21cfr177.1520 PP-PE

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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 177.


(which has been held in a vacuum des- (a) For the purpose of this section,
iccator over anhydrous calcium sulfate olefin polymers are basic polymers
until constant weight has been at- manufactured as described in this para-
tained) and carefully evaporated to graph, so as to meet the specifications
dryness. The weight of the solid residue prescribed in paragraph (c) of this sec-
is determined by difference after hold- tion, when tested by the methods de-
ing in a vacuum desiccator over anhy- scribed in paragraph (d) of this section.
drous calcium sulfate until constant (1)(i) Polypropylene consists of basic
weight has been attained. The percent polymers manufactured by the cata-
of solids extracted is calculated by di- lytic polymerization of propylene.
viding the weight of the solid residue (ii) Propylene homopolymer consists
by the weight of the sample and multi- of basic polymers manufactured by the
plying by 100. catalytic polymerization of propylene
(5) Viscosity number (VN). (i) The vis- with a metallocene catalyst.
cosity number (VN) for Nylon 6/12 resin (2)(i) Polyethylene consists of basic
in a 96 percent sulfuric acid solution (5 polymers manufactured by the cata-
milligrams resin per milliliter) shall be lytic polymerization of ethylene.
determined at 25 °C (77 °F) by method (ii) Fumaric acid-grafted poly-
ISO 307–1984(E), ‘‘Plastics-Polyamides- ethylene (CAS Reg. No. 26877–81–6) con-
Determination of Viscosity Number,’’ sists of basic polymers manufactured
which is incorporated by reference. by the catalytic polymerization of
Copies are available from the Center ethylene followed by reaction with fu-
for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition maric acid in the absence of free rad-
(HFS–200), Food and Drug Administra- ical initiators. Such polymers shall
tion, 5100 Paint Branch Pkwy., College contain grafted fumaric acid at levels
Park, MD 20740, or available for inspec- not to exceed 2 percent by weight of
tion at the National Archives and the finished polymer.
Records Administration (NARA). For (3) Olefin basic copolymers consist of
information on the availability of this basic copolymers manufactured by the
material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or catalytic copolymerization of:
go to: http://www.archives.gov/ (i) Two or more of the 1-alkenes hav-
federallregister/ ing 2 to 8 carbon atoms. Such olefin
codeloflfederallregulations/ basic copolymers contain not less than
ibrllocations.html. 96 weight-percent of polymer units de-
(ii) The viscosity number (VN) for rived from ethylene and/or propylene,
Nylon 6/69 and Nylon PA–6–3–T resins except that:
in a 99 percent cresol solution (5 milli- (a)(1) Olefin basic copolymers manu-
grams resin per milliliter) shall be de- factured by the catalytic copolym-
termined at 25 °C (77 °F) by method ISO erization of ethylene and hexene-1 or
307–1984(E), ‘‘Plastics-Polyamides-De- ethylene and octene-1 shall contain not
termination of Viscosity Number,’’ less than 90 weight-percent of polymer
which is incorporated by reference. The units derived from ethylene;
availability of this incorporation by (2) Olefin basic copolymers manufac-
reference is given in paragraph (d)(5)(i) tured by the catalytic copolymeriza-
of this section. tion of ethylene and hexene-1 shall con-
[42 FR 14572, Mar. 15, 1977] tain not less than 80 but not more than
EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- 90 weight percent of polymer units de-
tations affecting § 177.1500, see the List of rived from ethylene.
CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the (3) Olefin basic copolymers manufac-
Finding Aids section of the printed volume tured by the catalytic copolymeriza-
and on GPO Access. tion of ethylene and pentene-1 shall
contain not less than 90 weight-percent
§ 177.1520 Olefin polymers. of polymer units derived from ethyl-
The olefin polymers listed in para- ene.
graph (a) of this section may be safely (4) Olefin basic copolymers manufac-
used as articles or components of arti- tured by the catalytic polymerization
cles intended for use in contact with of ethylene and octene-1 shall contain
cprice-sewell on PRODPC61 with CFR

food, subject to the provisions of this not less than 50 weight-percent of poly-
section. mer units derived from ethylene.


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§ 177.1520 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–09 Edition)

(b) Olefin basic copolymers manufac- derived by copolymerization with 1,4-

tured by the catalytic copolymeriza- hexadiene.
tion of ethylene and 4-methylpentene-1 (v) Ethylene and butene-1 copolymers
shall contain not less than 89 weight- (CAS Reg. No. 25087–34–7) that shall
percent of polymer units derived from contain not less than 80 weight percent
ethylene; of polymer units derived from ethyl-
(c)(1) Olefin basic copolymers manu- ene.
factured by the catalytic copolym- (vi) Olefin basic copolymers (CAS
erization of two or more of the mono- Reg. No. 61615–63–2) manufactured by
mers ethylene, propylene, butene-1, 2- the catalytic copolymerization of
methylpropene-1, and 2,4,4- ethylene and propylene with 1,4-
trimethylpentene-1 shall contain not hexadiene, followed by reaction with
less than 85 weight-percent of polymer fumaric acid in the absence of free rad-
units derived from ethylene and/or pro- ical initiators. Such polymers shall
pylene; contain not more than 4.5 percent of
(2) Olefin basic copolymers manufac- polymer units deriving from 1,4-
tured by the catalytic copolymeriza- hexadiene by weight of total polymer
tion of propylene and butene-1 shall prior to reaction with fumaric acid and
contain greater than 15 but not greater not more than 2.2 percent of grafted fu-
than 35 weight percent of polymer maric acid by weight of the finished
units derived from butene-1 with the polymer.
remainder being propylene. (vii) Ethylene and 2-norbornene (CAS
(d) Olefin basic terpolymers manufac- Reg. No. 26007–43–2) copolymers that
tured by the catalytic copolymeriza- shall contain not less than 30 and not
tion of ethylene, hexene-1, and either more than 70 mole percent of polymer
propylene or butene-1, shall contain units derived from 2-norbornene.
not less than 85 weight percent poly- (4) Poly(methylpentene) consists of
mer units derived from ethylene. basic polymers manufactured by the
(e) Olefin basic copolymers manufac- catalytic polymerization of 4-
tured by the catalytic polymerization methylpentene-1.
of ethylene and octene-1, or ethylene, (5) Polyethylene graft copolymers
octene-1, and either hexene-1, butene-1, consist of polyethylene complying with
propylene, or 4-methylpentene-1 shall item 2.2 of paragraph (c) of this section
contain not less than 80 weight percent which subsequently has 3a,4,7,7a-
of polymer units derived from ethyl- tetrahydromethyl-4,7-
ene. methanoisobenzofuran-1,3-dione graft-
(ii) 4-Methylpentene-1 and 1-alkenes ed onto it at a level not to exceed 1.7
having from 6 to 18 carbon atoms. Such percent by weight of the finished co-
olefin basic copolymers shall contain polymer.
not less than 95 molar percent of poly- (6) Ethylene-maleic anhydride co-
mer units derived from 4- polymers (CAS Reg. No. 9006–26–2) con-
methylpentene-1, except that copoly- taining no more than 2 percent by
mers manufactured with 1-alkenes hav- weight of copolymer units derived from
ing from 12 to 18 carbon atoms shall maleic anhydride.
contain not less than 97 molar percent (b) The basic olefin polymers identi-
of polymer units derived from 4- fied in paragraph (a) of this section
methylpentene-1; or may contain optional adjuvant sub-
(iii) Ethylene and propylene that stances required in the production of
may contain as modifiers not more such basic olefin polymers. The op-
than 5 weight-percent of total polymer tional adjuvant substances required in
units derived by copolymerization with the production of the basic olefin poly-
one or more of the following mono- mers or finished food-contact articles
mers: may include substances permitted for
such use by applicable regulations in
5-Ethylidine-2-norbornene. parts 170 through 189 of this chapter,
substances generally recognized as safe
(iv) Ethylene and propylene that may in food and food packaging, substances
cprice-sewell on PRODPC61 with CFR

contain as a modifier not more than 4.5 used in accordance with a prior sanc-
weight percent of total polymer units tion or approval, and the following:


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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 177.1520

Substance Limitations

Aromatic petroleum hydrocarbon resin, hydrogenated (CAS For use only as an adjuvant at levels not to exceed 25 percent
Reg. No. 88526–47–0), produced by the catalytic polym- by weight in blends with polypropylene complying with para-
erization of aromatic-substituted olefins from distillates of graph (c), item 1.1 of this section. The finished polymer may
cracked petroleum stocks with a boiling point no greater than be used in contact with food Types I, II, IV-B, VI-A through
220 °C (428 °F), and the subsequent catalytic hydrogenation VI-C, VII-B, and VIII identified in table 1 of § 176.170(c) of
of the resulting aromatic petroleum hydrocarbon resin, hav- this chapter and under conditions of use B through H de-
ing a minimum softening point of 110 °C (230 °F), as deter- scribed in table 2 of § 176.170(c) of this chapter; and with
mined by ASTM Method E 28–67 (Reapproved 1982), food Types III, IV-A, V, VII-A, and IX identified in table 1 of
‘‘Standard Test Method for Softening Point by Ring-and-Ball § 176.170(c) of this chapter and under conditions of use D
Apparatus,’’ and a minimum aniline point of 107 °C (225 °F), through G described in table 2 of § 176.170(c) of this chap-
as determined by ASTM Method D 611–82, ‘‘Standard Test ter.
Methods for Aniline Point and Mixed Aniline Point of Petro-
leum Products and Hydrocarbon Solvents,’’ both of which
are incorporated by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies are available from the
American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor
Dr., West Conshohocken, Philadelphia, PA 19428-2959, or
from the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS–
200), Food and Drug Administration, 5100 Paint Branch
Pkwy., College Park, MD 20740, or may be examined at the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this material at NARA, call
202–741–6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/
Colorants used in accordance with § 178.3297 of this chapter.
2,5-Dimethyl-2,5-di(tert-butylperoxy)hexane (CAS Reg. No. 78– For use as an initiator in the production of propylene
63–7). homopolymer complying with § 177.1520(c), item 1.1 and
olefin copolymers complying with § 177.1520(c), items 3.1
and 3.2 and containing not less than 75 weight percent of
polymer units derived from propylene, provided that the max-
imum concentration of tert-butyl alcohol in the polymer does
not exceed 100 parts per million, as determined by a method
titled ‘‘Determination of tert-Butyl Alcohol in Polypropylene,’’
which is incorporated by reference. Copies are available
from the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS–
200), Food and Drug Administration, 5100 Paint Branch
Pkwy., College Park, MD 20740, or available for inspection
at the National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA). For information on the availability of this material at
NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http://
Methyl methacrylate/butyl acrylate-grafted polypropylene co- For use only at levels not to exceed 6 percent by weight of
polymer containing methyl methacrylate/butyl acrylate-grafted olefin polymers complying with paragraph (c) of this section,
polypropylene (CAS Reg. No. 121510–09–6), methyl meth- items 1.1, 3.1a, 3.2a, and 3.2b, where the copolymers com-
acrylate/butyl acrylate copolymer (CAS Reg. No. 25852–37– plying with items 3.1a, 3.2a, and 3.2b contain not less than
3), methyl methacrylate homopolymer (CAS Reg. No. 9011– 85 weight-percent of polymer units derived from propylene.
14–7), and polypropylene (CAS Reg. No. 9003–07–0), re-
sulting from the reaction of a mixture of methyl methacrylate
and butyl acrylate with polypropylene. The finished product
contains no more than 55 percent by weight of polymer units
derived from methyl methacrylate and butyl acrylate as de-
termined by a method entitled, ‘‘Determination of the Total
Acrylic in PP-MMA/BA Polymers,’’ which is incorporated by
reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR
part 51. Copies are available from the Office of Premarket
Approval, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
(HFS–200), Food and Drug Administration, 5100 Paint
Branch Pkwy., College Park, MD 20740, or may be exam-
ined at the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition’s Li-
brary, 5100 Paint Branch Pkwy., College Park, MD 20740, or
at the National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA). For information on the availability of this material at
NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/
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§ 177.1520 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–09 Edition)

Substance Limitations

Petroleum hydrocarbon resins (cyclopentadiene-type), hydro- For use only as an adjuvant at levels not to exceed 30 percent
genated (CAS Reg. No. 68132–00–3) produced by the ther- by weight in blends with: (1) Polypropylene complying with
mal polymerization of dicyclopentadiene and cyclodiene paragraph (c), item 1.1 of this section, or (2) a copolymer of
codimers (consisting of a mixture of cyclopentadiene, methyl propylene and ethylene containing not less than 94 weight
cyclopentadiene, and C4-C5 acyclic dienes), followed by hy- percent propylene and complying with paragraph (c), item
drogenation and having a ring-and-ball softening point of 119 3.2 of this section. The average thickness of the food-con-
°C minimum as determined by ASTM Method E 28–67 (Re- tact film is not to exceed 0.1 millimeter (0.004 inch). The fin-
approved 1982), ‘‘Standard Test Method for Softening Point ished polymer may be used in contact with (1) Food types I,
by Ring-and-Ball Apparatus,’’ and a minimum viscosity of II, IV-B, VI-A, VI-B, VII-B, and VIII identified in table 1 of
3,000 centipoise, measured at 160 °C, as determined by § 176.170(c) of this chapter and under conditions of use C
ASTM Method D 3236–88, ‘‘Standard Test Method for Ap- through G described in table 2 of § 176.170(c) of this chap-
parent Viscosity of Hot Melt Adhesives and Coating Mate- ter; and (2) food types III, IV-A, V, VI-C, VII-A, and IX identi-
rials,’’ both of which are incorporated by reference in accord- fied in table 1 of § 176.170(c) of this chapter and under con-
ance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies are ditions of use D through G described in table 2 of
available from the American Society for Testing and Mate- § 176.170(c) of this chapter.
rials, 100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, Philadel-
phia, PA 19428-2959, or from the Center For Food Safety
and Applied Nutrition (HFS–200), Food and Drug Administra-
tion, 5100 Paint Branch Pkwy., College Park, MD 20740, or
may be examined at the National Archives and Records Ad-
ministration (NARA). For information on the availability of this
material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http://
Polymethylsilsesquioxane (CAS Reg. No. 68554–70–1) ............ For use only as a surface lubricant or anti-blocking agent in
Poly(vinylidene fluoride) homopolymer (CAS Reg. No. 24937– For use only as a processing aid in the production of olefin
79–9), having a melt viscosity of 6 to 37 kilopoise at a shear polymers complying with paragraph (c) of this section at lev-
rate of 100¥1 seconds at 232 °C as determined by ASTM els not to exceed 1.0 percent by weight of the polymer. The
Method D 3835–79 (Reapproved 1983), ‘‘Standard Test finished polymers may be used only under the conditions de-
Method for Rheological Properties of Thermoplastics with a scribed in § 176.170(c) of this chapter, table 2, under condi-
Capillary Rheometer’’ using a capillary of 15:1 L/D, which is tions of use B though H.
incorporated by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies are available from the
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS–200),
Food and Drug Administration, 5100 Paint Branch Pkwy.,
College Park, MD 20740, or may be examined at the Na-
tional Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For in-
formation on the availability of this material at NARA, call
202–741–6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/
Polyoxyethylene-grafted polydimethylsiloxane (CAS Reg. No. For use as an extrusion aid in the production of extruded olefin
68937–54–2). polymers that comply with § 177.1520(c) at levels not to ex-
ceed 0.3 percent by weight of the polymer. The finished
polymer is used in contact with foods under conditions of
use B through H described in table 2 of § 176.170 of this
Triisopropanolamine (CAS Reg. No. 122–20–3) ........................ For use as a Zeigler-Natta-type catalyst deactivator and anti-
oxidant in the production of olefin polymers complying with
§ 177.1520(c), items 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3, and having a min-
imum density of 0.94 grams per cubic centimeter, and co-
polymers complying with § 177.1520(c), items 3.1 and 3.2,
for use in contact with all foods under the following condi-
tions of use: (a) films with a maximum thickness of 0.102
millimeter (0.004 inch) may be used under conditions A
through H defined in table 2 of § 176.170(c) of this chapter;
and (b) articles with thickness greater than 0.102 millimeter
(0.004 inch) may be used under conditions C through G de-
fined in table 2 of § 176.170(c) of this chapter.
Trimethylpyridine and dimethylpyridine mixture having percent For use only as an adjuvant substance in the production of
by weight composition as follows: 2,4,6-trimethylpyridine propylene homopolymers complying with items 1.1, 1.2, and
(CAS Reg. No. 108–75–8), not less than 60 percent; 2,3,6- 1.3, and propylene copolymers complying with items 3.1,
trimethylpyridine (CAS Reg. No. 1462–84–6), not more than and 3.2 of paragraph (c) of this section provided that the ad-
27 percent; 3,5-dimethylpyridine (CAS Reg. No. 591–22–0), juvant is used at a level not to exceed 20 parts per million
not more than 12 percent; and other dimethylpyridines, not by weight of the olefin polymers.
more than 6 percent.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 177.1520

