Physics Answer Scheme

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SECTION A (1 mark x 30)

1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. A

11. C 12. B 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. A 19. C 20. D

21. B 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. C 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. B

SECTION B (54 marks)

1) a) Base quantity is the physical quantity that cannot be defined in terms of other
base quantity. Derived quantity is the physical quantity due to combinations of
two or more physical quantities by multiplication, division or both. / Kuantiti asas
adalah kuantiti fizik yang tidak boleh ditakrifkan dalam kuantiti asas yang lain.
Kuantiti terbitan adalah kuantiti fizik hasil daripada kombinasi dua atau lebih
kuantiti fizik melalui pendaraban, pembahagian atau kedua-duanya.

b) Base quantity: Mass / Jisim (Accept any correct answer)

Derived quantity: Speed / Laju (Accept any correct answer)

c) i. 985 Gs = 985 x 109 s ii. 5.9 kg = 5.9 x 103 g

= 985 x 109 x 101 ds = 5.9 x 103 x 10-6 Mg
=9.85 x 1012 ds (2m) = 5.9 x 10-3 Mg (2m)

iii. 65 km/h= 65 x 103 m / 1 h iv. 10 m/s = 10 x 10-3 km / 1 s

= 65 x 103 m / 3600s = 10 x 10-3 km x 3600 h-1
= 18.06 ms-1 (2m) = 36 kmh-1 (2m)

2) a) Scalar quantity, Vector Quantity / Kuantiti skalar, Kuantiti Vektor

b) Scalar quantity is the physical quantity that has only magnitude. Vector
quantity is the physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction. / Kuantiti
skalar adalah kuantiti fizik yang hanya mempunyai magnitud sahaja. Kuantiti vektor
adalah kuantiti fizik yang mempunyai kedua-dua magnitud dan arah.
c) Scalar, scalar, vector, scalar, scalar / Skalar, skalar, vektor, skalar, skalar

3) a) i) 0.02 s
ii) 0.02 s x 10 = 0.2 s
iii) u = 2 cm / 0.2 s = 10 cm/s
iv) v = 12 cm / 0.2 s = 60 cm/s
b) i) t = 10 x 0.02 s x 10 = 2 s
ii) a = (v-u) / t
= (60 – 10) cm/s / 2 s
= 25 cm/s2
iii) vave = (2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12) cm / (11 x 0.2 s)
= 77 cm / 2.2 s
= 35 cm/s
4) a) i) Uniform velocity / Halaju seragam
ii) Uniform acceleration followed by uniform velocity
/ Pecutan seragam diikuti halaju seragam
b) i) 0 ms-2
ii) Gradient is zero / Kecerunan adalah sifar.
Uniform velocity of 25 ms-1 / Halaju seragam dengan 25 ms-1
d) spolice = 25 m/s x 60 s x 1/2
= 750 m
Skidnapper = 20 m/s x 60 s
= 1200 m
e) Cannot. Because displacement travelled by police is less than kidnapper.
spolice < skidnapper
Tidak boleh. Kerana sesaran yang dilalui oleh polis
adalah kurang daripada penculik.
spolis < spenculik

SECTION C (16 marks)

a) i) MV: Length of pendulum, l /Panjang bandul, l
ii) RV: Period of oscillation, T / Tempoh ayunan, T
b) t = 42.4 s, 50.0 s, 56.2 s, 61.6 s, 66.4 s
c) T = 4.24 s, 5.00 s, 5.62 s, 6.16 s, 6.64 s
d) T2 = 17.98 s2, 25.00 s2, 31.58 s2, 37.95 s2, 44.09 s2

Length of Pendulum, l / cm Period, T / s Period squared, T2 / s2

Panjang bandul, l / cm Tempoh, T / s Tempoh persegi, T2 / s2

30.0 4.24 17.98

40.0 5.00 25.00

50.0 5.62 31.58

60.0 6.16 37.95

70.0 6.64 44.09

Marking Criteria For Graph

1. Label Y-axis and X-axis correctly.

2. State the units at the axes correctly.

3. Both axes with the even and uniform scale.

4. 5 points correctly plotted

5. A smooth best straight line

6. Minimum size of the graph is 4 (base) x 5 (height) squares of 2 x 2 cm (1/2 the size of the graph

Number of Criteria Score

6 5

5 4

3-4 3

2 2

f) T2 is directly proportional to l. / T2 berkadar terus dengan l.

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