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Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 22 (2020) 100213

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Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre

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Noodles fortified with Citrus maxima (pomelo) fruit segments suiting the
diabetic population
S.K. Reshmi a, M.L. Sudha b, M.N. Shashirekha a, *
Department of Fruit and Vegetable Technology, CSIR-CFTRI, Mysuru, 570020, India
Flour Milling, Baking & Confectionery Technology Department, CSIR-CFTRI, Mysuru, 570020, India


Keywords: The objective of the study was to prepare noodles using Citrus maxima fruit segments suiting diabetic pop­
Pomelo fruit ulations. The texture value decreased from 138 to 116 g force (fresh segments) and it increased for dry segments
Noodles supplemented noodles (122 to 162 g force). Noodles supplemented with 30% fresh and 5% dry fruit segments
were sensorial acceptable. Naringin and other bioactive compounds such as phenolics, flavonoids and caroten­
Starch digestibility
oids were retained better in uncooked noodles in comparison to the cooked noodles. The glycemic index of the
formulated noodles falls within the medium glycemic index (GI) from 66.23% to 58.21% with resistance starch
ranging from 3.47% to 8.89% compared to control. Thus pomelo segments in noodles had effectively helped in
lowering the GI. Hence, the supplementation of pomelo fruit segments can be used as an ingredient to develop
value added product suiting normal and diabetic population.

1. Introduction product is growing rapidly in accordance with the awareness of people

regarding the consumption of nutritious food in their daily diet (Singh,
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder known by its high blood Kaur, Shevkani, & Singh, 2015).
glucose levels. The prevalence of diabetes is increasing both in the Several studies have suggested that citrus fruits have been valued as
developed and developing countries. Growing westernization, adoption part of a nutritious and tasty diet (Ho & Dahri, 2016). Previous study
of obesogenic life style and diet has contributed to the alarming increase status that citrus and citrus products are a rich source of vitamins,
in occurrence of diabetes mellitus (Abate & Chandalia, 2007). Elevated minerals and dietary fibre that are essential for overall nutritional
postprandial glucose levels and persistent hyperglycemia leads to welfare (Ghanem, Mihoubi, Kechaou, & Mihoubi, 2012). However, it is
cellular damage and are associated with the development of retinal, appreciated that bioactive and non-nutrient compounds found in citrus
renal, neurological and cardiovascular diseases (Kawahito, Kitahata, & helps in reducing the risk of many chronic diseases (Bamise & Oziegbe,
Oshita, 2009). Diet is a keystone for the management of diabetes mel­ 2013). In recent years, Citrus maxima are gaining importance mainly due
litus. Dietary management of diabetes mellitus includes the lowering of to the presence of bioactives (carotenoids, lycopene, polyphenols, fla­
postprandial hyperglycemia that helps in maintaining good glycemic vonoids, limonoids, fiber and vitamin C) leading to their protective ef­
control (Mani, Prabhu, Damle, & Mani, 1993). Therefore, there is major fects against diseases such as oxidative stress, hyperglycemic and
scientific and popular interest in the foods with low glycemic index and hypercholesterolemic (Bhandurge, Rajarajeshwari, Alagawadi, & Sau­
their role in prevention of chronic diseases (Augustin, Franceschi, Jen­ rabh, 2010; Breksa, Kahn, Zukas, Hidalgo, & Yuen, 2011; Oyedepo,
kins, Kendall, & La Vecchia, 2002; Jenkins et al., 2002; Ludwig, 2002). 2012). Due to their significant health-promoting properties, there is a
Noodles are secondary staple food for human and considered as one growing interest to incorporate the pomelo fruit segments into food
of the important diet in many parts of Asian countries (Ho & Dahri, products to produce functional foods. In view of the above consider­
2016). The attention towards noodles has been increasing worldwide ation, the present study was undertaken to determine the effect of
because of their affordable prices, taste and cooking convenience. pomelo fruit segments in supplemented noodles as a functional food by
Therefore, industries related to noodle development has experienced analyzing the physicochemical, cooking, sensory, bioactive components
steady growth over the last few years. The demand for value added and glycemic index of noodles.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.N. Shashirekha).
Received 6 May 2019; Received in revised form 18 July 2019; Accepted 14 February 2020
Available online 21 February 2020
2212-6198/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.K. Reshmi et al. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 22 (2020) 100213

