House Rules 28may2023 Update2

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WELCOME! Thank You for choosing our Apartment Unit.
Our Apartment Building caters to families or individuals looking for both
Residential and Commercial Spaces with very accessible location, inside a
gated, secured and quiet subdivision and near to different establishments
like schools, malls, hospitals, etc.
The Front part of the building are designed for Commercial Units (still under
finishing ) and the Side part of the building are for Residential Units.

All our Apartment units at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Levels are all 2-Bedroom each
with a huge space and high ceilings.

Each Unit has its own space for Living, Dining, Kitchen, Laundry, T&B and

Units 1 & 2 (both Loft Type) are at the 1st Level.

Units 3 & 4 (both Flat Type) are at the 2nd Level.
Units 5 & 6 (both Flat Type) are at the 3rd Level.

We have listed all our HOUSERULES and REGULATIONS for your reference
during your stay in our apartment unit.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions about the



General Provisions
The House Rules and regulations (hereunder referred as “HOUSE RULES”),
adapted by the owners to restrict, govern and regulate the use, occupancy
of the individual units and common areas to:
1. Ensure the efficient and orderly management and operations of the
apartment building, for the health, safety and welfare of all tenants;
2. Ensure the right to peaceful and quiet enjoyment of all tenants of their
respective units and the common areas;
3. Maintain the aesthetic appearance and soundness of the structures
and facilities within the premises; and
4. Enhance the property value.

House Rules & Renovation Guidelines

All lessees, occupants of the building, visitors, building personnel, contractors
and service providers are required to follow and comply with the governing
House Rules to avoid inconvenience of violation/s of the provisions of the
House Rules.
In case any tenant and/or resident of a unit violates or commits a breach of,
any limitation, restriction, covenant or the Apartment House Rules and
Regulations, not involving an obligation to pay money, the owner shall direct
the erring unit tenant, and/or resident, as the case may be, by written notice
to enjoin, remedy or otherwise abate the violation or breach within reasonable
period time. Upon Failure or refusal of the said unit owner, tenant, and/or
resident to do so within the time fixed in the notice or instruction, the owner,
through the Authorized Representative or such other officer as may be
authorized for this purpose, shall have the right (a) to enter the unit of the
erring unit tenant, and/or resident to summarily abate and remove, at the
expense of the said unit tenant, and/or resident, as the case may be any
structure, thing or condition constituting the violation;(b) to impose fines in
accordance with a schedule of fines that may be promulgated by the owners,
which fines shall be included in the assessments made against the unit owner
concerned;(c) by appropriate legal proceedings, to enjoin, abate or remedy
the continuance of such violation or breach or to otherwise enforce compliance
with the pertinent provisions of the Apartment House Rules and Regulations;
and (d) if the breach or violation is committed by a tenant and / or guest or
any person allowed access to the apartment premises by the tenant, the
owners, through its duly authorized representative/s, shall require the tenant
to ask such guest or person to vacate the unit and/or leave the apartment
The owners of the Apartment Building or its duly authorized representatives
shall have full authority of the House Rules. An authorized representative
refers to any of the Apartment Buidling Officers so empowered or duly
appointed Property Administrator.

General Restrictions
1. The tenant, resident and/or occupants shall keep their unit in good
condition and in a manner that shall not prejudice other unit tenant.
2. The tenant, resident and/or occupants shall not introduce any
improvements, alterations or additions to his unit without prior written
consent or approval from the Owner. Alterations or improvements
without prior written consent shall be subject to dismantling and
demolition if found to be detrimental to the building structure. The cost
shall be for the account of the tenant in addition to a penalty approved
by the owners shall be imposed depending on the gravity of the
3. No units shall be subdivided to smaller units nor should the unit be
partitioned among its co-tenants.
4. Unit tenant, resident and/or occupants should not permit, bring into or
keep in their unit’s flammable, combustible or explosive fluids,
materials, chemicals or substances including such products that may
cause noise, tremors or expose the premises to fire. Unit tenant,
resident and/or occupants should also not permit or bring into the
building any dangerous objects or articles which owners may
reasonably prohibit or which may increase the rate of insurance of the
building. Should the unit owner, tenant and/or resident do so, he shall
be responsible for all damages that such violation may cause to the
building, other units or to tenants, residents and/or occupants and
shall be held liable for any increase in the insurance that may result in
such acts.
*Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) tanks are not allowed in any
indoor part of the property. Induction Stoves are preferrable
for safety.

