The Sha'ir 5e

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The document presents a homebrew 5th edition D&D class called the Sha'ir, which focuses on elemental magic and planar travel. It provides details on the class features, spellcasting abilities, and elemental familiars of the Sha'ir.

The class being presented is a homebrew 5th edition D&D class called the Sha'ir.

Some of the main features of the Sha'ir class include elemental spellcasting, the ability to summon elemental familiars to aid in combat, and a feature called Spell Fetching that allows the Sha'ir to attempt to steal spells from other spellcasters.


A 5th Edition Class for

Dungeons and Dragons

Let the power of the elements

whelm you!

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All other original material in this work is copyright [2020] by Harry Crabb and published under
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The following is a list of sources used in creating this document.

All character art in this document has been created by [Zach Hendershott].
Cover art by Zach Hendershott.
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All original content within this document has been written, edited and formatted
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Zach Hendershott -:- Character Art / Playtester
Cameron Kucheman -:- Marketing / Playtester
Darron Peltekian -:- Playtester
Connor Nason -:- Playtester
Ethan Cassels -:- Playtester
Alex Roberts -:- Playtester


Table of Contents: 4 Elemental Familiar Ruleset 18
1 The Sha'ir 4 4.1 Spell Fetching........................................................................18
1.1 Masters of the Elements........................................................4 4.2 Minor Tasks............................................................................18
1.2 Planar Gatekeepers, Guards and Guides.......................... 4 4.3 Telepathy.................................................................................18
1.3 Theives of Magical Secrets...................................................4 4.4 Elemental Touch...................................................................18
4.5 Familiar Levels......................................................................18
2 Creating a Sha'ir 6 4.6 Familiar Dismissal & Death...............................................18
4.7 Binding a New Familiar.......................................................18
2.1 The Sha'ir Class Table........................................................... 5 4.8 Ordering your Familiar in Combat....................................18
2.2 Quick Build...............................................................................6
2.3 Class Features......................................................................... 6 5 Gen Familiars Available 18
2.4 Elemental Familiars............................................................... 6 5.1 Air Gen....................................................................................19
2.5 Sha'ir Spellcasting........................................................7 5.2 Earth Gen...............................................................................20
2.5.1 Sha'ir Cantrips.................................................................. 7 5.3 Fire Gen..................................................................................21
2.5.2 Sha'ir Spell Slots..............................................................7 5.4 Water Gen.............................................................................. 22
2.5.3 Sha'ir Spell Casting Ability.............................................7 5.5 Ash Gen.................................................................................. 23
2.5.4 Sha'ir Spellcasting Focus............................................... 7 5.6 Ice Gen....................................................................................24
2.5.5 Sha'ir Memory Slots........................................................ 8 5.7 Magma Gen............................................................................25
2.5.6 Sha'ir Spell Fetching..................................................8 5.8 Ooze Gen................................................................................26 Attempting to steal a spell........................................... 7 Fetching a Spell During Combat................................7 6 Empowered Elementals 27 Success............................................................................8 Failure..............................................................................8 5.5 Ash Elemental....................................................................... 27 Divine / Eldritch Exceptions to this rule...................8 5.6 Ice Elemental.........................................................................28
2.6 Elemental Sense..................................................................... 9 5.7 Magma Elemental................................................................ 29
2.7 Sha'ir Disciplines.................................................................... 9 5.8 Ooze Elemental.....................................................................30
2.8 Ability Score Improvement...................................................9
2.9 Chain Attack.............................................................................9 7 Multiclassing 31
2.10 Elemental Exchange............................................................ 9
2.11 Fate Dice.................................................................................9 About
2.12 Wisher's Well.........................................................................9
2.13 Planar Portal.......................................................................10 Merchants speak of a faraway land where magic and mystery
2.14 Cosmic Container.............................................................. 10 walk hand in hand, a place where genie deals are coveted and
2.15 Aegis of the Mind............................................................... 10 their kind wander freely throughout the streets, where
2.16 Permanent Portal...............................................................10 magical carpets fly like comets across the sky, and where
desert winds carry the smells of bazaars and the songs of the
3 Sha'ir Disciplines 10 whirling dervish. Rumors and historical accounts of the
magic this civilization has cultivated have floated their way
3.1 The Way of the Martial....................................10 across the sea since long before recorded history began. This
3.1.1 Bonus Proficiency..........................................................10 veiled, quixotic land, where fate determines the fortunes of
3.1.2 Elemental Strike............................................................ 10 the most tyrannical desert princes and the humblest of
3.1.3 Chain Master...................................................................10 beggars, calls out to those brave enough to search out a land
3.1.4 Fighting Style..................................................................11 just beyond the sands horizon.
3.1.5 Elemental Surge.............................................................11 Steeped in legend, sha'irs enjoy a cultural acceptance of
3.1.6 Imbued Guardian...........................................................11 their power that is found nowhere else in the world. The chief
reason being their exquisite finesse allowing them to parley
3.2 The Way of the Master..................................... 12 with the ancient, powerful forces of the desert and the planar
3.2.1 Elemental Origin Spellcraft.........................................12 realms, such as the genie lords. A sha'ir could find his way
3.2.2 Familiar Tenacity............................................................13 into a traditional campaign in a number of ways. An angry
3.2.3 Empowered Ally............................................................. 13 genie could use a powerful spell to send him across the
3.2.4 Elemental Ascendant.................................................... 13 cosmos, or a curious sha'ir might travel across land and sea
3.2.5 Bonded Being................................................................. 14 to visit distant regions of your campaign world. Between
3.2.6 Master of Planar Magic................................................ 14 commerce, diplomacy, or even war, the sha'ir's disciplines
could slowly filter across the world.
3.3 The Way of the Mind..........................................15 A sha'ir is a skilled spellcaster who can steal any arcane
3.3.1 Key to the Mind...............................................................15 spell and many divine or eldritch ones. The sha'ir's familiar
3.3.2 Expansion of the Mind..................................................15 searches the minds of other casters for your desired spell and
3.3.3 Art of the Scroll.............................................................. 15 then returns to its master with such knowledge. While a
3.3.4 Additional Companionship.......................................... 15 sha'ir can use almost any spell he has seen or learned about,
3.3.5 Mind Palace.....................................................................15 it takes at least a few moments for his familiar to retrieve it
3.3.6 Expanded Spell Scribing Complication Table.........16 for him. In addition to his abilities with spells, the sha'ir
3.3.7 Way of the Mind Class Table........................................17 excels at dealing with genie kind and elemental powers.


The Sha'ir

human clad in brightly colored silken robes These fonts of elemental power are known throughout the
trudges through the desert sands under the lands as consorts and impressors of genies, either feared or
scorching sun. Parched from the heat, he respected, depending on how they use their powers. Some
uncorks and drains the last few drops from his Sha'ir use their magical gifts and their elemental
waterskin. Despite finishing the last of his companion's powers to help end drought in desert regions or
water, he does not seem overly concerned, as he to quell vast storms at sea, whilst others use the same gifts
continues to climb and descend the dunes in his and powers to create the very same droughts and storms.
path. A Sha'ir can often be mistaken for a simple Elementalist,
Eventually, the man stops, a smile curving across his face, believed only to be a wizard or sorcerer with a particular
his lips cracking in the process, his eyes fixated on something penchant for specific forms of elemental magic. For example,
not too far in the distance. As he gets closer, the object a Sha'ir who travels with an elemental familiar of fire might
becomes clear, a beautifully ornate fountain, half-submerged develop a liking for cantrips and spells such as firebolt,
by an encroaching dune. fireball, and wall of flame, incorporating the elements of
Reaching the fountain, he clears sand from its many magic he is most familiar with.
basins, before pulling a small crystalline container the shape However, Sha'ir can be so much, as they are in fact capable
of a teardrop from his robes. Opening it, he drips the of commanding their familiars to steal any type of magical
contents from into the fountain, where it begins to bubble knowledge from within the unprotected minds of any
and stir, eventually taking shape as a small, floating, bright spellcaster. This includes wielders of divine and eldritch
and bubbling water gen familiar. powers such as clerics and warlocks.
In a cracked voice, the man begins to speak to his familiar, It is well known how powerful primordials, elementals and
ushering it towards the fountain. Without hesitation, the genie kind are, yet these tricksters and planar travelers can
water elemental darts down into the spout of the fountain, bend these beings and their magics to their whims and
only to re-emerge a few moments later, followed by a surge of fancies, making them a truly powerful force to be reckoned
crisp, cold, life-giving water. The Sha'ir heartily thanks his with.
familiar, before eagerly drinking from the fountain and filling
his waterskin with fresh water, all the while his familiar Planar Gatekeepers,
continues to bob and bubble about the fountain, playing
within the fountains many basins. Guards and Guides
Elsewhere, a dwarf blacksmith continues to work upon a Sha'ir are often viewed as keepers of the peace between the
sword, beating upon a metal clasp throughout its length, material and elemental planes, often taking it upon
slowly and carefully embedding a fuller throughout three- themselves to act as gatekeepers, guards and sometimes
quarters of its length. Realizing the blade requires to be even guides to the elemental planes. It is believed they do this
heated once more, he opens a clay kiln to his side, and so that others who seek to tamper or toy with either the
carefully the blade within it once more. Before closing the material or elemental planes are deterred, serving to keep the
kiln door, he whistles in the direction of a torch upon his wall, balance between the realms so that no mortal, doa, djinn,
and from it slinks a small flickering fire gen, with a face of marid or efreeti seeks to conquer or corrupt any of the other
burning coal and a mane of pure white fire. planar regions. However, in dire situations, the Sha'ir have
After speaking a series of commands, the fire gen darts been known to act as guides to certain heroes, to protect and
within the kiln and is shut within. It then proceeds to burn aid them on their quests and journey, as well as safeguard the
with a bluish-white flame, then heats the length of the blade worlds they visit from being trampled or damaged by
with careful intent with its body, until the blade shines with ignorant adventurers.
an even red hue, ready to be worked once more.
Opening the Kiln once more, the dwarf thanks the fire gen Thieves of Magical Secrets
familiar for its service, tossing it a small cube of cedarwood
as payment, which is greedily grabbed by the small fire gen, The Sha'ir are well known for their cunning and tricky
before returning to roost within its torch once more. natures, so much so that many wizards and sorcerers
compare them to fiendish creatures from the nine hells, who
Masters of the Elements barter, deceive and deal in order to get what they want. This
is often because the Sha'ir possess the power to coerce or
The Sha'ir are a group of magical spell thieves who can convince their elemental familiars to carry out certain tasks
communicate with, command and bind essences and on their behalf, most notably, the theft or copying of magical
emissaries from each elemental plane. These elemental knowledge from within the unprotected minds of other
powerhouses can grow stronger either by striking bargains spellcasters.
and deals with primordials, elementals, and genie kind or by
forcing such beings to their whims through either trickery or
brute force.


