Security Features of LTE M and NB IoT Networks

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Security Features of LTE-M

and NB-IoT Networks

Mobile IoT Security Report
Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report


1 Executive Summary 1
2 Introduction 2
3 Mobile IoT Security Features 3

3.1 Use of Licensed Spectrum, SIMs and Security Standards 3

3.2 Secure Communication Channels 3

Secure Communication Channels: the Mobile Operator Perspective 4

3.3 Managed Communications 5

Managed Communications: the Mobile Operator Perspective 5

3.4 Data over NAS (DoNAS) 6

DoNAS: the Mobile Operator Perspective 7

3.5 Non-IP Data Delivery (NIDD) 7

NIDD: the Mobile Operator Perspective 8

4 Conclusions 9

Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report
Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report

1. Executive Summary

By making it cost-effective to deploy secure low power Managed communications:

wide area (LPWA) connectivity, Mobile IoT technologies
For IoT applications, devices typically only need to com-
are driving a major expansion of the Internet of Things
municate with a specific set of servers. It is, therefore,
around the world. Some 118 Mobile IoT networks using
good security practice to restrict the communication
either LTE-M or NB-IoT technologies have been deployed,
from this device to these specific servers, meaning a
with more than 100 Mobile IoT modules available from
compromised device will be unable to communicate with
any other destination, thus limiting any potential threat.
Such restrictions could be implemented, for example,
This report describes the security features being de-
using a whitelist of IP addresses, IP address ranges or
ployed by mobile operators, highlighting how LTE-M and
URLs. Moreover, superfluous connectivity capabilities
NB-IoT are ‘secure by design’, in contrast to alternative
can be disabled in the devices’ HLR/HSS (home location
technologies reliant on unlicensed spectrum. As Mobile
register/home subscriber server), thereby ensuring they
IoT networks use dedicated spectrum bands under the
can’t be misused. For example, if the devices in question
terms of the licences issued by regulators, interference
only use SMS and voice, the data connectivity should be
from other radio technologies is kept to a minimum.
Moreover, all mobile operators employ Subscriber
Identity Modules (SIMs), which contain highly secure Data over NAS (DoNAS):
integrated circuits, to authenticate the devices accessing
their networks and services. Data over NAS (DoNAS) allows the network to transport
user data within signalling messages. This feature trans-
This report explains how mobile operators are supple- ports data via the MME (mobility management entity) by
menting these inherent capabilities with the following encapsulating them in NAS (non-access stratum) signal-
four security features, creating significant value for their ling. DoNAS can be used to transport both IP and non-IP
customers: traffic. The customer/user data is encrypted and integrity
protected using the same mechanism reserved for net-
Secure communication channels: work signalling, thus ensuring similar levels of protection.
This feature works well for short data transactions, for ex-
Mobile operators can ensure that customer/user data is
ample with UDP (user datagram protocol) traffic, where a
encrypted while travelling across their own infrastructure.
few packets are sent per connection.
In cases when the data is traversing a less secure
environment (e.g. the Internet), mobile operators can Non-IP Data Delivery (NIDD):
provide and manage secure connections using virtual
private networks (VPNs) and encrypted Internet NIDD is used in conjunction with DoNAS to allow a device
connections. Operators can also enable individual to send data to the network without an IP stack, without
customers to use dedicated communication channels to an IP address, and without an IP header or transport
ensure that no data traverses a public network, such as header. NIDD can transport data using a Point-to-Point
the Internet. These methods can be used in conjunction (PtP) Serving Gateway interface (SGi) tunnel to the appli-
with secure, private, access point names (APNs) dedicat- cation server or by using the service capability exposure
ed to a specific customer to keep their data communica- function (SCEF). The SCEF provides a means to securely
tions isolated from other traffic. expose service and network capabilities through network
application programming interfaces (APIs).

