COVID 19 Origin Paper Preproof

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Origin of novel coronavirus causing COVID-19: A computational biology

study using artificial intelligence

Thanh Thi Nguyen, Mohamed Abdelrazek, Dung Tien Nguyen,

Sunil Aryal, Duc Thanh Nguyen, Sandeep Reddy, Quoc Viet
Hung Nguyen, Amin Khatami, Thanh Tam Nguyen, Edbert B. Hsu,
Samuel Yang

PII: S2666-8270(22)00041-X
Reference: MLWA 100328

To appear in: Machine Learning with Applications

Received date : 29 September 2021

Revised date : 20 April 2022
Accepted date : 10 May 2022

Please cite this article as: T.T. Nguyen, M. Abdelrazek, D.T. Nguyen et al., Origin of novel
coronavirus causing COVID-19: A computational biology study using artificial intelligence.
Machine Learning with Applications (2022), doi:

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Journal Pre-proof

Origin of Novel Coronavirus Causing COVID-19: A Computational Biology Study using

Artificial Intelligence

Thanh Thi Nguyena , Mohamed Abdelrazeka , Dung Tien Nguyenb , Sunil Aryala , Duc Thanh Nguyena , Sandeep Reddyc ,

Quoc Viet Hung Nguyend , Amin Khatamia , Thanh Tam Nguyene , Edbert B. Hsuf , Samuel Yangg
a School of Information Technology, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia
b Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Victoria, Australia
c School of Medicine, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia
d School of Information and Communication Technology, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

e Faculty of Information Technology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
f Department of Emergency Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, USA
g Department of Emergency Medicine, Stanford University, California, USA

Origin of the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) has been intensely debated in the scientific community since the first infected cases
were detected in December 2019. The disease has caused a global pandemic, leading to deaths of thousands of people across the
world and thus finding origin of this novel coronavirus is important in responding and controlling the pandemic. Recent research
results suggest that bats or pangolins might be the hosts for SARS-CoV-2 based on comparative studies using its genomic sequences.
This paper investigates the SARS-CoV-2 origin by using artificial intelligence (AI)-based unsupervised learning algorithms and raw
genomic sequences of the virus. More than 300 genome sequences of COVID-19 infected cases collected from different countries
are explored and analysed using unsupervised clustering methods. The results obtained from various AI-enabled experiments using
clustering algorithms demonstrate that all examined SARS-CoV-2 genomes belong to a cluster that also contains bat and pangolin
coronavirus genomes. This provides evidence strongly supporting scientific hypotheses that bats and pangolins are probable hosts
for SARS-CoV-2. At the whole genome analysis level, our findings also indicate that bats are more likely the hosts for the COVID-
19 virus than pangolins.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, AI, machine learning, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, origin, bat, pangolin, pandemic

1. Introduction and isolating the source and preventing further transmissions to

the human population. This will also help to understand the

The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly spread across many outbreak dynamics, leading to the creation of informed plans
countries and disturbed lives of millions of people around the for public health responses (WHO, 2020). Origin of SARS-
globe. There have been approximately 148.5 million confirmed CoV-2 however is a controversial topic with some uncertainty
cases of COVID-19 globally, including more than 3.1 million even after the WHO investigation commenced in October 2020
deaths, reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) at (Mallapaty, 2020).
the end of April 2021 (WHO, 2021). Studies on understanding
A study by Wu et al. (2020) using a complete genome ob-
the virus, which was named severe acute respiratory syndrome
tained from a patient who was a worker at a seafood market
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), are important to propose appro-
in Wuhan city, Hubei province, China shows that the virus is
priate intervention strategies and contribute to the therapeutics
closely related to a group of SARS-like CoVs that were pre-
and vaccine development. Finding origin of SARS-CoV-2 is

viously found present in bats in China. It is believed that bats

crucial as it helps to understand where the virus comes from
are the most likely reservoir hosts for SARS-CoV-2 as it is very
via its evolutionary relationships with other biological organ-
similar to a bat coronavirus. These results are supported by a
isms and species. This will facilitate the process of identifying
separate study by Lu et al. (2020) using genome sequences ac-
quired from nine COVID-19 patients who were among early
Email addresses: [email protected] cases in Wuhan, China. Outcomes of a phylogenetic analysis
(Thanh Thi Nguyen), [email protected] suggest that the virus belongs to the genus Betacoronavirus,
(Mohamed Abdelrazek), [email protected] (Dung Tien Nguyen),
[email protected] (Sunil Aryal), sub-genus Sarbecovirus, which includes many bat SARS-like
[email protected] (Duc Thanh Nguyen), CoVs and SARS CoVs. A study in Zhu et al. (2020) confirms
[email protected] (Sandeep Reddy), this finding by analysing genomes obtained from three adult pa-
[email protected] (Quoc Viet Hung Nguyen),
[email protected] (Amin Khatami),
tients admitted to a hospital in Wuhan on December 27, 2019.
[email protected] (Thanh Tam Nguyen), [email protected] Likewise, Zhou et al. (2020) advocate a probable bat origin of
(Edbert B. Hsu), [email protected] (Samuel Yang) SARS-CoV-2 by using complete genome sequences of five pa-
Journal Pre-proof

tients at the beginning of the outbreak in Wuhan, China. One of were distributed through various countries from Asia to Europe
these sequences shows 96.2% similarity to a genome sequence and South America. Detailed distribution of these genome se-
of a coronavirus, denoted RaTG13, which was previously ob- quences across 16 countries is presented in Table 1.
tained from a Rhinolophus affinis bat found in Yunnan province
of China. Zhang and Holmes (2020) also highlight a similar-
Table 1: Number of COVID-19 sequences collected from different countries

ity of about 85% between SARS-CoV-2 and RaTG13 in their
Countries Number of Countries Number of
receptor binding domain, which is an important region of the sequences sequences
viral genomes for binding the viruses to the human angiotensin- USA 258 India 2
converting enzyme 2 receptor. China 49 Brazil 1
In another study, Lam et al. (2020) found two related lineages Japan 5 Italy 1
of CoVs in pangolin genome sequences sampled in Guangxi Spain 4 Peru 1

