What Is Déjà Vu?!

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What is Déjà Vu?!

Psychologist Endel Tulving said, “Remembering is mental time travel”. Soy Latte
for Joe… Thanks. Remembering is one of the greatest powers we possess…
[SNEEZE] the ability to learn from our past, to return to where we have already
been, so we can decide where we're going. "Oh man…" But can we return to
where we’ve… never been? Soy Latte for Joe… Yeah… huh thanks? Could have
sworn I just- [SNEEZE] Is it just me, or does this seem familiar? Feel I’ve seen this
before. "Oh man…" Or as the French would say… déjà vu… As many as 90 percent
of us will experience déjà vu during our lives, mainly in our teens and 20s, and
almost never before age 8 or 9.

Déjà vu isn’t a physical phenomenon we can pinpoint in a brain scan. It’s a

feeling, and not one that we totally understand. But we’ve got a few theories. Our
memories aren’t exact copies that we just write once and then store like files on a
computer, or pictures in a box under our bed. Remembering is really more like

Our brains are constantly scanning our senses to determine if what we’re
experiencing is familiar. And once our brains label a stimulus as familiar, a different
brain region called the hippocampus recalls the memory associated with it, re-
firing the neural circuits that hold that piece of our past, and we live the
experience again in our minds. If these steps get out of sync, if something is
deemed familiar, but we fail to recall the context, that could be déjà vu. But that
doesn’t explain why we can feel déjà vu for experiences that are truly unfamiliar,
or why we don’t feel it for every familiar thing. Soy Latte for Joe… Yep.
We don’t realize how hard our brain works behind the scenes, filtering our
environment— [SNEEZE] —Gesundheit!— unconsciously determining if what
we’re experiencing is new…until it doesn’t work. Oh! "Oh man…" Our various
sensory inputs… smells, sounds, sights, are normally processed and mixed
together as one event. Another déjà vu theory says if one of those stimuli is
recorded out of sync, the late arriving information could be flagged as a different
event, which makes it feel as if it’s happened before. Or it could be a malfunction
in how memories are made in the first place.

Normally, new experiences stop off in our short term memory before being
written into long-term storage. Skip the first, and it could feel like we’re recalling
new events as old ones. Or perhaps when we focus on one part of our
environment, the rest of our world drifts to the unconscious, and when we snap
back to reality it feels like we’ve been there before… because we have. Just now.
These feelings of misplaced familiarity, are… familiar to us, but the what, the
where, and the why of déjà vu remain unknown. Soy Latte for— Got it thanks.

All in all, there are dozens of plausible explanations for it, maybe more than
one is right. Bless you! There’s no neat answer, but no mind, or memory, is
perfect. The only way we’ll get to the bottom of déjà vu is to experience it… all
over again. "Oh man…" Yeah, I could’ve. Stay curious.
7 Common Dream Meanings You Should NEVER Ignore

In real life, these dreams may reflect the regrets you have for not going after
what you wanted. Whether that means missing out on seeing your favorite band
perform live, Or not applying for your dream job on time. People who dream
about these scenarios usually find themselves in or near a car vehicle. They can
either be the driver or the passenger when they experience a brake failure, flat
tire, or getting hit by another car. In real life, this typically means that you feel like
you don't have control over a certain situation, or you might be headed for
trouble in the future.

Contrary to what it sounds like, people who dream of this scenario are usually
no longer in school. Common dream scenarios involve having trouble finding the
test room, being unprepared from lack of studying, or missing equipment to
complete it. They indicate that you are feeling tested in real life, which makes you
anxious about what your future holds. This is a common dream people with
anxiety often have. They usually dream about being chased by an animal, person,
or something you cannot readily identify. In real life, it means that they are trying
to run away from a certain situation, or it could be an emotion they are not ready
to confront yet, whether it's grief, or a breakup.

Have you ever dreamed about reaching into your mouth, only to feel your
teeth fall out, or that there is a missing gap? This indicates that you may feel
insecure in real life, unattractive, or not good enough, whether it pertains to
school, your work life, or romantic relationship. You may also have a fear of being
embarrassed or judged by others. People who dream of this scenario often find
themselves falling from a high building, or sinking into an ocean. They usually feel
helpless and overwhelmed. It's a common misconception to believe that having
those dreams mean a foreshadow to your own death. But in reality, they indicate
your fear of falling, or that you're not content with where you are in life. You may
need to carve a new path, or make some new choices to help you find meaning

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video for you guys, for always supporting Psych2Go and making this all possible
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