2. Materials and methods mark the perceived intensity of each listed characteristic by a number
from 1 to 9. The scores for each characteristic for a given specimen were
The raw materials namely Bansi rava flour (powdered in Hammered tabulated.
Mill), salt (food grade) were procured from local market for the study.
2.7. Sample preparation of noodles for chemical analysis
2.1. Pomelo fruit processing
The cooked and uncooked noodles with and without pomelo fruit
The fruit of Citrus maxima (pomelo) was obtained from the local segments were dried in hot air oven at 48�2 � C for 6 h. The dried
market of Mysuru, Karnataka, India, during the month of April 2016. noodles (~5% moisture content) were cooled at room temperature,
The fresh segments were separated from the fruit manually and dried in homogenized and stored in airtight polypropylene containers bags until
hot air oven at 35�2 � C for overnight to obtain dry fruit segments and further analysis. Two grams of homogenized sample was extracted with
further stored in aluminum pouches until use. methanol and the filtrate was used for further below mentioned
2.2. Processing of noodles
2.7.1. Estimation of total sugars
Durum semolina flour (100 g) and pomelo fruit segments (fresh at Briefly, to a aliquot of 10 μL of sample, 0.3 mL phenol (0.5%), fol­
10, 20 and 30% and dry segments at 5, 10 and 15%) of size 0.4 cm lowed by 1.8 mL of concentrated H2SO4 were added. The mixture was
(individual segments) were blended in a planetary mixer individually. vortexed and incubated for 20 min at RT and the absorbance was read at
The blended flour was mixed with suitable amount of water (~45%) to 480 nm (Dubois, Gilles, Hamilton, Rebers, & Smith, 1956). Total sugar
form firm dough which was rested for 10–15 min. The rested dough was content of the samples was expressed equivalent to mg glucose/g
sheeted in dough sheeter to 5 mm thickness. The sheeted dough was cut extract.
into appropriate length for drying process and then cut into noodles rods
in noodle cutter. These rod noodles were dried in cabinet tray drier at 55 2.7.2. Estimation of reducing sugars
� 2 � C for 2 h. The dried noodles were cooled and packed until further The sample (150 μL) was mixed with 1 ml of DNS (3-5-dinitro sali­
utilization. cylic acid) reagent. The mixture was heated in a boiling water bath for 5
min. It was allowed to cool, after which 2 ml of distilled water was
2.3. Cooking quality added. The absorbance of each solution was recorded at 540 nm with a
UV–Vis spectrophotometer. The reducing sugar content of the samples
Cooking quality of the noodles was determined for dried noodles as was expressed equivalent to mg glucose/g extract (Miller, 1959).
per the standard AACC method (66–50). Twenty five grams of noodles of
5 cm length was put into 250 ml of boiling water. Timer was started to 2.7.3. Estimation of total phenolic content
determine the cooking time. The noodle strands was checked at every The total phenolic in the extracts were determined using a Folin-
30 s intervals for its hydration and cooking by squeezing the sample. Ciocalteu colorimetric assay, as described previously with modifica­
Completion of cooking process is indicated by the disappearance of core tions (Ainsworth & Gillespie, 2007). A mixture of extract (0.1 mL) and
white portion. The gruel was drained and collected for the solid leach 1.0 mL of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent was first incubated at room temper­
out measurement. Cooked samples were further analyzed for cooked ature for 3 min. Further, 2.0 mL of 10% sodium carbonate solution was
weight, texture, color and sensory evaluation. added and the mixture was incubated at room temperature for 1 h.
Absorbance of the mixture was read at 765 nm. Total phenolic content
2.4. Instrumental color measurement was expressed in mg gallic acid equivalents/g extract.