The Sha'ir Class Table
Lvl Lvl Lvl Lvl Lvl Lvl Lvl Lvl Lvl
Proficiency Memory Spell Slot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Level Bonus Features Slots Slots Level (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Elemental familiar, spellcasting and spell
1st +2 1 1 1st 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2nd +2 Elemental sense 1 1 1st 55 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3rd +2 Sha'ir discipline 1 2 2nd 60 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4th +2 Ability score improvement 1 2 2nd 65 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5th +3 Chain attack 2 3 3rd 70 50 5 1 1 1 1 1 1
6th +3 Elemental exchange 2 3 3rd 75 55 10 1 1 1 1 1 1
7th +3 Sha'ir discipline ability 2 4 4th 80 60 50 5 1 1 1 1 1
8th +3 Ability score improvement, fate dice 2 4 4th 85 65 55 10 1 1 1 1 1
9th +4 — 3 5 5th 90 70 60 50 5 1 1 1 1
10th +4 Chain attack improvement 3 5 5th 95 75 65 55 10 1 1 1 1
11th +4 Wisher's well, sha'ir discipline ability 3 6 5th 95 80 70 60 50 5 1 1 1
12th +4 Ability score improvement 3 6 5th 95 85 75 65 55 10 1 1 1
13th +5 Wisher's well improvement 4 7 5th 95 90 80 70 60 50 5 1 1
Ability score improvement, cosmic
14th +5 4 7 5th 95 95 85 75 65 55 10 1 1
Chain attack improvement, wisher's well
15th +5 4 8 5th 95 95 90 80 70 60 50 5 1
improvement, sha'ir discipline ability
16th +5 Planar portal, fate dice improvement 4 8 5th 95 95 95 85 75 65 55 10 1
17th +6 Wisher's well improvement 5 9 5th 95 95 95 90 80 70 60 50 5
18th +6 Aegis of the mind 5 9 5th 95 95 95 95 85 75 65 55 10
Ability score improvement, sha'ir discipline
19th +6 5 10 5th 95 95 95 95 90 80 70 60 50
20th +6 Permanent portal 5 10 5th 95 95 95 95 95 85 75 65 55
Creating a Sha'ir Elemental Touch
When you cast a spell with a range of touch, your elemental
When creating a Sha'ir, think of what led your character to familiar can deliver the spell as if it had cast the spell itself.
become a Sha'ir in the first place. Do they seek riches? Do Your familiar must be within 100-feet of you, and it must use
they seek a genie powerful enough to grant them a wish? Or its reaction to deliver the spell when you cast it. If the spell
do they yearn to become a powerful champion of the people? requires an attack roll, you use your attack modifier for the
Perhaps they were once a librarian and found texts detailing roll.
how to capture and form pacts with a genie? Or perhaps they
simply stumbled upon an ancient container that held their Familiar Levels
first elemental familiar? Next, think about what led you to For each level you gain after 1st, your familiar gains an
become an adventurer? Was it to hone your abilities? Or was additional hit dice (1d4) and increases its hit points
it to earn riches and fame? accordingly: 1d4 + Constitution modifier per level.
Whenever you gain an ability score improvement, your
Quick Build familiar's abilities also improve. Your familiar can increase
one ability score of your choice by 2, or it can increase two
You can make a Sha'ir quickly by following these suggestions. ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, your familiar
First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed cannot increase an ability score above 20.
by Dexterity Second, then choose the Far Traveller or Sage
background. Familiar Dismissal & Death
If you wish to summon a new elemental familiar, you can
Class Features dismiss your previous familiar by opening the container and
speaking out loud that you free it from its material bonds and
Hit Points chains. If the worst happens and your familiar dies, it will
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Sha'ir level automatically return to the container it is bound to, regaining
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier it's hit points after you complete a long rest. However, if the
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution container is destroyed, the familiar returns to its original
modifier per Sha'ir level after 1st elemental plane of existence, where it revives itself after 24
Armour: Light armour Binding a New Familiar
Weapons: Simple weapons, Finesse Martial Weapons To summon and bind a new familiar, you must perform an 8-
Saving Throws: Charisma, Dexterity hour ritual. This ritual requires 100gp worth of incense,
Skills: Choose two from the following: Arcana, History, herbs, as well as an object relating to the element you wish to
Performance, Nature and Survival summon, and a container to bind the familiar into.
Once summoned, you must then bargain, bribe, trick or
Equipment coerce the familiar into your service. If you are making a deal
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the of some kind with the familiar, the deal can be struck
equipment granted by your background: between the Dungeon Master and the Sha'ir through roleplay
(a) A scimitar or (b) A short sword without the need of a saving throw.
(a) Leather armour or (b) Padded armour However, if you are attempting to coerce or enslave the
(a) An explorers pack or (b) A dungeoneers pack familiar, then the familiar must make a Charisma saving
A small or tiny container to act as an arcane focus. throw versus your spell save DC. On a failure, it becomes
bound to the container and forced to adhere to your will. On a
Elemental Familiars success, the elemental familiar flees back to its original plane
of existence.
At 1st level, the Sha'ir's forms a bond with an elemental
familiar, granting them a series of abilities, detailed as Master, Slaver or Friend?
The relationship between you and your familiar should be
Spell Fetching discussed with your Dungeon Master. As a character whose
Your familiar has the ability to fetch spells from the minds of alignment leans more towards evil or chaotic might have
other spellcasters. See Sha'ir Spellcasting & Spell Fetching enslaved their familiar, whereas a character whose
on page 7 for a detailed guide to this ability. alignment is good or neutral might have struck a deal with
their familiar to gain its power and trust.
Minor Tasks
Your familiar can also perform small tasks such as picking up Depending on your relationship with your familiar, they can be
a small pebble or a key. hesitant to find spells and may need persuading or bribing to
Telepathy go find them.
Your elemental familiar can communicate telepathically up to
a distance of 100-feet with the one it is bonded with.


Ordering your Familiar in Combat Sha'ir Spell Casting Ability
In combat, your familiar acts during your turn. It can move Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your Sha'ir spells
and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes is since your magic draws from your attunement and bond with
the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn your genie or elemental familiar. You use Charisma whenever
to command it to take another action. That action can be one a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. Also, you use your
in its stat block or some other action. You can also sacrifice Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a
one of your attacks when you take the Attack action to Sha'ir spell you cast.
command the beast to take the Attack action. If you are
incapacitated, the beast can take any action of its choice, not Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma
just Dodge. modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Elemental Familiars Available Charisma modifier
As a Sha'ir, you must form a bond with an elemental familiar
to fetch spells from the minds of other magic users. How and Spellcasting Focus
when you formed your first elemental bond should be Your elemental familiar acts as an arcane focus, until it is
discussed with your Dungeon Master. Each elemental reduced to 0 hit points, at which point it returns to its
familiar grants a specific set of boons to your Sha'ir. container and the container becomes your new arcane focus.
Elemental familiars, their quirks and abilities are all detailed Sha'ir Spell Fetching
on page 18
The acquisition and use of spells is unique to the Sha'ir. The
following is a guide to fetching spells from the minds of other
Alternative Elemental Ideas magic users.
To add greater diversity to the pool of elementals available,
without redesigning or shifting the planes around, it is
Attempting to steal a spell
possible to keep the stats of these elementals and re-skin
As an action, the sha'ir can ask their familiar to fetch a single
their abilities to maintain the aesthetic that you want for
spell. To fetch a spell, the Sha'ir must be able to give an
accurate description of the target spellcaster; they must have
your character. For example, you might want your Sha'ir to seen the spell in action, or have a detailed description of the
originate from a desert landscape, and therefore wish to spell's effects, components, spell level, etc.
have a small sand elemental familiar, to achieve this, you If the Sha'ir would like to fetch a spell with a casting level
may re-skin either the earth elemental for a sandstone higher than its current highest spell slot level, then the Sha'ir
familiar or the air elemental for a sand-storm familiar, using can only acquire that spell at its current casting level.
the same stats and abilities. Once ordered, your elemental familiar teleports to the
target and attempts to fetch the spell from their minds. The
player must then roll percentile dice to see whether or not the
Sha'ir Spellcasting familiar is successful in retrieving the spell, using the class
table on page 5 as a guide. For example, if they were
The Sha'ir is an incredibly versatile spellcaster, capable of attempting to steal a 1st level spell as a 1st level Sha'ir, they
fetching spell knowledge from the minds of other magical would have to roll 50 or below on their percentile dice.
users using their elemental familiar. As a result, they have After the familiar has attempted to fetch the spell,
access to any spell from any class spell list. However, they regardless of whether or not they are successful, the familiar
must adhere to the following ruleset when attempting to will teleport back to you, reappearing in the same location it
fetch and cast spells and cantrips. left from. The familiar must be within 100-feet of the Sha'ir
upon its departure and return to transmit the spell
Sha'ir Cantrips telepathically.
The Sha'ir begins with two cantrips at 1st level. They may
choose from any of the cantrips available to any type of Fetching a Spell During Combat
spellcaster. The Sha'ir can acquire as many new cantrips as The following is a brief guide in determining how long it may
they want by fetching them from the minds of other magic take your gen familiar to fetch a spell during combat based on
users. Cantrips have a 100% chance of being stolen and do the target spell level. However, the Dungeon Master has the
not require memory slots to use. final say in this regard, based on additional factors such as
Sha'ir Spell Slots
the distance between yourself and the target and the level of
the spellcaster you are targeting.
The Sha'ir table shows just how many spell slots you have
and of what level. All of these spell slots are classified as the Spell Level Spell Fetching Time
same level, as indicated on your class table. To cast one of Cantrip - 1st level 1 round in combat
your Sha'ir spells of 1st level through to 5th level, you must
expend a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when 2nd - 3rd level 2 rounds in combat
you finish a long rest. 4th - 5th level 3 rounds in combat
For example, when you are 5th level, you have three 3rd-
level Spell Slots. To cast the 1st-level spell Thunderwave, you 6th - 7th level 4 rounds in combat
must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 3rd-level 8th - 9th level 5 rounds in combat


