Consumer Credit Contract Schedule

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Consumer Credit Contract Schedule

This Schedule
This is an offer by you, the borrower/s, to enter into a contract for a Secured Personal Loan.
Before you sign this Schedule, please read the Schedule, the Personal Loan Terms and Conditions and (if your
loan was introduced to us by a third party) the Personal Loan Commission Disclosure Document.
Together, they make up your loan contract and include the information we must provide you.
The total amount of repayments and total interest charges payable quoted in your Schedule are estimates. The
actual figures will depend on factors such as when you make repayments and whether interest rates change.

The Borrower/s

Financial Table

Item A Disclosure Date 21st June 2023

Item B (i) Amount of credit $37,250.00

(ii) Maximum amount of credit available under your Not applicable

redraw facility

Item C Interest rates - During the fixed rate period

(i) Fixed annual percentage rate 5.49% p.a.

(ii) Fixed interest rate period 2 years from the Funding Date

Interest rates - Following the fixed rate period, if your loan

hasn't been repaid in full, the variable rate will apply

Secured Personal Loan Benchmark

(iii) Name of reference interest rate Rate

(iv) Current variable annual percentage rate 6.99% p.a.

Item D Estimated total interest payable over your loan term $2,172.61

Item E Your repayments (includes principal and interest)

(i) Number of repayments 24 total monthly repayments

(ii) Minimum monthly repayment 23 repayments of $1,643.00, and a final

repayment of $1,633.61*.

(iii) Estimated total repayments over your loan term $39,422.61

(iv) Period over which repayments are to be made 2 years from the Funding Date

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Australian credit licence 234945
Item E (continued)

(v) First monthly repayment due For monthly payers: the next
occurrence of your selected due date
after the loan account is funded^.
However, if this date is less than 21
days after funding it will typically occur
in the following month.
For weekly or fortnightly payers:
Typically 28 to 36 days after the loan
account is set up.
You can confirm the date by contacting
us or checking NetBank.*
*If you've chosen weekly or fortnightly repayments, the amount you are required to pay each month will
depend on how many weekly (4 or 5) or fortnightly (2 or 3) payment dates fall in that month. Based on your
selected frequency, your minimum monthly repayments will be as follows:
In months with 4 weekly direct debit dates $1,528.00
In months with 5 weekly direct debit dates $1,910.00
Your first weekly/fortnightly payment will be debited on the day agreed which could fall in the first week after
your loan is funded. So long as you make the weekly or fortnightly payments on the payment dates, you will
have satisfied your monthly repayment obligation as set out in Item E.
^If a date is not selected, then your monthly due date will be the 1st.

Item F Credit fees and charges

Name of When payable Amount


Establishment On funding of your loan $250.00


Settlement On funding if you require more than $15.00 per additional cheque
cheque fee two cheques

Loan service fee On each repayment due date $10.00

Early Refer to Personal Loan Terms and

Repayment Conditions

Late payment May be payable on the fifth business $20.00

fee day after the repayment due date if at
the end of the previous business day
your loan is in arrears.

We continue to charge this fee

monthly until you repay all the arrears
or you enter into and keep an
arrangement with us for full
repayment of those arrears.

Estimated total amount of credit fees and charges $490.00

payable over the term of your loan (being the
establishment fee and loan service fees)

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Under your loan contract, we can, without your consent, change the following:
- The amount or frequency of repayments
- The amount or frequency of fees and charges
- The annual percentage rate and the margin above/below the reference interest rate (except we will not
change a fixed interest rate during a fixed rate period).
We can also impose new fees and charges without your consent. We'll provide notice of any changes - see the
Personal Loan Terms and Conditions.

Other Information
Item G Frequency with which interest is Monthly
debited to the Loan Account

Item H Security
Security Interest - Goods over motor vehicle of 2023, TOYOTA, COROLLA, JTDBC3FE80JOLI357

Item I Other conditions and requirements

Personal Loans for eligible clean energy purposes

A CommBank Personal Loan for ‘eligible clean energy purposes’ is entitled to a discount ('Green
discount’) on the reference interest rate where certain conditions are met. The final interest rate
(inclusive of the green discount) is the annual percentage rate set out in Item C above.

