Sustainability 11 05791 v2 PDF
Sustainability 11 05791 v2 PDF
Sustainability 11 05791 v2 PDF
Algorithmic Decision-Making in AVs: Understanding
Ethical and Technical Concerns for Smart Cities
Hazel Si Min Lim and Araz Taeihagh *
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, 469B Bukit Timah Road, Li Ka Shing
Building, Singapore 259771, Singapore; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +65-6601-5254
Received: 7 August 2019; Accepted: 16 October 2019; Published: 18 October 2019
Abstract: Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are increasingly embraced around the world to advance
smart mobility and more broadly, smart, and sustainable cities. Algorithms form the basis of
decision-making in AVs, allowing them to perform driving tasks autonomously, efficiently, and
more safely than human drivers and offering various economic, social, and environmental benefits.
However, algorithmic decision-making in AVs can also introduce new issues that create new safety
risks and perpetuate discrimination. We identify bias, ethics, and perverse incentives as key ethical
issues in the AV algorithms’ decision-making that can create new safety risks and discriminatory
outcomes. Technical issues in the AVs’ perception, decision-making and control algorithms, limitations
of existing AV testing and verification methods, and cybersecurity vulnerabilities can also undermine
the performance of the AV system. This article investigates the ethical and technical concerns
surrounding algorithmic decision-making in AVs by exploring how driving decisions can perpetuate
discrimination and create new safety risks for the public. We discuss steps taken to address these
issues, highlight the existing research gaps and the need to mitigate these issues through the design
of AV’s algorithms and of policies and regulations to fully realise AVs’ benefits for smart and
sustainable cities.
1. Introduction
Smart and sustainable cities have been increasingly emphasised around the world to resolve the
challenges associated with rapid urbanisation and population growth [1–4]. Amid the proliferating
initiatives to develop smart cities, conceptions of the latter have emerged as a point of contention
among scholars, who have pointed out the heavy emphasis of smart city concepts on technologically
driven solutions and economic imperatives and the lack of evidence demonstrating their alignment
with environmental and social sustainability [4–7]. In the transportation industry, these initiatives take
the form of smart mobility solutions ranging from shared mobility services, electric vehicles and bikes,
autonomous vehicles (AVs) and the integration of multiple transportation modes such as rail and cycling
to attain safer, more efficient and environmentally sustainable transportation [8–13]. There have,
however, been increasing calls for these solutions to not only be adopted for their technological
“smartness”, but also to be supplemented with more integrated transport planning that serves the
needs of people and sustainable mobility objectives [5,6,14].
Among the various smart mobility solutions proposed, AVs offer improved safety, congestion,
traffic efficiency, mobility for the elderly and disabled and reduced environmental impact [1,15–18]
and many governments around the world have been accelerating AV developments and trials [19,20].
Underpinning the technological “smartness” of AVs are connected sensors that retrieve data on its
surroundings and algorithms that process the data, make, and execute driving decisions through the
vehicle’s actuators. The quality of data retrieved by the AV’s sensors is critical for decision-making [21],
and the efficiency, precision and reliability of decision-making algorithms allows AVs to surpass the
typical human driver in performing driving tasks [22]. A major component in AVs is machine-learning
(ML) [23] algorithms that continuously learn and adapt to new information, which is essential for
responding to unexpected situations and providing on-demand transportation services [24]. Algorithms’
independence from human input and ML’s data-driven nature allows AVs to significantly reduce or
eliminate human errors that have been responsible for 90% of road fatalities, such as speeding, alcohol
impairment, distractions and induced fear [25,26].
However, an overemphasis on technological solutions alone for economic development could risk
neglecting social and environmental considerations and thus hinder true “smartness” [27]. Scholars
have cautioned against rushing to develop smart mobility solutions such as AVs without being
prepared to manage their potential “negative externalities” [1,28]. In particular, issues in algorithmic
decision-making in AVs can have undesirable effects on safety and equity. Firstly, data mining
processes in AVs are susceptible to biases that lead algorithms to prioritise the safety of certain groups
of road users over others and thus, perpetuate discrimination [29,30]. Secondly, many scholars stress
the need to design algorithms with ethical considerations to ensure that AVs make ethical driving
decisions [31,32], but the proposed approaches entail various limitations that can lead to unsafe or
unfair driving decisions [33,34]. Thirdly, stakeholders in the AV ecosystem can be motivated by
perverse incentives to design algorithms that discriminate between different groups of road users
and that promote risky driving behaviour [31,35]. Fourthly, technical issues in the AV system can
undermine the accuracy of algorithmic decisions and create new safety hazards [36,37].
These new safety risks and discrimination that can potentially arise from the ethical and
technical issues in AVs’ algorithms can undermine public well-being and social equity, and thus
are obstacles to real “smartness” and sustainability, but limited research exists to assess these issues.
Furthermore, holding stakeholders accountable for AVs’ algorithms are critical to mitigate these
negative consequences, but exploration of such accountability mechanisms remain nascent in the
literature [17,31]. Transparency has also been criticised as insufficient to explain highly complex
algorithms and potentially inhibitive for innovation due to excessive “regulatory constraints” on
algorithm designs [38]. New solutions to account for and mitigate these new safety risks and
discrimination are required for AVs to be considered a truly smart and sustainable transportation
solution. Thus, we seek to address the following questions:
(a) What are the issues in algorithmic decision-making in AVs?
(b) How do these issues create concerns for safety and discrimination and impede the move
towards smart and sustainable cities?
(c) What are the proposed solutions and steps taken to address these issues?
Section 2 provides the background information about AVs and algorithms, followed by Section 3,
which describes our research methodology. In Section 4, we discuss the importance of algorithmic
decision-making in AVs for smart and sustainable cities and their emerging issues. Sections 5 and 6
explore the ethical and technical issues in algorithmic decision-making in AVs and the proposed
solutions to address these issues. We then discuss our findings, the implications for smart and
sustainable cities, and the research gaps to be addressed in Sections 7 and 8.
2. Background
2.1. AVs
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) [39] classifies vehicles according to different levels of
autonomy. At Levels 1 and 2, the human driver performs the main driving operations, but the vehicle
is aided with advanced driver assistance systems, such as rear-view video systems and automatic
emergency braking. At Level 3 (conditional automation), the vehicle can perform all dynamic driving
Sustainability 2019, 11, 5791 3 of 28
tasks such as steering, acceleration, and monitoring the environment, but the human driver is required
to resume control occasionally [39,40]. Vehicles classified under Levels 4 and 5 of autonomy are
considered highly and fully autonomous respectively as they can engage in all the driving tasks
without human intervention [41].
