VB - Factors Affecting Advertising Budget

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Factors Affecting

Advertising Budget
Advertising Budget is the amount of
money which can be or has to be spent on
advertising of the product to promote it,
reach the target consumers and make the
sales chart go on the upper side and give
reasonable profits to the company.
Before finalizing the advertising budget of
an organization or a company, one has to
take a look on the favorable and
unfavorable market conditions which will
have an impact on the advertising budget.
The market conditions to watch out for are as
 Frequency of the Advertisement : This means
the number of times advertise has been shown
with the description of the product or service, in
the granted time slots. So here, if any company
needs more advertising frequency for its product,
then the company will have to increase its
advertising budget.
 Competition and Clutter : The companies may
have many competitors for its product. And also
there are plenty of advertisements shown which
is called clutter. The company has to then
increase their advertising budget.
 Market Share
To get a good market share in comparison to their
competitors, the company should have a better
product in terms of quality, uniqueness, demand
and catchy advertisements with resultant
response of the customers. All this is possible if
the advertisement budget is high.

 Product Life Cycle Stage

If the company is a newcomer or if the product is
on its introduction stage, then the company has
to keep the budget high to make place in the
market with the existing players and to have
frequent advertisements. As the time goes on
and product becomes older, the advertising
budget can come down as then the product
doesn’t need frequent advertising.
An essential part of any plan, be it selling a
product or service to a select group of
consumers or creating a marketing plan
includes coming up with a budget for
advertising expenditures. While each
company's advertising budget may differ, there
are several factors that can affect even the
smallest advertising budget.

Projected Annual Gross Sales

When entrepreneurs prepare to create
advertising budgets for their businesses, it's
important to take projected annual gross
sales into account. This method helps
protect entrepreneurs from spending too much
or too little on advertising.
 Marketing Objectives
Marketing objectives vary across organizations
and can greatly affect what appears on a
company's advertising budget. Determine
which marketing objective will help you reach
your annual business goals. Marketing
objectives might include obtaining 5 percent
more repeat customers, experiencing growth
each month or increasing annual sales by 10
percent. The objectives you come up with help
you define marketing strategies and tactics,
which ultimately give insight into how and
where you advertise, both of which are things
that can affect your budget.
Target Market
While one business is targeting customers
whose annual household income is at least
INR 500,000, another business may target
recent college graduates who make at least
INR 33,000 a year. The target market you're
trying to reach has an impact on your
advertising budget. Once you define your
target market, you gain insight on how to
reach them learning information such as
what they read, where they shop, who they
get advice from, their needs and wants and
what motivates them to buy.
 Types of Media

A print advertisement in a local

publication may cost less than
running an online advertisement
with a popular, credible website. The
types of media you select to
promote your product, whether it's
radio, print, web, email, billboards or
direct marketing, can impact your
advertising budget.
Time of Year
Advertising pricing may change during
different times of the year, such as a new
season or during popular holidays. While
some advertisers may offer discounting,
others will increase their prices if they feel
their readership or viewership may peak
during specific times or events. If you're
trying to place an advertisement in a
magazine's most popular issue of the year or
a television commercial during a highly
televised event, such as the FIFA or World
Cup, you can expect a change in the amount
you spend to promote your product or
 PLC/Product Launch vs. Existing Product
If you're introducing a new product to the
market, consider this as you create your
advertising budget, as it may affect how
much you spend. When products are
launched, business owners often go into
overdrive coming up with various ways to
advertise and promote their new product or
service to potential clients. This may cause
an advertising budget to be higher than it
would be for a product that customers are
already aware of and have purchased in the
Environmental Climate
Company should keep itself updated with
the current environmental climate, which
could bring an opportunity for the product
to increase the market share due to
favorability of the environment.
Keeping oneself abreast of the
environmental changes can also help in
communicating with the target audience

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