5. The tenant, resident and/or occupants of the unit are expected to

maintain the premises in a peaceful and reasonably quiet manner and
shall refrain from any noisy or loud acts that would disturb or annoy
the peace and quiet of the premises and its occupants. Private parties
and other gatherings are to be confined within the premises of the
apartment unit and/ or designated areas.
6. The unit will not be used for any purpose, which may impair the
reputation of the apartment, disturb the peace of the resident’s and
neighbors or cause depreciation of its property value.
7. Unit tenant, resident and/or occupants shall at all times be responsible
for the behavior and conduct of their own children and shall ensure
their children’s compliance with the house rules and regulations.
8. The tenant, resident and/or occupants is liable for all charges unpaid
by them.
9. Nothing must be hung or displayed on the windows and doors outside
the units or on any part of the area’s common use. No holiday decor,
shades, venetian blinds, awnings or windows guards shall be installed
on the exterior portion of the unit or the apartment building.
10. Curtains or blinds to be placed on the windows and curtain walls of the
unit should not in any way compromise the color or exterior look of the
apartment. As such, it is required that all colored curtains or blinds be
provided with white lining sheets to provide a pleasant, uniform look
from the exterior of the apartment building.
11. Any laundry or clothesline- permanent or temporary- in any part of the
unit and balconies, which is visible from the exterior, is not allowed. As
such, no laundry activities are allowed in any part of the building,
which has not been designated for such purpose. A designated
Laundry Area has been provided for the tenants in each unit, please
make use of that for your laundry and hanging needs.
12. The tenant, resident and/or occupants shall not do or cause to be done
any act- such as chiseling or chipping of beams, columns or walls, etc.-
or cause the construction, removal or installation of any structure or
facility within the unit or the common areas which the
contractor/apartment owner has determined will be beyond or will
impair the structural strength of the condominium development or
change the appearance of any exterior portion.
13. The windows and main door of the unit shall not be replaced with
windows and doors of different material, size, design or color.
14. Unit tenant, resident and/or occupants are not allowed to post any
sign, poster or other forms of advertising in any part of the exterior of
the unit.
15. The tenant, resident and/or occupants shall not be permitted to install
or remove any metal awning, grill, and screen, trellis or cover the
windows and doors of the unit.
16. No tenant, resident and/or occupants shall alter or allow any person to
alter any portion of the water, electrical and other equipment layout or
design of the building without the approval from the board of directors
and/or its representatives.
17. No radio or television signal or other form of electromagnetic radiation
shall be permitted or shall originate from the residential unit. No
outside antenna or any wiring for radio or television shall be
constructed, erected or maintained by the tenant, resident and/or
occupants of a residential unit in the exterior portion of the building
such as windows, walls, terraces, ledges.
18. Units are individually provided with number signage’s integral to the
exterior design of the Apartment Unit. The tenant, resident and/or
occupants of a residential unit is not allowed to replace, alter or add
any other signage. Deteriorated and/or damaged signages shall be
reported to the property administration office for fabrication of a new
number signage. New number signage shall be charged against the
account of the unit owner.
19. Telephone line provision and CATV coaxial antenna outlet are not
provided for each unit. Application for the subscription and connection
to the service providers shall be the responsibility of the tenant. All
related fees and charges shall be for the account of the tenant and any
installations shall be with written consent or approval from the owner.
1. The tenant, resident and/or occupants shall maintain the balcony in a
peaceful and reasonably quite manner; they shall refrain from causing
any noise and boisterous acts that would disturbs and annoy the peace
and quiet of the building and its occupants.
2. The tenant, resident and/or occupants are expected to use balconies
safely and responsibly.
3. The use of grills and/or other cooking devices in the balconies is
allowed as long as tenants will not leave the cooking devices
unattended while in use and tenants to ensure to clean the area
4. Parasols, hanging plants, chimes, porch swings, hammocks and other
furnishing that may alter the aesthetics of the buildings are strictly
5. Small furniture may be placed in the balconies but they shall not
exceed the floor height of 1 meter and should not obstruct the balcony
6. The external appearance of the building shall not be altered in any
7. Should a tenant, resident and/or occupants fail to comply, the owner
or its authorized representative may require the removal of furniture/
furnishings from the balcony.
8. Furniture cleaning and dusting and rags at the balconies shall not be
allowed. Use a vacuum instead.


1. Laundry washing and pressing should be done inside the designated
Laundry Area in the unit only.
2. Laundry may be hung to dry only inside the Laundry Cage and/or at
the drying area. Laundry and clotheslines are not allowed in the
balcony, ledge area, hallways and other common and limited common
1. Each unit will be used and/or occupied based on the type of such unit
as intended and described in the Blueprint.
2. Each of the residential units shall be occupied purely for residential
purposes only. The number of occupants per unit are as follows:

58sqm. to 65 sqm. = Max 4pax if all Adults or

Max 6pax if with Kids/Teens
(4 Adults + 2 kids or teens)

3. Only registered occupants can use the rented unit.


Hallways, Emergency Exits and Stairs

1. All entrances, exits, emergency exits, hallways, balconies,
passages, stairwells and lobbies must be free from any
obstruction, restriction or hindrance at all times.

2. No entrance/exists for stairs or gates shall be padlocked / locked

by the tenants. All passages shall always be readily accessible in
case of emergency.

3. Tables, chairs and other obtrusive materials are not allowed to

be placed in any part of common areas.
4. Loitering is strictly prohibited.
5. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the lobbies, hallways, fire exits,
stairwells and all enclosed areas in the apartment building.

Limited Common Areas (Unit Balcony)

