Kanko Et Al 2021 - Concurrent Assessment of Gait Kinematics Using Marker-Based and Markerless Motion Capture

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Journal of Biomechanics 127 (2021) 110665

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Concurrent assessment of gait kinematics using marker-based and

markerless motion capture
Robert M. Kanko a, *, Elise K. Laende a, Elysia M. Davis a, W. Scott Selbie b, Kevin J. Deluzio a
Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Queen’s University, Canada
Theia Markerless Inc, Kingston, Canada


Keywords: Kinematic analysis is a useful and widespread tool used in research and clinical biomechanics for the quantifi­
Markerless motion capture cation of human movement. Common marker-based optical motion capture systems are time intensive and
Gait analysis require highly trained operators to obtain kinematic data. Markerless motion capture systems offer an alternative
method for the measurement of kinematic data with several practical benefits. This work compared the kine­
Deep learning
matics of human gait measured using a deep learning algorithm-based markerless motion capture system to those
from a standard marker-based motion capture system. Thirty healthy adult participants walked on a treadmill
while data were simultaneously recorded using eight video cameras and seven infrared optical motion capture
cameras, providing synchronized markerless and marker-based data for comparison. The average root mean
square distance (RMSD) between corresponding joint centers was less than 2.5 cm for all joints except the hip,
which was 3.6 cm. Lower limb segment angles relative to the global coordinate system indicated the global
segment pose estimates from both systems were very similar, with RMSD of less than 5.5◦ for all segment angles
except those that represent rotations about the long axis of the segment. Lower limb joint angles captured similar
patterns for flexion/extension at all joints, ab/adduction at the knee and hip, and toe-in/toe-out at the ankle.
These findings indicate that the markerless system would be a suitable alternative technology in cases where the
practical benefits of markerless data collection are preferred.

1. Introduction must be identified through expert physical palpation, a skill that ne­
cessitates knowledge of anatomy and the translation of this information
Kinematic analysis is the measurement of the motion of rigid bodies to a specific individual. Lack of adequate skill or experience in this
and is an important tool in clinical and research biomechanics. While domain leads to the misrepresentation of anatomical landmarks and
kinematic analyses are ubiquitous in biomechanics research, the unrepresentative anatomical coordinate systems and subsequent joint
experimental and computational methods used to estimate three- centres, which propagate to errors in reported joint kinematics and ki­
dimensional (3D) segment position and orientation (pose) vary, and so netics (Della Croce et al., 1999; Holden and Stanhope, 1998; Stagni
do the resulting kinematics. Markerless motion capture has the potential et al., 2000). This has been noted as one of the greatest sources of error
to alleviate some of the technical and practical issues of marker-based in motion analysis, being greater than instrument error and similar to
motion analysis by replacing physical palpation and skin surface skin movement artefact (Della Croce et al., 2005). Systematic bias in
marker tracking of bony landmarks with probabilistic estimation of landmarks for a given examiner may also exist which make the
landmark positions using trained neural networks (Mathis et al., 2018). consolidation of different datasets and multi-center collaborations
Pose estimation in both marker-based and markerless systems is challenging (Gorton et al., 2009; Johnson et al., 2018).
achieved by using at least three noncollinear markers or landmarks to In markerless systems of the type studied here, joint centers and
define the pose of body segments, which are represented by local co­ other salient landmark positions are directly estimated on new data by a
ordinate systems (LCS) relative to a global coordinate system (GCS). To deep learning algorithm based on training the algorithm has received on
create these coordinate systems and subsequent joint centres in tradi­ a training dataset (Cronin, 2021; Drazan et al., 2021; Mathis et al.,
tional marker-based motion analysis, specific anatomical landmarks 2018). These landmark positions, which have associated probabilities

* Corresponding author.at: Human Mobility Research Laboratory, Hotel Dieu Hospital, 166 Brock St, Kingston, ON K7L 5G2, Canada.
E-mail address: [email protected] (R.M. Kanko).