Before a Sha'ir steals a spell, the Dungeon Master should set
a precedent within their world regarding the consequences
for the recipient spellcaster when targeted by your Sha'ir
spell fetching feature. As a Dungeon Master, you should
consider the following:
Whether or not the spell knowledge is stolen from their
mind permanently.
Whether or not the spell knowledge is copied from their
mind instead of stolen.
Whether or not a wizard can or cannot re-learn the spell
knowledge by reading their spellbook or other arcane
Whether A divine spellcaster can pray to re-learn stolen
spell knowledge when choosing their spells each morning.
Whether or not the spell knowledge that was stolen
returns to the magic-user when you commit a different set
of spells to memory.
On a failure, the Dungeon Master must decide how much
information the target of your theft gains from your elemental
familiar invading their minds. The Dungeon Master decides
whether they just know someone attempted to steal
knowledge from them, or perhaps the location of the person
who stole from them, or even the name, alignment, and
image of the person who tried to steal from them. This kind
of information could vary depending on the level of the magic
caster you are attempting to steal from, or the type of spell
you are attempting to steal. For example, a higher level Sha'ir Memory Slots
spellcaster might have more power and influence over the
weave and therefore a greater awareness of any magical To cast a spell from your Sha'ir spell list, you must have it
interference on their minds. memorized. The Sha'ir has a limited number of spells that it
The following are a few basic examples the Dungeon can memorize base on their level, as shown on the Sha'ir
Master can use when the sha'ir fails to fetch a spell from the class table on page 5. When the Sha'ir successfully steals
mind of another magic user: new spell knowledge, they must commit it to memory. This
means that whenever a Sha'ir learns a new spell beyond their
The familiar simply fails to retrieve the spell. maximum memory slots, they must overwrite or forget a
The familiar brings you a different spell or cantrip than previously memorized spell.
the one you asked them to fetch. This spell must be equal The Sha'ir can exchange spells whenever it wants, but
to or lower than the spell level you sent them in search of. must always have its elemental fetch the spells even if those
The target spellcaster becomes aware that something spells had been committed to memory previously. The Sha'ir
tried to pry or copy the spell knowledge from its mind. must, therefore, roll from the percentage table each time the
The target spellcaster becomes aware that the familiar Sha'ir seeks to fetch and memorize a new spell, or re-commit
tried to pry or copy the spell from its mind and learns who to memory a spell it has already learned.
the Sha'ir is that ordered it to do so.
Divine / Eldritch Exceptions to this rule Memory Manipulation & Memory Wiping
Similarly, it might be useful to discuss or set precedent at the The Sha'ir is an incredibly unique and powerful spell caster,
table regarding certain sources of magic and the since they can learn any spell or cantrip in the game,
consequences of stealing that knowledge. For example, providing they can steal and memorize the spell knowledge
magic that originates from a cleric or paladin who channel from the mind of another magic-user. However, a Sha'ir
divine magic or warlocks who make use of magic gifted to does not make use of a spellbook and can only memorize a
them by some form of eldritch or demonic patron, whether or limited number of spells, thus making them incredibly
not you succeed or fail in your attempts to steal such
knowledge, the divine, eldritch or demonic patron might still susceptible to magic that interferes with a person's mind.
know of your action and inform their charge of your This means that any spell that alters or wipes a person's
misdeeds. memory also has the potential to wipe spell away


Elemental Sense To use one of your fate dice, you must declare you are
When you reach 2nd level you gain the unique ability to sense doing so after the initial roll, but before the Dungeon Master
and track the presence and location of elemental and genie has declared whether it is a success or failure. You can
kind. This gives you advantage on Wisdom (perception) replace a roll in this way only once per turn. Each fate dice
checks and Intelligence (investigation) checks when tracking roll can be used only once. When you finish a long rest, you
or investigating the presence of elemental or genie kind. lose any unused fate dice.
When you reach 16th level, this ability is improved,
allowing you to roll three fate dice at the end of a long rest,
Sha'ir Disciplines instead of two.
At 3rd level, the Sha'ir must choose a discipline to dedicate
themselves to. The disciplines available to choose from are:
the way of the martial, the way of the master and the way of
Wisher's Well
the mind. Your selection will define and sculpt the Sha'ir that At 11th level, your connection to your gen familiar or genie
you become. Your chosen discipline grants you features at patron grants you a well of power that can be used to
3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels. enhance the potency of your spellcasting. The depth of your
wisher's well (additional spell levels) increases as you gain
more levels in this class, allowing you to empower even more
Ability Score Improvement spells. Your wisher's well refills after each long rest. A sha'ir
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and is limited by how much power they can draw from the
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice wisher's well based on their level, as shown in the table
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by below.
1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 Wisher's Well Power Table
using this feature.
Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this Well Depth Max Power Drawn
feature to take a feat of your choice instead. Sha'ir Level (Spell Levels Available) (Per Spell Cast)
11th 2 Spell Levels +1 Spell Level Drawn
Chain Attack 13th 4 Spell Levels +2 Spell Level Drawn
When you reach 5th level, you gain the ability to chain your 15th 6 Spell Levels +3 Spell Level Drawn
attacks together, granting the Sha'ir the possibility of making 17th 8 Spell Levels +4 Spell Level Drawn
two attacks instead of one. To do so, the Sha'ir can take the
attack action to begin a chain attack and may continue to
chain attacks together, providing the previous attack hits. The For example, a 13th level sha'ir who has access to seven
maximum number of attacks a Sha'ir can chain together is 5th level spells could cast the fireball using a 5th level spell
reliant on their level. The Sha'ir gains the ability to chain slot and empower it up to 7th level by drawing power from
more attacks together when they reach 10th level (three their wisher's well. Alternatively, they could attempt to cast a
potential attacks), and again at 15th level (four potential seventh level spell by empowering a 5th level spell up to 7th
attacks). level, providing that the sha'ir has a spell of that level stolen
Chain attack(s) can only be used once per turn as part of and memorized.
your Attack action. All subsequent attacks after the first
successful hit are made whilst adhering to the Two-Weapon
Fighting rules (PHB 195). This means you do not add your
ability modifier to the damage of the bonus chain attacks
unless that modifier is negative.
You do not need to be wielding two weapons to use a chain
attack. However, if you are wielding two light weapons, you
may still use your bonus action to make a single bonus attack
after you have completed your chain attack(s).
Elemental Exchange
When you reach 6th level, you can spend a bonus action to
exchange places with your elemental familiar, providing they
are within range of your telepathy.
Fate Dice
When you reach 8th level, your Sha'ir receives two fate dice.
When you finish a long rest, roll two d20 and record the
numbers rolled. Between waking and your next long rest, you
can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check
made by you or a creature that you can see with one of these
fate dice rolls.


Planar Portal Aegis of the Mind
When you reach 14th level, you gain the ability to open Finally, at 18th level, you learn to protect and shield your
gateways between the planar realms. As part of a 10-minute mind from unwanted attention and intrusion. At this level, you
ritual, you can open a 5-foot diameter portal to an elemental gain resistance to psychic damage, as well as advantage on
plane of your choosing, or if you currently reside in an saving throws against any effect that would sense your
elemental plane, then you can open a portal back to the location, learn your alignment, learn your creature type, read
material plane. Only creatures you permit may enter and exit or alter your thoughts or memories, determine whether you
via these Portals. This feature can only be used once per long are lying, or alter your mental state such as via a charm or
rest and does not require a spell slot to use. The portal stays fear effect. Additionally, creatures can telepathically
open for 1 minute unless you command it to close sooner. communicate with you only if you allow it.
To open a portal, you must expend 4 sapphires (air plane), 4
rubies (fire plane), 4 pearls (water plane) or 4 diamonds Permanent Portal
(earth plane). When you return to the material realm, you will
require one of each gemstone to re-open a portal to the At 20th level, you gain the ability to create a permanent gate
material plane. Upon completion of the ritual, the material between the mortal and planar realms. You no longer require
components are expended and the portal opens. If material components to create portals as part of your planar
interrupted, no materials are lost, however, you must start portal feature, additionally, these portals stay open
over from the beginning. indefinitely until you dismiss them.
Cosmic Container Sha'ir Disciplines
When you reach 16th level, you gain the ability to trap a genie At 3rd level, the Sha'ir must choose a discipline to dedicate
or elemental that has been defeated. Meaning that once a themselves to. The disciplines available to choose from are:
genie or elemental has been hit with a non-lethal blow and the way of the martial, the way of the master and the way of
reduced to 0 hit points, it no longer returns to its elemental the mind. Your selection will define and sculpt the Sha'ir that
plane of origin, instead, the Sha'ir has an opportunity to you become. Your chosen discipline grants you features at
capture the creature. 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels.
If your Sha'ir is attempting to trap a genie, you must know
the genie's true name, something that can only usually be The Way of the Martial
found through ancient texts, mental intrusion into the genie's Your Sha'ir prefers to manifest their elemental essence
mind, or via physical interrogation of the genie. through the stab of a spear, the swing of a sword or the loose
To capture the genie, point a container toward the creature of an arrow. Your desire for martial training does, however,
and command it to enter. On a failed Wisdom saving throw seem to build up a little rust when it comes to spell retrieval.
versus your spell save DC, the genie is sucked into the
container. Your Sha'ir must then immediately seal the Bonus Proficiency
container. When the Sha'ir chooses the Way of the Martial at 3rd level,
The one who holds the container may then negotiate the he or she gains proficiency with martial ranged weaponry,
terms of release with the creature. The creature cannot be medium armor and shields.
harmed when imprisoned in the container and once that
container is broken or opened the creature is set free and Elemental Strike
restored to full health. Any terms of release agreed upon by When you reach 3rd level, your Sha'ir gains the ability to add
the creature and the handler of the container are followed by it's familiar's elemental type of damage to a physical attack.
the creature. However, if the creature believes that you have This attack can be either melee or ranged. The additional
violated such terms then the creature will dismiss the damage dealt by this attack is initially 2d4. This strike can be
agreement and escape. used a number of times per day equal to your Charisma
modifier (minimum of 1), recharging all uses on a long rest.
The elemental strike can be declared after a confirmed hit
against an enemy creature.
The damage of your elemental strike increases to 3d4 at
7th, 4d4 at 11th, 5d4 at 15th, and 6d4 at 19th level.
Chain Master
At 7th level, your discipline teaches you to wield your
weaponry with greater control and speed. Your Sha'ir gains
the ability to add their proficiency bonus and ability modifier
to their chain attacks (see the two-weapon fighting style). You
do not need to be wielding two weapons to use a chain attack.
If you are wielding two light weapons, you may still use your
bonus action to make a single bonus attack after you have
completed your chain attack(s).