1 Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report
Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report

2. Introduction

Delivering low power wide area (LPWA) connectiv- Building on the rollout and usage of LTE-M and NB-IoT
ity using licensed spectrum, Mobile IoT technologies connectivity, this report considers the security capabili-
are driving a major expansion of the Internet of Things ties of Mobile IoT networks. It describes the security
(IoT) around the world. These versatile technologies are features being deployed by mobile operators, highlight-
designed to connect everything from sensors monitoring ing how the ‘secure by design’ characteristics of these
the environment and smart meters to asset trackers and technologies differentiates them from alternative tech-
digital locks. Standardised by 3GPP, the two main Mobile nologies reliant on unlicensed spectrum.
IoT technologies – LTE-M and NB-IoT – are supported by
large numbers of mobile operators and equipment sup- To help explain the key security features of Mobile IoT
pliers, enabling the ecosystem to benefit from economies networks and how they can be employed in practice, the
of scale and low production and deployment costs. As of report includes commentary from leading mobile opera-
August 2019, 118 Mobile IoT networks had been deployed tors Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone that have imple-
around the world, while more than 100 Mobile IoT mod- mented these features. The GSMA interviewed these
ules supporting LTE-M, NB-IoT or both technologies are operators to gauge the commercial availability of these
available from vendors. features, how effective they are in enhancing security and
how IoT service providers can benefit from using them.
Unlike some forms of connectivity, Mobile IoT networks
are carefully managed and secured by mobile operators. To be distributed worldwide by the GSMA, this report will
As such, the growing usage of NB-IoT and LTE-M will raise awareness of the security capabilities of Mobile IoT
help to counter security threats to the IoT, such as the technologies among mobile operators, their partners and
hijacking of devices by botnets and the hacking of sensi- the broader IoT ecosystem. By highlighting the value of
tive data belonging to individuals or organisations. By various security features, it aims to encourage their use
supporting an array of security features and safeguards, by both mobile operators and service providers, helping
Mobile IoT networks are set to play a pivotal role in build- to safeguard the integrity of the IoT.
ing trust in the Internet of Things, while giving enterprises
the confidence they need to bring mission-critical assets
online, so they can be remotely monitored and controlled.

2 Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report
Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report

3. Mobile IoT Security Features

3.1 Use of Licensed Spectrum, to the standards. The end result is a network that is typi-
cally far more secure than a network based on propri-
SIMs and Security Standards
etary technologies developed by a single company and
using unlicensed spectrum.

Mobile operators’ networks use dedicated spectrum

3.2 Secure Communication
bands under the terms of the licences issued by their
national regulators. The use of licensed spectrum ensures Channels
interference from other radio technologies is kept to a
minimum, as any unauthorised use of this spectrum will
be subject to prosecution. Moreover, the use of licensed
Mobile operators can ensure that the customer/user
spectrum and dedicated radio bands helps ensure the
data that transits their public network infrastructure is
mobile operator can carefully plan its network coverage
encrypted between the point that the data enters its
and capacity maximising network availability for their
network infrastructure to the point that it leaves the net-
work. This encrypted communication channel is designed
to ensure that the data being sent over the channel is not
All mobile operators employ SIMs, which contain highly
processed, used or transmitted without the knowledge
secure integrated circuits, to authenticate the devices
and consent of the data subject.
accessing their networks and services. SIMs can also sup-
port additional security capabilities that can be leveraged
There are cases when the customer/user data may
by IoT services. For example, a SIM can provide a secure
need to traverse a less secure environment, such as the
‘root of trust’ to provision and store digital certificates
Internet, between the mobile operator’s public network
and other kinds of security credentials, such as pass-
infrastructure and the customer’s enterprise network. In
words. A mobile operator can use its existing provision-
these cases, operators can provide and manage secure
ing infrastructure as a secure channel through which to
connections to enterprise networks using virtual private
cost-effectively install, validate and update the security
networks (VPNs) and encrypted Internet connections. As
credentials safely housed in a SIM. For more information,
shown in the diagram below, this could be done in several
please see the GSMA Case Study: Leveraging the SIM to
Secure IoT Services.

