Research On Application of Single Component Polyur

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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Research on Application of Single Component Polyurea in Defect

Treatment of Expansion Joints of Water Conveyance Structure
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WCHBE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 560 (2020) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/560/1/012029

Research on Application of Single Component Polyurea in Defect

Treatment of Expansion Joints of Water Conveyance Structure

Kun Li1, Fuying Qian2, 3, Meng Li2, 3*, and Sunzhi Heng2, 3
Shandong water diversion project operation and maintenance centre, Shandong,
250199, China
China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing, 100038, China
BEIJING-KHL Co., Ltd, 100038, China
*Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: According to the operating features of aqueducts of water conveyance structures in cold
regions, this paper proposed a flexible rehabilitation plan of water sealing by single component
polyurea on the surface of expansion joint of an aqueduct. The author conducted a laboratory test to
study the tensile strength, bond strength, impermeability, frost resistance and aging resistance of the
single-component polyurea. The results showed that the single component polyurea has strong
impermeability and frost resistance, excellent aging resistance, large elongation, and high viscosity
with concrete. Therefore, the single-component polyurea is suitable for the defect treatment of
concrete expansion joints. In a defect treatment project of an aqueduct in the North, a flexible
rehabilitation plan of water sealing by single component polyurea was implemented on the defective
expansion joint of an aqueduct, and the operation effect still remained good after 3 years. The
flexible rehabilitation plan of water sealing is simple and reliable because it does not damage the
overall structure of the concrete and is easy to be maintained.

1. Introduction
Expansion joints in water conveyance structure shall be installed for the construction requirements, or
to avoid cracks that have a negative impact on the integrity of the structure due to temperature changes,
concrete shrinkage or uneven settlement of the foundation.
The rubber sealing strips or copper sheets are set in the expansion joint. In the course of operation,
there often occurs water leakage in expansion joints because of the broken internal water stopping
material or the unstable concrete around the water-stop belts. It is a very difficult task to deal with the
leakage of the internal expansion joints of the concrete structure in water conveyance buildings. At
present, one commonly adopted method is to cut out the concrete around the water-stop belt of the
expansion joints, reset the water-stop belt, and then recast the surrounding concrete. Another method is
to conduct chemical grouting by drilling holes near the water-stop belt of the expansion joint. However,
neither method can guarantee the water-stop effect of the expansion joint, and both have long
construction period, high cost, and do harm to the concrete structure near the water-stop belt. There is
a simply constructed and reliably effective water-stop plan which is to reset a flexible water-stop belt
on the concrete surface of the expansion joint, causing no damage to the overall structure of the
concrete and easy to be maintained.

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WCHBE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 560 (2020) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/560/1/012029

2. The principle and characteristics of single-component polyurea reaction

2.1 The principle of single component polyurea reaction

Single-component polyurea is composed of polymer prepolymer containing polyisocyanate-NCO and
blocked polyamine (including amino polyether), and added with other functional additives. In the
anhydrous state, it has a stable structure. Once be unlocked and exposed to the moisture in the air, the
polyamine quickly reacts with the isocyanate-NCO to crosslink, forming a single-component polyurea
elastomer coating film with all urea bonds in the crosslinking point.

2.2 Characteristics of single-component polyurea

Single-component polyurea has the following characteristics:
(1) Chemical resistance, excellent anti-seepage effect and anti-abrasion performance;
(2) High tensile strength, high elongation, and high bond strength with foundation concrete;
(3) Good flexibility under low temperature, and it still maintains an elongation of more than 50% at
-45℃, which can adapt to the operating requirements of low temperature environment in cold areas;
(4) The material is aliphatic, anti-fade and has good aging resistance;
(5) Non-toxic, so it can be used for delivery projects for drinking water;
(6) Due to the long curing time, the surface of the concrete cracks and expansion joints can be
strengthened by adding a tire base fabric;
(7) The single-component polyurea has good thixotropy, and the thickness of one-time brushing on
the inclined or vertical surface is about 1mm. The construction process is simple to operate.
The main mechanical properties of single-component polyurea are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 The main performance indicators of single-component polyurea
Item performance indicators
Item Performance,MPa ≥15
Breaking Elongation,% ≥350
Tear strength,kN/m ≥40
Hardness,shore A ≥50
Adhesion (wet surface), MPa ≥2.5
Abrasion resistance(h/ (kg/m )) ≥20
Water absorption rate,% <5

3. Test Research on single component

3.1 Tensile test

The tensile test of single component polyurea adopts GB/T23446 standard. In the experiment, the high
and low temperature electronic universal testing machine was used to test its tensile strength and
breaking elongation under normal temperature and low temperature. The test results are shown in
Table 2.
Table 2 Test results of single-component polyurea tensile strength and elongation
Number Test temperature Test item Test result
1 Tensile strength,MPa 17.3
2 Breaking Elongation,% 384
3 Tensile strength,MPa 35.2
4 Breaking Elongation,% 144

It can be seen from Table 2 that the single-component polyurea still has good flexibility in a
low-temperature environment, and its breaking elongation is greater than 100%. That is to say, the

WCHBE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 560 (2020) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/560/1/012029

tensile strength has greatly improved.

