Corporate Development Plan: Progress Through Partnership - Making A Difference

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2004 - 2007


THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007

THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007

Progress Through Partnership – Foreword by Convener of The Moray Council . . . . . .1

Purpose of the Corporate Development Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

Overall Aims and Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

The Social Programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

The Educational Programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

The Environmental Programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Working Principles – How the Council will be Managed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007

The Corporate Development Plan explains how the Council will improve public services over the next
three years. Priorities for improvement take account of the needs of the community as expressed in the
Community Plan, priorities identified by service committees and also the priorities of the Scottish
Parliament and its Executive, the European Commission and Westminster Parliament.

The Moray Council’s ambition is to progress in partnership with communities and other public bodies
to make a positive difference to the quality of life for all. This aim is now reflected in our statement of
intent which will in future appear on all of our publications.


This short statement encompasses a wide range of priorities and commitments which are set out within
the Plan. I would also ask you to note that the Council has identified 8 of its highest priorities on which
much effort will be focused over the next three years. These priorities are: -

• delivering effective flood alleviation schemes

• improving attainment and achievement in Educational Services
• improving care for the individual, especially the disadvantaged
• maintaining and improving roads
• developing leisure facilities across Moray
• reducing, re-using and recycling waste
• providing easy access to services
• listening, consulting and engaging with communities

As Convener of the Council, I believe that all Councillors, Officers and agencies throughout Moray must
work together to improve the quality of life in our area. We must continue to develop strong and
effective partnerships both with the communities we serve and those who serve us, including public,
private and voluntary sectors.
Developments are already in hand to ensure that access to public services is modernised in order that
the community can access the full range of public services as conveniently as possible.
Most importantly, we must move to a position where we can demonstrate to the community that we
are delivering quality, value for money services and seeking continuous improvement by regular
monitoring and review of our performance.
The Corporate Development Plan shows what we, as a Council, wish to achieve over the next three years
and how the Council will be managed – our working principles. We are committed to working in
partnership with local communities and our partners in the public, private and voluntary sectors to
deliver these priorities.

Councillor Eddie Coutts, JP.

The Moray Council

1 THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007
Corporate Plan 2001-2004 – Review

The first Corporate Plan 2001-2004 has provided the Council with a focus for its business over the last
three years. In the Corporate Plan we indicated how we would deliver both Scottish Executive policy
priorities and Council priorities, including our response to issues contained in the Community Plan. It
was an ambitious programme, covering a three-year period. Following the production of the Corporate
Plan, each department developed a Service Plan incorporating the projects highlighted for their services.

The Chief Executive and the Central Management Team monitor details of how all the actions are
progressing. The result of that monitoring enables the Central Management Team to ensure that the
priorities are being delivered.

In the first Corporate Plan there were four priorities highlighted. These four priorities were:

• Maintenance and improvement of roads

• Flood alleviation
• Maintenance and development of quality educational services
• Development of leisure and healthy living activities

Overall the Council is making good progress on all the commitments made in the Corporate Plan. We
are committed to keeping the public informed about strategic plans and the progress made
against them.

Corporate Development Plan 2004-2007

This is the second Corporate Plan produced by the Council. It translates the Council’s vision for Moray
into practice and sets out the Council’s corporate priorities and plans of action for the medium term. It
provides direction for Members and Officers and highlights the key issues, priorities, planned
developments and corporate methods of working which can be expected of The Moray Council. In
addition to setting the priorities, the plan will also determine the future workload for departments and
set the framework for accountability in terms of delivering the programme.

Context of Plan

This Corporate Development Plan sets out a three-year programme for the period 1 April 2004 to 31
March 2007 and is an important part of the Council’s planning process. The core elements of the
planning process are:-

Community Plan – The Community Plan, which provides the long-term vision for the area and broad
strategic objectives, has been developing since 2001. It has been prepared in conjunction with key
partners in the area. The processes of community involvement, focusing on local needs and co-
ordinating services are central to the Community Planning process. The key areas highlighted for the
Council to action are referenced in the Corporate Development Plan and included in Service Plans to
ensure their delivery.

Corporate Development Plan – The Corporate Development Plan sets out the Council’s medium to long
term development objectives. It sets out how the Council will contribute to the overall community vision
and strategy for the area. The Plan focuses on the main development actions proposed to achieve the
priorities and co-ordinates activities and resources accordingly.

THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007 2

Best Value Framework – The Council is committed to securing Best Value through the working principles
set out in the Corporate Development Plan. By continual performance review and assessment through
Best Value Reviews, EFQM and Performance Reporting and Planning, services will become more
responsive to community needs and provide best use of public resources.

