Cadences Pop

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Summary of common pop harmonic schemas.

Progression in Progression in
Schema name Common variations
Roman numerals C major
• Dominant sevenths in every chord
• 16-bar blues, repeating first four
I|I|I|I| C|C|C|C| measures of I
12-bar blues IV | IV | I | I | F|F|C|C| • IV in m. 2
V | IV | I | I | G|F|C|C| • ii–V in mm. 13–14 instead of V–IV;
applied ii-V in m. 8 (jazz blues)
• Turnaround in mm. 15–16
Double plagal ♭VII–IV–I B♭–F–C • Rotation: I–♭VII–IV
♭VI–♭III –♭VII– A♭–E♭–B♭–F–
Extended plagal
• Substitute ii for IV: I–vi–ii–V
Doo-wop I–vi–IV–V C–Ami–F–G
• Rotation: IV–V–I–vi
• Rotation to start on any chord: I–V–
Singer/Songwriter vi–IV–I–V Ami–F–C–G
vi–IV; IV–I–V–vi; V–vi–IV–I
Hopscotch IV-V–vi–I F–G–Ami–C • Replacing V (G) with V/vi (E)
• Minor v instead of major
• Major I instead of minor
Cmi–B♭–A♭–G • Added passing chords, such as V
Lament i–♭VII–♭VI–V
between i and ♭VII, or IV between

♭VII and ♭VI

• More chords continuing the fifthwise
root motion
Circle-of-fifths i–iv–VII–III etc. • Chord quality can be altered to create
E♭ applied dominants or applied ii–V
• Minor version: i–III–iv
• "Deceptive" version: I–III♯–IV (III♯
Puff I–iii–IV C–Emi–F sounds like a V/vi that resolves
deceptively by step instead of
• Rotation: ♭VII–I
Subtonic shuttle I–♭VII C–B♭
• Aeolian version: i–♭VII
Aeolian shuttle i–♭VII–♭VI–♭VII
• Major tonic (picardy third): ♭VI–
Aeolian cadence ♭VI–♭VII–i A♭–B♭–Cmi
Dorian shuttle i–IV Cmi–F
Lydian shuttle I–II♯ C–D
Lydian cadence II♯–IV–I D–F–C

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