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Reality Check: Financial Challenges and Coping Mechanisms of The Grade 11 Students

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Volume: 7
Pages: 797- 803
Document ID: 2023PEMJ600
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7750968
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-15-3
Psych Educ,2023, 7:797-803, Document ID2023: PEMJ600, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7750968, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Reality Check: Financial Challenges and Coping Mechanisms

of the Grade 11 Students
Mark Anthony N. Polinar*, Bertella G. Rabanes, Mercedes T. Alejo
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.


Anyone who desires to improve their standard of living, alleviate poverty, and have an opportunity over others
regarding employment and profession needs to receive an education. However, there are various struggles that
students encounter in their journey. Thus, this qualitative study scrutinized the financial challenges of grade 11
students and how they cope with them. Twelve (12) informants eligible to participate in the study were
interviewed through focus group discussion (FGD). In utilizing Colaizzi’s method, three themes emerged, and
these are (1) Insufficient amount of daily allowance, (2) Relying on one income, and (3) Prioritization of Wants
over Needs. Most informants revealed that they only have an average daily budget of fifty pesos, with almost
half of that amount going toward transportation expenses, forcing them to forgo buying food for their snacks.
Also, relying on one source of income is seen as a financial challenge because some of the informants have
siblings who are also enrolled in school, necessitating them to take on side jobs to supplement their income. They
prioritize their wants over their necessities, another noteworthy response from the informants. They assert that
they must change their perspective and put personal needs before personal wants when making financial decisions.
The researchers concluded that teachers should spend some time engaging in in-depth dialogues with their students
and giving them a variety of inquiries about their lives and daily activities.

Keywords: qualitative study, coping mechanisms, reality check, financial challenges, grade 11 students

Introduction the students' top concerns with remote learning. With

the findings, D2L advised that to improve remote
Education is essential for anyone who desires to learning, teachers should receive training on
improve their standard of living and poverty conducting online classes more successfully, including
eradication and gain a competitive advantage in adapting the delivery of lessons based on the medium,
employment and career path. Many students believed
maximizing the use of available digital tools, and
that education would help them provide financial
establishing an appropriate student workload, among
resources to their parents and achieve their dreams,
other things. In Japan, it is the same effect on students.
particularly those of money. Al-Shuaibi (2014) stated
According to the Ministry of Education, which
that the secret to future success and having many
Kakuchi (2021) referenced, 12,322 students claimed
opportunities in life is. In addition, people can benefit
they would leave college for the following reasons:
much from education. For instance, it clarifies a
lack of money, difficulty adjusting to life as an online
person's thoughts and mental processes. It aids
student, and loss of interest in learning. According to
university graduates in making plans for employment
or further education. 74% of respondents in other research by the
Association of Colleges and Universities, reported by
Hess (2021), budgetary constraints are the most severe
With the presence of the pandemic, students are
difficulty their school faces. Another study's results
having academic struggles that lead to dropping out of
revealed that 79% of respondents expressed concern
school and just looking for a living to help their
families have money for their basic needs. According about being able to pay their financial obligations
to the study conducted by Desire 2 Learn (D2L), as because of the pandemic. The studies mentioned above
cited in the article published in Business World revealed that the pandemic affects students because
(2021), more than half of Filipino students are many did not continue their studies due to financial
considering taking a break from school until the struggles.
coronavirus outbreak is over, mainly because it is Together with academic difficulties, students
difficult to use computers for distance learning. A part frequently deal with financial problems that are
of their findings showed that Internet access (78%), detrimental to their well-being. Financial problem is an
trouble concentration and lack of motivation to learn inability to manage expenses well and having a poor
(66%), finding a quiet and comfortable area to study financial plan, high debt, low income, difficulties in
(58%), juggling learning with other duties (47%), and managing cash flows, and poor financial literacy
problems with mental health and wellness (43%) were (Falahati & Paim, 2012; Sabri & Zakaria., 2015).

