Durability Characteristics OF Self Compacting Concrete: Presentation ON

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Submitted To: Submitted By:
Dr. S.K. Verma Monika Dhakla
Asst. Professor 920408
PEC, University Of Technology,

 The present study comprises of development of a suitable mix

for SCC that would satisfy the requirements of the plastic state,
casting of concrete samples and testing them for strength tests
and durability tests and cyclic exposures tests involving wet-dry
cycles, heat-cool cycles to observe the degradation of SCC
The primary objective of this study is to conduct an exploratory
Work toward the development of a suitable SCC mix design and
to evaluate the performance of selected SCC mix under thermal
and moisture variations.

The Specific Objectives are as follows:

To design a suitable SCC mix a number of trial mixes will be conducted
by varying the mix parameters, such as quantity of filler and super
plasticizer and fine aggregate/coarse aggregate ratio, while keeping the
water and powder ratio constant. A suitable mix will be selected on the
basis of self compactibility properties and strength tests.
 To assess the strength development and durability of SCC
exposed to thermal and moisture variations and to plot
relationship between durability and corresponding strength
parameter of SCC. The specimens are exposed to normal, heat
–cool and wet –dry exposures for a period of 28 days and then
they are tested for compressive strength and durability
Concrete mix of M30 grade is proposed to be studied. This present study
is confined to the following aspects :
1. Testing of materials :
The properties of different constituents materials which will be
used for making specimens for the experimental studies will
obtained. Various materials which will be tested are cement, fine
aggregate, coarse aggregate and admixtures.

2. Concrete mix design :

The design of M30 grade self compacting concrete will be carried out.
The mix design will be done as per the guidelines of IS10262-1982 and
other guidelines for SCC given in EFNARC (The European federation of
specialist construction chemicals and concrete systems).Before testing,
the specimens will be required to expose to different conditions.
After 28 days of water curing, the specimens will be divided into three
groups and exposed to various conditions are as follows:
 Control (Lab environment)
 Heat-cool (Heating at 400C for 2 days and then cooling at room
temperature for 2 days)
 Wet-dry (Wetting for 2 days and drying for 2 days at normal

The self compactibility of trial mixes will be evaluated using Slump flow
test, V Funnel test, U Tube test, L Box test and J Ring test.
To evaluate the strength of specimen various strength tests will be
carried out i.e. compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural
strength test.
To evaluate the durability characteristics of SCC indirect tests will be
carried which are acid resistance and water absorption after exposing to
various conditions.
The various specimens will be exposed to different conditions such as
normal (lab environment), heat cool cycles and wet dry cycles. The
results of the exposed specimens will be compared with the specimen
cast and kept at room temperature so as to estimate the percentage loss in
various strength parameters. Therefore to find the relationship between
strength and durability characteristics of self compacting concrete.
Self compacting concrete (SCC) represents one of the most significant
advances in concrete technology for decades. Inadequate homogeneity of
the cast concrete due to poor compaction or segregation may drastically
lower the performance of mature concrete in-situ. SCC has been developed
to ensure adequate compaction and facilitate placement of concrete in
structures with congested reinforcement and in restricted areas.

SCC was developed first in Japan in the late 1980s to be mainly used for
Highly congested reinforced structures in seismic regions (Bouzoubaa and
Lachemi, 2001). As the durability of concrete structures became an
important issue in Japan, an adequate compaction by skilled labors was
required to obtain durable concrete structures. This requirement led to the
development of SCC and its development was first reported in
1989 (Okamura and Ouchi).
 SCC can also be regarded as "the most revolutionary development in
concrete construction for several decades". Originally developed to
offset a growing shortage of skilled labor, it is now taken up with
enthusiasm across European countries for both site and precast
concrete work. It has proved beneficial economically because of a
number of factors as noted below (Krieg, 2003 and ENFARC, 2002):
i. Faster construction,
ii. Reduction in site manpower,
iii. Easier placing,
iv. Uniform and complete consolidation,
v. Better surface finishes,
vi. Improved durability,
vii. Increased bond strength,
viii. Greater freedom in design,
ix. Reduced noise levels, due to absence of vibration, and
x. Safe working environment.
Three basic characteristics that are required to obtain SCC are:

1. High deformability,
2. Restrained flowability
3. A high resistance to segregation

The method for achieving self-compactability involves not only high

deformability of paste or mortar, but also resistance to segregation
between coarse aggregate and mortar when the concrete flows through
the confined zone of reinforcing bars. Homogeneity of SCC is its
ability to remain unsegregated during transport and placing. High
flowability and high segregation resistance of SCC are obtained by:

1. A larger quantity of fine particles, i.e., a limited coarse aggregate

2. A low water/powder ratio, (powder is defined as cement plus the
filler such as fly ash, silica fume etc.)
3. The use of superplasticizer.
Structuro 201 is a high performance superplasticiser which has been
developed for following uses:
 Self compacting concrete
 Pumped concrete
 Concrete requiring long workability retention
 High performance concrete


Appearance Light Yellow Colored Liquid

PH 6.0

Specific Gravity 1.075

 Increased early and ultimate compressive strengths
 Increased flexural strength
 Higher E modulus
 Improved adhesion to reinforcing and prestressing steel
 Better resistance to carbonation
 Lower permeability
 Better resistance to aggressive atmospheric conditions
 Reduced shrinkage and creep
 Increased durability

The normal dosage range is between 0.5 - 2 ltrs/100 kg of cementitious

1 Slump Flow by Abrams cone Filling Ability

2 T_50 cm Slump flow Filling Ability

3 J- Ring Passing Ability

4 V- Funnel Filing Ability

5 V-Funnel at T _5 minutes Segregation Resistance

6 L-Box Passing Ability

7 U-Box Passing Ability

8 Fill Box Passing Ability

9 GTM Screen Stability Test Segregation Resistance

10 Orimet Filling Ability

In the present investigation the existing method as per IS:10262-1982
has been used for selecting the concrete mix M30, however new
information given in IS:456-2000 have been incorporated, procedure is
modified to that extent. Specific relationships, charts, graphs that are
given in this method of mix design have been developed from extensive
experimental investigation at the cement research institute of India as
well as on the basis of data on concrete being designed and produced in
the country.

 Design Stipulations:
- Characteristics strength of concrete at 28 days (fck) = 30N/mm2
- Maximum size of crushed aggregate = 20mm
- Degree of workability (Compacting Factor) = 0.90
- According to IS:456-2000
the value of Statistical Coefficient (K) = 1.65
- According to IS:456-2000
the value of Standard Deviation (S) = 5.00
- Type of exposure = Moderate

Test data of materials:

- Cement used = OPC 43 Grade
- Specific Gravity of Cement = 3.10
- Specific Gravity of coarse aggregates = 2.62

- Specific Gravity of fine aggregates = 2.64

Target mean strength of concrete mix:
Ft = fck + k.S
K= 1.65, S= 5.00
F = 38.25 N/mm2
Selection of Water/Cement Ratio:
- Free water cement ratios for target mean strength = 0.38
-Maximum water cement ratio specified for durability as per
IS:456- 2000 = 0.45
-Therefore, the water/cement ratio adopted = 0.38
- Sand content as % age of total aggregate by absolute volume = 35%
Adjustment for change in Conditions

For Decrease In Water Cement Ratio by 0 - 4.4 %

(0.60 – 0.38)
For Increase In C.F. (0.9 – 0.8) +3 0
For Sand Conforming to ZONE-II 0 0
Total +3 - 4.4
- Water content = 186 + (3/100) ×186 = 191.58 lt/m3
- Cement content = 191.58/0.38 = 504.16kg/m3
The cement content for above mix is more than 450 kg/m3 as specified in
IS;456-2000. Therefore the mix was reproportioned by making changes
in w/c ratio. So, the water cement ratio was increased to 0.45 and water
content kept as 191.58 lt/m3.
Then, Cement content = 191.58/0.45 = 425.73 kg/m3.

Determination of coarse and fine aggregate contents:

Approximate air content in fresh concrete having maximum aggregate
size 20mm is 2.0%.