and Guangdong provinces in China, which have similar ge- Taiwan 3 Nepal 1
nomic organizations to SARS-CoV-2. That study suggests that Vietnam 2 South Korea 1
pangolins could be possible hosts for SARS-CoV-2 although Israel 2 Australia 1
they are solitary animals in an endangered status with rela- Pakistan 2 Sweden 1
tively small population sizes. These findings are corroborated
by Zhang et al. (2020) who assembled a pangolin CoV draft
genome using a reference-guided scaffolding approach based Most of reference sequences, e.g. ones within the Al-
on contigs taxonomically annotated to SARS-CoV-2, SARS- phacoronavirus and Betacoronavirus genera, are also
CoV, and bat SARS-like CoV. Xiao et al. (2020) furthermore downloaded from the NCBI GenBank and Virus-Host

suggest that SARS-CoV-2 may have been formed by a re-
combination of a pangolin CoV-like virus with one similar to
RaTG13, and that pangolins are potentially the intermediate
hosts for SARS-CoV-2. On the other hand, by analysing ge-
nomic features of SARS-CoV-2, i.e. mutations in the receptor
DB (
NCBI Reference Sequences (RefSeq, release 99, March
2, 2020). Genome sequences of Guangxi pangolin CoVs
(Lam et al., 2020) are downloaded from the GISAID

database ( with accession numbers


binding domain portion of the spike protein and distinct back- EPI ISL 410538 - EPI ISL 410543. A Guangdong pangolin
bone of the virus, Andersen et al. (2020) determined that this CoV genome (Xiao et al., 2020) is also downloaded from
novel coronavirus originated through natural processes rather GISAID with accession number EPI ISL 410721. We employ
than through a laboratory manipulation. three sets of reference sequences in this study with details
This paper applies artificial intelligence (AI)-based unsuper- presented in Tables 2-4. The selection of reference genomes
vised clustering methods to a dataset of SARS-CoV-2 genomic at different taxonomic levels is based on a study in Randhawa
sequences to provide quantitative evidence on the origin of the et al. (2020) that uses the AI-based supervised decision tree
virus. We propose the use of hierarchical clustering algorithm method to classify novel pathogens, which include SARS-
and density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise CoV-2 sequences. We aim to traverse from higher to lower
(DBSCAN) method for this purpose. Two pairwise evolution- taxonomic levels in searching for the SARS-CoV-2 origin by

ary distances between sequences based on the Jukes-Cantor discovery of its genus, sub-genus taxonomy and its closest
method and the maximum composite likelihood method are genome sequences.
used to enable the execution of the clustering methods. Using Unsupervised clustering methods are employed to cluster
unsupervised clustering methods, we have been able to anal- datasets comprising both query sequences (SARS-CoV-2) and
yse a large dataset including 334 genomes of SARS-CoV-2 col- reference sequences into clusters. In this paper, we propose the
lected from different countries. Clustering results suggest that use of hierarchical clustering algorithm (Rokach and Maimon,
1) SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the Sarbecovirus sub-genus of the 2005) and density-based spatial clustering of applications with
Betacoronavirus genus, 2) bats and pangolins may have served noise (DBSCAN) method (Ester et al., 1996) for this purpose.
as the hosts for SARS-CoV-2, and 3) bats are more likely the With these two methods, we perform two steps to observe the

original hosts for SARS-CoV-2 than pangolins. The findings clustering results that lead to interpretations about the taxon-
of this research provide more insights about SARS-CoV-2 and omy and origin of SARS-CoV-2. In the first step, we apply
thus facilitate the progress on discovering medicines and vac- clustering algorithms to cluster the set of reference sequences
cines to mitigate its impacts and prevent a similar pandemic in only, and then use the same settings (i.e. values of parame-
the future. ters) of clustering algorithms to cluster a dataset that merges
reference sequences and SARS-CoV-2 sequences. Through this
2. Materials and Methods step, we can find out reference sequences by which SARS-CoV-
2 sequences form a group with. In the second step, we vary
We downloaded 334 complete genome sequences of SARS- the settings of the clustering algorithms and observe changes
CoV-2 available from the GenBank database, which is main- in the clustering outcomes. With the second step, we are able
tained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information to discover the closest reference sequences to the SARS-CoV-2
(NCBI), in early April 2020. Among these sequences, 258 sequences and compare the similarities between genomes.
were reported from USA, 49 were from China and the rest In the hierarchical clustering method, the cut-off parameter
Journal Pre-proof

Table 2: Reference viruses from major virus classes at a high taxonomic level - Set 1
Virus (Accession Number) Taxonomy Virus (Accession Number) Taxonomy
Human adenovirus D8 (AB448767) Adenoviridae Murine leukemia virus (AB187566) Ortervirales
TT virus sle1957 (AM711976) Anelloviridae Human papillomavirus type 69 (AB027020) Papillomaviridae
Staphylococcus phage S13’ (AB626963) Caudovirales Adeno-associated virus - 6 (AF028704) Parvoviridae

Chili leaf curl virus-Oman (KF229718) Geminiviridae Cotesia plutellae polydnavirus (AY651828) Polydnaviridae
Meles meles fecal virus (JN704610) Genomoviridae Aves polyomavirus 1 (AF118150) Polyomaviridae
Chlamydia phage 3 (AJ550635) Microviridae Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) CoV (NC 019843) Riboviria

Table 3: Reference viruses within the Riboviria realm - Set 2
Virus (Accession Number) Taxonomy Virus (Accession Number) Taxonomy
Grapevine rupestris stem pitting-associated Betaflexiviridae Lymantria dispar cypovirus 14 (AF389452) Reoviridae
virus (GRSPV) 1 (AF057136)
Cucumber mosaic virus (AJ276479) Bromoviridae Hybrid snakehead virus (KC519324) Rhabdoviridae
Chiba virus (AB042808) Caliciviridae Rice tungro spherical virus (NC 001632) Secoviridae
Mercadeo virus (NC 027819) Flaviviridae Bulbul CoV HKU11-796 (FJ376620) Coronaviridae; DeltaCoV
Bunyamwera virus (NC 001925) Peribunyaviridae Avian infectious bronchitis virus (AIBV) (AY646283) Coronaviridae; GammaCoV
Rice grassy stunt tenuivirus (NC 002323) Phenuiviridae Human CoV NL63 (NC 005831) Coronaviridae; AlphaCoV
Theiler’s-like virus of rats (AB090161) Picornaviridae SARS CoV BJ01 (AY278488) Coronaviridae; BetaCoV
Turnip mosaic virus (AB194796)