Fighting Style Imbued Guardian
When you reach 11th level your Sha'ir adopts a particular At 19th level, the Sha'ir can use a bonus action to imbue part
style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following of their elemental familiar's essence into a melee or ranged
options. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than weapon or shield for 1 minute. This guardian floats within a
once, and cannot retake a fighting style if you multi-class into 10-foot radius of the Sha'ir and can be ordered to either:
a class which can also adopt a fighting style. attack a creature within reach or defend the Sha'ir. Only part
of their essence is imbued into the object, meaning your
Archery elemental familiar can still fetch spells when required to.
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged
weapons. Defensive Guardian
An imbued shield will impose disadvantage once per round
Dueling on a single attack made against you within 10ft. Whilst
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no imbued in this way, the defensive guardian provides the
other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that Sha'ir a +1 AC bonus, in addition to the shields standard AC
weapon. bonus and any magical AC bonuses the shield already
Great Weapon Fighting
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an Attack you Melee Guardian
make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two An imbued melee weapon will attack a single creature once
hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even per round that moves within a 10ft radius. Whilst imbued in
if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the Two- this way, the melee guardian provides the Sha'ir a +2 bonus
Handed or Versatile property for you to gain this benefit. to melee attack rolls, in addition to any magical attack bonus
the weapon already possesses.
Sha'ir Defense
While you are wearing light armor, you gain a +1 bonus to Ranged Guardian
AC. An imbued ranged weapon will attack a single creature once
per round that moves within a 10ft radius. Whilst imbued in
Versatile Fighter this way, the ranged guardian can create a single piece of
You gain +1 to attack rolls whilst wielding a weapon with the elemental ammunition for it to fire each round, it also
versatile property in one hand and nothing else in your other provides the Sha'ir a +2 bonus to ranged attack rolls, in
hand. Additionally, if you are wielding a weapon with the addition to any magical attack bonus the weapon already
versatile property in two hands and you miss with an attack, possesses.
you can, once per turn in combat, make a secondary attack
roll using the one-handed property of the weapon.
Weapon Juggler
You get a +2 bonus to damage rolls with thrown
weapons. When you make a ranged attack with
a thrown weapon, you can draw another thrown
weapon as part of that attack.
Elemental Surge
When you reach 15th
level your Sha'ir gains
the ability to use an
elemental surge. As a
bonus action, the Sha'ir
can use an elemental surge
that deals 5d6 + 4 of damage
once per long rest. The damage
type of your elemental surge
is the same as the damage resistance
associated with your elemental familiar. The range of
the elemental surge is a 10ft radius from the Sha'ir at the
At 19th level, elemental surge increases to 7d6 + 6
elemental damage, once per long rest. The range also
increases to a 15 ft radius from the Sha'ir at the center.


Water Gen Familiar
Way of the Master
Sha'ir Level Aquan Elemental Spell List
Sha'ir that follow the way of the master are often consumed
by their dreams of power, fame, and riches. These Sha'ir 1st Create or destroy water, ice knife
impose their rule upon others, using any minor gen elemental 3rd Melf's acid arrow, snilloc's snowball swarm
or genie unlucky enough to be captured by them as tools to
dominate and change the world to their liking. 5th Tidal wave, wall of water
7th Control water, watery sphere
Elemental Origin Spellcraft
9th Cone of cold, maelstrom
At 3rd level, in addition to any previous abilities granted by
your choice of elemental gen familiar, the Sha'ir gains access
to a unique set of spells from their gen familiar's plane of Rare Gen Familiar
origin. Once you gain access to a spell from an elemental Rare elemental gen are found in lesser-known planes of
familiar's origin spell list, you always have it prepared, and it origin, located in between the primal planes of earth, air,
does not count against the number of spells you can water, and fire. These planes are known as the Frostfell (the
memorize. plane of ice), the Swamp of Oblivion (the plane of ooze), the
Great Conflagration (the plane of Ash), and the Fountains of
Gaining A New Elemental Familiar Creation (the plane of magma). These gen are far more
If a Sha'ir forms a bond with a new elemental gen familiar, difficult to find and obtain as familiars.
they lose access to their previous elemental familiar's origin As with common gen familiars, all rare elemental gen
spell list and instead gain access to their new familiar's come with their own unique spell list that a Sha'ir belonging
elemental origin spell list. to the Way of the Master can make use of. For details on their
minor elemental forms, as well as their empowered forms,
Common Gen Familiar see the elemental section starting on page 18.
The following tables show which spells each common gen The following tables show which spells each rare gen
familiar provides their master as part of the elemental origin familiar provides their master as part of the elemental origin
spellcraft feature: spellcraft feature:
Air Gen Familiar Ash Gen Familiar
Sha'ir Level Auran Elemental Spell List Sha'ir Level Ashen Elemental Spell List
1st Thunderwave, witch bolt 1st Arms of hadar, Burning hands
3rd Dust devil, gust of wind 3rd Darkness, shadow blade
5th Call lightning, thunder step 5th Gasseous form, stinking cloud
7th Freedom of movement, storm sphere 7th Evard's black tentacles, shadow of moil
9th Control winds, steel wind strike 9th Cloudkill, flame strike

Earth Gen Familiar Ice Gen Familiar

Sha'ir Level Terran Elemental Spell List Sha'ir Level Frigid Elemental Spell List
1st Earth tremor, snare 1st Armor of agathys, ice knife
3rd Maximilian's earthen grasp, shatter 3rd Snilloc's snowball swarm, spike growth
5th Erupting earth, wall of sand 5th Sleet storm, slow
7th Stone shape, vitriolic sphere 7th Ice storm, fire shield
9th Transmute rock, wall of stone 9th Cone of cold, control winds

Fire Gen Familiar Magma Gen Familiar

Sha'ir Level Ignan Elemental Spell List Sha'ir Level Molten Elemental Spell List
1st Burning hands, faerie fire 1st Earth tremor, searing smite
3rd Flame blade, pyrotechnics 3rd Heat metal, maximillian's earthen grasp
5th Daylight, fireball 5th Erupting earth, melf's minute meteors
7th Fire shield, wall of fire 7th Fabricate, stoneskin
9th Flame strike, immolation 9th Immolation, wall of stone


Ooze Gen Familiar Elemental Ascendant
Sha'ir Level Acidic Elemental Spell List When you reach 11th level, as an action whilst your familiar
1st Grease, ray of sickness is within telepathic range, you can temporarily channel an
immense amount of elemental energy into your elemental
3rd Acid arrow, web familiar, causing it to transform into a more powerful
5th Plant growth, vampiric touch elemental. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again
7th Blight, vitriolic sphere
until you finish a short or long rest.
9th Contagion, transmute rock Transforming your familiar
A Gen familiar can only transform into a more powerful
version of itself, it cannot transform into a different elemental
Custom Elemental Spell Lists type. For example, a fire elemental familiar can only
transform into a fire elemental, whilst a water elemental
To create your own custom elemental gen familiar and spell familiar can only transform into a water elemental.
list, speak to your Dungeon Master, then follow this simple
guide. Whilst Transformed
The familiar maintains this transformation for 1 minute or
Sha'ir level Spell Level until it is reduced to 0 hit points, whichever comes first, after
1st Two 1st level spells which it reverts to its original form or returns to it's bonded
container. Whilst transformed, your elemental familiar can no
3rd Two 2nd level spells longer be used to fetch spells from the minds of other magic
5th Two 3rd level spells users.
7th Two 4th level spells
9th Two 5th level spells

If you are creating a familiar with an elemental origin

that is not discussed in the document, for example, a Mud
elemental from the Mud Hills, an area existing between the
boundaries of the Swamp of Oblivion and the Plane of
Earth. If this is the case, then it is recommended that you
choose your spells based on those two elements.

Optional Racial Aesthetic Changes.

As you and your elemental familiar become more attuned
with one another, you may begin to see visual changes to
your own body, as aspects from your familiar transfer over
to you. For example, a Sha'ir who has a pact formed with a
water gen could have their skin turn slightly blue, whilst a
Sha'ir who has formed a pact with a fire gen might emit
small smoke clouds whilst coughing or breathing.

Familiar Tenacity
Finally, at 3rd level, your familiars' hit point maximum is
increased by 2, and again by 2 whenever you gain a level in
this class and roll hit dice for your elemental companion.
Additionally, your familiar gains proficiency in all saving
Empowered Ally
At 7th level, when using your chain attack feature, each attack
can be made by either yourself or your familiar, providing you
are both within range. Additionally, if you or your familiar
miss with an attack during the chain of attacks, the other can
spend their reaction to make an additional attack. On a hit,
deal damage as standard and the chain attack continues
Finally, your familiar now deals extra damage equal to your
proficiency bonus and their attacks are considered magical
for the purpose of overcoming enemy resistances.


