Assignment 1 csc583
Assignment 1 csc583
Assignment 1 csc583
Student Name :
Student ID :
Group :
Lecturer :
Students are required to prepare a 5 mins individual presentation on any state-of-the-art
AI (created 2020 onwards).
Submission item:
Video Presentation file
5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Exceeds Meets Needs Below
Expectations Expectations Improvement Expectations
Student has Student shows Student shows Student attempted Unacceptable.
excelled in competency very competency at an but did not achieve Performance was
performing well, was above acceptable level. competency in all below expectations.
competently. average in Assistance areas. Needs Needs significant
Student has effectiveness or guidance from improvement. improvement.
completed the work and/or consistency. preceptor was
and exceeded occasionally
activity necessary.
Score Weight Score Max Total/
No. Criteria Wx criteria
1 2 3 4 5 W Score
Information is presented according
1 to the given sequence. 0.2 1
Introduction grabs attention, lays
2 out the problem well. 0.4 2
Technological terms used are
explained correctly and are well-
3 defined in language appropriate 1 5
for the target audience.
Functions of the application are
4 clearly described. 1 5
There is an obvious conclusion
5 summarizing the presentation. 0.4 2
Speaker maintains focus during
6 presentation and is
appropriately animated. 0.2 1
Length of presentation is within the
7 assigned time limits. 0.2 1