Virus (Accession Number)

Table 4: Reference viruses in the genus AlphaCoV and BetaCoV - Set 3
Taxonomy Virus (Accession Number) Taxonomy
Transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) (NC 038861) AphaCoV SARS CoV BJ01 (AY278488) BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
Mink CoV WD1127 (NC 023760) AlphaCoV Bat SARS CoV RsSHC014 (KC881005) BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) (NC 003436) AlphaCoV Bat SARS CoV WIV1 (KF367457) BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
Rhinolophus bat CoV HKU2 (NC 009988) AlphaCoV Bat SARS CoV Rp3 (DQ071615) BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
Human CoV 229E (NC 002645) AlphaCoV Bat SARS CoV Rs672/2006 (FJ588686) BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
Human CoV NL63 (NC 005831) AlphaCoV Bat SARS CoV Rf1 (DQ412042) BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
Human CoV OC43 (NC 006213) BetaCoV; Bat SARS CoV Longquan-140 (KF294457) BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
Murine hepatitis virus (MHV) (AC 000192) BetaCoV; Bat SARS CoV HKU3-1 BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus

Rousettus bat CoV HKU9 (NC 009021) BetaCoV; Bat SARS CoV ZXC21 (MG772934) BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
Rousettus bat CoV GCCDC1 (NC 030886) BetaCoV; Bat SARS CoV ZC45 (MG772933) BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
MERS CoV (NC 019843) BetaCoV; Bat CoV RaTG13 (MN996532) BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
Pipistrellus bat CoV HKU5 (NC 009020) BetaCoV; Guangxi pangolin CoV GX/P4L BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
Merbecovirus (EPI ISL 410538)
Tylonycteris bat CoV HKU4 (NC 009019) BetaCoV; Guangxi pangolin CoV GX/P1E BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
Merbecovirus (EPI ISL 410539)

Bat Hp-betaCoV/Zhejiang2013 (NC 025217) BetaCoV; Hi- Guangxi pangolin CoV GX/P5L BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
becovirus (EPI ISL 410540)
SARS CoV BtKY72 (KY352407) BetaCoV; Guangxi pangolin CoV GX/P5E BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
Sarbecovirus (EPI ISL 410541)
Bat CoV BM48-31/BGR/2008 (GU190215) BetaCoV; Guangxi pangolin CoV GX/P2V BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
Sarbecovirus (EPI ISL 410542)
SARS CoV LC5 (AY395002) BetaCoV; Guangxi pangolin CoV GX/P3B BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
Sarbecovirus (EPI ISL 410543)
SARS CoV SZ3 (AY304486) BetaCoV; Guangdong pangolin CoV BetaCoV; Sarbecovirus
Sarbecovirus (EPI ISL 410721)
SARS CoV Tor2 (AY274119) BetaCoV;
Journal Pre-proof

C plays as a threshold in defining clusters and thus C is allowed 3.1. Results obtained by using the Jukes-Cantor distance
to change during our experiments. With regard to the DBSCAN
method, the neighbourhood search radius parameter ε and the We start the experiments to search for taxonomy and ori-
minimum number of neighbours parameter, which is required gin of SARS-CoV-2 with the first set of reference genome se-
to identify a core point, are crucial in partitioning observations quences (Set 1 in Table 2). This set consists of much more
diversified viruses than the other two sets (Sets 2 and 3 in Ta-

into clusters. In our experiments, we set the minimum number
of neighbours to 3 and allow only the search radius parameter bles 3 and 4) as it includes representatives from major virus
ε to vary. Outputs of the DBSCAN method may also include classes at the highest available virus taxonomic level. With a
outliers, which are normally labelled as cluster “-1”. The un- large coverage of various types of viruses, the use of this ref-
weighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) erence set minimizes the probability of missing out any known
method is applied to create hierarchical cluster trees, which are virus types. Outcomes of the hierarchical clustering and DB-

used to construct dendrogram plots for the hierarchical cluster- SCAN methods are presented in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively.
ing method. The UPGMA method is also employed to generate In these experiments, we use 16 SARS-CoV-2 sequences rep-
phylogenetic trees in order to show results of the DBSCAN al- resenting 16 countries in Table 1 for demonstration purpose.
gorithm. The first released SARS-CoV-2 genome of each country is se-
To facilitate the execution of the clustering methods, we pro- lected for these experiments. Clustering outcomes on all 334
pose the use of pairwise distances between sequences based on sequences are similar to those reported here. Both clustering
the Jukes-Cantor method (Jukes et al., 1969) and the maximum methods consistently demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 sequences
composite likelihood method (Tamura et al., 2004). The Jukes- form a cluster with a representative virus of Riboviria among
Cantor method estimates evolutionary distances by the maxi- 12 major virus classes (Adenoviridae, Anelloviridae, Caudovi-

mum likelihood approach using the number of substitutions be-
tween two sequences. With nucleotide sequences, the distance
is defined as d = −3/4 ∗ ln(1 − p ∗ 4/3) where p is the ratio be-
tween the number of positions where the substitution is to a dif-
ferent nucleotide and the number of positions in the sequences.
rales, Geminiviridae, Genomoviridae, Microviridae, Ortervi-
rales, Papillomaviridae, Parvoviridae, Polydnaviridae, Poly-
omaviridae, and Riboviria). The Middle East respiratory syn-
drome (MERS) CoV, which caused the MERS outbreak in
2012, is chosen as a representative of the Riboviria realm. In
On the other hand, the maximum composite likelihood method hierarchical clustering (Fig. 1), when combined with reference
considers the sum of log-likelihoods of all pairwise distances genomes, SARS-CoV-2 genomes do not create a new cluster
on their own but form a cluster with the MERS CoV, i.e. clus-
in a distance matrix as a composite likelihood because these
distances are correlated owing to their phylogenetic relation- ter “8”. With the DBSCAN method (Fig. 2), SARS-CoV-2
ships. Tamura et al. (2004) showed that estimates of pairwise genomes also do not create their own cluster but form the clus-
distances and their related substitution parameters such as those ter “1” with the MERS CoV. These clustering results suggest
of the Tamura-Nei model (Tamura and Nei, 1993) can be ob- that SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the Riboviria realm.
tained accurately and efficiently by maximizing this compos- Once we have been able to identify SARS-CoV-2 as belong-
ite likelihood. In this study, we aim to conduct a comparison ing to the Riboviria realm, we move to the next lower taxo-
between a simple method (i.e., the Jukes-Cantor method) and nomic level that consists of 12 virus families within Riboviria.