Substance Limitations

Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropene copolymer (CAS Reg. For use only as an extrusion aid in the production of extruded
No. 9011–17–0) having a fluorine content of 65 to 71 per- olefin polymers at levels not to exceed 0.2 percent by weight
cent and a Mooney viscosity of at least 28, as determined by of the polymer. The finished polymers may be used only
a method entitled ‘‘Mooney Viscosity,’’ which is incorporated under the conditions described in § 176.170(c) of this chap-
by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a). Copies are ter, table 2, under conditions of use B through H.
available from the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutri-
tion (HFS–200), Food and Drug Administration, 5100 Paint
Branch Pkwy., College Park, MD 20740, or may be exam-
ined at the National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA). For information on the availability of this material at
NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/
Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropene copolymer (CAS Reg. For use only as a processing aid in the production of olefin
No. 9011–17–0), having a vinylidene fluoride content of not polymers complying with paragraph (c) of this section at lev-
less than 87 percent but less than 100 percent by weight els not to exceed 1.0 percent by weight of the polymer. The
and a melt viscosity of 12 to 27 kilopoise at a shear rate of finished polymers may be used only under the conditions de-
100¥1 seconds at 232 °C as determined by ASTM Method D scribed in § 176.170(c) of this chapter, table 2, under condi-
3835–79 (Reapproved 1983), ‘‘Standard Test Method for tions of use B though H.
Rheological Properties of Thermoplastics with a Capillary
Rheometer’’ using a capillary of 15:1 L/D, which is incor-
porated by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and
1 CFR part 51. Copies are available from the Center for
Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS–200), Food and
Drug Administration, 5100 Paint Branch Pkwy., College Park,
MD 20740, or may be examined at the National Archives
and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the
availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or
go to: http://www.archives.gov/federallregister/

(c) Specifications:
Maximum extract- Maximum soluble
Melting Point able fraction (ex- fraction (ex-
(MP) or softening pressed as per- pressed as per-
Olefin polymers Density point (SP) (De- cent by weight of cent by weight of
grees Centi- the polymer) in N- polymer) in xy-
grade)– hexane at speci- lene at specified
fied temperatures temperatures

1.1a. Polypropylene described in para- 0.880–0.913 MP: 160°–180 °C 6.4 pct at reflux 9.8 pct at 25 °C
graph (a)(1)(i) of this section temperature
1.1b. Propylene homopolymer described 0.880–0.913– MP: 150°–180 °C 6.4 pct at reflux 9.8 pct at 25 °C
in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section temperature
1.2. Polypropylene, noncrystalline; for use 0.80–0.88
only to plasticize polyethylene described
under items 2.1 and 2.2 of this table, pro-
vided that such plasticized polymers meet
the maximum extractable fraction and max-
imum soluble fraction specifications pre-
scribed for such basic polyethylene
1.3. Polypropylene, noncrystalline, for use 0.80–0.88 SP:115°–138 °C.
only: To plasticize polypropylene described
by item 1.1 of this table, provided that such
plasticized polymers meet the maximum ex-
tractable fraction and maximum soluble
fraction specifications prescribed for such
basic polypropylene, and further provided
that such plasticized polypropylene contacts
food only of the types identified in
§ 176.170(c) of this chapter, table 1, under
Types I, II, IV-B, VI-B, VII-B, and VIII; and
for use at levels not to exceed 50 pct by
weight of any mixture employed as a food-
contact coating provided such coatings con-
tact food only of the types identified in
§ 176.170(c) of this chapter, table 1, under
Types I, II, IV-B, VI-B, VII-B, and VIII
2.1. Polyethylene for use in articles that con- 0.85–1.00 ............................. 5.5 pct at 50 °C 11.3 pct at 25 °C
cprice-sewell on PRODPC61 with CFR

tact food except for articles used for pack-

ing or holding food during cooking


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§ 177.1520 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–09 Edition)

Maximum extract- Maximum soluble

Melting Point able fraction (ex- fraction (ex-
(MP) or softening pressed as per- pressed as per-
Olefin polymers Density point (SP) (De- cent by weight of cent by weight of
grees Centi- the polymer) in N- polymer) in xy-
grade)– hexane at speci- lene at specified
fied temperatures temperatures

2.2. Polyethylene for use in articles used for 0.85–1.00 ............................. 2.6 pct at 50 °C Do.
packing or holding food during cooking
2.3. Polyethylene for use only as component 0.85–1.00 ............................. 53 pct at 50 °C 75 pct at 25 °C
of food-contact coatings at levels up to and
including 50 percent by weight of any mix-
ture employed as a food-contact coating
2.4. Olefin polymers described in paragraph
(a)(2)(ii) of this section, having a melt flow
index not to exceed 17 grams/per 10 min-
utes as determined by the method de-
scribed in paragraph (d)(7) of this section,
for use in blends with other polymers at lev-
els not to exceed 20 percent by weight of
total polymer, subject to the limitation that
when contacting food of types III, IV-A, V,
VI-C, VII-A, and IX identified in § 176.170(c)
of this chapter, Table 1, the polymers shall
be used only under conditions of use C, D,
E, F, and G, described in § 176.170(c) of
this chapter, Table 2.
3.1a. Olefin copolymers described in para- 0.85–1.00 ............................. 5.5 pct at 50 °C 30 pct at 25 °C
graph (a)(3)(i) of this section for use in arti-
cles that contact food except for articles
used for packing or holding food during
cooking; except olefin copolymers described
in paragraph (a)(3)(i)(a)(3) of this section
and listed in item 3.1c of this table and
olefin copolymers described in paragraph
(a)(3)(i)(e) of this section and listed in item
3.1b of this table
3.1b. Olefin copolymers described in para- 0.9–1.00 ............................. Do Do.
graph (a)(3)(i)(e) of this section for use in
contact with food only under conditions of
use D, E, F, G, and H described in
§ 176.170(c) of this chapter, table 2
3.1c. Olefin copolymers described in para- Not less than 0.92
graph (a)(3)(i)(a)(3) of this section for use in
contact with food only under conditions of
use B, C, D, E, F, G, and H described in
§ 176.170(c) of this chapter, table 2; except
that such copolymers when used in contact
with food of the types identified in
§ 176.170(c), table 1, under types III, IVA,
V, VIIA, and IX, shall be used only under
conditions of use D, E, F, and G described
in § 176.170(c) of this chapter, table 2
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 177.1520

