Vasculitis
ary to involvement of the spinal trigeminal and vestibular nuclei. Polyarteritis nodosa
However, involvement of the intrinsic pontine nuclei, such as Systemic lupus erythematosus
the cochlear and facial nuclei, are also affected, which leads to Wegener granulomatosis
a more serious outcome. Takayasu arteritis
Temporal arteritis
Pontine hemorrhages often have a relatively gradual clinical
Chemical vasculitis
presentation evolving over hours. Neurologic deficits, including Primary CNS vasculitis
horizontal gaze palsies, miotic sluggishly reactive pupils, quadri- Sympathomimetics (amphetamine, cocaine,
paresis, and coma, are the expected clinical signs. Certain unique phenylpropanolamine)
eye findings, including ocular bobbing and the one-and-a-half 7. Systemic disorders
syndrome, provide excellent diagnostic clues to pontine hemor- Sarcoidosis
rhages. Some patients also exhibit twitching of the limbs and Behçet syndrome
CNS infections, particularly herpes zoster
face and rippling of torso muscles. Dysautonomia with irregular
8. Trauma
pulse, erratic breathing patterns, and an increase in body tem-
perature have also been observed. Vivid, sometimes frightening, *DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; ITP, idiopathic
formed hallucinations, called peduncular hallucinosis, occur thrombocytopenic purpura; TTP, thrombotic thrombocytopenic
relatively often in patients with involvement of the midbrain
In most cases of ICH, especially when hypertension is absent,
follow-up imaging studies are essential to investigate the
possibilities of underlying predisposing pathology. Contrast-
HEMORRHAGE enhanced brain MRI scanning performed about 3 months later,
ICH not directly caused by hypertension is encountered with after extravasated blood has been allowed to reabsorb, may
vascular malformations, hemorrhagic transformation of isch- uncover an underlying lesion initially obscured by the acute
emic stroke, anticoagulants, as well as fibrinolytic agents or hematoma.
irreversible antiplatelet therapy (Box 58-1). Primary amyloid Occult vascular malformations were possibly the most
angiopathy is often the underlying cause of nonhypertensive underdiagnosed causes of lobar hemorrhages prior to CT and
lobar hemorrhage. Less common causes include primary MRI scanning and were frequently missed by early angiography
and metastatic malignancies, sinus thrombosis with venous due to the presence of clot and mass effect on the brain. They
infarctions and bleeds, acquired or inherited coagulopathies, were diagnosed only during surgical or pathologic specimen
induced or autoimmune vasculitides and systemic granulo­ inspection after hematoma removal. The most common occult
matous disorders, central infectious processes, and trauma vascular lesions include small AVMs and cavernous angiomas
(Box 58-2). (Fig. 58-3A–D).
CHAPTER 58  •  Intracerebral Hemorrhage  543

Thalamic Hemorrhage Secondary to AVM Box 58-3  Tumors Causing Intracerebral Hemorrhage*
A Primary CNS
Mixed glioma
B Epidermoid cyst
Pituitary adenoma
Choroid plexus papilloma
CT with left thalamic Lateral view; vertebral angio- Metastatic
hemorrhage and blood in gram with thalamic AVM
ventricles. Melanoma
Cavernous Hemangioma Lung
C D Osteogenic sarcoma

*In order of frequency.

