Pneumomediastinum and Subcutaneous Emphysema in COVID-19: Barotrauma or Lung Frailty?

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Pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous

emphysema in COVID-19: barotrauma or
lung frailty?
Daniel H.L. Lemmers 1,2,6, Mohammed Abu Hilal1,6, Claudio Bnà3,
Chiara Prezioso4,5, Erika Cavallo4,5, Niccolò Nencini 4,5, Serena Crisci4,5,
Federica Fusina 4 and Giuseppe Natalini4

Background: In mechanically ventilated acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
patients infected with the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), we frequently recognised the
development of pneumomediastinum and/or subcutaneous emphysema despite employing a protective
mechanical ventilation strategy. The purpose of this study was to determine if the incidence of
pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema in COVID-19 patients was higher than in ARDS patients
without COVID-19 and if this difference could be attributed to barotrauma or to lung frailty.
Methods: We identified both a cohort of patients with ARDS and COVID-19 (CoV-ARDS), and a cohort
of patients with ARDS from other causes (noCoV-ARDS).
Patients with CoV-ARDS were admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) during the COVID-19
pandemic and had microbiologically confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2) infection. NoCoV-ARDS was identified by an ARDS diagnosis in the 5 years before the
COVID-19 pandemic period.
Results: Pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema occurred in 23 out of 169 (13.6%) patients with
CoV-ARDS and in three out of 163 (1.9%) patients with noCoV-ARDS ( p<0.001). Mortality was 56.5% in
CoV-ARDS patients with pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema and 50% in patients without
pneumomediastinum ( p=0.46).
CoV-ARDS patients had a high incidence of pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema despite the
use of low tidal volume (5.9±0.8 mL·kg−1 ideal body weight) and low airway pressure ( plateau pressure
23±4 cmH2O).
Conclusions: We observed a seven-fold increase in pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema in
CoV-ARDS. An increased lung frailty in CoV-ARDS could explain this finding more than barotrauma,
which, according to its etymology, refers to high transpulmonary pressure.

Pneumomediastinum is more frequent in #COVID19 patients with ARDS despite the use of a
protective ventilatory approach. Lung frailty, and not barotrauma, appears to be the main cause
of this finding.

Cite this article as: Lemmers DHL, Abu Hilal M, Bnà C, et al. Pneumomediastinum and
subcutaneous emphysema in COVID-19: barotrauma or lung frailty? ERJ Open Res 2020; 6: 00385-
2020 [].

Availability of data and material: The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available
from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Received: 15 June 2020 | Accepted after revision: 14 Sept 2020
Copyright ©ERS 2020. This article is open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Non-Commercial Licence 4.0. ERJ Open Res 2020; 6: 00385-2020


Since the beginning of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Lombardy, Italy,
the Fondazione Poliambulanza Hospital has treated over 2200 affected patients, and over 160 of them were
admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) for treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
secondary to COVID-19.
All patients admitted to ICU underwent invasive mechanical ventilation with protective criteria aimed at
preventing ventilator-induced lung injury. The current approach to protective ventilation, which became
universally accepted after the ARDS Network trial [1], is based on the reduction of tidal volume to about
6 mL·kg−1 of ideal body weight while maintaining the airway plateau pressure below 30 cmH2O [2]. In the
last two decades, as a consequence of this strategy, the occurrence of the main macroscopic signs of
barotrauma such as pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema have become very
rare [3]. In fact, this type of damage had been rarely seen in our ICU patients with ARDS. Nonetheless,
during the COVID-19 pandemic there seemed to be a remarkable increase in pneumomediastinum/
subcutaneous emphysema occurrence despite the use of the same unchanged protective mechanical
ventilation protocol. A decrease in lung compliance, age and underlying lung disease (such as interstitial
lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cystic fibrosis, and certain lung infections like
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia) are known risk factors for non-trauma related pneumomediastinum [4],
Yet the causes of the apparent increase in pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema in our
COVID-19 patients were not clear. The purpose of this study was to determine if the incidence of
pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients admitted
to ICU was higher than that in ARDS patients without COVID-19, and whether this could be attributed
to barotrauma or rather to lung frailty.

