Audit in A CIS Environment 2

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Auditing in a CIS Environment

For each type of control (A. IT Application Control, B. IT General Control), provide (1) Definition of the control type, (2) one
sample control design and (3) the possible corresponding test/s for the control.

Sample of control design and how to test is provided below in red.

A. IT Application Controls

(1) Definition (2) Control Design (3) How to test

Input Controls Are designed to provide Pended Items:
reasonable assurance that Review aging results and
the data submitted for Aging reports showing new evidence of supervisor
processing are complete, policy items with review procedures.
properly authorized, and incomplete processing are
accurately translated into reviewed daily or weekly
machine readable form. by supervisors.

Processing Controls Are designed to provide Data Extraction, Filtering,

reasonable assurance that and Reporting: Review design of extract
the input data are routine against data file
processed accurately, and Extract routine outputs are used.
that data are not lost, assessed for
added, excluded, reasonableness and Review supervisory
duplicated or improperly completeness. assessment of output from
changed. extract routine for evidence
of regular review and

Output Controls Are designed to provide General Ledger Posting:

reasonable assurance that Tracing of sample of input
the results of processing All individual and and subledger summary
Auditing in a CIS Environment

are complete, accurate, summarized transactions transactions to the general

and that these outputs are posting to general ledger. ledger.
distributed only to
authorized personnel.

Integrity Controls These controls monitor Access to update allocated Review access to set and
data being processed and rights to senior users amend master files and
in storage with to ensure it based on their roles and standing data.
remains consistent and need to use the
correct. application.

Management Trail Often referred as “Audit Controls are designed and Verify processing audit
Trail”, enables operating effectively to trails and logs exist that
management to identify ensure than an audit trail is assure all records have
transactions and events generated and maintained been processed and allow
they record by tracking for all transactional data. for tracing of the
transactions from their transaction from input to
source to their output and storage and output.
by tracing backward.
Auditing in a CIS Environment

A. IT General Controls

IT General Controls (1) Definition (2) Control Design (3) How to test
Program change Implementing a change Change Management
management management program Controls:
means assigning Review or assess change
responsibility for the A formal process for management procedures
various change activities proper change and validate that
involved in implementing management is in place. procedures followed.
new technology solutions.

Logical Access User Access Provisioning:

Restrict access to specific
systems to authorized A formal process of Review an evidence of
individuals and to functions granting or modifying approval.
each individual can system access based on
perform on the system. appropriate level of
approval is in place.

System and data backup It provides maintenance of Back-up and Recovery:

and recovery back-up files and off-site Review or assess
storage procedures. In the Back-ups for critical data procedures for back-up
event of disruption, and programs are and recovery and validate
reconstruction of files is available in the event of an procedures followed.
achieved by updating the emergency.
most recent back-up with
subsequent transaction

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