The colour of cooked noodles was measured with Lab scan-XE 2.7.4. Estimation of flavonoids
equipped with a D 65 illuminant with a 2� view angle and slit width The total flavonoid in the extracts were determined as described
of 2 nm. The samples were placed in a transparent glass petri plate and previously (Chai & Wong, 2012). The extract (0.9 mL) was added to 5%
placed on the silt opening and the surface colour was measured four of sodium nitrite solution and the mixture was incubated at room tem­
times. The average value of four measurements was reported for L* a* b* perature for 6 min. Further, 10% of alumimium chloride was added to
values, where L* represents lightness/darkness dimension, positive and the mixture, which was then left at room temperature for 6 min followed
negative a* value indicates redness and greenness respectively and by the addition of 1 M sodium hydroxide and allowed to stand at room
positive and negative b* indicates yellowness for positive and blueness temperature for 15 min. The absorbance of the mixture was read at 510
for negative values (Hutchings, 1994). nm. For the blank, the extracts were replaced with water. Total flavo­
noid content was expressed in mg catechin equivalents/g extract.
2.5. Instrumental texture measurement
2.7.5. Estimation of carotenoids
Texture analyzer model TA-XDi (Stable Micro Systems) using Warner The experiment was carried out by the modified protocol described
Bratzler Blade for shear was used to measure the noodle texture. Three by Carvalho et al. (2012). The sample (1 g) was extracted with 25 mL of
noodle strands were arranged adjacent to each other and sheared under acetone in dark to prevent oxidation. This procedure was repeated three
the following experimental conditions: Load cell 250 kg, cross head times or until the sample became colorless. The extract obtained was
speed 10 mm/min. Peak force required for shearing of the noodles was transferred to the separatory funnel containing 40 mL of petroleum
recorded in g (g force) and average of six replicates was reported. ether. The upper petroleum ether layer containing the carotenoids was
collected. Then, the extract was transferred through a funnel to a 50 mL
2.6. Sensory analysis volumetric flask containing 15 g of anhydrous sodium sulfate. The vol­
ume was made up by petroleum ether, and the samples were read at 450
Cooked noodles were served in dishes coded with random three-digit nm. The total carotenoid content was calculated using the following
numbers to the volunteer panelists along with plain water for palate formula:
cleansers. Briefly, 20 volunteers were selected and trained to evaluate
A � VðmLÞ � 104
the parameters. A 9 point hedonic scale was used to obtain a compre­ Carotenoids content ðμg=gÞ ¼
1% � PðgÞ
hensive profile of the quality attributes. The panelists were instructed to

S.K. Reshmi et al. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 22 (2020) 100213

Table 1
Physiochemical characteristics of cooked noodles supplemented with pomelo fruit segments.
Sample Texture* (g force) Solid Cooked Colour Measurement
Loss (%) Weight (g)
L* a* b* ΔE

0 114 � 0.78e 3.9 � 0.82d 55.42 � 0.39a 47.09 � 0.22a 0.52 � 0.76d 10.35 � 0.92b 45.01 � 0.44c
Fresh segments
10 138 � 0.69c 5.88 � 0.57b 41.20 � 0.44b 47.79 � 0.46a 1.69 � 0.85c 10.44 � 0.78b 45.65 � 0.59c
20 125 � 0.54d 6.68 � 0.39c 40.30 � 0.63b 41.64 � 0.51b 3.05 � 0.33b 10.87 � 0.77b 46.31 � 0.64c
30 116 � 1.02e 7.24 � 0.64a 39.10 � 0.75b 38.13 � 0.67b 3.91 � 0.31b 11.15 � 0.45a 47.33 � 0.37c
Dry segments
2.5 122 � 0.77d 5.00 � 0.51b 41.60 � 0.81b 39.48 � 0.24b 1.91 � 0.55c 10.99 � 0.61b 47.86 � 0.26c
5 153 � 0.43b 5.86 � 0.93b 39.20 � 0.55b 37.74 � 0.82c 3.30 � 0.62b 11.23 � 0.82a 50.40 � 0.85b
7.5 162 � 0.57a 7.02 � 0.87a 35.83 � 0.94c 34.09 � 0.91d 5.31 � 0.78a 11.54 � 0.38a 52.79 � 0.60a

Values are means � standard deviation (n ¼ 4,* ¼ 6); Values for a particular column followed by different letters differ significantly (p < 0.05).

Fig. 1. Photograph of noodles supplemented with fresh and dry pomelo fruit segments
Note: 0 – denotes noodles unsupplemented with pomelo fruit segments; 10, 20 and 30 – denotes noodles supplemented with fresh pomelo fruit segments; 2.5, 5.0 and
7.5 – denotes noodles supplemented with dry pomelo fruit segments.