1. The limited common areas like the balconies near the units are
intended for the exclusive use of particular unit tenants or
registered occupants. Other unit owners shall not obstruct nor
interfere with the use of such limited common areas. A limited
common area shall be used solely for its intended purpose.
Common Areas
1. General Common areas are intended for the common use or
benefit of all tenants, residents and/or occupants of the
Apartment Building and are necessary and convenient to the
existence, maintenance or safety of the community.
2. The lobbies for the general use of all the tenants. Their use is
regulated to enhance community welfare.
3. Furniture, if any, provided in the common areas shall be
exclusively used in these specific areas only. No tenant, resident
and/or occupants may transfer or remove furniture from the
common areas, where they are placed.
4. Washing of rags, dishes, mops, cleaning materials and the like
are strictly prohibited in the common toilets located in the
building or in any other common areas of the property.
5. Cooking in the common areas is prohibited as well as in any
place not specifically constructed or equipped for the purpose.
6. The Apartment Building Admin reserves the right to schedule the
switching OFF and ON of lights in the common areas.
7. Loitering in the common areas, is strictly prohibited.
8. The Apartment Building Admin reserves the right to refuse entry
to any person who behaves in a noisy manner or uses any
abusive or insulting words and/or actions with the intent to
cause a breach of the peace especially in serious or repeated
violations. Such breach of peace shall be endorsed by the
Apartment Admin to the proper local authorities concerned.
9. All applications for reservations of the common recreational
facilities such as the ROOFDECK shall be made in writing on the
prescribed form and addressed to the owner or apartment admin
specifying: (1) the date requested; (2) area to be reserved; (3)
the number of guests expected; and (4) the nature of the
10. For the healthy atmosphere of Apartment Building and in
compliance with local government laws, all common areas-
especially the lobby- within the property are designated as non-
smoking areas. The owners or apartment admin reserves the
right to decide the designation of smoking areas.
*DESIGNATED SMOKING AREA: Outdoor Balcony within your
rented unit. (Dispose your cigarette butts responsibly. Ensure
that cigarette fire is dead before placing it in garbage bins.
Anybody caught littering cigarette butts will be penalized.
P5,000 per cigarette butt).

11. Security deposits for use of recreational facilities (ex. Roofdeck)

shall be paid 7 days in advance. Extension of charges or
damages that might be incurred during an event shall be
deducted from the deposits. If the security deposit is not enough
to cover for the above, the unit owner and/or tenants shall be
responsible for the additional payments to the Apartment Admin.
If no damage or extension of use is incurred, the security
deposits shall be refunded in full.
12. The utility decks, machine rooms, electrical rooms, generator set
rooms, meter rooms, and other areas reserved for storage of
maintenance equipment and machinery are restricted areas and
access thereto shall be allowed only with the permission and
supervision of the Apartment Administrator or his authorized
13. No tenant, resident and/or occupants shall place on any part of
the floors of the building any article, machinery, goods or
merchandise which may cause the maximum floor loading
bearing capacity on that floor to exceed.
14. Unit tenants, residents and/or occupants must use nominated
contractors as designed by the owner concerning alterations to
the security, fire sprinkler and smoke detection systems in their
respective units. As these systems are common systems,
defective work may affect the overall system. For details of
nominated contractors, please contact the owner.
15. Unit tenants, residents and/or occupants are not allowed to
obstruct or restrict the entrances, exits, parking spaces,
driveways, or any part of the common areas. No part of the
common areas shall be used for storage or for the permanent or
temporary habitat of household members.
16. All electrical equipment used in each unit shall be in accordance
with the electrical load provisions provided.
17. Unit tenants, residents and/or occupants are not allowed to
display their names in any entry, passageway, vestibule hall or
stairway of the apartment building.
18. Business solicitation advertisements inside the building, such as
distribution of flyers, leaflets, calling cards, peddling of
merchandise, and the like, are strictly prohibited. However, the
distribution of flyers, leaflets and brochures may be placed in
mailboxes subject to prior written approval of the Apartment


1. Move-in Forms and documents must be submitted to the owner
or Apartment Admin fifteen (15) days prior to move-in for
clearance, approval and assistance arrangements of the move-in
2. All Move-in activities shall be allowed from Mondays to
Saturdays, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM only, except during

For tenants/lessees, in addition to the above conditions and

requirements, the following shall also be submitted:
a. Accomplished Move-in Form and/or Gate Pass Form (to be
secured from the owner or Apartment Admin) to be
completed prior any move-ins.

The Move-In Form includes all the names and particulars of

the occupants going to stay in the Apartment Unit.

The Gate Pass Form includes the inventory of all the

things/stuffs/furniture/appliances/furnishings that the
tenant is bringing into the Apartment Unit during the
move-in or any other dates.

b. The Property Administration Office must be provided with a

notarized copy of the Lease Agreement.
1. All move-outs must be pre-arranged with the owner of
Apartment Admin. Two (2) weeks advance notice must be given
by the unit owner/tenant prior to move-out.
2. A unit tenant must accomplish and sign a Move-out Form and
Gate Pass and submit the same to the Apartment Admin two (2)
weeks prior to the move-out date for accountability clearance,
and approval on the move-out date.
3. A tenant must be cleared of all his/her obligations with the
Owner, prior to egress of leased/rented unit.
4. No items provided by the unit owner and/or Apartment Admin
shall be removed.
5. No move-out will be allowed unless authorized by the owner.
Such authorization will be granted only upon the issuance of a
Certification for Move-Out, which states that the tenant does not
have any outstanding liability or obligation with the Apartment
6. All move-out activities shall be allowed from Mondays to
Saturdays, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM only, except during

1. The maintenance and security personnel of the Apartment
Building will not be responsible for the upkeep, maintenance
and/or repair and security of the interior of the individual’s units,
their respective parking slots, and other areas not considered as
common areas of the apartment. Maintenance, upkeep and
security of these units are solely the responsibility of the
2. The tenants, residents or occupants may avail of the services of
the apartment maintenance personnel subject to the following
rules and regulations:
a) All requests for service or repair shall be coursed through
the owner and require completion of a Job Order Form
which will then have to be scheduled, except in cases of
emergency. All services rendered shall be duly supported
by a Job Order Form.
b) Appropriate service charges shall be recommended by the
contractor or maintenance personnel and will be approved
by the owner.
c) The owner shall bill the tenant/resident and/or occupant
after the work is satisfactorily completed. Payments should
be transmitted directly to the owner.
d) Jobs that require major repairs shall be referred to suitable

In line with postal regulations and to maintain security, mail for the unit
tenants and/or occupants shall be delivered to the lobby/gate of the building
and placed in their respective mailboxes/units by the admin.


