Impact of Motivational Testimonies Amongstudent Nurses at Isabela State University-Echague: A Comparative Study

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Impact of Motivational Testimonies among Student

Nurses at Isabela State University- Echague:
A Comparative Study
Aldrich Nevin Abad1, Melisa Bairulla2, Marichris Ballad3, Marjorie Carganilla4,Alelie Domingo5,
Mylene Domingo6, Jeanette Dungca7, Markhipolito P. Galingana8, Virgilio A. Ganadin Jr. 9
Isabela State University Main Campus - College of Nursing, Echague, Isabela, Philippines

Abstract:- The academe’s transition to virtual learning meaningless,much as a windmill without air is (McCoach &
makes the current education setup difficult as students Flake 2018). Nursing students are the future major workforce
were used to the traditional face-to-face resulting in stress of the health industry. Their academic perception is important
due to the adjustments brought upon by the new modality for them to develop the needed knowledge, skills, and attitude
of learning. This motivated the researchers to conduct a to become competent nurses. The degreeis intensive because
study that addresses students' motivational levels by the life of every patient is at stake, hence effort and focus must
introducing motivational testimonies through an online be unrelenting. The academe’s transition from traditional face-
platform, Entertainment Talk, or E-talk that interviews to-face to virtual learning makes the current education setup
successful alumni. This study aims to know the impact of difficult for students as everyone is not used to this method of
conducting an E-talk with successful nurses who went education. During the adjustment period, thefrustration and
through the same struggles as the present nursing students. anxiety of students are demonstrated by their inability to meet
A 23-item questionnaire was floated to 82 students through andcarry out school requirements (Conway, 2019).
pre-test and post-test in the College of Nursing. The result
shows that there is a significant difference H(3) Academic tasks through their quizzes, lectures, activities,
=163.438,p=.00), which in terms of motivation across year assignments, return demonstrations in clinical subjects, and
levels, 4th-year leads in ranking. Itis also found that there is examinations are areas that are required completion (Friels,
a significant relationship (r=.608) between the 2016). According to Rotas & Cahapay (2020), these
motivational level of nursing students before and after requirements are often not fulfilled and accomplished due to a
introducing motivational testimonies. The mean of the variety of factors including the instability of internet
pretest (4.0438) and post-test (4.0974) shows the highest connection, power shortage, or the environmental setup of a
motivational level of the participants before and after student, which are vital elements when it comes to the new
introducing motivational testimonies. Based on the modality of learning. As a response to the emergence of the
indicated findings, the motivational level of participants COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission on Higher Education
has affected their profile. Student nurses aged 22-24 years (CHED) in the Philippines, issued a memorandum that orders
old and Female participants dominated in increased flexible learning to reduce the risk of infection in school. This
motivational level. This means that Motivational major shift of learning modality was a necessity for the greater
Testimonies through the use of E-talk improved or goodbut this caused a great impact on the learning process of
increased the students’ motivational level. the students causing fatigue and lack of motivation in attending
classes as well as doing school tasks due to prolonged exposure
Keywords:- Motivation, E-Talk, Student Nurses, Motivational to virtual meetings burdened by unstable internet connectivity
Testimonies. (Oducado, Fajardo, Maniago, Villanueva, Dequilla, Montano,
Robite, 2021).
STUDY) Furthermore, students have suffered from varying
amounts of stress over unexpected events inside and outside
Motivation is viewed as a significant element of their community. This is evident in the result of a study
academic and professional success. Motivation is the fuel that conducted by Fawaz (2020), showing that dueto thesuddenshift
ignites abilities and propels them to accomplish goals. to online learning, there was an increase in the prevalence of
Although innate talent is a predictor of success, motivation is depression andanxiety among undergraduate university
an agent that allows those abilities to be utilized to achieve students due to the demanding load of work required. The
great accomplishments, whether in school or in the workplace. study conducted by Davion (2017), revealed the significance
An ability or talent can’t be turned into a performance without of teachers in providing an environment that encourages
the presence of motivation. An ability without motivation is students to learn. Inaddition, it is also mentioned that teachers

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
have the capacity to improve students’ interest in a specified study.