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Psych Educ,2023, 7:797-803, Document ID2023: PEMJ600, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7750968, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

According to Moore et al. (2021), financial stress may

be a barrier to academic success because it prevents
students from purchasing textbooks, causes them to
prioritize jobs over coursework, and prevents them Methodology
from furthering their career goals. In the local setting,
financial problems that yield financial stress affect Research Design
many students. Financial stress is not improbable
From the viewpoint of its mode of inquiry, this study
among Filipino students, and government figures
was classified as purely qualitative research through
indicate that a sizable fraction of the school-age
Colaizzi’s data gathering and analysis method.
population suffers from it (Bernardo & Resurreccion,
Colaizzi's (1978) method of data analysis is exacting
2018). Insufficient financial resources were cited as
and robust, making it a qualitative approach that
the primary cause of school abandonment by nearly guarantees the veracity and dependability of its
20% of Filipino students who dropped out of findings, as per Wirihana et al. (2018). It enables
elementary school (Philippine Statistical Authority, researchers to identify emerging themes and the
2015). A separate study cited in Philippine Star on connections between them.
June 3, 2022, revealed that the authors found evidence
that students with an income bracket higher than the Participants of the Study
lowest group "may suffice to lessen" depressive
feelings (Madarang, 2022). In addition, the authors The study endeavored senior high school students
argued that the students' economic standing compared enrolled in the Learners Information System (LIS) in
to their peers affects their feelings of depression. the 1st semester of the academic year 2022-2023. The
Furthermore, considering the mentioned results from study's informants were grade 11 students at a public
various studies, the researchers of this study decided to school in Cebu City. Furthermore, the study selected
pursue a study related to students' struggles with twelve (12) students who will participate.
money and how they face it.
Inclusion-Exclusion Criteria
This study aimed to understand the financial
difficulties grade 11 students enrolled in a public The following are the inclusion-exclusion criteria
school endure and how they manage them. The crafted by the researchers: (1) A grade 11 student; (2)
Enrolled in the LIS in the 1st semester of 2022-2023;
researchers are senior high school teachers who
(2) Willing to participate in the conduct of the study.
performed the study. On the one hand, the researchers
Those who did not fall within the bounds of the
found scant information available in various journal
inclusion criteria were excluded from this study.
platforms about students' financial difficulties and
coping techniques in general. On the other hand, the Instrument of the Study
researchers could not locate published studies on the
financial challenges and coping strategies of senior To get essential information from the participants, the
high school students enrolled in public schools. Some study used a semi-structured interview as a mode of
articles discussed ways to deal with stress and data gathering with the help of the interview guide
academic difficulties. As a result, the researchers aim developed by the researchers and validated by experts
to pioneer this research area. in the field through content validity. As per the study
of Torrero et al. (2023), interviews are a qualitative
Research Questions research technique that relies on asking questions to
get information. Interviews often involve two people
The study wanted to explore the financial challenges or more, one of whom is the questioner. Furthermore,
faced by grade 11 learners of a public school in Cebu according to DeBose (n.d.), interviews are the most
City and the coping mechanisms that the learners did useful for qualitative research since they make it easier
to the financial challenges. The study sought to answer to grasp and probe the study subjects' perspectives,
the following domains of inquiry: experiences, and behaviors. All answers were assessed
and analyzed considering the research variables and
1. What are the financial challenges faced by grade 11 domains of investigation. Before interviewing the 12
2. What are the coping mechanisms executed by grade
11 students as they face financial challenges?

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Psych Educ,2023, 7:797-803, Document ID2023: PEMJ600, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7750968, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

participants for the study, the tool underwent in the interview transcripts, which will be meticulously
adjustments and modifications once it had been reviewed.
The study employed the Colaizzi (1978) method in
Data Gathering Procedures analyzing qualitative d ata. Colaizzi's
phenomenological approach may be applied to fully
A methodical approach was used in the study to gather comprehend people's experiences confidently
crucial information from the informants. After (Wirihana et al., 2017). Colaizzi’s method covers a
examining qualifying informants based on the series of steps, as presented in the study of Praveena
inclusion-exclusion criteria, twelve (12) participants and Sasikumar (2021). The following are the critical
who met the requirements were selected. A letter was steps: (1) each transcript was read and re-read to get an
written to them requesting their approval to participate overarching sense of the entire content; (2) significant
in the focus group discussion (FGD) and for the statements relating to the phenomenon under study
interview to be recorded. In addition, the researchers were extracted from transcripts; (3) formulated
also informed the participants' parents since some of meanings were gleaned from significant statements;
them are minors (17 years old and below). Six (4) organization of formulated meanings into clusters
participants in each interview session, conducted by of themes; (5) incorporation of findings into a detailed
two interviewers who are also the study's authors, are description; and (6) description of the fundamental
involved. Face-to-face interviews took place, and the structure.
recordings were made using a cell phone that belonged
to one of the authors. Ethical Protocols

