Technical Specifications - Plumbing
Technical Specifications - Plumbing
Technical Specifications - Plumbing
A. The General Conditions apply to all work under this section of the
10. Test run of transfer, booster & sump pumps and other
equipment under Plumbing Works.
B. Small scale Drawings do not possibly indicate all offsets, fittings and
other parts of the system required. The Contractor shall arrange such
work accordingly, furnishing such fittings, traps valve and accessories
as may be required to meet such conditions.
B. All construction permits and fees required for the work shall be obtained
by and at the expense of the contractor. The contractor shall furnish the
Owner final certificates of inspection after the completion of the work.
B Sewer line - shall be Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipe, series 1000 II high
A. Gate Valve - 50mm & larger, shall be rising stem iron body with bronze
trim, flanged connection, min., of 150 psig working pressure. 50mm &
smaller, shall be non-rising stem, all bronze, female threaded, min. of
150 psig working pressure.
B. Check Valve - 50mm & larger shall be iron body with bronze trim,
flanged connection, min. of 150 psig working pressure. 50mm & smaller
same except female threaded connection.
C. Float Valve - shall be the float & lower type globe valve, single seated-
tight closing, bronze or iron material, flanged connection, with float.
A. Drains
3. Floor Drain for Toilets (For Second Floor & Up) – as per
approved material
D. Cast Iron Soil Pipes (B&S) - Oakum and lead (99% purity).
A. Each length of pipe, fittings, traps, fixtures, and device used in the
Plumbing system shall have cast, stamped or marked on it, the
manufacturer's trade mark or name, the weight, type and classes
of product when so required by the Standard.
A. Underground soil and waste pipes and fittings shall be Polyvinyl Chloride
(PVC). Soil & waste pipes above ground shall be Polyvinyl chloride
(PVC) Vent pipes shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. Fittings for
pipings above ground shall be drainage pattern. Fitting on all dry vents
shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. All stacks shall be PVC pipes
B. All soil and drainage pipes shall be pitched 6mm per 300mm but in no case
flatter than 3mm per 300mm.
B. Soil pipes in trenches under the ground shall be laid true to line and
grade on a stable and suitably prepared foundation, each section of the
pipe being properly bedded.
C. In soft ground liable to settlement, a gravel base 300mm deep and twice
the width of the pipe shall be rolled or tamped. Backfilling shall be
carefully placed and tamped for the purpose, in such a manner that the
pipe lines or connections are not disturbed.
5.03 TRAPS
5.04 VENT
A. Vent shall be taken from the crown of the fixtures, except for water closet
traps, in which case, the branch line shall be vented below the trap and
above all small waste inlets, so connected as to prevent obstructions.
Each vent pipe shall be run separately above the fixtures into the
adjacent soil pipes, a distance not more than 1.50 meters. If more than
this distance, the vent shall run independently through the roof.
C. Main vent riser at 4.5 meters long or more shall be connected at the foot
with the main water or soil pipes below the lowest vent outlet with a forty
five degrees (45) connection.
D. All vertical soil or vent pipes shall be carried up at least 600mm above
the roof of the building and the open side ends are to be entirely and
securely covered with ga.16 mesh copper cloth.
E. Vent pipes in roof spaces shall be run as close as possible to the under
side of roof with horizontal piping pitched down to stacks without forming
traps. Where an end or circuit vent pipe from fixtures it shall be
connected into the main vent or vent stack.
A. Roughing-in for pipes and fixtures shall be carried along with the building
construction. Correctly locate openings of proper sizes where required
in the walls and floors for the passage of pipes. All items to be embedded
in concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned and free from all rust, scale and
A. All changes in pipe sizes on soil, waste and drain lines shall be made
with reducing fittings or reducers. All changes in direction shall be made
by the appropriate use of forty five degree (45) wyes, or long sweep
bends, except that sanitary tees may be used on vertical stacks. Short
quarter bends or elbows may be used in soil and waste lines where the
change in direction is from the horizontal to the vertical and on the
discharge from the water closet.
A. All joints shall be air and water tight. For joining pipes, the followings
shall be used.
1. Cast iron soil and waste pipes, bell and spigot joints caulking with
oakum or jute and soft pig lead.
3. Lead to cast iron pipe: brass ferrule wiped on lead side and
caulked into cast iron bell.
D. All service pipes valves and fittings shall be kept at sufficient distance
from work to permit finished covering not less than 15mm from such work
or from finished covering on the different service.
E. Changes in pipes shall be made with reducing fittings.
All pipes except concrete pipes and cast iron pipes that will run
underground shall be protected with Class B concrete casing, a
minimum of 100mm around the pipe perimeter and 250mm below the
finish grade.
A. Materials for backfill shall be free of debris or big rocks. Backfill shall be
placed in horizontal layers, properly moistened and compacted to an
optimum density that will prevent excessive settlement and shrinkage.
A. Cleanout shall be of the same size as the pipe, the location of which
is extended to an easily accessible place.
8.02 TRAPS
B. Hose bibbs shall be made of brass with 15mm male inlet threads
hexagon shoulders and 20mm connections.
E. Water and Vent Pipe - 65mm and larger; band type 6.4mm x 25mm flat
mild steel or black iron with 15mm round rod with plates and nuts; 50mm
and smaller split ring type with 10mm iron rods with inserts plates; toggle
bolts, clamps or expansion shield.