where A ¼ Absorbance; V ¼ Total extract volume; P ¼ sample weight; 2.7.7. Total starch (TS)
Total starch (TS) was determined by the method of Goni,
1% ¼ 2592 (β-carotene Extinction Coefficient in petroleum ether).
Garci-Alonso, and Suara-Calirto (1997). The sample (50 mg) was
dispersed in 2 M KOH (30 min) to disperse all starch fractions; then
2.7.6. Naringin content
samples were incubated with 60 μL of amyloglucosidase (E. C.,
Sigma- Aldrich Chemical Company, St Louis, MO, USA) and incubated
� The prepared noodles were analyzed for naringin (bioactive com­
for 45 min at 60 � C. Glucose was determined using the GOD-POD
pound) content using Shimadzu Class – VP HPLC model used with
(K-GLOX, Megazyme Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland) kit and TS was
SPD-10AVP (PDA detector). One gram of the sample was extracted in
calculated as released glucose (mg) x 0.9.
methanol for 30 min. The supernatant was passed through 0.45 μm
syringe filters and subjected to HPLC (Reshmi, Sudha, & Shashir­
2.7.8. Resistant starch (RS)
ekha, 2017). Supelco C18 (5 μm) column (15 cm � 4.6 mm id,
Resistant starch was estimated according to the method of Goni et al.
Supelco, USA) was used with the mobile phase consisting of water:
(1997). In brief, protein and digestible starch (DS) from the sample (100
acetonitrile (80:20 v/v). Injection volume was 20 μl with flow rate of
mg) were removed by incubating the sample with pepsin (E.C.,
1 mL/min at 270 nm.
Sigma- Aldrich Chemical Company, St Louis, USA) for 30 min at 40 � C.
The starch was further hydrolyzed by adding pancreatic α-amylase (E.
C., Sigma- Aldrich Chemical Company, St Louis, USA) (10

S.K. Reshmi et al. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 22 (2020) 100213

Table 2 and RS content.

