2018 JC2 H2 Physics SA2 Temasek Junior College

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3 4

1 The speed v of a liquid leaving a tube depends on the change in pressure ∆P and the C D
density 𝜌 the liquid. The speed is given by the equation
v  k( )n

where k is a constant that has no unit.

What is the value of n?

4 A hot-air balloon is moving vertically upwards with a constant speed of 3.00 m s–1. A
A 0.5 B 1 C 1.5 D 2 sandbag is dropped from the balloon. It takes 5.00 s for the sandbag to fall to the ground.

2 The diameter D of a sphere is measured to be 5.0 cm with a fractional uncertainty of What was the height of the balloon when the sandbag was released?
A 29 m B 108 m C 123 m D 138 m
What is the absolute uncertainty and fractional uncertainty of the radius R of the
5 The diagram shows a 2.0 kg trolley moving on a frictionless horizontal table at a speed
absolute uncertainty of R fractional uncertainty of R of 0.5 m s-1 and 500 g of sand is then released onto the trolley.

A 0.05 cm 0.01

B 0.1 cm 0.01

C 0.05 cm 0.02

D 0.1 cm 0.02
3 A velocity-time graph of a journey is shown in the diagram. What is the change in the momentum of the trolley?

A zero B 0.15 N s

C 0.20 N s D 1.80 N s

6 Two objects P and Q having the same volume are hung at either ends of a light uniform
rod and subsequently submerged in two different liquids X and Y respectively. The
density of liquid X is less than that of liquid Y. The system is balanced when a string is
What is the shape of the acceleration-time graph for the same journey? hung right at the centre of the rod as shown in the figure below.


liquid X liquid Y

Which of the following statements is correct?

A Mass of P is larger than mass of Q.

B Mass of P is smaller than mass of Q.
5 6

C P and Q experience the same magnitudes of upthrust.

D Upthrust acting on P is larger than the upthrust acting on Q.

What is the ratio

9 Two identical objects rest on a flat rough circular disc.

7 The diagram below shows the position of a person’s lower jawbone.

lower masseter
jawbone muscle The disc starts from rest and starts spinning about its central axis with increasing rate.
When the disc spins at a certain rate, one of the objects slides off the disc.
The lower jaw may be represented by the diagram below. Which of the following statements is correct?
pivot A The friction experienced by P and Q are always equal.
muscle force M
B P experiences larger friction than Q.
4.0 cm
C Q will start to slide first due to larger angular velocity.
7.0 cm
50o D Q will start to slide first due to larger radius.
45 N

10 Two points in space, A and B, have gravitational potentials of -7.0 J kg-1 and -3.0 J kg-1
The jawbone has negligible mass. It consists of two straight parts of length 7.0 cm and respectively as shown below.
4.0 cm making an angle of 130 with each other. During one particular bite, a force of
45 N is applied by the teeth at the front of the jawbone.

What is the magnitude of muscle force M? A B C

A 120 N B 140 N C 150 N D 170 N A = -7.0 J kg -1

B = -3.0 J kg -1
C = ?

8 A constant force F, acting on a car of mass m, moves the car up a slope through a
When a mass is moved from A to B, it gains gravitational potential energy of 20 J.
distance s at constant velocity v. The angle of the slope to the horizontal is .
When it is moved from B to C, it loses gravitational potential energy of 5.0 J.

A B C D What is the gravitational potential at C?

29 m 108 m 123 m 138 m

A - 8.0 J kg-1 B - 4.0 J kg-1 C - 2.0 J kg-1 D 2.0 J kg-1

2018 TJC H2 Physics Prelim Paper 1 Solutions 3
Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
A C A B C B D D D B B D A B B 1 A skateboarder starts from rest at point A as shown in Fig. 1.1.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1 A Units of ∆𝑃 = 𝑘𝑔𝑚−1 𝑠 −2, units of 𝜌 = 𝑘𝑔𝑚−3

Units of 𝜌 = 𝑚2 𝑠 −2 , hence n =0.5

2 C The absolute uncertainty of the diameter is 0.02 x 5.0 = 0.1 cm.

The absolute uncertainty of the radius will be 0.1 cm / 2 = 0.05 cm
The fractional uncertainty of the radius will be 0.05 cm / 2.5 cm = 0.02.

3 A a-t graph obtained from gradient of v-t graph

4 B Taking downwards as positive,
S = ut + ½ at2
= -3.00 x 5.00 + ½ 9.81(5.00)2 = 108 m

5 C By conservation of momentum:
(2.0)(0.5) = (2.0 + 0.500)vf  vf = 0.4 m s-1.
change in momentum = pf – pi = 2.0 (0.4 – 0.5) = - 0.2 Ns

6 B By AP, upthrust = weight of fluid displaced. Liquid X has smaller density and hence Fig. 1.1
exerts a smaller upthrust.
Balanced rod implies object P must have a smaller weight and hence smaller mass. The skateboarder reaches a speed of 17 m s–1 at point B.