A. Pipe sleeves shall be installed and properly secured in place at all points
where pipes pass through masonry or concrete.
C. Pipe sleeves in walls and partitions shall be of cast iron, wrought iron or
steel pipe. Pipe sleeves in concrete beams or concrete slabs shall be
wrought iron or steel pipe.
E. The space between the pipes and sleeves shall be made water tight by
inserting a packed oakum gasket and filling the remaining space with
poured lead caulking thoroughly.
A. The entire site plumbing utilities system shall be laid out and installed
consistent throughout with the given slope in the plans. Pipe joints and
connections to area drains, catch basin, and junction boxes shall
possess such leak-proof and see page-proof integrity achieve with the
works called for under this particular section of the Specifications.
B. Junction boxes for storm & sanitary (sewer) drainage lines outside the
building shall be cast-in place reinforced concrete sections and pre-cast
concrete cover.
2. Installation:
D. Bracing and Shoring: The Contractor shall do all bracing sheathing and
shoring necessary to perform and protect all excavation as indicated on
the plans. as required for safety, as directed by the Architect, or to
conform to governing laws.
A. Backfilling: After pipes have been tested and approved, backfilling shall
be done with approved materials free from large rocks or stones.
A. The entire drainage and venting system shall have all necessary
openings plugged to permit the entire system to be filled with water to
the level of the highest stack vent/or vent stack above the roof.
B. The system shall hold this water for a full thirty (30) minutes during which
time there shall be no drop more than 100mm.
C. Each section of pipeline shall be slowly filled with water and the specified
test pressure, measured at the point of lowest elevation shall be applied
by the means satisfactory to the Architect. During the filling of the pipe
and before applying the test pressure, all air shall be expelled from the
pipe line. To accomplish this taps shall be made, if necessary, at point
of highest elevation, and after completion of the test the taps shall be
tightly plugged unless otherwise specified. During the test all exposed
pipes, fittings, valves joints and couplings will be carefully examined. If
found to have cracked or defective, they shall be removed and replaced
by the contractor with sound materials at his own expense. The test shall
be repeated until satisfactory results have been obtained.
A. After the pipe have been installed, the joints completed and with joints
exposed for examination, all newly installed pipe or any valve section
therefore, shall be subjected to hydrostatic pressure 1½ the designed
working pressure of the system or as specified by the Architect.
C. Each section of pipe line shall be slowly filled water and the specified
test pressure, measured at the point of lowest elevation shall be applied
by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a manner satisfactory to
the Architect. During the filling of the pipe in and before applying the test
pressure, all air shall be expelled from the pipe line. To accomplish this
taps shall be made, if necessary, at point of highest elevation, and after
completion of the test the taps shall be tightly plugged unless otherwise
During the test all exposed pipes, fittings, valves joints and couplings will
be carefully examined. If found to be cracked or defective, they shall be
removed and replaced by the Contractor with sound materials at his own
expense. The test shall be repeated until satisfactory results has been
C. Leakage test shall be made only after a minimum of 24 hours after the
pipe to be tested have been filled with water.
D. The duration of each leakage test shall be two hours unless otherwise
specified by the Architect.
E. Each section to the pipeline shall be slowly filled with water at specified
pressure, measured at the points of lowest elevation shall be applied by
means of a positive displacement type pump and reservoir connected to
the Pipeline.
F. Before starting the leakage test, all air shall be expelled from the pipe.
All expose pipes, fittings, valves and joints shall be examined for leakage
during the test.
G. Allowable leakage rate per 100 joints per inch of Pipe Diameter at
50 3.5 1.45 2.90
75 5.3 1.75 3.50
100 7.0 2.05 4.10
125 8.8 2.30 4.60
150 10.5 2.50 5.00
200 14.0 2.90 5.80
H. No structures shall be closed until all joints have been inspected for
B. All repairs to piping shall be made with new materials at the expense of
the contractor.
A. The entire water system shall be thoroughly flushed and disinfected with
chlorine before it is placed on operation. Water tanks shall be washed
and swabbed.
D. The chlorine dosage shall be such as to provide not less than fifty parts
per million (50ppm) of available chlorine.
E. Following a contact period of not less than sixteen (16) hours, the heavily
chlorinated water shall be flushed from the system with clean water until
the residual chlorine content is not greater than two tenth (0.20 ppm). All
valves in water lines being sterilized shall be opened and closed several
times during the 16 hours chlorinating period.
A. All exposed metal surfaces shall be free of grease, dirt or other foreign
C. All plumbing fixtures shall be properly protected from used and damage
during the construction stage. The fixture shall be cleaned to the
satisfaction of the Architect upon completion and prior to acceptance of
D. All equipment. Pipes, valves and fittings shall be cleaned of grease and
sludge which may have accumulated. Any clogging, discoloration or
damage to other parts of the building due to the system shall be repaired
by the Contractor.
B. Pipe hanger supports and all of the iron work in concealed spaces shall
be painted with one coat of asphalt.
C. Expose galvanized iron pipe and fittings that are 1 mil asphalt coated
shall be given two coats of shellac prior to application of two coats or oil
paint as directed by the Architect or his authorized representative.