1. By using a tunnelling protocol such as Layer two Tun-

The 750 mobile operator members of the GSMA provide
nelling Protocol (L2TP), or using a secure protocol such
connectivity using standardised network technologies,
as Internet Protocol security (IPsec) that creates a VPN;
such as GSM, UMTS and LTE, as specified by standards
body 3GPP. As well as assuring interoperability between
2. By providing customers with end-to-end security
mobile operators, the use of standardised technology
between the user equipment and the application server
enables a mobile operator to benefit from the scrutiny
using, for example, Datagram Transport Layer Security
the technology is subjected to by standards bodies and
(DTLS) or Battery Efficient Secure Transport for very low
their members during its development. Furthermore,
throughput devices (BEST) protocols.
this process draws on the security lessons from previous
generation networks to help shape and enhance security
features and functions so that improvements are built-in

3 Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report
Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report

Mobile operators can also provide private networks in which the customer uses a dedicated communication channel
to ensure that none of their data traverses a public network, such as the Internet. The operator can do this by using a
physical private connection, such as dedicated MPLS (multiprotocol label switching) links, between the mobile operator’s
public infrastructure egress point and the enterprise network (see diagram).

Radio Core NW
MPLS Server
Physical private connection

L2TP or IPsec Server
Virtual private connection

End-to-end secure channel

Operator’s network Internet

These methods can be used in conjunction with secure without failover – it’s the customer’s decision. We have
private access point names (APNs) dedicated for a spe- a collection of building blocks they can choose from.” If
cific customer’s use to ensure isolation of the customer’s necessary, Vodafone can offer a private APN that makes
data communications. For example, the combination of use of its own backhaul network, keeping the customer’s
customer-specific private APNs and an IPSec-based VPN traffic away from the public Internet.
produces an additional layer of security: the secure APN
segregates the customer’s traffic, which is also encrypted For customers employing Vodafone’s Mobile IoT con-
over the Internet. nectivity, private APNs are the default option. “With low
power wide area networks, a lot of the power saving
features, such as high latency communications and eDRX
Secure Communication Channels: the Mobile (extended discontinuous reception), only really come into
Operator Perspective their own with private APNs,” explains Tim Snape. “You
actually need that much safer environment of a private
For Vodafone, security is an integral part of its connectiv- APN. Private APNs provide better usability and security.”
ity proposition and is designed into any IoT solution from For Vodafone, the end-goal is to provide customers with
the beginning. To that end, it offers all of its IoT custom- the optimum combination of simplicity, speed and trust.
ers the opportunity to use secure communications chan- “It’s in everybody’s blood at Vodafone that trust is a re-
nels, providing a menu of options. “We aim to give the ally, really important thing,” notes Tim Snape. “It is part of
customer the optimal solution for their requirements that Vodafone’s DNA.”
maximises their security controls,” says Tim Snape, Head
of IoT Security at Vodafone Group Enterprise & Technol-
ogy. “So maybe they want to use IPsec with failover or

4 Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report
Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report

3.3 Managed Communications Managed Communications: the Mobile

Operator Perspective

Vodafone, for example, enables its IoT customers to re-

For most IoT solutions, the connected devices only need
strict their connected devices to accessing specific serv-
to communicate with a specific set of servers. For exam-
ers and specific services. This approach can dramatically
ple, in a logistics tracking application, a device reports its
lower the risk that an IoT device could be compromised.
location information to a location-tracking server. From
“It is very effective because all customer traffic is totally
time to time, the device may also need an application
logically separated from other traffic,” explains Martin
software update from a different server. As these are the
Bell, IoT Technologist at Vodafone Global Enterprise. “We
only two servers that the device needs to communicate
never have any chance of one customer seeing another
with, it is good security practice to restrict the communi-
customer’s traffic. It’s like a private network – it is com-
cation from this device to only these two servers. In the
pletely isolated, at almost no cost to the customer. It’s a
event that it is compromised, the device will be unable
really simple control and it is very effective.”
to communicate with any other destination, thus limiting
any potential threat. This makes the device’s communi-
Vodafone also enables customers to use traffic manage-
cation capability less attractive to bad actors looking to
ment tools to set thresholds that will trigger alerts. By
hijack the connectivity. This feature can be implemented,
setting its own business rules, the customer can help Vo-
for example, using a whitelist of IP addresses, IP address
dafone distinguish expected traffic patterns from suspi-
ranges or URLs.
cious traffic patterns. “They understand what is abnormal
behaviour much better than we do,” says Martin Bell. “So
In a similar vein, there are IoT applications that don’t need
we might see a customer generating an awful lot of traffic
to use all the connectivity capabilities of cellular devices.
to a small set of devices, which could suggest they have
For example, there are applications that rely only on SMS,
been compromised and being used in a DDOS attack,
or data connectivity, or voice. For these application types,
whereas in actual fact, they are doing firmware updates
the superfluous connectivity capabilities can be disabled
as part of a scheduled campaign. But if a device is talking
in the devices’ HLR/HSS (home location register/home
too much, then it probably shouldn’t be on a low power
subscriber server) subscription, thereby ensuring they
network.” If a device gets stolen and repurposed for free
can’t be misused. For example, if the devices in question
Internet access, Vodafone says customers can quickly
only use SMS and voice, the data connectivity should be
spot it and disable it.