a complex method (i.e., the maximum composite likelihood These families are presented in Set 2 (Table 3) that includes
method) in estimating the evolutionary distances. While the Betaflexiviridae, Bromoviridae, Caliciviridae, Coronaviridae,
Jukes-Cantor method is one of the simplest models for estimat- Flaviviridae, Peribunyaviridae, Phenuiviridae, Picornaviridae,
ing evolutionary distances, the maximum composite likelihood Potyviridae, Reoviridae, Rhabdoviridae, and Secoviridae. Re-
method has many advantages over other methods that use the sults of the two clustering methods presented in Figs. 3 and 4
independent estimation approach (Tamura et al., 2007). In the show that SARS-CoV-2 sequences form a group with viruses in
independent estimation methods, each pairwise distance is esti- the Coronaviridae family. As we also include in Set 2 represen-
mated independently of others which often leads to rather large tatives of four genera in the Coronaviridae family (i.e. Alpha-
errors. The maximum composite likelihood method can reduce coronavirus - AlphaCoV, Betacoronavirus - BetaCoV, Delta-

these errors significantly because it first estimates a single set coronavirus, Gammacoronavirus), we are able to look further
of parameters using all sequence pairs and then applies this set to the next taxonomic level within this experiment and observe
of parameters to each distance estimation (Tamura et al., 2007). that SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the Betacoronavirus genus (see
Figs. 3 and 4).
There are 5 sub-genera in the Betacoronavirus genus, includ-
ing Embecovirus, Nobecovirus, Merbecovirus, Hibecovirus,
3. Results and Discussion Sarbecovirus. In the next lower taxonomic level, we investi-
gate which of these sub-genera that SARS-CoV-2 belongs to
or whether SARS-CoV-2 genomes create a new cluster on their
In this section, we report results of hierarchical clustering own. We use Set 3 (Table 4) that includes 37 reference se-
algorithm and DBSCAN, each using either of the two evolu- quences for this investigation. Six representatives of the Alpha-
tionary distance methods, i.e. the Jukes-Cantor distance and coronavirus genus, which is proximal to the Betacoronavirus
the maximum composite likelihood distance. genus, are also included in Set 3. The rest of Set 3 comprises
Journal Pre-proof


Figure 1: Dendrogram plots showing hierarchical clustering results using only

the reference sequences in Set 1 (Table 2) with the cut-off parameter C equal
to 5 ∗ 10−4 (top), and using a set that merges 16 representative SARS-CoV-2
sequences and reference sequences with C also set to 5 ∗ 10−4 (bottom). A Figure 2: Phylogenetic trees showing DBSCAN results using only the refer-
number at the beginning of each virus name indicates the cluster that virus ence sequences in Set 1 (Table 2) with the search radius parameter ε equal to
belongs to after clustering. 0.7 (top), and using a set that merges SARS-CoV-2 sequences and reference
sequences with ε also set to 0.7 (bottom). As Set 1 includes representatives of
major virus classes and the minimum number of neighbours is set to 3 while ε
is set to 0.7, DBSCAN considers individual viruses as outliers (top). When the
dataset is expanded to include SARS-CoV-2 sequences, DBSCAN forms clus-
ter “1” that includes all SARS-CoV-2 sequences and the MERS CoV, which
represents the Riboviria realm (bottom).
Journal Pre-proof


Figure 4: Phylogenetic trees showing DBSCAN results using only the refer-
Figure 3: Dendrogram plots showing hierarchical clustering results using only ence sequences in Set 2 (Table 3) with the search radius parameter ε equal to
the reference sequences in Set 2 (Table 3) with the cut-off parameter C equal to 0.6 (top), and using a set that merges SARS-CoV-2 sequences and reference
0.001 (top), and using a set that merges SARS-CoV-2 sequences and reference sequences with ε also set to 0.6 (bottom).
sequences with C also set to 0.001 (bottom).
Journal Pre-proof

2 viruses of the Embecovirus sub-genus, 2 viruses of the Nobe- Figs. 7A and 7B, we believe that SARS-CoV-2 is naturally part
covirus sub-genus, 3 viruses of the Merbecovirus sub-genus, 1 of the Sarbecovirus sub-genus. This realization is substantiated
virus of the Hibecovirus sub-genus and 23 viruses of the Sar- by moving to Fig. 7C that shows a clustering outcome when
becovirus sub-genus. Most of the representatives of the Sarbe- the cut-off parameter C is decreased to 0.1. In Fig. 7C, while
covirus sub-genus are SARS CoVs and bat SARS-like CoVs. 3 members of the Merbecovirus sub-genus (i.e. Pipistrellus bat