When the interview was audio recorded, questions Ethics is the highest priority throughout this research,
were asked following the guide to understanding the especially while acquiring data. The researchers put
participants' viewpoints and a relevant rationalization the non-discrimination, social responsibility,
for their financial challenges and coping techniques. transparency, and child welfare principles into
Participants were allowed to explain a phenomenon practice. When conducting interviews, the researchers
through interviews following their values, attitudes, maintain fairness and objectivity to avoid being unduly
and self-evaluation. The audio-recorded interview was influenced by their interests, emotions, or affiliations.
converted to text, and the transcripts were scrutinized The researchers ensured that this study substantially
to find clear, central themes that aligned with the impacted the college students in the environment by
participants' experiences. The researchers gathered raising comprehension of the factors considered and
information from the interviews about the challenges outlining their essential benefits. Everyone was
students in grade 11 faced and their coping methods. adequately informed about the researchers' identities,
the significance of the study, and its justification after
Before the interview started and after they gave their all necessary consent had been obtained. The
agreement in writing, the participants got both a researchers thoroughly outlined the significance of the
written and verbal orientation on its administration and student's role and all the expected advantages of the
procedure. They will also gain information regarding study.
their privacy and the conditions of their voluntary
Results and Discussion
participation, described in the consent form they
approved in advance. This provides a first look at the
interview guide and the data-gathering method. The This section highlights the results and discussion based
participants were provided with unique identification on the study’s domains of inquiry. The following
numbers to protect their privacy. themes emerged after the researchers analyzed the
Data Analysis Procedure
Theme #1. Insufficient amount of Daily Allowance
A variety of methods can be used to collect qualitative
data. Making sense of the data acquired from grade 11 One of the themes that emerged after examining all
students' financial challenges and coping mechanisms their responses was needing more money to pay for
through filmed and recorded interviews is one of the lunch and snacks or to contribute to school projects.
greatest approaches to preventing content According to the informants, the daily amount
discrepancies (Torerro et al., 2022). The exact provided by their parents needs to be increased for
responses of each participant will be included verbatim

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Psych Educ,2023, 7:797-803, Document ID2023: PEMJ600, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7750968, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