Maximum extract- Maximum soluble

Melting Point able fraction (ex- fraction (ex-
(MP) or softening pressed as per- pressed as per-
Olefin polymers Density point (SP) (De- cent by weight of cent by weight of
grees Centi- the polymer) in N- polymer) in xy-
grade)– hexane at speci- lene at specified
fied temperatures temperatures

3.2a. Olefin copolymers described in para- 0.85–1.00 ............................. 2.6 pct at 50 °C Do.
graph (a)(3)(i) of this section for use in arti-
cles used for packing or holding food during
cooking; except olefin copolymers described
in paragraph (a)(3)(i)(c)(2) of this section
and listed in item 3.2b of this table; except
that olefin copolymers containing 89 to 95
percent ethylene with the remainder being
4-methyl-pentene-1 contacting food Types
III, IVA, V, VIIA, and IX identified in
§ 176.170(c) of this chapter, table 1, shall
not exceed 0.051 millimeter (mm) (0.002
inch (in)) in thickness when used under
conditions of use A and shall not exceed
0.102 mm (0.004 in) in thickness when
used under conditions of use B, C, D, E,
and H described in § 176.170(c) of this
chapter, table 2. Additionally, olefin copoly-
mers described in (a)(3)(i)(a)(2) of this sec-
tion may be used only under conditions of
use B, C, D, E, F, G, and H described in
§ 176.170(c) of this chapter, table 2, in con-
tact with all food types identified in
§ 176.170(c) of this chapter, table 1
3.2b. Olefin copolymers described in para- Do.
graph (a)(3)(i)(c)(2) of this section have a
melt flow index no greater than 10 grams
per 10 minutes as determined by the meth-
od described in paragraph (d)(7) of this sec-
tion, and the thickness of the finished poly-
mer contacting food shall not exceed 0.025
mm (0.001 in). Additionally, optional adju-
vants permitted for use in olefin copolymers
complying with item 3.2a of this table may
be used in the production of this copolymer
3.2c. Olefin copolymers described in para- 0.85–0.92
graph (a)(3)(i)(a)(4) of this section have a
melt flow index no greater than 50 grams
per 10 minutes as determined by the meth-
od described in paragraph (d)(7) of this sec-
tion. Articles manufactured using these
polymers may be used with all types of food
under conditions of use C through H as de-
scribed in table 2 of § 176.170(c) of this
3.3a. Olefin copolymers described in para-
graph (a)(3)(ii) of this section and manufac-
tured with 1-alkenes having from 6 to 10
carbon atoms
3.3b. Olefin copolymers described in para-
graph (a)(3)(ii) of this section, provided that
such olefin polymers have a melt tempera-
ture of 220 °C to 250 °C (428 °F to 482 °F)
as determined by the method described in
paragraph (d)(8) of this section and min-
imum intrinsic viscosity of 1.0 as determined
in paragraph (d)(9) of this section.
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§ 177.1520 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–09 Edition)

Maximum extract- Maximum soluble

Melting Point able fraction (ex- fraction (ex-
(MP) or softening pressed as per- pressed as per-
Olefin polymers Density point (SP) (De- cent by weight of cent by weight of
grees Centi- the polymer) in N- polymer) in xy-
grade)– hexane at speci- lene at specified
fied temperatures temperatures

3.4. Olefin copolymers, primarily non-crys- 0.85–0.90

talline, described in par. (a)(3) (iii) of this
section provided that such olefin polymers
have a minimum viscosity average molec-
ular weight of 120,000 as determined by the
method described in par. (d)(5) of this sec-
tion and a minimum Mooney viscosity of 35
as determined by the method described in
par. (d)(6) of this section, and further pro-
vided that such olefin copolymers contact
food only of the types identified in
§ 176.170(c) of this chapter, table 1, under
Types I, II, III, IV-B, VI, VII, VIII, and IX
3.5. Olefin copolymers, primarily non-crys- 0.85–0.90
talline, described in paragraph (a)(3)(iv) of
this section, provided that such olefin poly-
mers have a minimum viscosity average
molecular weight of 95,600 as determined
by the method described in paragraph
(d)(5) of this section, and further provided
that such olefin polymers are used only in
blends with olefin polymers described under
items 1.1, 2.1, and 2.2 of this table at a
maximum level of 25 pct by weight, and
provided that such olefin copolymers con-
tact food only of the types identified in
§ 176.170 (c) of this chapter, table 1, under
Types I, II, IV-B, VI, VII-B, and VIII at tem-
peratures not exceeding 190 °F
3.6. Olefin copolymers described in para- Not less than 0.88
graph (a)(3)(v) of this section for use in
blends with olefin polymer resins have a
melt flow index no greater than 5 grams/10
minutes as determined by the method de-
scribed in paragraph (d)(7) of this section
and the thickness of the finished blends
shall not exceed 0.1 millimeter (0.004 inch).
The ethylene/butene-1 copolymer may be
used subject to the following conditions: (1)
For use at a level not to exceed 20 weight
percent in polypropylene as described
under item 1.1 of this table. (2) For use at a
level not to exceed 40 weight percent in
polyethylene as described under items 2.1
and 2.2 of this table. (3) For use at a level
not to exceed 40 weight percent in olefin
copolymers as described under items 3.1
and 3.2 of this table
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 177.1520

Maximum extract- Maximum soluble

Melting Point able fraction (ex- fraction (ex-
(MP) or softening pressed as per- pressed as per-
Olefin polymers Density point (SP) (De- cent by weight of cent by weight of
grees Centi- the polymer) in N- polymer) in xy-
grade)– hexane at speci- lene at specified
fied temperatures temperatures