5 Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report
Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report

But Vodafone only gives customers so much flexibility, volume of data needs to be transmitted, it can be
generally forbidding any requests that could leave an inefficient when transporting the small amounts of
IoT solution dangerously exposed. “Sometimes we lose data required for Mobile IoT solutions.
business because of it,” notes Tim Snape, Head of IoT
Security at Vodafone Group Enterprise & Technology. Data over NAS (DoNAS) is a control plane cellular IoT
“If a customer wants something that, in our view, optimisation that allows the network to transport user
presents a major security risk, such as direct peer-to-peer data within signalling messages. This feature transports
connectivity between devices, we will generally not allow user data or SMS messages via the MME (mobility man-
that because one device can be used to attack another agement entity) by encapsulating them in NAS (non-ac-
device. What we can do instead is to provide the same cess stratum) signalling. DoNAS can be used to transport
capability, but using the core network to secure both IP and non-IP traffic. One key security benefit of
the traffic.” this feature is that the customer/user data is encrypted
and its integrity protected using the same mechanism
reserved for network signalling, thus ensuring similar
levels of protection.
3.4 Data over NAS (DoNAS)
The diagram below shows the data path for DoNAS and
contrasts it with the traditional data path for IP over user
Information has traditionally been transported over a plane.
network via a “IP over User Plane’ mechanism. Although
User Plane IP data transport works well when a large

Mobility Management
Entity (MME)
IoT Evolved NodeB
Device (eNB) Packet Gateway

IP over user plane

Serving Gateway Data over NAS

6 Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report
Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report

As well as strengthening security, DoNAS offers other workshops. “Being based on LTE technology stan-
benefits. Employing the control plane to transmit user dardised by 3GPP, NB-IoT leverages the same security
data significantly reduces the signalling overhead needed features as LTE,” explains Mona Parsa. “Data transmitted
to allow a sleeping device to transition from idle mode over the air interface is encrypted using standard LTE
to connected mode and send the data. That improves encryption and we use IPSec tunnelling between our
the network efficiency. The device battery life is also core network and customer’s network, making the device
improved because the amount of signalling required and inaccessible from the Internet. Towards our customers
the “air time” is reduced. This feature works well for short we emphasise the security features which are a clear
data transactions, for example with UDP (user datagram differentiator between our services and those operating
protocol) traffic, where only a few packets are sent per in unlicensed spectrum i.e. NB-IoT uses longer encryption
connection. keys (128-256 bits) and a secure key management and
storage which increases the security level.”

DoNAS: the Mobile Operator Perspective

3.5 Non-IP Data Delivery (NIDD)
Deutsche Telekom, for example, provides its NB-IoT
customers with DoNAS as a default feature of the
connectivity. “As there is no explicit user data channel A number of IoT applications send such small amounts
with DoNAS, the user data is protected using the same of data, e.g. temperature readings, that sending this data
mechanism reserved for the control plane data” notes as an IP packet results in an inefficient data-to-overhead
Mona Parsa, Product Manager for New Access Technolo- ratio due to the large size of the IP headers. For this
gies at Deutsche Telekom. “We are providing integrity reason, the feature known as Non-IP Data Delivery
protection by default, whereas with alternative technolo- (NIDD) was introduced, allowing the network to transport
gies, it needs to be done in the application layer.” non-IP data.

