Boundary Scan PCB Diagnostic System

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Boundary Scan

Key Benefits
• Small, lightweight, portable design:
The XJLink is a small, portable, USB 2.0 to JTAG adapter that provides a ideal for lab and field work
high speed interface (480Mbps) to the JTAG chain.
• Selfcontained licence allowing you to
use the XJTAG system on multiple
The small, lightweight design means the XJLink can easily be moved to the machines
Unit Under Test (UUT), while a number of advanced features make it easy
to connect to a wide range of circuit boards. • Reconfigurable unit for multiple UUTs
saving costs

Your test system Light & portable Features

where you want it The XJLink can work with a laptop PC • High speed USB 2.0 interface,
with a USB port and can supply power backwards compatible with
The XJLink contains the license for your to low-power target systems, so testing USB 1.0 & 1.1
XJTAG system. This allows you to easily can be done even without a source of
move your licenses around on and off mains power. This is especially useful if • USB buspowered (no external PSU)
site to give you maximum flexibility. testing has to be done in the field or in • TCK clock frequencies up to 50MHz
This also means you aren’t tied to one a very busy lab.
machine to do your XJTAG testing. • Adjustable JTAG signal termination

• Automatic signal skew control

Configurable JTAG interface • Handles different cable and board

Only a simple cable assembly is
required to connect to your target
• Can supply power to the target board
(3.3V, <100mA)
board — no extra adapters needed.
The 20-way connector on the XJLink is • JTAG signals are +5V tolerant.
configurable from your test system.
The ability to change the pinmap for the
• Spare signals on JTAG connector can
be used to control other items —
JTAG signals simplifies the process of e.g. hold a board in reset / turn on a PSU
connecting your XJTAG test system to
the Unit Under Test.

Advanced connectivity
The XJLink has variable signal
termination, so it can handle boards both
with and without signal termination. The
advanced auto-skew control enables you
to get the maximum frequency out of
your JTAG chain and cable.

Key Benefits
• Allows you to increase yields —
XJAnalyser is a visual analysis and debugging tool for devices in your by setting pin values and tracing signals
JTAG chain. It provides instant chain verification as part of the simple you can quickly debug your boards,
3-step set-up, and then gives you an interactive graphical view of the even under BGAs
pins on your JTAG devices.
• You can reduce time to market by
shortening the window from prototype
You can group pins into busses for easier control, and quickly generate to manufacture
toggling signals to trace connections around your board—useful when
verifying shorts or opens. XJAnalyser also supports the STAPL/JAM and • Save your budget by removing the need
to have multiple download tools for
SVF standards for programming JTAG devices in-system. programming devices

Graphical circuit debugging JTAG chain interaction

When tracing a net around your board The intuitive graphical interface allows pins together into buses (e.g. “Data” or
with an oscilloscope, set a pin on the rapid interaction with the devices in the “Address”) and setting values using
net to toggle and capture the signal at JTAG chain without programming or convenient units (Hex, Binary, Decimal).
different points. If you slip to another booting any devices on your board.
pin, you will instantly know that you are Avoid damaging your board —
no longer tracing the signal of interest. Monitor the states of all the I/O pins in XJAnalyser generates a warning if you
real-time and graphically set pins to attempt to drive any pin to a state that
Quickly locate signals you are sending output high, low or toggle as required. would put it in conflict with a value
to a device. By monitoring pins with being driven to that net from a
changing values you can, for instance, Simplify low-level access to any devices different source.
press a button and quickly locate and connected to a JTAG device by grouping
display the pin/ball it is connected to,
even if there are many thousands of
pins/balls on the devices in your chain. Graphical view of chain Pin list

See the section of the chain of interest.

For devices with large numbers of
pins/balls, the information can become
overwhelming. XJAnalyser solves this
problem by enabling you to zoom in on
just the balls or pins that you are
interested in. You can also display
multiple views of the JTAG chain,
showing different areas of interest.

Flexible control
Control the devices in your JTAG chain
the way you want to. XJAnalyser offers
three methods for controlling pins:
directly through the graphic display,
or by using the pin list or pin watch.
The pin watch also allows you to group
pins into busses; you can then write a
value to a complete bus all at once.