3.7. Ethylene/propylene copolymers, meeting Not less than 0.86

the identity described in paragraph (a)(3)(i)
of this section, containing not less than 80
mole-percent of polymer units derived from
ethylene and having a minimum viscosity
average molecular weight of 95,000 as de-
termined by the method described in para-
graph (d)(5) of this section, and a minimum
Mooney viscosity of 13 as determined by
the method described in paragraph (d)(6) of
this section. Ethylene/propylene copolymers
described in this item 3.7 are to be used
only in blends with other olefin polymers
complying with this section, at levels not to
exceed 30 percent by weight of the total
polymer blend, and in contact with food only
of types identified in § 176.170(c) of this
chapter, Table 1, under Types I, II, III, IV-B,
VI, VII, VIII, and IX. Additionally, optional
adjuvants permitted for use in olefin copoly-
mers complying with item 3.4 of this table
may be used in the production of this
3.8. Olefin polymers described in paragraph
(a)(3)(vi) of this section, having a melt flow
index not to exceed 9.2 grams per 10 min-
utes as determined by the method de-
scribed in paragraph (d)(7) of this section,
for use in blends with other polymers at lev-
els not to exceed 8 percent by weight of
total polymer, subject to the limitation that
when contacting food of types III, IV-A, V,
VI-C, VII-A, and IX, identified in
§ 176.170(c) of this chapter, Table 1, the
polymers shall be used only under condi-
tions of use C, D, E, F, and G, described in
§ 176.170(c) of this chapter, Table 2.
3.9. Olefin copolymers described in paragraph Not less than 1.0
(a)(3)(vii) of this section may only be used
in contact with dry foods, Type VIII, as iden-
tified in § 176.170(c) of this chapter, Table 1
4. Poly(methylpentene) 0.82–0.85 MP: 235°–250 °C 6.6 pct at reflux 7.5 pct at 25 °C
5. Polyethylene copolymer described in para- Not less than 0.94 ............................. 0.45 pct at 15 °C 1.8 pct at 25 °C
graph (a)(5) of this section and having a
melt index not to exceed 2, for use, either
alone or in blends with other olefin poly-
mers, subject to the limitation that when
contacting foods of types III, IV-A, V, VI-C,
VII-A, VIII, and IX identified in § 176.170(c)
of this chapter, table 1, the thickness of the
film (in mils) containing the polyethylene
graft copolymer times the concentration of
the polyethylene graft copolymer shall not
exceed a value of 2
6. Ethylene-maleic anhydride copolymers de- 0.92 or greater ........................ 1.36 pct at 50 °C 2.28 pct at 25 °C
scribed in paragraph (a)(6) of this section
for use as the adhesive component in multi-
laminate structures, or as the sealant layer
in flexible packaging, in contact with food at
temperatures not exceeding 49 °C (120 °F)

(d) The analytical methods for deter- this section are as follows, and are ap-
mining whether olefin polymers con- plicable to the basic polymer in film
cprice-sewell on PRODPC61 with CFR

form to the specifications prescribed in form not exceeding 4 mils in thickness.


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§ 177.1520 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–09 Edition)

The film to be tested shall be cut into polypropylene, and poly(methylpentene).

approximately 1-inch squares by any A sample is refluxed in the solvent for
convenient method that avoids con- 2 hours and filtered at the boiling
tamination by dust, dirt, or grease point. The filtrate is evaporated and
(NOTE: Do not touch samples with bare the total residue weighed as a measure
fingers—use forceps to hold or transfer of the solvent extractable fraction.
samples). (a) Apparatus. (1) Erlenmeyer flasks,
(1) Density. Density shall be deter- 250-milliliter, with ground joint.
mined by ASTM method D1505–68 (Re- (2) Condensers, Allihn, 400-millimeter
approved 1979), ‘‘Standard Test Method jacket, with ground joint.
for Density of Plastics by the Density- (3) Funnels, ribbed 75-millimeter di-
Gradient Technique,’’ which is incor- ameter, stem cut to 40 millimeters.
porated by reference. Copies may be (4) Funnels, Buchner type, with
obtained from the American Society
coarse-porosity fritted disc, 60-milli-
for Testing Materials, 100 Barr Harbor
meter diameter.
Dr., West Conshohocken, Philadelphia,
(5) Bell jar for vacuum filtration into
PA 19428-2959, or may be examined at
the National Archives and Records Ad- beaker.
ministration (NARA). For information (b) Reagent. n-Hexane, commercial
on the availability of this material at grade, specific gravity 0.663–0.667 (20 °C/
NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http:// 20 °C), boiling range 66 °C-69 °C, or
www.archives.gov/federallregister/ equivalent.
codeloflfederallregulations/ (c) Procedure. Weigh 1 gram of sample
ibrllocations.html. accurately and place in a 250-milliliter
(2) Melting point or softening point—(i) Erlenmeyer flask containing two or
Melting point. The melting point shall three boiling stones. Add 100 milliliters
be determined by ASTM method D2117– of solvent, attach the flask to the con-
82, ‘‘Standard Test Method for Melting denser (use no grease), and reflux the
Point of Semicrystalline Polymers by mixture for 2 hours. Remove the flask
the Hot Stage Microscopy Method,’’ from the heat, disconnect the con-
which is incorporated by reference. The denser, and filter rapidly, while still
availability of this incorporation by hot, through a small wad of glass wool
reference is given in paragraph (d)(1) of packed in a short-stem funnel into a
this section. tared 150-millimeter beaker. Rinse the
(ii) Softening point. The softening flask and filter with two 10-milliliter
point shall be determined by ASTM portions of the hot solvent, and add the
method E28–67 (Reapproved 1982), rinsings to the filtrate. Evaporate the
‘‘Standard Test Method for Softening filtrate on a stream bath with the aid
Point by Ring-and-Ball Apparatus,’’ of a stream of nitrogen. Dry the res-
which is incorporated by reference. The idue in a vacuum oven at 110 °C for 2
availability of this incorporation by hours, cool in a desiccator, and weigh
reference is given in paragraph (d)(1) of to the nearest 0.0001 gram. Determine
this section. the blank on 120 milliliters of solvent
(3) Maximum extractable fraction in n- evaporated in a tared 150-milliliter
hexane—(i) Olefin copolymers described beaker. Correct the sample residue for
in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section, this blank if significant. Calculation:

Grams of residue
= Percent extractable with n-hexane.
Grams of sample × 100

(ii) Olefin copolymers described in para- residue weighed as a measure of the

graph (a)(3)(i) of this section and poly- solvent extractable fraction. Alter-
ethylene. A preweighed sample is ex- natively, the sample is reweighed after
tracted at 50 °C for 2 hours and filtered. the extraction period to give a measure
cprice-sewell on PRODPC61 with CFR

The filtrate is evaporated and the total of the solvent extractable fraction. The


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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 177.1520

