Lesson Plan 1

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Unit Topic: Digital Media - Animation 1

Lesson Title: Sustainability in Motion (HYSC grant) pre-production
● Computer with internet attached to classroom projector
● Pen and paper
● Documents in Google Classroom
○ Persuasive techniques handout
○ HYSC synopsis worksheet
○ Storyboard template
Length of Lesson: 30 - 55 minutes (1 class)
ANA 1.1​ Assess the evolution of animation and its dynamic relationship with society.
ANA 2.1​ Assess how visual perception is manipulated to communicate both objective reality
and illusionary concepts.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.2​ ​Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey
complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection,
organization, and analysis of content.
● Introduced to the HYSC grant and Sustainability in Motion project
● Understand persuasive techniques
● Identify target audience and apply appropriate persuasive techniques
● Create the pre-production for the animation
I. Anticipatory Set
1. Do Now: Students will contribute to the daily blog by answering: “Think about a
commercial you have seen, what pops into your head? What do you
remember? A song? A weird character? Something funny or sad happen? Do
you remember the company or product? Did this commercial persuade you to
do anything?”
2. Teacher will lead a discussion about the students answers. Show students
provided examples and teacher provided examples.
3. Inform students that they will be creating their own persuasive animation.
II. Main Activity
1. Students are introduced to the HYSC grant and the Sustainability in Motion
2. Students are given the Persuasive Techniques handout
3. Students watch examples of persuasive videos (PSA, commercials)
4. Short class discussion of the persuasive techniques. If students show
understanding move on, if students do not show understanding show more
5. Students complete the Sustainability in Motion story synopsis worksheet.

III. Guided Practice

1. After completing their synopsis, students will start working on the pre-production
of their animation: Creating a storyboard.
2. Storyboard needs to contain: character, setting, actions, dialog, and should be
obvious what persuasive technique(s) were used.
3. Instructor should roam the room to check for understanding and give assistance
when needed.
IV. Assessment
1. Formative Assessments: discussions and roaming the class
2. Summative Assessment: Sustainability in Motion story synopsis
3. Summative Assessment: storyboard
V. Reflection
● Student:​ After their storyboards are done, students will spend the next few
class periods creating their animation Students will reflect on what they have
created and what they want to do next.
● Instructor:​ Using the assessments instructors will decide if they need to use
some of the remaining lab days for direct instruction to close gaps.
Special Needs:
1. Special needs:
○ Provide students with additional time to complete work
○ Provide students with modified work/projects such as a step by step instruction
to guide students, and give them reminders of what to do next.
○ Guided notes for them to fill in blank rather than copy all words
○ Visual Aids pictures of 12 animation principles with short worded definition
2. Gifted & Talented:
○ Students that finish quality work quickly can continue with their character
development, -or-
○ Assigned another project - client work or assist in other class projects, -or-
○ Create/update instructional materials for the unit
English as a Second Language (ESL):
1. Provide students with additional time to complete work
2. Provide students with additional modeling instruction
3. Guided notes for them to fill in blank rather than copy all words
4. Visual Aids pictures of 12 animation principles with short worded definition

Criteria Exceeds Meets Approaching Below

Industry Student fully Student Student Students does

Student is able to understand understands somewhat not understand
explain the skills, industry industry understands industry
education, and
experience needed requirements requirements industry requirements.
for specific industry requirements

Message Student fully Student mostly Student Student do not

Students are able to understand understand somewhat understand
create a message message, target message, target understand message, target
for a target
audience using audience, and audience, and message, target audience, and
persuasive persuasive persuasive audience, and persuasive
techniques. techniques techniques persuasive techniques

Project Student creates Students creates Students creates Student was not
Students are able to an high level a digital a partial digital able to create a
use technology to digital character character ready character digital character
create an animation
ready digital ready for for animation
character animation

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