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Food is our
basic essential thing in our life, without food we cannot survive
a single day in a life, but as we know in our basic essential
thing food plays a vital role. Food it not only essential, it is
also an emotional because different countries have different
types of food and it shows countries wealth and health, that’s
why it means an emotional thing.
What is the importance for food?
As we know food is a basic necessity in our life,
the food contains nutrients for the growth and repair in our
body, it gives us energy for the function of our body. Energy
in food is measured in units called calories. If we take food
in a calculated calories system, we will be fit and healthy
without any diseases.

What are the sources of food?

The main sources of food is from Plants and Animals,
plants and trees plays a very important role. food we get from
Plants can be eaten raw and mostly cooked only we do. From
animals we get food in the form of meat, milk, curd, egg,
butter and lots more. We must ensure that we are getting
enough vitamins and minerals in the proper amount. We must
follow a balanced diet for our healthy life.

What are the types of food?

1. Protein rich food
2. Fruits and vegetables
3. Dairy products
4. Starchy food
5. Fat rich food


Protein is important for our body to build

muscles and tissues, repair organs, protein rich food such as
Pulses, Milk, Eggs, Fish, Meat, Beans gives us more nutrients
to our body and provides us rich protein. As per our body
weight we need to intake particular grams of protein every day
in our diet, it gives us good energy for our daily function of
our body.


An Apple a day keeps the doctor away is a well known

proverb which we have to follow, at least consume two days once.
Fruits and vegetables provides us vitamins and minerals for our body,
it protects our organs from repair and provides us good nutrients.
The nutrients present in fruits and vegetables will control blood
pressure, prevents heart diseases and protect from stroke, it also
prevents cancers, it controls diabetes, it helps in weight loss, it helps
for digestion, it improves eye vision and lots more benefits we have
in fruits and vegetables, mostly fruits we can take it as a raw, it has a
natural sugars and taste, which gives us natural nutrients when we
intake daily.


Dairy products such as Milk, eggs, curd, cheese, butter

contains proteins, calcium, vitamin D and potassium. It helps for
building and maintaining strong bones. Curd helps for digestion as it
contain good bacteria, so we can daily consume curd. Some of them
will have allergy in dairy products such as milk because it will leads to
stomach upset. Dairy products also contains fats, as over consuming
can leads to cholesterol. But milk is a rich in calcium as it helps for
immune and bone strength, it helps for teeth health helps for
skin and hair health, we have to practice daily one glass of milk for
kids as it contains much nutrients, it helps for bone and teeth


Starchy foods are the main source of carbohydrate, it also

plays an important role in healthy diet. Foods such as potatoes,
bread, rice, pasta, cereals. Starchy vegetables such as corn, white
potatoes, sweet potatoes, green peas, turnips. From starch we can
make sugars called fructose, glucose it will be in liquid form. Some
contains sucrose also, in apples we have carbohydrate called starch. If
starch decreases it will change in to sugar,
Rice and grains is a great choice of starchy food, because they
gives us more energy, low fat, it good for digestion.


Fat products such as meat, butter, ghee, cheese, ice

creams, fried foods, cream biscuits and cakes. It has contains high fat
content. Some of the fishes contain omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids
which are healthy fats. We have saturated and unsaturated fats
which helps for the function of the body parts. Some of the saturated
fats helps in losing weight, eating a lot of fat rich food leads to
condition called Obesity which leads to several health risk such as
back pain, shortness of breath, heart diseases, diabetes, cholesterol
Some of the vegetables that is rich in fats are corn, Kidney beans,
black beans, rajma. Oil, butter and mayonnaise has high fat
percentages therefore we must take it in moderation level. However
we must distinguish between good and bad fat. Good fat is necessary
for the body, and it comes from nuts, milk, fish, milk based products

Above are the different types of foods that we must

follow and consume it in a balanced diet base, when we take a food it
must have all nutrients in it, It must consists of proteins,
carbohydrates, vitamin and minerals, and fats which is necessary for
the growth of human body and nutrition for the body. Food lovers
named as foodie, now a days food became new way of tasting and
food lovers can enjoy foods as they wish.

Different peoples of countries will have different types of

food and taste. Now a days you know the famous foods and taste of
the food is being reviewed by youtubers and due to this it reach to
more people. Food lovers can search famous food items and can
enjoy food which you like most.
 As we know fruits and vegetables, grains and Pulses are the
good sources of food.
 Before buying outside food we must ensure quality of the food.
 Vitamins and minerals place an important role for teeth and
bones health and is also helps to fight against diseases.
 People must develop healthy eating habits by taking healthy
food and stay away from junk food.
 Junk food such as pizza, burger, KFC and fried food items,
mostly avoid this type of junk food and practice eating healthy
food items.
 Avoid fast food items and junk food items, which keeps away
from healthy food habits.
Most of the peoples in different parts of the country is not
getting enough nutrition food and in mostly Africa I think so lots of
people in starvation because they are in below income and no
income peoples and very poor peoples. In some parts of the
country people are in starvation but in other countries most of the
people wasting food in cases at home functions, marriages and
some money minded people is not at all caring for food wasting.


In olden days that is at 19th century people suffers from

diseases is very less, but now in this century lot of diseases and
heart attacks and other main concern is obesity. Obesity is the
root cause for all the diseases we are facing. Reason behind this is
because of our life style, In todays world we are running for
earning money , no concern about health, we are not having time
to sit and relax and to have a healthy food to eat. In shift basis we
are working due to this we are not having proper healthy food to
eat because we are not having enough time to prepare healthy
food, we are not eating food on time , mostly we are eating at
untime , due to this results in obesity, heart attack, diabetes and
lot of health issues we are facing.

In those days farmers had a good and healthy life style, our
elders grandfathers and grandmothers lead a healthy life style ,
that is waking up in the morning at 4 am, going for farming and
hardworking, so their digestion is good , they will eat on time,
work hard and sleep on time, so they are free from diseases and
happy also, but now we are facing totally different life style and its
our responsibility to tell our children’s to have a healthy food and
follow our elders life style, we must not only eat rice, we must
follow olden days grains to eat like maize, jowar, horse tail rice like
this we have to change our eating habits, so with these our life
style and our children’s life style changes.

Then we have to introduce new subjects in schools if possible

about the health and eating habits in which our elders followed
like what rice they eat, then their timing habits they follow, so it is
our duty to follow this first and then we can take this to our
coming future kids and children’s. We must take actions that there
must be no starvation for food for the poor and who is there in
need have to feed food for them fully for their stomach and we
must take proper actions that is our government should take
proper actions against whom who are wasting food.

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