The implementation of vehicles at Levels 4 and 5 is now possible due to rapid technological
advancements in hardware and software systems—sensor-fusion technology and computer vision
allow the vehicle to detect, trace and manoeuvre safely around obstacles and under a wide range
of environmental conditions [42,43]; High-performance computing enables the vehicle to process
vast amounts of data to understand its environment and make spontaneous driving decisions; and
communication technologies enable the vehicle to exchange information with and learn from other
vehicles [44,45]. Given the accelerating technological developments and roll-out of AV trials, AV
technology is expected to advance rapidly and surpass human capabilities over time [38]. Throughout
this study, we focus on vehicles classified under SAE’s Levels 4 and 5 of autonomy, which we will refer
to as “AVs”.
2.2. Algorithms
Algorithms form the mechanisms for decision-making in Artificial intelligence (AI), which was
developed with the intention of mimicking human intelligence. This study refers to the notion of weak
AI, which is defined in terms of the “specific tasks that require single human capabilities, e.g., visual
perception, understanding context, probabilistic reasoning and dealing with complexity”. Strong AI
implies “a system with human or superhuman intelligence” to perform human thinking such as ethical
judgements, “symbolic reasoning” and “managing social situations” [8]. AI may be conceived of firstly
as traditional computer programs that rely on rule-based algorithms to classify information [46,47]
and secondly as a system that can solve problems using high-level reasoning and under uncertainty,
and learn from experience [38]. AI under the second conception uses ML [23] algorithms that do
not merely process data through “static mathematical models” but also learn from historical data to
make future decisions [48]. ML algorithms learn by processing input and output data to model their
understanding of the world, typically by assigning weights to different input variables that represent
their relative importance in determining the outputs. The internal model is then optimised against a
new set of data to ensure its predictive accuracy, where the ML algorithm selects the model that best
aligns with the real-world by minimising its prediction error according to some pre-defined preferences
and decision-making criterion [38].
In AVs, algorithms are embedded in hardware and software. The AV’s hardware comprises
sensors to obtain data about its environment [49], vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure
communication technologies to exchange information with other connected vehicles and infrastructure,
and actuators (e.g., steering wheel, brakes, simulators) to execute the AV’s physical movements [37,50].
These hardware components interact with the AV’s software, which comprises perception,
decision-making (or planning) and control. Perception refers to the collection of information and
knowledge from the environment by the AV system through its sensors and communication networks;
Decision-making enables the AV to meet its goals through processes including mission planning
that involves decision-making to meet “high-level objectives” such as deciding which route to take,
behavioural planning that involves producing “local objectives” such as switching lanes and overtaking,
and motion (or local) planning that produces the steps required to achieve local objectives, such as
reaching a target destination [37], whereby algorithms make decisions based on selected preferences
and criterion; and control algorithms execute these decisions by calculating the inputs for the AV’s
actuators, such as the steering angle and vehicle speed, for the AV to follow a given trajectory [50,51].
The proper functioning of algorithms in all software and hardware components is critical for the AVs’
safe operation.
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3. Methodology
The methodology of this study was designed around our three research questions. We first
identified the issues arising from algorithmic decision-making in AVs that were most saliently
discussed in the AI and ML, robotics, transportation, smart and sustainable cities, philosophical, policy,
planning, and legal literature. We used the key words associated with algorithms, AVs and smart and/or
sustainable cities (see Table 1) in combination with “issue(s)”, “impact(s)”, “consequence(s)”, “effect(s)”,
“limitation(s)”, “concern(s)”, “implication(s)”, “risk(s)”. Our search revealed that bias, ethics, and
perverse incentives were among the most prominent concerns being raised in the literature regarding
algorithmic decision-making in AVs that have significant implications for safety and discrimination.
Search results from the technical literature revealed that various aspects of algorithmic decision-making
with impacts on AV safety and performance stem from the AV’s different components mainly involved
in data processing and analysis (i.e., perception, decision-making, control), the computational capacity
of existing hardware (e.g., graphical processor units) and testing and verification procedures. For
conceptual simplicity, we broadly categorised bias, ethics, and perverse incentives as “ethical issues”
and the issues arising from the AV system’s perception, decision-making, control and testing and
verification as “technical issues”. Rather than aiming to construct a fully exhaustive taxonomy of all the
possible issues arising from the topic at hand, this categorisation serves as a first step in distinguishing
between issues in AVs’ algorithmic decision-making that arise from the AV system’s technological
landscape (i.e., technical issues), with those issues that involve a broader range of actors and ethical
implications beyond the technological landscape in the wider AV ecosystem (i.e., ethical issues).
Table 1. Keywords used to identify articles relating to algorithmic decision-making in AVs and smart
and sustainable cities.
Topic Keywords
algorithm(s), algorithmic, algorithmic process(es), algorithmic
Algorithm decision-making, artificial intelligence, machine-learning, machine-learning
algorithm(s), autonomous system(s), autonomous decision-making
autonomous vehicle(s), driverless, driverless vehicle(s), self-driving vehicle(s),
AVs unmanned autonomous vehicle(s), autonomous car(s), driverless car(s),
autonomous vehicle technology
smart cities, smartness, sustainable cities, sustainability, smart and sustainable,
Smart and/or sustainable cities smart mobility, smart transportation, intelligent transportation, sustainable
mobility, sustainable transportation, smart technology, sustainable technology
After identifying the set of issues arising from algorithmic decision-making in AVs, we conducted
an in-depth analysis of each issue, its implications for safety and discrimination, and its significance
for smart and sustainable cities. This involved searching the keywords in Table 1 in conjunction with
the following keywords in Table 2. Lastly, we identified the proposed solutions and/or steps taken
to address these issues by searching these terms in combination with the terms relating to solutions
and governmental action, which includes “solution(s)”, “government”, “governance”, “policy”,
“regulation(s)”, “guideline(s)”, “law(s)”, “proposal(s)” and “proposed solution(s)”.
Our search covers research articles dated from 2000 onwards and was conducted primarily on
established academic databases, namely Scopus, Web of Science, ScienceDirect and Springer, as well
as on Google Scholar when the results from database searches were insufficient. We utilised mainly
peer-reviewed journal articles to analyse the issues from algorithmic decision-making in AVs and
supplemented the analysis on technical issues with conference proceedings pertaining to AI, ML and
engineering, such as those published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
and Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). We also included government
reports and policy documents to explore the governmental actions taken to address these issues.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 5791 5 of 28
Table 2. Keywords used to identify articles about the issues arising from algorithmic decision-making
in AVs and their implications for safety and discrimination.