Watch window

Threeclick wizard CPLD programming
XJAnalyser has a fast, simple setup You can run STAPL /JAM and SVF files • Plug and play
wizard, to let you start testing and within XJAnalyser. These files are
debugging your board straight away. typically used to program devices such
• Able to test BGAs and finepitch devices
All you have to do is select a JTAG as CPLDs and FPGAs. Even if these • Only BSDL files required to get the
header and a library containing files were created for a JTAG chain board up and running
appropriate BSDL files and you can containing just a single device,
start working with XJAnalyser. XJAnalyser can run them on chains • Set up pin states
— e.g. low, high, toggling
containing more devices.
Even if you don’t have a BSDL file, • Trace shorts, opens and other signals
XJAnalyser will still work with the
other devices. • Easy lowlevel access to device

• Clear display of the pins/balls with

variable zoom levels and split screen

• Quickly find and monitor changing pins

• Program devices with SVF and STAPL files

• Realtime interaction

XJTAG gives you more…

All of the features above are included when

you buy XJAnalyser. The price you pay also

• XJLink — the USB 2.0 to JTAG adapter

required to connect your PC to the
circuit under test

• Floating licence — held within the

XJLink, so you can install the software
on a number of machines

• Demonstration hardware

Zoomed out view Zoomed in view • Full tutorial

opinion Jonathan Healy

Design Engineer

“andXJTAG has exceeded our expectations. Its unparalleled speed, accuracy

ease-of-use have enabled us to shave days, if not weeks, off the
development phase of our wireless reference platforms - important factors
in the mobile phone industry where time-to-market is so critical.

It's important that we get these complex development boards up and running
quickly and verify that each one is built according to the schematics as they are
used extensively across the business and cost many thousands of dollars.

Key Benefits
• Reduce your time spent debugging
XJEase is a high-level programming language that provides you with all boards due to high precision fault isolation
of the functionality, flexibility and control you require to create a complete
JTAG test solution. • Improve your time to market and reduce
project risk by early design verification

Check your board for shorts and opens using the built-in interconnect test • Reduce your test development time
and information taken straight from your netlist. Program JTAG devices (e.g. by reusing tests from prototype/design
in manufacturing and field support
CPLDs, FPGAs) and non-JTAG devices (e.g. Flash). Run advanced tests
on non-JTAG devices. Optimise your test coverage before PCB layout. • Ongoing time savings by test reuse
across projects

XJDeveloper Testing nonJTAG devices

XJDeveloper is a graphical application It’s easy in XJEase to use devices in your
that enables you to generate the XJEase JTAG chain to check the connections of
description of the circuit you want to non-JTAG devices. For example, by
test. The simple drag-and-drop interface writing test values to a memory chip and
allows you to set up your JTAG chain reading them back, you can verify that
and categorise all of the non-JTAG the data and address lines are free from
devices in your circuit quickly and easily, shorts and opens. You can also run more
while the built-in netlist explorer provides advanced tests, such as sending and
a simple interface for you to view the receiving Ethernet packets — without Rapid Test Development
connectivity between devices. booting the processor.
The tests for a non-JTAG device are
written for the device itself, regardless
Setup your project with XJDeveloper of the rest of your circuit. This allows
you to reuse the tests whenever that
device is designed into any future
circuit, saving you time and money.

You also have all the advantages you

would expect from a high-level
programming language — variables,
loops, conditional execution and
function calls and much more. You can
interact with your board in real time, not
just “set and check” values.

Free Library
You can download a large number of
XJEase device files for testing non-JTAG
devices from Even if
Testing JTAG devices With XJEase, you have complete control you have never used XJTAG before, it is
over the tests and how they are run. possible to create a fully functioning test
XJEase uses information from your XJEase has been designed to make system with no extra programming.
netlist and Boundary Scan Description accessing the hardware simple — just
Language (BSDL) files to test the describe which pins on your non-JTAG If you can’t find a file for your exact
connections around the JTAG devices device should be driven and which ones device, you can download the file for a
on the board you want to test. should be read. You don’t need to know similar device and make a few changes
about JTAG instructions, or to work out to adapt it to yours. We also offer a
BSDL files are generally available for free which JTAG device has to drive the pins consultancy service to design tests to
on component manufacturers’ websites. on the non-JTAG device. your exact requirements.