Accepted 28 July 2021
Available online 3 August 2021
0021-9290/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.M. Kanko et al. Journal of Biomechanics 127 (2021) 110665

that reflect the algorithm’s confidence in each estimated position, are cameras) and a markerless camera system (eight Qualisys Miqus, 3-
generated based only on the training the network received and the new megapixel resolution video cameras) were positioned around an
data provided, thereby dissociating the tracking of human motion from instrumented treadmill (Tandem Force-Sensing Treadmill, AMTI Inc.,
the operator (Cronin, 2021; Mathis et al., 2018). MA). Both camera systems were connected to a single instance of
Reducing the reliance on physical markers increases the ease of Qualisys Track Manager for synchronization and to allow them to be
collecting data (Kanko et al., 2021a), may have the potential to improve calibrated simultaneously, resulting in a single shared global reference
the reliability of data (Kanko et al., 2021a), and may expand the use of frame. Both systems recorded at 85 Hz.
quantitative human movement data to instances where marker-based A static calibration trial for the marker-based motion capture data
motion analysis is not feasible or impedes the research (Cronin et al., was collected with the subject standing on the treadmill; no static trial is
2019; Hutchinson et al., 2019; Mündermann et al., 2006; Verheul et al., required for the markerless system. Starting at an initial speed of 1.2 m/
2020). Despite the potential opportunities presented by markerless s, participants determined a comfortable self-selected walking speed by
motion capture, it is crucial that differences in kinematic measurements providing feedback to researchers. Participants acclimatized to the
obtained using this technology relative to standard marker-based sys­ treadmill for two minutes before ten consecutive trials of four seconds
tems are examined to provide context for their use (Cronin, 2021; Dra­ were collected simultaneously using both camera systems.
zan et al., 2021), and for researchers and clinicians to recognize that
markerless systems represent an important supplementary technology 2.4. Data analysis
that may allow different research questions to be answered (Drazan
et al., 2021). Markerless motion capture video data were processed using Theia3D
The aim of this study was to compare full-body 3D kinematics of gait (v2021.1.0.1450), from which 4x4 pose matrices of each body segment
measured by a deep neural network-based markerless motion capture were exported for analysis in Visual3D (C-Motion, USA) alongside the
system to those measured by a marker-based motion capture system. tracked marker trajectories from the marker-based motion capture. The
Theia3D lower body kinematic chain was constrained to have six
2. Methods degrees-of-freedom (DOF) at the pelvis and three DOF at the hip, knee,
and ankle. Two skeletal models were created in Visual3D; one that
2.1. Markerless motion capture tracked the markerless pose matrices, which Visual3D created auto­
matically when data from Theia3D was loaded, and a second that tracked
Theia3D (Theia Markerless Inc., Kingston, ON, Canada) is a deep the marker trajectories, which was manually defined. The marker-based
learning algorithm-based approach to markerless motion capture that model was defined to have identical joint constraints as those of the
uses synchronized video data to perform 3D human pose estimation Theia3D IK model.
(Kanko et al., 2021a, 2021b). The system utilizes deep convolutional Kinematic measures including joint center positions, lower limb
neural networks which were trained on over 500,000 manually anno­ global segment angles relative to the global coordinate system, and
tated digital images of humans in the wild to estimate the position of 51 lower limb joint angles were calculated using the Visual3D models. Joint
salient features on humans in new images provided to the system. The center positions for the markerless system were extracted from the
training dataset does not include any images of the testing data collected automatic Visual3D model and represent direct estimates of those po­
in our laboratory to ensure its performance is not better for our testing sitions from the deep learning algorithm. Joint center positions for the
data than data collected in other environments. Using this approach, the marker-based system were estimated using the midpoint between the
system estimates the 2D positions of these features for all humans that medial and lateral malleoli markers for the ankles, the midpoint be­
appear within synchronized and calibrated video data provided to the tween the medial and lateral femoral epicondyles for the knees,
system, from which 3D position estimates can be obtained. An articu­ regression equations implemented in Visual3D adapted from (Bell et al.,
lated multi-body model is scaled to fit the subject-specific landmarks 1990, 1989) for the hips, a point offset inferiorly by 5 cm from the su­
positions in 3D space, and a multi-body optimization approach (inverse perior acromion marker for the shoulders, the midpoint between the
kinematic (IK)) is used to estimate the 3D pose of the subject throughout medial and lateral humeral epicondyles for the elbows, and the midpoint
the recorded physical task. This markerless system has previously been between the radial and ulnar styloid processes for the wrists. Global
shown to measure comparable spatiotemporal gait parameters to segment angles represent the components of the XYZ Cardan angle taken
marker-based motion capture and a pressure-sensitive gait mat, and between the segment LCS and the laboratory GCS (defined as Z-Up and
reliably measure gait kinematics across multiple sessions (Kanko et al., Y-Anterior); thus, the x-component represents rotation about the global
2021a, 2021b). x-axis, the z-component represents rotation about the axially aligned
axis of the segment LCS, and the y-component represents rotation about
2.2. Participants the floating axis produced by the cross product of the latter with the
former. Joint angles were calculated using a Cardan sequence equivalent
A sample of thirty healthy, recreationally active individuals (15 to the Joint Coordinate System (Grood and Suntay, 1983).
male/15 female, mean (SD) age: 23.0 (3.5) years, height: 1.76 (0.09) m, Force-based gait events were used to obtain time-normalized gait
mass: 69.2 (11.4) kg) were recruited to participate in this study at the cycles, all of which were included in the analysis except those with
Human Mobility Research Laboratory (Kingston, ON). Participants gave tracking issues in the data from either system, which were excluded for
written informed consent, and this study was approved by the institu­ both systems; this ensured the kinematic measurements being compared
tional ethics committee. Exclusion criteria included having any neuro­ between systems were for identical gait cycles. The time-normalized
muscular or musculoskeletal impairments that could prevent their kinematic measurements were analyzed in MATLAB (MathWorks,
performance of walking. Participants were provided with minimal, skin- Natick, MA) by directly comparing measurements for matching gait
tight clothing, and wore their personal athletic shoes. Retroreflective cycles between systems and were summarized as subject-average dif­
markers and tracking clusters were affixed to relevant anatomical ferences and average root-mean-square (RMS) differences across all
landmarks and body segments (Kanko et al., 2021b). subjects.
The simultaneous markerless and marker-based data collected on
2.3. Experimental setup and procedure thirty participants during treadmill walking analyzed here were previ­
ously analyzed to compare spatiotemporal gait parameters from both
A marker-based camera system (seven Qualisys 3+ (Qualisys AB, motion capture systems (Kanko et al., 2021b). Data were independently
Gothenburg, Sweden), 1.3-megapixel resolution motion capture analyzed for these two studies, and the current work differs from the

