EE481 Course Specifications

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Course Title: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering

Course Code: EE 481

Program: Electrical Engineering

Department: Electrical Engineering

College: College of Engineering

Institution: Alfaisal University

Table of Contents
A. Course Identification 3
6. Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply) 3
B. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes 3
1. Course Description 3
2. Course Main Objective 3
3. Course Learning Outcomes 4
C. Course Content 4
D. Teaching and Assessment 4
1. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with Teaching Strategies and Assessment
Methods 4
2. Assessment Tasks for Students 5
E. Student Academic Counseling and Support 5
F. Learning Resources and Facilities 5
1.Learning Resources 5
2. Facilities Required 5
G. Course Quality Evaluation 6
H. Specification Approval Data 6

A. Course Identification

1. Credit hours: 3 (3-0-0)

2. Course type
a. University College Department ✔ Others
b. Required Elective ✔
3. Level/year at which this course is offered: Year 4
4. Pre-requisites for this course (if any): EE 390

5. Co-requisites for this course (if any): None

6. Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply)

Percentage Contact Hours Mode of Instruction No
100% ✔ Traditional classroom 1
 Blended 2
 E-learning 3
 Correspondence 4
 Other 5

7. Actual Learning Hours (based on academic semester)

No Activity Learning Hours
Contact Hours
1 Lecture 45
2 Laboratory/Studio 0
3 Tutorial 0
4 Others (specify) 0
Total 45
Other Learning Hours*
1 Study 1
2 Assignments 2
3 Library
4 Projects/Research Essays/Theses 1
5 Others (specify)
Total 4
* The length of time that a learner takes to complete learning activities that lead to achievement of course learning
outcomes, such as study time, homework assignments, projects, preparing presentations, library times

B. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes

1. Course Description
This course guides engineers and scientists who want to create new products that that
could become income-producing businesses for themselves and for investors. Students
will learn to sharpen an idea and turn it into a product, conduct patent searches,
complete a provisional patent application, and prepare a business plan from a business

2. Course Main Objective
This course guides engineers and scientists who want to create new products that that could
become income-producing businesses for themselves and for investors. Students will learn to
sharpen an idea and turn it into a product, conduct patent searches, complete a provisional
patent application, and prepare a business plan from a business model.

3. Course Learning Outcomes

1 Knowledge:
1.1 Recognize personal, ethical, legal, societal, economic, environmental, and aesthetic @K4
aspects and constraints relevant to Electrical Engineering.
2 Skills :
2.1 Construct, develop and/or implement electrical systems employing contemporary @C4
approaches and tools
2.2 Evaluate and validate the design and operation of Electrical Engineering systems. @C5
3 Competence:
3.1 Develop a capacity for self-learning and professional development. @ISR1
3.2 Demonstrate ability and responsibility in working effectively with others as a team @ISR2
member and/or leader to accomplish tasks and achieve team goals.
3.3 Appraise personal, ethical, legal, societal, economic, environmental, and aesthetic @ISR4
aspects and constraints and use their disciplinary knowledge and professional
expertise to serve the community.
3.4 Express themselves accurately, effectively, and with confidence while utilizing all @CITN1
professional communication modes.

C. Course Content
List of Topics No
3 Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1
6 Finding a Business Idea 2
6 Turn Your Idea into a Product 3
6 Patenting and Protecting Your Intellectual Property 4
6 The Business Model and Business Plan 5
6 Manufacturing, Sourcing, Distribution, and Reaching The Customer 6
6 Select Business Model and Estimate Costs, Price, and Profits 7
6 Assemble a Business Plan to Attract Investors 8
45 Total

D. Teaching and Assessment
1. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with Teaching Strategies and
Assessment Methods
Code Course Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Assessment Methods
1.0 Knowledge
Recognize personal, ethical, legal, societal, ● Interactive lecture, ● Midterm Exams
economic, environmental, and aesthetic ● Discussion time in ● Final Exam
aspects and constraints relevant to Electrical class,
1.1 Engineering. ● Office hours, Solving
exams interactively in
the classroom.
2.0 Skills
Construct, develop and/or implement ● Interactive lecture, ● Attendance and
electrical systems employing contemporary ● Discussion time in Participation
approaches and tools class, ● Midterm Exams
2.1 ● Office hours, ● Final Exam
● Solving midterm
exams interactively in
the classroom.
Evaluate and validate the design and ● Interactive lecture, ● Attendance and
operation of Electrical Engineering systems. ● Discussion time in Participation
class, ● Project
2.2 ● Office hours, ● Presentations
● Solving midterm ● Midterm Exams
exams interactively in ● Final Exam
the classroom.
3.0 Competence
Develop a capacity for self-learning and ● Interactive lecture, ● Attendance and
professional development. ● Discussion time in Participation
class, ● Project
● Office hours, ● Presentations
3.1 ● Posting assignment ● Midterm Exams
solutions. ● Final Exam

Demonstrate ability and responsibility in ● Interactive lecture, ● Attendance and

working effectively with others as a team ● Discussion time in Participation
member and/or leader to accomplish tasks class, ● Project
3.2 and achieve team goals. ● Office hours, ● Presentations
● Posting assignment ● Midterm Exams
solutions. ● Final Exam

Appraise personal, ethical, legal, societal, ● Interactive lecture, ● Attendance and

economic, environmental, and aesthetic ● Discussion time in Participation
aspects and constraints and use their class, ● Project
3.3 disciplinary knowledge and professional ● Office hours, ● Presentations
expertise to serve the community. ● Comments and ● Midterm Exams
feedback on ● Final Exam
3.4 Express themselves accurately, effectively, ● Interactive lecture, ● Attendance and
and with confidence while utilizing all ● Discussion time in Participation
professional communication modes. class, ● Project
● Office hours, ● Presentations
● Comments and ● Midterm Exams
feedback on ● Final Exam

Code Course Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Assessment Methods

2. Assessment Tasks for Students

Percentage of Total
Week Due *Assessment task #
Assessment Score
10 Class Attendance and Participation 1
10 8 Midterm Exam 2
20 Final Exams Period Final Examination 3
(2 at 10% each) weeks
20 7 and 15 Presentations 4
(4 phases @ 10%
40 each) weeks, 7, 10, 13, Project 5
*Assessment task (i.e., written test, oral test, oral presentation, group project, essay, etc.)