Green discount - conditions

To be eligible for the green discount, you must satisfy the following conditions:
1. Your loan must only be used for the purchase and/or installation of one or more ‘eligible clean
energy product/s’ set out below:
• Electric or Hybrid cars emitting less than 120g CO2 emissions per kilometre
• Solar panels with a system size equal to or greater than 6 kilowatts (kW) (and inverter if
• Battery packs with a system size equal to or greater than 5 kilowatts-hour (kWh)
• Solar hot water system with a system size equal to or greater than 250 litres (L)
• Heat pump hot water system with a system size equal to or greater than 250 litres (L)
• Electric car charging station(s)
2. If your loan will be used for the purchase of an ‘eligible small scale renewable’ (e.g. solar panels,
battery packs or electric car charging station), the installation must be completed by an approved
installer certified and trained to ensure systems meet industry best practice standards and all
relevant Australian Standards (as approved by the Clean Energy Council) - see our ‘Go Green with
a Personal Loan’ guide online for more information.

Prior to funding, you must provide us a copy of your tax invoice or quote from your retailer and/or
installer (on company letterhead), which confirms:
1. Purchase amount (the amount of credit requested must not exceed the purchase amount);
2. Retailer and/or installer details;
3. Itemised system* details for the eligible clean energy product(s).
*System size noted on the invoice/quote must be equal to or greater than our requirements, as set out

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Item I (continued)
If we are satisfied based on the documentation provided that you have met the above conditions, we
will apply the green discount to your loan and pay the amount of credit as set out in Item J.

If we are not satisfied that you have met the above conditions, you will not be eligible for the
discounted interest rate as set out in Item C. Our standard pricing (without any discount) will apply if
you wish to proceed with your loan.

Item J How we pay the amount of credit - we pay this as follows:

- Remainder as per your instructions $37,000.00
- To Commonwealth Bank - Establishment Fee $250.00
Total $37,250.00**

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Signed by Commonwealth Bank of Australia
on the 21st day of June 2023

Your offer: When you sign or electronically accept this Schedule, you make an offer to enter into a loan
contract with us. The contract will then start on the day we fund your loan or otherwise accept your offer.



* READ THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS so that * You can withdraw this offer at any time before we
you know exactly what contract you are entering (your credit provider) accept it. When we accept it,
into and what you will have to do under the you will be bound by it. However, you may end the
contract. contract before you obtain credit or other means is
used to obtain goods or services for which credit is
* You should also read the information statement:
to be provided under the contract, by telling us in
writing, but you will still be liable for any fees or
charges already incurred.
* Fill in or cross out any blank spaces.
* You do not have to take out consumer credit
* Get a copy of the contract documents. insurance unless you want to. However, if this
contract document says so, you must take out
* Do not sign this contract document if there is
insurance over your car that is used as security.
anything you do not understand.
* If you are taking out insurance, we cannot insist
on any particular insurance company.
* If this contract document says so, we can vary the
annual percentage rate (the interest rate), the
repayments and the fees and charges and can
add new fees and charges without your consent.
* If this contract document says so, we can charge
a fee if you pay out your contract early.

(Name of borrower)

(Signature of borrower)

BANK USE ONLY Application Number : 98006171495

Received by the Bank on the ............................................ day of ......................................... year .................
Signature/s verified and confirmed by:
Staff name ..................................................................................................... Staff number ...........................

Signature ....................................................................................................... Date ........................................

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Your Personal Loan Service Fee is increasing from $10 to $15 per month
We are writing to let you know the Loan Service fee for Personal Loans is increasing effective 2nd
September 2023.

Here's what’s changing

 The Personal Loan Service Fee is increasing from $10 to $15 per month.
Why are we making these changes?
We are constantly reviewing our fees to ensure they align with the costs associated with managing
personal loan accounts. As a result of this review we have made the decision to increase our Loan
Service Fee.
What’s next for Personal Loan customers?
Your first repayment after 2 September 2023 will be adjusted to reflect the increased Loan Service
Fee. You’ll be able to see your new repayment amount in the CommBank app or NetBank on the
following business day.
To see your current Personal Loan repayment amount in the CommBank app:
1. Log on to the latest version of the CommBank app
2. Select ‘Accounts’
3. Select the account you want to view
4. You can see your current interest rate by selecting ‘Manage Loan’.