 Design mix up to M30 grade

Sand zone III
Workability 0.90Cf
W/C = 0.45
V= absolute volume of fresh concrete, which is equal to gross volume
(m3) minus the volume of entrapped air
W = mass of water (Kg) per m3 of concrete
C= mass of cement (Kg) per m3 of concrete
Sc, Sfa and Sca = Specific gravities of cement, fine aggregates and coarse
p= ratio of fine aggregate to total aggregate by absolute volume
fa, ca = total masses of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate (Kg) per m3
of concrete respectively.
Fine aggregates = 547.69 kg/m3
Coarse aggregates = 1172.74 kg/m3

The mix (TR1) with above constituents was tested for fresh SCC
properties and it was observed that the mix TR1 did not fulfill the
requirements of SCC, therefore other trial mixes as listed in table
4.11 were prepared and tested for the SCC properties to achieve
the desired mix.
C C.A. F.A FLY W S.P. V.
S.NO. MIX (Kg/ (Kg/ (Kg/ ASH (lt/m3) M. L.
m3) m3) m3) (Kg/ (%) A. S/A S.
m3) (%) Q.

1. TR1 425.7 1172.7 547.7 - 191.58 1.2 0.2 0.32 -

2. TR2 426.2 965.3 592.3 - 200.31 1.2 0.2 0.38 -

3. TR3 437.1 868.7 621.9 - 222.92 1.2 0.2 0.42 -

4. TR4 428.0 825.3 640.6 - 234.50 1.4 0.3 0.44 -

5. TR5 428.0 742.8 704.6 - 234.50 1.4 0.3 0.48 -

6. TR6 428.0 631.4 739.8 - 234.50 1.4 0.4 0.54 -

7. M0 428.0 588.3 756.2 - 234.50 1.5 0.4 0.56 -

To investigate the effects of fly ash and limestone quarry fines on the strength and flowability
properties of SCC

C C.A. F.A FLY W S.P. V.

S.NO MIX (Kg/ (Kg/ (Kg/ ASH (lt/m3) M. L.
m3) m3) m3) (Kg/ (%) A. S.
m3) (%) S/A Q.

1. M1 363.8 588.3 756.2 64.2 234.50 1.5 0.4 0.56 -

2. M2 321.0 588.3 756.2 107 234.50 1.5 0.4 0.56 -

3. M3 278.2 588.3 756.2 149.8 234.50 1.5 0.4 0.56 -

4. M4 278.2 588.3 642.8 149.8 234.50 1.5 0.4 0.56 113.43

5. M5 278.2 588.3 491.5 149.8 234.50 1.5 0.4 0.56 264.68

6. M6 278.2 588.3 340.3 149.8 234.50 1.5 0.4 0.56 415.92

Durability Tests on Concrete included:

Rapid chloride permeability

Water absorption
Water permeability by DIN 1048
Water permeability by Darcy's test
Drying shrinkage
Nowadays, Performance required for concrete structure is more complicated
and diversified. The concrete is required to have high fluidity, high strength,
self compatibility, and long service life concrete structures. SCC is highly
engineered concrete that addresses these requirements.
For several years, the problem of durability of concrete structure has been a
major problem posed to engineers. To make durable concrete structure,
sufficient compaction is required. Over vibration causes segregation whereas
under vibration leads to improper compaction. Answer to this problem may be a
type of concrete which can get compacted into every corner of form work and
gap between steel, purely by means of its own weight and without the need for
Strength and durability properties of concrete play an important role in concrete
structures. In the past, only strength of concrete was considered in the concrete
mix design procedure assuming strength of concrete is an all pervading factor
for all other desirable properties of concrete including durability. In 1930’s, this
pious opinion was proved wrong they found that series of failures of concrete
pavements have taken place due to frost attack.
Although compressive strength is a measure of durability to a great extent it
is not true that the strong concrete is always durable concrete. It is now
recognized that the strength of concrete alone is not sufficient, the degree of
harshness of the environmental condition to which concrete is exposed over
its entire life is equally important. Therefore, both strength and durability
have to be considered explicitly at the design stage.
Durability of concrete is defined as ability of concrete to resist weathering
action, chemical attack and abrasion while maintaining its desired
engineering properties. Different concretes require different degree of
durability depending on the exposure environment and properties desired.
Concrete ingredients, their proportioning, interaction between them, placing
and curing practices and the service environment determine the ultimate
durability and life of concrete. There are various tests which can be
conducted on specimens to check the properties. Rapid chloride
permeability, water absorption, water permeability, drying shrinkage are
some of the test which can be done to measure durability whereas
compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength and bond
strength are used for the evaluation of strength of concrete.
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