subject as well as their competency. However, the shift in
learning modality created a communication barrier between the For the purpose of this study, the researchers used a
students and educators, which is challenging for both sides. student motivation scale based on the study by Martin (2001)
titled “The Student Motivation Scale: A Tool for Measuring
The transition to online learning affected and challenged and Enhancing Motivation”. The questionnaire is composed of
the students as they were used to traditional face-to-face five ‘Boosters’ and five ‘Guzzlers’, which the author used to
learning. However, it is equally important to find out how the measure the factors enhancing (boosters) and reducing
difficulties ofthe students during this new modality of learning, (guzzlers) motivation of students and separate it through
like how the lack of motivation can be addressed for their thoughts/feelings and behaviors. ‘Booster thoughts’ are
personal and academic well-being. E-talk is a tool used to evaluated through self-belief, learning focus, and value of
deliver motivational testimonies virtually by the alumni of schooling; while ‘booster behaviors’ are evaluated through
Isabela State University, College of Nursing. It is a platform persistence and planning, and monitoring; ‘guzzler
where they can share their experiences and the challenges, thoughts/feelings’ are assessed through anxiety and low control;
they’ve been through to reach where they are now. In this light, and, ‘guzzler behaviors’ are assessed through avoidance and
this study aims to know the impact of conducting an E-talk self-sabotage. The questionnaire was used to know the
with the successful nurses who went through the same comparison on the impact of motivational testimonies among
struggles as the present nursing students in the hope that it can nursing students in the different year levels. Since this is an
help students have optimism and find ways inorder to exploratory study knowing thedifferent impacts of motivational
overcome their struggles and envision themselves through the testimonies, the use of a school survey based on the
right path. It strives to give a gratifying ambiance that helps questionnaire is that it allows the researchers some flexibility in
students become driven to study again in a positive spirit, the way they modify questions for each individualparticipant. It
aiming to boost the nursing students' courage. also gives the researchers the opportunity to provide more
information and clarification when necessary.
Also, this study aims to contribute knowledge to the
nursing practice and profession by means of a better After the pilot testing was conducted, the instrument
engagement in nursing education as this study gives underwent a content-validity test by a statistician in which a
importance to the mental health of student nurses as they 0.77 reliability was yielded using Cronbach alpha.
continue to achieve their dreams in this type of learning setup.
TABLE 1. Cronbach Alpha
II. METHODS Subscale N Item Cronbach Internal
α consistency
The research employs a causal-comparative design. It is a Boosters 30 13 0.87 Good
research design that seeks to find out the correlation between Guzzlers 30 10 0.89 Good
the independent and dependent variables after an event has Questionnaire 30 21 0.77 Acceptable
occurred. The independent variable is the testimonies of the
alumni and the dependent variable is the level of motivation. The researchers selected an alumnus to be a guest at the
The researcher’s goal is to determine the impact of the E-talk. They contacted them through their Facebook accounts
independent variable on the dependent variable. The and got their approval to be a guest on the said program. The
researchers collected data before and after exposure to the platform used during the E-talk was Stream Yard.
independent variable and compare the data of each of the
different year levels. The study was conducted at the Isabela The following shows the flow of the data-gathering
State University–Main Campus,College of Nursing, Barangay procedure;
San Fabian, Echague, Isabela since the chosen participants are  The researchers secured the permit to conduct the study at
nursing students at the University. The total population of the the College of Nursing at Isabela State University - Echague,
students is 530. The methods of teaching used are modular and specifically fromthe Dean of the College of Nursing.
limited face-to-face learning. This study used a non-probability  After securing the necessary permit or approval to conduct
sampling technique which is a convenient sampling in
the study, the researchers requested the Dean to issue a
determining the participants. The participants who voluntarily memo encouraging the faculty to make the participation of
engaged in the said E-talk become the participants of the study. students in the sitcom to be included in their requirements or
In this study, the overall population of the Nursing students of as a bonus requirement, if possible.