Service Plans - They are wide ranging in scope and cover all areas of Council activity. They will focus on
the priorities of the Corporate Development Plan and Service Committees and direct resources to agreed
activities. Action Plans for the future contained in the Corporate Development Plan will be referenced
under the Service Plans to ensure their completion.

Financial Plans - Longer term Financial Plans are prepared which will set out the finance available to
deliver the Council’s priorities. The level of available resources is reviewed annually and will influence
and affect other plans and activities.

While the time frame for each of the above documents often differs, each will be reviewed on a regular
basis and will be co-ordinated. Plans will also guide the numerous strategy documents, policies and
activities in the Council.

How will the Corporate Development Plan be implemented, monitored and


The section on Working Principles outlines how the Council will manage the planning process, the
organisation and the many services which we provide to the community. The Corporate Development
Plan will be translated into action by the preparation of detailed Service Plans, targets and budgets for
all services. At each meeting of the Audit and Performance Review Committee, members will scrutinise
reports on one of the main priorities highlighted at the beginning of this document.

3 THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007
The Moray Council is in a unique position in the community, being a statutory agency with a broad
range of responsibilities which directly impact upon many areas of community life. The Council has a
leadership role and aims to improve the quality of life for all people in the area by working with and
for the community and by delivering quality services within the available resources and powers.

To achieve this aim, the Council has developed programmes for action in three key areas :-

1. The Social Programme

The Council will support and encourage measures that achieve Social Inclusion and enhance the quality
of life for the residents of Moray. It will ensure the provision of good quality affordable housing,
integrated Health and Social Care services and comprehensive services for Children and Families that
meet both statutory obligations and local needs. The Council will work with the community and public,
private and voluntary sector partners to improve services and facilities throughout the Council area.

2. The Educational Programme

The Council will provide a range of progressive lifelong learning, cultural and leisure opportunities
designed to meet the needs of the people of Moray, which will enable them to become positive,
informed, skilled, healthy and active citizens. This will be achieved by developing strong and effective
partnerships with key stakeholders including pupils, parents and staff and by working closely with other
departments, organisations and agencies.

3. The Environmental Programme

The Council will develop and maintain a safe, clean, pleasant and sustainable environment. Alleviation
of flooding, improving the condition of the roads network and waste minimisation are key issues. The
Council will promote and support employment opportunities for local people and increase prosperity
throughout the area through active economic development and regeneration. This will be achieved by
developing integrated approaches in collaboration with other services and agencies. The priorities will
be to help local and incoming businesses and to provide suitable transport facilities and other
infrastructure. The management and improvement of the environment and economic development for
the benefit of the residents, visitors and businesses, in balance with the natural and built environments,
will also be a priority.

THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007 4

Statement of Purpose
The Council will support and encourage measures that achieve Social Inclusion and enhance the quality
of life for the residents of Moray. It will ensure the provision of good quality affordable housing,
integrated Health and Social Care services and comprehensive services for Children and Families that
meet both statutory obligations and local needs. The Council will work with the public and private and
voluntary sector partners to improve services and facilities throughout the Council area.

PLANS FOR THE FUTURE – Social Programme


1. To achieve a cohesive Health and Social Care • To achieve cohesive governance, management
system that provides consistent, responsive and staffing framework with aligned budgets
and easily accessed services to agreed and unified operational and decision-making
standards. framework, in line with the Local Partnership
Agreement 2003-2006.

• To develop effective mechanisms for consultation

2. To achieve increased investment in Social and engagement of clients/patients/carers, in line
Housing with consequential improvement in with the Community Planning Participation,
the quality and volume of affordable rented Involvement and Engagement Strategy.
• To develop the Council’s enabling and strategic
housing role, working in partnership with
stakeholders, as set out in the Local Housing

3. Carry forward the Council’s commitment to • Development and updating of Business Plan.
the retention of the housing stock within the
framework of the Investment Strategy and • Strategic review of Option Appraisal in light of
Option Appraisal Report. Social Housing Standards, Prudential borrowing
and other factors.

4. To work in partnership to achieve an • To jointly lead with NHS Grampian a Joint

improvement in the health of Moray Health Improvement Strategy Group and
residents. prepare a Joint Strategy and Action Plan.

• In line with the Action Plan promote through

education and community action, Health
Improvement initiatives.