Sensory analysis of noodles supplemented with pomelo fruit segments.
Samples Colour and Discreteness Firmness/ Taste and Overall 2.7.9. Predicted glycemic index (pGI)
appearance (9) Stickness Flavour Quality A modified in vitro method based on the procedure of Goni et al.
(9) (9) (9) (9) (1997) was adopted. The sample (100 mg) was mixed with HCl–KCl
0 8.0 � 0.88a 8.0 � 0.63a 8.0 � 8.0 � 8.0 � buffer (pH 1.5) containing pepsin (100 mg/mL HCl–KCl buffer) at 40 � C
0.78a 0.86a 0.93a for 1 h. Pancreatic α-amylase solution (3 U/5 mL tris-maleate buffer)
Fresh was added to the solution and incubated at 37 � C with constant shaking.
10 8.0 � 0.97a 8.0 � 1.04a 7.5 � 8.0 � 8.0 �
0.66b 0.79a 1.10a
One of aliquots were withdrawn for every 30 min till 3 h and placed into
20 7.5 � 1.23b 7.5 � 0.94b 7.5 � 7.5 � 7.5 � boiling water with vigorous shaking (5 min) to inactivate the enzyme.
1.25b 0.19b 0.99b The samples were stored in refrigerator until the end of incubation time
30 7.0 � 0.82c 7.0 � 0.88c 7.0 � 1.02c 7.0 � 7.0 � (180 min). The samples were then incubated with 0.4 M sodium acetate
0.95c 1.07c
buffer (pH 4.75) containing amyloglucosidase (300 U/mL) for 45 min.
2.5 7.5 � 1.33b 7.5 � 1.11b 7.5 � 7.5 � 7.5 � The glucose concentration was measured using a glucose oxidase-
0.81b 1.06b 1.02b peroxidase (GODPOD) kit at 510 nm. The data were plotted on a
5 7.0 � 1.12c 7.0 � 0.95c 7.0 � 1.15c 6.0 � 6.5 � graph and the area under the concentration-over-time curve (AUC) was
0.65d 0.87d determined using Sigmaplot 10.0 (Systat Software, San Jose, CA, U.S.
7.5 6.0 � 0.99d 6.5 � 0.73d 6.0 � 5.5 � 6.0 �
0.91d 0.79e 0.99e
A.). The hydrolysis index (HI) value was calculated as the AUC for the
test noodles expressed as a percentage of the corresponding area for a
Values are means � standard deviation; Values for a particular column followed glucose (0–180 min). The predicted glycemic indices of the samples
by different letters differ significantly (p < 0.05).
were estimated according to the equation of Goni et al. (1997): pGI ¼
39.71 þ 0.549 HI.
Table 3
Bioactive components of uncooked and cooked noodles supplemented with 2.8. Statistical analysis
pomelo fresh/dry segments.
The data obtained was statistically analyzed using Duncan’s new
Sample Sugars Reducing Phenolics Flavanoids Carotenoids
(g/100 Sugars (g/ (mg GAE/ (mg CE/100 (μg/100 g) multiple range tests (DMRT) using GraphPad Prism software version
g) 100 g) 100 g) g) 4.03 for Windows (San Diego, CA, USA) with different experimental
Uncooked Noodles
groups appropriate to the completely randomized design with four
0 2.37 � 1.60 � 72.00 � 28.33 � 59.47 � 1.45l replicates each as described by Sudha and Leelavathi (2008) at p � 0.05.
0.32f 0.56e 1.12c 1.27c
Fresh 3. Results and discussion
10 4.18 � 1.70 � 76.40 � 30.11 � 104.34 �
0.22c 0.32d 1.45c 1.09c 1.22h
20 4.31 � 1.85 � 79.25 � 32.48 � 133.23 � 3.1. Physicochemical characteristics
0.16c 0.45d 0.89c 0.86c 1.04f
30 4.91 � 2.00 � 83.55 � 35.35 � 156.01 � Citrus maxima is a seasonal fruit both fresh and dried segments was
0.09c 0.34c 0.99b 0.91c 1.13d used for the study to make it commercialize throughout the year. The
2.5 4.84 � 1.92 � 82.10 � 34.86 � 144.21 �
noodles prepared using fresh and dried segment was analyzed for
0.37c 0.43c 0.62b 1.11c 1.49e various parameters.
5.0 5.71 � 2.61 � 89.25 � 41.44 � 173.32 � The cooking process has caused significant differences (p < 0.05) in
0.14b 0.56b 0.73b 1.27b 1.37b weight, texture and cooking loss in noodles supplemented with pomelo
7.5 6.48 � 2.90 � 95.00 � 48.42 � 225.05 �
fruit segments (Table 1). The cooked weight of the supplemented noo­
0.23a 0.32a 0.65a 0.76a 1.29a
Cooked Noodles dles differed from the un-supplemented noodles (55.42 g). The weight of
0 1.62 � 1.42 � 56.81 � 10.24 � 40.12 � the fresh segment supplemented noodles decreased from 41.20-39.10 g
0.40g 0.45g 0.55e 0.89e 1.33k whereas in dry segments it decreased from 41.60 to 35.83 g. The weight
Fresh of the noodles decreased with the increase in the supplementation of
10 2.64 � 1.55 � 60.71 � 12.46 � 75.23 � 1.24j
0.12e 0.27f 0.68e 0.92e
fresh and dry pomelo fruit segments. The textural quality of cooked
20 2.80 � 1.68 � 65.00 � 14.56 � 95.29 � 1.05i noodles which is the most important characteristic that determines
0.36e 0.38e 0.43d 0.99d consumer acceptance decreased (138 to 119 g force) as the content of
30 3.12 � 1.78 � 68.90 � 19.74 � 125.38 � fresh segment increased whereas it increased from 122 to 162 g force for
0.27d 0.54d 0.63d 1.05d 0.95g
dry segment incorporation. Starch and protein are the two major factors
2.5 2.96 � 1.74 � 66.82 � 16.91 � 110.11 � responsible for the structural changes. Higher protein content helps in
0.58e 0.57d 0.54d 1.39d 1.08h increasing the firmness whereas starch helps in quick gelatinization and
5.0 3.53 � 2.22 � 75.24 � 21.96 � 135.02 � maintain high viscosity (Kubomura, 1998; Park & Baik, 2004). The
0.28d 0.31c 0.48c 0.61d 0.85f incorporation of higher quantity of pomelo segments in dried form has
7.5 4.10 � 2.63 � 82.77 � 27.40 � 180.53 �
0.33c 0.29b 0.59b 0.75c 0.97c
shown better textural attributes than the fresh segments supplemented
noodles. The cooking loss is considered as an indicator for cooking
GAE-Gallic acid equivalent; CE- Catechin equivalent. process and is determined based on the amount of solid leached in the
Values are means � standard deviation (n ¼ 4); Values for a particular column
cooking water. The noodles enriched with fresh segments (5.88–7.24%)
followed by different letters differ significantly (p < 0.05).
had significantly (p < 0.05) higher cooking loss than dry segment sup­
plemented noodles (5.00–7.02%). The increase in the cooking loss with
mg/mL) solution at 37 � C for 16 h. The residue was treated with 2 M supplemented noodles was due to the disruption of protein-starch ma­
KOH and then incubated with amyloglucosidase for 45 min at 60 � C. The trix, which resulted in the leaching out of more solids in cooking water
release of glucose was measured using a glucose oxidase-peroxidase (Rayas-Duarte, Mock, & Satterlee, 1996). The factors such as cooking
(GODPOD) reagent kit at 510 nm. RS was calculated as glucose (mg) x loss, cooked weight and texture are all interrelated. Shukla and Srivas­
0.9. The digestible starch was calculated from the difference between TS tava (2014) has reported that the decrease in the cooked weight was