petechial bleeding develops in more than 50% of patients with

embolic infarcts. Although it is often implied that cardioembolic
strokes are more likely to be associated with development of
CT with small acute hemor- T2-weighted MR with variable
rhage in the left medial temporal intensity pattern and black halo
HBI, some investigators suggest that any large infarct, regard-
lobe close to the lateral ventricular (paramagnetic effect of iron, less of mechanism, is predisposed to such bleeding. The use of
horn (arrow). Fe3+) (arrow). IV heparin or heparinoid for secondary stroke prevention also
Hemorrhagic Transformation With Intravenous tPA Therapy. promotes the development of HBI. However, the presence of
petechial hemorrhage without frank hematoma formation does
E F not seem to worsen neurologic outcome.
Along with typical subarachnoid hemorrhage, aneurysmal
rupture can, at times, cause intraparenchymal hematoma with
focal neurologic signs (Fig. 58-4A&B). The location of the
blood often hints to the site of the aneurysm. Lateral temporal
lobe hematomas suggest MCA aneurysmal rupture while
medially located bleeds are associated with carotid artery
aneurysms. Frontal hematomas indicate anterior communicat-
ing artery aneurysm. Posterior communicating artery aneu-
rysms cause thalamic hemorrhages, often with intraventricular
Primary or metastatic brain tumors can lead to ICH (Box
Axial CT showing large right Comparable axial CT 11 days 58-3; Fig. 58-4C&D). A single small hemorrhage from a meta-
MCA territory infarction (hypo- post stroke and intravenous tPA
density) with moderate mass therapy showing multiple small
static lesion, as can be seen with melanomas or hypernephro-
effect. petechial hemorrhages (arrows). mas, may be difficult to distinguish from primary ICH unless
evidence of other lesions is identified. Other clues, such as an
Figure 58-3  Common Causes of Intracerebral Hemorrhage. atypical cortical or subcortical location of the bleed, irregular
margins, and unexpected contrast enhancement of the lesion
must prompt further investigations to exclude systemic disor-
Hemorrhagic brain infarct (HBI), in contrast to primary ders. A detailed dermatologic examination may reveal irregu-
intracranial hemorrhage, is a secondary phenomenon that larly pigmented lesions, suggesting melanoma, and ultrasound
occurs as a result of ischemic damage to both the brain paren- or body CT scan may uncover a renal tumor.
chyma and the vessel wall distal to the site of occlusion. The
vascular wall endothelium and the blood–brain barrier are sub-
sequently damaged and leak with reperfusion as they no longer Antithrombotic- and Anticoagulant-
tolerate normal arterial pressure. Petechial bleeding and, at Induced ICH
times, gross hemorrhage through the damaged vessel into the The question of whether aspirin promotes ICH remains unclear,
infracted area may be seen (Fig. 58-3E&F). It is estimated that but the Physicians’ Health Study, a randomized, double-blinded,
544  SECTION XII  •  Cerebrovascular Diseases

A. CT with blood in left sylvian fissure. B. Lateral left internal carotid angiogram with small
distal MCA aneurysm (arrowheads).

C. CT showing dense right frontal subcortical mass D. CT showing small left frontal hemorrhage in a
with edema representing a hemorrhagic colon patient with leukemia and bleeding diathesis.
cancer metastasis.

Figure 58-4  Uncommon Causes of Intracerebral Hemorrhage.

placebo-controlled trial looking at aspirin in cardiovascular subsequent weakness of the vessel wall and microaneurysm for-
disease, suggested a trend toward increased risk. There were mation. It is the cause of ICH in 10% of patients age 60 years
2.1% hemorrhagic strokes in the treatment group and 1.1% in or older and 20% in patients older than age 70 years. The usual
the placebo group. This increase was not seen in many other areas of ICH are lobar, both in the subcortical area and the
clinical trials testing the benefits of aspirin for the prevention of cortex, routinely sparing the basal ganglia, the thalamus, and the
stroke. Several trials using warfarin for stroke prevention in brainstem. In the Dutch and Icelandic familial forms of amyloid
patients with atrial fibrillation have demonstrated intracerebral angiopathy, the mean age for ICH occurrence is as young as 30
bleeding rates of 0.5–1.8 per year. The highest risk for bleeding years of age. In contrast to the nonfamilial form, ICH in the
was seen in patients older than age 75 years. The combination familial forms of amyloid angiopathy may also affect the brain-
of warfarin and aspirin suggested similar rates of systemic bleed- stem and the cerebellum along with the more typical cortical
ing, approximately 2.4 per year, and no difference in rates of and subcortical loci.
ICH. The use of intravenous heparin in the setting of acute MRI evidence of previous asymptomatic small hemorrhages
stroke has not been systematically studied as to benefit or com- is encountered in many patients (Fig. 58-5). However, cases of
plications. A few studies have suggested no risk of ICH whereas rapidly successive, small intracranial hemorrhages within a short
others indicated a risk of approximately 2%, especially when time period with progressive disability and death have been
heparin is used in the setting of an acute stroke. The Interna- described. The presence of subcortical white matter disease seen
tional Stroke Trial used subcutaneous heparin at 12,500 U twice on CT or MRI scans may be a reflection of chronic ischemia
daily versus 5000 U twice daily or a combination of subcutane- from amyloid-laden arterioles. These changes may suggest a
ous heparin and aspirin. At 14 days, the risk of ICH was 1.8% higher risk for future hemorrhages and therefore a more
for the high heparin dose and 0.7% for the low heparin dose. cautionary approach to anticoagulation or the potential use of
Rates were similar when heparin was combined with aspirin. thrombolytic agents is advised.
Heparinoid formulations as well have shown a risk of ICH of
2.4% versus 0.8% for controls. Endocarditis
The true incidence of endocarditis is unknown. Rheumatic
heart disease was formerly the primary cause of bacterial endo-
Amyloid Angiopathy carditis, with the most common agent being Streptococcus viri-
Amyloid angiopathy is an uncommon arteriolar and venular dans. More virulent forms of endocarditis have emerged as the
vasculopathy with hyaline eosinophilic depositions and use of intravenous drugs has increased. Furthermore, the use of
CHAPTER 58  •  Intracerebral Hemorrhage  545