the Isabela State University- Echague is 530 and is divided into
 The researchers prepared the data gathering tool needed
4 subgroups specifically based on their year level (1st year to 4th
for this study which is an adopted
year). There were 21 students in the first year, 18 in the second
year, 21 in the third year,and 22 in the fourth year were the one
who voluntarily participated in conducting the motivational
testimonies. A total of 82 participants were utilized in this

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 questionnaire and invited them to become a guest for a 30- research process to prevent errorsand to critically examine our
minute sitcom for each session. own work. The researchers also shared the data gathered, the
 The pretest questionnaire was floated on May 3, 2022, result, tools, and resources, and were open to criticism and
through an onlineplatform which is Google Forms, tobesent new ideas. Acknowledgment and proper credit from all
via messenger to all nursing students who voluntarily agreed sources and people who contributed to the research were given.
to becomea participant. The rights of all participants of this research study are
 The researchers conducted an activity, an E-talk with an respected, including their right to full disclosure, self-
Alumnus, which was held on May 7 and 17, 2022, determination, and privacy. Right to full disclosure. The
Saturday at 7:00 pm wherein all nursing students of Isabela participants’ information is not disclosed to anyone except the
State University - Echague are part of the audience. The members of the research group who will evaluate the data.
attendance was strictly monitored by the researchers. Right to self- determination. The researchers ensured that
 The researchers disseminated again the questionnaires after informed consent was given and their decisions of whether
the sitcom through an online platform which was Google they wanted to be part of our research study or not, were
form, sent via messenger to the nursing students of the respected. Right to privacy. Names were optional in the
College of Nursing at Isabela State University – Echague questionnaire to protect the anonymity and privacy of the
who voluntarily engaged to become a participant, and the participants.
researchers also ensured the participants that their identity
and answers will be confidential. III. RESULTS

In analyzing the data gathered, the following statistical TABLE 3. Distribution of demographic profile of participants
tools were used. The quantitative approach was used to pursue in terms of Age, Gender, and Year
the objectives of the present study and all the data that were PROFILE FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE
gathered by the researchers were statistically analyzed. Age
Percentage Distribution. This was used to determine the 18 7 8.53%
demographicprofile of the participants in a Comparative Study 19 19 23.17%
on the Impact of Motivational Testimonies among different 20 24 29.26%
year levels of Nursing Students at Isabela State University- 21 18 21.95%
Echague. Mean and Standard Deviation. This described the 22 12 14.63%
level ofmotivation of the participants. Pearsons R Correlation. 23 1 1.21%
This was employed to test the significant relationship between 24 1 1.21%
the respondent’s levels of motivation. It is based on the Gender
method of covariance, it is regarded as the best method for Male 14 17.07%
determining the relationship between variables of interest Female 68 82.92%
(Statistics Solution, 2022). Year Level
1st Year 21 25.0%
TABLE 2. Pearsons R Correlation nd
2 Year 18 21.95%
Level of Correlation 3rd Year 21 25.60%
0.80 – 1.0 Very strong 4th Year 22 26.82%
0.60 – 0.799 Strong
0.40 – 0.599 Strong enough Table 3 shows that 7 out of 82 participants (8.53%) are
18 years old, 19 (23.17%) are 19 years old, 24 (29.26%) are
0.20 – 0.399 Weak
20 years old, 18 (21.95%) are 21 years old, 12 (14.63%) are
0.00 – 0.199 Very Weak 22 years old, 1 (1.21%) is 23 years old, and 1 (1.21%) is 24
years old. In terms of gender, 14 out of the 82 participants
(17.07%) are male and 68 (82.92%) are female. And for the
Kruskal Wallis. Finally, this was utilized to find out the year level, 21 of the participants (25%) are in 1st year, 18
significant difference in the level of motivation across year (21.95%) are in 2nd year, 21 (25.60%) are in 3rd year, and 22
levels after introducing motivation testimonies. We, the (26.82%) are in 4th year. Therefore, the analysis of the data
researchers, ensured that the components of our study adhere gathered reveals that the highest contributor of participants
to all the ethical principles of a research study. was taken from those at the age of 20 years old (29.26
percent). The data gathered conveys that the male student
This includes honesty in all the data, results, methods, nurses are dominated by female student nurses (82.92%), and
and procedures presented and used in our research. This also there were 22 or 26.82% among the participants are from 4 th
means that this study does not falsify or fabricate data. The year-level nursing students.
