Application Form For Guest Staff Teaching and Non Teaching
Application Form For Guest Staff Teaching and Non Teaching
Application Form For Guest Staff Teaching and Non Teaching
4. Educational Qualifications:
Sl. Examination Year of Board/University/ Subject/Discipline Percentage/ Class
No. Passed Passing Institute CGPA Division
1. X (10th)
2. XII (10+2)
3. UG
4. PG
5. Ph. D
11. Reference (Give particular of two referees, not directly related with the candidate):
Name Designation Email Address Mobile No Phone No
12. Candidate must fill below link otherwise your candidature will be cancelled.
13. Have you even been prosecuted, kept under detention or bound down/fined/convicted by a court of
law for any offence or debarred/disqualified by any University/Public service commission from
appearing at its examination/selection? Is any case pending against you in any court of law at the time
of filling up of this application form? If the answer is “Yes” full particulars of the case, detention,
fine, conviction, sentence etc. should be given on a separate sheet.