Sem 2 - End Sem Papers

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(A University under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956)

End Semester Examinations

July 2022
Course Code: COM111


Question Paper No. :U0113 Duration: 3 hours

Max. Marks:100


Answer any one of the following 1x 16= 16 Marks

1. What do you understand by the basic accounting concepts and


2. From the following Trial balance of Thiru M. Sabarish as on 31

3.2022. Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss account and Balance
Debit Rs. Credit Rs.
Land and Building 42,000 Capital 62,000
Machinery 20,000 Sales 98,780
Patents 7,500 Return outwards 500
Stock 1-4-21 5,760 Sundry Creditors 6,300
Sundry debtors 14,500 Bills Payable 9,000
Purchases 40,675
Cash in hand 540
Cash at bank 2,630
Return Inwards 680
Wages 8,480
Fuel and power 4,730
Carriage outwards 3,200
Carriage inwards 2,040
Salaries 15,000
General Expenses 3.000
Insurance 600
Drawings 5,245
Total 1,76,580 Total 1,76,580
(a) Stock on 31-3-2022 was Rs. 6,800
(b) Salary outstanding Rs. 1,500
(c) Insurance Prepaid Rs. 150
(d) Depreciate Machinery @10% and patents @20%.
(e) Create a provision of 2% on debtors for bad debts.
Ansyer any two of the following 2x 15= 30 Marks

Correct the following trial balance by identifying the error:

Debit balances Rs. Credit balances Rs.

Opening stock v 10,000 Loan Account Cr. 15,000
Purchases 49,000 Sundry Debtors 42,000
Wages 15,000Capital 50,000
Rent, Rates, 1,000 Provision for bad d bts2,800
Salaries y 8,000 Sales returns X 2,000
General Expenses 9,00 Discount allowed 500
Plant 15,000
Sundry creditors 20,000
Furniture 8,000
Cash at bank 5,000
Sales 1,28,600
Buildings 36,000
Total |3,20,500Total 1,12,300

4. Briefly explain various methods of providing depreciation of fixed

V5. From the following details, make out a bank reconciliation statement
for M/S Elavarasan & Company as on 31-3-2022 to find out the
balance as per pass book.

Cheque deposited but not yet collected bythe bank 1,500

Cheque issued to Mr Raju. has not yet been presented for 2,500
Bank charges debited in the pass book
Interested allowed by the bank 100
Insurance premium directly paid by the bank as per standing 500
Balance as per cash book 200

6. Following is the Receipts and Payments Account of Delhi
Association for the first year ending 31" March, 2022. Rs
Receipts Rs. Payments
To Donation 50,000 Construction of 40,000
Pavilion office
4,000 Expenses in 900
To Reserve fund (Life
membership fees and connection
entrance fees) with matches
8,000 Furniture 2,100
To Receipts from food ball
5.200|Inyestment at cost 16,000
Subscriptions 1,800
Locker Rent 50 Salaries
240 Wages 600
Interest on securities
Insurance 350
Sundries Telephone 250
Electricity 110
Sundry Expenses 210
Balance on hand 5,520
67,840 Total 67,840
Additional informnation:
2022 are Rs. 250
" Subscription outstanding for
Rs. 170
" Salaries unpaid for 2022 are
Rs. 90
" Wages unpaid for 2022 are
are Rs. 40.
" Outstanding sundry expenses capitalised.
" Donations received have to
Prepare lncome and Expenditure A/C for the ycar ended 31-3-2022
and the Balance sheet of the Association as on the date.

9x6=54 Marks
Vrite short note for any Nine of the following
1. (a) What are the advantages of double accounting system?

V() Enter the following transactions in proper subsidiary books.

2022 Transaction Rs.

Purchased goods from Baiamurugan 2.000
2 Sold goods to Senthil 10,000
3 Goods purchased from Durai 10.000
Sold goods to Saravanan 7,000
8 Sold goods to Senthil 5,000
10 Purchased goods from Elangovan 6,000
14 Purchased goodsfrom Parthiban 3.000
20 Sold goods to Sukumar 6,000

(c) From the following particulars, prepare single column cash book
of Mr. V. Sabarish.