Notably, we also include in this set 6 sequences of Guangxi CoV HKU5, Tylonycteris bat CoV HKU4 and MERS CoV) are
pangolin CoVs deposited to the GISAID database by Lam et al. divided into 3 clusters (“12”, “2” and “4”) or members of the
(2020) and a sequence of Guangdong pangolin CoV by Xiao Sarbecovirus cluster separate themselves into 2 clusters “’1”
et al. (2020). and “11”, sequences of SARS-CoV-2 still join the cluster “11’
Evolutionary distances between each of the reference with other members of Sarbecovirus such as 3 bat viruses (bat
genomes in Set 3 (Table 4) to the 334 SARS-CoV-2 genomes SARS CoV ZC45, bat SARS CoV ZXC21, bat CoV RaTG13)

based on the Jukes-Cantor method are presented in Fig. 5. and 7 pangolin CoVs.
We can observe that these distances are almost constant across As the cut-off parameter C decreases, the number of clus-
334 SARS-CoV-2 sequences, which are collected in 16 coun- ters increases. This is an expected outcome because the cut-off
tries (Table 1) over approximately 3 months since late De- threshold line moves closer to the leaves of the dendrogram.
cember 2019. This implies that not much variation of SARS- When the cut-off C is reduced to 0.03 (Fig. 7D), there are only
CoV-2 genomes has occurred over time and across countries. 2 viruses (bat CoV RaTG13 and Guangdong pangolin CoV)
As in Fig. 5, there are several groups of reference genomes that can form a cluster with SARS-CoV-2 (labelled as cluster
shown via the closeness of the distance lines. For example, “15”). These are 2 viruses closest to SARS-CoV-2 based on
the top group contains genomes of AlphaCoV viruses (refer the whole genome analysis. Results in Figs. 7C and 7D there-

to the taxonomy in Table 4) that are quite evolutionarily di-
vergent from SARS-CoV-2 sequences. The middle group of
lines comprises most of the BetaCoV viruses, especially those
in the Sarbecovirus sub-genus. The bottom lines identify ref-
erence viruses that are closest to SARS-CoV-2, which include
fore provide evidence that bats or pangolins could be possible
hosts for SARS-CoV-2. We next reduce the cut-off C to 0.01
as in Fig. 7E. At this stage, only bat CoV RaTG13 is within
the same cluster with SARS-CoV-2 (cluster “17”). We thus be-
lieve that bats are the more probable hosts for SARS-CoV-2
bat CoV RaTG13, Guangdong pangolin CoV, bat SARS CoV than pangolins. The inference of our AI-enabled analysis is in
ZC45 and bat SARS CoV ZXC21. The bat CoV RaTG13 line line with a result in Cárdenas-Conejo et al. (2020) that inves-
at the bottom is notably distinguished from other lines while the tigates the polyprotein 1ab of SARS-CoV-2 and suggests that
Guangdong pangolin CoV line is the second closest to SARS- this novel coronavirus has more likely been arisen from viruses
CoV-2. The similarities between bat CoV RaTG13, Guang- infecting bats rather than pangolins.
dong pangolin CoV and Guangxi pangolin CoV GX/P4L with When the cut-off C is reduced to 0.001 as in Fig. 7F, we
SARS-CoV-2/Australia/VIC01/2020, produced by the SimPlot observe that the total number of clusters now increases to 29
software (Lole et al., 1999), are displayed in Fig. 6. Consistent and more importantly, SARS-CoV-2 sequences do not combine
with the results presented in Fig. 5, bat CoV RaTG13 is shown with any other reference viruses but form its own cluster “19”.
closer to SARS-CoV-2 than pangolin CoVs. Could we use this clustering result (Fig. 7F) to infer that SARS-

Fig. 7 shows outcomes of the hierarchical clustering method CoV-2 might not originate in bats or pangolins? This is a debat-
using Set 3 of reference sequences in Table 4. When the cut-off able question because the answer depends on the level of details
parameter C is set equal to 0.7, the hierarchical clustering algo- we use to differentiate between the species or organisms. The
rithm separates the reference sequences into 6 clusters in which cut-off parameter in hierarchical clustering can be considered
cluster “5” comprises all examined viruses of the Sarbecovirus as the level of details. With the results obtained in Fig. 7D
sub-genus, including many SARS CoVs, bat SARS-like CoVs (and also in the experiments with the DBSCAN method pre-
and pangolin CoVs (Fig. 7A). It is observed that the algorithm sented next), we support a hypothesis that bats or pangolins
reasonably groups viruses into clusters, for example, the genus are the probable origin of SARS-CoV-2. This is because we
AlphaCoV is represented by cluster “4” while the sub-genera observe considerable similarity between SARS-CoV-2 and bat

Embecovirus, Nobecovirus, Merbecovirus, and Hibecovirus are CoV RaTG13 (or Guangdong pangolin CoV) compared to the
labelled as clusters “3”, “6”, “2”, and “1”, respectively. Using similarity between viruses that originated in the same host. For
the same cut-off value of 0.7, we next perform clustering on example, bat SARS-like CoVs such as bat SARS CoV Rf1,
a dataset that merges reference sequences and 16 representa- bat SARS CoV Longquan-140, bat SARS CoV HKU3-1, bat
tive SARS-CoV-2 sequences (see Fig. 7B). Results on all 334 SARS CoV Rp3, bat SARS CoV Rs672/2006, bat SARS CoV
SARS-CoV-2 sequences are similar to those on the 16 represen- RsSHC014, bat SARS CoV WIV1, bat SARS CoV ZC45 and
tative sequences. The outcome presented in Fig. 7B shows that bat SARS CoV ZXC21 had the same bat origin. In Fig. 7D,
the 16 representative SARS-CoV-2 sequences fall into cluster these viruses however are separated into 2 different clusters (“3”
“5”, which comprises the Sarbecovirus sub-genus. The number and “2”) while all 16 SARS-CoV-2 representatives are grouped
of clusters is still 6 and the membership structure of the clusters together with bat CoV RaTG13 and Guangdong pangolin CoV
is the same as in the case of clustering reference sequences only in cluster “15”. This demonstrates that the difference between
(Fig. 7A), except that the Sarbecovirus cluster now has been ex- the same origin viruses (e.g. bat SARS CoV WIV1 and bat
panded to also contain SARS-CoV-2 sequences. By comparing SARS CoV ZC45) is larger than the difference between SARS-
Journal Pre-proof

Figure 5: Distances between each of the reference genomes in Set 3 (Table 4) with 334 SARS-CoV-2 genomes where the latter are ordered by the released date
(earliest to latest) over a period of approximately 3 months, from late December 2019 to late March 2020. These pairwise distances are computed based on the
Jukes-Cantor method using whole genomes. The line at the bottom, for instance, represents the distances between the bat CoV RaTG13 genome with each of the
334 SARS-CoV-2 genomes.

Figure 6: Similarities between genomes of bat CoV RaTG13, Guangdong pangolin CoV and Guangxi pangolin CoV GX/P4L with the SARS-CoV-
2/Australia/VIC01/2020 genome sequence.