To see your current Personal Loan repayment amount in NetBank:

1. Log on to NetBank
2. In the ‘Accounts’ screen of NetBank, select the account you want to view
3. You can find your interest rate in the ‘Summary’ tab of ‘Manage my loan’.

As a result of this fee increase, your minimum required repayment may also need to increase. If it
does, please ensure you have sufficient funds in your account to cover the increased repayment
amount. Please refer to the below table highlighting the expected increase to your minimum
repayment amount depending on your repayment frequency:
Repayment Frequency Increase to Your Minimum Repayment Amount
Weekly Your Minimum Weekly Repayments will increase by $1 to $2.
Fortnightly Your Minimum Fortnightly Repayment will increase by $2 to $3.
Monthly Your Minimum Monthly Repayment will increase by $5.

These are estimates only. Please log on to NetBank or the CommBank app following the change, to
view your actual repayment amount.
Please note if you have entered into a special arrangement with the bank for repayment of your loan
which is ongoing, this letter and fee increase does not impact on that arrangement. Please continue
making payments as per your agreed arrangement.
Need more information?
For further details on our rates and fees, please visit If you’re
needing support with rising expenses, please visit for a range of
tools, tips and guidance articles to help you with the everyday cost of living.

Important Notice: Changes to your CommBank Personal Loan Terms
and Conditions, Credit Guide and Information Statement
Effective 02 September 2023, your CommBank Personal Loan Terms and Conditions, Credit Guide
and Information Statement are amended as follows:
[Section 1] Your contract with us, add a new clause: “ePayments Code When you carry out an
electronic transaction (for example redraw using online, mobile or telephone banking);
 we warrant that we will comply with ASIC’s ePayments Code;
 our Electronic Banking Terms and Conditions apply – this document is available at or from your local CommBank branch. You agree that we can give you this
document electronically by making it available on our website and paper copies will not be
provided (other than on request at a branch).”
[Section 2] Setting up your loan, delete last paragraph under clause: “2.2. Additional conditions for
funding Secured Personal Loans’ and replace with ‘You authorise us and any of our officers to date
and complete any blanks or make any amendments in our security documents (where the
amendments are consistent with information provided by you or your representative).”
[Section 3] Managing your loan, under clause: “3.3.3. What is an Early Repayment Adjustment?”
delete “We charge this if we estimate we will make a loss as a result of the early repayment” and
replace with “We charge this if we reasonably estimate we will make a loss as a result of the early
repayment. The amount you must pay us as compensation will be no more than our reasonable
estimate of our loss."
[Section 5] Default and other matters, delete first sentence under clause: “5.1.1. When you’re in
default, and replace with:
You’re in default if:
 Overdue amount: you don’t make your required repayments on time;
 Breach of contract: you don’t follow these Terms and Conditions in a manner which
materially increases our risks in relation to your loan;
 False information: at any time you give us information or make a representation or
warranty to us which is materially incorrect or misleading (including by omission) and which
materially increases our risk in relation to providing you credit or continuing to provide you
 Illegality/Proscribed person: we believe on reasonable grounds that (i) it is, or may become,
unlawful or contrary to our legal obligations, for you or us to continue with your loan; (ii)
you or anyone else associated with the Security Property appear to our reasonable
satisfaction to be a Proscribed Person (as defined in clause 5.2.5) Note - we may be
restricted by law from providing specific information to you and/or others in these
 Insolvent: you become insolvent or steps are taken to make you so.
[Section 5] Default and other matters, delete first bullet point which reads “We are not reasonably
satisfied with the value or your unencumbered ownership of the car.”
[Section 5] Default and other matters, insert new sentence after first paragraph under clause:
“5.1.2. Actions we may take’ We also do not have to give you a notice or wait until the period
specified in the notice has elapsed, where we reasonably believe that:
 We were induced by your fraud to enter into the contract; or
 In the case of a Secured Personal Loan, urgent action is necessary to protect the car.
[Section 5] Default and other matters, add a new sub-heading “5.2 Other matters”

[Section 5] Default and other matters, add a new section “5.2.1 Making adjustments We will use
best endeavours to ensure that our systems and processes calculate and apply fees, interest,
reductions, benefits or other amounts or features as described in your contract with us. However
sometimes errors do occur, for example due to:
(a) the limitations of our systems and processes
(b) the operation of manual processes
(c) changes to our systems and processes
(d) things that are beyond our knowledge or reasonable control.