Rare Gen Transformations Master of Planar Magic
The rare Gen familiar detailed in the spell list section of the At 19th level, as an action once per long rest, you can attune
Way of the Master have their own empowered or 'ascended' yourself to one of your bonded elemental familiars, granting
forms. These forms are detailed at the end of the elemental you the following features:
familiar's section on page 18. Whilst attuned, you gain either immunity to either a
condition effect or a damage type associated with your
Altered Statistics and Abilities elemental familiar, as well as a unique benefit associated with
The familiar's in-game statistics are replaced by the statistics the type of elemental familiar you are attuned to. This effect
of your chosen 'ascended' elemental. However, your familiar lasts for 1 hour.
still retains any special abilities and features it had as a minor
gen, for example, the air form and air affinity for the air gen Air Elemental
familiar. When you empower your gen familiar, it retains it's You gain immunity to lightning damage. You can fly at a speed
alignment and personality, but may choose to keep its ability equal to your usual movement speed and hover in place in
scores or inherit those from the ascended elemental the air.
statblock, whichever is higher. Finally, the empowered
elemental retains all of its skill and saving throw Earth Elemental
proficiencies, in addition to gaining those of the elemental. You gain immunity to poison damage and the poison
condition. You can shift through solid earth and rock at a
Hit Points speed equal to your usual movement speed. You also gain
When the familiar transforms, it assumes the elemental's hit tremorsense up to 60ft.
points and hit dice or keeps it's current hit points, whichever
is higher. When it reverts to its normal form, it returns to the Fire Elemental
number of hit points it had before it transformed. However, if You gain immunity to fire damage. You can move through fire
it reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess at a speed equal to your usual movement speed. You also gain
damage carries over to its normal form. As long as the excess the ability to shine light in a 30ft radius, equalling 15ft of
damage does not reduce the familiar's normal form to 0 hit bright light and 15ft of dim light.
points, it is not knocked unconscious.
Water Elemental
Bonded Being For the duration that you are attuned to your elemental
At 15th level, whenever you cast a spell or cantrip with familiar, you gain immunity to the prone condition. You can
yourself as the target whilst your gen is also within the spell move through the water at a speed equal to your usual
range, you can duplicate the spell effect onto your elemental movement speed. You can also breathe underwater.
familiar at no extra spell or action cost.
Ash Elemental
For the duration that you are attuned to your elemental
familiar, you gain immunity to the restrained and grappled
conditions. You also gain the ability to create an ash cloud in
a 30ft radius centered on yourself, heavily obscuring your
position and anyone else within the ash cloud.
Ice Elemental
You gain immunity to cold damage. You also gain the ability
to create a blizzard centered on yourself in a 30ft radius,
lightly obscuring your position and forcing creatures to move
through the affected area as if passing through difficult
Magma Elemental
For the duration that you are attuned to your elemental
familiar, you gain immunity to the petrified condition. You can
also use a bonus action to create tremors under an enemy
creature's position. An affected creature must make a
Dexterity saving throw versus your spell save DC, on a
failure, they fall prone and take 2d10 bludgeoning damage.
On a success, they remain standing and take half the damage.
Ooze Elemental
You gain immunity to acid damage. You also gain the ability to
stick to any solid surface, allowing you to walk on walls and
ceilings at your normal movement speed.


The Way of the Mind Expansion of the Mind
A Sha'ir that follows the way of the mind prefers to exercise At 7th level, your affinity with your elemental companion
their mind and train their memory. Your Sha'ir is likely to grows to a level where the familiar can supply you with
seek out items and places with unique arcane power, to better enough magical energy to cast first level spells without
understand and decipher their secrets. The way of the mind expending your own spell slots. This ability allows you to cast
is also a studious life. You shall spend your days dedicated to 1st level spells a number of times equal to your Charisma
the creation of spell scrolls, or studying particularly useful modifier (minimum of 1). This ability is renewed after each
books. long rest.
Art of the Scroll
Key to the Mind At 11th level, when you order your familiar to fetch a spell,
Starting at 3rd level your Sha'ir gains a stronger mental bond instead of memorizing the spell, you can attempt to transcribe
with their elemental familiar. This gives your elemental the spell onto a spell scroll. After your familiar has
familiar a higher success rate of fetching spells. This is successfully fetched your desired spell, you can choose to roll
reflected in the updated way of the mind class table located a second percentage dice versus the same percentile
on page 16. difficulty as the spell you had fetched. On a success, you are
able to transcribe the spell onto a spell scroll.
The spell must be transcribed using materials such as a
quill, parchment, and ink. Additionally, when scribing a spell
scroll in this way, you must expend a material cost as shown
on the table below, or on p.200 of the DMG. However, you do
not need to adhere to the normal time restrictions of scribing
a spell scroll. Instead, it only takes you 12 hours to create a
spell scroll of any level using this method.
Spell Level Cost Spell Level Cost
Cantrip 15 gp 5th 5,000 gp
1st 25 gp 6th 15,000 gp
2nd 250 gp 7th 25,000 gp
3rd 500 gp 8th 50,000 gp
4th 2,500 gp 9th 250,000 gp

Optional Spell Scribing Complications

The Dungeon Master may wish to add complications to your
spell scribing process to balance it in a world where the
standard time it takes to create a scroll is far greater than
the process carried out by the Sha'ir. See page 15 if you
wish to add complications to your game.

Additional Companionship
At 15th level, you gain the ability to form a bond with a
second elemental familiar. You must follow the ruleset for
binding a new familiar, however, you may choose a familiar of
a different elemental type than that of your original familiars.
This grants you the ability to fetch multiple spells at a time as
well as another elemental type that you receive advantage in
Mind Palace
At 19th level, you learn to enhance the protective shield
around your mind. At this level, you gain total immunity to
psychic damage, as well as immunity against any effect that
would sense your location, learn your alignment, learn your
creature type, read or alter your thoughts or memories,
determine whether you are lying, or alter your mental state
such as via a charm or fear effect. Additionally, creatures can
telepathically communicate with you only if you allow it.


Expanded Spell Scribing Complication Table
d20 Complication
1 You purchased the last of a rare magical ink used in spell scroll scribing, angering a local wizard.
2 A nearby priest accuses you of trafficking in dark and forbidden magics. ★
3 A wizard eager to purchase one of your scrolls presses you to sell the item to him.
4 Due to a strange error in creating the scroll, it is instead a random spell of the same level.
5 The rare parchment you bought for your scroll has a barely visible map on it.
When you purchased the magical ink necessary to scribe spell scrolls, the shop owner seems to have miss
labeled the bottle. As a result, you have scribed your most recent spell scroll using the devil's blood.
7 A thief attempts to break into your workroom. ★
A local guild wishes to learn your secret method of scribing spell scrolls, to streamline their own process and
garner greater profits. They will do almost anything to learn your techniques.
A nearby noble family has heard of your abilities and wishes for you to teach their son. The family will pay a
stipend for you to take the boy as your apprentice.
A traveling adventuring group have heard talk of your scrolls and wish to purchase one or two that they believe
10 will help them slay a nearby monster. They have no money to offer but will gladly offer shares of whatever
treasure they find in the monster's lair.
Whispers circulated by a local rival begin to paint you as some sort of fiendish entity who secretly scribes
devilish contracts into your spell scrolls. ★
A paladin approaches you and claims that one of your scrolls is the key to completing a holy quest ordained by
his god.
A local guild, tribe, clan or cult accuses you of stealing their secret technique to create your spell scrolls. They
have bribed the guards to arrest you under these accusations. ★
14 Your scribing tools are stolen, forcing you to have to delay your work to go out and buy new ones.
You have no idea why everyone thinks your work requires you to make blood sacrifices, but that’s what folk are
A fraudster or identity thief has been selling shoddy spell scrolls using your name and reputation to do so. Many
angry customers have recently turned up at your door requesting a refund. ★
17 A rival seeking to ruin your reputation has spread rumors that your spell scrolls are somehow cursed. ★
Whilst scribing your spell scroll, the ink bled through to (1d4) pages of magical parchment that were below it,
ruining them completely.
A desperate man seeks you out, a family member of his has become plagued by some unknown illness. He has
19 tried doctors, herbalists, alchemists, and priests but they have all failed to cure the sickness. In his desperation,
he begs for your help.
20 A proud and powerful noble offers a hefty price for your work and is not used to hearing no as an answer.

Note: Complications marked with a ★ symbol may involve a rival.


The Sha'ir Way of the Mind Class Table
Lvl Lvl Lvl Lvl Lvl Lvl Lvl Lvl Lvl
Proficiency Memory Spell Slot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Level Bonus Features Slots Slots Level (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Spellcasting and spell fetching, elemental
1st +2 1 1 1st 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2nd +2 Elemental sense 1 1 1st 55 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3rd +2 Sha'ir discipline 2 2 2nd 70 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4th +2 Ability score improvement 2 2 2nd 75 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5th +3 Chain attack 3 3 3rd 80 60 15 1 1 1 1 1 1
6th +3 Elemental exchange 3 3 3rd 85 65 20 1 1 1 1 1 1
7th +3 Sha'ir discipline ability 4 4 4th 90 70 60 15 1 1 1 1 1
8th +3 Ability score improvement, fate dice 4 4 4th 95 75 65 20 1 1 1 1 1
9th +4 — 5 5 5th 95 80 70 60 15 1 1 1 1
10th +4 Chain attack improvement 5 5 5th 95 85 75 65 20 1 1 1 1
11th +4 Wisher's well, sha'ir discipline ability 6 6 5th 95 90 80 70 60 15 1 1 1
12th +4 Ability Score improvement 6 6 5th 95 95 85 75 65 20 1 1 1
13th +5 Wisher's well improvement 7 7 5th 95 95 90 80 70 60 15 1 1
Ability Score improvement, cosmic
14th +5 7 7 5th 95 95 95 85 75 65 20 1 1
Chain attack improvement, wisher's well
15th +5 8 8 5th 95 95 95 90 80 70 60 15 1
improvement, sha'ir discipline ability
16th +5 Planar portal, fate dice improvement 8 8 5th 95 95 95 95 85 75 65 20 1
17th +6 Wisher's well improvement 9 9 5th 95 95 95 95 90 80 70 60 15
18th +6 Aegis of the mind 9 9 5th 95 95 95 95 95 85 75 65 20
Ability score improvement, sha'ir discipline
19th +6 10 10 5th 95 95 95 95 95 90 80 70 60
20th +6 Permanent portal 10 10 5th 95 95 95 95 95 95 85 75 65
Elemental Familiars Furthermore, elemental familiars cannot gain feats instead of
ability score improvements.
Elemental familiars or Gen are tiny creatures that embody
elemental forces within our world. These creatures exist Familiar Dismissal & Death
naturally in the elemental planes. However, they can also be If you wish to summon a new elemental familiar, you can
created, either through elemental energy slowly leaking into dismiss your previous familiar by opening the container and
the material plane, or via the forceful coalescing of elemental speaking out loud that you free it from its material bonds and
energy as the result of elemental spell-craft. Due to the lack chains. If the worst happens and your familiar dies, it will
of elemental power on the material plane, any gen summoned automatically return to the container it is bound to, regaining
or created here will never grow into a fully grown elemental it's hit points after you complete a long rest. However, if the
unless forcefully empowered by a Sha'ir or node of elemental container is destroyed, the familiar returns to its original
power. elemental plane of existence, where it revives itself after 24
Spell Fetching
Your familiar has the ability to fetch spells from the minds of Binding a New Familiar
other spellcasters, see Sha'ir spell fetching on page 7 for To summon and bind a new familiar, you must perform an 8-
more details. hour ritual. This ritual requires 100gp worth of incense,
herbs, as well as an object relating to the element you wish to
Minor Tasks summon, and a container to bind the familiar into.
Your familiar can also perform minor tasks such as Once summoned, you must then bargain, bribe, trick or
interacting with small or tiny objects, for example, they are coerce the familiar into your service. If you are making a deal
able to pull a lever, push a button or pick up a key. of some kind with the familiar, the deal can be struck
between the Dungeon Master and the Sha'ir through roleplay
Telepathy without the need of a saving throw.
Your elemental familiar can communicate telepathically up to However, if you are attempting to coerce or enslave the
a distance of 100-feet with the one it is bonded with. familiar, then the familiar must make a Charisma saving
throw versus your spell save DC. On a failure, it becomes
Elemental Touch bound to the container and forced to adhere to your will. On a
When you cast a spell, your elemental familiar can deliver the success, the elemental familiar flees back to its original plane
spell as if it had cast the spell itself. Your familiar must be of existence.
within 100-feet of you, and it must use its reaction to deliver
the spell when you cast it. If the spell requires an attack roll, Ordering your Familiar in Combat
you use your attack modifier for the roll. You can use your action to have your familiar take the Attack
action or Disengage action on your turn, or you may use your
Familiar Levels reaction to have your familiar take a reaction, if you do this,
For each level you gain after 1st, your familiar gains an you can no longer use a reaction till the start of a new round
additional hit dice (1d4) and increases its hit points of combat. You use your bonus action to allow your familiar to
accordingly: 1d4 + Constitution modifier per level. move on your turn. It does not roll for initiative, take its own
Whenever you gain an ability score improvement, your turn, and cannot move or take actions or reactions on its
familiar's abilities also improve. Your familiar can increase own.
one ability score of your choice by 2, or it can increase two
ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal,
your familiar cannot increase an ability
score above 20.