CoV-2 and bat CoV RaTG13 (or Guangdong pangolin CoV). viruses of the Merbecovirus sub-genus (i.e. Tylonycteris bat

Therefore, SARS-CoV-2 is deemed to have very likely origi- CoV HKU4, Pipistrellus bat CoV HKU5 and MERS CoV) are
nated in the same host with bat CoV RaTG13 or Guangdong grouped into the cluster “2”. All examined viruses of the Sar-
pangolin CoV, which is bat or pangolin, respectively. becovirus sub-genus are joined in cluster “1” while the Alpha-
CoV viruses are combined into cluster “3”. Fig. 8B shows an
Clustering outcomes of the DBSCAN method via phyloge-
outcome of DBSCAN with the same ε value of 0.55 and the
netic trees using Set 3 of reference sequences (Table 4) are
dataset has been expanded to include 16 representative SARS-
presented in Fig. 8. We first apply DBSCAN to reference se-
CoV-2 sequences. We observe that genomes of SARS-CoV-2
quences only, which results in 3 clusters and several outliers
fall into the cluster “1”, which includes all the examined Sar-
(Fig. 8A). The search radius parameter ε is set equal to 0.55.
becovirus viruses. When ε is decreased to 0.3 in Fig. 8C, all
As we set the minimum number of neighbours parameter to
members of the Merbecovirus cluster or the AlphaCoV clus-
3, it is expected that viruses of the sub-genera Embecovirus,
ter become outliers while 16 SARS-CoV-2 genomes still stick
Nobecovirus and Hibecovirus are detected as outliers “-1” be-
with the Sarbecovirus cluster. In line with the results obtained
cause there are only 1 or 2 viruses in these sub-genera. Three
Journal Pre-proof


Figure 7: Set 3 of reference sequences - results obtained by using hierarchical clustering via dendrogram plots. Numbers at the beginning of each virus label indicate
the cluster that virus is a member of as a result of the clustering algorithm. (A) when the cut-off C is equal to 0.7 and using Set 3 of reference sequences only:
there are 6 clusters where cluster “5” covers all examined viruses in the Sarbecovirus sub-genus. (B) when cut-off C is still equal to 0.7 and the dataset now merges
between reference sequences and 16 representative SARS-CoV-2 sequences (merged set). (C) using the merged set with C = 0.1. (D) using the merged set with
C = 0.03. (E) using the merged set with C = 0.01. (F) using the merged set with C = 0.001.
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Figure 8: Set 3 of reference sequences - results obtained by using DBSCAN via phylogenetic trees. Numbers at the beginning of each virus label indicate the cluster
that virus is a member of as a result of the clustering algorithm. (A) when the search radius parameter ε is equal to 0.55 and using Set 3 of reference sequences only:
there are 3 clusters where the cluster “1” covers all examined viruses in the Sarbecovirus sub-genus. (B) when search radius ε is still equal to 0.55 and the dataset
now merges between reference sequences and 16 representative SARS-CoV-2 sequences (merged set). (C) using the merged set with ε = 0.3. (D) using the merged
set with ε = 0.15. (E) using the merged set with ε = 0.1. (F) using the merged set with ε = 0.01.
Journal Pre-proof

Figure 9: Evolutionary distances between reference genomes and 16 representative SARS-CoV-2 genomes of 16 countries based on the maximum composite
likelihood method. Each line is composed of 16 data points representing 16 pairwise distances. The bottom line, for instance, shows the distances between bat CoV
RaTG13 and each of 16 representative genomes on the x-axis.

8B and 8C using the DBSCAN method give us the confidence

by using hierarchical clustering in Fig. 7, those obtained in Fig. 3.2. Results obtained by using the maximum composite likeli-
hood distance method
to confirm that SARS-CoV-2 is part of the Sarbecovirus sub-
This subsection presents results of two clustering meth-
genus. Fig. 8D shows that bat CoV RaTG13 and Guangdong
ods, i.e. hierarchical clustering and DBSCAN, using the se-
pangolin CoV are closest to SARS-CoV-2 as they join with 16
quence distances computed by the maximum composite likeli-
SARS-CoV-2 representatives in cluster “2”. This again substan-
hood method (Tamura et al., 2004), which was conducted in
tiates the probable bat or pangolin origin of SARS-CoV-2. By
the MEGA X software (Kumar et al., 2018). These results
reducing ε to 0.1 as in Fig. 8E, the Guangdong pangolin CoV
are greatly similar to those obtained by using the Jukes-Cantor
becomes an outlier whilst SARS-CoV-2 sequences form a clus-
distance method shown throughout the paper. In these experi-
ter (“3”) with only bat CoV RaTG13. This further confirms our
ments, the clustering methods are applied to a dataset that com-
findings when using the hierarchical clustering in Fig. 7 that
bines reference sequences in Set 3 (Table 4) and 16 representa-
bats are more likely the hosts for the SARS-CoV-2 than pan-
tive genomes of 16 countries in Table 1. When a country has

golins. When ε is decreased to 0.01 as in Fig. 8F, SARS-CoV-2

more than one collected genome, the first released genome of
genomes form its own cluster “3”, which is separated with any
that country is selected for this experiment. Fig. 9 demonstrates
bat or pangolin genomes. As with the result in Fig. 7F by the
the distances estimated by the maximum composite likelihood
hierarchical clustering, this result also raises a question whether
method between each of the reference sequences and 16 rep-
SARS-CoV-2 really originated in bats or pangolins. In Fig. 8D,
resentative SARS-CoV-2 genomes. The lines are almost par-
it is again observed that the similarity between SARS-CoV-2
allel indicating that SARS-CoV-2 genome is not altered much
and bat CoV RaTG13 (or Guangdong pangolin CoV) is larger
across countries, which is in line with the results obtained us-
than the similarity between bat SARS CoVs, which share the
ing the Jukes-Cantor distance estimates in Fig. 5. The bat CoV
same bat origin. Specifically, SARS-CoV-2, bat CoV RaTG13
RaTG13 is again shown much closer to SARS-CoV-2 than pan-
and Guangdong pangolin CoV are grouped together in cluster