Where that happens, without limiting any rights you may have relating to the error, we may (as
appropriate) at a later time but as soon as practicable after the error has been identified:
(e) make adjustments to put you in the same position as if we had applied the correct amount or
made the correct calculation initially;
(f) provide that reduction, benefit or feature to you, and make adjustments to put you in the same
position as if we had provided the reduction, benefit or feature as described;
(g) take the action required, and make adjustments as necessary to put you in the same position as
if we had taken the action as described.”
[Section 5] Default and other matters, add a new section 5.2.5 If you are deemed to be a
Proscribed Person
A Proscribed Person is any person or entity:
(a) that has been proscribed under the Charter of United Nations Act 1945 (Cth);
(b) who is in breach of the laws of any jurisdiction relating to money laundering or counter-
(c) who appears in a list of persons with whom dealings are proscribed by the government or a
regulatory authority of any jurisdiction; or
(d) who acts on behalf, or for the benefit, of a person or entity listed above.

If we reasonably believe you to be a Proscribed Person then we may immediately:

(aa) refuse to process any of your transactions;
(bb) suspend the provision of a product or service to you;
(cc) refuse to allow or to facilitate any assets of yours held by us to be used or dealt with;
(dd) refuse to extend any further credit to you; and/or
(ee) terminate your facility.
We will be under no liability to you if we do any or all of these things in good faith and in
compliance, or purported compliance, with any legal requirement in relation to a Proscribed Person.
Our rights under this clause are in addition to all other rights we may have under these Terms and
[Section 6] Changes to your contract, add a new clause: “Changes requested by you
At any time, we may at our discretion agree to a request by you for a variation of your contract,
including changes to the term of your loan. If we agree to a variation, we will send you confirmation
of the change within 30 days.
Changes we can make
We can make the changes below without your agreement.
After new section titled ‘Changes we can make’ add new clauses as follows: When we may make
The circumstances in which we may make changes to your contract include but are not limited to:
(a) when the cost of providing credit to you changes;

(b) as necessary or desirable to comply with or reflect any law, code of conduct, regulator guidance
or requirement, or decision of a court or other dispute resolution process;
(c) to reflect changes in technology or our processes, including computer systems;
(d) to include new product features or services or to ensure that the terms and conditions match our
operational processes;
(e) to discontinue or replace a product, and for this purpose we may change your product to a
different product with similar features to the discontinued or replaced product;
(f) to consolidate or simplify our terms and conditions and contractual documents;
(g) to add, change or remove any concessions or benefits;
(h) to bring us into line with our competitors, industry or market practice or best practice in Australia
or overseas;
(i) to manage risks including credit risk, fraud, operational or regulatory risk; or
(j) to correct errors, omissions, inconsistencies or ambiguities.

Each of the changes in paragraphs (a) to (j) is a separate right and this clause is to be read as if such
change was a separately expressed right.
Without limiting our right under paragraphs (a) to (j), we may from time to time change any of the
terms and conditions of your contract for reasons other than the ones mentioned above (e.g. due to
unforeseen events).
If you don’t like a change
If you don’t like a change we make, you can end your loan early by paying us the amount required to
pay out your credit contract on the day you wish to end your contract. For Fixed Rate and Secured
Personal Loans, an Early Repayment Adjustment may apply.
Changes we won’t make
For Fixed Rate and Secured Personal Loans, we won’t increase the interest rate during the loan term
or reduce your early repayment rights.”
[Section 7] Meaning of words used in this document, add a new term Proscribed Person A person
who appears to us (a) to be a proscribed person or entity under the Charter of United Nations Act
1945 (Cth); or (b) to be in breach of the laws of any jurisdiction relating to money laundering or
counter-terrorism; or (c) to appear in a list of persons with whom dealings are proscribed by the
government or a regulatory authority of another jurisdiction; or (d) to act on behalf of, or for the
benefit of, a person listed in sub-clauses (a) to (c).

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