Air Gen Familiar
Tiny elemental, neutral

Armor Class 13
Hit Points Equal to half the Sha'ir's health at 1st level
or 18 (5d4 + 5)
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft.


5 (-3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 3 (-3) 6(-2) 6 (-2)

Damage Resistances Lightning, Thunder;

Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from
Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Grappled,
Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained,
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages Understands Common and Auran but
cannot speak
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Air Form. The elemental can enter a hostile

creature's space and stop there. It can move
through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without
Air Gen squeezing.
Air gen are neutral, tiny elementals that live in both the Air Affinity. The elemental will grant your Sha'ir
elemental plane of air and in our own material plane. These advantage in the retrieval of any spell that
gen hate being captured and confined within vessels more manipulates air or lightning (DM's discretion), as
than any other of their kind, as they prefer to live free and well as a passive resistance to lightning damage.
wild upon the winds. Additionally, when bonded to this elemental
familiar, a Sha'ir learns the primordial language
Description associated with it.
This tiny elemental companion can take many forms, such as Actions
that of a puffy, child-like cloud, a silver zephyr, a small cyclone
of wind or a whirling dust devil. When angered, these tiny air Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
elementals are known to grow darker in color, mimicking the one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If
appearance of thunder clouds. the target was already hit by a minor air elemental's
slam attack this turn, it must make a successful DC
13 Strength saving throw or fall prone.
Personality Quirks
The following table provides you with a multitude of
personality quirks your elemental companion may possess. Location
Air gen exist within both the elemental plane of air, as well as
D8 Personality Quirks our own material plane. However, they are rarely seen, as
1 Enjoys blowing out candles and torches they are usually mistaken for small clouds, content to drift by
Likes playing with piles of leaves and other detritus
on gentle breezes high above the ground. On rare occasions,
these minor air elementals are known to visit floating
airships, sky islands, or naval vessels as a result of their
Likes messing with articles of clothing such as frilly innate curiosity. However, these minor air elementals rarely
skirts and hats stay for long before they move on, perhaps coining the
4 Often whistles to break awkward silences expression 'Gone with the wind.'
5 Has a distinct smell of pine or cedar
6 Has a small attention span and often spaces out
7 Enjoys tussling peoples hair or beards
8 Drips small raindrops when it is sad


Earth Gen Familiar
Tiny elemental, neutral

Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points Equal to half the Sha'ir's health at 1st level
or 30 (5d4 + 15)
Speed 10 ft., (30 ft. while moving downhill), burrow
30 ft.


18 (+4) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 5(-3) 5 (-3)

Damage Vulnerabilities Thunder

Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Paralyzed,
Petrified, Poisoned, Unconscious
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Tremorsense 60 ft.,
Passive Perception 10
Languages Understands Common and Terran but
cannot speak
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Earth Gen Familiar
Earth gen are neutral, tiny elementals that live in both the Earth Glide. The elemental can burrow through
elemental plane of air and in our own material plane. They nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing
are often mistaken for common rocks, about the size of a so, the elemental doesn't disturb the material it
moves through.
large pumpkin. A minor earth elemental only reveals its true
nature if kicked, picked up, or rolled down a hill, revealing its Earth Affinity. The elemental will grant your Sha'ir
stubby, club-like arms and stocky legs. advantage in the retrieval of any spell that
manipulates poison or earth (DM's discretion), as
Description well as a passive resistance to poison damage.
This tiny elemental companion can take many forms, such as Additionally, when bonded to this elemental
that of small, multi-colored mesa-like rock formations, familiar, a Sha'ir learns the primordial language
bowling ball-sized boulders, or faceted gemstone extrusions associated with it.
of rock and metal ore. Downhill Roller. The elemental's walking speed
increases to 30 while moving downhill. If it moves
Personality Quirks at least 15 feet straight towards a target and then
The following table provides you with a multitude of hits it with a slam attack on the same turn, the
personality quirks your elemental companion may possess. target takes an extra 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.

D8 Personality Quirks False Appearance. While the elemental remains

motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal
When it eats gemstones it often regrows them on its stone.
2 Extremely stubborn or stoic
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
3 Enjoys breaking rocks into smaller rocks one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
4 Enjoys rolling down hills
5 Dislikes refined metals, yet loves eating base ores Location
Earth gen can be found in rocky environments upon the
6 Enjoys digging holes and burying things material plane such as canyons, mesa, and mountains. They
7 Likes lazily sitting under the hot sun enjoy climbing up large hills and mountains in order to roll
When it is happy, it makes loud banging and crashing
down them, often causing avalanches, rockslides, mudslides,
and landslides, leading to many secluded mountain villages
and towns harboring intense dislike towards them.
9 Enjoys making sandcastles or stacking pebbles
10 Enjoys drawing pictures in the sand or earth


Fire Gen Familiar
Tiny elemental, neutral

Armor Class 13
Hit Points Equal to half the Sha'ir's health at 1st level
or 25 (6d4 + 10)
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.


6 (-2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 5(-3) 7 (-2)

Damage Vulnerabilities Water

Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Fire, Poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Grappled,
Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained,
Senses Understands Common and Ignan but cannot
Languages Ignan
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Fire Form. The elemental can move through a space

as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. A
creature that touches the elemental or hits it with a
Fire Gen Familiar melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 1d8 fire
damage. In addition, the elemental can enter a
Fire gen are neutral, tiny elementals that live in both the hostile creature's space and stop there. The first
elemental plane of air and in our own material plane. time it enters a creature's space on a turn, that
creature takes 1d8 fire damage and catches fire;
Description until someone takes an action to douse the fire, the
This tiny elemental companion usually appears as a small creature takes 1d8 fire damage at the start of each
flickering flame. They are known to alter the intensity of the of its turns.
heat they produce, as well as change the color of their flames Fire Affinity. The elemental will grant your Sha'ir
to match their moods. They are often mischievous in nature, advantage in the retrieval of any spell that
playing tricks on hapless adventurers, burning their food or manipulates fire (DM's discretion), as well as a
setting fire to their bedrolls in their sleep. passive resistance to fire damage. Additionally,
when bonded to this elemental familiar, a Sha'ir
Personality Quirks learns the primordial language associated with it.
The following table provides you with a multitude of Illumination. The elemental sheds bright light in a
personality quirks your elemental companion may possess. 15-foot radius and dim light in an additional 15 feet.
D10 Personality Quirks Water Susceptibility. For every 5 feet the elemental
1 Smells slightly of sulfur and brimstone moves in water, or for every gallon of water splashed
on it, it takes 1 cold damage.
Enjoys eating small cubes of wood or other
flammable objects Actions
3 Can sometimes be arrogant and hot-headed Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) fire damage. If the target
4 Loves staring at the sun in the sky is a creature or a flammable object, it ignites. Until a
5 Enjoys dancing around campfires creature takes an action to douse the fire, the target
takes 5 (1d10) fire damage at the start of each of its
6 Hides whenever it is raining turns.
7 Enjoys the smell of alcohol
8 Likes warming peoples hands when it is cold Location
Fire gen often lurk in campfires, fireplaces, torches or within
9 Changes colors based on its mood metal braziers, pretending to be small flames. They can often
10 Laughs like a gremlin whenever it burns something be found lurking in cities near forges and enjoy following
adventurers into dungeons to play pranks upon them.


Water Gen Familiar
Tiny elemental, neutral

Armor Class 13
Hit Points Equal to half the Sha'ir's health at 1st level
or 22 (4d4 + 12)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.


15 (+2) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 3 (-4) 5(-3) 8 (-1)

Damage Resistances Acid; Bludgeoning, Piercing,

and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Grappled,
Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained,
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages Understands Common and Aquan but
cannot speak
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Water Form. The elemental can enter a hostile

creature's space and stop there. It can move
through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without
Water Affinity. The elemental will grant your Sha'ir
advantage in the retrieval of any spell that
Water Gen Familiar manipulates water (DM's discretion), as well as a
passive resistance to cold damage. Additionally,
Water gen are neutral, tiny elementals that live in both the when bonded to this elemental familiar, a Sha'ir
elemental plane of water and in our own material plane. learns the primordial language associated with it.
These tiny elementals enjoy being praised for doing nothing, Invisible in Water. The Water elemental is invisible
and are content to just sleep the years away in their ponds. while fully immersed in water.
Personality Quirks Freeze. If the elemental takes cold damage, it
The following table provides you with a multitude of partially freezes; its speed is reduced by 20 feet
personality quirks your elemental companion may possess. until the end of its next turn.