them to purchase snacks and lunch from the school's addition, it was shown that there was a strong
canteen and concession stands. In addition, their daily correlation between financial support satisfaction and
allowance needs to be increased to help them if their the amount of school allowance that students received.
subject teachers have assigned school projects that Finding a side job to make additional money is the
deal with expenses. Also, four informants said that most significant financial problem that business
their daily budget is just 50 pesos and that it will be administration students perceive, according to the
decreased because transportation costs vary from 10 to study by Zamora et al. (2022). They believe that is a
20 pesos depending on the student's location. workable alternative for them to decrease the effects of
the financial difficulties they encounter. Many of the
Considering their tight budget for a daily allowance, respondents in another survey by Sollano et al. (2018)
these students have coping mechanisms to get by. have 41 pesos as the minimum daily allocation for
Some of them were seen skipping their snack time in school. The authors then encouraged teachers to keep
favor of eating. When paying for assignments or class guiding and reminding students that they should still
contributions, they would tell the collector (the class have the ambition and determination to accomplish
treasurer) that they would do so the following day or well in school regardless of their socioeconomic
the day after to give themselves time to ask their situation. Also, the authors urged the students to
parents for money or find a part-time job. budget their allowance to cover their expenses while
attending school and avoid seeking help from their
Notably, informant 10 revealed:
parents. Moreover, Moneva et al. (2020) argued that
students' school allowances have little bearing on how
“Sa ako bawn na 50 pesos sir kay kuhaan pana nako sa
committed they are to their academics. Students are
ako plete back and forth 24 pesos so ang mabilin sa
likely to be willing to attend class regardless of the
ako bawn kay 26 pesos nalang. Para ma-budget nako
size of their daily stipend. Students are motivated to
ang money, di nalang ko mo-snacks and tingbon
succeed in their studies. Also, a student's financial
nalang nako ika lunch time unya mupalit ko sud-an
background or school allowance helps them achieve
gawas sa school kay mas barato man.” (My daily
their goals. The student's performance is unaffected by
allowance is fifty pesos, of which twenty pesos will go
the school allowance, whether large or poor.
toward my round-trip transportation costs and twenty-
six dollars toward my food. I must skip snacks and buy
Theme #2. Relying on One Source of Income
inexpensive food outside the premises to stay within
my budget.)
After analyzing the gathered data from the interview,
As per informant 3: the researchers pointed out that relying on one source
of income contributes to the financial challenges that
“Sa ako sitwasyon maam, mo-skip ko snacks and the students are experiencing. In their family, the
mulahos nalang ko lunch para gamay ra ako magasto father, mother, or one of the children has a fixed
sa ako bawn na 50 pesos ug para naa koy masobra and income. Other family members may have part-time
ako e-save ang sobra nako sa ako bawn. Usahay jobs to earn a meager income but still, need more to
mubalibad ko amot if nay amutan sa klase and ako satisfy their needs. In this case, students, as they need
nalang hangyuon ang magkolekta na ugma nalang ko daily allowance, may opt to find their income by
bayad kay di kaabot ako bawn sa bayranan.” (In my having part-time jobs, even if the pay is very little, to
situation, having 50.00 pesos as my daily allowance, have their own money. Informant 11 shared that he felt
but still I wanted to save for my school necessities. To sorry for his mother because he knew there was not
attain my goal, I missed snacks and only had lunch. enough money for house expenses. Also, informant 12
There are times I made an excuse for not being able to mentioned that her parents, since they are old already,
pay my school contribution because my savings are have no jobs and therefore do not have income. Of the
not sufficient. eight (8) children, only one (1) has a permanent
income. All the expenses are taken from that single
The results of Moneva and Tuacao's quantitative study income, including my brother's medicine and the
(2020) showed that the respondents received a school school fees of the three (3) students. These informants
stipend of between 41 and 50 pesos, which they felt tend to look for their own money because they do not
was good parental financial support. Students are want to burden their parents.
co n ten ted with their schoo l stip en d, the
authors concluded. Their school stipend is sufficient to They develop coping mechanisms to make ends meet
allow them to attend class with a peaceful mind and to to survive their financial dilemma. One tried to
purchase the food they desire for lunch and snacks. In babysit, take care of an older man, and wash cars to

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Psych Educ,2023, 7:797-803, Document ID2023: PEMJ600, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7750968, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

