Roles of Digital Media in Preserving Tribal Handicrafts

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PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Dolchanok Warangmata, 2023

Volume 9 Issue 2, pp. 19-33
Received: 14th March 2023
Revised: 11th May 2023, 5th June 2023
Accepted: 11th June 2023
Date of Publication: 15th July 2023
This paper can be cited as: Warangmata, D. (2023). Roles of Digital Media in Preserving Tribal Handicrafts.
PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 9(2), 19-33.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial 4.0 International License.
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Dolchanok Warangmata
Ph.D. in Design, Faculty of Decoration Arts, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
[email protected]

This study aims to examine the roles of digital media in reserving tribal handicrafts corresponding
to the key government policy in protecting livelihoods, arts, and cultures of tribes in Thailand. The
results of the study reveal that in the 21st century, digital media play a suitable role for today's society
in communicating with the audience about identities of local handicrafts. The contents are, then,
perceived quickly and properly. Modern media can also enrich social values, reach out a more
expansive range of the audience, and harmonize the context of Thai society. We often see the tribal
handicrafts as a cultural selling point in movies, animations, advertisements, games, and online
applications. Involving digital media in storing the way of life as well as recording cultural patterns
and stories is beneficial resulting in the intercultural media where the digital age meets unique
cultures. The creativity of digital media leads to commercial values known as a creative business to
reserve tribal handicrafts in society for good.
Roles of Digital Media, Media, Awareness, Identity, Creative Business, Tribal Handicrafts

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

1. Introduction
Nowadays, digital media plays an important role in communication and production
between media and society. Humans in the communication era can take advantage of modern media
to raise awareness without borders because current communication is not only convenient but also
fast. Information such as emails, news, and data can be shared directly and indirectly (Chayacharoen,
Digital media plays a role in influencing behaviors, lifestyles, perspectives, thinking
processes, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and social values. Digital media on every platform can be
used to promote cultural identities in various forms including animations, movies, documentaries,
ads, and online games. Motion pictures are considered one of the most important media forms to
attract the audience to the message with accessible elements and allow the message to be received
efficiently. The audience are able to perceive the content as if they are present in the virtual event
such as video advertisements on YouTube, video documentaries on television, animated movies on
smartphone applications with the composition of the atmosphere including light, color, sound,
surface, and other details of the events (Chayacharoen, 2014).
Digital media can be used to facilitate the livelihood of tribal groups in terms of
communication, education, trades, social values, and cultural identities. The concept of creating the
network of tribal and urban society involves the use of modern media to introduce the tribal
community to the world and open the word to the tribal community to cope with change in society.
The trend of digital technology provides the means of improving the livelihood of tribal groups.
The Guideline for the Analysis of this Study Arises from the Questions.
• If there is a relation between “reservation of tribal arts and cultures” and “the use of digital
media” To what extent digital media helps to raise awareness of tribal cultures in general?
• If the use of digital media to convey tribal arts and cultures can remind us the importance of
reservation in the tribal community.
• If modern media is just a creative business. The case studies in this article include the
animation movie “Echo Planet” and the tourism ad “Flora Wonderlust, 2023: Happy Rabbits
and the Wonderful Flora Garden".

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

2. Roles of Modern Media to Promote Social Values and Tribal Identities

The COVID-19 situation in the world clearly emphasizes the roles of digital media in the
modern era because economic, social, cultural, and educational connections are disrupted and
affecting people’s livelihood. When people are unable to communicate in person, society is on pause.
People are not able to connect as easily as usual, so a communication gap occurs between the urban
context and the remote areas. Technology, therefore, becomes an important tool to fill the gap. The
development of modern and creative media enables information transmission, content sharing, and
social networking. Connections at the national, regional, community, and individual level are the
results of today’s media development. The trend of technological advancement in the modern age
helps disseminate information on social media.
The development occurs in diverse platforms by connecting various mechanisms to a
consumer's needs. By aiming at responding to a user’s behaviors, people’s tastes and interests are
considered according to psychological principles to develop the suitable digital ecological media to
the way of modern life. However, the use of digital media may cause social changes both positively
and negatively. The author, then, classifies the roles and duties of modern media into 2 aspects.
First, in terms of enhancing social values based on the results of the case studies, modern
media plays a very important role in today's society because of the links to information and
knowledge. The influence of the media affects the audience mentally. To reach its goals, the media
is used as a tool to create people’s values, attitudes, and perceptions in society, so people’s expression
and interactions are formed according to the media. The behavioral pattern conveyed by modern
media gains acceptance and respect from people who are ready to follow the values in terms of
objects, thoughts, actions, and decision making. To resolve the social conflicts such as negative
attitudes in the urban context toward tribal groups through digital media is to raise awareness of the
tribal cultures and identities for people to live in harmony in the Thai social context. Quick and
convenient communication through digital media also affects the way of life. The government
proposes the policy to advance communication networks in remote areas to promote not only learning
through integrated education, but also tribal cultures. Tribal cultures are integrated into digital media
as the treasures of human civilization which will probably disappear soon (Wu et al., 2022).