2022 Transaction Rs.

Cash in hand 20,000
4 Cash purchases 4,000
7 Cash sales 8,000
9 Received cash from X 10,000
13 Paid into bank 10,000
P14|Cash withdrawn from bank 4,000
18 Paid salaries 1,000
20 Bought Furniture 3,000
28| Rent Paid 1,000
(d) What are the caUses of depreciation
le) Why is the preparation of Bank reconciliation statement

n Find out the amount of salary to be debited to income and

expenditure account for 2022 from the details given below:
Pavment made for salary during 2022 48,000
Outstanding salary as on 31-3-2021 2,000
Outstanding salary as on 31-3-2022 3,200
Prepaid salary as on 31-3-2021 1,200
Prepaid salary as on 31-3-2022 1,600
(g) What are the limitations of accounting?
(h) Journalise the following:
Transactions Rs.
Commenced business with acapital of 60,000
Salary paid by cheque 5,000
Goods taken by the proprietor 12,000
Withdrew cash from bank 14,000
List out the errors, which are not disclosed by trial balance.

IPrepare the trading account for the year ending 31" March 2022
from the following information.
Opening stock 1,70,000
Sales 2,50,000
Sales return 20,000
Carriage inwards 20,000
Purchase return 10,000
Purchases 1,00,000
Closing stock 1,60,000
k) Define the term assets. Classity the assets with suitable examnlee

. 4 ) Explain different kinds of Cash book and their :specific uses.

rm)A company purchased a plant for Rs. 50,000. The useful life of
the plant is 10 years and the residual value is Rs. 10,000. Find out
the rate of depreciation under the straight line method.
) Prepare Trial balance from the following:
Name of ledger Account Rs.
Capital 9,000
Plant and Machinery 12,000
Purchases 8,000
Sales 12,000
Sundry Creditors 8,000
Bank loan 22,000
Rent outstanding 1,000
Opening Stock 2,000
Sales Return 4,000
Investments 14,000
Debtors 12,000
(AUniversity under section 3of the UGC Act, 1956)
End Semester Examinations
July 2022
Course Code: LAW109


Question Paper No. :U1214 Duration: 3 hourS

Max. Marks:100
Answer any ONE of the following in about 800 words each
1x 16=16 Marks

1. List out the essential characteristics displayed by political parties and

elaborate how political parties are classified on basis of their
structure. Do you think public policy is interlinked with politics?
Substantiate your views.

2. Trace out the role played by Jan Lok Pal movement in re-shaping
public policy on combating corruption.
Answer any TWO of the following in about 600 words each
2x 15=30 Marks

3. Reflect upon the types of impediments faced while implementing a

public policy, with help of examples. Also suggest the methodologies
that can be adopted to overcome such roadblocks.

4. With help ample examples list out the dilemmas and problems faced
by the evaluators of a public policy.
5. Nplan the various types of approaches towards policy analys1s wtk
help of examples

6. What do you understand from the term public accountability? Discus

about the shifting perspectives towards public accountabil1ty in the
present day world.

Answer any NINE of the following in about 200 words each
9x6=54 Marks
(a) Explain and critically analyze the features of Incrementalmodel
(b) Briefly explain about the assumptions that are made during policy
(c) Explain with help of examples the Use of Control and
Experimental Groups'.
(d) Explain with help of examples what is the purpOse of Front End
(e) Discuss about the various types of accountability fixed upon the
public servants.
What are Private Member Bills? How does a Private Member Bill
gbtain the force of law?
(g What is Judicial Review? Explain with help of case law what
amounts to judicial overreach.
V(h) Justify the need for policy education with help of at least two
(1) Enumerate and discuss about various types of policy succession
with help of examples.
) Critically reflect upon the need for evaluation through grievances
and complaints. What are the problems faced in this technique?
k) Discuss why common citizens require "Right to Information"
)Discuss the role played by Chipko movement in reshaping he
environmental laws in India.
(m) Discuss about counter movements with help of at-least two

(n) Discuss about various tools available to make a public servant
(A University under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956)