have a small amount of money for his school fees. He special condition. My allowance of P100/day is
even plays basketball or billiards and makes sure to included in his budget. I have to allocate it for my fare
win the bet. Others are into selling goods or beauty and food while at school. But it is not enough, ma'am
products online, and some sell food to raise money for because fare alone takes a lot of it. The fare is more
their school fees and other needs. than P20 depending on whether I ride a jeep or bus.
So, my fare budget is P50-60 back and forth per day. I
Informant 11 specifically disclosed: always make sure that what's left will be enough for
my snacks and lunch. I usually look for cheap food
“Ang akong problema jud ma’am kay ang akong outside. For my other expenses, I will sell products
pamlete ug pagkaon. Dili na lang ko mamahaw, online. I usually ask to resell products from my friend
tingbon na lang sa paniudto para masigo ang akong so that I don't have to look for capital, then I will
kwarta. Maulaw ko mangayo sa akong mama kay dispose of it thru online.)
kahibaw ko kulang iyang kwarta para sa akong mga
manghod ug sa anak pas akong Ate. So, mangita na Several pieces of evidence suggest that having more
lang ko ug pamaagi para naa koy akong kwarta. Mo than one source of income is required. According to
bantay ko ug bata, tigulang, ug mag car wash. Ug naay Johansson (2017), millions of Americans are content
makigduwa ug basketball pinustahay moapil ko. Kung with having one job that provides them with a single
wala koy pangpusta, mag referee sa ko kay ang akong source of income. However, the author believes that in
suhol sa pagka referee mao to akong ipusta inig duwa today's economy, that approach needs to be revised,
nako, e sure jud nako nga makadaug para maako ang incredibly when there are challenging financial times
pusta. Usahay pud mag billiard ko para maka kwarta. and a high cost of living. Furthermore, the author
(My problem, ma'am, is my fare and food. I don't eat suggested that having multiple sources of income is
breakfast anymore; I just have lunch to save my essential in this uncertain economic situation. It gives
money. I'm ashamed to ask my mom because I know protection against market fluctuations, more
she doesn't have enough money for my younger flexibility, and faster paths to wealth. Another article
siblings and my younger sister’s daughter. So, I'll just argued that financial risk is involved if an individual
find a way to have money for my own. I babysit, take relies on one source of income. Thus multiple sources
care of old people, and wash cars. When someone of income will hedge an individual to a paycheck-to-
invites me to play basketball, I join. If I don't have a paycheck scenario of his life (Adebambo, 2019).
bet, I do referee because my share as a referee is what Moreover, Kiymaz and Öztürkkal (2019) discovered
I will bet on later when I play. I make sure to win the that households' daily concerns in Turkey, such as
game so that I can get the money from the bet. failure to finance short-term expenses, which include
Sometimes I also play billiards to earn money.) healthcare, everyday expenses, and loss of the ability
to maintain the life quality are highly significant
Shared information from informant 12 said: components that explain their subjective financial
well-being. This indicates that these issues impact the
“Ang naay income sa amoa ma’am kay ang akong household's perspective on its members' well-being
Kuya ra. Iya nana e budget iya sweldo sa tanan and how they go about their daily lives.
gastuhan sa balay apil na ang tambal sa akong usa pa
ka kuya nga naay special condition. Apil na sa iyang Theme #3. Prioritization of Wants over Needs
budget ang akong allowance nga tag P100/day. Mao
nana akong kuhaan sa pamlete ug pagkaon ari sa As the researchers continue to elicit the informants'
school. Pero dili jud sya kaigo ma’am kay sa plete pa responses, another issue concerning their struggles to
lang daan dako na syag kuha. P20 plus ang pletehan control their wants concerning their needs emerges.
depende sa akong masakyan na jeep or bus. So akong According to their statements, the daily allowance is
e budget sa plete naa sa P50-60 back and forth per day. 50.00 pesos, of which 40% must be allocated for
Ang mahabilin mao na sya akong igoon para sa akong transportation expenses, and 60% must be allocated for
snacks ug lunch. Kasagaran mangita ko ug sud-an na school necessities. However, as a teenager, they were
barato sa gawas. Para sa akong other expenses, bombarded with fashion, music, and souvenir trends
mamaligya ko ug products online like mo angkat ko sa and became avid fans of K-pop, which produces
akong kaila para dili na ko mangita ug pang capital, merchandise such as clothes and accessories. To
then akong e dispose thru online. (My brother is the satisfy their desires, they often sacrifice what appears
only one who has income in our family, ma'am. He to be their needs. They are more likely to have mixed
budgets his salary for all the household expenses, or insecure feelings about the role of money in
including the medicine for my other brother who has a achieving happiness in life because they witnessed

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Psych Educ,2023, 7:797-803, Document ID2023: PEMJ600, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7750968, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