D10 Personality Quirks Actions

Enjoys sitting in containers such as bottles and Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
1 one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage. If
the target has been hit by another minor water
2 Likes creating bubbles under the water elemental's slam attack this round, it must succeed
on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be pushed 5
3 Loves eating seaweed and dried kelp feet in a direction of this elemental's choice.
4 Loves cats even though cats don't like it back
5 Enjoys staring at the moon Description
6 Likes watering plants This tiny elemental companion usually appears as a bubbling
mass of water, the color and clarity of this water can vary,
7 Whenever it fights, it becomes frantic like a riptide sometimes it can be crystal clear, yet it can also appear
8 Gets slightly fatter whenever it rains tainted, stagnant or muddied, depending on the ocean,
stream, lake, pond or river it originated from.
9 Enjoys washing and cleaning stains
10 Has a tiny fish living inside it Location
These gen lurk in oceans, small ponds, lakes, streams, and
rivers. Many small desert tribes or superstitious folk often
come to revere them as river gods.


Ash Gen Familiar
Tiny elemental, neutral

Armor Class 13
Hit Points Equal to half the Sha'ir's health at 1st level
or 21 (6d4 + 6)
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft.


5 (-3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 5(-3) 7 (-2)

Damage Resistances Fire, Thunder; Bludgeoning,

Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Grappled,
Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained,
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages Understands Common and Auran but
cannot speak
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Ashen Form. The Ash elemental can enter a hostile

creature's space and stop there. It can move
through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without
Ash Gen Familiar squeezing. A creature that starts its turn in a space
occupied by the elemental must make a DC 13
Ash gen are neutral, tiny elementals that live on the fringes of Constitution saving throw, taking (2d6) poison
the elemental planes of air and fire within a place known as damage and becoming Poisoned on a failed save, or
the Great Conflagration, as well as our own material plane of taking half as much damage and not being poisoned
existence. on a successful one.
An affected creature can repeat their saving throw at
Description the end of their turn, providing that they are not still
occupying a space filled be the Ash gen elemental's
This elemental usually takes the form of ashen clouds of cloud of ash, smoke and smog, ending the poisoned
smoke or smog. They also have faces resembling that of jack- condition on themselves on a success.
o-lanterns, lit from within by a small flickering flame.
Ashen Affinity. The elemental will grant your Sha'ir
Location advantage in the retrieval of any spell that
These particular elemental gen make their homes in areas manipulates air or fire (DM's discretion), as well as a
filled with smoke and smog. Therefore, these gen are well passive resistance to fire damage. Additionally,
known for residing within the remains of abandoned when bonded to this elemental familiar, a Sha'ir
campfires, or within the chimney spaces of forges and kilns. learns the primordial language associated with it.
They can also be seen floating through the sky as black Obscurring Smog. The elemental can choose either
clouds and are often mistaken for rain clouds. to emit dim light within a 15ft radius of itself or to
lightly obscure an area within a 15ft radius of itself,
Personality Quirks granting creatures disadvantage on Wisdom
The following table provides you with a multitude of (Perception) checks that rely on sight to see in, out
personality quirks your elemental companion may possess. of, or through it.
Wind Susceptibility. If the elemental is hit by a strong
D6 Personality Quirks gust of wind, the effects of both its Ashen Form and
1 Enjoys blowing smoke rings Obscurring Smog abilities are disabled until the
source of the wind is nullified.
Likes to scare others by taking the form of dark, scary,
ashen creatures Actions
Expels a smokescreen of ash from its body when it is Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft.,
scared one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
4 Leaves soot or coal dust in its wake
5 The flame within its eyes brightens when it is happy
6 Coughs out small embers of fire or smoke


Ice Gen Familiar
Tiny elemental, neutral

Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points Equal to half the Sha'ir's health at 1st level
or 30 (5d4 + 15)
Speed 15 ft., (30 ft. while moving downhill), burrow
30 ft (Only in icy or snowy terrain.).


18 (+4) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 6(-2) 5 (-3)

Damage Vulnerabilities Fire

Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Cold, Poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Paralyzed,
Petrified, Poisoned, Unconscious
Ice Gen Familiar Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages Understands Common and either Aquan
Ice gen are neutral, tiny elementals that live on the fringes of or Auran but cannot speak
the elemental planes of water and air within a place known Challenge 1 (200 XP)
as the Frostfell, as well as in our own material plane in frozen
wastes and frigid tundras. These tiny elementals are content Glacier Glide. The elemental can burrow through
to relax in areas of peace and solitude, however, unlike water nonmagical, unworked ice, snow and frost. While
elementals, when angered, they are known to become doing so, the elemental doesn't disturb the material
increasingly agitated, sometimes starting avalanches as a it moves through. Additionally, the ice elemental is
unaffected by difficult terrain caused by ice.
Ice Affinity. The elemental will grant your Sha'ir
Description advantage in the retrieval of any spell that
This elemental is fond of taking the form of sharp, spear-like manipulates ice, cold or frost (DM's discretion), as
icicles, jutting from the ground or hanging from the ceiling well as a passive resistance to cold damage.
spaces of caverns or the fangs of frozen waterfalls. If an ice Additionally, when bonded to this elemental
gen spawns near a source of particularly clear water, the gen familiar, a Sha'ir learns the primordial language
generates beautiful crystalline clear waters. associated with it.
Snowball. The elemental's walking speed increases
Personality Quirks to 30 while moving downhill. If it moves at least 15
The following table provides you with a multitude of feet straight towards a target and then hits it with a
personality quirks your elemental companion may possess. slam attack on the same turn, the target takes an
extra 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.
D10 Personality Quirks
False Appearance. While the elemental remains
1 Enjoys leaving footprints in freshly fallen snow motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal
2 Can start avalanches when startled
3 Enjoys being rolled around or thrown like a snowball Actions
4 Dislikes being licked Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
5 Dislikes hot climates
6 Enjoys freezing around precious objects Location
7 Enjoys freezing other sources of water Ice gen usually reside within cold polar regions, around the
mouths of frozen caverns and caves upon cold and crisp
8 Poops out small ice-cubes mountainsides or the fangs of frozen waterfalls and streams.
Enjoys floating and bobbing like an iceberg in ponds Some ice gen have similar tendencies to earth gen, as they
and lakes enjoy climbing to the tops of snow covered mountains in
10 Likes giving really cold hugs
order to roll down, often causing avalanches.


Magma Gen Familiar
Tiny elemental, neutral

Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points Equal to half the Sha'ir's health at 1st level
or 33 (5d4 + 20)
Speed 20 ft.


18 (+4) 4 (-3) 18 (+4) 3 (-4) 5(-3) 5 (-3)

Damage Vulnerabilities Thunder

Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Fire, Poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Paralyzed,
Petrified, Poisoned, Unconscious
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Tremorsense 60 ft.,
Passive Perception 10
Languages Understands Common and Ignan or
Terran but cannot speak
Magma Gen Familiar Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Magma gen are neutral, tiny elementals that live on the Magma Affinity. The elemental will grant your Sha'ir
fringes of the elemental planes of earth and fire within a advantage in the retrieval of any spell that
place known as the Fountains of Creation, as well as our own manipulates earth or fire (DM's discretion), as well
material plane of existence. as a passive resistance to fire damage. Additionally,
when bonded to this elemental familiar, a Sha'ir
Description learns the primordial language associated with it.
This elemental usually takes the form of a stocky basalt or Molten Form. When a creature grapples or hits this
obsidian boulder with varying sized vents or cracks in it's elemental with a melee weapon it takes 1d8 fire
exterior that spew molten rock, lava, slag, smoke, and ash. damage. For each turn the creature remains
grappled, the grappler takes another 1d8 fire
Personality Quirks damage.
The following table provides you with a multitude of
personality quirks your elemental companion may possess. Fiery Demise. When this elemental drops to zero hit
points it explodes in a molten explosion, creatures
D10 Personality Quirks within 5ft of the explosion must make a DC 13
dexterity or take 2d8 fire damage on a failed save or
1 It likes to eat rocks and spits them up as molten lava half as much on a successful save.
This elemental enjoys resting in burning forges and Obsidain Shell. When this elemental is submerged in
fires water its body hardens and becomes stiff. As a
result, the elemental has its AC increased by 2 and
When asked to help smith metal, this elemental
3 its movement halved for 1 minute.
become overcome with joy
When mad, this magma elemental blows its top and Actions
billows smoke Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
On cold days, this elemental heats small rocks for its one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) fire damage. If the target
5 is a creature or a flammable object, it ignites. Until a
master to use as hand warmers
creature takes an action to douse the fire, the target
This elemental scavenges the battlefield for metal takes 5 (1d10) fire damage at the start of each of its
weapons and armor to eat as a quick snack turns.
This elemental likes to eat sand to blow glass
8 Likes giving hugs This elemental is usually found in or around volcanoes,
9 This elemental uses the top of its head as a grill whether in pools of standing lava at the base of the volcano,
at the precipice near the volcanoes main vent or within the
When this elemental gets nervous it spews foul magma chamber itself.
sulfur smelling gas


Ooze Gen Familiar
Tiny elemental, neutral

Armor Class 13
Hit Points Equal to half the Sha'ir's health at 1st level
or 26 (4d4 + 16)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.


