Bards and Minstrels

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ARCANE SKILL: Performance (Spirit)

Arcane Artists create magic by performing Art. Any art: acrobatics, calligraphy, comedy, dance, fire breathing, juggling, music, painting, poetry,
public speech, puppetry, origami, sculpting, singing, tragedy, ventriloquism...

Arcane Artists use the Performance Skill to activate powers. They weave actual magic into their performance. As a GM, you might choose in your
setting to have their powers come from the God or Goddess of Arts instead, but the Arcane Skill would remain Performance (not Faith).

Arcane Artists use their entire body while performing. Unless their art is one that allows them to wield a weapon while performing, such as blade
dancing or singing, Arcane Artists are considered Unarmed Defenders during their performance, but their focus is so intense, they also are considered
to have the Channeling Edge.

Powers with a base duration in rounds (like barrier, deflection, puppet) now last one round and are not maintained with Power Points. Instead, the
Artist can take a Keep Performing action (no roll required) to maintain it for one additional turn. Such powers are unaffected by the Concentration

While they Keep Performing, Arcane Artists may make a single Athletics (acrobatics), Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion, or Taunt roll as part of
their performance without triggering a Multi-Action penalty. The GM might include other skills based on the type of performance (usually as a Test or

Powers that could benefit from the Additional Recipients Power Modifier, can’t be cast on single targets and can’t use the Additional Recipients
modifier. Instead, they must use Aura modifier below.

AURA (+1/+2/+3): For 1 additional Power Point, the power affects every target within a Small Blast Template centered on the caster
(Medium for 2, Large for 3). The Aura moves with the Artist. At the end of the Artist’s turn, any recipient who is no longer in the Aura
loses the power’s effects, and new comers gains the effects. You can’t pick the Range Limitation of Touch, this is already included in the
Aura cost.

Trappings: An Arcane Artist should include his Art into the power’s Trapping. A music instrument carries effects with sound; a dancer performs a
sexy or evocative move to deliver a suggest power; a singer sings a lullaby for slumber; a painter sketches his summon ally on a parchment.

Powers: Arcane Artists have a large choice regarding the powers they can learn, as long as they fit the theme and Trappings of their art.

Forbidden powers: burrow, object reading, shape change.

REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Spirit d8+, Vigor d6+, Performance d8+

Some artists deliver so much emotion when they perform, their audience is energized by their presence.

The performer gains the Command and Natural Leader Edges, but those Edges, as well as any Leadership Edges they gain later, are only in effect
while they perform. In combat, whenever the artist takes an action with a Performance roll or Keeps Performing, his Leadership Edges are active
until the start of his next turn.

Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
Trappings: Word of command, aura of seduction, mental lure.

Attract creates a compelling desire for the victim to come to the caster.

The power is opposed by the target’s Spirit. On success, the victim is Vulnerable (and Shaken with a raise), then immediately moves 1d6” towards
the caster.

CONE (+2): The power affects everyone inside a Cone Template emanating from the caster. Roll distance once, all affected targets move
that same distance.
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
Trappings: blessings, lucky charms.

This power brings fortune and blessings to the recipient.

On a success, the target gains a Fortune Benny. He can spend it to reroll a Trait or damage roll. On a raise, the recipient gets to add 2 points from the
final total when spending their Fortune Benny.

You can’t receive more than one Fortune Benny during a single scene, whatever the source, and any Fortune Bennies left unspent at the end of a
scene are lost.

ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect more than one target in Range for 1 for additional Power Point each. Note
that Arcane Artists must cast this power as an Aura.
GUARDIAN (+2): The recipient may choose to spend their Fortune Benny to force an opponent to reroll a Trait or damage roll against
him, taking the worse result (subtract 2 from the final total, if fortune was cast with a raise).

Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 3
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
Trappings: song of power, mental barrier.

This power keeps an enemy away from the caster.

Whenever the target wants to move towards the caster or to take an aggressive action against him, she must first succeed at a Spirit roll (at –2 if cast
with a raise). On a failure, she suffers a –2 penalty to her a􀀢acks against the caster this turn, and can’t move adjacent to him. On a success, she
ignores this power this turn. On a raise, she completely ignores it for its duration.

AREA OF EFFECT (+1/+2): For 2 additional Power Points, place a Medium Blast Template around the caster. The power affects
anyone from outside the Template who wishes to move inside or take aggressive action against a target inside the Template. The area
moves with the caster. For 3 points, place a Large Blast Template.

Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
Trappings: Cooling air, calming words, gentle music, relaxing scent.

This power brings calm to an otherwise disturbed victim’s mind.

On a success, soothe calms the target of strong emotions like panic, anger, despair, and distress, and removes aggressive effects such as Berserk.

The target can choose to resist the effects. If so, the power is opposed by the target’s Spirit.

ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each. Note that Arcane
Artists must cast this power as an Aura.
RELAXED (+1/+2): For 1 additional Power Point, the duration of this Power is raised to 5 minutes (1 hour for 2 Power Points). The
target is so calm she can’t enter strongly aggressive states (like Berserk or Wild Attacks) and gains the Brave Edge.
SERENITY (+10/+20): The power also heals effects from the Fear Table (including Phobia and Heart Attack), or coming from similar
strong emotion. For +10 Power Points, the effects must be less than one hour old. For +20 Power Points, older effects are also healed.

Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 1
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5 minutes
Trappings: Whispered words of power, seduction, pheromones, psionic mind trick.

This power convinces the target a single statement is true (those dwarves aren’t the one you are looking for!).

Suggest is an opposed roll of the caster’s arcane skill versus the target’s Smarts. The target suffers a –2 modifier for something easy to believe, and
up to +2 for something difficult to believe. On success, the target acts as if the statement was true.

When new evidence or information makes her doubt the statement, she is allowed a Smarts roll, with the same modifiers as above, and an additional
–2 if the opposed roll was a raise. If successful, the victim is no longer subject to this fake belief.
AREA OF EFFECT (+2/+3): The power affects everyone in a Medium Blast Template for +2 Power Points, or a Large Blast Template
for +3 Power Points.

“So, Vanessa, who is your character?”

“A lovely bard.”

“Well, this is pretty vague. Tell me more.”

“She is a centaur, born in a nomad tribe from the wild hills of Folentia. She is scared as hell, but music guides her.”

“She plays an instrument?”

“Strings. When she plays her Sitar, the world is different, it’s like fear is going away. People listen to her in awe. She helps them. She guides them.”

Race: Centaur; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d6, Healing d4, Notice d6, Performance d8, Persuasion d8, Stealth d4, Survival d6
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7(1)
Hindrances: Can’t Swim, Loyal, Yellow
Edges: Arcane Background (Arcane Artist), Presence, Reliable, Work the Room
Powers: elemental manipulation, soothe. Power Points: 10
Gear: Leather jacket (+1), shortsword (Str+d6), sitar.
Special Abilities:
• Hooves: Natural weapons, Str+d4 damage, on raise pushes target away 1”.
• Running die: d8.
• Big: Can’t wear equipment not designed for her. Equipment, armor, food, and clothing cost double.
• Size +1

Cerina plays as the group’s face. She negotiates for the group and keep them out of harm. In the wild, she helps with basic tasks like foraging, being
on the watch, and patching up a few bruises. She loves to help and the group finds her Reliable.

In combat, she… well first she tries to not get into combat! Her Persuasion skill and soothe power will see to that. If she really ends up in combat,
she uses her Performance skill to Support her allies’ actions, with Reliable and Work the Room. Her powerful Presence keeps the group’s morale up.
And elemental manipulation is perfect to Test opponents that needs a bit softening.

For her next advances, she could reinforce her magic, looking for New Powers, Rapid Recharge, and Power Points; improve her survival and
become a real Woodsman; work harder on her Persuasion and Performance to reinforce her strengths; learn from a Healer; or delve deeper into
Leadership potential.

“GM? I would like to play a bard.”

“I already have a player character playing some instrument.”

“You fool! There is much more to bards than music! What about puppetry?”

“Yeah, you’re right. A puppeteer would be fun!”

“I’m ready. His name is Eldrin. He was born poor but smart and deserves better than that. He thinks he belongs in high society. He has learned to
manipulate people, make them react the way he wants them to.”

Race: Human; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d4
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d4, Intimidation d4, Notice d4, Performance d8, Persuasion d4, Stealth d6, Taunt d10,
Thievery d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5 (4 without rapier); Toughness: 4
Hindrances: Arrogant, Poverty, Wanted (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Arcane Artist), Humiliate, New Powers, Power Points, Thief
Powers: Attract, illusion, stun, telekinesis. Power Points: 15
Gear: Dagger (Str+d4), lantern, lockpicks, rapier (Str+d4, +1 Parry).

Eldrin is a pest. He believes himself to be superior to most people. He always has the right words to push someone into doing his bidding and what
he doesn’t have, he steals.