Issue Keywords
bias(es), data bias(es), biased, discrimination, discriminatory, discriminate,
Bias and/or discrimination disparate outcome/treatment/effect, differential outcome/treatment/effect,
disparity, unequal, (in)equality, (in)equity, (un)fair, (un)fairness, prejudice
Ethic(s), (un)ethical, moral(s), value(s), ethical
standard(s)/value(s)/principle(s)/rule(s), societal
standard(s)/value(s)/principle(s), ethical/moral dilemma(s), ethical/moral
programming, machine ethics, moral agency, roboethics, ethical theory, thought
experiment(s), trolley problem(s)/scenario(s)/case(s), ethical/moral
judgement(s), risk allocation
Incentive(s), profit(s), profitable, economic incentive(s), commercial incentive(s),
Perverse incentives motivation(s), stakeholder(s), manufacturer(s), programmer(s), designer(s),
user(s), passenger(s), customer(s), consumer(s)
Technical, technology, technological, technical/technological limitation(s),
Technical system, software, hardware, system component(s), design, programmer, code,
operation, operating, operator(s), maintenance, malfunction(s), error(s)
Perception, sensing, sensor(s), camera, visual, vision, machine perception,
Perception machine interpretation, object/obstacle/image detection, image recognition,
perception system, environmental perception, driving/road environment
Decision-making, planning, path/motion/local/trajectory/route planning,
path/trajectory generation, optimisation, modelling, logic, human-machine
interaction, human-machine interface, uncertainty, decision-making
Control, controller, control system, vehicle/vehicular control, path/trajectory
tracking, vehicle motion, control techniques, control strategies
Test(s), testing, trial(s), verification, verify, validate, validation, requirement(s),
Testing and verification verification method(s)/technique(s)/tool(s), validation
method(s)/technique(s)/tool(s), assessment
Safety, safe, accident(s), risk(s), collision(s), collision avoidance, fatalities, injury,
injuries, harm(s)
and smart vehicular technologies such as AVs, to improve transportation outcomes such as safety,
access to mobility and traffic management, which are key to enhancing public well-being and economic
efficiency [7,10,17,58]. In AVs, data collection conducted by on-board sensors directly influences the
AV’s situational awareness and the algorithms that make decisions such as route planning, obstacle
avoidance and reverting control to humans [56,59]. Secondly, the highly autonomous nature and
high computational power of the AV’s algorithms significantly increases the efficiency, accuracy and
timeliness of decision-making relative to human drivers [24]. ML capabilities enable the AV system
to continuously improve and adapt its decision-making processes to environmental changes over
time, which are critical to maintaining and improving users’ safety and security when faced with
manufactured and natural hazards [24,60]. Coupled with external connectivity from the use of IoT
devices, ML capabilities also enable AVs to provide and tailor on-demand transportation services
to changing consumer demands [24]. Thus, the “smartness” and sustainability of AVs hinges upon
the embedded connected devices that store and transmit data as well as decision-making algorithms
that make “precise and real-time decisions” [21] as these processes directly influence road safety,
traffic efficiency, the quality and range of transportation services and other purported benefits for
sustainability [24,61].
Despite the hype over AVs, multiple ethical and technical issues have surfaced regarding
algorithmic decision-making that can undermine AVs’ promise as a truly smart and sustainable
transportation solution. Firstly, algorithms are susceptible to biases originating from the data and
the human designer [62,63]. Based on mathematical correlations learnt from the data, algorithms can
penalise certain personal characteristics [64], such as a pedestrian’s gender, age or physical health, and
the associated individuals, resulting in the AV allocating more risks to certain groups of individuals
over others and thus, creating discriminatory driving outcomes [31]. Secondly, stakeholders in the AV
value-chain can design algorithms in ways to maximise profit rather than for public safety, particularly
as sustainability is “not central” to the developments of connected vehicles and AVs, which is instead
motivated by technological development for its own sake and/or its profitability [5]. Thirdly, AVs’
allocation of risks is inherently an ethical decision that necessitates ethical rules to inform algorithmic
decision-making, but the choice of rules and approach to program these rules can yield new safety
risks and discriminatory risk allocations [65]. Lastly, algorithms in the AV’s software and hardware
components contain many unresolved limitations that can undermine the reliability, safety of and
public’s trust in AVs. These issues are more difficult to recognise and correct in ML than rule-based
algorithms as the former model logics that are not explicitly programmed and are not easily understood
by humans [47]. Unlike rule-based algorithms where the logics of decision-making are explicitly
specified in advance by the programmer, ML algorithms learn from the data by constructing “highly
nonlinear correlations” between inputs and outputs, which cannot be easily understood by humans [47].
These new safety risks and potential discrimination resulting from AVs can undermine social equity
and public well-being that can dampen consumer acceptance of AVs, which is vital for the technology’s
adoption and realising its benefits for smart and sustainable cities [66]. In the next two Sections, we
examine the ethical and technical concerns in algorithmic decision-making in AVs, their implications
for safety and discrimination, and discuss the steps taken to address these issues.
5.1. Bias
A system is considered biased when it contains “intended” or “unintended” characteristics
that unfairly discriminate against certain individuals or groups of individuals in society [67]. In
American anti-discrimination law, discrimination exists when there is disparate treatment, which is the
“discriminatory intent or the formal application of different rules to people of different groups”, and/or
disparate impact, which is the result that “differ for different groups” [29,68]. Bias can be introduced
into AVs during the human designers’ construction of the datasets, models, and the parameters of
the algorithm, which potentially leads to unfair or discriminatory allocations of safety risks [46,68,69].
Firstly, statistical bias exists when the input data are not statistically representative of the overall
population [67]. For instance, training an AV using data from only one country could result in the
AV learning localised patterns and not accurately modelling driving behaviours that apply in other
countries or contexts [30]. Thus, the under- or overrepresentation of certain groups in the data can
lead to inaccurate classifications and biased outcomes [63,70]. Secondly, the algorithm can be biased
relative to legal and moral standards if it utilises sensitive input variables [30]. Individual-specific
characteristics, such as a person’s age and gender that are used as decision-making criteria can be
penalised or privileged by the AVs’ algorithms to meet the algorithm’s pre-defined preferences, such
as prioritising the safety of children or minimising the total quantity of harm, causing more safety risks
to be allocated to individuals that share the penalised characteristics [31]. These forms of bias can be
introduced unintentionally or intentionally by algorithm designers and AV manufacturers to maximise
profits, such as prioritising the safety of AV passengers to maximise profits, and this is exacerbated by
the lack of legal frameworks to hold these stakeholders accountable [31]. Section 5.2 explores various
types of ethical preferences to which AVs may be programmed to follow and their implications of AV
safety risks in greater detail, and Section 5.3 explores how perverse incentives influence the choice of
preferences that are programmed into AVs’ algorithms.
Lessening bias in algorithms is therefore crucial to mitigate discriminatory outcomes from AVs.