• To support the work of the Drug and Alcohol

Action Team and the inter-agency Drug and
Alcohol service to meet Scottish Executive

5 THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007

5. To ensure effective inter-agency/inter- • Review and develop the Childcare Strategy with
disciplinary co-ordination for planning and a particular emphasis on child protection,
delivery of Children's Services through 'For substance misuse and youth justice.
Moray's Children'.
• To manage effectively the consequences of
changing to the funding arrangements for the
Youthstart Social Inclusion Project.

• To review and revise the policies, procedures

and standards relating to Social Work services
for Children and Families, taking account of
Scottish Executive requirements.

6. To develop a strategic approach to advancing • To review charging policies to support the

social inclusion and social justice. objective of directing services to those in
greatest need.

• To increase through inter-agency working the

role and scope of the Youth Justice programme.

• To work in partnership with communities and

other agencies to promote positive and
inclusive communities and to minimise the
incidence and impact of anti-social behaviour.

• To promote the take up of Welfare Benefits to

reduce the impact of poverty.

• To continue to work with the Department of

Work and Pensions to improve the delivery of
the benefits service.

7. To meet the requirements of the external • To prepare for the regulation and inspection of
regulation and inspection agencies with Housing Services, Social Work and Community
regard to Housing and Social Work and Care.
Community Care services.
• To effectively prepare to meet the requirements
of the Scottish Social Services Council with
regard to workforce registration.

• To ensure the Housing and Social Work training

strategies are focussed on supporting staff and
managers to meet regulation and inspection

• To achieve coherent and effective consultation

and involvement arrangements with
stakeholders, as part of the wider Community
Planning processes.

THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007 6

Statement of Purpose
The Council will provide a range of progressive lifelong learning, cultural and leisure opportunities
designed to meet the needs of the people of Moray, which will enable them to become positive,
informed, skilled, healthy and active citizens. This will be achieved by developing strong and effective
partnerships with key stakeholders including pupils, parents and staff and by working closely with other
departments, organisations and agencies.

PLANS FOR THE FUTURE – Educational Programme


1. To raise standards of educational attainment • To continue with and develop strategies for
for all, especially in the core skills of literacy raising achievement and attainment.
and numeracy, and to achieve better levels in
national measures of achievement including • To develop Study Support and Out of School
school examination results. Care and Learning activities.

• To work with parents to engage them in their

children's learning.

• To review and develop our policy framework.

• To develop health improvement initiatives.

• To develop an integrated, effective

Management Information System linking
establishments to central and national services.

2. To support and develop the skills of staff, the • To develop Continuous Professional
self discipline of learners and to enhance Development opportunities for staff.
learning environments so that they are
conducive to teaching and learning. • To implement the Leisure and Healthy Living

• To continue to implement outcomes arising

from the McCrone Report resulting in change of
conditions of service and working arrangements
for teachers and support staff in schools.

• To ensure continuity of Information and

Communications Technology facilities in

• To develop and implement improvements to the

Educational Services Estate.

• To improve management of resources to target

need and improvement.

7 THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007

3. To promote equality and help every learner • To continue to implement the Discipline Task
benefit from education, with particular Group recommendations.
regard paid to learners with disabilities and
special educational needs, and to lesser used • To implement actions arising from the
languages. Additional Support Needs Bill.

• To develop the role of Local Community


• To develop Childcare provision.

• To target Community Learning and

Development resources in line with new
Government guidance.

4. To work with learners and where appropriate • To develop the Citizenship agenda in pre-school
their parents, to teach respect for self and and school settings.
one another and their interdependence with
other members of their neighbourhood and • To continue to support the implementation of
society and to teach them the duties and the Dialogue Youth Initiative.
responsibilities of citizenship in a democratic

5. To equip learners with the foundation skills, • To develop enhanced curricular opportunities.
attitudes and expectations necessary to
prosper in a changing society and to • To extend the implementation of Learning
encourage creativity and ambition. Centre developments.

• To extend the implementation of Primary School

Library developments.

THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007 8

Statement of Purpose
The Council will develop and maintain a safe, clean, pleasant and sustainable environment. Alleviation
of flooding, improving the condition of the roads network and waste minimisation are key issues. The
Council will promote and support employment opportunities for local people and increase prosperity
throughout the area thorough active economic development and regeneration. This will be achieved by
developing integrated approaches through collaboration with other services and agencies. The priorities
will be to help local and incoming businesses and to provide suitable transport facilities and other
infrastructure. The management and improvement of the environment and economic development for
the benefit of the residents, visitors and businesses in balance with the natural and built environments
will also be a priority.

PLANS FOR THE FUTURE – Environmental Programme


1. Provide flood alleviation schemes for Moray • Prepare appropriate flood alleviation schemes
communities. for communities affected by flooding or
damage from watercourses and the sea.

