Tracheostomy in the COVID-19 pandemic

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European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (2020) 277:2133–2135


Tracheostomy in the COVID‑19 pandemic

Francesco Mattioli1 · Matteo Fermi1 · Michael Ghirelli1 · Gabriele Molteni3 · Nicola Sgarbi2 · Elisabetta Bertellini2 ·
Massimo Girardis2 · Livio Presutti1 · Andrea Marudi2

Received: 7 April 2020 / Accepted: 11 April 2020 / Published online: 22 April 2020
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Purpose The role of tracheostomy in COVID-19-related ARDS is unknown. Nowadays, there is no clear indication regard-
ing the timing of tracheostomy in these patients.
Methods We describe our synergic experience between ENT and ICU Departments at University Hospital of Modena
underlining some controversial aspects that would be worth discussing tracheostomies in these patients. During the last
2 weeks, we performed 28 tracheostomies on patients with ARDS due to COVID-19 infection who were treated with IMV.
Results No differences between percutaneous and surgical tracheostomy in terms of timing and no case of team virus
Conclusion In our experience, tracheostomy should be performed only in selected patients within 7- and 14-day orotracheal

Keywords COVID-19 · Tracheostomy · Invasive mechanic ventilation

To date, over 940,000 “Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID- Tracheostomy is a widely used intervention in patients
19) cases have been confirmed, with over 39,000 deaths. At with acute respiratory failure, especially when clinicians pre-
the writing time, the COVID-19 epidemic is striking hard dict a patient’s need for prolonged IMV, but at the moment,
in Italy, being the second country in terms of infected and no recommendation on COVID-19-affected patients exists
dead people. The mortality appears to be around 2%; early [3].
published data indicate 25.9% with COVID-19 pneumonia Herein, we describe our synergic experience between
required intensive care unit (ICU) admission and 20.1% ENT and ICU Departments at University Hospital of Mod-
developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [1, ena underlining some controversial aspects that would worth
2]. Non-invasive support methods (i.e., CPAP, BiPAP, NIV, discussing tracheostomies in these patients.
HFNO) might correct hypoxemia and avoid endotracheal During the last 2 weeks, we performed 28 tracheostomies
intubation but may either delay intubation with potential on patients with ARDS due to COVID-19 infection who
complications. Invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) via were treated with IMV.
an endotracheal tube (ETT) is being commonly employed There are no studies addressing mechanical ventilation
during this outbreak. strategies in COVID-19 outbreaks. COVID-19-related
ARDS often requires prolonged intubation as observed in
our experience. In addition, early extubating attempts fre-
quently require a re-intubation procedure. According to
* Francesco Mattioli Meng et al. these should be considered difficult and compli-
[email protected] cated intubations for different reasons (i.e., no respiratory
Otolaryngology‑Head and Neck Surgery Department,
reserve, strict infection control and urgency, personal protec-
University Hospital of Modena, Via del Pozzo 71, tive equipment, psychological pressure) [4].
41100 Modena, Italy Tracheostomy offers several advantages in terms of
Department of Anesthesiology, University Hospital improved comfort management, reduced sedative, and
of Modena, Via del Pozzo 71, 41100 Modena, Italy paralytic medical support, reducing death space. Moreover,
Head and Neck Department, University of Verona, Verona,

