Deed of Partition-Deeds-Partition-953

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Deed of Partition

THIS MEMORANDUM OF PARTITION is made at …………….... this ……………... day of

…………….. between Mr. …….………………., residing at …………….... hereinafter referred
to as 'the Party of the First Part' and Mr. …………………., residing at ……………... hereinafter
referred to as 'the Party of the Second Part' and Mr. ……………. residing at ……………...
hereinafter referred to as the 'Party of the Third Part' and Mr. ……………… residing at
…………………. hereinafter referred to as 'the Party of the Fourth Part' and Mr…….
……………….. residing at …….…………… hereinafter referred to as ‘the Party of Fifth Part’.

WHEREAS the parties hereto are the members and coparceners of their joint and undivided
Hindu Family and as such own two immoveable properties consisting of land and building
thereon and situate at ……………... and more particularly described in the First and Second
Schedules hereunder written. AND WHEREAS the parties desire to effect a partition of the said
properties between themselves as they no longer desire to continue to be members and
coparceners of their joint family property and desire to be separate in food, worship and estate.
AND WHEREAS it is not possible to divide the said properties by metes and bounds according
to the respective shares of the parties hereto in the said properties. AND WHEREAS it is,
therefore, agreed between the parties that they should declare their shares in the said properties
and hold such shares separately but notionally and they should enjoy the income thereof in
severalty according to their respective shares until the said properties are sold by mutual consent
or through court. AND WHEREAS for the purpose of partition and stamp duty the property in
the First Schedule is valued at Rs. ……….... and the property described in the Second Schedule
is valued at Rs. ………….. AND WHEREAS the parties hereto have proposed to effect and
record such notional partition in the manner following.


1. Pursuant to the said agreement the Parties declare that each of them is entitled to an equal one-
fifth share in the said joint family properties described in the First and Second Schedules
hereunder written and further declare that they shall hold the said properties as tenant in-common
and not as members of their erstwhile Joint and Undivided Hindu Family and shall hold their
respective shares in the said properties separately and in their own respective rights.

2. The said properties shall be managed and looked after by the Party of the Third    Part for
himself and on behalf of the other parties hereto and he shall pay all the taxes and dues and
duties payable in respect of the said properties payable to the Government and the Municipal
Corporation and shall also spend, out of the income of the said properties, all other expenses for
repairs and maintenance of the said property.

3. The Party of the First Part shall recover the income from the said properties and after paying
the expenses aforementioned, shall distribute among and pay to each of parties hereto including
himself, one fourth share of such net income.    Such distribution will be made at the end of each
calendar year ending on 31st December.
4. For the purposes aforesaid the Parties hereto of the First, Second, fourth and fifth Parts and
appoint the Party of the Third Part as their Attorney or Agent with full power to recover the
income of the said properties, to pay all expenses aforesaid, to take legal proceedings to recover
the income or any other amount payable by any person in respect of the said properties and to
pass receipts for the same and to do all acts and things necessary to manage the said properties.

5. In consideration aforesaid, each of the parties hereto doth grant and release all his undivided
share, right, title and interest in the properties to the other or others of them as aforesaid so as to
constitute each party the sole and absolute owner of his one-fifth share therein, freed and
discharged from all claims and demands of the other parties hereto or concerning the same but
subject to the payment of all taxes, rates, dues and duties and assessment payable to Government
or Municipal Corporation or any other public body in respect thereof.

6. Each Party covenants with the other that he has not done any act, deed or thing whereby or by
means whereof he is prevented from releasing his right, title and interest in the shares of the
other parties hereto in the said properties in the manner aforesaid.

7. Each Party also covenants with the others that each Party will execute and get registered, if
necessary any deed, assurance or other document which may be required for fuller and more
perfectly and effectually assuring the shares allotted to the others but at the cost and expenses of
the party requiring the same.

8. Each Party hereto further covenants with each of the others that each of the other Parties will
hereafter hold and stand possessed of the share allotted to him, quietly and peacefully and enjoy
the proportionate rents and profits thereof without any suit, interruption, claim or demand by the
covenanting party, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns or any person claiming under

9. Each of the parties hereto agrees and covenants with each of the other parties hereto that if he
desires to sell his one fourth share in the said properties or any of them he shall give first option
to the other parties hereto to purchase the same and the selling party will sell his one fourth share
to the other parties jointly or in such proportion as the other parties agree between themselves at
the highest price available to him in the market or he will sell his share to such one of the other
parties hereto who offers the highest price.    Provided further the party desiring to sell his share
shall give written prior notice of atleast …………. month to the others for exercising the said
option and such notice shall also quote the price expected by such party.    Any such sale shall be
made subject to the provisions of this Deed.

10. The original of the Deed of Partition will remain in the custody of the Party of the First Part
and one duplicate copy hereof will remain in the custody of each of the other parties.

11. And it is further agreed and declared that the title deeds relating to the said properties and
which are set out in the Third Schedule hereunder written shall remain with the Party of the First
Part who has agreed to give a covenant for production in favour of the parties of the Second,
Third and Fourth Parts in the manner following that is to say (usual covenant for production of
title deeds).
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have put their hands the day and year first hereinabove



Signed and delivered by the )

within named Party of the First )
Part ……………... in the presence of .………… )

Signed and delivered by the )

within named Party of the Second )
Part ………….... in the presence of .……………. )

Signed and delivered by the )

within named Party of the Third )
Part ………….... in the presence of ……………... )

Signed and delivered by the )

within named Party of the Fourth )
Part ……………... in the presence of .……………    )

Signed and delivered by the )

within named Party of the Fifth )
Part ……………... in the presence of .……………    )

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