2. Minimise waste and encourage recycling. • Provide waste management services in

accordance with local, area and national waste
strategies adopting the principles of reduce, re-
use and recycle.

3. Support local businesses and consumers • Partnership involvement in the Economic Forum
within an environment of sustainable to help local businesses.
• Maximise opportunities from European and
other external funding sources.

• Maintain an adequate supply of affordable

business premises in appropriate locations
throughout Moray.

• Establish and develop the Moray Consumer

Support Network.

• Quality Assurance in the provision of the Money

Advice and Consumer Advice Services.

• Training and advice for business on legislative

and regulatory requirements.

• Re-focus the Environmental Improvements

programme on regeneration and tourism.

• Create a protocol and administrative

arrangements for co-ordinating activities with
the Cairngorm National Park.

• Support the development of tourism in Moray.

9 THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007

4. Provide suitable transport and other • Maintain and improve the existing roads
infrastructure to help the local economy. network.

• Develop solutions to traffic safety and capacity

problems within Moray and work with the
Scottish Executive, developers and others to
minimise predicted problems.

• Provide good quality and affordable public

transport systems.

• Review the role of Moray harbours.

• Ensure adequate car parking provision to meet

the need of communities.

• Support improvements to passenger and freight

rail services.

• Encourage less car dependent forms of

transport and where appropriate encourage
road traffic reduction, walking, cycling and
other healthy living initiatives.

• Provide, manage and maintain the Speyside

Way long distance footpath and Ranger Services
to support access to the countryside and
healthy living initiatives.

• Provide and maintain local and long distance

footways and cycleways to support access to
the countryside and healthy living initiatives.

5. Identify future housing, industrial, leisure • Review the Development Plan for the physical
and commercial land requirements. and infrastructure developments in Moray.

• Conserve and enhance the natural and built

environments through Council policies and
actions, and in partnership with other bodies.

THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007 10

The Moray Council is committed to continuous improvement in the delivery of its services. In order to
achieve this, the Council has adopted the Best Value principles which are enshrined within the Local
Government Act 2003 and will use these to ensure that a culture of continuous improvement is
fostered and encouraged. We aim to ensure that a balance is maintained between the quality, cost
and charges levied for our services. The Council will focus its ICT developments for improving access
to Council services.

In maintaining the balance we will always have regard to:

• Efficiency
• Effectiveness
• Economy
• Equal Opportunities

Also, our actions will:

• Contribute to the achievement of sustainable development

• Measure improvement of performance

Our actions to address these areas will be undertaken within the following headings:

1. Commitment and Leadership

2. Responsiveness and Consultation
3. Sound Governance at a Strategic, Financial and Operational Level
4. Sound Management of Resources
5. Use of Review and Option Appraisal
6. Competitiveness, Trading and the Discharge of Authority Functions
7. Sustainable Development
8. Equal Opportunities Arrangements
9. Joint Working
10. Accountability

11 T H E M O R A Y C O U N C I L C O R P O R A T E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007


❍ The Council is committed to delivering better ❍ To foster and encourage a culture of continuous
public services year on year through Best improvement within the Council and its
Value, and accepts the key principles of services.
accountability, ownership, continuous
improvement and transparency.

❍ Elected Members and senior managers will ❍ To develop and communicate a vision of how
ensure that Best Value contributes to the Best Value will contribute to the goals of the
corporate priorities of the Council and authority and, specifically to :-
informs the future direction of services. This
vision will be communicated effectively to ➥ Striving for continuous improvement.
➥ Balancing quality and cost in
delivering services.

➥ Having regard to economy, efficiency,

effectiveness and equal opportunities.

➥ Contributing to sustainable development.

❍ The Council is committed to high standards ❍ To continue to ensure probity and propriety
of conduct, probity and propriety, to honour through the work of the Council's Standards
the trust given by the electorate. Committee.

❍ To provide training to Members and staff.

❍ To promote the code of conduct for employees.

THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007 12



❍ The Council will be responsive to the needs ❍ To lead vibrant and inclusive Community
of its communities, citizens, customers, Planning arrangements.
employees and other stakeholders, so that
plans, priorities and actions are informed by ❍ To develop community profiles.
an understanding of those needs.
❍ To provide customer focused services.

❍ We will have an ongoing dialogue with ❍ To ensure effective communications with

public sector partners, the local business, community planning partners and other
voluntary and community sectors. stakeholders.

❍ To develop a consultation strategy to ensure

that all sections of the community can influence
the setting of priorities.