Deutsche Telekom emphasises the security features of

NB-IoT in its marketing materials, seminars and customer

Mobility Service Capability

Management Exposure Function
Entity (MME) (SCEF)

IoT Evolved NodeB
Device (eNB)

Serving Gateway Packet Gateway

(S-GW) (P-GW)


NIDD via PtP SGi tunnel

7 Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report
Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report

NIDD is used in conjunction with DoNAS to allow a device NIDD: the Mobile Operator Perspective
to send data to the network without an IP stack, without
an IP address, and without an IP header or transport Deutsche Telekom’s NB-IoT network supports NIDD,
header. enabling customers to exercise tight control over the
volume of communications with their IoT devices, ex-
NIDD can be supported by the network in two different plains Saher Salem, Senior Product Manager for NB-IoT
ways: at Deutsche Telekom. “We use NIDD for customers who
want to shrink down the data transmitted over the air,
1. Transport data using a point-to-point (PtP) SG inter- it removes the IP addresses and protocol between the
face tunnel to the application server. This means that device and IoT core, which shrinks the header, lowers the
the device can only communicate with the pre-defined payload and reduces the traffic and energy consump-
application server, making the communications link more tion”. Saher Salem further explains, “In this way the
secure by restricting the destination, as discussed in the amount of attack scenarios is further reduced because
Managed Connectivity section. there is no IP and TCP/UDP layer”.

2. Transport data using the service capability exposure Larger enterprises are showing interest in NIDD because
function (SCEF). The SCEF provides a means to securely of the significant benefits in lower power consumption
expose service and network capabilities through network and payload transmission. Application servers can still
application programming interfaces (APIs). In this way, communicate with IP protocols, whilst on the air interface
access to the IoT devices are restricted to application less data is transferred.”
servers that have been authenticated and authorised to
access the IoT devices.

The device subscription must be provisioned with the ap-

propriate SGi or SCEF option in the HSS, and the Non-IP
transport is requested by the user equipment via a PDN
(packet data network) connectivity request (as part of an
attach request or separately), by selecting “PDN-type =

8 Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report
Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report

4. Conclusions

Beyond the inherent security built into mobile networks reassurance, as compared with connectivity providers
using the 3GPP standards, mobile operators are provid- using unlicensed spectrum, which have almost zero over-
ing Mobile IoT customers with an array of additional sight and with which local regulatory authorities have
security features. As a result, Mobile IoT networks can almost zero control.”
provide both consumers and companies with connectiv-
ity that is far better protected than networks that make Of course, it is almost impossible to eliminate every risk.
use of unlicensed spectrum. The distributed nature of the Internet of Things means
many connected devices, such as environmental moni-
As regulated entities with spectrum licensees, mobile op- tors or smart lighting, will be vulnerable to vandalism or
erators also have to comply with a range of requirements theft. But mobile operators are taking measures to ensure
established by the regulatory authorities in the markets in that Mobile IoT devices are very difficult to repurpose
which they operate. In most countries, mobile operators or tamper with. “We have hard-to-spot SIMs that are
now have long track records of keeping their networks difficult to remove from the board,” explains Tim Snape.
secure, building trust among regulators, governments “We also have tamper-resistant SIMs and SIM locking. If
and policymakers. “You have got the national regula- you take one SIM out of device and put it in another, the
tory oversight,” notes Tim Snape, Head of IoT Security at hardware can’t be hijacked. The SIM is actually inside the
Vodafone Group Enterprise & Technology. “You’ve got NB-IoT device, so if it gets stolen, it is quite hard to do
regulatory authority oversight in terms of the behaviour anything with it.”
of operators in each and every country. That gives them

9 Security Features of LTE-M and NB-IoT Networks | Mobile IoT Security Report
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