General Guidelines
a) Unit tenant, resident or occupants must notify/advise the owner
or apartment admin in advance of arrival of visitors to avoid
b) Visitors must park their vehicles are their own risk outside the
apartment building or on any street parking available. It is not
the owner’s or apartment admin’s responsibility for any loss or
damages incurred on the visitor’s vehicle. The visitor or driver
shall be requested to present and deposit a valid photo ID card
for security and reference purposes.
c) Access to the premises of a person/s whose presence shall, in
the judgement of the Apartment Admin, be prejudicial to the
safety and security of the property or its occupants/tenants may
be denied, including but not limited to the following:
• Persons under the influence of alcohol or prohibited drugs
• Improperly dressed individuals
• Suspicious looking characters
• Persons carrying firearms who do not want to deposit their
Firearms at the Reception Desk at the Lobby.
d) All Guests, visitors and employees or agents of unit tenants
and/or residents must refrain from carrying firearms/explosives,
e) Firing of guns/airguns within the premises is strictly prohibited.
f) The owner, apartment admin and/or their authorized
representative/s are allowed to enter a tenant’s unit in case/s of
emergency such as flood, fire or earthquake notwithstanding
that the tenants/occupants thereof are not in the unit or that
such entry may cause damage to said unit.
g) Any unusual occurrence in the apartment building/s and/or
ground must be reported immediately to the owner or apartment
admin. If the situation so warrants to protect the building, its
properties and interest of unit occupants/tenants, the Security
Personnel shall be authorized to conduct frisking, body searches
or temporary detention of suspected person/s in accordance with
the law.
h) Visitors can contact the Apartment Admin so that they may be
assisted in contacting the resident they wish to visit. If the unit
occupant or tenant is not in his unit or cannot be located, visitors
shall not be allowed to enter the residence.

Employees and Household Helpers

a) Only personnel duly registered with the Property Owner or
Apartment Admin will be allowed entry into the apartment
building. Therefore, tenants, residents or occupants employing
household help, nannies, drivers, nurses, private security guards
and any other employees must require their employees to
provide a copy of their 2 valid IDs with photo and signature to
the owner or apartment admin. The Property Owner or Admin
has the discretion to deny or favorably act upon said
b) While inside the apartment building/s, private security
personnel, guards, and/or helpers are prohibited from gambling,
drinking liquor, loitering and conducting themselves in a
rowdy/unruly manner.
c) The tenants, resident and/or occupants shall be responsible for
all the actions of his household employees, drivers, and
bodyguards, as well as of other persons contracted to perform
services for his household.
d) All unit tenants, residents and/or occupants must always engage
the owner or authorized apartment staff for any maintenance
request. Outside contractors or repairmen are prohibited without
a written approval and consent from the apartment owner or
apartment admin.
e) Household employees, drivers and bodyguards should wear their
Apartment Identification Cards whenever they are in the
common areas of the building.
f) An identification card may be secured from the Property
Administration Office upon submission of a complete application
form and two (2) 1x1 photographs with signature. Lost
identification cards should immediately be reported to the
Property Administration Office. A replacement fee of P300 will be
charged for lost ID Card.
g) Unit tenants, residents and/or occupants should require their
household employees, drivers and bodyguards to surrender their
ID cards upon termination of their employment. Unit tenants,
residents and/or occupants should immediately inform the
Property Administration Office in writing of the termination of
employment of registered employees.
h) For personnel carrying items out of the building, a Gate Pass
shall be filled out listing all items that will be brought in or out of
the property. The pass shall bear the signature of the unit
owner/tenant or his representative to be valid. Any erasures or
modifications on any part of the pass/es shall be initiated by the
authorized signatory.
i) Household employees, drivers and bodyguards shall be properly
attired. Preferably in uniform.
j) Household staff, drivers and bodyguards are prohibited from
engaging in the following activities within the building:
• Drinking alcoholic beverages
• Gambling
• Conversing boisterously
• Eating or Smoking in the common areas