❍ The Council will ensure that consultation ❍ To establish consultation arrangements in an

arrangements are open, fair and inclusive. open, fair and inclusive manner and seek to
involve all sectors of the community.



❍ The Council will develop a framework for ❍ To develop plans to respond to the needs of the
planning and budgeting that includes detailed community.
and realistic plans linked to available resources
to achieve the authority’s goals (including ❍ To systematically review all Council activities
Community Planning commitments) at service through the Best Value framework.
delivery level.
❍ To produce a Corporate Development Plan,
matching priorities and available resources.

❍ Effective performance management systems ❍ To measure performance across key areas of

will be developed, which include the use of activity through the performance management
external comparison, through which framework.
performance issues can be identified,
monitored and addressed. ❍ To identify areas of under-performance and
identify scope for improvement.

❍ To implement and monitor compliance with

appropriate guidance on standards of conduct.

❍ To express and promote appropriate values and

standards across the Council.

❍ To develop, promote and monitor compliance

with standing orders and financial instructions.

13 T H E M O R A Y C O U N C I L C O R P O R A T E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007


❍ The Council will ensure that the best use is ❍ To systematically manage the risks faced by
made of public resources, including Council services.
employees, ICT, land and property and
financial resources – keeping a considered and ❍ To recognise that the staff are a major asset and
appropriate balance between cost, quality that healthy and motivated employees are key
and price. to achieving the Council’s aims.

❍ To recognise staff as a key strategic resource

and ensure effective workforce planning and
development to meet service priorities.

❍ To review and develop asset management plans

to ensure that the Council’s assets perform
effectively and meet legislative requirements.

❍ To develop a procurement strategy which

contributes to the attainment of policy

❍ To maintain effective systems for financial


❍ To implement the ICT Action Plan.



❍ The Council will ensure that its approach to ❍ Maintain and further develop the Best Value
review is rigorous and robust and that:- Review framework including the use of the
European Foundation for Quality Management
➥ No areas of work will be protected (EFQM) Excellence Model.
from consideration for review.
❍ Develop an annual Best Value 5 Year Review
➥ Review activity will achieve
Programme which ensures that services:-
quantifiable benefits for key
➥ Are competitive,
➥ It is accepted that change may
be necessary. ➥ Provide good quality service,

➥ Evaluate alternative forms of service

delivery from other sectors.

THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007 14



❍ The Council will conduct its business in a ❍ To maintain separate accounts for all trading
manner which demonstrates appropriate activities.
competitive practice and will maintain
appropriate trading accounts under proper ❍ To be responsive to the interests of other service
accounting practice. providers, including the voluntary sector.



❍ The Council will contribute to the ❍ To develop sustainability criteria for assessing
achievement of sustainable development by the impact of Council activities.
considering the social, economic and
environmental impacts of activities and ❍ To further develop the achievements of
decisions. sustainability objectives into Council strategies
and plans.



❍ The Council will develop a culture which ❍ To develop a Diversity Strategy to cover all
encourages both equal opportunities and the aspects of equality in Council services and
observance of equal opportunities. adopt good practice in anticipation of
equalities legislation.
❍ The Council will ensure that measures are
in place to meet current legislation on:- ❍ To commit to the principles of equality of
opportunity while recognising our
➥ Equal Pay responsibilities as community leader, service
provider and employer to encourage the fair
➥ Sex Discrimination treatment of all individuals and tackle social
➥ Race Relations
❍ To review policies and procedures to ensure
➥ Disability Discrimination they comply with legislative requirements.
➥ Religious Discrimination ❍ To deliver measurable improvements in
accessing services through the use of Easy
❍ The Council will seek to improve access to Access.
services by all sectors of the community.

15 T H E M O R A Y C O U N C I L C O R P O R A T E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007


❍ The Council will encourage joint working and ❍ To work jointly with other service providers to
service provision where this will contribute deliver improved public services.
to better services and customer focused



❍ The Council will issue public performance ❍ To develop guidelines on performance reporting
reports so that stakeholders are informed and the production of departmental public
regarding the quality of services being performance reports.
delivered and what they can expect in the
future. ❍ To define service standards against which
services can be measured.

❍ To provide relevant performance reports for

stakeholder groups.

❍ The Council will aim to increase the involvement

of the public in the democratic process by
making available to the public as much
information as possible on Council processes,
records and services.

If you would like to obtain a copy of this document in an alternative

format or language, please call (01343) 563050.

THE MORAY COUNCIL C O R P O R AT E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / 2004 - 2007 16

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