S.K. Reshmi et al. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 22 (2020) 100213

Fig. 2. a: Naringin content in fresh segments and in supplemented noodles; 2b. Naringin content in dry segments and in supplemented noodles.

apparently due to the increase in the cooking loss which was accordance noodles in sufficient water may help in preventing the loss of pigments
to our result. Hence cooking noodles in sufficient water may help in from pomelo fruit segments which seem to be more appealing.
reducing the cooking loss, which in turn may aid in maintaining the
texture of the noodles.
3.2. Sensory analysis
Color is a most important quality because of the visual impact at the
point of sale (Fig. 1). The increasing level of pomelo fruit segments had
The cooked noodles were evaluated for their sensory characteristics
lowered the L* value from 47.79 to 38.13 (fresh segments) and 39.48 to
on 9-point hedonic scale for appearance, discreteness, firmness, taste
34.09 (dry segments) compared to control (47.09). Mohamed, Xu, and
and overall quality (Table 2). The supplementation of pomelo fruit
Singh (2010) had reported that the darkness of the cooked noodles is due
segments at different levels had considerable effects on the noodles
to the Maillard reaction between reducing sugars and proteins. The
quality. The sensory scores obtained for color and appearance varied
redness values (a*) significantly increased relative to the fruit content
from 8.0 to 7.0 (fresh segments) and 7.5 to 6.0 (dry segments) whereas
from 1.69 to 3.91 and 1.91 to 5.31 for noodles supplemented with fresh
for control it is 8.0. The appearance of the noodles exhibited variations
and dry segments respectively. The increase in the redness is mainly
due to presence of carotenoid pigments in the fruit segments. The score
attributed by the addition of pomelo fruit segments. The b* (yellowness)
for discreteness and firmness were more or less similar in the formulated
value was more or less similar to control (10.35) ranging from 10.44 to
noodles. The dry segments incorporated noodles had obtained lower
11.54. The total color difference increased from 45.65-52.79 as
score (7.5–6.0) compared to fresh segments supplemented noodles
compared to control (45.01). As the level of pomelo fruit segements
(8.0–7.0). Consumers mostly prefer hard and non-sticky noodles which
increased in formulations (10–30% and 2.5–7.5%) the L* value
are influenced by the amylase concentration in the flour (Fari, Raja­
decreased with the increase in the a* and b* value (Table 1). The
paksa, & Ranaweera, 2011). Taste and flavor are important factors as
cooking of noodles in excess water has caused leaching of pigments from
they influence on the amount of food consumed by the consumer. The
the fruit segments incorporated in the noodles. Hence cooking of
sensory score decreased with the increase in the concentration of

S.K. Reshmi et al. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 22 (2020) 100213

