Accounting Theory Conceptual Issues in A Political and Economic Environment 9th Edition Wolk Dodd Rozycki 9781483375021.docx Solution Manual
Accounting Theory Conceptual Issues in A Political and Economic Environment 9th Edition Wolk Dodd Rozycki 9781483375021.docx Solution Manual
Accounting Theory Conceptual Issues in A Political and Economic Environment 9th Edition Wolk Dodd Rozycki 9781483375021.docx Solution Manual
Chapter 1
Elements of Data Communications: Analog and Digital
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Chapter Summary
Five phases characterize the evolution of data communications over the past five decades: (1)
digitization, (2) expansion, (3) deregulation, (4) Internet as a common tool, and (5) pervasive
computing. Technology continues to change, altering our definition of what is meant by
“communications.” Data communications is a subset of telecommunications. Whereas
telecommunications involves such technologies as telephony and television, traditional data
communications is more concerned with the transmission of data between computers and
computer networks. In the transmission of data from one location to another, data are first
transformed using binary coding schemes. Binary coding schemes use the binary digits 0 and 1,
which are called bits, to represent data.
Data communications uses protocols, or rules, that establish how the communications occur.
There are many different types of protocols that fulfill different purposes and functionalities.
Protocols state how the data are to be formatted, how the format is to be interpreted, the rate at
which the data are to be transmitted, and whether communications between two devices can be
established. Protocols become established or defined through a standards process. Both formal
and informal standards exist. The trend is for standards to be open and publicly available for all
to use. There are numerous standards-setting bodies; many of them are nongovernmental, private
nonprofit organizations.
Networks have both physical and logical components—respectively, the hardware devices that
compose them and the software that drives them. Networks are also based on models. Two major
models used in data communications are the Open Systems Interconnection, or OSI, model and
the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, or TCP/IP, model.
Binary 6
Data communications 6
De facto standard 9
Deregulation 4
Digitization 3
Encoding scheme 7
Internet 5
IPv4 5
IPv6 5
Nonproprietary 9
Pervasive technology 5
Proprietary 3
Protocol 7
Standards 9
Telecommunications 6
Telemetry 5
Short-Answer Questions
1. What are open standards, and what, if any, are the advantages of such standards?
Open standards are a nonproprietary standard that establishes the essential rules, functionalities,
and operations a protocol must fulfill.
2. What is a protocol and why would one be used? Provide an example of a technological
protocol or a society-based protocol.
Protocols are the rules that determine how devices communicate. Language protocols, called
rules of grammar, make it possible for people who speak and read the same language to
understand one another.
Unlike de facto standards, formal standards are those standards that have been authorized by
either an officially recognized body or by law and regulation.
4. What are the five phases associated with the evolution of data communication networks?
An encoding scheme is a way of transforming one type of data or information into another.
8. What is telemetry?
Telemetry is the wireless transmission and reception of data for the purpose of remotely
monitoring environmental conditions or equipment parameters.
Answers for these three text elements will vary depending on what an individual student or study
group elects for these assignments. Assignments should be evaluated for relevancy, accuracy,
content, and appropriate use of language. The case study in particular lends itself to a small
group project.
Chapter 2
Networking Models: OSI and TCP/IP
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Chapter Summary
Networks have both physical and logical components: the hardware devices that compose them
and the software that drives them. Networks are also based on models. Open architecture models
have some of the same advantages as open standards. Two major models used in data
communications are the open systems interconnection, or OSI, model and the transmission
control protocol/Internet protocol, or TCP/IP, model.
The two models share several characteristics, and each model is well established and accepted by
the data and telecommunications industries. One of the most important features they share is that
both models are based on the concept of layered architectures. A model is based on theory. The
theoretical model must then be implemented into a physical data communications network. In
general, a network falls into one of four categories, based on the network’s characteristics. A
local area network (LAN) is usually contained within a limited geographic area. A backbone
network (BN) is usually a high-speed circuit that connects the various LANs within an
enterprise. A metropolitan area network (MAN) can connect BNs and LANs. Wide area
networks (WANs) are used to transport data over great geographic distances, such as across a
state, a country, or even the globe.
Application layer 17
Backbone network (BN) 22
Cloud 24
Common carrier 24
Compression 18
Data link layer 18
Encryption 18
Enterprise 22
Layer stack 17
Layered architecture 16
Local area network (LAN) 22
Logical addressing 18
Metropolitan area network (MAN) 23
Network layer 18
Networking model 15
Open architecture technology 16
Open system interconnection (OSI) model 16
Physical layer 19
Presentation layer 18
Session layer 18
Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) model 16
Transport layer 18
Wide area network (WAN) 24
Short-Answer Questions
1. What are open standards, and what, if any, are the advantages of such standards?
Open standards are a nonproprietary standard that establishes the essential rules, functionalities,
and operations a protocol must fulfill.
Protocols are the rules that determine how devices communicate such that a sending and
receiving device are able to exchange data and information.
6. Which layer in the TCP/IP model is closest in alignment with the OSI model?
This layer is also sometimes referred to as the process layer and is where a protocol stack
interfaces with processes on a host machine, enabling that host to communicate across the
Answers for these three text elements will vary depending on what an individual student or study
group elects for these assignments. Assignments should be evaluated for relevancy, accuracy,
content, and appropriate use of language. The case study in particular lends itself to a small
group project.