k) Visitors of household employees, drivers and bodyguards are not

allowed in the building unless the unit tenants, residents and/or
occupant-employer authorizes their visit. In this case, the visit
should be conducted only within the employer’s unit.
l) If the presence of private bodyguards in the building is deemed
necessary, their employers shall adhere strictly to the following
• The employer shall register his bodyguards and their
firearms with the Property Administration Office.
• Bodyguards are prohibited from displaying or handling
their firearms in the common areas. Firearms maintenance
shall be done only within their employer’s unit.
• Bodyguards should not bring firearms in the premises
during a declaration of Gun Ban by the government.
Delivery and Pull-Out Procedure
a) Unit tenants, residents and/or occupants shall be required to
secure a Gate Pass from the Property Administration Office
whenever there is a delivery or pull-out of large items that
cannot be hand- carried by one person and for items that may
obstruct the normal flow of operations in the building. Such
items include, but are not limited to the following:
• Equipment and Furniture
• Construction materials (plywood, hollow blocks, gravel,
sand, cement, G.I sheets, etc.)
• Construction Equipment
b) These items may be delivered pulled-out on the following
Every Tues, Thurs and Sat (TThs) from 1pm to 3pm Only
c) All deliveries must be brought directly to the unit. The building
security or any building personnel shall not be allowed by the
Property Administration Office and Condominium Corporation to
receive any deliveries in behalf of the tenants, residents and/or
occupants. A representative from the unit tenants, residents
and/or occupants must receive the delivery.
d) All deliveries must be hauled out on a scheduled basis and must
follow the schedule stipulated above.
e) Should the delivery cause damage/s to the common areas
and/or furniture/fixtures found therein, the Property
Administration Office shall undertake the necessary repairs
and/or replacement of damaged items however, the costs borne
by said repairs and-or replacement will be billed to the unit
tenants, residents and/or occupants.
f) The enforcement of the schedule and the Gate Pass does not
impose any responsibility on the Condominium Corporation or
Property Administration Office from the protection of items of the
unit tenants, residents and/or occupants.
a) Unit tenants, residents and/or occupants shall register their
vehicles with the Property Administration Office. Parking spaces
shall be used solely for the temporary storage of motor vehicles
and shall not be used in a manner which is improper, offensive or
annoying to other residents, or which interferes with the
peaceful possession and enjoyment of other unit owners.
b) Each apartment unit (not per person) only gets one (1) free
assigned parking space (indoor).
c) Only passenger-type vehicles, or vehicles for personnel use, will
be issued stickers. Stickers will not be issued for commercial
utility vehicles.
d) A fine, determined from time to time by the owner or apartment
admin, may be imposed on unit tenants, residents and/or
occupants responsible for breach of any of the rules on driving
and parking.
e) Unit tenants, residents and/or occupants, their drivers, and their
visitors shall observe the following traffic rules and regulations
prescribed by the Apartment Owner/Admin:
• Only individuals who have a valid driver’s license shall be
allowed to drive within the Apartment premises.
• Drivers operating vehicles within or near the property shall
observe the maximum speed limit of 10 km/h.
• Overtaking is strictly prohibited.
• Drivers shall use the correct lane, give way to pedestrians,
and prevent the ready indiscriminate blowing of car horns.
• Drivers shall not park their vehicles in the driveways or
rotundas and should not block other subdivision neighbor’s
gates or entry/exit.
• Vehicles shall not be parked in a manner that may prevent
ready access to any entrance, exit or parking space by
another vehicle.
• While parked, the vehicle’s engine must be switched off to
minimize pollution.
• Bicycles and the like shall be stored inside their respective
unit or storage area, if any. Bicycles should not be parked
at the Common Areas or Balconies.
• The Parking Spaces are complimentary (Free Of Charge) at
the interior of the building. All unit renters (1 Unit = 1
Parking Only) are allowed to park indoor of the building.
No Signages should be placed to reserve a specific parking
slot for any individual except the Apartment Owner.
• Visitor’s parking areas shall be provided (Valet Parking). A
nominal fee with below rates will be charged to any

Parking Rate for Visitors:

100 Pesos for First (1st) two (2) hours of Parking.
20 Pesos per succeeding hour.

Example Computation:
Visitor’s Time IN: 10am
Visitor’s Time OUT: 10pm
Total Parking Hours: 12 hours

First 2 hours = 100 Pesos

Succeeding 10hrs = 10 hrs x 20 Pesos = 200

Total Parking Fee

for Visitor = 100 + 200 = 300 Pesos for 12hrs

*NOTE: Visitor’s vehicles shall not be allowed to park in the

residents/registered occupants parking areas.
• Commercial vehicles may be allowed to use visitors
parking for loading and unloading purposes only.
• All vehicles utilized by bodyguards, drivers and other
household employees shall be prohibited from parking at
the tenant’s parking spaces.
• Any vehicle parked at any prohibited areas near the
apartment building and is towed by Barangay Officials,
HOA or Government Clearing Operators should be at the
users or tenant’s expense.

f) Unit tenants, residents and/or occupant shall properly maintain

their vehicles to avoid oil or other car fluid drips. Old tires
batteries and other materials and debris are not allowed to be
stored in the parking slots.
g) The use of fire hoses to clean the cars of residents is not
allowed. Similarly, ambulant car wash vendors are not allowed at
the premises. There is a nearby Carwash Shop just few minutes
walk from the Apartment Building, the tenants may avail the
carwash services at their own expense.
h.) Vehicle repair work in any of the common areas is prohibited.
Only emergency and minor repairs of motor vehicles shall be
allowed in the parking slots.
i.) The Owner or Apartment Admin shall not be held liable for any
loss or damages of any articles, vehicle accessory or of the
vehicle itself while parked or operating inside or outside of the
building. The Property Administration, however, will conduct an
investigation into such incident/s and submit a report to the
Barangay or Police for blotter.
A.) Unit tenants, residents and/or occupants shall not be allowed to
tamper with fire protection devices such as sprinkler system, fire
alarm, and fire hose cabinets inside the units and other areas of
the building.
B.) Each unit has been provided with a (1) 10-pound fire
extinguisher inside the apartment unit. The fire extinguisher
shall be placed by the tenant in a readily accessible area in case
of emergency and should be maintained and refilled by the unit
tenant whenever necessary and shall be made available for
inspection. All members of the household of the Tenant must be
aware where to find the Fire Extinguisher and knows how to use
it in case of emergency.
C.) The Property Admin has the right to inspect and ensure
compliance on the installation of fire extinguisher inside the unit.
D.) All fire escapes, stairs, balconies, hallways, doors, lobby must be
free of obstruction at all times.
E.) No explosive, hazardous or inflammable materials (ie. LPG, Gas,
Kerosene, etc.) shall be stored in any part of the unit. The
Property Admin will immediately confiscate any such
items/materials within the property that will pose danger to lives
and properties.
F.) Unit tenants, residents and/or occupants shall be required to
actively participate in the annual schedule of Fire Drill and the
formation of the Building Fire Brigade Teams. Unit owners,
tenants and/or residents shall be required to send
representatives to the Evacuation of Fire Prevention Seminars to
be organized by the Property Admin.
G.) Unit tenants, residents and/or occupants shall be updated with
fire evacuation procedures. Fire drills shall be conducted at least
once a year by the Property Admin in coordination with the
Bureau of Fire Chief Superintendent.