Material and methods

Study design and participants
The referral Ethics Committee approved a waiver of consent from individual patients due to the
retrospective nature of the study. Inclusion criteria were: 1) age older than 18 years, 2) ARDS diagnosis at
ICU admission [5] and 3) invasive mechanical ventilation.
Two cohorts were created. The first cohort included patients with ARDS [5] and COVID-19 (CoV-ARDS)
who were admitted to the ICU from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. We considered
the pandemic period as starting on February 18, 2020, which was the day of the first diagnosis of severe
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in an Italian patient. SARS-CoV-2
infection was diagnosed with a positive real-time reverse transcriptase PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 on
biological samples. Patients admitted until April 15, 2020 were included in the study. The second cohort
included patients between January 2015, and December 2019, admitted to the ICU with an ARDS
diagnosis [5], before the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic period in Italy (noCoV-ARDS).
All data and variables were extracted from the electronic patient registry. The diagnosis of
pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema was confirmed by computed tomography (CT) scan or
chest radiograph.

Outcome measures and explanatory variables

The outcome variable was the incidence of pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema in patients
with ARDS secondary to COVID-19. Response variables were patient-related characteristics such as age,
sex, body mass index and comorbidities, and characteristics related to acute respiratory failure and
mechanical ventilation, such as positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) (cmH2O), peak airway pressure
(cmH2O), plateau airway pressure (cmH2O), pH, arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) (mmHg), arterial
oxygen tension (PaO2)/inspiratory oxygen fraction (FIO2) (mmHg), compliance of the respiratory system
(mL·cmH2O−1), minute ventilation (L·min−1), corrected minute ventilation (L·min−1) and tidal volume/
ideal body weight (mL·kg−1). Corrected minute ventilation, an indirect estimation of dead space, was
calculated as minute ventilation×PaCO2/40. [5].

Affiliations: 1Dept of Surgery, Fondazione Poliambulanza, Brescia, Italy. 2Dept of Surgery, Amsterdam UMC,
Cancer Center Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 3Dept of Radiology,
Fondazione Poliambulanza, Brescia, Italy. 4Dept of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Fondazione Poliambulanza,
Brescia, Italy. 5Dept of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Catholic University of The Sacred Heart,
Rome, Italy. 6These authors contributed equally.

Correspondence: Giuseppe Natalini, Dept of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Istituto Fondazione
Poliambulanza, Via Bissolati 57, 25124, Brescia, Italy. E-mail: [email protected] 2

Statistical analysis
Variables were presented with frequencies and percentages for categorical variables, as median (1st–3rd
quartile) for non-normal distributed continuous variables and as mean±standard deviation for normal
distributed continuous variables. The difference in explanatory variables was assessed using a Chi-squared
test or Fisher test for dichotomous and categorical variables, a t-test for normally distributed continuous
variables, and a Mann–Whitney U test for non-normal distributed continuous variables. A p-value lower
than 0.05 was considered significant. Statistical analyses were performed with R 3.6.3 (R Core Team, 2020;
R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria).

Baseline characteristics
One hundred and sixty-nine CoV-ARDS patients and 163 noCoV-ARDS patients were included in this
study. Patients’ characteristics are shown in table 1.
Patients with CoV-ARDS were younger, more frequently male, with a higher body mass index, with a
lower prevalence of diabetes mellitus and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease than noCoV-ARDS
patients. Pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema incidence, and in-hospital mortality were higher
in CoV-ARDS than in noCoV-ARDS patients. CoV-ARDS patients were ventilated with a higher PEEP,
and lower tidal volume/ideal body weight than noCoV-ARDS patients. Compliance of the respiratory
system, and PaO2/FIO2 were lower in CoV-ARDS patients, whereas corrected minute ventilation was higher
when compared to noCoV-ARDS. PaCO2 was higher in CoV-ARDS than in noCoV-ARDS patients, as a
result of similar minute ventilation in the presence of increased dead space estimation.

Pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema
Twenty-three of the 169 patients admitted to ICU with CoV-ARDS developed pneumomediastinum/
subcutaneous emphysema. The characteristics of patients with and without pneumomediastinum/
subcutaneous emphysema in CoV-ARDS on the day of ICU admission are shown in table 2. The only
significant difference between patients with and without pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema
was a lower minute ventilation on the day of ICU admission in patients with pneumomediastinum/

TABLE 1 Baseline characteristics on first day of mechanical ventilation and outcomes in

patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) secondary to novel coronavirus
disease (COVID-19) and ARDS from other diseases

Variables CoV-ARDS noCoV-ARDS p-value

Subjects n 169 163

Age years 66 (59–71) 72 (62–78) <0.001
Male sex 133 (78.7) 106 (65.4) 0.007
Body mass index kg·m−2 28 (25–31) 27 (24–31) 0.02
Diabetes mellitus 26 (15.4) 47 (29) 0.003
Arterial hypertension 90 (53.3) 96 (59.3) 0.27
COPD 4 (2.4) 22 (13.5) <0.001
Positive end-expiratory pressure cmH2O 12 (10–14) 8 (5–9) <0.001
Peak airway pressure cmH2O 30±5 22±6 <0.001
Plateau airway pressure cmH2O 23±4 19±3 <0.001
pH 7·29±0.12 7·33±0.14 0.15
PaCO2 mmHg 56±16 46±12 <0.001
Compliance of the respiratory system mL·cmH2O−1 28 (22–34) 35 (25–43) <0.001
Minute ventilation L·min−1 8.8±1.3 8.7±2.3 0.62
Corrected minute ventilation L·min−1 12.4 (9.3–15) 9.6 (7.5–11.8) <0.001
PaO2/FIO2 mmHg 111 (86–153) 140 (100–198) <0.001
Tidal volume/ideal body weight mL·kg−1 5.9±0.8 6.6±1.3 <0.001
Length of stay in intensive care unit 10 (5–18) 7 (3–20) 0.22
Length of stay in hospital 15 (9–24) 20 (11–33) 0.002
In-hospital mortality 86 (50.9) 43 (26.6) <0.001
Pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema 23 (13.6) 3 (1.9) <0.001

Data are presented as median (interquartile range), n (%) or mean±SD, unless otherwise stated.
CoV-ARDS: ARDS from COVID-19; noCoV-ARDS: ARDS secondary to other diseases; PaCO2: arterial carbon
dioxide tension; PaO2: arterial oxygen tension; FIO2: inspiratory oxygen fraction. 3

TABLE 2 Baseline characteristics and outcomes in patients with acute respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS) secondary to novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) with and without
pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema (P/SE)

Variables Without P/SE With P/SE p-value

Subjects n 146 23
Age years 67 (59–71) 64 (60–70) 0.24
Male sex 118 (80.8) 15 (65) 0.09
Body mass index kg·m−2 28 (26–31) 27 (25–31) 0.29
Diabetes mellitus 23 (15.8) 3 (13) 0.74
Arterial hypertension 79 (54.1) 11 (47.8) 0.58
COPD 4 (2.7) 0 (0) 1
Positive end-expiratory pressure cmH2O 12 (10–14) 12 (8–15) 0.72
Peak airway pressure cmH2O 29±5 30±5 0.56
Plateau airway pressure cmH2O 23±4 24±6 0.80
pH 7.28±0.12 7.33±0.11 0.07
PaCO2 mmHg 57±16 53±15 0.26
Compliance of the respiratory system mL·cmH2O−1 27 (22–33) 28 (22–36) 0.55
Minute ventilation L·min−1 8.9±1.3 8.3±1.1 0.04
Corrected minute ventilation L·min−1 12.7 (9.4–15) 9.9 (8.4–13.1) 0.07
PaO2/FIO2 mmHg 114 (86–153) 105 (81–137) 0.21
Tidal volume/ideal body weight mL·kg−1 5.9±0.8 6.1±0.9 0.23
Length of stay in intensive care unit 9 (5–18) 11 (6–21) 0.44
Length of stay in hospital 14 (8–23) 18 (12–28) 0.18
In-hospital mortality 73 (50) 13 (56.5) 0.46