7 D Take moments about pivot, Consider the skateboarder to be a point mass of 65 kg and ignore the effects of friction and air
o o
M(4.0 cos 50 ) = 45 (7.0 + 4.0 cos 50 ) => M = 170 N
(a) Calculate the height difference, h, between point A and point B.
8 D GPE gained = mgh = mg sin  .s
Work done by force = F s
Divide the 2 eqns give answer D.

9 D Frictional force on the object provides the centripetal force mr2. Both objects have
the same angular velocity and same mass, but the centripetal force required for Q is
larger due to larger radius. When the centripetal force required exceeds the frictional h= m [2]
force available, Q starts to slide.
(b) The skateboarder takes off at point B, travelling horizontally with a velocity of 17 m s–1.
10 B U  m   He lands at point C after being in the air for 1.6 s.
UBC BC 5.0   3.0
   C
UAB AB 20 3.0  7.0 (i) Calculate vv, the vertical component of his velocity, just before landing at point C.

 C  4.0 J kg1

11 B 3RT
Crms   T  PV since PV  nRT
Crms 2 PV 2  2
 1 1
 2
Crms1 P2V2 11 vv = m s-1 [2]
4 5
(ii) On Fig. 1.2, sketch the variation with time of the vertical component of the velocity vv 2 A rod PQ is attached at P to a vertical wall, as shown in Fig. 2.1.
of the skateboarder from point B to point C.

Fig. 1.2 [2] Fig. 2.1

(iii) Show that the magnitude of the resultant velocity just before landing at point C is The length of the rod is 1.60 m. The weight W of the rod acts at 0.64 m from P. The rod is kept
23 m s-1. horizontal and in equilibrium by a light wire attached to Q and to the wall at R. The wire provides
a force F of 44 N on the rod at 30° to the horizontal.

(a) Determine
(i) the vertical component of F,

vertical component = N [1]
(c) Explain why it is safer for the skateboarder to land on a downward slope than on a
horizontal surface. (ii) the horizontal component of F.

horizontal component = N [1]

(b) Determine the weight W of the rod.


W = N [2]
6 Solutions to 2018H2P2
(c) Explain why the wall must exert a force on the rod at P to keep the rod in equilibrium.
1 (a) Use of mgh = ½ m v2 and makes h subject C1

h = 14.7 or 15 (m) A1

(b) (i) Calculate the final vertical velocity at C (using v = 0 + at=9.81x1.6) C1

-1 A1
v = 15.7 or 16 (m s )

(ii) A1
[2] Starting at 0 ms-1 and ends at 16 ms-1 at 1.6 s.
(d) On Fig. 2.1, draw an arrow to represent the force acting on the rod at P. Label your arrow
(b) (iii) Use of pythagoras' theorem: M1
with the letter S. Explain how you arrive at the answer.
2 2 2
resultant v = 15.7 + 17
v = 23 or 23.1 m s-1
(c) slope: smaller change in vertical component of velocity/ B1
[2] smaller change in vertical component of momentum
by Newton’s second law, the force experienced = rate of change B1
(e) Fig. 2.2 and Fig. 2.3 show two set-ups where the wire is attached to a different point on the of momentum is less, so less risk of injury
Bonus mark: if she bends her knees during landing, she
Draw an arrow on each figure to represent the force acting on the rod at P. Label your increases time for (same) change of momentum, so force
arrows with the letter S1 and S2 respectively. exerted on her is even lesser.

2 (a) (i) (vertical component = 44 sin 30° =) 22 N A1

(ii) (horizontal component = 44 cos 30° =) 38(.1) N A1

(b) W × 0.64 = 22 × 1.60 C1 C1

(W =) 55 N A1

(c) For a system in equilibrium, net force = 0 B1

F has a horizontal component (not balanced by W) B1

or F has 38 N acting horizontally
or 38 N acts on wall
or vertical component of F does not balance W
or F and W do not make a closed triangle of forces

(d) line from P towards point on wire vertically above W and direction up B1
three non-parallel coplanar forces must act through the same line B1

(e) line from P towards right B1

Fig. 2.2 Fig. 2.3 line from P towards point on wire vertically below W and direction B1
3 4

Section A (b) Explain why the acceleration of the spaceship is increasing with time.

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

1 A solar propulsion engine uses solar power to ionize and accelerate atoms of xenon. The speed
of the ejected xenon ions relative to the spaceship is 3.0 × 104 m s–1 as shown in Fig. 1.1.
xenon ions
spaceship (c) The solar propulsion engine is switched on at time t = 0 when the initial velocity of the
speed = 3.0 × 104 m s–1 spaceship is zero.
Use Fig. 1.2 to determine the final velocity of the spaceship when the fuel runs out.
Fig. 1.1

Fig. 1.2 shows the variation with time t of the acceleration a of the spaceship as a result of the
ejection of xenon ions.

a /10–5 m s–2


velocity = m s–1 [3]

(d) Sketch on Fig. 1.3 the corresponding variation with time t of the velocity v of the spaceship
8.5 from t = 0 to t = 6.0 x 107 s.