3.2 Bond strength test with concrete

When the single-component polyurea is used for the protection of the concrete surface in water
conservancy and hydropower projects, the bond strength between the single-component polyurea and
concrete is paramount important. The test results show that the single component polyurea has a long
initial setting time, so it can fully chemically react with the interface agent on the concrete surface. As
a result, it produces a high bond strength between the single-component polyurea and concrete, and
the strength increases with the extension of the curing time. In the case of using a special interface
agent, the bonding strength between the single-component polyurea and the wet concrete surface is
greater than 2.5 MPa; the single-component polyurea has a good curing effect under dry conditions
and in a humid environment, so does the bond strength between polyurea and concrete.

3.3 Impermeability test

The experimenter pours 6 standard impermeability test blocks made of hydraulic concrete. After
curing for 28 days, he drills a round hole with a diameter of 20mm in the middle of the test block, and
paint polyurea with a thickness of 0.8~2mm on the surface. After curing for 15 days, he installs a
switch to apply water pressure on the back surface, and connect it with an impermeability testing
machine. The applied water pressure is 0.3~0.5MPa.
The test results show that the single component polyurea has good impermeability. Under the effect
of backwater pressure, bulging appeared first. As the backwater pressure increases, the bulge becomes
larger and larger, and the polyurea coating becomes thinner and thinner. This trend continuesuntil the
bulge breaks from the weak part and suddenly shoots water. It can be seen that the single-component
polyurea has good impermeability and high bond strength with the concrete, but during the coating of
the single-component polyurea, air bubbles should be avoided as much as possible.

3.4 Aging resistance test

As for the repair and protection material for polymer, its anti-aging performance has attracted much
attention. Xenon lamp artificial climate aging test is an artificial climate aging test method, which is a
simulation with xenon lamp as the light source, and its main factors are light, heat, air, temperature,
humidity and rainfall. This test can be used to test the light stability and aging resistance of the
material. The spectrum of the xenon arc lamp reaching the surface of the sample is very close to the
spectrum of the sun. In the experiment, the xenon lamp wavelength range is 300~890nm; the radiation
intensity is (1000±200) W/m2; the blackboard temperature is 55±3℃; the relative humidity is
60%~70%; the rainfall period is 18 minutes, and the interval is 102 minutes. The working range of the
electronic universal testing machine is 0~50kN, and the stretching rate is 500mm/min.
Table 3 shows the results of artificial accelerated aging test of single-coat breakmponent polyurea
xenon lamp. From Table 3, it can be seen that after accelerated aging for 1869h, the strength of the
single-component polyurea is only reduced by 18%; the elongation is reduced from 363.6% to 338.7%,
and the maximum is only reduced by 8%. Judging from the changing rules of single component
polyurea tensile strength, the tensile strength began to decrease rapidly, and the downward trend was
stable after 500h. From the changing rules of single component polyurea breaking elongation, the
breaking elongation began to decrease rapidly. But the decline tends to stabilize after 1000h. It can be
seen from the changes in the surface of the material that the material aging mainly occurs on the
surface layer.
Table 3 Single component polyurea xenon lamp artificial accelerated aging test results
Aging Tensile Change rate of
Breaking Elongation Change rate of properties
time strength properties
(%) (%)
t(h) (MPa) (%)
0 17.11 0 363.6 0

WCHBE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 560 (2020) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/560/1/012029

588 14.24 17 342.91 6

1369 14.14 17 335.45 8
1869 13.95 18 338.7 7

3.5 Frost resistance test

The hardened concrete of the hydraulic structure is saturated or immersed in water. Due to the
alternating change of temperature (air temperature or water level), it makes the internal pore water
forms fatigue stress caused by freezing expansion pressure and osmotic pressure. This damaging
phenomenon of concrete is called freeze-thaw damage, gradually eroding from the front to back.
In order to understand the protective effect of single-component polyurea on the freezing and
thawing damage of concrete, an indoor antifreeze test was carried out. The first group of frost
resistance test adopts 10cm×10cm×40cm model test block, and the concrete test block's frost
resistance label is less than F50. After the specimen is cured for 28 days, the experimenter sands the
middle of the specimen to a width of 20cm. After applying the interface agent, the experimenter
scrapes the single-component polyurea (thickness 2mm), and puts it into the quick-freezing equipment
after 20 days. The experiment schedule is in the line with DL/T5150-2001 in The Concrete Frost
Resistance Test Procedure.