R.M. Kanko et al. Journal of Biomechanics 127 (2021) 110665

previous analysis in the version of Theia3D software used and how the
gait events were determined.

3. Results

Data from all thirty subjects were included in the analysis, using an
average of 37 gait cycles per subject (range 11 to 51). The majority of
tracking issues that led to the exclusion of a gait cycle were found in the
marker-based data. Only gait cycles that were measured with both sys­
tems were included. Example skeletal models from the two systems are
overlaid in Fig. 1A for visual comparison, and the markerless skeletal
model is shown overlaid on the original video data in Fig. 1B. Visually,
there is substantial overlap between the two models, providing face
validity that the pose estimates were similar between the two systems.

3.1. Joint center position estimates

The average 3D Euclidean distance between corresponding lower

limb joints throughout the gait cycle across all subjects was 2.4 cm, 2.2
cm, and 3.6 cm, for the ankle, knee, and hip, respectively. The lower
limb joint center position differences demonstrated some dependence on
gait cycle phase, indicating that there are systematic differences in the
estimates from both systems that are dependent on subject pose (Fig. 2).
The average 3D Euclidean distance between corresponding upper limb
joints throughout the gait cycle across all subjects was 2.1 cm, 2.4 cm,
and 1.1 cm at the shoulder, elbow, and wrist, respectively. The upper Fig. 2. Mean +/- SD lower limb joint position differences between both motion
limb joint center position estimates were less dependent on gait cycle capture systems across the gait cycle for thirty subjects. Differences were
phase than the lower limb joints, with less variable differences calculated as [markerless (ML) position] - [marker-based (MB) position] and
throughout the gait cycle (Fig. 3). are expressed as components along each of the global coordinate system axes
(row 1: medial/lateral direction; row 2: anterior/posterior direction; row 3:
superior/inferior direction) and as 3D Euclidean distances (row 4). Axis labels
3.2. Global segment angles
(e.g. Lateral) indicate the position of the markerless joint relative to the marker-
based joint. Root-mean-square (RMS) values are inset in the 3D Euclidean
Subject-average lower limb segment angles relative to the global distance plots.
coordinate system measured using both motion capture systems and the
average difference between the measurements are shown in Fig. 4. The differences between the marker-based and markerless systems, of 8.5◦
thigh and shank segments were found to have very similar global
and 13◦ respectively. The foot global segment angle x-components
segment angles between the marker-based and markerless system for the capture the greatest range of motion among the lower limb segments,
x- and y-components, with average RMS differences of 0.9◦ -2.2◦ . The
and very similar patterns were measured by both systems across all
thigh and shank global segment angle z-components had greater