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

Figure 1 Figure 2
Figure 1-2: The Su Rui Indians Are Using GPS To Locate the Su Rui Region in The Main
(Source: Nigel Dickinson, 2009)
Another role of social media is storytelling to promote cultural identities and preserve the
tribal cultures. In today's society, symbolic storytelling can raise awareness of local identities, arts,
and crafts suitably for the audience to understand quickly. The government policy to focus on
promoting and preserving tribal cultures in Thailand can be seen from the trend of the economy,
trades, and tourism. The strategy is to promote cultural identities in each community such as tribal
folk arts as attractions to consumers through creative productions or media. Among the rapid changes
in technology, all aspects of lifestyles are impacted. Therefore, it is necessary to use modern
technology for creative designs. The media production conveys the stories in relation to the changes,
reservation, restoration, integration, and succession of tribal cultures to the target group. In terms of
economy, trades, marketing, business, social media, information, and applications on smartphones,
government agencies and private sectors often create a social network between the tribal community
and the world to raise awareness of the cultural identities through local arts and crafts relevant to the
current social context. Integrating tribal cultures into digital communication highlights the meanings,
values, and preservation of tribal cultures. Modern media for cultural activities is seen as a driving
mechanism for sustainable development (UNESCO, 2012).
The influence of digital media in the Thai social context is based on the saying: “everything
is a trade-off.” Since the everyday role of digital media is to influence people’s beliefs and attitudes,
the access to modern media can affect people at the emotional level, often leading to resistant
behaviors, aggressive language, and violent interactions. On the other hand, the structure of digital
media productions supports the traditional context under government control and regulations

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

resulting in a limited concept and framework. When requiring an approval from the authorities, it
means deprivation of freedom of expression on social media, movies, advertisements, animations,
and public relation contents. The significant benefit falls on the capitalist and powerful groups. In
terms of the rights and liberty, politics, and governance, people must be aware of media literacy to
perceive news, information, and entertainment properly.
In this article, the author aims to explore only the advantages of media production to convey
the change, reservation, revitalization, integration, and succession of tribal cultures to the target

3. Case Studies of Using Animation and Ad in Modern Media to Promote Tribal

Tribal folk arts and crafts are cultural identities and can become attractions in ecotourism,
so artistic cultures can be valuable in the economic sector. As a result, in this article, the author aims
to examine if the introduction of tribal arts and cultures through the creative media will increase the
economic value. By looking at the past decade in South Korea, the economic success can be seen in
the growth of "cultural products", especially in the entertainment industry, including movies, music,
clothes, everyday life stories, and local food. Through Korean movies, Korean food becomes more
familiar among Thai people. Nowadays, Korean cultural trends have transformed the country’s
economy and society in a leap as seen on the creative media presenting its "cultural values" in the
international context (Ruedeeniyomwut, 2021). With the introduction of Korean cultures in the world,
people’s thoughts and behaviors are greatly influenced. The term "soft power" (Nye, 2004) has
emerged to explain how cultural trends work in the modern society corresponding to the Thai
government policies in protecting and promoting the way of life of tribal groups. For promoting the
community’s potential according to the way of life and needs, there are three main principles and
• To protect cultural rights.
• To promote the potential of ethnic groups.
• Creating equality on cultural diversity.

