(TV - B1-B2) Phrasal Verbs - Family

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Use the words in the box to create the phrasal verbs. You are not expected to know
them all, but give it a go and have fun!

up after with up out off after Grow

1. Be named after (somebody).

2. Bring (somebody) up.

3. Fall out with (somebody).

4. Get along with (somebody).

5. Grow up.

6. Grow apart.

7. Look after (somebody).

8. Tell off.

ESL Pals 1 Grammar Worksheet

Read the sentences below which use the phrasal verbs correctly.

1. My sister was named after our grandmother.

2. My parents brought me up to be independent and self-sufficient.

3. Sally fell out with her best friend after they had a disagreement about politics.

4. I get along with my coworkers, and we often hang out outside of work.

5. When I grow up, I want to be a doctor and help people.

6. After college, my best friend and I grew apart as we pursued different careers and
moved to different cities.

7. Can you please look after my dog while I'm on vacation?

8. The teacher had to tell off the students for talking during the test.

Using the example sentences try to match the phrasal verbs to their definitions.

Bring (somebody) up. 1 Be named after. 3 Fall out with (somebody). 2

Get along with (somebody). 4 Grow up. 5 Grow apart. 7

Look after (somebody). 8 Tell off. 6

1. to raise and care for a child until they are old enough to care for themselves.

2. to have a disagreement or argument with someone that leads to the end of a

friendship or relationship.

3. to give someone or something the same name as another person or thing, usually as
a way of showing respect or honour.

4. to have a good relationship with someone, to be friendly with them.

5. to become an adult and mature, to develop from a child to an adult.

6. to shout or speak intensely to someone for doing something wrong.

7. to become less close or connected to someone over time, usually due to changes in
interests or life circumstances.

8. to take care of someone or something, to be responsible for their well-being.

ESL Pals 2 Grammar Worksheet

Use the phrasal verbs to complete the sentences, you may need to change the tense.

Bring (somebody) up. Be named after. Fall out with (somebody).

Get along with (somebody), Grow up. Grow apart.

Look after (somebody). Tell off.

1. Johnny’s mum told him off for being late to school.

2. My daughter was named after my grandmother, who was a wonderful woman.

3. John's parents brought him up to be polite and respectful.

4. After the argument, I fell out with John and we haven't spoken since.

5. Despite their differences, Anna and Tom get along with each other very well.

6. She grew up in a small town in the countryside.

7. Over time, Laura and her childhood friend grew apart and now they have very little
in common.

8. As a babysitter, it was my responsibility to look after the children while their

parents were at work.

ESL Pals 3 Grammar Worksheet

Use the phrasal verbs to complete the sentences, you may need to change the tense.

Bring (somebody) up. Be named after. Fall out with (somebody).

Get along with (somebody), Grow up. Grow apart.

Look after (somebody). Tell off.

9. Unfortunately, some people never really grow up and continue to act like children
even as adults.

10. I was brought up by my grandparents in a small town.

11. She was named after her grandmother who was a famous writer.

12. I fell out with my best friend after we disagreed on an important issue.

13. Despite our differences, I get along with my roommate very well.

14. My boss told me off for being late to work again.

15. After college, my childhood friends and I grew apart so I haven’t spoken to them for
years now.

16. My sister is going on vacation so I'm going to look after her cat while she's away.

ESL Pals 4 Grammar Worksheet

Complete the dialogues by using the correct phrasal verbs. Use the phrasal verbs from
the box to complete the sentences, you may need to change the verb tense.

Bring (somebody) up. Be named after. Fall out with (somebody).

Get along with (somebody), Grow up. Grow apart.

Look after (somebody). Tell off.

Dialogue 1:

Dialogue 2:

ESL Pals 5 Grammar Worksheet

Dialogue 3:

Dialogue 4:

Dialogue 5:

ESL Pals 6 Grammar Worksheet

Dialogue 6:

Dialogue 7:

Dialogue 8:

ESL Pals 7 Grammar Worksheet

Answer the questions below, each of the questions uses phrasal verbs.