End Semester Examinations

July 2022
Course Code: LAWI10


Question Paper No. :U0319 Duration: 3 hours

Max. Marks:100

Answer any THREE of the following in about 400 words each
3x 12 =36 Marks

1. Framing a Constitution is never a simple task but it was especially

hard for India given the extremely tumultuous situation at the time'
What were the criticisms faced by the Constitucnt Assembly which
drafted the Constitution of India, the rule book for democratic
governance in India? Also write a note on the making of the
It has been observed that 'since' the expression 'quasi-federal' is
liable to be used as a hideout for lurking federalism, it is appropriate
that the fact that the Constitution of India is not federal should be
started and acknowledged in those unambiguous, simple and
accurate words. Develop arguments for this view and refute them,
giving at the end of your answer own independent views on the

"Article 14 permits classification but prohibits class legislation".

Elucidate this statement and discuss in detail the doctrine of equality
Constitution by referring to
as cnshrined in Article 14 of the C
case laws

4. Explain in deta1l the Pardoning and Ordinance making power of the

President under the Constitutionof India with appropriate case laws.
What are the main features of Judges Case 1, Iland II? What are
the merits and demerits of thc present Collegium system? wnat
suggestions you would prefer to make it more transparent and
judicious so as to ensure Independence of Judiciary?

Answer any THREE of the following in about 300 words each

3x7=21 Marks

6. How did the Government of India Act, 1935 mark a point of no

return in the history of constitutional development in India?
The Preamble to the Constitution declares India to be a "Sovereign
Socialist Secular Democratic Republic". Interpret the terms in the
light of noble vision of the constitutional makers.

8. Man as a rational being desires to do many things, but in a civil

society his desires have to be controlled, regulated and reconciled
with the exercise of similar desires by other individuals". Elucidate
with reference to Article 19 of the Constitution.

9. Whether the President is bound by the advice given by the Council

of Ministers? Comment on this with the help of constitutional

10 The Indian Constitution envisages several jurisdictions of the

Supreme Court". Discuss.
Answer any FIVE ofthe following in about 200 words
5x5=25 Marks

bat are the various modes of acquisition of citizenship gven

ander the Citizenship Act of 1955?
9 Write a brief note on the saljent features of Indian Constitution.
o) Article 13 lays down the main object to secure the paramountcy
of the Constitution with regard to fundamental rights'. Elucidate
this statement along with the Doctrine of Severability and
Doctrine of Eclipse.
(0) Critically explain the controversy between Fundamental conflict
and Directive Principles of State Policy. In case of
between the Fundamenta! Rights and Directive Principles of
State Policy, which shall prevail and why? Discuss in detail by
referring to decided case laws
Me) What are the safeguards guarantecd by the constitutional
provisions in relation to persons accused of crimes?
/ ) What is the procedure for passing a Bill under the Indian
Constitution? Differentiate a money bill from an ordinary Bill.
(g) How independence of Judiciary is maintained under the
Constitution of India?

Answer any TWO of the following in about 100 words each
2x9=18 Marks
2. The petitioner, a member of Atheist Society, filed a writ of
mandamus seeking directions from the State Government to prohibit
breaking of coconuts, performing of poojas, chanting of mantras at
State functions contending thai such practices are in violation to the
concept of secularism. Decide.
13. Mr. Knshnan, Assistant surgeon at the State Medical and Health
Senvce accompanied a paticnt (a Government servant) for further
treatment under the instructions of State authorities to another Sto
During the course of treatment for that patient, in order to save hi
Mr. Krishnan offered to donate his blood. But
test unfortunately. the
result came out as HIV tve. The doctors who conducted the as
disclosed this detail to his family, by which his marriage was called
off. Mr. Krishnan, filed a writ petition in the High Court
for damages since the doctors did not follow the basic claiming
conduct of Medical Confidentiality. Also, he contended that theof
disclosure was in violation of Article 21 of the Constitution since it
was an invasion on his right to privacy. Decide.
14. State of Haryana through a notification
reserved 25 seats for
admission M.B.B.S. and B.D.S. course for students who were
educated from classes I to VII in common rural schools. A petition
was filed challenging the constitutional validity of this notification
being violative of Article 14. Decide.
Act 1956)
A UnerSiIY nter secton 3 of the UEC