Before freeze-thaw test 100 freeze-thaw cycles 300 freeze-thaw cycles

Figure 1. Concrete antifreeze test piece

It can be seen from Figure 1 that when the freeze-thaw cycle is 100 times, the concrete without the
single-component polyurea has exhibited more than 50% of the erosion damage, and the concrete with
the single-component polyurea is not eroded. When the freeze-thaw cycle is 300, the concrete surface
that had not been coated with polyurea had 100% erosion damage, and the freeze-thaw erosion was
deep while the concrete coated with polyurea was not eroded, which proved that the polyurea coating
could resist the freeze-thaw damage on the concrete surface.

4. Application examples of single-component polyurea expansion joint treatment

4.1 Project overview

The second-level main canal project in an irrigation area in the north was built in the 1990s. The main
building of the project is a third-level building with a designed water flow of 14.54m3/s. After more
than 20 years of operation, the aqueduct buildings have experienced various degrees of aging diseases.
One of the main diseases is expansion joint leakage. In order to ensure the function and water-stop
effect of the expansion joint of the aqueduct, a flexible surface water-stop structure which can adapt to
the deformation of the expansion joint must be used for repair treatment.

WCHBE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 560 (2020) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/560/1/012029

4.2 Repair plan

The aqueduct expansion joint has a maximum joint width of 5cm and a maximum deformation
displacement of more than 2cm. Therefore, in order to ensure the function and water-stop effects after
repairing the expansion joint of the aqueduct, it is necessary to adopt a flexible water-stop structure
that can adapt to large deformation. This expansion joint water-stop and repair plan uses a
single-component polyurea combined with the surface water-stop structure of the U-shaped water-stop
belt. Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of the surface water-stop structure of the expansion joint of the
The characteristics of the water-stop structure:
(1) The U-shaped part of the center of the bottom water-stop belt is designed according to the
deformation of the joint, which can adapt to the displacement of the aqueduct joint without causing
large stress in the water stop. Figure 3 shows the installation of the water-stop belt in the expansion
joint of the aqueduct;
(2) U-shaped water-stop belt is protected by epoxy mortar, which can effectively delay its aging
(3) The single-component polyurea on the surface protects the bottom water-stop belt while also
acting as an effective water-stop method.
(4) The selected single-component polyurea has good low-temperature flexibility, and it does not
produce cracks when folded at a temperature of -45℃. Its tensile strength, tear strength and shear
strength perform well at low temperatures, so it can adapt to the low temperature in cold regions
The construction process is: cutting out the damaged concrete around the expansion joint; cutting a
15cm-wide and 4cm-deep groove along both sides of the expansion joint; leveling the bottom of the
groove with epoxy mortar; installing an U-shaped water-stop belt; backfilling the surface of the
water-stop belt with epoxy mortar; reserving a space for a 3cm-wide gap in the middle; backfilling
with GB filler in the gap; adding the epoxy mortar surface with a composite base fabric coating of
single component polyurea with a thickness of 3-4mm and a width of 30cm.

4mm polyurea  Epoxy mortar

GB water stop filler

U-shaped rubber waterstop

expansion joint

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the water-stop structure of the expansion joints of aqueduct surface (unit:

WCHBE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 560 (2020) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/560/1/012029

Figure3. Water-stop belts installed in expansion Figure4. Aqueduct expansion joint after
joints of aqueduct treatment

4.3 Repair effect

Figure 4 shows the situation after the treatment of expansion joint of the aqueduct. After more than 3 years
of operation, the treatment effect remains good. The treatment scheme solves the leakage problem of the
large deformation of the expansion joint of the aqueduct, and ensures the safe operation of the irrigation
area project.

5. Conclusion
Single-component polyurea has excellent impermeability, aging resistance, frost resistance and low
temperature flexibility, as well as a large elongation and high bond strength with concrete. At present,
single component polyurea is used in the treatment of expansion joint defects in many water
conveyance buildings in cold areas, and it has achieved good results and has broad application

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