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Children are deemed as the future of a nation.

In order to get a better generation,

children should be brought up with proper care and education. Some people say that a
mother plays a crucial role to grow up a child. Other people believe that fathers play a
better role to up bring a child.
However, this is difficult to choose one between a father and a mother as a better person
to up bring children as both have important roles to play.
On the other hand, mothers are naturally more capable of taking care of their children
and they play a more significant role up bring her children. In my view, the mother
keeps a better role to bring up a child and that is why they have greater responsibilities
as well. Generally, mothers get abundant time to spend with their children but fathers do
not get this opportunity as they have to spend more time to earn money for maintaining
the family expenses.

According to Kristine W. Smeby, the uneven distribution between mother and father
within the third shift needs to be made more visible [2].
According to Smeby, the long parental leave is one of the reasons why mother takes
more responsibility.

“The mother takes longer parental leave, which gives her other experiences in her
relation to the child. But the father can also take responsibility, something he does to a
larger extent in cases where he is at home with the child over some time while the
mother is at work.”

Moreover, fathers have to remain busy with their jobs or businesses. That's why they
might not have enough time to spend with their children. This is true that men keep a lot
of contribution indirectly, but mothers devote their time more for their kids. Their roles
are also indispensable for children.

In this present-day world,it has to be said that both father and mother have equal
responsibility in their scion's upbringing;gender equality is accepted by society for
further development of our lives.In bygone days, women were restricted in some areas
such as in education, work and independence, whereas today females are equally
important in all fields.So it is not sceptical about the responsibility of the heir as
parents; both ought to be equally shared.I agree with this idea and this essay and I think
that father and mother should equally participate in raising children.

1. Frodi, Ann, Michael Lamb, Lewis Leavitt, and Donovan Wilberta. (1978)
Fathers’ and mothers’ responses to infant smiles and cries. Infant Behavior
and Development ,[Online], Available at :

2. Kristine W. Smeby (2017) Mum takes more responsibility for the children,
even in gender equal couples,[Online], Available at :

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