Product Sheet - Internal Controls Management

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Cut the Cost & Complexity of Internal Controls

Software to reduce costs and increase assurance by automating your manual and repetitive internal
controls work.
Managing your internal controls like SOX, ITGC, ICFR and OMB A-123 is complicated, and spreadsheets and
other legacy tools are inefficient and don’t deliver the assurance you need.
By centrally managing and introducing automation to control testing and workflows, assurance is improved
and the workload can be more evenly distributed. Risk assurance is improved, compliance is achieved, and
the C-suite and investors are more confident.

Why Choose Internal Controls

Management? “We’ve recognized quite a big improvement
• Reduce costs by minimizing duplicate work, rationalizing in the reliability and consistency of the
low-risk or non-key controls, and harmonizing controls controls, but also the efficiency of the
that comply with multiple regulations
processes underlying them.”
• Engage process owners and the first line of defense to
test controls and remediate issues in a single platform Jason A. Gross,
• Save time with pre-built templates and frameworks CPA, CIA, CFE, CISA, ACDA VP, controls management,
Siemens Financial Services, Inc.
• Share real-time updates on compliance issues,
remediation tasks and certification status
• Increase management and investor confidence

Control Professionals Are Seeing Results with Internal Controls Management

Management Automation for
monitoring for
100% data coverage. confidence in stronger financial and
better assurance and
data-driven decisions. operational controls.
improved processes.
Figure 1: Mission control.

Highlighted Features Centralized Risk & Control Library

1. Build a risk and control library by importing
Controls Testing & Oversight
information from Excel, or use built-in SOX COSO
1. Get a dashboard view into control status: what’s and SOX ITGC frameworks.
been tested, what hasn’t, what’s operating effectively 2. Rationalize low-risk or non-key controls.
and what isn’t.
3. Harmonize controls that comply with multiple
2. Build automated workflows to engage process regulations.
owners and the first line of defense to help test
controls, and identify and remediate issues. Reporting & Certification
3. Pull data from business applications like SAP, Concur 1. Generate reports for management, PMO or external
and Salesforce to automate control testing wherever auditors—by entity, process, control status, or issues.
2. Demonstrate to your CEO and CFO that cross-
functional leaders have reviewed testing results and
have subcertified for SOX 302.
3. Get a real-time assurance report card.

About DiligentTM
Diligent created the modern governance movement. As the leading governance, risk and compliance (GRC) SaaS company, we
serve 1 million users from over 25,000 customers around the globe. Our innovative platform gives leaders a connected view
of governance, risk, compliance and ESG across their organization. Our world-changing idea is to empower leaders with the
technology, insights and connections they need to drive greater impact and accountability – to lead with purpose.

For more information or to request a demo, contact us today:

Email: [email protected] | Call: +1 877 434 5443 | Visit:
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