200805PSD Ceu
200805PSD Ceu
200805PSD Ceu
MAY 2008
PSD 147
Reprinted from Engineered Plumbing Design II, Chapter 1: “Systems and Fixtures” by Alfred Steele, PE, and A. Calvin Laws, PE, CPD.
© American Society of Plumbing Engineers , 2004.
Figure 3 A wall hung water closet attaches to the back wall;
Figure 2 Water closets are identified as (A) close coupled, the water closet does not contact the floor.
(B) one piece, and (C) flushometer types.
top and seat fouling test, a drain line carry test, and a bulk media
The ball removal test utilizes 100 polypropylene balls that are ¾
in. in diameter. The water closet must flush at least an average of 75
balls on the initial flush of three different flushes. The polypropyl-
ene balls are intended to replicate the density of human feces.
The granule test utilizes approximately 2500 disc shaped gran-
ules of polyethylene. The initial flush of three different flushes must
result in no more than 125 granules on average remaining in the
bowl. The granule test is intended to simulate a flush of watery feces
The ink test is performed on the inside wall of the water closet
bowl. A felt tip marker is used to draw a line around the inside of
the bowl. After flushing, no individual segment of line can exceed
• A water closet for the physically challenged has a rim height of ½ in. The total length of the remaining ink line must not exceed 2
18 in. With the addition of the water closet seat, the fixture is in. This test determines that the water flushes all interior surfaces
designed to conform to the accessibility requirements. of the bowl.
Water Closet Seat The dye test uses a color dye to add to the water closet trap
A water closet seat must be designed for the shape of the bowl to seal. The concentration of the dye is determined both before and
which it connects. There are two styles of water closet seat: solid and after flushing the water closet. The dilution ratio of 100:1 must be
split rim. Plumbing codes typically require a split rim seat for public obtained for each flush. This test determines the evacuation of
and employee use water closets. The split rim seat is designed to urine in the trap seal.
facilitate easy wiping by females, and to prevent contact between The water consumption test determines that the water closet
the seat and the penis with males. This is to maintain a high level of meets the federal mandate of 1.6 gal per flush.
hygiene in public facilities. The trap seal restoration test determines that the water closet
A new style of water closet seat has a plastic wrap around the seat. refills the trap of the bowl after each flush. The remaining trap seal
The intent of this seat is to allow a clean surface for each use. The must be a minimum of 2 in. in depth.
seat is intended to replace the split rim seat in public and employee The water rise test evaluates the rise of water in the bowl when
locations. the water closet is flushed. The water cannot rise above a point 3 in.
below the top of the bowl.
Flushing Performance The back pressure test is used to determine that the water seal
The flushing performance requirements for a water closet are found remains in place when exposed to a back pressure (from the outlet
in a separate standard, ANSI/American Society of Mechanical Engi- side of the bowl) of 2½ in. of water column (wc). This test determines
neers (ASME) A112.19.6. This standard identifies the test protocol that no sewer gas will escape through the fixture when high pressure
that must be followed to certify a water closet. The tests include a occurs in the drainage system piping.
ball removal test, granule test, ink test, dye test, water consumption The rim top and seat fouling test determines if the water splashes
test, trap seal restoration test, water rise test, back pressure test, rim onto the top of the rim or seat of the water closet. This test ensures
PSD 147
CE Questions—“Systems and Fixtures” (PSD 147)
1. Which of the following is not part of ASPE’s definition of 7. Which of the following is part of a flush tank?
plumbing systems? a. hush pipe
a. vents for gas-fired water heaters b. ball cock
b. garden hoses c. trip lever
c. potable water-treating equipment d. all of the above
d. medical gas systems 8. The quantity and types of plumbing fixtures used in a
2. The requirement for water closets to use 1.6 gallons per building are _________.
flush was established by _________. a. not part of this chapter
a. the Energy Policy Act of 1992 b. the prerogative of the architect
b. ANSI A112.19.2 c. mandated by the plumbing codes
c. ASSE 1035 d. all of the above
d. ASTM A444 9. The list of systems that a plumbing engineer is
3. Urinals with integral traps must be capable of passing a responsible for _________.
_________. a. contains all of the systems for which a plumbing
a. 2-inch ball engineer is responsible
b. 1½-inch ball b. contains 40 systems and subsystems
c. ¾-inch ball c. is incomplete
d. none of the above d. both b and c
4. A bidet _________. 10. Older-style water closets are identified as _________.
a. is about the same size as a water closet a. reverse trap
b. could be classified as a small bath b. blowout
c. is used primarily for washing the anal regions after using c. siphon jet
the water closet d. all of the above (and more)
d. all of the above 11. Unacceptable water closets are those that include what?
5. The minimum spacing between urinals is _________. a. moving parts in the trap way
a. 24 inches b. an invisible water seal
b. 28 inches c. both a and b
c. 30 inches d. not discussed in this chapter
d. 36 inches 12. The minimum water pressure required by a flushometer
6. The federal government requires urinals to be flushed tank is _________.
with _________. a. 20 psi
a. a flushometer valve b. 25 psi
b. a flush tank c. 35 psi
c. an automatic or manual flush valve d. as required by the manufacturer
d. all of the above
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