2134 European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (2020) 277:2133–2135

tracheostomy reduces airways resistance, lessening the work of the trachea, probably caused by prolonged over-cuffed
of breathing optimizing the tracheal secretion control [5]. intubation and/or prone position ventilation or previously
This procedure results in better patient comfort and facili- repeated extubation and re-intubation procedures. We did
tates restoring patient autonomy, even if it carries its own not delay tracheostomy timing until the COVID-19 de-
risks. Aerosol-generating procedures, such as endotracheal activation time was reached and no one has been infected.
intubation, extubation, and tracheostomy, have been impli- However, unless emergent, surgical procedures should
cated with the transmission of infectious agents to healthcare only be undertaken after ascertaining the COVID-19 status
personnel in previous papers regarding the SARS outbreak. to decrease potential virus exposure to the team.
An increasing need for ICU admission due to COVID- It is recommended during aerosol-generating proce-
19-related ARDS can be expected within the next months. dures on patients with COVID-19 to wear a fit-tested N95
The magnitude of this demand may cause an imbalance mask in addition to gloves, gown, face/eye protection
between the real clinical needs of the population and the and to perform these procedures in an airborne isolation
effective availability of intensive resources. This scenario room. Both percutaneous and surgical tracheostomies can
can be substantially assimilated to the field of “Disaster be performed. Surgical tracheostomy should be indicated
medicine” where tracheostomy is a tool for early ICU dis- for BMI > 30 patients with short neck and documented
charge [3]. Indeed, tracheostomy could allow discharge from thyroid gland hypertrophy. We have been always per-
ICU to intermediate care ward in patients with ongoing IMV. forming trans-isthmus tracheostomy with tracheal-to-
In the LUNG SAFE study, involving ARDS patients from skin stitches on inferior margin without ETT removal to
459 ICUs across 50 countries, tracheostomy was performed avoid accidental displacement of tracheal cannula. Cuffed
in 13% of patients, whose 75% after the first week of ICU non-fenestrated cannula should be used to limit diffusion
stay [6]. The median timing of tracheostomy was 14 days of the virus. Every effort should be made not to pierce
after the onset of ARDS. The difficulty for clinicians in the cuff of the ETT when performing tracheostomy. Ini-
predicting which patients will require prolonged ventilation tial advancement of the ETT should be performed prior
support in the early phases of critical illness is a caveat. to tracheostomy window being made. Ventilation has to
There is no identified time point when afflicted patients cease prior to tracheostomy tube insertion, which has to be
either improve, remain stable, or progress toward death due swift and accurate with prompt inflation of the cuff. Most
to pulmonary complications. skilled ENT surgeon should perform the procedure due to
No recommendation can be given about tracheostomy the uncomfortable setting of the ICU COVID-19 room and
within 7 days in COVID-19 patients. In this early phase, personal protective equipment.
aggressive treatments and intensive care are needed for The role of tracheostomy in COVID-19-related ARDS
critically ill patients and tracheostomy could not result in is unknown. Nowadays, there is no clear indication regard-
improvement in hypoxia, multiple organ dysfunction, virus ing the timing of tracheostomy in these patients. There is
clearance, and in shorter duration of IMV. no evidence that tracheostomy improves patient’s clinical
If the patient meets weaning targets like FiO2 less than course. It is established that tracheostomy reduces the ICU
40%, PEEP < 8, PaO2/FiO2 > 200, pressure support < 8 stay. In the context of prolonged IMV required in COVID-
­cmH2O, extubation could be reached between 7 and 14 days, 19 experience, tracheostomy should be suggested to avoid
tracheostomy should be postponed. potential tracheal damages within 7 and 14 days. Surgical
After 7 days in patients far from reaching weaning targets, tracheostomy should be proposed only in selected patients.
tracheostomy could be performed, but there is a lack of data The ENT and ICU specialists should pay meticulous
regarding this topic. attention to the details of infection control, to minimize
Additional critical outcome scores, such as high res- cross-contamination and their own risk of contracting the
piratory SOFA score, might be beneficial to identify those illness. We suggest other colleagues to share their experi-
COVID-19 patients who are too sick to benefit from further ence with this topic.
interventional procedure [7].
Moreover, performing a tracheostomy appears to be
influenced by other factors as local medical practices and
expertise and costs relating to the procedure and equipment. Funding None.
In our experience, several delayed (> 14 OTI days) tra-
cheostomies were performed especially in the first-affected Compliance with ethical standards
intubated cases who required re-intubation without clini-
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
cal improvement, and in case of lack of ICU places. We interest.
report a case where important tracheomalacia and poste-
rior tracheal wall damage were observed after the opening Ethical approval Not applicable.

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (2020) 277:2133–2135 2135

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