End Semester Examinations

July 2022
Course Cde ENGIQ3


Duration: 3 hours
Question Paper No. :lOSS7
Max. Marks:100
10 x 2 = 20 MarkS
Answer all the questions
1. Match the wrds in column A with the meaning in column
(a) miSDomer a charge of misconduct against a public official
(b) impeachment- wTong use of aname, word or description
(c) pariance person who answers a petition, especialy one
who is being sued for divorce
(d) respondent particular way of speaking or writing
2. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word from those given in
(a) He insured everything in his shop because he wanted to be
prepared for any (exigency, expediency).
(b) The accused gave a explanation for what had
happened (plausible, possible).

3. Complete the sentences with a clause in the corract conditional:

(a) If minors and mentally incompetent enter into contracts.

(b) If we do ot care for honesty in the profession of law,

4. Rewrite the following to change the cmphasis
(a) An argument is successful if the reasons are sufficient to suppo
the conclusion.
(b) Many disputes betwcen one state and another can be resolved by
reference to the domestic law of one or the other.
5. Combine the following sentences with suitable linking words
(a) The argument was not acceptable. They were cut down by the
(b) Fresh evidence was found. The lawyer had to modify his
arguments to accommodate this evidence.
6. Use the following idioms in sentences of your own.
(a) open-and-shut case
(b) blow the whistle

7. Give the meaning of the following legal doublets.

(a) part and parcel
(b) demise and lease

8) Explain the implications of the following foreign terms.

(a) Alias
(b) Sine Die

9. Add a suitable or negative item to make contrasting statements

(a) Studies show that men earn more than women,
(b) My parents are rich,
10. Correct the errors in the following sentences
(a) Every person in the capacity of employer or employee need to
develop assertiveness to express oneself explicitly and
(b) Neither the students nor the teacher were interested in going for
the picnic.

Answer the following questions in about I50 words cach:

5x4-20 Marks

1 Illustrate the true d1stinction betwccn a crime and civil wrong with
suitable exa1ples.

I2 Discuss the moral tcaching of the poem Where the mind is withou

13. Elaborate on the features of the Indian Constitution drawn from

British Constitution.

14. Interpret the present day relevance of William Wordsworth's poem

The World is Too Much with Us.

15. Write short notes on The International Court of Justice.

Answer any FIVE questions 5x 12 = 60 Marks

16. Write a gist of the judgment based on the following case You can
structure your writing based on the following pattern: Facts submitted
bythe prosecution and accused, decision on these points, reasons for
the decision, final order.
Case: In 2011, the Tamil Nadu State Government contracted
Breakrock Construction Co. to install an underground water pipeline
from River Cauvery to Perambalur District. The pipeline crossed
several existing underground pipelines, including Capable
Company's methyl-alcohol pipeline. While digging in the area
containing Capable's pipeline, a Breakrock employee struck and
damaged that pipeline. This led to the ground being contaminated
with 200,000 gallons of methyl alcohol. Capable Company files a
civil suit against Breakrock Constructions to pay its clean-up costs by
citing The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
17. Write a case brief to indicate the kind of information that is to be
Use the following structure
V contained in each section. case brief. (Facts, Issue,
Decision & Reason) for your

Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan

As part of a governmental campaign
against child marrians
marriage ofa one va
Bhanwari Devi attempted to stop the
local communit.
old girl in rural Rajasthan. Members of the with threats and
retaliated first by harassing Bhanwari Devi
family. Then. on
imposing a socioeconomic boycott on her Devi.
September 22, 1992, five men raped Bhanwari
when she
Bhanwari Devi faced numerous obstacles justice
attempted to seek justice. Frustrated by the criminal
restore the
system's inability to provide tangible remedies,
lawyer who had
dignity of the victim, Naina Kapur, a decided
attended Bhanwari Devi's criminal trial, to initiate
a PIL action in the Supreme Court to
challenge sexual
harassment in the workplace. The Vishaka writ petition was
filed in 1992 in the names of five NGOs against the State of
Rajasthan, its Women and Child Welfare Department, its
Department of Social Wel fare, and the Union of India.
The Vishaka judgment recognized sexual harassment as "a
clear violation" of the fundamental constitutional rights to
equality, nondiscrimination, life, and liberty, as well as the
right to carry out any occupation. The guidelines, directed
toward employers, included a definition of sexual
harassment, a list of steps for harassment prevention, and a
description of complaint prõcedures to be "strictly observed
in all work places for the preservation and enforcement of
the right to gender equality."
has promoted greater enforcement of women's rights and
broader application of international law at the high court
level. The case has thus been described as "path breaking."
*one of the most powerful legacies" of PIL, and a
"trendsetter" that "created a revolution.

