AI in Autonomous Vehicles: A Comprehensive Study of Perception, Decision-Making, Path Planning, and Safety Considerations
AI in Autonomous Vehicles: A Comprehensive Study of Perception, Decision-Making, Path Planning, and Safety Considerations
AI in Autonomous Vehicles: A Comprehensive Study of Perception, Decision-Making, Path Planning, and Safety Considerations
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Autonomous vehicles have the potential to crucial for harnessing their potential and addressing the
revolutionize transportation by leveraging artificial challenges associated with their deployment.
intelligence (AI) technologies to navigate and operate
without human intervention. This research paper A. Background and Motivation
provides a comprehensive study of AI applications in The development and integration of AI technologies in
autonomous vehicles, focusing on perception, decision- autonomous vehicles have gained significant attention in
making, path planning, and safety considerations. The recent years. Autonomous vehicles, also known as self-
study aims to explore the state-of-the-art techniques, driving cars, have the potential to transform the
challenges, and future directions in each of these transportation industry by providing safer, more efficient,
domains. Through an extensive review of research and convenient means of travel. These vehicles leverage AI
literature and case studies, this paper highlights the algorithms and advanced sensors to perceive the
crucial role of AI in enabling safe and efficient environment, make real-time decisions, plan optimal routes,
autonomous driving. and navigate without human intervention.The motivation
behind researching AI in autonomous vehicles stems from
Keywords:- AI in Autonomous Vehicles, Perception Systems, the potential benefits they offer.
Computer Vision, Object Detection, Sensor Fusion, Object
Recognition, Multi-Object Tracking, Evaluation Of Firstly, autonomous vehicles have the potential to
Perception Systems, Decision-Making Algorithms, significantly reduce road accidents and fatalities caused by
Reinforcement Learning, Rule-Based Systems, Expert human errors, as AI systems can constantly monitor the
Systems, Probabilistic Models, Ethical Considerations, surroundings and react faster than human drivers. This has
Transparency In Decision-Making, Path Planning the potential to save countless lives and improve road safety.
Techniques, Trajectory Optimization, Constraints And
Challenges In Path Planning, Real-Time Path Planning Secondly, autonomous vehicles can help alleviate
Algorithms, Validation And Evaluation Of Path Planning traffic congestion by optimizing traffic flow, reducing the
Algorithms, Risk Assessment, Mitigation Strategies, Fault number of vehicles on the road, and minimizing the
Detection, Recovery Mechanisms, Human-Machine occurrence of traffic incidents. This can lead to improved
Interaction, Safety Considerations, Adversarial Attacks, fuel efficiency and reduced greenhouse gas emissions,
Robustness Testing, Legal And Regulatory Frameworks, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally
Case Studies, Real-World Applications, Impact On friendly transportation system.
Transportation Infrastructure, Impact On Society, Emerging
Trends And Technologies, Data Privacy, Security Moreover, autonomous vehicles have the potential to
Considerations, Scalability, Real-Time Performance, Socio- enhance transportation accessibility for individuals with
Ethical Implications, Collaboration Between Industry, disabilities or those who are unable to drive, providing them
Academia, And Regulators. with newfound independence and mobility.
Transition between Autonomous and Manual Driving Privacy and Data Protection
Clear guidelines and procedures should be established Autonomous vehicles gather vast amounts of data,
to manage the transition between autonomous and manual including sensor inputs and location information.
driving modes. The system should communicate when it Implementing robust privacy measures, such as data
requires human intervention and provide sufficient time for anonymization and secure data storage, is crucial to protect
the driver to take control safely. passenger privacy.
C. Recommendations for Future Research Develop fault detection and recovery mechanisms that
Based on the research conducted in this paper, several can quickly identify and respond to faults in autonomous
recommendations for future research in the field of AI in vehicle systems, ensuring safe operation and minimizing
autonomous vehicles can be made. These recommendations disruptions.
aim to address existing challenges, explore emerging areas,
and further enhance the safety, reliability, and societal Investigate human factors in autonomous vehicle
impact of autonomous driving. The following are key safety, including designing effective interfaces,
recommendations for future research: understanding human trust, and developing appropriate
communication strategies between autonomous vehicles and
Perception Systems human users.
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