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Our modern society has become over sexualized and having casual sex
became something that is praised even amongst teenagers, but most
people are unaware of the consequences that all of this out of control
sexual energy and casual sex encounters have in their energy field,
physical body, emotions and life in general.
There's also pornography and virtual sex that is now an epidemic,
causing people to waste hours of their lives and their life force energy, to
the point that they begin to lack basic social skills, like having real
connections and relationships, and most of this energy and time is
wasted in situations that won't bring any value to their lives.
So many people have all sorts of sexual traumas and imbalances due to
growing up in this over sexualized society, being it abusing, overusing
and not valuing this sacred energy, or fully becoming disconnected and
blocking it from expressing because of fear or shame. In any case, if your
sexual energy is imbalanced or blocked you are missing out on the
immense healthy benefits that it can bring to your entire life.
Sexual energy is that inner fire and excitement that you feel when you are
inspired, and when you are about to do something that you enjoy. It is the
first spark of creative energy that you have within yourself, and you can
utilize it to create a human life, or you can also channel it into manifesting
your goals, dreams and projects.
Sexual energy transmutation is a secret used by many successful people,
and it is becoming more popular in mainstream society due to the amount
of people sharing their journey.
Transmuting sexual energy is very simple although not always easy,
especially in the beginning. Regardless if you are a female or male you
need to learn how to master your sexual instincts and have self-control,
and from there begin to channel this powerful energy into creating the life
of your dreams.Now I'll share with you 11 steps that you can follow to
start your Sexual Energy Transmutation journey;
4. Have Clear Intentions
Take time to reflect on why you like to learn Sexual Energy
Transmutation, and how it can benefit your life. Having clear intentions
from the beginning will help you to stay motivated along the way.
2: Identify and Challenge your limiting belief
"systems and self-sabotage mechanisms
What are your limiting beliefs about being able to manifest a truly
fulfilling life? It's time to face those belief systems and challenge them,
because they will show up and try to make you give up, or not even start.
Write down on a piece of paper your main limiting beliefs about why you
may think you can postpone your goals, or why you may think you can't
manifest certain dreams like a career you truly love, a fulfilling
relationship, and so on. Maybe you think you don't have enough time,
maybe you think it's too hard, maybe you think you are a lost case, maybe
you are holding on to self-judgment, maybe you are comparing yourself
to others...Write down your limiting beliefs on a journal and challenge them with
opposite facts, for example;
Limiting Belief:
| don't have enough time to focus on this now, maybe | can start in “xx’
months from now when | can take a vacation.
* Ina few months from now | am going to wish | had started today.
* Imagine how much | will have accomplished in a few months from
now if | start today.
* Improving myself is a priority and the better | feel emotionally,
mentally, physically and spiritually, the better I'll show up for my day-
to-day situations.
* If | don't do anything to improve my situation, it will only get worse
and harder to stop the negative momentum.a3 »Master your Sexual Instincts
Are you in harmony with your sexual energy, or does it have control over
you? Most people start masturbating early in life, and it becomes such an
unconscious habit that they never go a week without it, or without having
In the process of mastering your sexual instincts you need to be able to
refrain from masturbating or having an orgasm for a few weeks at the
time, this will help you to master your instincts and cravings so they don't
control your actions, and it will also help you to get over the habit of
always orgasming the same way, so you can start learning different
kinds of orgasms, and different ways to channel your sexual energy.
If you are a male, there are many benefits that you can experience from
this practice alone, just by not releasing semen too often. Check my
youtube channel for more information on Semen Retention and Male
Non-Ejaculatory Orgasms.
For both males and females, you can start by aiming to reach 21 days at
the time without orgasming and masturbating while practicing the next
steps that I'm about to share.(4) ‘Eliminate Porn
Pornography is very detrimental physically and emotionationally in many
ways. Porn makes the viewers constantly release excessive amounts of
dopamine, which tricks the body to feel like it has too much of it, therefore
the body reduces it's natural production and the dopamine sensors in the
brain begin to die off as a result of it. It also causes the viewers to get
desensitized overtime and need extreme stimulation in order to get
sexually aroused, causing many males to have erectile dysfunction issues.
The low dopamine levels also reflect in day-to-day life as lack of
motivation, low energy, depression, and so on.
Pornography shows sex as pure physical and mechanical, without love or
a real connection, it normalizes the objectification of others and being
objectfied ourselves. It shows sex that is disconnected, fake, oftentimes
violent, and not truly the way that most women like to be touched or are
turned on, causing dissatisfaction in relationships. It also teaches this
distorted idea that sex is just lustfull and meaningless. It keeps the
viewers stuck in low dimensional vibration, unable to experience the bliss
and ecstasy of true sacred sexuality and cosmic orgasms, which are
based on love, connection and deep intimacy.
