What is globalization?
1] The world economy is more interdependent than ever. States are no longer in control of economies.
MNCs, domestic consumers, FDI and FII play important role in economy and all factors are not under
complete control of state.
2] ICT revolution has facilitated global communication. What happens in one part of world is
immediately noticed elsewhere.
3] There is also emergence of global culture, primarily emanating from west. The cities all over the
world share many common features such as theatres, shopping malls, clubs, casinos, water-parts etc.
4] There is compression in time and space. Geographical distance no more adds delays.
5] We are also witnessing rise of global polity. For many issues people all over the world come
together and we see rise of transnational social movements, pressure groups, NGOs etc.
6] New age problems are also global in effect. Climate change, ozone depletion, pollution etc. are the
problems which no state alone can solve.
1] Everyday $5.1 trillion flows across world’s foreign exchange market. No government, even the
strongest one have the ability to resist speculation against its currency and thereby credibility of its
economic policy. In 1992, British govt. was forced to devalue pound and abandon its economic
strategy due to sustained attack from currency speculators.
2] Transnational corporations account for 40% of world output , 80% of world trade and somewhat
similar portion of international investments. Thus they become key players in global economy,
controlling distribution of resources. 1997 Asian financial crisis is shows how volatility of foreign
investment can affect domestic economy.
Rather than ‘end of state’, the role of state is increasing. In global complex environment, even to
achieve domestic goals, states are forced to engage in multilateral collaboration and cooperation.
However in this search for more effective governance, state autonomy is compromised. There is a
trade-off between effective governance and self-governance.
We can say that sovereignty is transformed but by no means eroded. States now assert sovereignty
less in the form of claim to supreme power than as a bargaining tool – in the context of transnational
rule making, with other agencies and social forces.
Sovereignty is bartered, shared and divided among agencies of public power at different level from
local to global. Westphalian notion of indivisible, exclusive sovereignty is transformed into shared
exercise of public power and authority.
Arguments against globalization
1] Its just a recent phase of capitalism. It only makes us appear that ‘states are helpless’ against forces
of globalization. This is a myth and only perpetuates exploitation of weaker states.
2] Globalization has been uneven in its effects. Since liberalization there is rise in inequality at global
scale. Globalization only applies to developed world and there is no qualitative change in majority of
‘third world’ countries.
3] It is a latest stage of cultural imperialism. In name of westernization we are only seeing the
propagation of western view and western values in world. Many indigenous cultures are getting lost.
4] The scientific revolution have been major driver of globalization. But it helps only those who can
take-advantage of it (developed countries). And it has allowed more efficient exploitation of resources
of global south.
5] Not all global forces are good. The anarchy of World Wide Web has allowed its misuse in drug
cartels, terrorist operations, censorship issues etc.
6] Another important issue is of responsibility. With MNCs, NGOs gaining weight in global affairs,
there is confusion regarding their accountability.
7] There is also a paradox at the heart of this debate. Globalization is often promoted as ‘end of
ideology’, dominance of western values. But we also see countries of Asia like China, ASEAN
countries have been able to achieve high economic growth, despite their emphasis on ‘Asian Values’.
If the trend continues, we may witness the clash between ‘Western’ and ‘Asian’ values In future over
issues like human rights, gender, secularism etc.
Engines of globalization.
Globalization is a dynamic phenomenon and there are diverse theories of it. Realism, liberalism,
marxism and constructivism are most prominent among them. These can be said to be the four views
of four different worlds. This is to say, because these theories focus on four different aspects of
world politics.
For Realists Globalization has not changed the most fundamental aspect of world politics i.e.
territorial nation-states. It may be true that due to increasing interconnectedness, economy and society
are more dependent on each other but same cannot be said about states. The struggle for political
power among states is still a reality and the role of hard power is still relevant. States still goes for
balance of power. Globalization may have changed our economic and social lives, but state politics
remains the same.
Liberals take a completely different view. For them globalization is ‘end of history’. The culmination
of struggle of mankind. Liberals suggest that states are no more key actors in decision making. There
has been rise of numerous actors like civil society, NGOs, International organizations etc. which
affect decisions at world level. States are no more sealed units (billiard ball model) but more like a
cobweb model of interactions (complex interdependence). Liberals also give importance to ICT
revolution which aided the process of globalization.
For Marxist theorists, globalization is a false propaganda. Rather it is a latest stage of international
capitalism. There is no qualitative shift in world politics. The bourgeoise in capitalist countries (core
countries) are in charge of this process and it leads to development of underdevelopment in
developing countries (peripheries and semi-peripheries).