18 Lukas Sportswear contracted TransBndia Transport to transport a

consignment of sports clothing from Vellore to Cuddapah in tw'
trucks. Unfortunately, some of the goods were damagcd in transt
when the two drivers stopped at a petrol slation to refucl and cat
dinner. When they left the station restaurant, they discovered that a
fire had started in one of the truck trailers The second truck was
damaged by smoke. Lukas Sportswear demands Rs. 8 Lakhs as
compensation for the loss of all of the consignment in the fire
destroyed container and los for smoke damage to the remaining part
of the goods.

Give a legal opinion to Translndia Transport.

19. The plaintiff. ProCD, produced the CD-ROM product Select Phone.
where a listing of over 95 million telephone numbers and addresses
were combined with search and retrieval software. The defendant,
Mr. Subramanian, purchased copies of Select Phone, but decided to
1gnore the licence. He formed Silken Mountain Web Services, Inc.,
copied the telephone listings from the CD-ROM onto his computer,
created a software search engine and uploaded the data onto his
website which became very successful. When sued in court he said
the terms of the licence agreement were inside the box instead of
printed on the outside. Think critically and solve it.
20. Write a letter to the Chief Superintendent of Police, Thanjavur
informing him that a gang of men is creating trouble to residents in
your street.

Y. Analyse the cause and effect, and give legal reasoning and
justification for the following case
The chief trustee of the properties of a temple called upon an electric
contractor to illegally divert the electric providing facility of lighting
and mike in the temple. The job was executed in a dangerous manner,
and without infoming the Electricity Board. After about a fortnight,
the service line was snapped and the agriculturist, who was working
in his field, got injured by electric current. It was held thatofthethetrustee,
who got the dangerous job done, as well as the owner
from whose meter and with whose knowledge such connection was
taken, were liable.

22 Based on the given text, produce afor and against
argumentthe Organize
your paragraphs: I. Introduction 2. Arguments for
3. Arguments against the subject 4. Conclusion.
There is enough medical evidence to establish
substances that sports stars are tempted to use to many of the
strength and stamina are extremely harmful to their increase
health. their
people are natural risk takers and are often reckless about theit S
futures. It is sometimes argued that drugs give no more
than special diets which can boost an athiete's advantape
performance. That
coupled with huge rewards that can be won by reaching the top in
their chosen sport, will often drive them to disregard medical advice
and think only of the gold medal and the big sponsorship deals which
come their way.
23. Write an essay of 300 words on the text Command
ofLanguage in the
Profession of Law by Lord Denning.
(A University under section 3 of the UGC Act, 196)
End Semester Examinations
July 2022
Course Code: LAW205

Question Paper No. :U0326 Duration: 3 hours

Max. Marks:100

Answer any THREE of the following in about 400
words each
3x 12 =36 Marks

1. Discuss in detail the essential ingredients of contract of

contract of guarantee and differentiate between the twoindemnity and
with the help
of illustrations and decided case laws.

Enumerate the 'duties of bailee' in a contract of bailment. Support

your answer with decided case laws and illustrations.

3 Analyze critically, how a contract of agency gets terminated, referring

to decided cases and illustrations.

4. Elucidate the meaning of the 'Doctrine of Caveat Emptor and

its exceptions.
5. Discuss in detail the position of minor as a partner and state what
are his rights and liabilities before ataining majority and on attaining

Answer any THREE of the following in about 300 words each

3 x7=21 Marks

6. Justify why a promise made to the debtor by the creditor 'Not to sue
determines the liability of the surety, whereas Forbearance to sue'
does not.