This list could go on and on, but if you like more information or have
questions I have several videos on the topic on my YouTube channel, and
| help people overcome this issue on my Sacred Sexuality 101 course and
one-on-one program.Consciously utilize your Sexual Energy
Observe what is triggering your desire to masturbate or have sex. Is there
anyone in your life that is awakening this desire within you? Were you
watching something that triggered that energy? Are you feeling bored or
lonely or tired? Is it just an unconscious habit of yours to masturbate or
have sex every morning or evening? If you are a woman, are you on your
ovulation period?
You may learn a lot from observing and taking notes instead of following
your impulse right away, then you can make a conscious choice. You may
choose to utilize this energy into something else, for example meditate,
move your body, or focus on your creative projects, or if you feel that it's
time, then enjoy this moment of self-pleasure and self-love to the fullest.
Love yourself, breathe slowly, connect with your body and how you feel,
be aware of your thoughts, learn orgasm manifestations practices, and so
It is very different to just be dominated by your instincts, cravings, and
desires, or to consciously choose your actions with awareness,
discernment and balance.Center Yourself
Meditation and breathing exercises will be your best friends to help you
channel your sexual energy. With specific visualizations and breathing
techniques you'll be able to move the energy up your spine, stimulating
your higher energy centers, and also allowing the energy to flow freely
throughout your body, instead of accumulating in your pelvis. This
practice will also help to open up the energy pathways necessary for you
to start experiencing full-body orgasms.
Meditation and breath-work will also help you to create a coherent
energy field by balancing your mind and emotions, centering and
grounding yourself, and helping you connect you with your inner wisdom
and spiritual guidance.
Check my Guided Meditation to Transmute Sexual Energy on my website
7 Move your Body
Practice sports, exercising, dancing, or any form of physical movement. It
is not only essential for your health, but it also helps you channel and
move your sexual energy throughout your body.
If you feel your sexual energy building up too much you may release it by
running, doing some pushups, dancing... The idea is to move energy up
and down the spine freely, instead of staying stuck in the pelvis. It will
also help you release tension and energy blocks.' B:Have Proper Nutrition
Have you noticed how when you eat heavy food you feel heavy, lethargic,
unmotivated, and soon you find yourself in a downward spiral? It also
affects your ability to think clearly and how you feel about yourself.
The food you eat literally becomes you, and that is the energy that your
body will be using as fuel to thrive, so if you want to improve your
lifestyle, improving your diet will be necessary to help you stay clear
minded, committed and motivated.
Practice eating light foods that are full of life-force, that are easy to
digest, that give you energy, and that are organically grown. Opt for
whole-foods instead of processed foods, and eat plenty of raw fruits and
vegetables, that’s when they are in their most natural state and all the
nutrients are intact.‘Q: Honor your Temple
Sex will never be insignificant no matter what attitude we choose to
adopt. During sex there's a deep energy exchange along with fluids and
dna information. Everytime you have sex you're absorbing part of your
partner's energy and leaving part of yours with them, if they are having
sex with more people you're also receiving the energy of the people
they're having sex with, and even people from their past, and vice versa.
When a person have sex with a variety of people, they are absorbing and
transferring a lot of energy and information and their energy field can get
clouded with lots of people's imprints, including their traumas and
toxicity. You also create energy cords with your partner, and their
thoughts, feelings, and impressions are left as impressions in your energy
field, the deeper the connection, the stronger will be the energy cords
connecting you both, and affecting you for years to come, or until properly
cleansed and removed.
You can cleanse your past sexual energy and remove the energy cords,
but after you're done with your cleanse the most important part will be
that you honor your body regardless if you're a male or female, and
choose wisely who and why you like to exchange your energy with.
Always ask yourself; “Are my actions coming from a place of love or lust?”
“How is this exchange affecting me and the other(s) involved?
Check my Guided Meditation for Relationship Cord Removal on my website10. Focus on your Goals
Now that you are treating yourself right by challenging your limiting
beliefs, eating clean, moving your body, honoring your temple, and
becoming a master of your sexual energy, it’s time to focus on your goals.
You wake up and you have a certain amount of energy available until you
need to rest again, so how will you spend it? Direct your energy, time, and
attention to the things that you like to create in your life. Reevaluate your
priorities and intentions, create strategies and use all that sexual fuel to
build the life that you want to live.
41: Learn Sacred Sexuality
In Sacred Sexuality you learn practices of deep intimacy and connection
with yourself and your beloved, and you learn how to have full body
cosmic orgasms by maintaining and channeling the energy up the spine
and exchanging it with your partner. This practice promotes the
stimulation of your higher energy centers nurturing the body, promoting
healing, creativity, inspiration, motivation and revitalizing the entire body
and soul.Ready to dive deeper?
Check out my Guided Meditations, Sacred Sexuality 101 Online
Certification Course and my One-On-One coaching program at
Click Here