In autonomous systems in general, scholars have recommended ways to detect and offset the effects
of bias, such as modifying algorithmic outputs to balance the effects of bias between protected and
unprotected groups, introducing minimally intrusive modification to remove bias from the data [71],
incorporating individuals from potentially discriminated groups [72], testing techniques to measure
discrimination and identify groups of users significantly affected by bias in software [73,74] and
creating algorithms that certify the absence of data bias [75]. Apart from bias originating from the data
and selection of variables and criterion, Danks and London [30] recommend clarifying ethical standards
such as fairness to evaluate bias. Furthermore, scholars recommend increasing transparency to identify
biases [76], such as designing algorithms whose original input variables can be traced throughout the
system (i.e., traceability) [72] and auditing algorithms to enhance their interpretability so that biases
can be detected and the system’s outputs can be verified against safety requirements [70,77].
However, there are challenges in identifying bias in algorithms and their discriminatory effects.
Firstly, many algorithms are designed to be highly complex for greater accuracy, but this renders the
algorithm opaque and difficult to interpret even by the designers themselves, concealing the sources of
bias [63,70]. Secondly, as ML algorithms make decisions mainly based on the training data that changes
over time [68], it is difficult to predict potentially discriminatory effects in advance. Humans are also
excessively trusting and insufficiently critical of algorithmic decisions due to the popular perception
of algorithms as objective and fair, a problem referred to as “automation bias” and the seemingly
“objective” correlations that the algorithm learns from the data makes it difficult to legally establish
discriminatory intent in algorithms [31,48,64]. An emerging issue is the aggregation of individually
biased outcomes when AVs with similar preferences are deployed on a large-scale, as doing so would
centralise and replicate algorithmic preferences along with their individually biased risk allocation
decisions. This could lead to the same groups of people being consistently allocated more safety
risks and perpetuate systemic discrimination, which is more difficult to detect as it results from the
accumulation of similar driving outcomes [31,78].
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Actions taken thus far to tackle algorithmic bias and discrimination are not specific to AVs,
ranging from releasing voluntary AI guidelines, improving the design and testing of algorithms in AI
systems, and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Firstly, governments in Japan and
Singapore have released voluntary guidelines for AI that emphasise on explainability and verifiability
of AI-driven decisions, fairness to mitigate discrimination, increasing transparency through information
disclosure [79] and establishing open communication channels between customers and stakeholders
across the value-chain [80]. Singapore’s guidelines recommend internal governance practices to
increase the accountability of AI-deploying organisations and to mitigate algorithmic discrimination,
such as new oversight mechanisms to clarify responsibilities and practices for accountability in
operations management and systems design [80]. Secondly, the government in South Korea aims to
develop techniques to detect data bias, correct software errors, and test ethical standards at every
stage of AI development [81] and the UK government will collaborate with the Alan Turing Institute
to develop AI talent and auditing tools to mitigate “social inequalities” resulting from algorithmic
decision-making [82]. Lastly, the EU passed the GDPR that prohibits any automated decision that
utilises sensitive personal data and that notably affects data subjects in the EU. The GDPR also mandates
a right to explanation, which aims to increase the interpretability and transparency of automated
decisions by requiring firms to provide data subjects with “meaningful information about the logic
involved” in “concise, intelligible and easily accessible” forms [83].
5.2. Ethics
Ethics are inherent in various driving scenarios as it involves allocating risks among multiple
persons during accidents [18,84] and during routine driving scenarios, such as deciding the following
distance from a nearby vehicle. As the AV’s risk allocation decisions will be judged both by traffic laws
and ethical standards [85,86], scholars highlight the need for AVs to follow ethical rules, which we
refer to broadly as ethical theories, principles, norms and values in their decision-making, which can
be formalised and designed in AVs using multiple proposed approaches.
Proposals to formalise ethical rules for AVs have revolved around the use of ethical dilemmas in
thought experiments [32,84,87]. An ethical dilemma is a situation where it is “impossible to make a
decision among various possible decisions without overriding one moral principle” [88]. A popular
thought experiment is the trolley problem that can be illustrated through a hypothetical scenario where
an AV’s brakes are faulty and can either continue in its current path to crash into five pedestrians
or swerve to crash into one pedestrian [89]. While trolley problems can reveal individuals’ ethical
preferences and key decision-making criteria [65,88,90], they make unrealistic assumptions about
driving scenarios, such assuming that outcomes are completely certain and that the passenger can
choose how harm is distributed [35,86,90,91], are susceptible to inconsistencies in ethical reasoning
among its participants [92] and do not consider the effects of aggregating decisions that are ethically
justifiable on their own but that potentially create larger systemic patterns, such as discrimination [31].
Other assumptions include the presence of only one decision-maker, the immediacy of the decision
and the restriction of considerations [91].
Apart from thought experiments, two broad technical approaches have been proposed to program
ethical rules into AVs’ algorithms. The “top-down” approach involves mapping a set of ethical theories,
such as utilitarianism and deontology, to computational requirements and programming them into the
algorithm [93,94], but programming each ethical theory entails their own set of limitations and issues
that can undermine AV safety and also perpetuate discrimination.
Utilitarianism emphasises on the morality of outcomes and, in the context of AVs, implies the
programming of algorithms to minimise the total quantity of harm from accidents [31,95], but doing
so can introduce bias and implementation challenges that can create new safety risks and potential
discrimination. Utilitarian algorithms would compute all possible outcomes, alternative actions and
their associated consequences, and minimise a cost function (expected total quantity of harm) [65,96].
However, as an optimisation problem that minimises collective rather than individual harms, utilitarian
Sustainability 2019, 11, 5791 9 of 28
algorithms would not consider equity or fairness and may in fact use inappropriate characteristics as
decision-making criteria, leading to biased risk allocation decisions (see Section 5.1). For instance, the
algorithm may choose actions that allocate more safety risks to “more protected” road users, such as
those wearing a helmet, as they would suffer fewer injuries compared to other “less protected” road
users [97]. This could promote “false incentives”, such as not wearing a helmet on a motorcycle, which
discriminates against those who took safety precautions [89,95]. Secondly, safety risks can emerge from
the technical challenges of implementing utilitarian ethics, such as potential inaccuracies and delays in
machine perception that undermine the AV’s ability to compute all possible outcomes and actions
within a short timeframe and the challenges of defining the algorithm’s decision-making criteria and
cost function [34,41,96].