golin CoVs and other reference viruses although the distance

“2” while bat SARS CoVs are divided into 2 clusters, i.e. bat
range in Fig. 9 is larger than that in Fig. 5, i.e. [0, ∼1.6] versus
SARS CoV ZXC21 and bat SARS CoV ZC45 are in cluster
[0, ∼0.7], respectively.
“2” whereas other bat SARS CoVs are in cluster “3”. We thus
suggest that SARS-CoV-2 probably has the same origin with In Fig. 10A, when the hierarchical clustering cut-off pa-
bat CoV RaTG13 or Guangdong pangolin CoV. In other words, rameter is set equal to 0.1, all 16 representative SARS-CoV-
bats or pangolins are the probable origin of SARS-CoV-2. 2 genomes are grouped into cluster “12”, which also includes
other viruses of the Sarbecovirus sub-genus of the BetaCoV
genus. When moving from Fig. 10A to Fig. 10B, even though
All results presented above are obtained using the pairwise members of the Sarbecovirus cluster (“12” in Fig. 10A) are
distances estimated by the Jukes-Cantor method. The following split into 2 clusters “1” and “2” in Fig. 10B, the SARS-CoV-2
subsection reports clustering results obtained using evolution- sequences are still grouped into cluster “14” with other mem-
ary distances calculated by the maximum composite likelihood bers of the Sarbecovirus sub-genus such as bat CoV RaTG13,
method. Guangdong pangolin CoV, bat SARS CoV ZXC21 and bat
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Figure 10: Hierarchical clustering results using pairwise distances based on the maximum composite likelihood method, (A) the cut-off parameter is set to 0.1, (B)
cut-off equal to 0.01, (C) cut-off is 0.001, and (D) cut-off is 0.0001.
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SARS CoV ZC45. These results provide us with a confidence

Table 5: Accession numbers of 334 SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences obtained
on confirming the Sarbecovirus sub-genus of the SARS-CoV- from NCBI GenBank, sorted by date released
2. This is consistent with the result based on the Jukes-Cantor
MN908947, MN985325, MN975262, MN938384, MN988713, MN997409, MN994468,
distances shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 10C shows that SARS-CoV- MN994467, MN988669, MN988668, MN996531, MN996530, MN996529, MN996528,
2 genomes are combined only with that of bat CoV RaTG13 MN996527, MT007544, MT019533, MT019532, MT019531, MT019530, MT019529,
MT020881, MT020880, MT027064, MT027063, MT027062, MT039890, MT039888,

when the cut-off parameter is decreased to 0.001. This again in- MT039887, MT039873, MT049951, MT044258, MT044257, MT066176, MT066175,
dicates that bats are the more likely origin of SARS-CoV-2 than MT072688, MT093631, MT093571, MT106054, MT106053, MT106052, MT118835,
MT123293, MT123292, MT123291, MT123290, LC528233, LC528232, MT126808,
pangolins. When we reduce the cut-off parameter to 0.0001, the MT135044, MT135043, MT135042, MT135041, MT152824, MT050493, MT012098,
SARS-CoV-2 sequences create their own cluster “22” and this LC529905, MT159722, MT159721, MT159720, MT159719, MT159718, MT159717,
MT159716, MT159715, MT159714, MT159713, MT159712, MT159711, MT159710,
questions the probable bat or pangolin origin of SARS-CoV-2. MT159709, MT159708, MT159707, MT159706, MT159705, MT121215, MT066156,
However, in Fig. 10B, we also find that the similarity between MT163719, MT163718, MT163717, MT163716, MT184913, MT184912, MT184911,

MT184910, MT184909, MT184908, MT184907, MT188341, MT188340, MT188339,
SARS-CoV-2 and bat CoV RaTG13 (or Guangdong pangolin MT192773, MT192772, MT192765, MT192759, MT198652, MT226610, MT233523,
CoV) is larger than the similarity between viruses having the MT233522, MT233519, MT240479, MT246667, MT246490, MT246489, MT246488,
MT246487, MT246486, MT246485, MT246484, MT246482, MT246481, MT246480,
same origin. For example, bat SARS CoV WIV1 and bat SARS MT246479, MT246478, MT246477, MT246476, MT246475, MT246474, MT246473,
CoV ZC45 have the same bat origin but they are divided into MT246472, MT246471, MT246470, MT246469, MT246468, MT246467, MT246466,
MT246464, MT246462, MT246461, MT246460, MT246459, MT246458, MT246457,
2 clusters (“1” and “14”) while all 16 SARS-CoV-2 representa- MT246456, MT246455, MT246454, MT246453, MT246452, MT246451, MT246450,
tives are grouped into cluster “14” with bat CoV RaTG13 and MT246449, MT233526, MT253710, MT253709, MT253708, MT253707, MT253706,
MT253705, MT253704, MT253703, MT253702, MT253701, MT253700, MT253699,
Guangdong pangolin CoV. This implies that SARS-CoV-2 may MT253698, MT253697, MT253696, MT251980, MT251979, MT251978, MT251977,
have originated in bats or pangolins. MT251976, MT251975, MT251974, MT251973, MT251972, LC534419, LC534418,
MT259287, MT259286, MT259285, MT259284, MT259282, MT259281, MT259280,
Results of the DBSCAN algorithm using distances estimated MT259278, MT259277, MT259275, MT259274, MT259273, MT259271, MT259269,