1. Who were you named after, and why did your parents choose that name?

2. What values did your parents try to bring you up with?

3. Have you ever fallen out with a close friend, and how did you resolve the issue?

4. Do you get along with your coworkers, or do you find it difficult to work with them?

5. What was your hometown like when you were growing up?

6. Have you ever grown apart from a childhood friend, and why did it happen?

ESL Pals 8 Grammar Worksheet

7. How do you look after your mental health on a daily basis?

8. Have you ever been told off by a teacher or a boss, and how did you react to it?

9. Who are some famous people that are named after someone else, and what is the
story behind their name?

10. How do you think parenting styles affect how children are brought up?

11. Why is it important to get along with your coworkers?

12. What were some of the challenges you faced growing up, and how did they shape
who you are today?

ESL Pals 9 Grammar Worksheet

13. In what ways can distance and time zones impact a long-distance relationship and
cause the partners to grow apart?

14. What are some ways to ensure that elderly parents are properly looked after as
they age?

15. Have you ever had to tell off someone who was behaving badly in public?

16. What can a company do to minimise the risk of falling out with its customers and
maintain a positive relationship with them over time?

ESL Pals 10 Grammar Worksheet

Read the story below, then complete the exercises.

Thomas was named after his grandfather, who was a great man. Thomas grew up in a
small village with his parents and siblings. Thomas's parents were very strict and would
always tell him off for small mistakes. They wanted Thomas to grow up to be successful
and would always push him to study hard. Thomas wanted to make his parents proud, so
he always listened to them and tried his best.

Thomas's best friend was his neighbour, John. They always got along with each other
and played together every day after school. They were inseparable and would always
look after each other.

As Thomas and John grew up, they started to fall out with each other. They had different
interests and goals, and they no longer had much in common. Thomas wanted to become
a chef, while John wanted to become a musician. Thomas's parents were very
disappointed with him when he told them that he wanted to become a nurse. They
wanted him to become a lawyer, like his father. For these reasons, Thomas started to
grow apart from his parents and John.

Despite all of this, Thomas never gave up on his dream of becoming a nurse. He worked
hard and studied every day. He knew that his parents wanted what was best for him, but
he wanted to make his own choices. One day, Thomas's parents got sick, and he had to
take care of them. He realised how much they had done for him and how much they had
looked after him when he was younger. He forgave them for always telling him off and
for not supporting his dream of becoming a nurse.

Thomas also realised how much he missed his friendship with John. He reached out to
him, and they reconnected. They talked about their dreams and goals and realised that
they could still be friends even if they had different interests.

In the end, Thomas became a successful nurse, and his parents were proud of him. He
also became a great friend to John again. Thomas learned that it's important to follow
your dreams, but also to remember the people who have always been there for you.


1. Identify the phrasal verbs in the text.

2. Identify the tense the phrasal verbs are used in.
3. Retell the story to a classmate.
4. Predict what will happen next.

ESL Pals 11 Grammar Worksheet

You are going to write a story using the phrasal verbs presented and studied in today’s
lesson. Follow the guidelines below.


1. Write a short story (500-800 words) that incorporates some or all of the
following phrasal verbs:

a. Be named after.
b. Bring (somebody) up.
c. Fall out with (somebody).
d. Get along with (somebody).
e. Grow up.
f. Grow apart.
g. Look after (somebody).
h. Tell off.

2. The story can be set in any time period and location, but it should have a clear
beginning, middle, and end.

3. In your story, be sure to clearly show how each of the phrasal verbs are used and
what it means. You can do this by including dialogue or descriptive passages that
highlight the phrasal verbs in action.

4. Make sure that your writing is clear and concise, and that your story flows
smoothly from beginning to end.

5. Be creative and have fun with this writing task!

6. Once you have completed your story, read it over and make any necessary
revisions to improve it. Then share it with your teacher for feedback.

ESL Pals 12 Grammar Worksheet

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