Table 4 3.3. Bioactive constituents

Starch digestibility and glycemic index of uncooked and cooked noodles sup­
plemented with pomelo fruit segments. The bioactive constituents in cooked and uncooked noodles are
Pomelo fruit TS (%) RS (%) DS (%) HI pGI (%) tabulated in Table 3. The content of total and reducing sugar varied from
segments (%) (%) 2.37 to 6.48g/100 g and 1.60 to 2.90g/100 g in uncooked noodles. In
Uncooked cooked noodles, there was ~ 35% and 10% loss in total and reducing
0 61.94 � 4.25 � 57.69 � 41.57 62.53 � 1.13d sugar compared to uncooked noodles. Cooking of noodles has reduced
1.39c 0.97d 0.69a � further the total and reducing sugar content (due to leaching) thus
a making the product more suitable for diabetic population. The phenolic
Fresh 63.02 � 7.00 � 56.02 � 36.02 59.48 � 1.20e
1.07b 1.22b 1.11b � content ranged from 72.00 to 95.00 mg GAE/100 g and 56.81 to 66.82
1.10e mg GAE/100 g for uncooked and cooked noodles respectively. The fla­
Dry b 65.21 � 8.89 � 56.32 � 33.70 58.21 � 0.91e vonoids and carotenoids ranged from 28.33 to 48.42 mg CE/100 g and
1.24a 1.16a 0.89b � 59.47 to 225.05 μg/100 g for uncooked noodles. In case of cooked
noodles there was a reduction in flavonoids and carotenoids content
0 57.90 � 0.98 � 56.92 � 1.05b 52.80 68.69 � ranging from 10.24 to 27.40 mg CE/100 g and 40.12 to 180.53 μg/100
1.09d 1.30f � 1.37a g. The bioactive constituents naturally act against many diseases such as
0.97a cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiac diseases (Yadav &
Fresh a 59.45 � 3.47 � 55.98 � 0.92b 48.31 66.23 �
Gupta, 2015). Hence it is recommended to use these as an ingredients for
0.82c 1.09e � 1.03b
1.25b value added foods (Asif, Rooney, Ali, & Riaz, 2013). The above result
Dry b 60.13 � 5.54 � 54.59 � 0.80 44.37 64.06 � indicate that bioactive compounds increased with the increase in the
0.74c 0.98c b � 0.99c concentration of pomelo fruit segment. Cooking of noodles in excess
1.17c water has led to the degradation of bioactives (~30% loss) in the cooked
TS- Total starch; RS- Resistance starch; DS- Digestible starch; HI-Hydrolysis water. Hence, to prevent the loss of constituents during cooking process
index; pGI- Predicted Glycemic index; Values are means � standard deviation it may be preferable to cook the noodles with sufficient water.
(n ¼ 4); Values for a particular column followed by different letters differ Naringin is one of flavonoid (40 , 5, 7-trihydroxyflavone 7-rhamno­
significantly (p < 0.05). glucoside) found in different parts of citrus fruits. It acts beneficially in
-30%. reducing the risk of oxidative stress, cancer, inflammation, cardiovas­
-5%. cular diseases and diabetes in liable populations (Adebiyi, Olubunmi, &
Peter, 2015). Naringin is known to reduces the postprandial glycemic
pomelo segments in noodles, which may be due to the astringe nature of response by inhibiting the carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzyme which
the fruit. The noodles prepared below 7.5% were better with bitterness complements for the management of diabetes (Priscilla, Roy, Suresh,
to the acceptable range. The overall qualities in formulated noodles Kumar, & Thirumurugan, 2014). Hence, naringin content in cooked and
ranged from 8.0-6.0 in which fresh segments supplemented noodles has uncooked noodles was evaluated. The presence of naringin content in
scored better than dry segment supplementation. The sensory attributes uncooked noodles ranged from 2.19 to 5.12 mg/100 g (fresh segments)
were mainly influenced by the cooking loss of the noodles (Heo, Lee, and 4.68 to 13.60 mg/100 g (dry segments) while it was 0.96 to 2.77
Shim, Yoo, & Lee, 2013). Maximum cooking loss causes turbidity in mg/100 g (fresh segments) and 2.46 to 6.49 mg/100 g (dry segments)
cooking water; thereby decreases cooking tolerance and mouth feel respectively in cooked noodles. The retention of naringin was to a
(Ahmed, Qazi, & Jamal, 2015). Finally, it can be concluded that the 30% greater extent with only ~ 5% loss in uncooked noodles whereas in
(fresh) and 5% (dry) were sensorial acceptable because it has retained cooked noodles ~50% loss was observed (Fig. 2a and b). The percentage
the basic characteristics of fruit and above the mentioned concentration loss was calculated considering the naringin content present in fresh and
the astringe nature of the fruit make the product unpalatable. dry pomelo segments taken for product development (Fig. 2a and b).
El-Nawawi (1995) had reported that extraction of grapefruit peel in hot
water leaches more naringin at 88–90 � C for 5 min. Similarly, cooking of

Fig. 3. Starch hydrolysis in noodles supplemented with fresh/dry pomelo fruit segments.

S.K. Reshmi et al. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 22 (2020) 100213

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Hence minimum cooking time with sufficient amount of water may help of India, New Delhi, India for their financial support.
in preventing the loss of naringin to certain extent.
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