7. Discuss in detail the concept Pledge by non-owners of Goods' as

provided in Indian Contract Act, 1872.

Quote the relevant provisions in Indian Contract Act, 1872 in regard

to Agent's Authority'. Augment your answer with relevant case laws
,or illustrations.

9. Critically analyze the meaning of Goods' and enlist the various types
of goods with examples as provided under Sale of Goods Act, 1930.
104 MÐ. Distinguish between aPartnership and aCompany.
Answer any FIVE of the following in about 200 words each
5x5=25 Marks

11. (a) *You must be damnified before you can claim to be indemnified".
How this common law maxim was decided otherwise by the
Bombay Hight Court in Gajanan Moreshwar v. Moreshwar
) "Exhausting remedies against principal debtor or his securities,
whether necessary, before proceeding against the guarantor'
"Bailment is a genesis, whereas, pledge is a species"- Explain
with illustration.

Vd) "A delegatee cannot further delegate the delegated authority".
Discuss quoting the excepted situations under Indian and English
Vie) Distinguish 'Sale' and 'Agreement to Sell'.
( Discuss the essential elements of Partnership.
g Critically analyze the agent's 'right to indemnity' against the
principal as per the provisions in Indian Contract Act.

Answer any TWO of the following. Refer to relevant legal provisions

and decided case laws. 2 x9= 18 Marks

\2. Mr. M, a whole sale dealer in steel and cement has encouraged his
fnend N, a road laying contractor to bid for a mega level contract of
laying an 'express way' of eight lanes of 200kms, stretch from
Villupuram to Trichy (1/4 th of theproject of 800kms- from Chennai
to Trivandrum). As three bridges are on the way, Palar, Kollidam and
Cauvery. it would involve large outlay of funds in several Crores, and
time is an essential requisite of the contract, Mr.N is very much
hesitated and in fact, not interested to risk beyond his means. Mr.M
assured to arrange for cash credit limit to certain extent with his
bankers to Nand also promised to supply cement and steel of required
quantity on credit in instalments whenever called for in time, which
N can pay on settlement 'of his claim bills by the government. Mr.M
also induced Nby saying 'Higher the risk, higher the profit, take it as
achallenge. Have confidence in you. I am here to save you whatever
occurs. With injected courage and confidence, N bids and
surprisingly he has been given the contract In the beginning
everything went on well. Mr.M also supplied cement and steel in
response to the first three installment demands made by N. AIl of a
sudden, a nationwide strike started in all steel manufacturing
industries, because of which Ms orders with them for purchase of
steel rods are kept in abeyance. As a consequence, Mcould not make
the subsequent instaliment deliveries of steel to N in time. Though N
had compieted construction of Palar bridge and laying of eight lane
road from Villupuram to Trichy, the completion of construction of
Kollidam and Cauvery bridges could not be completed for M's
detault in supplying stecl rods. Hcavy penalty was imposed on N by
the government. His carlicr bills for the complctcd work were kept in
pending. The contracted laborers, mostly migrant workers left for
their states due to COVID-19 brcakout. Thc bank has started charging
of overdue interest on his cash credit account. Heavy loss falls on N's
Can N make Mliable for allthat loss? Discuss by quoting the relevant

3. Goods were delivered to a Railway company for conveyance and the

goods reached the Railway company's godown at the destination. The
endorsee of the railway receipt paid the freight to the clerk and told
him that he would get a cart to take the goods. He came back with a
A cart but by that time on receipt of telex message from the consignor,
the goods clerk stopped delivery of the goods to the endorsee of the
railway receipt. Assuming the buyer has become insolvent, decide
whether in the given circumstances the stoppage of delivery to the
endorsee by the railway clerk is valid, quoting relevant provisions in
Sale of Goods Act, 1930, and referring to decided case laws.

14. A picture dealer in Mumbai sends pictures to an agent in Delhi, some

being for sale and some being for exhibition only. The dealer shortly
afterwards revokes the agent's authority either to sell or exhibit the
pictures and directs him to return them. In defiance of these
instructions, the agent pledgees the pictures witha pawnbroker. State
the principles to be applied and decide whether or not the pawnbroker
gets a good title to the pictures.

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