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

The phenomenon of "Cultural Media" can be applied to promote tribal identities through
folk arts and crafts. Thailand has driven the policy to support “Soft Power” and Thailand's creative
business to be known at the global level.
Folk arts and crafts reflect the way of life and cultures of tribal groups in a beautiful,
valuable, and memorable way as a body of knowledge and local wisdom passed from the ancestors
to following generations. Digital media transforms local cultures by introducing the content and
viewpoints of the past through tribal folk arts. The essence of the content raises awareness and
provides understanding to promote reservation. Whether it will work or not might have to be
researched and analyzed further. The author focuses on the animated film “Echo Planet” and the
tourism ad for “Flora Wonderlust 2023: Rabbits and the Miracle Flora Garden" as case studies.
The author would like to refer to the production of the animated film “Echo Planet” by
Kantana Animation Studio in 2012 since the author is one of the creators. The personal experience in
the development of the overall animation arts started from gathering the information from the Kayan,
known as Longneck Karen, who migrated from the war to Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand.
Longneck Karen is a familiar term referring to this ethnic group in Thailand because women in this
group have a popular culture to wear brass rings around their necks. The more rings, the more belief
and wealth. This way of life is inherited from ancient beliefs. Some believe that the neck rings will
bring safety in life and even create beauty.
For the characteristics of Longneck Karen, this ethnic group lives in a bamboo house with
partitions and a floor made from wood such as teak and other kinds of hardwood found in the area.
The teak floor must be polished with beeswax and rubbed with coconut husks. There will be a patio
or balcony in every house for activities in the household such as weaving and relaxing. The roof is
made of banana leaves, which is easy to find around the community. Either 1 or 2 layers of tight
banana leaves are sewn together. If there are two layers, they usually use neatly stitching techniques
to arrange those leaves properly as the roof.

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

Figure 3

Figure 4
Figure 3: The Karen Girls Are Dressed in Traditional Costumes to Fight Heat Wave Demons in
The Teak Forest. The Surroundings, Nature, And Abundance of Forests Are Presented in The
Figure 4: The Western Child Uses GPS To Navigate Through the Forest and Gets Lost into The
Karen Community. The Environment and The Karen Way of Life Are Presented in the Scene.
(Source: Sanook, 2012)
There is an insertion of cultural identities, community beliefs, and the way of life of the
tribal group in the animated film inspired by the relationship between humans and the environment
according to the principles of anthropology. A variety of details such as anatomical structures,
appearances, skin colors, ethnicity, races, ancestors, social behaviors, rituals, use of language,
symbols, utensils, and household objects for the production of Echo Planet (Echo Planet) have been
clarified and classified. In the scene of the movie, there is a combination of the local nature with the
tribe. Some details are deducted, but they are not related to art terms in the traditional way. The
interpretation of the intimate connection between the simple lifestyle of Longneck Karen and folk
Thais. The scenes are developed in a different way to be connected according to the guidelines of the

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

story. The cultural identity in folk arts and handicrafts of the tribe are used as attractions to raise
awareness in a more applicable way for modern society such as unique color schemes. The scenes
are more graphic with simple, clear shapes. It can be said that the cultural identities of the tribe have
been transformed through digital media to be introduced to society in general. The author aims to
grow the values of cultural identities through the folk arts and handicrafts of the tribe. The process of
producing this creative media focuses on the way of life in the tribal group.
Another case study was from a tourism ad of “Flora Wonderlust 2023: Happy Rabbits and
the Wonderful Flora Garden on 3-5 February, 2023 ". The audience were introduced to the winter
beauty in the flower garden at Nong Buak Hard Public Park, Chiang Mai Province. The nostalgic
theme involved important moments of going out, and people in the area were friendly and lively
attracting tourists to the location. In the past three years, the COVID-19 crisis across the world with
social distancing measures affected everyday communication and life. Many direct and immediate
impacts happened to the tourism industry throughout the world including Thailand where many places
rank the most popular tourist destinations. Because the situation was resolved, going out and sharing
space with others gradually became normal again. However, work and lifestyles have changed since
the COVID-19 situation. Many countries revitalize their economy with tourism as seen on the ad of
“Flora Wonderlust 2023: Happy Rabbits and the Wonder Flora Garden". This commercial film
depicts lifestyles, perspectives, and social contexts in Thailand. Due to the COVID-19 situation, not
only the tourism industry but also people’s lifestyles like greeting styles were dramatically changed.
Many countries around the world changed shaking hands and hugging to other forms of greeting.
Going out for fun activities was limited. The limited interaction with each other during the COVID-
19 situation caused people to communicate less in person. When going to work or running errands,
people keep distancing from one another. Today’s ads, then, focus on connecting people together
after a long period of being apart. Most people long for usual quality time with family, community,
and society. Another part of the ad is to present the cultural identity of Chiang Mai including beliefs,
way of life, traditions, and rituals. The performers in traditional tribal costumes were paying homage
to sacred objects at Doi Suthep Temple and Wat Phra Singh Woramahaviharn. The starting scene was
around the city through the famous landmark of Chiang Mai called “Tha Phae Wall” next to Khlong
Mae Kha, Chiang Mai City Municipality and arrived at Nong Buak Hard Public Park where many
tourists come to experience the lively atmosphere filled with beautiful flowers blooming in the cold
wind at the Miracle Garden Fair, Heaven of Chiang Mai. All the entrepreneurs try to solve problems