researchers were objective in terms of data analysis, data
interpretation, and other aspects that require the researchers to
be objective to avoid bias. We were also careful throughout the

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
TABLE 4. The level of motivation grouped according to the responses to the mean. Jose (2020), which was a participant in
profile Angela Duckworth’s testimony in an E-talk, stated that she
Pretest Posttest has learned a lot. One way she can relate is in her passion, grit,
Age and perseverance in coding and learning new things. This
proves that motivational testimonies are capable of improving
18-19 4.09 4.035 the motivational level of an individual.
20-21 4 4.15
22-24 4.25 4.305 TABLE 6. The significant relationship between the level of
Gender motivation before and afterintroducing motivational
Male 4.03 4.035 testimonies
Female 4.05 4.34 Pearson Correlation .608**
p-value .000
Year Level
Interpretation Strong Relationship
1st year 4.09 4.09
2nd year 4.01 3.99 The Pearson Correlation indicates if there is any
3rd year 4.01 4.11 significant relationship involved in the Pretest and Posttest.
4th year 4.05 4.18 The value .608* implies that there is a strong relationship,
wherein it is greater in the p-value which is .000. Therefore,
The table shows that nursing students at the age of 22-24 there is a strong relationship between the level of motivation
have increased their motivational level more than those before and after introducing motivational testimonies.
younger nursing students after being introduced to
motivational testimonies. Gender is correlated to the change TABLE 7. The significant difference in the level of motivation
in motivational level after being introduced to motivational across year levels afterintroducing motivational testimonies
testimonies. As evidenced by the result of the posttest for Year Post-test Ranking
female participants, the increase in their motivational level is Level
greater than that of the male participants. Moreover, the Mean Verbal Interpretation
motivational level of the 2nd year participants decreased after st 4.09 Motivated rd
being introduced to motivational testimonies, unlike the other 1 3
three-year levels have shown an increase in their motivational nd 3.99 Moderately motivated th
level after the said testimonies,with the 4th year students having 2 4
the highest result. rd 4.11 Motivated nd
3 2
According to the study of Mthimunye (2019), female and th 4.18 Motivated st
older clients were found to be more associated with higher 4 1
academic performance and success. Hence, indicating that they
are moremotivated than males and younger ones. The table above indicates the difference in the level of
motivation of the nursing students across year levels after
TABLE 5. Motivational level of the participants before and introducing motivational testimonies. Ranking 1st is the 4th-
after introducingmotivational testimonies year nursing students, 2nd for the 3rd-year nursing students, 3rd
x̄ Standard Verbal Interpretation for the 1st-year nursing students, and 4th for the 2nd-year
Deviation nursing students. Kruskal Wallis was a tool used to compare 3
Pretest 4.0438 0.3135 Motivated or more groups to answer the research question. (Dr. Haidel,
Posttest 4.0974 0.3003 Motivated E., 2022). Therefore, there is a significant difference H(3)
=163.438,p=.00) among the motivational level of the nursing
The table above shows the result of motivational students after undergoing motivationtestimonies.