Interconnect test Test coverage analysis
XJEase has a built-in interconnect test As soon as you have a basic circuit • Test coverage analysis before you
for all of the pins on your JTAG devices. design, you can check how much of the go to PCB layout
Depending on what access is available board is covered by your XJEase test
with boundary scan, the interconnect system. You can see where to add extra
• Builtin adaptive interconnect test

test will check for a range of shorts and connections to improve the coverage. • Reuse device files to save time
open circuits, including shorts to power This test coverage is automatically — free library of standard parts
and ground, resistive shorts and shorts calculated from the combination of the available online
via an inverter. XJEase interconnect test and the
additional testing of non-JTAG devices.
• Program devices
— e.g. CPLDs, FPGAs, Flash
Pull-up and pull-down resistor checking
is also part of the automatic tests. XJTAG has produced a Design For Test • Advanced testing
If your board has minimal cross-talk, (DFT) document as a reference guide, — e.g. Ethernet loopback
you can also add in more advanced covering many of the issues involved
testing for remote short circuits. in using the full potential of XJEase.
• Integration with custom applications
to create a full test system

+3.3v • Supported netlists include EDIF 2 0 0,

Stuck at 1 CPLD/ FPGA programming RINF, Protel, PADSPCB, ALLEGRO and
OK many other formats
Short Many JTAG devices, such as CPLDs
Short and FPGAs, can be programmed
Resistive short
Resistive short
directly using STAPL / JAM or SVF files
generated from tools of the device
XJTAG gives you more…
Open manufacturer. This programming can
Stuck at 0
be done as a standalone process or All of the features above are included when
integrated into your XJEase test
you buy XJEase. The price you pay also
Find a wide range of faults using XJEase system using a single line of code.
interconnect test includes:

Having detected an error, the Integration • XJRunner — the specialised runtime

environment for executing XJEase tests
interconnect test will run further tests,
adapting to the state of your board, to The COM Interface allows you to • XJLink — the USB 2.0 to JTAG interface
pinpoint the location of the error. Many of integrate XJEase with test executives required to connect your PC to the
our clients have found faults on boards such as LabVIEW, Visual Basic and other circuit under test
previously thought to be fault-free. Windows-based custom applications.
• Floating licence is held within the XJLink,
so you can install the software on any
number of PCs

Flash programming Comes with XJRunner • Demonstration hardware

• Full tutorial
The XJTAG website has a range of
Flash device files for you to download,
which include functions to program the
Flash with any image.

These files simply use the programming

algorithms from the device datasheets,
as for any other non-JTAG device test
in XJEase. There’s no need to list the
connections between the Flash and
your JTAG devices — XJEase uses your
netlist to work this out automatically.
The underlying XJEase system then
generates the required vectors to
program your Flash.
See the XJRunner Data Sheet for more details.
XJIO Board

Key Benefits
• Improve reliability of your boards by
The XJIO board is an expansion unit that will integrate with your increasing analogue and digital test
XJTAG test system to provide access to otherwise inaccessible coverage
areas of your circuit.
• Reduce your debug time by enhanced
fault isolation
With a range of digital and analogue I/O on the XJIO board, you can
increase test coverage and improve fault isolation. • XJTAG can reduce the cost and
complexity of your custom test jigs

• Reach your devices on nonJTAG

boards with “Black box” testing

Optional 12V Power

XJLink Interface

Switches and LEDs


208 Digital I/O pins

8 Analogue Outputs

8 Analogue Inputs

Increased testing
You can test more of your boards for manufacturing faults. This problem will With onboard DAC and ADC the XJIO
opens and shorts by connecting only increase with the emergence of fine board provides a mechanism for
signals from your Unit Under Test pitch and BGA connectors. By adding analogue as well as digital testing.
(UUT) to the XJIO board. an XJIO board to your test system,
XJTAG can drive signals through your Using this functionality, even boards
Although often overlooked in test, connectors and identify the nature and with no JTAG components can be
connectors are a common source of location of any faults. “Black box” tested with XJTAG.
XJIO Board