maximum n-hexane-extractable frac- vent temperature has reached 50 °C,

tion may be determined by the meth- disconnect the heater, remove the resin
ods set forth in paragraphs (d)(3)(ii)(a) kettle from the heating jacket, and de-
through (d)(3)(ii)(i) of this section. cant the solvent, while still warm,
(a) Extraction apparatus. Two-liter, through a coarse filter paper placed on
straight-walled, Pyrex (or equivalent) top of a fritted-glass funnel, collecting
resin kettles, fitted with three-hole the filtrate in a tared, glass-stoppered
ground-glass covers are most conven- Erlenmeyer flask of 1-liter capacity.
ient for this purpose. The cover is Determine the weight of the filtrate re-
fitted with a thermometer, a gas-tight covered to the nearest gram. Recovery
stirrer driven by an air motor or explo- should be at least 90 percent of the
sion-proof electric motor, and a reflux original solvent. Losses due to evapo-
condenser. The kettle is fitted with an ration during heating and filtering
electric heating mantle of appropriate have been found not to exceed 10 per-
size and shape, which is controlled by a cent. Transfer about half of the solvent
variable-voltage transformer. filtrate to a 1-liter beaker placed on an
(b) Evaporating apparatus. Rapid opening in the steam bath and imme-
evaporation of large volumes of solvent diately cover with the special ‘‘gas’’
requires special precautions to prevent cover, the inlet tube of which has been
contamination by dust. This is facili- attached with flexible tetrafluoro-
tated by a special ‘‘gas’’ cover con- ethylene tubing to a source of high-pu-
sisting of an inverted flat Pyrex crys-
rity nitrogen in series with a stainless
tallizing dish of an appropriate size (190
steel heating coil immersed directly in
millimeters × 100 millimeters) to fit a
the body of the steam bath. Maintain a
1-liter beaker. Through the center of
positive flow of warm nitrogen gas
the dish are sealed an inlet tube for
throughout the evaporation of the sol-
preheated, oxygen-free nitrogen, and
an outlet tube located 1 inch off center. vent, adding the remainder of the fil-
Nitrogen is fed from the supply source trate from the Erlenmeyer flask as the
through a coil of 1⁄4-inch stainless steel evaporation proceeds. When the volume
tubing immersed in the same steam of the solvent has been reduced to
bath used to supply heat for solvent about 50 milliliters, transfer the con-
evaporation. All connections are made centrated liquid to a previously tared
with flexible tetrafluoroethylene tub- weighing dish of suitable size. Wash the
ing. beaker twice with 20–30 milliliter por-
(c) Reagents—(1) n-Hexane. Spectro- tions of warm solvent, adding the
grade n-hexane. washings to the weighing dish while
(2) Nitrogen. High-purity dry nitrogen continuing to evaporate the remainder
containing less than 10 parts per mil- of the solvent under the gas cover with
lion of oxygen. its flow of warm nitrogen directed to-
(d) Procedure. Transfer 2.5 grams (ac- ward the center of the dish. In the
curately weighed to nearest 0.001 gram) event that an insoluble residue that
of the polymer to the resin kettle. Add cannot be removed with warm solvent
1 liter of solvent and clamp top in posi- remains in the beaker, it may be nec-
tion. Start water flowing through jack- essary to heat with a small amount of
et of the reflux condenser and apply air a higher boiling solvent such as ben-
pressure to the stirring motor to zene or toluene, transferring these
produce vigorous agitation. Turn on washings to the weighing dish before
heating jacket with transformer set at final evaporation to dryness. Transfer
a predetermined voltage to bring the the weighing dish with its residue to a
temperature of the contents to 50 °C vacuum desiccator, and allow it to re-
within 20–25 minutes. As the thermom- main overnight (at least 12 hours),
eter reading approaches 45 °C–47 °C, re- after which the net weight of the dry
duce the voltage to the predetermined residue is determined to the nearest
setting that will just maintain the 0.0001 gram. Correct the result for any
temperature at 50 °C. Do not overshoot solvent blank equivalent to the non-
the prescribed temperature. Should volatile matter determined to be con-
cprice-sewell on PRODPC61 with CFR

this occur discard the test and start tained in the amount of solvents used
afresh. Exactly 2 hours after the sol- in the test.


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§ 177.1520 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–09 Edition)

(e) Extraction apparatus for alternate should be prepared by the same process
method. Two-liter extraction vessel, as will be used with the production
such as a resin kettle or round bottom resin. Using gloves and metal tweezers
flask, fitted with an Allihn condenser to avoid sample contamination, cut
(size C), a 45/50 male joint with a Teflon about 2.7 grams of the prepared film (4
sleeve, and a Teflon coated stir bar. mils or less in thickness) into about 1-
Water bath maintained at 49.5 °C ±0.5 inch squares using clean sharp scissors.
°C containing a submersible magnetic Proceed with Option 1 or 2.
stirrer motor with power supply. Other Option 1. Using tweezers and noting
suitable means of maintaining tem- the number of film pieces, transfer 2.5
perature control, such as electric heat- grams (accurately weighed to 0.1 milli-
ing mantles, may be used provided that gram) of polymer to the extraction ves-
the temperature range can be strictly
sel. Extract the film sample for 2
hours. Allow the vessel to cool and fil-
(f) Sample basket (Optional). A per-
ter the contents through a fritted por-
forated stainless steel cylindrical bas-
ket that is approximately 1.5 inches in celain funnel. Wash the film pieces
diameter, 1.6 inches high, and has per- with fresh n-hexane, aspirate to dry-
forations of 0.125 inches in diameter for ness, and transfer, using tweezers, to a
33 holes/in2, or 40 percent open area. beaker. Recount the film pieces to
The basket should pass freely through verify that none were lost during the
the 45/50 female joint of the extraction transfer. Place the beaker in the vacu-
flask. A No. 6–32 stainless steel eye- um oven for 2 hours at 80 °C ±5 °C. After
bolt is attached to the lid for posi- 2 hours, remove and place in a desic-
tioning the basket in the extraction cator to cool to room temperature
vessel. The positioning rod, approxi- (about 1 hour). After cooling, reweigh
mately 18 inches long and made from 1/ the film pieces to the nearest 0.1 milli-
16 inch outside diameter 316 stainless gram. Calculate the percent hexane-
steel welding rod or equivalent and extractables content from the weight
hooked at both ends, is used to position loss of the original sample. Multiply
the basket in the extraction apparatus. the result by 0.935 and compare with
(g) Vacuum oven. Capable of main- extraction limits in paragraph (c) of
taining 80 °C ±5 °C and a minimum of this section. Repeat the above proce-
635 millimeters of mercury pressure. dure for successive samples.
(h) Reagents. n-Hexane, reagent or Option 2. Transfer 2.5±0.05 grams of
spectrograde, aromatic free (less than 1 the prepared 1-inch film sections into a
milligram per liter), minimum 85 per- tared sample basket and accurately
cent n-hexane. This reagent may be re- weigh to the nearest 0.1 milligram.
used until it contains a maximum of 1.5 Carefully raise the condenser until the
grams polyolefin extractables or has hook on the positioning rod is above
been used for 12 determinations. the neck of the 2-liter extraction ves-
(i) Procedure. Assemble the extraction
sel. The basket should be totally below
vessel, condenser, and magnetic stir
the level of n-hexane solvent. Extract
bar. Add n-hexane (1 liter) to the ex-
the sample resin film for 2 hours and
traction vessel and clamp the assembly
into a water bath set at 49.5 °C ±0.5 °C. then raise the basket above the solvent
Start the water flowing through the level to drain momentarily. Remove
jacket of the reflux condenser. Adjust the basket and rinse the contents by
the air flow through the stirring motor immersing several times in fresh n-
to give a smooth and uniform stir rate. hexane. Allow the basket to dry be-
Allow the n-hexane to preheat for 1 tween rinsings. Remove the excess sol-
hour to bring the temperature to 49.5 vent by briefly blowing the basket with
°C±0.5 °C. Temperature is a critical fac- a stream of nitrogen or dry air. Place
tor in this analysis and it must not the basket in the vacuum oven for 2
vary more than 1 °C. If the temperature hours at 80 °C ±5 °C. After 2 hours, re-
exceeds these limits, the test must be move and place in a desiccator to cool
discontinued and restarted. Blown, to room temperature (about 1 hour).
cprice-sewell on PRODPC61 with CFR

compression molded, or extrusion cast After cooling, reweigh the basket to

films can be tested. Ideally, the film the nearest 0.1 milligram. Calculate


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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 177.1520