In contrast, deontology emphasises on actions being motivated by respect for all humans [98],
which can be implemented by explicitly programming ethical rules in AVs in a hierarchical manner, but
doing so introduces other challenges that could yield new safety hazards for the AV. While deontological
rules make explicit the reasoning behind the algorithm’s decision-making (e.g., Asimov’s Three Laws
of Robotics) [36,96], the algorithm may be forced to make sub-optimal decisions to strictly adhere to its
rules, such as instructing the AV stop when rules conflict or cannot be satisfied. This creates safety risks
for other road users and hinders the AV’s adaptability to new circumstances, unlike utilitarian-oriented
algorithms that can easily adjust probabilities and magnitudes of outcomes to optimise decisions [65].
Secondly, deontological rules may not cover all kinds of driving scenarios [33,95] and even so, path
dependencies can arise if the AV is trained on any particular order of scenarios [36]. Thirdly, many
deontological principles are embedded in legal ambiguities of existing traffic laws that cannot be
explicitly represented in algorithms, such as the different definitions of “obstruction” or “safe” in
different scenarios [33,36]. Given the individual limitations of utilitarianism and deontology, scholars
have advocated combining both theories to broaden the AV’s perspective of the situation before making
a decision [88] and such combinations appear to work well in practice, such as in many organ donation
programmes—deontological ethics justifies the first come, first served practice while utilitarian ethics
justifies the practice of prioritising the sickest recipients.
The limitations of the top-down approach can be offset by the bottom-up approach, whereby the
algorithm constructs its own rules by learning from past driving experiences and human judgements
that are deemed morally correct [93,94,99,100], but doing so can also introduce its own safety risks to
AVs due to several implementation challenges, the potential for the system to override pre-programmed
constraints and greater opacity of decision-making. One application of the bottom-up approach is a
greedy-search algorithm that continuously searches for the most ethical solution according to human
moral values [101]. Scholars argue that a bottom-up decision-making system can potentially be more
ethical than that of “any individual human” by eliminating the latter’s unique mistakes and identifying
other undiscovered ethical principles [88,99]. However, it is difficult to clearly specify a self-learning
system’s high-level goals and to prompt the system to expand the domain of possible choices to choose
from [101]. In addition, self-learning systems can temporarily shift its goal as part of learning [88],
which suggests the potential for an AV to display unethical behaviour so that it can learn from these
experiences and make more ethical decisions in future. Lastly, the bottom-up approach can increase
the system’s opacity as the logic behind the algorithm’s self-constructed rules is not known [35,100],
exacerbating the challenge of identifying bias, ethically questionable rules, and errors.
Several governments have taken non-regulatory measures to address the ethical issues in
algorithmic decision-making that are not AV-specific through voluntary guidelines, creating advisory
committees and expanding research. Apart from addressing bias and discrimination (see Section 5.1),
Japan and Singapore’s AI guidelines also emphasise human dignity [79] and human centricity [80]
and the Japanese government also created an Advisory Board on AI and Human Society to ensure
the sustainability, prosperity and inclusivity from AI usage [102]. China intends to develop laws and
ethical norms for AI governance [103], South Korea intends to create an ethics charter to provide
ethical guidelines for AI and a “public-private partnership council” to examine technological risks [81],
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whereas Singapore’s recently established Fairness, Ethics, Accountability and Transparency Committee
will issue AI guidelines and codes of conduct to address bias and other ethical issues [104].
In 2017, the government of Germany released the world’s first ethical rules for AVs. The rules
highlight that human life should be prioritised above all others, echoing deontological principles,
but also advocate utilitarian principles of damage minimisation so long as individuals are not
discriminated based on personal characteristics and AVs are not programmed to “unconditionally save
the driver” [105]. However, excluding personal characteristics may undermine the algorithm’s ability
to minimise damages during unavoidable accidents [106] and it is unclear how the two conflicting
goals can be reconciled. The guidelines also assert that decisions in unavoidable accidents should not
be programmed and that an independent agency should “systematically process the lessons learned”
from these crashes [105]. Lastly, the guidelines highlight that the programming of AVs should be
disclosed to be public and standards should be developed for “self-learning” processes, which should
not be utilised for “safety-critical functions” unless deemed to satisfy safety requirements [103].
Occasionally, the AV may have to make assumptions about the behaviour of road users—assumptions
that are shaped by its programmed rules and preferences, which may differ based on their
manufacturer’s configuration of different safety optima [35]. This lack of standardisation among AVs’
driving styles may create a mismatch in expectations among road users and generate unexpected
dynamics [110] that consequently increase the risk of collisions. These safety risks stemming from
the interaction of AVs with heterogeneous decision-making preferences may imply a need for greater
data sharing and standardisation of algorithms among AV developers, but concerns over privacy and
intellectual property rights can impede firms’ willingness to share data and these issues have yet to
receive sufficient attention [35,110].
Lastly, various stakeholders in the AV value-chain that influence the design and operation of
AV systems are motivated by different incentives that can potentially create negative externalities if
not sufficiently coordinated. While AV manufacturers are motivated by profit measures such as the
number of vehicles sold or their average margin per vehicle sold, ride-sharing and transportation
network companies measure profits based on the number of trips completed, average km/mi travelled
per trip, or average margin per km/mi travelled, whereas data aggregators maximise profits based on
mapping the mobility data to online behavioural data and the value of the insights they can derive
from the data for themselves and their customers [107]. Studies have yet to explore the implications of
potentially misaligned incentives between AV stakeholders for AV safety, but some have noted that
misaligned incentives severely impede the development of safe AI systems [111].
In summary, bias in the data, choice of variables and the algorithm’s model can skew the AV’s
risk allocation decision that results in discrimination against certain groups of road users, and this is
exacerbated by perverse incentives of AV stakeholders that benefit from these discriminatory outcomes.
We also examined the role of ethics in AVs’ decision-making—Ethical rules can be formalised from
thought experiments, derived from well-established ethical theories and programmed in a top-down
fashion, or can be learnt in a bottom-up fashion by ML algorithms, but each of these approaches
contains its own set of limitations that can undermine safety and/or perpetuate discrimination (See
Table 3 for the summary of the ethical issues below).
• Statistical bias and including personal • Modify the data, algorithm and output to
characteristics in the data. offset bias.
• Manufacturers and programmers can program • Measure and test for data bias, and identify the
algorithms to favour AV users’ safety to affected individuals.
boost profits. • Clarify the standards to evaluate bias
• Large-scale replication of algorithmic in algorithms.
preferences in AVs can perpetuate • Increase transparency via traceability
systemic discrimination. and interpretability.
Bias Challenges of detecting and correcting bias: Steps taken
Table 3. Cont.
