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Reg. No.


Second Semester B.Com. Examination, September 2022

(NEP 2020) (2021 – 22 Batch Onwards)
Advanced Financial accounting – II (dscc)

Time : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 60

section – A

Answer any five of the following. (2×5=10)

1. Write a note on Average Clause.
2. How do you treat “salvaged goods” for calculating insurance claim for loss of
stock ?
3. What is Hire Purchase System ?
4. What is the meaning of the term “Repossession” ?
5. State two important features of Independent Branches.
6. What is Single Entry System ?
7. What do you understand by Inter-Departmental Transfer ?
8. When the cost price of the asset is ` 30,000. Down payment ` 5,000 and the
amount of three instalments are ` 10,000 only. Find out the hire purchase price.

section – B

Answer any four of the following. (5×4=20)

9. Distinguish between Single Entry System and Double Entry System.
10. From the following particulars, find out credit sales by preparing Total Debtors
Account :
Opening debtors 60,000
Cash received from debtors 4,00,000
Cheques received from debtors 45,000

BCMCMCN 201 -2- *BCMCMCN201*

Sales return 4,000

Cheques from debtors dishonoured 2,000
Bad debts written off 5,000
Discount allowed 1,000
Provision for doubtful debts 500
Closing debtors 68,000

11. What basis would you consider best to allocate the following expenses in the
Departmental A/c ?
a) Labour welfare expenses
b) Bad debts
c) Repairs to Machinery
d) Carriage Inward
e) Rent.

12. On 15 April 2021 a fire occurred in the premises of ABC company. From the
following particulars ascertain the amount of claim to be lodged in case of
stock which was insured.
Stock on 1 April 2021 2,00,000
Purchases from 1 April 2021 to the date of fire 3,00,000
Wages 1,00,000
Manufacturing expenses 60,000
Sales from 1 April 2021 to the date of fire 4,80,000
The gross profit ratio is 25% on sales. The stock
salvaged was 19,500

13. Suraj purchased a machine from Sudhir Machinery Ltd. on hire purchase
system on 1-04-2019 payable 10,000 down and balance as under : 13,000 at
the end of first year, 12,000 at the end of second year and 11,000 at the end of
third year. Interest is charged at 10% p.a. Ascertain cash price and the interest.

14. From the following information prepare Mangalore Branch A/c in the books of
Bangalore Head Office when goods are supplied at cost price.
Opening stock 10,000
Closing stock 15,000
Goods sent to branch 50,000
Goods returned by branch 1,000
Opening petty cash 200
*BCMCMCN201* -3- BCMCMCN 201

Closing petty cash 300

Cash sent to branch for :
Salary 4,000
Rent 1,000
Petty cash 2,000 7,000
Cash remitted by branch to HO 30,000

Section – C

Answer any two of the following. (15×2=30)

15. A fire occurred in the premises of SR company on 1-7-2021. From the following
information calculate the claim to be made against the company.
Stock on 1-1-2020 63,000
Purchases for the year ending 31-12-2020 4,00,000
Sales for the year ending 31-12-2020 5,00,000
Wages for the year ending 31-12-2020 18,000
Manufacturing expenses for the year ending 31-12-2020 2,000
Salary for the year ending 31-12-2020 10,000
Stock on 31-12-2020 81,000
Purchases from 1-1-2021 to the date of fire 2,00,000
Sales from 1-1-2021 to the date of fire 3,00,000
Stock salvaged 10,000
Value of policy is 30,000. There is an average clause in the policy. It is the
practice of the company to value the stock at 10% less than cost.

16. Madras Transport Company purchased a motor car from Mumbai Motor Company
on hire purchase agreement on 1-4-2018. Madras transport Company paid
10,000 cash as down payment and agreed to pay further 3 installments of
10,000 on 31 March every year. The cash price of the car was 37,250. Mumbai
Motors Company charged interest of 5% p.a. The Madras Transport Company
writes off depreciation at 10% p.a. under reducing balance method.
Prepare the following accounts in the books of Madras Transport Company :
1) Motor car A/c
2) Mumbai Motors Company A/c
3) Interest A/c
4) Depreciation A/c.
BCMCMCN 201 -4- *BCMCMCN201*

17. A firm has two departments A and B. A department supplies material to

B department at its usual selling price. From the following particulars prepare
Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss A/c and General Profit and Loss
Account for the year 2020.
Particulars Dept. A Dept. B
Opening stock 6,00,000 1,00,000
Purchases 40,00,000 30,000
Sales 44,00,000 9,00,000
Transfer to B department 6,00,000 –
Manufacturing expenses – 1,20,000
Selling expenses 40,000 12,000
Closing stock 4,00,000 1,20,000
The stocks in the department B may be considered as consisting of 80% of
material and 20% other expenses. Department A earned a gross profit at the
rate of 15% in the year 2019. General expenses of the business as a whole
came to ` 1,30,000.
18. Naveen kept his books of accounts under single entry system. An analysis of
rough cash book for the year 2021 shows the following :
Cash Account
Amount Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.)
To Debtors A/C 60,000 By Bank overdraft on 1.04.2020 7,400
To Capital A/C 5,000 By Creditors 25,000
By Business expenses 10,000
By Wages 15,500
By Drawings 3,000
By Balance at bank on 31.03.2021 4,000
By Cash in hand 31-03-2021 100
65,000 65,000
The following additional information is available :
1-04-2020 (Rs.) 31-03-2021 (Rs.)
Sundry Debtors 53,000 58,000
Sundry Creditors 19,500 15,000
Stock 19,000 17,000
Machinery 20,000 20,000
Furniture 1,400 1,400
All the sales and purchases were on credit.
From the above information, prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account and
Balance Sheet after providing depreciation on Machinery at 10% and Furniture
at 5%.

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