A. CT with moderate-sized left frontal hema- B. GRE MRI shows high-intensity lesion with a C. GRE MRI showing multiple small paramag-
toma with edema. hypointense rim representing blood products. netic lesions consistent with multiple small
previous hemorrhages (arrows).

Figure 58-5  Amyloid Angiopathy.

implanted long-term catheters or other similar devices, particu- Vasculitis

larly in hemodialysis or immunocompromised patients, has Although systemic necrotizing vasculitides, usually associated
increased the risk of infection. Native valve acute endocarditis with peripheral complication such as mononeuritis multiplex,
usually has an aggressive course, with Staphylococcus aureus and are rarely the cause of cerebral infarction or hemorrhage,
group B streptococci the typical organisms. Underlying struc- primary CNS angiitis is commonly associated with both. The
tural valve disease need not be present. disease course is subacute and presents with mental status
Subacute endocarditis due to alpha-hemolytic streptococci or changes, headaches, focal deficits, and seizures. Systemic lupus
enterococci usually occurs in the setting of structural valve erythematosus is another disorder with a variable degree of
disease and has a more indolent course. Staph. aureus and fungal CNS involvement. Autopsy series, however, suggest a high fre-
infections are surpassing streptococcal bacteria as causes for quency of subarachnoid hemorrhage and, to a lesser extent,
valvular infection. Mitral and aortic valves are especially vulner- intracerebral and subdural hemorrhages.
able. The mitral valve is more consistently associated with neu-
rologic complications than is the aortic valve. In one study, more
than 28% of those with bacterial endocarditis had neurologic Moyamoya
complications. Mortality was 77% with staphylococcal infec- Moyamoya is a rare primary angiopathy of unknown etiology
tions and 36% with streptococcal infections. Cerebral infarc­ associated with cerebral vascular occlusive disease due to fibro-
tions occurred in up to 50% of patients, ICH occurred in 2.1%, cellular thickening of the intima and thinning of the media. The
and subarachnoid hemorrhage in 0.8%. carotid siphons and the proximal middle cerebral arteries are
Bacterial mycotic aneurysms are often small and located typically involved with numerous small vessels developing
peripherally, unlike berry and fungal mycotic aneurysms found around the site of occlusion, usually at the base of the circle of
at the bifurcations in the circle of Willis. Corresponding ICH Willis. Two forms of Moyamoya exist, the familial and athero-
is therefore typically located superficially in the more distal part sclerotic form. The familial form is most commonly seen in
of the vessels. However, the more peripheral locations are not Japan and affects children aged around 10 years. These children
necessarily less devastating than the more typical deeper hemor- often experience recurring bouts of hemiplegia or aphasia. Some
rhages. The presumed hemorrhage mechanism is pyogenic arte- symptoms may stutter or progress over a few weeks. The ath-
ritis resulting in blood vessel wall erosion and rupture or rupture erosclerotic form occurs in older patients, who may present with
of mycotic aneurysm (present in only 12% of patients). Patients recurring TIAs or ICHs. Early in the disease, symptoms may
receiving anticoagulation as treatment of a presumed ischemic be difficult to interpret, and MRI findings are often unspecific.
stroke were more likely to suffer hemorrhages. ICH occurred Careful observation for flow voids within the major vessels may
in 24% of patients receiving anticoagulation in the setting of demonstrate abnormalities that can prompt further investiga-
ischemic infarcts or TIAs caused by endocarditis. Repeated tion with angiography. ICH occurs mostly in the older-patient
blood culture and transesophageal echocardiography are the form because of small friable vessels sprouting within the basal
cornerstones of diagnosis in endocarditis and, if both are posi- ganglia.
tive, have a sensitivity higher than 90%.
Varied clinical profiles of TIA, stroke, and subarachnoid
hemorrhage typify the presentation of an atrial myxoma. There- Arteriovenous Malformation
fore, a cardiac embolic evaluation, including transesophageal Prevalence of arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is unknown,
echocardiography and electrocardiography, are needed. but estimates range from 1 to 2 per 100,000 individuals. Luckily
546  SECTION XII  •  Cerebrovascular Diseases