Fig. 1. Examples of A) the concurrent skeletal models

with the global coordinate system, and B) the mar­
kerless skeletal model overlaid on original video data,
with segment local coordinate systems displayed. The
markerless skeletal model is shown coloured red in
the image with the concurrent models, and coloured
blue in the overlaid image. The global coordinate
system is fixed in the treadmill, with the x-axis
pointing laterally, the y-axis pointing in the direction
of progression, and the z-axis pointing vertically. This
subject had average joint position 3D differences at
the ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, and wrist of 2.6
cm, 1.5 cm, 3.3 cm, 2.2 cm, 1.9 cm, and 1.1 cm,
respectively. The joint angle RMS differences between
the markerless and marker-based models for this
subject were 10.1◦ in ankle flex/ext, 2.3◦ in knee flex/
ext, 6.5◦ in hip flex/ext, 6.2◦ in ankle inv/ever, 3.6◦ in
knee ab/ad, 2.1◦ in hip ab/ad, 9.8◦ in foot toe-in/-out,
13.9◦ in knee int/ext rotation, and 3.1◦ in hip int/ext
rotation angles.

R.M. Kanko et al. Journal of Biomechanics 127 (2021) 110665

Fig. 3. Mean +/- SD upper limb joint position differences between both motion
Fig. 4. Subject-average global segment angles of the thigh (row 1), shank (row
capture systems across the gait cycle for thirty subjects. Differences were
2), and foot (row 3) for thirty subjects measured by the markerless (orange) and
calculated as [markerless (ML) position] - [marker-based (MB) position] and
marker-based (blue) motion capture systems, stacked above the average dif­
are expressed as components along each of the global coordinate system axes
ference (markerless - marker-based) across all subjects. Segment angle x-com­
(row 1: medial/lateral direction; row 2: anterior/posterior direction; row 3:
ponents represent rotation about the laboratory GCS x-axis, z-components
superior/inferior direction) and as 3D Euclidean distances (row 4). Axis labels
represent rotation about the axially aligned axis of the segment LCS, and y-
(e.g. Lateral) indicate the position of the markerless joint relative to the marker-
components represent rotation about the floating axis produced by the cross
based joint. Root-mean-square (RMS) values are inset in the 3D Euclidean
product of the latter with the former. Average RMS differences are inset in each
distance plots.
segment angle difference plot.

subjects, with an average RMS difference of 5.4◦ . The foot global

external hip rotation angles measured by the markerless system were
segment angle y-components (similar to inversion/eversion) had greater
more neutral than those from the marker-based system, and the average
differences between systems with an average RMS difference of 7.0◦ ,
RMS difference between systems was 6.9◦ . The internal/external knee
while the z-components (similar to toe in/toe out) had little difference
joint angles differed more during early stance and late swing phases, and
with an average RMS difference of 2.8◦ .
the average RMS difference was 13.2◦ . The foot toe-in/toe-out angles
measured by the markerless system follow a similar pattern to those
3.3. Lower limb joint angles measured by the marker-based system, but with less variability across
subjects. The average RMS difference between the foot toe-in/toe-out
Subject-average lower limb joint angles measured using both motion angles was 11.6◦ .
capture systems are shown in Fig. 5, and lower limb joint angles for all
cycles from one representative subject are shown in Fig. 6. Hip flexion/ 4. Discussion
extension angles showed an offset between systems that decreased
during early stance and at toe-off, which resulted in an average RMS This study compared the kinematics of healthy adult treadmill gait
difference of 11◦ . The ankle flexion/extension angles showed a similar measured by a marker-based motion capture system and a markerless
but smaller offset that resulted in an average RMS difference of 6.7◦ . The motion capture system, finding comparable results between the two
knee flexion/extension angles demonstrated the greatest similarity systems.
among sagittal plane angles, with an average RMS difference of 3.3◦ . For Across all thirty subjects, the joint center position estimates differed
all three joints, the marker-based system measured greater flexion than by less than 3 cm for all joints except the hip, which differed by 3.6 cm.
the markerless system. These differences are similar in magnitude to the errors associated with
The hip and knee ab/adduction joint angles showed high agreement different marker-based joint center location techniques which have been
between the marker-based and markerless systems, which had average reported up to 4.59 cm for functional methods and 5.08 cm for predic­
RMS differences of 2.6◦ and 3.2◦ , respectively. The marker-based system tive regression methods (Kainz et al., 2015). The lower limb joint center
typically measured greater knee adduction than the markerless system, position differences were more sensitive to gait cycle phase compared to
particularly during swing phase (60–100% gait cycle). The ankle the upper limb joints, which may be a result of greater soft tissue arte­
inversion/eversion angles had greater differences between systems, facts for the lower limbs, less accurate markerless tracking due to oc­
particularly during stance phase (10–50% gait cycle); the average RMS clusion by the treadmill safety bar (Fig. 1B), or blurred images due to the
difference between systems for this angle was 8.0◦ . higher speeds at which the lower limbs travel during walking.
The hip internal/external, knee internal/external, and foot toe-in/ Both systems measured global segment angles with similar x-com­
toe-out joint angles measured by the marker-based system had greater ponents, which capture the largest segment rotations during gait,
variability across all thirty subjects, whereas those waveforms from the differing by roughly 2◦ for the shank and thigh, and 5.4◦ for the foot.
markerless system were more similar across subjects. The internal/

