Application For Recruitment of Teaching / Non-Teaching Staff
Application For Recruitment of Teaching / Non-Teaching Staff
(Note: Separate application form should be submitted for different posts & type
of vacancy) (Applicant’s
Post applied for TGT PGT PRT Others _____________
1. Personal Information
Name in Block Letters Ms / Mr
(in words)
Aadhaar Number
If married, No. of children with age, Class & School in which studying: -
Languages Known 1. 2. 3.
Occupation of Spouse/Father/Mother
2. Academic Qualification
Sr Sec/ Inter/
B Ed
M Ed
b. Scout/NCC
c. Adventure Sports / Music / Arts / Any Other
6. Experience
Start from the most recent and proceed backwards. Attach another sheet in the same format if
needed (Experience duly supported with requisite experience certificate will only be considered.
Please attach self-attested photocopies of the certificates of experience)
7. Computer Literacy
Computer competency MS Word MS Excel MS PowerPoint MS Teams
8. Are you conversant / proficient in online teaching (Please tick in relevant box)
Conversant Proficient
9. References
10. Do you suffer from any major ailment / medical problem Yes / No
(If yes, give details)
11. Have you ever been convicted by any court of law or any disciplinary
proceeding / enquiry is pending against you or any penalty has been imposed on
you Yes / No
(If yes, give details)
a) Candidates are advised to carefully read the instructions hosted on School’s websites.
(i) I solemnly declare that the above statements made by me in this form are correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief. If selected, I am willing to be appointed in any of the
school run by IAF Education & Cultural Society (i.e. AFBBS/TAFS/AFGJI). In case at any
later stage if it is discovered that the information given by me in this application is
incorrect, I may be terminated from service.
(ii) I understand that the school management reserves the right to abolish a post / change
the number of vacancies at any stage of selection process without assigning any reason.
(iii) I understand that if my application is not complete with relevant supporting documents
and the application fee, same will be summarily rejected.
Date Signature
(School Stamp)