only 10% become symptomatic from bleeding. Patients often hematoma evacuation, others rely mostly on medical treatment
present with headaches, TIA-like spells and seizures. The risk and supportive care.
of bleeding from an AVM is estimated at 3% per year. However, At present, there are no strict recommendations for blood
the risk of rebleeding in the first year is as high as 30%. AVM pressure control in the setting of primary hypertensive ICH.
with associated aneurysmal lesions, poorly developed venous There is evidence to indicate that elevated BP greater than
drainage, and location near the ventricles hold a higher risk for 210 mm Hg is associated with recurrent or expanding ICH but
bleeding. Management of symptomatic AVMs includes surgical lower BP measurement may not be. Indeed, far too aggressive
decompression and removal of the AVM, if it is accessible. lowering of BP may lead to a potential drop in cerebral perfu-
Other interventions include a combination of catheter-based sion pressure (CPP), especially in the presence of elevated ICP,
intervention plus surgery. Small vascular malformations may be and cause secondary ischemia with worsening outcomes. The
treated with focused radiation, although the latter approach may present guidelines set by the American Heart Association/
take years to obliterate the malformation. Brain swelling and American Stroke Association council suggest definite treatment
hemorrhage may complicate treatment because of altered flow of SBP above 210 mm Hg or of MAP of 150 mm Hg with a
dynamics. Some experts advocated treatment of the malforma- continuous infusion of a titratable IV medication such as nica-
tion in stages to allow the brain and the malformation to adjust rdipine, a beta-blocker, or nitroprusside if needed. For measure-
gradually to changes in blood flow. ments below this level but above 180 mm Hg systolic or MAP
of 130 mm Hg and in the presence of suspected ICP, a decrease
of BP to keep the CPP above 60 mm Hg is recommended. If
Cerebral Cavernous Angioma ICP is not present, careful monitoring with an attempt to avoid
This vascular malformation is either inherited or sporadic. hypertensive episodes is suggested. It is often useful to obtain
Single lesions are seen in the sporadic form whereas the inher- patients’ prior BP measurements from outpatient records or
ited form often presents with multiple lesions. In the familial from primary care providers if available. This may help guide
form of the disease, three genes have been identified, CCM1/ blood pressure control by providing a sense of where each
KR1T1, CCM2/MGC4607, and CCM3/PDCD10. Large clusters individual patient’s BP range of cerebral autoregulation was
of family members with cavernous angioma have been identified before the ICH.
in Hispanic-American families. Often this condition presents Surgical Trial in Intracerebral Hemorrhage (STICH, 2005)
with TIA-like spells, seizures, or headaches. Lesions that are was a multicenter international prospective randomized trial to
diagnosed on MRI are frequently shown to have bled in the past. compare early surgery with initial conservative treatment for
When bleeding from cavernous angioma is significant, the patients with spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral hemor-
morphologic features of the lesion may be obscured, making rhage. In this study, no overall benefit from early surgery when
diagnosis acutely difficult. Repeat imaging studies, once there is compared to conservative treatment could be demonstrated.
some resolution of the hematoma, may ultimately help reveal Surgery demonstrated slightly better outcome (26.1% vs.
the lesion. 23.8%), but survival rates appeared to be similar in surgically
and medically treated patients. Subgroup analysis suggested that
large hemorrhages, older age, and blood in the ventricles pre-
MANAGEMENT AND PROGNOSIS dicted poor outcome. Also the subgroup with superficial bleeds
Many ICH patients initially presenting with a modest neuro- and no intraventricular hemorrhage tended to fare better with
logic deficit may rapidly worsen during the first 24 hours. Serial surgery than with medical treatment alone (49% vs. 37%). The
CT scans demonstrate that ICH can recur or worsen even up outcome from surgery likely depends on several factors, includ-
to 7 days after the ictus. As in the first vignette of this chapter, ing the fact that deep-seated basal ganglia or thalamic hemor-
recurrent or progressive ICH is often rapid and fatal, particu- rhages are difficult to evacuate without disrupting surrounding
larly if the hemorrhage extends to the ventricular system and normal structures and exacerbating brain damage, especially
produces acute hydrocephalus. Sudden volume increase, and with open craniotomy. A trial to evaluate the role of early
mass effect from enlarging ICH compromises the surrounding surgery in superficial supratentorial lobar hematomas without
microvasculature and leads to both mechanical and ischemic intraventricular hemorrhage is ongoing. However, when a non-
tissue damage to the surrounding brain structures. Tissue shifts dominant hemispheric or cerebellar ICH threatens impending
compounded by evolving vasogenic cerebral edema over 24 herniation and before the patient’s level of consciousness signi­
hours may lead to transtentorial herniation. Excessive increases ficantly deteriorates, emergent surgery may be lifesaving and
in blood pressure, concomitant infection, fever, hyperglycemia may provide a reasonably good recovery, especially in younger
or hypoglycemia, and other medical conditions all worsen patients.
outcome. The initial management of ICH, after ensuring Patients who have small hematomas (smaller than 30 cm3)
adequate ventilation and hemodynamic stability, involves seem to do generally well without surgical evacuation. However,
correcting coagulopathies, treating hypertension, and address- larger hematomas (larger than 60 cm3) do poorly, even when
ing the possibility of increased intracranial pressure. In patients evacuated surgically. Hematomas between 30 and 40 cm3 may
with intraventricular blood and early hydrocephalus, placement do best after surgical evacuation. There is no evidence that
of a temporary external drain should be considered. Beyond minimally invasive surgery (microsurgery or endoscopy) hold
these basics principles, the best treatment of ICH remains any advantage over open craniotomy, and the advantage of these
unclear and quite variable from center to center and in different technique is yet to be determined. A few neurosurgical studies
countries. Although some advocate invasive techniques for have investigated the benefits of evacuating deep hematomas
CHAPTER 58  •  Intracerebral Hemorrhage  547