6.1. Perception
Sensors in the AV’s perception component are crucial for vehicle localisation but are limited by
their inaccuracies and high costs. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-based sensors are costly
and are still inaccurate and highly sensitive in urban environments [113]. For instance, GNSS-based
sensors that integrate Global Positioning System (GPS) are still susceptible to the latter’s localisation
inaccuracies [114]. GNSS-based lane-level self-localisation methods are also susceptible to “multi-path
Sustainability 2019, 11, 5791 13 of 28
interference” that occurs when the GPS signal is obstructed by external objects [113], satellite clock
errors and inevitable inconsistencies between GNSS coordinates and High Definition (HD) Map
coordinates [115]. Alternatively, visual sensors are less costly but are still inaccurate in adverse weather
conditions and busy backgrounds, as they have been designed to operate on more clear images
and videos [116–118]. Information from HD maps can be used to improve the images provided by
visual sensors, but constructing HD maps requires large amounts of software and manual effort [114].
Lastly, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensors are costly and, given their existing limitations
in recognising “non-grounded objects”, it is unclear if they can identify humans when the latter
move unexpectedly [118]. Scholars recommend fusing different sensor types that have overlapping
capabilities to reduce costs, achieve redundancy, and boost safety and performance [22,114].
In ML-based perception systems, such as neural networks, sensor inputs are susceptible to
manipulation through adversarial samples, which are created by modifying camera images to provoke
certain behaviours from the neural network, such as reducing the system’s confidence on a prediction
or causing it to misclassify inputs [119–121]. AV sensor inputs can be manipulated, such as slightly
modifying road signs to cause the AV’s neural networks to misclassify these signs, display erroneous
behaviour and create road safety hazards [120]. To increase their resistance to manipulation, scholars
propose ways to protect neural networks against adversarial samples. Papernot et al. [122] introduced
defensive distillation that smooths the neural network models’ gradients to reduce output variations
around slight changes to inputs, but this method was later proven ineffective against stronger
adversarial attacks [123]. Alternatively, Raghunathan et al. [123] proposed an approach to minimise
the upper bound of the error induced from adversarial attacks and to produce a certificate for it [123],
whereas Huang et al. [121] proposed automating the verification of the safety of ML-classified decisions.
Safety risks can also arise when errors in AV perception propagate to subsequent software
components [22]. Perception algorithms process sensor inputs and generate outputs on their
understanding of the AV’s environment, where the latter could be inaccurate and used as inputs in
decision-making algorithms that subsequently shape the AV’s motor commands, potentially yielding
unsafe driving behaviour. Such propagation of errors from the perception component contributed to
Tesla’s fatal AV accident in 2016 [77]. To ensure that the system accounts for uncertainty introduced at the
perception component, estimating and minimising uncertainty in each individual component is critical,
such as by using a Bayesian probability framework and Monte Carlo dropout sampling to estimate
confidence scores of predictions generated by the AV’s perception system [124,125]. Uncertainties in
each component should also be communicated and well-integrated across all software components to
provide an overall measure of the system’s uncertainty to facilitate decision-making [77].
The AV system’s performance can also be constrained by computationally demanding perception
algorithms. Lin et al. [97] showed that object detection, tracking and localisation together account for
over 94% of the AV system’s computational power. These computational constraints hinder further
improvements in accuracy that could be attained from adopting higher resolution cameras and using
computational platforms such as graphics processor units (GPUs) to overcome these limitations will
generate additional heat, significantly raising power consumption and reducing the AV’s driving range
and fuel efficiency [97]. While ML techniques such as Deep Neural Network architectures can improve
object detection tasks, such as bounding-box detection that maximises the likelihood of detecting an
object inside a box and semantic segmentation that classifies each pixel in the image space [22], they
can introduce time delays when used to classify high-resolution images in real-time [22].
6.2. Decision-Making
AVs face several challenges in decision-making under dynamic road environments that are
fraught with uncertainties and unpredictable movements of objects, such as road closures, accident
clean-ups and other road users [37,126]. A major challenge is the potential failure to correctly interpret
the meaning of certain decision-making rules during complex driving scenarios. The meaning of
decision-making rules, such as ethical rules and traffic rules, may vary under different driving situations
Sustainability 2019, 11, 5791 14 of 28
and usually requires human judgement or discernment [36]. Interpretational failures will instead
lead the AV to display behaviours that contradict the principles that it was programmed with and
potentially create safety risks to all road users.
Modelling and understanding human-vehicle interactions is essential for safe navigation in
mixed traffic, to build consumer trust in AVs and promote their widespread adoption to realise their
full safety benefits [45,127], but this remains a challenge for decision-making algorithms. Firstly,
understanding humans in the AV is crucial to ascertain whether the human is prepared to regain
control of the vehicle [128]. For instance, safety risks can emerge from handing over control to
passengers if the AV system fails to recognise behavioural traits indicative of exhaustion or distraction.
Secondly, understanding the intent of humans neighbouring the AV and in other vehicles is key for safe
navigation. For instance, humans typically use hand gestures and other social cues to indicate their
intention of breaking some traffic rules to facilitate traffic flow [36], or some nearby pedestrians may
appear inattentive to the AV’s movements. AVs will also have to negotiate with other road users during
activities (e.g., giving way, overtaking, and merging), and this requires balancing between uncertainties
in human behaviour while avoiding overly-defensive driving behaviour to ensure smooth traffic
flows [126]. However, AVs may fail to correctly interpret or perform social cues, which can hinder
other road users’ ability to anticipate the AV’s actions [36,129] and create mismatched expectations that
can lead to accidents, which has already contributed to most of the collisions that have occurred during
AV trials to date. For instance, accidents occurred when AVs stopped unexpectedly when human
drivers do not expect them to stop, such as at an amber traffic light or at a congested intersection [129].
Despite these issues, limited studies have explored these human-vehicle interactions for AV vision and
learning capabilities, which is crucial to address the aforementioned concerns [128].
Decision-making algorithms are also constrained by computational complexity and algorithms
in other software components that can undermine the AV’s performance and safety in dynamic
environments. While studies have developed successful motion planning algorithms such as graph
searches and rapidly-exploring random trees for AVs and other mobile robots, finding the optimal path
is computationally expensive and not always possible [130,131]. In addition, amid multiple dynamic
obstacles such as pedestrians and other road users, computationally demanding perception algorithms
reduce the time available for motion planning algorithms to continuously compute new collision-free
trajectories [50]. Motion planning algorithms also need to be well-integrated with and properly account
for constraints faced by control algorithms such as the evolution of time, velocity and acceleration
limits, to plan trajectories, but doing so requires more computational resources than existing processors
can handle [37,132]. In this light, some researchers have begun developing path-planning algorithms
that can account for perception uncertainties and control constraints to mitigate potentially dangerous
scenarios [50]. In addition, vehicle trajectories that were initially considered safe can become dangerous
upon unexpected environmental changes, such as when a moving obstacle obstructs the AV’s view
and perception of the initially planned trajectory [37]. New methods for incremental planning and
adjustments of the plans can enhance AVs’ adaptability to unexpected scenarios [37]. This could
be supplemented with 5G networks to support nearly instantaneous decision-making by providing
AVs with more information on nearby obstacles through more reliable vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2X)
channels and at much faster speeds than existing 4G networks [133–135]. More research into the issues
around shared AV service provision is required, where decision-making algorithms require sufficient
computing capacity in exploring large decision spaces and catering to “spatiotemporally distributed”
bookings in real-time [22].