the percent hexane extractables con- thylamine in 1 liter of industrial grade

tent from the weight loss of the origi- xylene having specific gravity 0.856–
nal sample. Multiply the result by 0.935 0.867 (20 °C/20 °C) and boiling range 123
and compare with extraction limits in °C–160 °C.
paragraph (c) of this section. Repeat (c) Procedure. Weigh 1 to 2 grams of
the above procedure for successive sample to the nearest 0.001 gram and
samples. The same solvent charge place in a 125-milliliter Pyrex reagent
should remain clear and can be used for bottle containing a 1-inch long tetra-
at least 12 determinations. Applica- fluoroethylene-resin-coated stirring
tions of solvent reuse should be con- bar. Add 100 milliliters of solvent, set
firmed for each resin type before use. the stopper in lightly, and place the
(4) Maximum soluble fraction in xy- bottle in the heating mantle or alu-
lene—(i) Olefin copolymers described in minum block maintained at a tempera-
paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section, poly- ture of 120 °C, and stir with a magnetic
propylene, and poly(methylpen-tene). A stirrer until the sample is completely
sample is dissolved completely in xy- dissolved. Remove the bottle from the
lene by heating and stirring in a bottle heat and allow it to cool 1 hour in the
with little free space. The solution is air, without stirring. Then place the
allowed to cool without stirring, bottle in a water bath maintained at 25
whereupon the insoluble portion pre- °C ±0.5 °C, and allow to stand 1 hour
cipitates and is filtered off; the total without stirring. Next, remove the bot-
solids content of the filtrate is then de- tle from the water bath, shake, and
termined as a measure of the soluble pour part of the contents into the
fraction. coarse-porosity fritted-glass funnel.
(a) Apparatus. (1) Pyrex (or equiva- Apply suction, and draw 30–40 milli-
lent) reagent bottle, 125-milliliter, liters of filtrate through, adding more
glass-stoppered. slurry to the funnel, and catching the
(2) Heating mantle of size for 150-mil- filtrate in a large test tube. (If the
liliter beaker (or suitable aluminum slurry is hard to filter, add 10 grams of
block to fit the 125-milliter bottle de- diatomaceous earth filter aid to the
scribed in paragraph (d)(4)(i)(a)(1) of bottle and shake vigorously just prior
this section. to the filtration.) Pipet a suitable ali-
(3) Magnetic stirrer for use under the quot (preferably 20 milliliters) of the
heating mantle (combination magnetic filtrate into a tared aluminum dispos-
stirrer and hotplate may be used if alu- able dish. Place the dish on a steam
minum block is used in place of heat- bath covered with a fresh sheet of alu-
ing mantle). minum foil and invert a short-stemmed
(4) Variable-voltage transformer, 7.5 4-inch funnel over the dish. Pass nitro-
amperes. gen (heated if desired) down through
(5) Tetrafluoroethylene-resin-coated the funnel at a rate sufficient to just
stirring bar, 1-inch long. ripple the surface of the solvent. When
(6) Constant temperature water bath the liquid has evaporated, place the
maintained at 25 °C±0.5 °C. dish in a vacuum oven at 140 °C and
(7) Aluminum dishes, 18 millimeters × less than 50 millimeters mercury pres-
60 millimeters, disposable. sure for 2 hours. Cool in a desiccator
(8) Funnel, Buchner type, with and weigh. (Note: If the residue value
coarse-porosity fritted disc, 30–60 milli- seems high, redry in the vacuum oven
meter diameter. for one-half hour to ensure complete
(b) Reagent. Xylene with antioxidant. removal of all xylene solvent.) Calcula-
Dissolve 0.020 gram of phenyl-b- naph- tion:

Grams of residue 100 milliters

× × 100 = Percent soluble in xylene
Grams of sample volume of aliquot in milliliters
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§ 177.1520 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–09 Edition)

(ii) Olefin copolymers described in para- reflux condenser and apply full voltage
graph (a)(3)(i) of this section and poly- (115 volts) to the heating mantle. When
ethylene. A sample is extracted in xy- the xylene starts to boil, reduce the
lene at reflux temperature for 2 hours voltage to a level just sufficient to
and filtered. The filtrate is evaporated maintain reflux. After refluxing for at
and the total residue weighed as a least 2 hours, disconnect the power
measure of soluble fraction. source to the mantle, remove the ket-
(a) Apparatus—(1) Extraction appa- tle, and allow to cool in air until the
ratus. Two-liter, straight-walled Pyrex temperature of the contents drops to 50
(or equivalent) resin kettles, fitted °C, after which the kettle may be rap-
with ground-glass covers, are most con- idly cooled to 25 °C–30 °C by immersing
venient for this purpose. The cover is in a cold water bath. Transfer the ket-
equipped with a thermometer and an tle to a constant temperature bath set
efficient reflux condenser. The kettle is to maintain 25 °C ±0.1 °C, and allow to
fitted with an electric heating mantle equilibrate for a least 1 hour (may be
of appropriate size and shape which is left overnight if convenient). Break up
controlled by a variable-voltage trans- any precipitated polymers that may
former. have formed, and decant the xylene so-
(2) Constant temperature water bath. It lution successively through a fast filter
must be large enough to permit immer- paper and then through a fritted-glass
sion of the extraction kettle and set to filter into a tared 1-liter Erlenmeyer
maintain 25 °C ±0.1 °C. flask, collecting only the first 450 mil-
(3) Evaporating apparatus. Gas cover liliters—500 milliliters of filtrate (any
consisting of a flat Pyrex crystallizing attempt to collect more of the xylene
dish (190 millimeters × 100 millimeters) solution usually results in clogging the
inverted to fit over a 1-liter beaker filter and risking losses). Reweigh the
with 8-millimeter gas inlet tube sealed Erlenmeyer flask and calculate the
through center and an outlet tube 1 weight of the filtrate obtained to the
inch off center. The beaker with gas nearest 0.1 gram. Transfer the filtrate,
cover is inserted in an electric heating quantitatively, from the Erlenmeyer
mantle equipped with a variable-volt- flask to the 1-liter beaker, insert the
age transformer. The outlet tube is at- beaker in its heating mantle, add a
tached to an efficient condenser glass-coated magnetic stirring bar, and
mounted on a receiving flask for sol- mount the gas cover in place, con-
vent recovery and having an outlet for necting the inlet tube to the nitrogen
connection to an aspirator pump. The source and the outlet to the condenser
heating mantle (with the beaker) is of the receiving flask. Start a flow of
mounted on a magnetic stirring device. nitrogen (2 to 3 liters per minute) into
An infrared heat lamp is mounted the gas cover and connect an aspirator
vertically 3–4 inches above the gas to the receiver using a free-flow rate
cover to prevent condensation of the equivalent to 6–7 liters of air per
solvent inside the cover. Make all con- minute. With the infrared lamp on, ad-
nections with flexible tetrafluoro- just the voltage to the heating mantle
ethylene tubing. to give a distillation rate of 12–13 milli-
(b) Reagents—(1) Xylene. American liters per minute when the magnetic
Chemical Society reagent grade that stirrer is revolving just fast enough to
has been redistilled through a promote good boiling. When the vol-
fractionating column to reduce the ume of solvent in the beaker has been
nonvolatile residue. reduced to 30–50 milliliters, transfer
(2) Nitrogen. High-purity dry nitrogen the concentrated extractive to a suit-
containing less than 104 parts per mil- able weighing dish that has been pre-
lion oxygen. viously tared (dry). Rinse the beaker
(c) Procedure. Transfer 5 grams ±0.001 twice with 10–20 milliliter portions of
gram of sample to the resin kettle, add fresh xylene, adding the rinsings to the
1,000 milliliters (840 grams) of xylene, weighing dish. Evaporate the remain-
and clamp top in position after insert- der of the xylene on an electric
ing a piece of glass rod to prevent hotplate set at low heat under the gas
cprice-sewell on PRODPC61 with CFR

bumping during reflux. Start water cover with a stream of nitrogen di-
flowing through the jacket of the rected toward the center of the dish.