Data are presented as median (interquartile range), n (%) or mean±SD, unless otherwise stated. PaCO2: arterial
carbon dioxide tension; PaO2: arterial oxygen tension; FIO2: inspiratory oxygen fraction.

subcutaneous emphysema. No difference in PEEP, plateau pressure, tidal volume/ideal body weight and
compliance were observed.
Table 3 compares mechanical ventilation and gas exchange data on the day of ICU admission and on the
day of pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema occurrence for the 23 CoV-ARDS patients who
developed pneumomediastinum. PEEP and plateau pressure were lower on the day on which
pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema developed than on the day of ICU admission, and tidal
volume was slightly increased. The average day of appearance of pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous
emphysema for CoV-ARDS patients was 3.5 (0.25–7.75) days.

TABLE 3 Ventilatory variables of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
secondary to novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) who developed pneumomediastinum/
subcutaneous emphysema (n=23)

Variables On the first day of mechanical On the day of p-value

ventilation P/SE

Positive end-expiratory pressure cmH2O 12 (8–15) 9 (6–13) 0.002

Peak airway pressure cmH2O 30±5 29±5 0.08
Plateau airway pressure cmH2O 24±5 22±4 0.045
pH 7.32±0.09 7.33±0.13 0.4
PaCO2 mmHg 54±14 53±12 0.77
Compliance of the respiratory system 25 (22–34) 33 (27–40) 0.13
Minute ventilation L·min−1 8.4±1.2 8.9±2.1 0.13
Corrected minute ventilation L·min−1 11.5±4 12.1±4.1 0.45
PaO2/FIO2 mmHg 108±33 131±76 0.13
Tidal volume/ideal body weight mL·kg−1 6±0.9 6.7±1.7 0.008

Data are presented as median (interquartile range) or mean±SD, unless otherwise stated. P/SE:
pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema; PaCO2: arterial carbon dioxide tension; PaO2: arterial
oxygen tension; FIO2: inspiratory oxygen fraction. 4

To the best of our knowledge, this study represents to date the largest cohort of patients who developed
pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema. The occurrence of pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous
emphysema was rare in noCOV-ARDS but was more frequent in CoV-ARDS even if the same protective
ventilatory approach was applied.
The causes of pneumomediastinum in mechanically ventilated patients can be multifactorial [4].
Pulmonary barotrauma in patients with ARDS has traditionally been related to the development of high
airway pressure associated with high tidal volume ventilation (∼12 mL·kg−1 ideal body weight) [6–8].

a) b)

c) d)

e) f)

FIGURE 1 Chest computed tomography scan, performed in a patient with multiple ground-glass lesions and
infiltrates (acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) secondary to novel coronavirus disease 2019). The
scan shows the Macklin effect due to alveolar rupture, air leakage and dissection along bronchovascular
sheaths with pulmonary interstitial emphysema and pneumomediastinum, that extends widely along the
muscle bundles of the chest and neck. A subcutaneous emphysema and extension of pneumomediastinum in
the abdomen is also seen. 5