6.3. Control
Control algorithms and their underlying models of vehicle motion have been developed with
considerable success for trajectory tracking, which ensures that the AV moves along the path determined
by its decision-making algorithms [136,137]. Many studies refer to “control algorithms” as “controllers”
Sustainability 2019, 11, 5791 15 of 28
or “control strategies” [22,137,138]. However, safety risks can arise from control algorithms’ potential
inaccuracies in modelling the AV’s motion, particularly amid unexpected road conditions.
Geometric and kinematic control algorithms are recognised for their simplicity and relatively low
computational cost [139], but as they only model the vehicle’s geometrical dimensions and kinematic
properties such as acceleration and velocity [138], they can lead to inaccuracies and vehicle instability
due to their neglect of vehicle dynamics. Without considering vehicle dynamics such as friction
forces, tire slips and energy, geometric and kinematic control algorithms can lead to risky driving
behaviour at high speeds where dynamics significantly influence the vehicle’s motion, such as during
sudden lane changes or attempts to avoid unexpected obstacles [138,140]. In the application of the
“Pure Pursuit” geometric algorithm, where the vehicle is “in constant pursuit of a virtual moving
point” [138], “rapid changes” in the vehicle’s path during high-speed driving can cause the algorithm
to “overestimate” the system’s ability to produce steering inputs to correct the vehicle’s movement,
resulting in excessive steering and skidding of the rear vehicle [51,138]. Furthermore, setting control
parameters to “compensate” for the neglect of dynamics renders geometric and kinematic control
algorithms highly sensitive to parameter variations [139]. For instance, it is challenging to tune an
optimal value of the “look-ahead distance” for the Pure Pursuit algorithm, which is measured from
the vehicle’s chosen “path point” from the vehicle’s existing position [141], as values that are too
large cause the vehicle to “cut corners” during sharp turns by deviating from the actual curved path,
whereas values that are too small worsen the oscillation of the trajectory [51,141].
Dynamic, adaptive or model-predictive control algorithms have also been used in AVs but remain
inaccurate when assumptions are violated and are computationally expensive. Firstly, dynamic control
algorithms incorporate linear or nonlinear models of the vehicle’s dynamics, mainly from tire forces
which arise from the friction produced between the tire and road surfaces and are the main external
influence of the vehicle’s motion [51]. Linear models become inaccurate when the steering angle
and lateral slip angle exceed five degrees, whereas nonlinear models are more accurate, particularly
at high speeds and large steering angles, but are more computationally expensive [51,137]. Similar
to geometric pure-pursuit algorithms, some dynamic control algorithms are still highly sensitive to
variations of the “look-ahead distance” and unknown vehicle parameters such as tire-road frictions,
whose values cannot be constantly obtained in real-time due to the high costs of installing additional
sensors [51,142]. Secondly, adaptive control algorithms use ML techniques to tune the algorithm’s
parameters and thus are more robust to environmental changes, but they may be less efficient as
ML requires processing vast amounts of data [51]. Thus, Amer et al. [51] recommends developing
an adaptive geometric controller that has both the advantages of low computational cost afforded
by geometric controllers and adaptive controllers’ robustness to varying road conditions. Lastly,
model-predictive control (MPC) algorithms account for system constraints, inputs and outputs to
optimise actuator inputs and have been successfully used for AV trajectory tracking while meeting
safety and time constraints. However, MPC requires highly complex and computationally demanding
online optimisation, particularly when accounting for nonlinear vehicle dynamics [33,135,136,141].
Studies have proposed linearising non-linear vehicle models and relaxing some collision avoidance
constraints to reduce these computational demands, which can be further facilitated in future with
recent improvements in computational power and new developments of highly efficient algorithms
for implementing MPC controllers in AVs [33,135,136]
Furthermore, all control algorithms face constraints induced by other software components,
challenges in handling unexpected situations and also lack sufficient real-world testing. Firstly, most
of the proposed control algorithms perform well only if the trajectories computed by decision-making
algorithms (motion planners) are continuous [51] and have yet to account for time delays propagated
by computationally demanding sensors that can significantly undermine vehicle stability [139]. Studies
also show that trajectory tracking and vehicle stability can still be undermined during unexpected
situations, such as emergency collision avoidance, when sudden path changes cause the AV’s tires
to sideslip [143]. Tires become highly saturated during sudden path changes, which require “large
Sustainability 2019, 11, 5791 16 of 28
actuator inputs” within a limited timeframe [143]. Lastly, due to their large computational costs, most
control algorithms have been tested only in simulations rather than in actual AVs [37,51,144] and
they have only been validated under conditions of minimal parameter variations and unexpected
environmental changes [138]. To ensure controllers’ applicability to real-world AV implementations,
studies have proposed using “hardware-in-the-loop” (HIL) simulations that includes a physical actuator
in the simulation tests, developing a V2X system that utilises environmental data to update the AV’s
control parameters as driving conditions change and that is robust to wireless network disruptions,
and developing controllers that integrate the steering, braking, and suspension controls during various
road conditions [51,138].
by randomly modifying the weights of neural networks and simulating erroneous inputs for sensors
and maps to find defects in AV software that might be activated in unexpected scenarios [147,151,152].
Synthesis approaches and formal verification tools are popular means to verify AV control systems but
are limited in deployment due to their high computational costs. Formal verification tools such as
online verification of control algorithms and networks require traffic scenarios and road users to be
represented in terms of probabilities, whereas traditional verification tools face challenges in modelling
complex environments and specifying the system’s desired properties [22,153]. Tian et al. [150] also
highlight the need to make these verification methods more scalable for larger ML algorithms in
real-world applications.
In summary, computational cost is a common issue in many algorithms across AV software
components, modelling and understanding human-vehicle interactions remain key challenges for
decision-making algorithms, and the non-deterministic and adaptive nature of ML-systems render
existing testing and safety verification methods insufficient to ensure AV safety (See Table 4 for a
summary of the technical issues).
Table 4. Cont.