their parents' differing money views, money prepared for financial stability in the future. Another
dysfunction, and money arguments. mistake people make is misclassifying their wants as
needs. They do not consider cutting back on something
As per the informants who shared that prioritization of classified as a need at first. Additionally, according to
wants over needs is one of the challenges affecting Failaman (2017), students spend their stipend on
their finances, they cope by learning how to budget extracurricular activities like renting computer
and, simultaneously, knowing the difference between equipment for games and fun, shopping at malls, and
needs and wants. It was noteworthy to share that one visiting their classmates. Teens were active consumers
informant said that her way to lessen the effect of this regarding money spent, family influence, and societal
challenge is to read finance-related books such as Rich trends. Despite growing up during rapid change, they
Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Another notable demonstrate remarkable self-assurance in their
coping strategy that one informant said to the judgment.
interviewers is that if they plan to buy their wants, they
tend to save for them to acquire them soon. Discussion
To sum it up, this qualitative study concluded that the
Remarkably, informant 8 said:
informants, who were grade 11 students in a public
“Usa sa challenge na ako nasugatan maam kay kana di school, shared their lived experiences with financial
nako ma-una palit ang mga needs kay mahurot dayon challenges and coping mechanisms, yielding three
ako kwarta tungod sa mga wants nako like kana mag- themes: (1) insufficient daily allowance, (2) relying on
crave ko food and chocolates. Lisod kaayo siya one source of income, and (3) prioritization of wants
pugngan ako gibati basta magcrave ko mga gusto nako over needs. Also, one of the notable responses from
kan-on.” (One of the challenges I encountered was the informants was that their daily allowance is, on
controlling my expenditure on my wants over my average, 50 pesos, with nearly half of it going toward
needs, due to craving for my favorite food and transportation costs, causing them to skip buying food
chocolates.) for their snacks. Also, depending on one source of
income is perceived as a financial challenge since
Informant 7 shared that: some of the informants have siblings who are also
studying. This entails that they need to do sideline jobs
“Ang pagkaK-pop fan nako maam ang usa sa ako to earn additional money. Another notable response
challenge na ma apektuhan ako budget para unta sa from the informants is that they prioritize their wants
ako pangsnacks and paniudto sa school. Mao ako over their needs. Some buy chocolates, fast food, and
buhaton kay if naa koy gusto paliton na gamit related merchandise related to their idolized icons in the local
sa K-pop kay ako najud tiguman para di ko maglisod and international showbiz and music industries on the
sa kwarta na pangkaon nako.” (Being an avid Kpop spur of the moment. In addition, informants stated that
fan, I love to have their merchandise such as they are now shifting their mindset to prioritize needs
fashionable clothes and accessories. To attain my before spending money on wants.
wants, I must save thru sacrifices by forgoing snacks
and had inexpensive lunch.) Given the results, the study concluded that students in
public schools encounter prevalent financial
According to the research done by Mohamad (2018), challenges, which deleteriously impact their mental
respondents thought that their spending habits were the and physical health and academic performance. Aside
primary financial behavior causing them the most from financial difficulties, they also need help
trouble. With that, the researcher concluded that it is academically, particularly as they adjust to the
essential to encourage financial education because it is Department of Education's mandate that all public
one of the solutions to reducing financial issues, schools return to face-to-face instruction. As a result,
particularly among students. Also, the study by the researchers conclude that teachers should devote
Zamora et al. (2022) revealed that business some of their time to having in-depth conversations
administration students needed help comprehending with their students and asking them questions about
the importance of prioritizing needs over wants. The their lives and daily activities. Students will be happy
authors further recommended that teachers, who act as and content because there is one person who wants to
the students' direct role models, must emphasize the listen to their problems and stories, and they will
need to develop strong abilities to handle finances. If eventually put their trust and confidence in that
students have a fundamental understanding of money teacher.
management, saving, prudent spending, managing
debt, and future investments, they will be better

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Psych Educ,2023, 7:797-803, Document ID2023: PEMJ600, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7750968, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

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Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Dr. Mark Anthony N. Polinar
Kiymaz, H. and Öztürkkal, B. (2019). Perceived Financial Needs, Mabolo National High School,
Income Sources, and Subjective Financial Well-Being in an
Emerging Market. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning.
Department of Education - Philippines
Volume 30, Number 2, 191-201.
h t t p : / / d x . d o i . o rg / 1 0 . 1 8 9 1 / 1 0 5 2 - 3 0 7 3 . 3 0 . 2 . 1 9 1
Mrs. Bertella G. Rabanes, LPT
Mabolo National High School,
Madarang, C. R. S. (2022, June 3). Financial woes causing Department of Education – Philippines
depressive feelings among Filipino college students. Interaksyon.
Mrs. Bertella G. Rabanes, LPT
college-students/ Mabolo National High School,
Department of Education - Philippines
Moneva, J. C., Miralles, R. C., & Raman, J. (2020). School

Polinar et al. 803/803

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