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

with new approaches including online public relations and online business communication to create
cultural identities as products and services. Digital media plays a role in raising awareness and
influencing the target groups. The positive image of communities for economic purposes helps raise
the cultural values in the creative business.

Figure 5 Figure 6

Figure 7 Figure 8
Figure 5-6-7-8: Tourism Ads of Flora Wonderlust, 2023 With the Theme “Wonderful Flora
Garden, Heaven of Chiang Mai”. The Performers Were Wearing Unique Clothing Representing
Arts and Craftsmanship of The Northern Tribes and Walking in The Wonderful Flora Garden
Consistent with The Theme “Heaven of Chiang Mai” With the Background of Thai Architectures,
Churches, Buildings, Houses, Nature in Chiang Mai.
(Source: Chiang Mai City Municipality, 2023)
Cultural identities and ways of life of some ethnic groups have changed due to many
external socioeconomic factors. This rapid change is probably the result of the government
development plan. Many issues are caused by the lack of community capacity to adapt or deal with
the digital social context in time. When the social context is different, perspectives and attitudes of
the new generation change. The tribal children have changed in terms of attitudes, beliefs, and needs.
The demand of more materialistic needs obstructs cultural interactions and community refinement.
Therefore, it is necessary to study all aspects of social sciences, geography, and anthropology to

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

examine the issues of tribal groups in Thailand to reduce the gap among generations and create
opportunities for sustainable development in the community.
Tribal identities also face globalization with the development of technology. The internet
becomes more accessible, inexpensive, and part of everyday life. The modern generation has access
to the broad information in the worldview. The young generation is more interested in their own
needs. They have a strong sense of individuality which is very common in “digital society”. The
modern generation has less expression of traditional cultures. As a result, local wisdom is at risk of
becoming extinct. The values and meanings of tribal identities in the context of today's Thai society
depend on which part of the community or society we are defined to. There are many ways of
understanding who we are, where we come from, and where our roots are. Interestingly, the inherited
roots can identify not only diversity but also identities by recognizing the differences from other
groups. The unique symbols can indicate that people are in the same group through beliefs, types of
folk instruments, knowledge of cultivation, clothing weaving techniques, writing languages, dialects,
recipes, medicines, etc.
The production from digital media such as movies, ads, documentaries, and animations are
considered the historical records of the tribes. The cultural identities of the tribes are documented to
see an individual’s thorough development. The development of the thinking process has changed
according to the natural environment and society. The language development can be seen in art and
handicraft creations. The development of lifestyles can lead to the formation of the modern identity
of the group. The current prosperity is all inherited from ancient cultures and beliefs and becomes the
cultural identity of the tribes in different regions.
At present, the integration of technology knowledge as a tool to record and store the way
of life and cultural stories in the form of digital media such as teaching materials, infographics, and
games was beneficial. Therefore, establishing the database is a process of integrating knowledge from
various sources such as individuals, community, and society. The database is related to the design of
digital media productions. Using technology as a tool to create modern learning media promotes
awareness of the audience through learning activities. Knowledge and experience from the previous
generation can be passed on to the following generations. Each person has his or her way of sending
messages, receiving messages, and interpreting the information for their own interests. Some people
may argue that the older generation has no knowledge in modern media and knowledge of modern
media prevents people from interacting with contemporary cultures.

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

In terms of historical perspectives, a tribal cultural identity can be lost because the local
wisdom is perceived as less important by people in the community. The risk will lessen if we collect
cultural evidence including the way of life and wisdom of the tribe as a record of knowledge. These
valuable cultural heritages, especially local wisdom should be inherited and passed down to the next
generation to create pride of hometown at the psychological level with the belief that the bond to
ancestors has been going on for a long time.