by the maximum composite likelihood method are similar to
those obtained by the Jukes-Cantor distance method in Fig. 8.
In summary, these AI-based quantitative results using the unsu-
pervised hierarchical clustering and DBSCAN methods provide
consistent evidence to suggest that 1) SARS-CoV-2 belongs to
MT259268, MT259267, MT259266, MT259264, MT259263, MT259261, MT259260,
MT259258, MT259257, MT259256, MT259254, MT259253, MT259252, MT259251,
MT259250, MT259249, MT259248, MT259247, MT259246, MT259245, MT259244,
MT259243, MT259241, MT259239, MT259237, MT259236, MT259235, MT259231,
MT259230, MT259229, MT259228, MT259227, MT259226, MT258383, MT258382,
MT258381, MT258380, MT258379, MT258378, MT258377, MT263469, MT263468,
MT263467, MT263465, MT263464, MT263463, MT263462, MT263459, MT263458,
MT263457, MT263456, MT263455, MT263454, MT263453, MT263452, MT263451,
the Sarbecovirus sub-genus of the Betacoronavirus genus, 2) MT263450, MT263449, MT263448, MT263447, MT263446, MT263445, MT263444,
bats and pangolins may have served as the hosts for SARS- MT263443, MT263442, MT263441, MT263440, MT263439, MT263438, MT263437,
MT263436, MT263435, MT263434, MT263433, MT263432, MT263431, MT263430,
CoV-2, and 3) bats are the more probable origin of SARS-CoV-
MT263429, MT263428, MT263426, MT263425, MT263424, MT263423, MT263422,
2 than pangolins. MT263421, MT263420, MT263419, MT263418, MT263417, MT263416, MT263415,
MT263414, MT263413, MT263412, MT263411, MT263410, MT263408, MT263406,
MT263405, MT263404, MT263403, MT263402, MT263400, MT263399, MT263398,
MT263396, MT263395, MT263394, MT263392, MT263391, MT263390, MT263388,
4. Conclusions MT263387, MT263386, MT263384, MT263383, MT263382, MT263381, MT263074,
MT262993, MT262916, MT262915, MT262914, MT262913, MT262912, MT262911,
The severity of COVID-19 pandemic has initiated a race in MT262910, MT262909, MT262908, MT262907, MT262906, MT262905, MT262904,
MT262903, MT262902, MT262901, MT262900, MT262899, MT262898, MT262897,
finding origin of SARS-CoV-2. Studies on genome sequences MT262896, MT276598, MT276597, MT276331, MT276330, MT276329, MT276328,
obtained from early patients in Wuhan city in China suggest MT276327, MT276326, MT276325, MT276324, MT276323.

the probable bat origin of the virus based on similarities be-

tween these sequences and those obtained from bat CoVs pre-
viously reported in China. Other studies afterwards found that
SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences are also similar to pangolin This study uses only two benchmark clustering methods
CoV sequences and accordingly raised a hypothesis on the pan- that belong to two different types: the hierarchical clustering
golin origin of SARS-CoV-2. This paper has investigated ori- method belongs to the connectivity model type, while the DB-
gin of SARS-CoV-2 using two unsupervised clustering algo- SCAN belongs to the density model type. There are more ad-
rithms with two evolutionary distance estimation methods, and vanced clustering methods in the literature, and they may pro-
more than 300 raw genome sequences of SARS-CoV-2 col- vide a more accurate representation of the clustered data. Fu-

lected from various countries around the world. Outcomes of ture research focusing on experiments with the more advanced
these AI-enabled methods are analysed, leading to a confir- clustering methods would be interesting. Nevertheless, the find-
mation on the Coronaviridae family of SARS-CoV-2. More ings of this research on the large dataset of 334 SARS-CoV-2
specifically, the SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the sub-genus Sarbe- genomic sequences provide more insights about SARS-CoV-2
covirus within the genus Betacoronavirus that includes SARS- and thus facilitate the progress on discovering medicines and
CoV, which caused the global SARS pandemic in 2002-2003 vaccines to mitigate its impacts and prevent a similar pandemic
(Drosten et al., 2003; Wolfe et al., 2007). The results of var- in future. This study among many AI studies in the challenging
ious clustering experiments show that SARS-CoV-2 genomes battle against the COVID-19 pandemic (Nguyen et al., 2020)
are more likely to form a cluster with the bat CoV RaTG13 has shown the power and capabilities of AI, especially from the
genome than pangolin CoV genomes, which were constructed computational biology and medicine perspective. The race to
from samples collected in Guangxi and Guangdong provinces produce effective treatment drugs and vaccines is ongoing and
in China. This indicates that bats are more likely the hosts for much needed in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Fur-
SARS-CoV-2 than pangolins. ther study in this direction is strongly encouraged by a recent
Journal Pre-proof

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Journal Pre-proof

Origin of Novel Coronavirus Causing COVID-19: A Computational Biology Study using

Artificial Intelligence


 Unsupervised clustering methods to give quantitative evidence on origin of SARS-CoV-2
 Hierarchical clustering & density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise
 Pairwise evolutionary distance based on Jukes-Cantor and maximum composite likelihood
 SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the Sarbecovirus sub-genus of the Betacoronavirus genus

 Bats and pangolins may have served as the hosts for the SARS-CoV-2

Journal Pre-proof

Graphical Abstract (for review) Click here to access/download;Graphical Abstract (for review);Graphical_Abstract.pptx

Finding Origin of Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Causing COVID-19


Clustering results
from major Reference Reference
Clustering SARS-CoV-2 show SARS-CoV-2 is
virus viruses viruses in
Clustering sequences form a

results Clustering naturally part of the

classes at Clustering within the the genus
suggest Methods: group with Methods: Sarbecovirus sub-
a higher Methods: Riboviria AlphaCoV
that SARS- hierarchical viruses in the hierarchical genus; only bat CoV
taxonomic hierarchical realm and
CoV-2 clustering Coronaviridae clustering RaTG13 is within the
level clustering BetaCoV
belongs to and family, including and same cluster with
and SARS- DBSCAN AlphaCoV and DBSCAN SARS-CoV-2 when
DBSCAN CoV-2 BetaCoV SARS- the similarity
SARS- Riboviria
CoV-2 threshold is varied
CoV-2 realm
Journal Pre-proof

Author Statement
Thanh Thi Nguyen: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Software, Writing
Mohamed Abdelrazek: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software
Dung Nguyen: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Writing - Original Draft

Sunil Aryal: Methodology, Validation
Duc Thanh Nguyen: Methodology, Software, Investigation

Sandeep Reddy: Validation, Writing- Reviewing and Editing
Quoc Viet Hung Nguyen: Writing - Original Draft, Visualization
Amin Khatami: Software, Validation, Writing - Original Draft
Thanh Tam Nguyen: Writing- Reviewing and Editing
Edbert B. Hsu: Writing- Reviewing and Editing

Samuel Yang: Writing- Reviewing and Editing
Journal Pre-proof

Declaration of interests

☒ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships
that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

☐The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered
as potential competing interests:


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