General Guidelines
A.) Expenses for the upkeep and repair of unit shall be shouldered
by the unit tenants, residents and/or occupants.
B.) The unit tenants, residents and/or occupants shall not permit
any unlawful act, practice or deed to be committed in the
premises of either the unit as an individual space or the building
in general. The unit should also not be permitted to be used for
any business open to the public or for any other commercial
activities – including, but not limited to, promotional pictorials,
bazaars and the like.
C.) Each unit tenants, residents and/or occupants is obliged to keep
and maintain his unit in good and sanitary condition. No noxious
substances or offensive activity can be carried on in any unit or
in the common areas of the aparment building, nor will anything
be done therein which may be or may become an annoyance or
nuisance to the other residents of the condominium building.
D.) The unit tenants, residents and/or occupants shall be solely
responsible for compensating the affected unit tenants, residents
and/or occupants for damages caused by the former's negligence
of the persons for whom he is responsible, whether visitors,
employees, agents, contractors or dependents.
E.) The unit tenants, residents and/or occupants must not throw any
material or substance out of or from any window, door passages
or areas of common use. Cleaning and shaking out of rugs and
the like from the windows are strictly prohibited.
F.) No awning or window grills may be installed in any unit without
prior written approval from the apartment owner. The owner or
apartment admin shall have jurisdiction over all exterior
decorations or adornments and may order and force the
removal or modification of such if, in its judgement, it finds that
any exterior decoration or adornment of any unit detracts from
the aesthetic beauty of the premises or endangers the safety of
residents and visitors.
G.) Windows shall not be covered with aluminum foil, paint, solar
control or film or any other material.
H.) No unit tenants, residents and/or occupants must bring into the
apartment building highly flammable materials nor install in his
unit any apparatus, machinery or equipment which may cause
noxious odors, tremors or noise or expose the unit or the
apartment building to fire.
I.) Where the unit is provided with a balcony, no permanent covered
structure, gate, trellis, canopy or paved flooring shall be
J.) No unit tenants, residents and/or occupants is allowed to do
anything that will cause obstruction, restriction or hindrance to
entrances, exits, hallways, passages, stairways, sidewalks,
driveways, parking spaces or any part of the common areas of
the apartment building. No part of the foregoing areas shall be
used as storage facilities.
K.) Each tenants, residents and/or occupants shall respect the right
of other building occupants and allow them a quiet and
uninterrupted enjoyment of premises.
L.) Individual range hoods installed in each unit must be maintained
by the resident (unit owner/tenant). It is recommended to wash
the air filter at least every month and drain any accumulated oil
as part of regular maintenance.
M.) Individual grease traps installed in each unit must be maintained
by the unit tenants, residents and/or occupants. Here are ways
to maintain and clean grease traps:
– Do not use enzymes, acids, caustics, solvents or
emulsifying products when cleaning or maintaining the
grease trap.
– Remove lid. If the trap is equipped with removable baffles,
remove them.
– Scoop the accumulated top grease layer out of the trap
and deposit in a tight-sealing container for proper disposal.
– Bail out water in the trap to facilitate cleaning solids from
the bottom. Set water aside so you can return it to the
trap after cleaning.
– Remove all the solids from the bottom of the trap, drain
liquids from solids and properly dispose them in the trash.
– Scrape the sides, the lid and the baffles with a putty knife
to remove the grease and deposit the grease into the same
container used for the grease layer.
– Replace lid and baffles.
– Fill grease trap with hot water.
– It is recommended to clean the grease trap at least weekly
or depending on the content of the oil/grease as part of
regular maintenance. Any leaks and/or damages caused by
the grease trap shall be for the account of the owner,
tenant and/or resident.

A.) Every unit is provided with one (1) designated opening/area for
the installation of their window-type air-conditioning unit. One
(1) opening was provided in one of the bedrooms. No additional
openings or holes should be drilled in any of the walls of the
apartment unit without prior approval and consent from the
apartment owner. Tenants may engage the apartment
owner/admin if they plan to install a split-type Airconditioning
System. Only authorized in-house maintenance people are
allowed by the apartment owner to conduct repairs or
installation works in the apartment.

The tenants, residents and/or occupants to strictly follow the size

of the Aircon hole before installation. No aircon holes should be
modified to match the size of the aircon unit.

No structures in any parts of the apartment building should be

changed at any time.
B.) Tenants, residents and/or occupants must keep the air-
conditioning system/device in good condition and appearance to
avoid excessive leaks and noise which may unreasonably disturb
or interfere with the comfort and convenience of other residents.
C.) If the unit tenants, residents and/or occupants fail to keep any
such device in good condition, the owner or apartment admin
may arrange for its removal and charge the cost to the unit
tenants, residents and/or occupants concerned. The device will
not be reinstalled in the unit until it is under proper working
condition and only with the prior written consent of the owner /
apartment admin.
D.) Only in-house servicemen with the appropriate Work Permit will
be allowed entry into the apartment units / building.