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
t /107 s
Fig. 1.2

(a) The xenon ions are ejected at a constant rate of 1.7 × 10–6 kg s-1. Calculate the force
exerted on the spaceship by the xenon ions.

force = N [2]
Fig. 1.3 [2]
7 8

3 (a) A block of mass 0.40 kg slides in a straight line with a constant speed of 0.30 m s −1 along a (iii) Calculate the maximum deceleration of the block.
smooth horizontal surface, as shown in Fig. 3.1.

deceleration = m s−2 [1]

(iv) State and explain whether the block is in equilibrium

Fig. 3.1
1. before it hits the spring,
The block hits a spring and decelerates. The speed of the block becomes zero when the
spring is compressed by 8.0 cm.

(i) Calculate the initial kinetic energy of the block.

2. when its speed becomes zero.

kinetic energy = J [1]
(b) The energy E stored in a spring is given by
(ii) The variation of the compression x of the spring with the force F applied to the spring is
1 2
shown in Fig. 3.2. E kx

where k is the spring constant of the spring and x is its compression.

The mass m of the block in (a) is now varied. The initial speed of the block remains constant
and the spring continues to obey Hooke’s law.

On Fig. 3.3, sketch the variation with mass m of the maximum compression x0 of the spring.

Fig. 3.2

Use your answer in (a)(i) to determine the maximum force FMAX exerted on the spring
by the block. Explain your working.

Fig. 3.3
FMAX = N [2] [2]
3 (a) (i) Initial kinetic energy of block = 1 mv 2  1  0.40  0.30 2  1.8  10–2 J B1
2 2
1 (a) dm C1 (ii) (change in) kinetic energy = work done on spring / (change in) elastic C1
Fon fuel  v
dt potential energy
 3.0  104  1.7  106  0.051N = Fon rocket 1
A1 1.8  10 –2  FMAX  0.080 
(b) Since F is constant and a = F/m, with m decreases with time, a increases
with time. B1 FMAX  0.45 N A1

(c) (iii) a = FMAX / m = 0.45 / 0.40 A1

change in velocity = area under graph = 1.1 (m s–2)
= ½(9.45 + 8.20) × 10-5 × 4.80 × 107 = 4240 m s–1
(iv) 1. constant velocity / resultant force is zero, so in equilibrium B1
final v = 4240 - 0 = 4240 m s–1 2. decelerating / resultant force is not zero, so not in equilibrium B1

(d) Shape is parabolic from t = 0 to t = 4.8 x 107 s, starting from v = 0 to B1 (b) curved line from the origin (xo2  m or xo  m) M1
final v at 4240 m s–1 with decreasing gradient A1

Between t = 4.8 x 107 to t = 6.0 x 107 s, no more force so constant v at 4240 B1

m s–1

4 (a) f = 1/T =1/0.05=20 Hz M1

vo =  xo = (2f) xo
2 (a) speed (of object) at surface (of planet) / specified starting point B1 xo = 0.044/2(20) = 3.5 x 10-4 m
so that object may move to infinity / escape gravitational field of planet (b) Cosine shape drawn, A1
maximum at t = 0, amplitude 3.5 x 10-4 m A1
(b) loss in kinetic energy = gain in (gravitational) potential energy (c) (any of the following when the velocity is zero) 0.00s, 0.025s,0.050s or A1
mv 2 
GMm C1
2 R
But g  GM (d) Acceleration of plate (in shm) is proportional to (frequency)2 or a = 2x = B1
R2 C1
Hence v  2gR (no mark for answer)
assumption: e.g. planet is isolated / no friction / no atmosphere etc. A1 M1
As frequency increases, acceleration increases until it is equal to g, the
acceleration due to gravity.
(c) v  2 1.6  1.7  106 C1
A1 When the sand and plate are both free falling at g, the acceleration due to A1
 2.3  10 m s
gravity, there is zero contact force between sand and plate when the
vibrating surface.
(d) 1
 4  1.66  1027  2.3  103   32 1.38  1023 T C1

2 5 (a) Equipotential lines are closer together near the cable but further apart away B1
T = 850 K A1 from cable.
Since electric field strength = potential gradient(E = dV/dx), so E decreases B1
(e) atoms have a distribution of speeds / atoms may collide in upper B1 with distance
atmosphere and gain speed
(b) E = dV/dx = (200-195) x 103/0.0050 M1
= 1.0 x 106 Vm-1 A1
(c) Gain in ke = loss in pe M1
½ mv2 = eV
v = 2eV/m = 2x1.6x10-19x1500/9.11x10-31
= 2.30 x 107 ms-1 A1

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