Despite the fact that airway pressure in CoV-ARDS patients was higher than that in noCoV-ARDS, the
criteria of protective ventilation were respected in CoV-ARDS patients as well. Indeed, in CoV-ARDS
patients, average plateau pressure was 23 cmH2O, a value lower than the threshold of 30 cmH2O
recommended by current guidelines [2] and lower than the average 26 cmH2O recorded at the onset of
severe ARDS in the LUNG SAFE study patients [2, 9]. Moreover, tidal volume was lower (5.9 mL·kg−1
ideal body weight on average) than what has been previously found (7.5 mL·kg−1 ideal body weight on
average in the LUNG SAFE patients [9]) and in line with guidelines [2]. In the CoV-ARDS cohort,
patients who developed pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema had similar airway pressure on
the day of ICU admission to patients who did not develop it. Moreover, airway pressures were lower on
the day pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema was noticed than on the day on which mechanical
ventilation was started.
Considering this, pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema in CoV-ARDS does not appear to be
associated with the classic barotrauma mechanism, which, according to its etymology, refers only to high
transpulmonary pressures [10]. This is in agreement with a previously published study on >5000
mechanically ventilated patients, in which the presence of air outside the tracheobronchial tree
( pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous emphysema) was unrelated to airway pressures and
tidal volume [11]. Therefore, the automatic association between barotrauma and presence of air outside
the tracheobronchial tree in mechanically ventilated patients [11, 12] should be reconsidered. Actually, the
term “barotrauma” should be used in presence of air outside the tracheobronchial tree only when
concurrent with elevated airway pressure. In its absence, such a condition should not be referred to as
barotrauma, but simply described for what it is ( pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous emphysema,
pneumothorax). Whenever barotrauma is excluded, the underlying disease should be considered as the
cause for the pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema. In fact, obstructive pulmonary diseases and
ARDS are known risk factors for the development of pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema [11].
All of our patients had ARDS, while chronic obstructive pulmonary disease had a low prevalence and was
even less frequent in CoV-ARDS than in noCoV-ARDS patients.
Ground-glass opacities, crazy paving appearance, air space consolidation, bronchovascular thickening and
dilatation can be seen on CT scans of COVID-19 patients [13]. In addition, patients with
pneumomediastinum can have radiological signs of intraparenchymal lesions such as pneumatocele and
interstitial emphysema [14]. Pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema could be attributed to the
Macklin effect as seen in figure 1. This pathophysiological process is characterised by alveolar ruptures, air
dissection along bronchovascular sheaths and spreading of the pulmonary interstitial emphysema into the
mediastinum. The rupture along the alveolar tree releases alveolar air which centripetally dissects through
the pulmonary interstitium along the bronchovascular sheaths toward the pulmonary hila [14, 15].
The high incidence of pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema (13%) observed during the COVID-19
crisis is worrying and deserves a careful assessment. Even though the mortality rate was not significantly
different in patients with and without pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema, future studies should
focus on the follow-up of surviving patients who developed pneumomediastinum/subcutaneous emphysema.
This is essential in determining its effect on long-term outcomes, such as on lung function or on the
development of lung diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or pulmonary fibrosis [16].

Author contributions: Each author has contributed significantly to, and is willing to take public responsibility for, the
following aspects of the study. Design: D.H.L. Lemmers, M. Abu Hilal, C. Bna, G. Natalini. Data Acquisition: D.H.L.
Lemmers, M. Abu Hilal, G. Natalini, C. Prezioso, E. Cavallo, N. Nencini, S. Crisci. Analysis: D.H.L. Lemmers, M. Abu
Hilal, G. Natalini. Interpretation: D.H.L. Lemmers, M. Abu Hilal, C. Bna, F. Fusina, G. Natalini. Drafting: D.H.L.
Lemmers, M. Abu Hilal, G. Natalini, C. Prezioso, E. Cavallo, N. Nencini, S. Crisci, F. Fusina. Critical Revision: D.H.L.
Lemmers, M. Abu Hilal, C. Bna, C. Prezioso, E. Cavallo, N. Nencini, S. Crisci, F. Fusina, G. Natalini

Ethical approval: Our referral Ethics Committee approved a waiver of consent for this retrospective study. Protocol
number: NP 4142

Conflict of interest: None declared.

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