Unit tenants, residents and/or occupants shall not allow anyone to do
work on any portion of the water, sanitary and plumbing system of the
building unless approved by the Property Admin.

Unit tenants, residents and/or occupants may avail of service of the
maintenance personnel of the Property Admin, subject to the
A.) All requests for service or repair must be coursed through the
Property Owner/Admin. The admin shall decide whether the
service being requested is one that the service personnel of the
Property Admin can perform. The work shall then be scheduled
according to the availability of the service personnel and the
urgency of the repair work.
B.) Jobs beyond the capabilities of the service personnel will be
endorsed to qualified contractors.
C.) The Property Admin nor the Apartment Owner shall in no way be
responsible or liable for any services provided, nor guarantee or
warrant the quality of such services performed by any employee
of the Apartment Buidling.
D.) Approved request for service personnel assistance shall be
charged by the Property Admin to the unit tenants, residents
and/or occupants to whom service was rendered on a per trade
per hour basis for the purposes of recovering lost official time of
the service personnel. The rate per hour shall be determined by
the Property Administration Office.
E.) No unit tenants, residents and/or occupants shall send any
security, housekeeping, maintenance personnel or employee of
the Property Administration Office out of the building premises
for a private errand.


A.) Unit tenants, residents and/or occupants may not interfere in
any manner with any portion of the utility or service lines and
facilities that are used by any unit or common areas.
B.) The installation, maintenance and repair of all electrical
equipment used in each unit must fully comply with all the rules
and regulations of the insurance company and the government
authority having jurisdiction over such activity. The unit owner
shall be liable for any damage caused by such equipment used in
his unit.
C.) No radio or television antenna or any wiring for any purpose
shall be installed on the exterior of the unit.
D.) No ventilator, air-conditioner or other equipment shall be
installed in any unit by the unit tenants, residents and/or
occupants without the written approval of the apartment owner
or admin. The tenants, residents and/or occupants must keep
the air-conditioners and other equipment in good condition and
appearance. He must ensure that the equipment will not leak nor
emit any noise that may unreasonably disturb or interfere with
the rights, comfort or convenience of occupants of neighboring
Only Domestic Animals are allowed to be kept inside the tenant’s unit.
Pets are not allowed to be leashed/tied at the balcony areas or any
common areas in the building.
No Pets are allowed to loiter around any parts of the building without
its caregiver.

It is the caregiver’s responsibility to clean the litter/poop of their pets

when roaming around in any parts of the premises of the apartment
building or any spots within the subdivision neighborhood.

Any caregiver, tenants, residents and/or occupants violating these pet

rules will be penalized and charged with P2,000 per violation (ie.
Leaving pet litter behind, Not wiping pet urine, Not cleaning pet vomit,
etc.) and will be given a Letter of Reprimand per violation.

Three (3) Letters of Reprimand due to Pet Housekeeping Violation will

constitute To tenant’s eviction.

Pest Control
Scheduled pest control services within the common areas against rodents,
mosquitoes, vermin, and other pests, including inspection for the presence
of wood termites, will be provided by the apartment admin upon prior notice
to unit tenants, residents and/or occupants. The expenses to be incurred for
such services will form part of the apartment maintenance dues for the
common areas.
Unit tenants, residents and/or occupants who want to avail of pest control
services for their units shall notify the Property Admin. Said service will have
a corresponding service fee payable directly to the accredited service
provider of the Apartment Admin.
Currently, there are no Monthly Dues and Assessments imposed on tenants,
residents and/or occupants.

This part will be updated soon.


All tenants, residents and/or occupants of the apartment units is not
authorized by the apartment owner to sell, sublease or make the rented
apartment a collateral for any loans/mortgages.

Any tenants violating this rule will automatically be evicted and sent to
proper legal venue.


Currently, there are no brokers or property agents authorized by the
apartment owner to transact on the owner’s behalf.
You may directly contact the apartment owner for any questions or dealings
and clarifications.
1. All unit tenants, residents and/or occupants including those
under their employ or supervision, shall observe and comply with
the House Rules and Regulations as may be promulgated from
time to time by the Apartment Admin, and with all rules and
regulations, ordinances and laws made by health and other duly
constituted local or national authorities regarding the use,
occupancy and sanitation of units.
2. Unit tenants, residents and/or occupants shall be liable for any
and all damages caused to any person, property of the
Apartment Owner and its authorized representatives, arising out
of or as a result of any violation or breach of the House Rules
and Regulations. Declarations of restrictions as amended, which
is attributable to said unit tenants, residents and/or occupants
and their children, guest/s, visitor/s, employee/s and domestic
3. Tipping and giving gifts to all property personnel is fine.
Christmas time may be an opportunity to contribute to a
common fund for administrative activities.
4. Apartment Admin employees may not be requested and/or sent
by a unit tenants, residents and/or occupants for any personal
5. Complaints and suggestions on any matter shall be directed in
writing to the Apartment Owner thru email at
[email protected]

1. The Apartment Owner carries sufficient fire and property damage
insurance on the building structure, common areas and
equipment. The insurance premium paid by the Apartment
Owner is from their personal expense since there are no monthly
dues payment required from the tenants.
2. The legal liability of the apartment owner to third parties is not
insured under the policy arranged by the Apartment Owner.
If unit tenants, residents and/or occupants wish to insure their
legal liability, such as the furnishing, fixtures, fittings and
contents of their unit, which are not covered by the Apartment
Owner’s Policy, they are strongly recommended to seek advice
from a reputable insurance company with regard to the level and
extent of cover which would meet their requirements.