using a continuous infusion of thrombolytic agents and suction herniation have poor prognoses. Rapid increase in intracranial
method. Thrombolytic agents such as tissue plasminogen acti- pressure with concurrent brainstem Duret hemorrhages leads
vator have been infused into the hematoma. Although they to irreversible reticular activating system damage and coma.
produce more rapid hematoma resolution, the long-term Patients in whom intraventricular blood leads to hydrocephalus
clinical outcome seems unchanged. Generally, the therapeutic do not fare well either, with 90% suffering poor outcomes or
approach must be individualized. death.
Rebleeding and hematoma expansion is a common cause of The size of the initial hematoma, as defined by CT, is also
acute deterioration and holds up to a 70% risk of death or predictive. There is a mortality rate of approximately 50–75%
unfavorable outcome. Prevention of hemorrhage progression, in patients with more than 40 mL of blood on CT at presenta-
therefore, has become a central theme in the acute treatment of tion. If the patient survives the bleed, the ultimate neurologic
primary ICH. To that end, pro-coagulants, such as activated recovery depends on the hemorrhage location and residual
Factor VII, have been tested in patients with intracerebral hem- deficits.
orrhage (Factor Seven for Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke [FAST]).
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demonstrated that patients treated within 3 hours of presenta- Jun;38(6):2001-2023. Evidence-based guidelines to help manage intracerebral
tion with activated Factor VII had the hematoma increase only hemorrhage and its complications.
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ously, reversing the effects of warfarin is the first step in trying
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to limit bleeding. The administration of vitamin K and fresh- activated factor VII for acute intracerebral hemorrhage. N Engl J Med
frozen plasma is often given acutely, but the benefits are not 2008 May 15;358(20):2127-2137. Treatment with rFVIIa within 4 hours of
realized for another 24 hours. Some have advocated the use of ICH reduced hematoma volume growth but did not improve survival or func-
prothrombin complex concentrate a (conglomerate of high tional outcome. Also, there were higher rates of arterial thrombotic events in the
levels of vitamin K–dependent factors) or activated Factor VII higher-dose group.
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to help reverse the effects of warfarin. However, as mentioned
intracerebral hemorrhage (STICH): a single-center, randomized clinical
previously, there is a significantly increased risk of thromboem- trial. Neurology 1998:51(5):1359-1363. This clinical study has influenced our
bolic events, and there are no studies at this time to help guide approach to surgical evacuation of ICH with most neurosurgeons and neurolo-
such treatment. gists considering it as generally showing lack of benefit for hematoma evacuation.
However, a subset of patients with superficial ICH and no intraventricular blood
emerged as potentially benefiting from surgical evacuation and are currently
being randomized to STICH II.
Skidmore CT, Andrefsky J. Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: epide-
The overall mortality of patients with ICH is approximately
miology, pathophysiology, and medical management. Neurosurg Clin
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involving the brainstem. Of those who survive, only half will Woo D, Broderick JP. Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: epidemiol-
achieve independent living. Initial presentation is predictive of ogy and clinical presentation. Neurosurg Clin North Am 2002;13:
outcome. Individuals who present with coma and signs of 265-279.

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