Constructivists on the other had take a completely different view. Their entire argument can be
summarized as ‘Globalization is what states make of it’. They are against the globalization as a
‘external force’ beyond our control. Rather they suggest that we can mold the process in variety of
Thus we can see that realist focus on state, liberals focus on economic and social interdependence
while capitalist are concerned about economic effects of globalization. While constructivists suggest
that we can shape globalization the way we want.
The mentioned words are often used interchangeably in common parlance. However in the academic
discipline, we need to make a distinction amongst them.
Globalization is also called as the compression in time and space. Primarily fuelled by technological
revolution, it refers to the evolution of a global society. A society with shared values, culture and
concerns. The national territorial boundaries become irrelevant in globalization. State is no longer the
only player and many other actors like MNCs, NGOs also exercise considerable power over people.
The sites of power and subjects of power may be even continents apart.
Internationalization on the other hand, refers to growing interdependence among states. However,
their demarcated boundaries remain intact. Although state is not the only actor, it remains the key
actor. International political institutions like United Nations, WTO illustrate the internationalization at
work. States play key role in these organizations and issues discussed mainly deal with territorial or
tariff boundaries.
Compared to above to, regionalization is relatively local phenomenon. It refers to the interaction
between states in close geographical proximity like Europe, South America, South Asia etc. The
process of regionalization is comparatively older. This is because trade, communication is easier in
nearby areas and sometimes they also share common history. Evolution of European Union (EU),
ASEAN illustrate the forces of regionalization at work.
Globalization and global politics.
‘Westphalian world order’ is one of the key concepts of international politics. European countries
entered the ‘Treaty of Westphalia’ in 1648 after the violent ‘thirty years war’. The three important
principles were recognized in this treaty.
1] Territoriality – The states were organized into territorial units with fixed borders.
2] State Sovereignty – Within its borders, states have supreme and exclusive power to govern. A
political and legal authority.
3] State Autonomy – The state is autonomous to conduct its internal affairs in a way it pleases. The
other states are to follow principle of ‘non-interference’ with regard to same.
The principles of Westphalian world order are quiet significant in a sense that they still govern the
international politics. They are also recognized under United Nations charter. However under the
forces of globalization, we are witnessing a transformation if not decline in these principles.
Developing Countries
China has benefitted most from globalization. It is pitching strongly against protectionist moves of
USA. It has also shown willingness to be a next world leader, in charge of global order….
India’s response (WTO negotiations, RCEP, call for Make in India, call for ‘Atmanirbhar (आत्मनिर्भर)
India’ on backdrop of COVID 19 crisis etc.). Cite relevant points regarding China’s export led policy,
disadvantages of globalization for developing countries etc.
Developed Countries
It can be discussed under the theme of ‘deglobalization’, giving examples of America first, Brexit.
How globalization has led to job losses and reduced growth rate in developed countries… relevant
points should be extracted from benefits/disadvantages of globalization mentioned above.
Que 1. Distinguish the concept of globalization from that of regionalization and internationalization.
The mentioned words are often used interchangeably in common parlance. However, in the academic
discipline, we need to make a distinction amongst them.
Globalization is also called the compression in time and space. Primarily fuelled by the technological
revolution, it refers to the evolution of a global society. A society with shared values, culture and
concerns. The national-territorial boundaries become irrelevant in globalization. The state is no
longer the only player or key player but many other actors like MNCs, NGOs also exercise
considerable power over people. The sites of power and subjects of power maybe even continents
Internationalization, on the other hand, refers to the growing interdependence among states. However,
their demarcated boundaries remain intact. Although the state is not the only actor, it remains the key
actor. International political institutions like United Nations, WTO illustrate internationalization at
work. States play a key role in these organizations and issues discussed mainly deal with territorial or
tariff boundaries.
Compared to the above, regionalization is a relatively local phenomenon. It refers to the interaction
between states in close geographical proximity like Europe, South America, South Asia etc. The
process of regionalization is comparatively older. This is because trade, communication is easier in
nearby areas and sometimes they also share a common history. The evolution of European Union
(EU), ASEAN illustrate the forces of regionalization at work.
‘Westphalian world order’ is one of the key concepts of international politics. European countries
entered the ‘Treaty of Westphalia’ in 1648 after the violent ‘thirty years war’. The three important
principles were recognized in this treaty.
1] Territoriality – The states were organized into territorial units with fixed borders.
2] State Sovereignty – Within its borders, states have supreme and exclusive power to govern. A
political and legal authority.
3] State Autonomy – The state is autonomous to conduct its internal affairs in a way it pleases. The
other states are to follow the principle of ‘non-interference with regard to same.
The principles of the Westphalian world order are quite significant in the sense that they still govern
international politics. They are also recognized under the United Nations charter. However, under the
forces of globalization, we are witnessing a transformation if not decline in these principles.