Memorandum Recording Family Settlement LawRato2

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Memorandum Recording Family Settlement

A Family Settlement Agreement is the term used for an agreement reached by all of the heirs as to
how an estate should be distributed.

It governs the terms and condition of settlement agreed upon the parties and binds the party to the

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Draft of Memorandum Recording Family Settlement


________ day of ____________ between Shri ____________ an Indian inhabitant residing at
__________ _________ _________ (hereinafter called "the Party of the First Part") of the FIRST
PART, Shri ______________, an Indian inhabitant residing at _____________ _____________
(hereinafter called "the Party of the Second Part") of the SECOND PART and Shri _________, also
an Indian inhabitant residing at ____________________________________ (hereinafter called "the
Party of the Third Part") of the THIRD PART.

and reference to the parties hereto shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof mean
and include their respective successors and assigns.


1. The parties hereto are related to each other, the party of the first part being the ____________ of
the party of the Second Part etc;

2. Serious disputes and differences have arisen between the parties hereto, relating to
___________, and which have disrupted the peace and harmony of the family and affected the
business and family relations and threatened to resort to litigation;

3. With the object of resolving the aforesaid disputes arising out of the conflicting claims made by
the parties hereto as stated above and for effectuating a permanent solution of all the outstanding
disputes once and for settlement was arrived at for ensuring family peace and harmony after
considering what was best in the interest of the parties and in expectation that the settlement would
result in achieving amity and goodwill among the Parties and it was agreed that the parties and it was
agreed that the settlement arrived at would be final and binding upon all the parties hereto and avoid
any further disputes and or differences amongst the parties hereto.

4. The parties hereto, have come to a settlement after the aforesaid discussion with the help of
mutual friends to resolve the disputes and differences, and a memorandum of settlement with certain
terms and conditions was drawn with a view to avoid any future disputes and or differences amongst
the parties hereto and that this memorandum has been entered into to record the said terms and
conditions of the Family Settlement already agreed upon by the parties hereto.



1. In pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of the premises, the parties hereto
agree that the Party of the Third Part shall apply to the Court for grant of letters of administration with
the will annexed of the estate of the late ___________, the deceased.

2. Without prejudice to their right to get their shares in the estate of the deceased as hereinafter
fixed and agreed to by the parties hereto, the heirs shall give their letters of consent to the Party of the
Third Part for obtaining the letters of administration as aforesaid.
3. In consideration of the premises, the Party of the Third Part shall immediately after the letters of
administration have been obtained grant, deliver and transfer one-third of the said properties and
assets (after setting apart a sum of Rs. ___________/- for discharging the liabilities of the late
_____________ and also to meet the expenses for the grant of letters of administration in favour of
the Party of the Third Part.) to each of the said heirs and retain the remaining one-third for himself.

4. An inventory of the assets of the deceased and of the respective agreed values thereof, is listed
in Part I of the annexure B, hereto. A list of the debts due and owing by the estate of the deceased is
listed in Part II of the said Annexure B hereto. An estimated sum of Rs______ has been taken into
consideration and set apart by the Parties in a separate Savings Bank Account no. with __________
Bank, _____________ Branch, towards the expenses of obtaining the Probate / Letters of
Administration with the will annexed and the transfer / distribution of the estate of the deceased in
accordance herewith and the said sum shall be utilized by the parties hereto, accordingly. In case of
any deficit in meeting the debts of the deceased and/ or the expenses of proving the Will and
distribution of the estate, the parties hereto, shall contribute equally to such deficit.

5. After setting apart sums to meet the debts of the deceased and the estimated expenses of
distribution of the estate, The assets allotted to the said the Party of the First Part pursuant to the
Family Settlement arrived at are more particularly described in the First Schedule hereunder written.
Similarly, The assets allotted to the said the Party of the Second Part pursuant to the Family
Settlement arrived at are more particularly described in the Second Schedule hereunder written. The
assets allotted to the Party of the Third Part pursuant to the Family Settlement arrived at are more
particularly described in the Third Schedule hereunder written.

6. All expenses of and incidental to the grant of letters of administration as also of transfer of the
shares to the respective parties hereto shall come out of the estate of the deceased.

7. It is expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that the heirs shall not claim any rights
under the said codicil and the Party of the Third Part shall not, after obtaining the letters of
administration with the will annexed, claim any rights under the said will, save as hereinbefore

8. The parties hereto confirm and declare that all the disputes and differences between them are
settled and that none of the parties has any further or other claim or demand of any nature
whatsoever against the other or others of them.

9. The parties hereto expressly agree and declare that they have arrived at this Family
Arrangement in order to put an end to existing and future disputes between the parties and with a
view to bring about amity and goodwill amongst them and with a view to maintaining peace and bring
about harmony in the family. The parties hereto further agree and declare that the terms of the
Memorandum of Family Settlement arrived at between them and recorded herein are fair and bona
fide and in the interest of all the parties.

10. The parties hereto shall sign and execute or cause to be signed and executed all such
documents, deeds, writing and/or instructions as may be necessary to give effect to the Family
Arrangement arrived at amongst the parties hereto. On ___________ and which is recorded in this
Memorandum of Family Arrangement-cum-Compromise.
Annexure 'A'

(Copy to the Will)

Annexure 'B'

Part I: List of assets of the deceased and estimated agreed values


The first schedule hereinabove referred to

(The assets allotted to the said the Party of the First Part)

Part IV: List of Debts of the Deceased.

The Second schedule hereinabove referred to

(The assts allotted to the said the Party of the Second Part)

The third schedule hereinabove referred to

(The assets allotted to the said the Party of the Third Part)

IN WITNESSES WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set and subscribed their respective
hands the day and year first hereinabove written.


the Party of the First Part }

Shri.......................... }

in the presence of ___________ }


the Party of the Second Part }


in the presence of ___________ }


the Party of the Third Part }

Shri......................... }

in the presence of ____________ }

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