R.M. Kanko et al. Journal of Biomechanics 127 (2021) 110665

Fig. 5. Subject-average joint angles for the hip (row 1), knee (row 2), and ankle (row 3) for thirty subjects measured by the markerless (orange) and marker-based
(blue) motion capture systems, stacked above the average difference (markerless - marker-based) across all subjects. Average RMS differences are inset in each joint
angle difference plot.

Shank and thigh global segment angle y-components and foot global the lack of ground truth measurements.
segment angle z-components had similarly small differences of less than There are several potential sources of error that could affect the
3◦ between systems. The largest segment angle differences were found measurements from both systems. Marker-based kinematics are sus­
for the foot segment y-component and the shank and thigh segment z- ceptible to marker placement variation, kinematic crosstalk, soft tissue
components, which are angular measurements taken about the LCS axis artefact, and joint center position regression errors. Inconsistent marker
that is aligned with the segment long axis. In combination, the relatively placement has been shown to contribute up to 5◦ of error in lower limb
small rotations of these segments about these axes and the alignment of joint angles due to the procedure being performed by different operators
the anatomical reference frames between the segments make these and following different protocols (Gorton et al., 2009; Schwartz et al.,
movements challenging for both systems to measure, resulting in greater 2004). To minimize this source of error, markers were placed by the
differences of 7◦ -13◦ . same examiner across all subjects. It has also been shown that skin-
The lower limb joint angles captured similar patterns and ranges of mounted marker clusters move relative to the underlying bone during
motion in flexion/extension at the ankle, knee, and hip, and in ab/ gait, with translations of up to 1.5 cm at the shank and 2.5 cm at the
adduction at the knee and hip. Joint angles are measured between two thigh, and rotations up to 8◦ (Benoit et al., 2015). These tissue artefacts
adjacent body segments, and therefore any errors in global segment pose introduce unpredictable, subject- and task-specific errors of up to 3◦ in
are amplified in these measurements. The offset in the ankle flex/ knee joint angles (Benoit et al., 2015). Finally, joint center position
extension angles is likely a result of the foot segment angle x-component estimation errors can also contribute up to 3◦ of error in lower limb joint
differences, which had an average RMSD of 5.4◦ . Similarly, the offset in kinematics (Kainz et al., 2015; Leboeuf et al., 2019).
the hip flex/extension angles is likely a result of an offset in the pelvis Markerless kinematics may be affected by several factors associated
segment poses between systems, since the differences in thigh segment with the markerless motion capture algorithm. The specific training of
angle x-components were small, with an average RMSD of 2.0◦ . Hip and the neural networks used for automated pose estimation is both a
knee internal/external rotation, foot toe-in/toe-out, and ankle inver­ strength and limitation of the markerless system. Any omissions or
sion/eversion had the most apparent differences between the marker- biases implicit within training datasets will be propagated to error when
based and markerless systems, with respect to both the waveform pat­ applied to situations where the training was weak. The sensitivity of the
terns captured and the variability among subjects. The larger differences markerless motion capture system to various factors including subject
observed in these joint angles are notable and challenging to interpret characteristics such as age, sex, ethnicity, health status, anatomical
due to the likely presence of errors in the signals from both systems and deformities, and clothing have not yet been fully tested, nor has the

R.M. Kanko et al. Journal of Biomechanics 127 (2021) 110665

markerless system would be a suitable alternative technology in cases

where the practical benefits of markerless data collection are preferred.

Declaration of Competing Interest

Scott Selbie is the CEO of Theia Markerless Inc. (Kingston, Ontario),

the developers of Theia3D.


At the time of the study, RMK was supported by an NSERC Canadian

Graduate Scholarship. We thank Human Mobility Research Laboratory
members with participant recruitment, data collection, and data


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