testimonies. The motivational level is considered as highly
motivated if the mean value is at 5, motivated if at 4-4.9, IV. SUMMARY
moderately motivated if at 3-3.9, demotivated if at 2-2.9 and
severely demotivated if at 1-1.9. The mean for the pretest is The researchers wanted to know how motivational
4.0 which shows a motivated verbal interpretation, while the testimonies from the school’s alumni would impact the
mean for the post-test is 4.0974 which also indicates a motivational level of the students. The research design that we
motivated verbal interpretation. The Alpha 0.5 is the used was a causal-comparative design wherein we collected
confidence level. As the standard deviation gets closer to 0, the and compared data from each of the participants before and
most accurate responses to the mean are obtained. Therefore, after the introduction of motivational testimonies. The
the standard deviations in the pretest and posttest which are collection was through a survey using Google Forms and the
0.3135 and 0.3003 respectively, convey the accuracy of the motivational testimonies were provided via E-talk or

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
webinar.The locale of the study was Isabela State University undergoing motivation testimonies.
Echague campus and the participants numbered 21 for the 1st
year level, 18 for the 2nd, 21 for the 3rd, and, 22 for the 4th. For RECOMMENDATION
the questionnaire, the researchers used a student motivational
scale based on the study of Martine (2001), the Student Based on the results of the study, the following were
Motivation Scale: A Tool for Measuring and Enhancing strongly recommended:
Motivation. After collecting data, the result showed that the  Improve the motivational levels of students upon introducing
demographicdata interms oftheagegrouprangedfrom18-24 motivational talks.
yearsoldwith68 females and 14 males.  Motivational testimonies must be administered
continuously to students to increase their self-
The level of motivation when grouped according to determination to study and achieve their goals in life.
profile reveals that the age 22-24 have increased their
 The researchers recommend having motivational
motivational level than those younger nursing students after
testimonies be done in a face-to- face setting as well as
being introduced to motivational testimonies. In gender,
conducting data gathering.
females’ motivational level is greater than that of the male
participants. Moreover, the motivational level of the 2nd year  For future researchers, conducting similar motivational
participants decreased after being introduced to motivational programs like this in some other local schools, is even
testimonies, unlike the other three-year levels have shown an better if implemented for younger students.
increase in their motivational level after the said testimonies,
with the 4th year students having the highest result. The ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
motivational level of the participants before introducing
motivational testimonies was considered ‘Motivated’ With a grateful heart, the authors wish to express their
(4.0438). Then, after introducing motivational testimonies, the sincerest appreciation and profound gratitude to the following
level of motivation is 4.0974 which is also considered people who generously extended their utmost help that led to
‘Motivated’. the successful completion of this research; Sir Markhipolito P.
Galingana, Research Adviser, for his valuable suggestions and
Using Pearsons R Correlation, the researchers interpreted endless moral support which greatly contributed to the
the collected data, stating that there was a strong relationship completion of our research; Sir Virgilio Ganadin Jr., and Sir
between the motivational level of nursing students before and Jennifer Justo, for their intellectual guidance, fortifying heart,
after the E-talk wherein the result is .608. Therefore, the finding deep concern, and encouragement over this research works;
showed the rejection of our first hypothesis, as well as the Ma’am Kimberly B. Bassig, English Critic, and Ma’am Nicole
second, since there was a significant difference between the Kris L. Silva, Statistician, for their assistance, and constructive
motivational level of nursing students before and after criticisms for the improvement of the manuscript; To the
introducing motivational testimonies, wherein the result from College of Nursing Students and Alumni who helped us in
the 4th yearstudents was ranked 1st, 3rd year as the 2nd, 1st year as sharing their time, effort, and knowledge for us to gather more
the 3rd, and the 2nd year as the 4th. information. This research would not have been the same
without their help and guidance. Thank you for believing in us
V. CONCLUSION even when we did not know how we were ever going to get
through this. And finally, we would like to extend our
Based on the indicated findings, the following conclusions profound gratitude to our Almighty God. We would not be
were drawn: here without Him. He has provided us with the abilities,
perseverance, and courage to keep going. All credit goes to
 The findings revealed that there is a strong relationship
between the respondent’s profiles to their level of REFERENCES
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