Project Profile On Bee - Metallurgical Coke
Project Profile On Bee - Metallurgical Coke
Project Profile On Bee - Metallurgical Coke
Introduction :
Metallurgical Cokes are hard coke used in blast furnace for producing pig iron and in cupolas for the
production of grey iron castings. Integrated Steel Plants have their own Coke oven battery in the premises to produce
better quality of Metallurgical coke. Cokes used in Cupola are of inferior quality in comparison to coke used in the blast
furnace. Due to some inherent characteristics like hardness, porosity, and abrasive strength,(Metallurgical cokes are
being used in these furnaces. Metallurgical coke is produced by Carbonisation (heating of pulverised coking coal in
absence of air) of coking coal i.e. bituminous coal in coke oven battery. Due to shortage of cooking coal in our country,
now a days coke is also being produced by blending of coking coal, Non-coking and some additives. Process of
Manufacture: I. Bituminous coal is pulverized by ball mill into fine powder.ii)Fine coal is heated in coke oven battery
at 700-900 C in absence of air. This process is called Carbonisation.Soaking at this temperature for about 7-8 hrs.,it is
allowed to cool in the furnace. Due to coking property of bituminous coal powdered coal converts into lump size and
becomes very hard and highly porous.iii)After cooling, the coke produced is crushed into desired size. Strength of the
coke, fixed Carbon,sulphur content and ash content is determined in the testing laboratory for justifying the quality of the
coke.iv)By-products like tar may also be collected during carbonisation process.
2 Project Cost :
a Capital Expenditure
Land : Own
Workshed in sq.ft 300 Rs. 60,000.00
Equipment : Rs. 150,000.00
Coke oven battery to produce 800 kg Coke per batch-3,Coat
crusher-2,Ball Mill(cap.200kg)-3,Material handling
equipment/tools etc.-L.S.,Testing laboratory-L.S.,Platform
type weighing balance-1,Office equipment.
Total Capital Expenditure Rs. 210,000.00
b Working Capital Rs. 80,000.00
TOTAL PROJECT COST : Rs. 290,000.00
15 Cost Analysis
Sr.No. Particulars Capacity Utilization(Rs in '000)
100% 60% 70% 80%
1 Fixed Cost 234.40 140.64 164.08 187.52
2 Variable Cost 605.00 363.00 423.50 484.00
3 Cost of Production 839.40 503.64 587.58 611.02
4 Projected Sales 900.00 540.00 630.00 720.00
5 Gross Surplus 60.60 36.36 42.42 48.48
6 Expected Net Surplus 43.00 18.00 24.00 30.00
Note : 1. All figures mentioned above are only indicative.
2. If the investment on Building is replaced by Rental then
a. Total Cost of Project will be reduced.
b. Profitability will be increased.
c. Interest on C.E.will be reduced.