Figure 9 Figure 10
Figure 9-10: Artistic Hmong Hill Tribe Fabrics with Embroidery and Candle Writing Patterns of
Hmong Lai Tribe from International Center for the Promotion of Arts and handicrafts
(Public Organization, 2020) & (Thailand & Organization, 2020)

4. Conclusion
In conclusion, the role of digital media in terms of value creation due to demonstrated
through changes in technology. Modern media is not only creating quick efficient communication,
but also personally and externally changing lifestyles, values, attitudes, and beliefs. In the midst of
rapid changes in the era where technology plays a role and interferes with life in every sector, it is
necessary to use modern technology for creation and production of digital media. Information must
be integrated to help make decisions or raise awareness of various issues in society. The role and
importance in promoting the reservation of tribal handicrafts through digital media should be

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

publicized and passed down for the next generations. Mechanisms to drive the creative media include
production business.
In addition, if modern media can be developed through advanced knowledge of technology
such as the internet, communication will be more efficient. Modern media has become a facilitator
with a key role in the creation of conceptualized networks and understanding of how to look at the
world around us. Modern media also integrates historical stories and cultures directly to raise
awareness of local arts and cultures. The tribal society is widely modern now with many changes due
to technology. Both images and animations with audio and texts are read, watched, and accessed.
Digital media productions or modern media can create a network and channel for knowledge sharing
and values of tribal handicrafts.
This article reflects two roles of digital media. First, modern communication has improved
life quality and reservation of tribal arts through cultural records. From the first case study, digital
media in terms of information sharing is the result of technological advancement. The modern
influence comes into the community causing changes in the cultures and behaviors. The young
generation accepts changes and focuses on modernity regardless of cultural roots and traditional
practices. The means of communication to create awareness among tribal children is to allow them
to realize how to accept and carry on the way of life properly in the tribal community. Second, the
role of visual presentation can include symbolic stories to raise awareness of local arts and handicrafts
as cultural identities. The audience can understand quickly and the content can be conveyed more
suitable for today's society. In the end, it may be necessary to study further on the relation between
promoting the preservation of tribal arts and cultures and the use of digital media to examine whether
the tribal groups can be reminded of cultural reservation through modern media or modern media is
just another creative business.
It is clear that there is a connection between digital media and preservation of traditional
Indian arts and cultural heritages. The potential of virtual new media (Kolay, 2016) was discussed
concerning its suitability to present traditional arts in various forms. The visual language of traditional
arts can be conveyed clearly in the new media (Alnaghaimshi & Pearson, 2021). The social media of
tribes play multiple roles simultaneously, including taking care of one another to build tribal unity in
the face of urbanization and the era of globalization. It is critical to understand the influence of tribes
on individuals and social trends in order to create mutual understanding and lead to the right direction
in the future.

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

In addition, in the past few years, there has been a growing interest among cultural tourism
researchers as seen in their application of social media to cultural recognition and community
identities. Social media and cultural tourism (Neville, 2014) create not only unique experiences but
also influence travel decisions. Besides, social media (Lexhagen et al., 2013) can lead to travel
decisions and event participation. Since the 2006 food heritage event in China (Zheng, 2023), China's
raw material and commodity system for the Intangible Culture Heritage (ICH) at the national,
provincial, and district administrations has been founded. During the food heritage registration, many
questions concerning the protection of intangible cultural heritage and the commercial dissemination
of cultural practices were brought up on social media platforms in China. The researchers also found
the attempt to promote and commercialize ICH practices including cultural heritage and local food
traditions on social media platforms, especially TikTok. In Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, China,
the hashtag campaign on social media facilitated ICH protection and even accelerated trade. These
case studies offer the local stakeholder’s insights and concepts related to food traditions and their
responses to digital trading events.
4.1. Limitations
This study presented the animation movies and public relations works consistent with the
objectives of the research to be analyzed for understanding, essences of ideas, and new perspectives.
The result of this research may not be applicable to all indigenous groups on their preservation of
cultures and traditions due to unique environmental factors such as lifestyles, relationship among
generations, and impacts of long cultural beliefs on individuals and community contexts. Another
issue of random sampling resulted in restricted responses to questions. As a result, the researcher
focused only on the roles of digital media in preserving tribal handicrafts.
4.2. Suggestion
The roles of today's digital media include creating social trends and reserving cultural
identities with mechanisms of creative business. The key digital media often creates a social impact
or phenomenon. “Cultural Media” can become the database to store historical evidence and records
of each era to benefit directly and indirectly everyone for their research and learning. The historical
knowledge is not only conserved in the sustainable manner but also used for future development.


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ISSN 2454-5899

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