Digital interface Integration
With 208 bidirectional digital I/O pins, You can use the XJIO board with the • You can configure the voltage of the
the XJIO board has been designed for whole XJTAG product range: 208 digital I/O pins —1.8V to 3.3V
maximum connectivity. The I/O pins are (5V tolerant)
all 5V tolerant. The default logic level is
• Onboard 8 channel ADC and DAC
3.3V, or you can re-configure the I/O Software
pins, in blocks of 16, to use any user- • Fully expandable to meet your needs
defined voltage between 3.3V and 1.8V. XJEase includes advanced testing for
shorts and opens, and enables you to
• Switches and LEDs for user interaction
functionally test and program devices • ‘Black box’ testing for nonJTAG boards
on the board. You can create complex
Analogue interface tests for your board, such as Ethernet • Reusable, replacing multiple custom
test jigs
loopback, or download example tests
The XJIO board has 8 analogue inputs from the XJTAG website. With the high- • Standard IDC connectors
and 8 analogue outputs, controllable level test description language, you
via the JTAG interface. The on-board have all the normal programming • USB or mains powered
ADC enables analogue measurement concepts such as variables, looping and
—e.g. testing a power rail is within flow control, giving you the flexibility to
limits. The DAC allows analogue inputs customise tests to your requirements.
on the UUT to be stimulated, improving
test coverage of the target board. The built-in interconnect test, together
with the high-level nature of the
language, make the process of test
development quick and easy,
Power supplies separating the test descriptions from
the details of how to implement them
For quick and portable test setup the in a particular circuit.
XJIO board can be powered from USB.
Alternatively, if you need more than
80mA of current, there is a connector XJAnalyser is a powerful plug-and-play
for a standard 12V power supply. tool for JTAG chain visualisation and
debugging. It provides a graphical view
of the devices in a JTAG chain, allowing
you to set or disable pin output values
User interaction and read the input values. It also has
the facility to run SVF and STAPL files.
The switches and LEDs give further
flexibility by providing you with a way You can consider XJAnalyser as a logic
to interact with your test system. analyser and signal generator for the
pins on your JTAG devices, allowing
greater fault isolation and rapid debug.

XJRunner is the specialised run-time
If more I/O pins are required, XJIO environment for executing XJEase
boards can be daisy-chained together tests. With a range of special features
via the reconfigurable external JTAG it is particularly aimed at board Hardware
connector to reach the required capacity. manufacturers and/or in-field testing.
XJLink is the USB to JTAG connector,
All the connectors on the XJIO board In one package, you have interconnect which contains your XJTAG licence and
are standard IDC, for economical and testing, in-system programming, non- allows you to connect your computer with
efficient cable assemblies. JTAG device testing, serial number your circuit. The simple USB connection
handling and configurable log files allows you to take your XJTAG test
for your audit trail. system with you wherever you go.

Key Benefits
• Improved your QA through configurable
XJRunner is the specialised run-time environment for executing XJEase logging
tests. With a range of special features it is particularly aimed at board
manufacturers and in-field testing. • Allows you to retain the power of control
on how boards are tested by third parties

In one package, you have interconnect testing, in-system programming, • Userfriendly environment reduces your
non-JTAG device testing, serial number handling and configurable log files training costs for production operatives
for your audit trail.


Simple, secure & audited Serial numbering • Runtime environment for XJEase tests

production testing XJRunner can also program and log • Simple, controlled test execution
serial numbers, or other forms of
Package your XJEase test system, identification such as MAC addresses.
• Handles a variety of serial number
created by design or test engineers, These can be generated by XJRunner,
into a single compressed and taken from the packaged XJEase • Log files for audit trail
encrypted file to ensure consistency system, or be input directly (e.g. from
in your testing process. a bar code reader).
• Optional restricted access for
testonly users

Excellent for the shop floor. A simple

Run/Stop, Pass/Fail interface makes
first pass testing a simple point-and- Powerful, flexible testing XJTAG gives you more…
click operation. Configurable run-time
messages can tell the tester about any Identify faulty boards on the production
required procedures both before and line with a default set of pass/fail tests. All of the features above are included when
after testing each board. Advanced users can then pinpoint faults you buy XJRunner.The price you pay also
by running additional tests and debug includes:
Each user can have a separate login. procedures. They can also choose to run
This not only identifies users for audit a particular test, or set of tests, a number • XJLink — the USB 2.0 to JTAG adapter
use, but also allows you to restrict their of times, or even run a test continuously required to connect your PC to the
access to those features they have been to help diagnose particularlytricky or circuit under test
trained to use. intermittent problems on a board.
• Floating licence, held within the XJLink,
so you can install the software on a
number of machines

• Full tutorial

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Mobile No: +91 9811608373
Email: [email protected]
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Diagnosys has a policy of continuous product improvement and reserves the right to change technical specifications
at any time without prior notice. Diagnosys does not accept liability for errors or misprints in this document.

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