Yet, in a group Eldrin is a helpful thief, with decent Stealth and good Thievery skills. But he really shines using telekinesis and illusion to get them
out of troubles.
Against adversaries, he stays well behind his allied fighters and Taunts opponents from there, hoping the group stops the angry mob before he gets

With attract he can pull archers out ofcover, or force an enemy to disengage from melee, thus allowing free attacks from his allies. It also makes
enemies Vulnerable, which is always appreciated by the group.

When in trouble, he puppets the opponent into a frenzied dance with stun.

In upcoming adventures, Eldrin should learn to defend himself better, increasing his Parry. Extraction to get away from harm will also help a lot! He
could also improve his Stealth and become an Assassin. With a bit more Intimidation or Persuasion, he could work on his Connections and
Streetwise too. But, most important, at Veteran, the puppet power awaits!

“Hey, I would like to play some sort of Shaman, from ancient tribes, guided by the power of Nature. He would be tough and mean.”

“Let’s see. You could come from the northern forest of Jormundar? They are hunter tribes, proud and fierce. In battle they roar like beasts and scare
their enemies away.”

“Oh, yes! Let me pick a drum and perform some tribal war songs, magical songs, taught from father to son.”


Race: Human; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Performance d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d6, Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8(2)
Hindrances: All Thumbs, Code of Honor, Mean.
Edges: Arcane Background (Arcane Artist), Menacing, Rabble-Rouser, Woodsman
Gear: Drum, handaxe (Str+d6), throwing axes x4 (3/6/12 Str+d6), leather clothes (+2), trapper’s knife (Str+d4)
Powers: protection (Vigor of the Wild — always cast with Toughness modifier), summon ally (Call of the Earth – stone a􀀢endant). Power Points:

Fagor comes from a rough country, where the strongest wins. He doesn’t like people, he is rude and mean, and prefers to walk alone. His trust is
hard to earn.

He doesn’t like technology or cities. He believes in the law of Nature and customs from his ancestors. Knowing and respecting those laws ensures
survival. Respect wild life, do not kill what you won’t eat or use. Defend your life and your clan. Keep an eye on the sky, the other in your back.

But the group will learn to appreciate his talents. He is a very good guide, with good Stealth and excellent Survival. He knows most animal noises,
and can mimic them.

In battle, he uses Intimidation, roaring like a wild beast. He knows how to fight up and personal, and can throw axes too. But by performing songs
of battle with his drum, he Supports his allies, call the stones to raise and fight for him (summon ally), and allows his allies to ignore pain by
improving their Toughness (protection).

With more experience, he can learn New Powers, like beats able to shake the ground (havoc), raise walls of stone (barrier), or unleash his allies’
fury (warrior’s gift, smite). He can also choose Killer Instincts and Bolster, to improve his Intimidation prowesses. He should also be prepared to
take some hits, increasing his Vigor, ge􀀢ing Nerves of Steel and Strong Willed.

“Dance is an Art, right?”

“Yes, sure. What do you have in mind?”

“An agent of Zura.”

“Oh, the goddess of Blind Justice. Anyone can request Justice for a target, by making a donation to the cult. If the donation is appreciated, Zura
sends one of her agents to take care of your problem, otherwise she sends her agent after you.”

“Yes. Valira will use dance and seduction to gather information to find her targets, and then slit their throat open.”

Race: Human; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Performance d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Ruthless (Major — fulfill Zura’s contract or die trying), Wanted (Major)
Edges: Arcane Background (Arcane Artist), Assassin, Extraction, Streetwise, Very Attractive
Powers: Confusion (Limitation – Touch), empathy, slumber (Limitation – Touch), suggest. Power Points: 10
Gear: Assassin’s needle (Str+d4, pinned in her ponytail).

Valira’s Persuasion and Streetwise allows her group to move with ease in town. She uses suggest to push people into giving her vital information or
to turn them against their former allies. Confusion (usually cast with Area of Effect) is perfect to set up targets and slumber perfect to escape.

With a few more contracts fulfilled, she might become an Improvisational Fighter and be able to kill with anything at hand. Fleet-Footed and Free
Runner would let her get in and out faster. With the militia wanting her dead, Dodge could avoid their arrows and bolts. Acrobat would add style and
flexibility to her kit. Notice and Alertness would go a long way for a spy such as Valira. What about, Power Points and New Powers? Mind reading,
teleport, mind wipe and puppet would be perfect for her job.

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