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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 177.1520

Avoid any charring of the residue. termined at 100 °C. The apparatus con-
Transfer the weighing dish to a vacu- taining the sample is warmed for 1
um desiccator at room temperature minute, run for 8 minutes, and vis-
and allow to remain under reduced cosity measurements are then made.
pressure for at least 12 hours (over- (7) Melt flow index. The melt flow
night), after which determine the net index of olefin polymers described
weight of the residue to the nearest below shall be determined by ASTM
0.0001 gram. Correct the result for non- method D–1238–82, ‘‘Standard Test
volatile solvent blank obtained by Method for Flow Rates of Thermo-
evaporating the equivalent amount of plastics by Extrusion Plastometer,’’
xylene under identical conditions. Cal- which is incorporated by reference in
culate the weight of residue originally accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a). The
present in the total weight of solvent availability of this incorporation by
(840 grams), using the appropriate fac- reference is given in paragraph (d)(1) of
tor based on the weight of filtrate this section. The olefin polymers and
evaporated. test conditions and procedures are as
(5) Viscosity average molecular weight follows:
olefin copolymers described in paragraphs List of polymers Conditions/procedures
(a)(3) (iii) and (iv) of this section. The
viscosity average molecular weight Olefin copolymers described in para- Condition L, proce-
graph (a)(3)(i)(c)(2) of this section. dure A.
shall be determined from the kine- Olefin copolymers described in para- Condition E, proce-
matic viscosity (using ASTM method graph (a)(3)(v) of this section. dure A.
D445–74, ‘‘Test for Kinematic Viscosity Olefin polymers described in para- Condition E, proce-
graph (a)(2)(ii) of this section. dure A.
of Transparent and Opaque Liquids’’ Olefin polymers described in para- Condition E, proce-
(Revised 1974), which is incorporated by graph (a)(3)(vi) of this section. dure A.
reference; copies are available from
American Society for Testing and Ma- (8) Melting peak temperature. The melt
terials (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Dr., temperature of the olefin polymers de-
West Conshohocken, Philadelphia, PA scribed in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this
19428-2959, or available for inspection at section shall be determined by ASTM
the National Archives and Records Ad- method D 3418–82, ‘‘Standard Test
ministration (NARA). For information Method for Transition Temperatures of
on the availability of this material at Polymers by Thermal Analysis,’’ which
NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http:// is incorporated by reference in accord-
www.archives.gov/federallregister/ ance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a). The avail-
codeloflfederallregulations/ ability of this incorporation by ref-
ibrllocations.html.) of solutions of the erence is given in paragraph (d)(1) of
copolymers in solvents and at tempera- this section.
tures as follows: (9) Intrinsic viscosity. The intrinsic
(i) Olefin polymers described in para- viscosity of the olefin polymers de-
graph (a)(3)(iii) of this section in scribed in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this
decahydronaphthalene at 135 °C. section shall be determined by ASTM
(ii) Olefin polymers described in method D 1601–78, ‘‘Standard Test
paragraph (a)(3)(iv) of this section in Method for Dilute Solution Viscosity
tetrachloroethylene at 30 °C. of Ethylene Polymers,’’ which is incor-
(6) Mooney viscosity—olefin copolymers porated by reference in accordance
described in paragraph (a)(3)(iii) of this with 5 U.S.C. 552(a). The availability of
section. Mooney viscosity is determined this incorporation by reference is given
by ASTM method D1646–81, ‘‘Standard in paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
Test Method for Rubber—Viscosity and (e) Olefin copolymers described in
Vulcanization Characteristics (Mooney paragraph (a)(3) (i) of this section and
Viscometer),’’ which is incorporated by polyethylene, alone or in combination,
reference (the availability of this in- may be subjected to irradiation bom-
corporation by reference is given in bardment from a source not to exceed
paragraph (d)(1) of this section), using 2.3 million volts intensity to cause mo-
the large rotor at a temperature of 100 lecular crosslinking of the polymers to
°C, except that a temperature of 127 °C impart desired properties, such as in-
cprice-sewell on PRODPC61 with CFR

shall be used for those copolymers creased strength and increased ability
whose Mooney viscosity cannot be de- to shrink when exposed to heat.


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§ 177.1550 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–09 Edition)

(f) The olefin polymers identified in (3) Substances authorized under ap-
and complying with this section, when plicable regulations in this part and in
used as components of the food-contact parts 175 and 178 of this chapter and
surface of any article that is the sub- subject to any limitations prescribed
ject of a regulation in parts 174, 175, therein.
176, 177, 178, and § 179.45 of this chapter, (4) The following substances, subject
shall comply with any specifications to any limitations prescribed:
and limitations prescribed by such reg-
ulation for the article in the finished List of substances Limitations
form in which it is to contact food.
Lithium polysilicate containing For use only as a compo-
(g) The provisions of this section are not more than 20 weight per- nent of repeated-use
not applicable to olefin polymers iden- cent silica, not more than 2.1 coatings not exceeding
tified in § 175.105(c) (5) of this chapter percent lithium oxide and 0.030 millimeter (0.0012
having a maximum mole inch) in thickness where
and used in food-packaging adhesives ratio of Si02/Li20 of 8.5 to 1. the coatings are thermally
complying with § 175.105 of this chapter. cured at minimum sinter-
ing temperatures of 371
[42 FR 14572, Mar. 15, 1977] °C (700 °F). Lithium ex-
EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- tractives shall not exceed
tations affecting § 177.1520, see the List of 1.55 milligrams per
square decimeter (0.1
CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the milligram per square inch)
Finding Aids section of the printed volume of coating surface when
and on GPO Access. tested in accordance with
paragraph (e)(2) of this
§ 177.1550 Perfluorocarbon resins. section.
Naphthalene sulfonic acid For use only:
Perfluorocarbon resins identified in formaldehyde condensate, 1. As a component of re-
this section may be safely used as arti- sodium salt. peated-use coatings,
cles or components of articles intended based on the
to contact food, subject to the provi- perfluorocarbon resin
identified in paragraph
sions of this section: (a)(1) of this section, not
(a) Identity. For the purpose of this to exceed 0.030 milli-
section, perfluorocarbon resins are meter (0.0012 inch) in
thickness, and at a level
those produced by: (1) The not to exceed 0.4 weight
homopolymerization and/or copolym- percent of the coating.
erization of hexafluoropropylene and 2. As a component of re-
tetrafluoroethylene, and (2) the co- peated-use coatings,
based on the
polymerization of perfluorocarbon resin
perfluoropropylvinylether and tetra- identified in paragraph
fluoroethylene (CAS Reg. No. 26655–00– (a)(2) of this section, not
to exceed 0.10 millimeter
5). The resins shall meet the extrac- (0.004 inch) in thickness,
tives limitations in paragraph (d) of and at a level not to ex-
this section. ceed 0.4 weight percent
(b) Optional components. The of the coating.
perfluorocarbon resins identified in
paragraph (a) of this section as well as (c) Optional processing. Poly- tetra-
articles or coating made from these fluoroethylene resins may be irradi-
resins may include the following op- ated by either a cobalt-60 sealed
tional components except that the source, at a maximum dose of gamma
resin identified in paragraph (a)(2) of radiation not to exceed 7.5 megarads,
this section may not be used with the or an electron beam at energy levels
optional component, lithium not to exceed 2.5 million electron volts
polysilicate, mentioned in paragraph with a maximum dosage of 7.5
(b)(4) of this section. megarads, to produce lubricant pow-
(1) Substances generally recognized ders having a particle diameter of not
as safe (GRAS) in food or food pack- more than 20 microns for use only as
aging subject to any limitations cited components of articles intended for re-
on their use. peated use in contact with food.
(2) Substances used in accordance (d) Specifications—(1) Infrared identi-
with a prior sanction or approval, sub- fication. Perfluorocarbon resins can be
cprice-sewell on PRODPC61 with CFR

ject to any limitations cited in the identified by their characteristic infra-

prior sanction or approval. red spectra.


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