E. Student Academic Counseling and Support

Arrangements for availability of faculty and teaching staff for individual student
consultations and academic advice :
Based on a clear statement, all Alfaisal University faculty are required to provide students with
office hours for consultation and academic advice purposes. A minimum of 4 hours a week per
course are announced during the first week of study. This information is available on offices,
sent by email and posted on the e-Learning portal per course. If the proposed hours are not
suitable to a student’s schedule, an appointment could be arranged by email.

F. Learning Resources and Facilities

1.Learning Resources
Engineering Entrepreneurship from Idea to Business Plan: A Guide for Innovative
Required Textbooks Engineers and Scientists 1st Edition
by Paul Swamidass

Essential References The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship, 4th edition, by William D. Bygrave and
Materials Zacharakis (University Moodle Website)

Electronic Materials IEEE Publications
ACM Publications
Other Learning
Programs associated with the textbook and the relevant websites

2. Facilities Required
Resources Item
Classroom with on board networked connected desktop
computer, two electronic projector, electronic board, Accommodation
Classrooms, laboratories, demonstration(
microphone, laser indicators, pin board for at least 30
).rooms/labs, etc
Alfaisal University classrooms are equipped with Smart
Boards, White Board, Podiums, Data shows, main
computer, internet access, etc. All the technology related Technology Resources
equipment is updated by IT department. Printing facility AV, data show, Smart Board, software,(
is available through access cards. Computer labs are ).etc
accessible to the students with the appropriate software
Other Resources
Specify, e.g. if specific laboratory(
equipment is required, list requirements or
)attach a list

G. Course Quality Evaluation
Evaluators Evaluation Methods
Course Evaluation Surveys
are used through Alfaisal
University – QAA. All results
Feedback on Effectiveness of
Student are sent to the CoE Dean and
shared subsequently with
department chairs and faculty
for consideration.
Instructors discuss students’
comments and feedback in
class or during office hours, in
case of difficulties, more
Evaluation of Teaching Instructor or Department discussions could be carried
out on department level. Peer
attendance could be applied
in some cases.
Department council discusses
methodology and difficulties
arising in any course. Some
Improvement of Teaching Instructor professional workshops are
provided. Chair vs. faculty
consultations are quite
Random verifications are
carried out by department
chairs following course
milestones: Midterm I,
Verifying Standards of Student
teaching staff Midterm II. Any
abnormalities are addressed,
and if need arises, peer
grading of sample papers will
be carried out.
Evaluation areas (e.g., Effectiveness of teaching and assessment, Extent of achievement of course learning
outcomes, Quality of learning resources, etc.)
Evaluators (Students, Faculty, Program Leaders, Peer Reviewer, Others (specify)
Assessment Methods (Direct, Indirect)

H. Specification Approval Data

Council / Committee
Reference No.

Students graduating from Alfaisal’s Electrical Engineering Program would satisfy the following learning outcomes.

K1. Define and identify the elements and requirements of Electrical Engineering systems, including the four major
EE sub-disciplines, namely communications, control, electronics, and power.
K2. Define and identify the practical considerations of Electrical Engineering systems, including the four major EE
sub-disciplines, namely communications, control, electronics and power.
K3. Recognize the general state-of-the-art technology and theory in Electrical Engineering.
K4. Recognize personal, ethical, legal, societal, economic, environmental, and aesthetic aspects and constraints
relevant to Electrical Engineering.

C1. Solve, with proper notation, and analyze electrical systems using efficient and effective methods in theoretical
and practical settings.
C2. Model electrical systems in addition to basic mechanical systems at various levels of abstractions in theoretical
and practical settings.
C3. Design electrical systems with both physical and/or cyber elements and interactions in theoretical and practical
C4. Construct, develop and/or implement electrical systems employing contemporary approaches and tools
C5. Evaluate and validate the design and operation of Electrical Engineering systems.

ISR1. Develop a capacity for self-learning and professional development.
ISR2. Demonstrate ability and responsibility in working effectively with others as a team member and/or leader to
accomplish tasks and achieve team goals.
ISR3. Demonstrate the ability to think rationally, act ethically, consistently, and safely, with integrity and high
moral standards in their professional endeavors.
ISR4. Appraise personal, ethical, legal, societal, economic, environmental, and aesthetic aspects and constraints and
use their disciplinary knowledge and professional expertise to serve the community.
CITN1. Express themselves accurately, effectively, and with confidence while utilizing all professional
communication modes.
CITN2. Use information technology (Internet & digital platforms) on a regular basis for information, research, and
CITN3. Utilize numerical and data interpretation, analysis, and/or simulation in solving engineering problems.
CITN4. Demonstrate knowledge of the mathematics (including probability and statistics) and sciences required for
the Electrical Engineering discipline.

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