1. Whenever a unit will be unoccupied by tenants, residents

and/or occupants for an extend period of time (for more than 1
week), the key/s to his unit should be left with an authorized
representative. He is required to inform the Property Admi, in
writing, of such arrangement. Otherwise, any representations
made will be denied access to the unit and premises.
2. If any of the keys to the unit are entrusted by a unit tenants,
residents and/or occupants to a representative, the acceptance
of the keys will be at the sole risk of the concerned unit tenants,
residents and/or occupants. The Apartment Owner/Admin and its
authorized representative will not be held liable for any injury,
damage or loss of any nature resulting directly or indirectly from
the arrangement.
3. The Property Owner/Admin has the right to access, by any
means, any occupied unit in emergency cases – in situations
when immediate entry into the unit is necessary to prevent
injury or damage to residents and property. The representative
in possession of the keys of the keys to the unoccupied unit
must, upon request by the Apartment Admin, provide access to
the unit as soon as possible after the request for entry is made.

No video recording, photography or playing of audio-visual or stereo
equipment in the common areas of the building will be allowed without
the prior written permission of the Apartment Owner and/or Property
The unit tenants, residents and/or occupants shall not fix, paint or put
any name, logo, notice, sign or other advertising medium or
paraphernalia, on any part of the common areas of the building. No
signs, posters or displays shall be attached to the unit.

No renovation works are allowed in any of the rented / leased
apartment units without prior approval and written consent from the
Apartment Owner.

Only in-house maintenance men are allowed to do repairs or

installation works inside any parts of the apartment units / building.

The tenants, residents and/or occupants agreed to have rented the

apartment unit in a AS-IS WHERE-IS BASIS.

Any forms of alterations or enhancements in structural, plumbing,

electrical, mechanical are not allowed in any parts of the rented units.

If the tenants, residents and/or occupants wants to change the Paint

Color of the Interior of the unit, they are allowed to do so but they
need to revert the Paint Color to the original color of the Interior when
the Lease Contract expired and before they surrender the unit to the

The rented unit must be surrendered by the tenants, residents and/or

occupants the way as it was originally handed over to them when they
first moved in.

The Property Admin or his representative/s has the right to inspect the
rented apartment units and surroundings to ensure that HOUSE RULES
are being complied and implemented by the tenants, residents and/or
occupants at all times.
Other prohibitions within the building premises:

a.) SMOKING – The Property Admin or Staffs may confiscate

cigarettes, lighters/matches belonging to the tenants, residents,
occupants and/or visitors if found to have violated proper
disposal of lighted cigarettes and if caught smoking in prohibited
b.) DRINKING OF LIQUOR – Liquors will likewise be confiscated.
c.) COOKING – Electrical or Induction Stoves and Cooker are
required for indoor unit cooking. Grilling and use of gas
operated stoves are only allowed outdoors (balconies) where
proper ventilation is present.
d.) GAMBLING – Gambling is strictly prohibited within the premises.
The property admin has the right to confiscate any gambling
e.) BATHING – Tenants, residents and/or occupants are not allowed
to use the common area shower room and/or comfort
rooms for bathing purposes.

f.) LOITERING – Tenants, residents and/or occupants shall confine

themselves within their rented unit’s premises and avoid
unnecessary loitering in any parts of the apartment building
which may cause inconvenience or annoyance to other tenants.
g.) UTILITIES – Utility consumption will be charged to the respective
tenants, residents and/or occupants and should be paid timely
by them to avoid any interruptions to utility services.
h.) PROPER CONDUCT – The unit Tenants, residents and/or
occupants shall be responsible for controlling and monitoring the
conduct of his co-tenants/visitors.
i.) WAIVER – The Apartment Owners, Property Admin and/or its
representatives will not be held responsible for any damage/s
and/or injury/ies resulting from unauthorized repairs or
construction works in the rented unit/s.
j.) ATTIRE – Tenants, residents and/or occupants should wear
proper clothing when going to the common areas.

Tenants, residents and/or occupants shall be responsible for the safety
and security of all their belongings and well-being.

Tenants, residents and/or occupants may employ their own Security

Guards and must be stationed outside their respective Apartment Units

The Apartment Owner’s hired Security Personnel should always be

superior than the Security Personnel hired by the individual unit

These Rules may be changed, amended or revised at any time by the
Apartment Owners.
Present and Future circulars shall form part of the House Rules and


Barangay Sauyo (Barangay Hall)

Desk Officer No.
7369-91-56 * 8983-04-42

Barangay Sauyo Fire Brigade

In case of Fire or Emergency, please call:
BARANGAY SAUYO HOTLINE: 7369-91-56/8983-04-42
Tel. No. 8937-1703/8939-6070
Globe No. 09613011376


Station Commander



Tel. No. 8-9363624
Smart No. 09985987948
Smart No. 09387142248


Station Commander



Tel. No. 8526-0157/8626-0157
Globe No. 09661691997
Smart No. 09985987950


Station Commander



Mindanao Avenue, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Phone: +63 936 610 1692

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