7. Discussion
This study explored algorithmic decision-making in AVs and identified several key issues in
the design and operation of AV algorithms that can create new safety risks and potentially lead to
discrimination. We also explored various steps taken to address these issues, ranging from regulation
to address bias and discrimination, issuing voluntary ethical guidelines for AI systems and AVs, to
technical tools for improved AV testing and verification. More can be done to address algorithmic bias
specific to AVs, trade-offs between ethical rules, perverse incentives of AV stakeholders and various
technological issues in the AV system.
Firstly, bias may be introduced into the AVs’ algorithms unintentionally or intentionally by
AV manufacturers and programmers through the data, model and use of sensitive variables, which
causes the algorithms to allocate more safety risks to certain types of road users. The opacity and
unpredictability of ML algorithms, humans’ excessive trust in algorithms and the seemingly objective
nature of algorithmic decisions pose obstacles to detecting algorithmic bias, and the potential effects of
systemic discrimination resulting from large-scale replication of algorithmic preferences across AV
fleets remain underexplored. Existing steps taken to tackle bias and discrimination are not specific
to AVs, such as creating advisory committees to examine AI-related risks, issuing AI guidelines, and
expanding research to develop technical solutions. Scholars recommend supplementing these technical
solutions with consensus building around the criteria and standards to evaluate bias in algorithms,
such as the definition of “fairness” [30,154] to align algorithmic decisions in AVs and other AI systems
with societal values. Doing so is key to ensuring that technological solutions such as AVs serve human
needs and yield truly smart and sustainable cities.
The EU’s GDPR aims at increasing transparency around algorithmic decision-making to tackle
bias and discrimination by prohibiting the use of personal characteristics and mandating a right to
an explanation for automated decisions, but several gaps in the GDPR’s right to an explanation need
to be addressed. Firstly, the explanations provided by ML algorithms may not fit the GDPR’s legal
conceptions of “meaningful information” as some explanations regarding the type of ML model,
training data and model testing methods may not be directly relevant to particular individual data
subjects or deemed “meaningful” by the inquirer of the explanation [47]. To “whom and when”
information should be considered meaningful remains ambiguous [155]. Secondly, such explanations
may not effectively convey the risks of algorithmic decision-making, as individuals are likely to lack
the time, resources and expertise to comprehend these explanations [47]. Thirdly, explanations of
Sustainability 2019, 11, 5791 19 of 28
imposed by other software components and unexpected environmental changes. Furthermore, control
algorithms’ accuracy in tracking the AV’s path is limited in various ways, ranging from the inaccuracies
and potential vehicle instability stemming from geometric and kinematic control algorithms’ neglect of
vehicle dynamics, the computational cost of more complex dynamic, adaptive and model-predictive
control algorithms, insufficient real-world testing of control algorithms and failures in accounting for
time delays in other software components and handling unexpected driving situations. To date, it
is difficult to verify AV safety prior to deployment as extensive test-driving is insufficient, existing
safety specification standards are incompatible with ML-systems in AVs, and validating training
data of ML-systems and detecting corner-cases before deployment remain open challenges. More
research is required to address the high costs and low scalability of many system verification tools for
AVs. It is also important to supplement these verification tools with adaptive policies and regulation
that involves knowledge generation through investigative programmes, reviewing that knowledge
such as through safety review boards and altering safety requirements in tandem with technological
developments [41,145]. Other technical issues include the detection of inevitable sensor failures and
cybersecurity risks.
These issues illustrate the broader concerns in the smart cities literature that technological
smartness may not lead to truly smart and sustainable cities. The safety risks and discrimination
that can arise from algorithmic decision-making in AVs can threaten public well-being, social equity,
inclusivity, consumer trust in AVs and consequently, hamper the move to smarter and more sustainable
cities. It is therefore critical for scholars, technology entrepreneurs and policymakers to consider these
issues in the design, operation, and governance of AV algorithms. Instead of following smart mobility
ideas only for their technological “smartness”, these technological solutions must be supplemented
with the smartness of policymakers, technocrats, urban leaders, and residents, as well as policy designs
and action plans to achieve true urban smartness [5,53].
8. Conclusions
This study serves to deepen the understanding of algorithmic decision-making in AVs that have
significant implications for smart and sustainable cities. Our first research question was addressed by
analysing the most prominent concerns in the literature pertaining to algorithmic decision-making
in AVs, namely algorithmic bias, ethical rules, perverse incentives, and technical issues stemming
from different software components and testing procedures. By examining these ethical and technical
issues, this study sheds light on the significant roles played by key actors in both the technological
landscape and the wider AV ecosystem and their interactions in shaping the societal risks posed
by AVs. These issues are not exhaustive and thus can be expanded in future work to include other
significant factors influencing AVs’ promise for smart and sustainable cities, particularly the barriers
to consumer acceptance of AVs and the complementary role played by other technologies such as
wireless charging and power grids as elements of the policy mix in advancing smart and sustainable
mobility and improving environmental outcomes [15,66]. Secondly, we demonstrated the significance
of these issues for smart and sustainable cities by examining the mechanisms and interactions between
algorithmic processes and stakeholders in the AV landscape that can create new safety risks and
discriminatory outcomes. We then addressed our third research question by examining the variety of
proposed solutions to resolve these issues and their effectiveness.
The analysis conducted here reveals several research gaps that deserve further examination to
advance AV’s promise for smart and sustainable cities. Firstly, much of the discussion on algorithmic
biases applies to all ML-systems in general, and thus more research is needed to analyse biases and
their implications for safety in the context of AVs. Cross-disciplinary research and consensus-building
regarding the definition and choice of benchmarks to evaluate bias are also required. Secondly, systemic
discrimination from the aggregation of biased algorithmic preferences should be further analysed in
the context of large-scale AV deployment. Thirdly, more research is required to analyse the trade-offs
from using different types of ethical rules for AVs and from standardising AV algorithms. When and
Sustainability 2019, 11, 5791 21 of 28
how individuals’ safety should be sacrificed for (or prioritised over) public safety are key questions
that need to be answered. Fourthly, future work should examine the implications of AV stakeholder’s
incentives, their interactions across the value-chain, and the ways to keep perverse incentives in
check, particularly through greater accountability. Future work can expand the limited research on the
types of accountability mechanisms for different AV stakeholders and the challenges of holding AV
stakeholders accountable for their algorithms. Lastly, developing more accurate sensors, models of
human-vehicle interactions, more efficient decision-making and control algorithms and new standards
for verifying unpredictable ML-systems is crucial to enhance the safety and reliability of AV operations.
Author Contributions: H.S.M.L. and A.T. have contributed evenly to the design, analysis, writing of the
manuscript. H.S.M.L. carried out most of the data collection and A.T. conceived the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
through the Start-up Research Grant.
Acknowledgments: Araz Taeihagh is grateful for the support provided by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public
Policy, National University of Singapore through the Start-up Research Grant.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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