14 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 3 (-4) 5(-3) 5 (-3)

Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and

Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Acid, Poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Grappled,
Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained,
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages Understands Common and either Aquan
or Terran but cannot speak
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Amorphous. The elemental can enter a hostile

creature's space and stop there. It can move
through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without
Ooze Gen Familiar squeezing, it can also climb sheer vertical surfaces
using its sticky body.
Ooze gen are neutral, tiny elementals that live on the fringes Ooze Affinity. The elemental will grant your Sha'ir
of the elemental planes of earth and water within a place advantage in the retrieval of any spell that
known as the Swamp of Oblivion, as well as our own material manipulates acid (DM's discretion), as well as a
plane of existence. passive resistance to acid damage. Additionally,
when bonded to this elemental familiar, a Sha'ir
Description learns the primordial language associated with it.
Ooze gen appear as gelatinous masses of slime, dripping all
kinds of caustic or viscous fluids. These strange elementals Glue Trap. On a hit with the elemental's pseudopod
attack, the elemental can attempt to restrain a target
enjoy hoarding unusual and strange items within their using its sticky body as a glue trap. On a hit, the
bodies. target must make a DC 15 Strength Saving throw.
On a failure, the target is restrained. On a success,
Location the target pulls free from the sticky Ooze
These tiny elementals dwell in all kinds of rancid, fetid elemental's form. The target can repeat the saving
environments, such as swamps, sewers or cave systems. throw at the end of each of its turns.
Wherever dirt, grime or detritus propagates and stagnates,
these elementals are likely to be found. Acidic Body The elemental can enter a hostile
creature's space and stop there. The first time it
enters a creature's space on a turn, that creature
Personality Quirks takes 1d8 acid damage. Any nonmagical armor or
The following table provides you with a multitude of clothing made of silks, cotton or other mundane
personality quirks your elemental companion may possess. materials will slowly corrode, taking -1 to the AC the
armor or clothing provides for each turn the Ooze
D6 Personality Quirks
elemental remains within the creature's space.
1 Enjoys hoarding strange objects inside their bodies Additionally, a creature enveloped within the Ooze
Elemental's space takes 1d8 acid damage at the
2 Drools constantly start of each of it's turns in combat.
3 Smells like rancid or rotten food
4 Leaves behind a slime trail whenever it moves
Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
5 Its body is incredibly elastic 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning
damage plus an additional 11 (1d8) acid damage.
6 Enjoys dissolving stuff inside its body


Ash Elemental Obscurring Smog. The Ash elemental can choose either
to emit dim light within a 15ft radius of itself or to
Large elemental, neutral
lightly obscure an area within a 15ft radius of itself,
granting creatures disadvantage on Wisdom
Armor Class 13 (Perception) checks that rely on sight to see in, out of
Hit Points 102 (12d10 + 36) or through it.
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft.
Wind Susceptibility. If the elemental is hit by a strong
gust of wind, the effects of both its Ashen Form and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Obscurring Smog abilities are disabled until the source
of the wind is nullified.
10 (+0) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)
Damage Resistances Fire, Thunder; Bludgeoning, Multiattack. The elemental makes two slam attacks.
Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Poison Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Grappled, Paralyzed, target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage, plus an
Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained, Unconscious additional 11 (2d10) poison damage.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10 Ashen Eclipse (Recharge 5-6) The elemental unleashes
Languages Either Auran or Ignan but cannot speak noxious fumes into the area around it. Each creature in
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on the elemental
must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a
Ashen Form. The elemental can enter a hostile failed save, they take 16 (3d10) poison damage and are
creature's space and stop there. It can move through a Poisoned. On a successful save, they take half damage
space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. A and aren't poisoned. An affected creature can repeat
creature that starts its turn in a space occupied by the their saving throw at the end of their turn, providing
elemental must make a DC 13 Constitution saving that they are not still occupying a space filled be the
throw, taking (2d6) poison damage and becoming Ash gen elemental's cloud of ash, smoke, and smog,
Poisoned on a failed save, or taking half as much ending the poisoned condition on them on a success.
damage and not being poisoned on a successful one.
An affected creature can repeat their saving throw at This cloud lasts for 1 minute or until a strong wind
the end of their turn, providing that they are not still disperses it. Whilst the Ashen Eclipse remains active,
occupying a space filled be the Ash gen elemental's each creature within its radius is considered lightly
cloud of ash, smoke and smog, ending the poisoned obscured.
condition on them on a success.


Ice Elemental Glacier Glide. The elemental can burrow through
nonmagical, unworked ice, snow and frost. While doing
Large elemental, neutral
so, the elemental doesn't disturb the material it moves
through. Additionally, the ice elemental is unaffected by
Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor) difficult terrain caused by ice.
Hit Points 126 (12d10 + 60)
Avalanche. The elemental's walking speed increases to
Speed 30 ft., (60 ft. while moving downhill), burrow 30
60 while moving downhill. If it moves at least 30 feet
ft (Only in icy or snowy terrain.).
straight towards a target and then hits it with a slam
attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 14
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA (4d6) bludgeoning damage.

20 (+5) 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 5 (-3) 8(-1) 5 (-3) False Appearance. While the elemental remains
motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal icicle.
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire Actions
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks Multiattack. The elemental makes two slam attacks or
Damage Immunities Cold, Poison two icicle attacks.
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Paralyzed, Petrified, Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Poisoned, Unconscious target. Hit: 8 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages Either Aquan or Auran but cannot speak Icicle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 120 ft.,
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) one target. Hit: 9 (2d8) piercing damage.

Aura of Frost. Intense cold radiates in a 20-foot radius

around the elemental, causing the area to become
difficult terrain. When a creature enters the area for the
first time it must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw
or fall prone. A creature that starts its turn area takes 7
(2d6) cold damage.


Magma Elemental Fiery Demise. When this elemental drops to zero hit
points it explodes in a molten explosion, creatures
Large elemental, neutral
within 15ft of the explosion must make a DC 15
dexterity or take 6d8 fire damage on a failed save or
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) half as much on a successful save.
Hit Points 120 (15d10 + 40)
Obsidain Shell. When this elemental is submerged in
Speed 40 ft.
water its body hardens and becomes stiff. As a result,
the elemental has its AC increased by 2 and its
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA movement halved for 1 minute.

20 (+5) 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 6 (-2) 10(+0) 6 (-2) Actions

Multiattack. The elemental makes two touch attacks.
Damage Vulnerabilities Thunder
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks target. Hit: 7 (2d6 + 4) fire damage. If the target is a
Damage Immunities Fire, Poison creature or a flammable object, it ignites. Until a
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Paralyzed, Petrified, creature takes an action to douse the fire, the target
Poisoned, Unconscious takes 5 (1d10) fire damage at the start of each of its
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Tremorsense 60 ft., Passive turns.
Perception 10 Eruption (Recharge 5-6). The elemental erupts, hurling
Languages Either Ignan or Terran but cannot speak out a geyser of lava at a target within 30ft of it. The
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) target must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or
take 7 (2d10) bludgeoning damage and 14 (4d10) fire
Molten Form. When a creature grapples or hits this damage or half as much on a success.
elemental with a melee weapon it takes 1d8 fire
damage. For each turn the creature remains grappled,
the grappler takes another 1d8 fire damage.
Additionally, any non-magical weapon or armor that
comes into contact with the elemental either through
grappling or via a melee attack becomes burnt and
laden with molten slag. After dealing damage, the
weapon takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty
to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to −5, the weapon
is destroyed. For Armor, it takes a permanent and
cumulative −1 penalty to your Armor Class and reduces
your movement speed by 5ft as the armor becomes
heavier and laden with more slag and molten rock. Your
armor is eventually destroyed when it gains a
cumulative penalty of -3 for light armor, - 4 for medium
armor, and - 5 for heavy armor.


Ooze Elemental Glue Trap. On a hit with the elemental's pseudopod
attack, the elemental can attempt to restrain a target
Large elemental, neutral
using its sticky body as a glue trap. On a hit, the target
must make a DC 15 Strength Saving throw. On a
Armor Class 13 failure, the target is restrained. On a success, the target
Hit Points 105 (10d10 + 50) pulls free from the sticky Ooze elemental's form. The
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
its turns.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Divide and Conquer. The elemental splits into two
Medium-sized elementals that act on the same
16 (+3) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 3 (-4) 5(-3) 5 (-3) initiative count as the elemental previously did. They
have the same statistics as it, but with the following
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and changes:
Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks The damage of its Slam attacks changes to 8 (2d6 +
Damage Immunities Acid, Poison 4) bludgeoning and 3 (1d6) acid damage, and they
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Grappled, Paralyzed, only grant the cumulative penalty to the AC of armor
Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained, Unconscious if it rolls 4 or higher for the acid damage of the
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10 attack.
Languages Either Aquan or Terran but cannot speak Its hit points are equal to half of what it had prior to
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) taking this action.
It has advantage on attack rolls it makes against a
Amorphous. The elemental can enter a hostile creature's creature if the other segment of it is within 5 feet of
space and stop there. It can move through a space as the target.
narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing, it can also
climb sheer vertical surfaces using its sticky body. It can choose to either create the two segments in a
space it previously occupied, or to create one segment
Corrosive Form. A creature that touches the elemental in a space it previously occupied and toss the other
or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it segment of itself up to 60 feet away from it. A segment
takes 5 (1d10) acid damage. Any nonmagical weapon regrows into a fully sized elemental once it has
made of metal or wood that hits the elemental consumed at least 300 pounds of mass.
corrodes. After dealing damage, the weapon takes a
Conjoin. The divided Ooze elemental rejoins with
permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to damage rolls.
another part of its divided self within 5 feet of it. They
If its penalty drops to −5, the weapon is destroyed.
revert back to their complete form, whose hit points
Acidic Body The elemental can enter a hostile creature's are equal to the sum of both of the segments' current
space and stop there. The first time it enters a hit points added together.
creature's space on a turn, that creature takes 1d8 acid
damage. Any nonmagical armor or clothing made of Actions
silks, cotton or other mundane materials will slowly Multiattack. The elemental makes two pseudopod
corrode, taking -1 to the AC the armor or clothing attacks.
provides for each turn the Ooze elemental remains
within the creature's space. Additionally, a creature Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
enveloped within the Ooze Elemental's space takes one target. Hit: 14 (4d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus
1d8 acid damage at the start of each of it's turns in an additional 9 (2d6) acid damage.


Sha’ir Multiclassing Pre-
To multiclass into a Sha'ir, you must meet the ability score
prerequisites for both your current class and your new one.
For example, a Rogue who decides to multiclass into the
Sha'ir class must have both Dexterity and Charisma scores of
13 or higher. Without the full training that a beginning
character receives, you must be a quick study in your new
class, having a natural aptitude that is reflected by these
higher-than-average ability scores.
Ability Score Minimum
Dexterity 13, and Charisma 13
Sha’ir Multiclassing Proficiencies
If you have the necessary pre-requisite ability scores that are
required to multiclass into the Sha'ir class, you gain a
number of proficiencies as part of your new class. The
following is a list of proficiencies gained:
Light armor
Simple weapons
Finesse martial weapons
Chain Attack.
The Sha’ir Chain Attack feature does not grant you additional
attacks if you have also gained the Extra Attack feature from
any other class option. With the Chain Attack Improvement
feature, you cannot add Extra Attack or similar features to
the number of attacks.
Sha’ir Spellcasting.
If you have both the Spellcasting class feature and the Sha’ir
Spellcasting class feature from the Sha’ir class, you can use
the spell slots you gain from the Sha’ir Spellcasting feature to
cast spells you know or have prepared from classes with the
Spellcasting class feature, and you can use the spell slots you
gain from the Spellcasting class feature to cast Sha’ir spells
you know.
Sha'ir Spell Fetching
The Sha'ir spell fetching feature is unique to the Sha'ir class.
Therefore, you must gain levels in the Sha'ir class in order to
increase your percentage chance to steal / acquire new spells.


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