Sampling Worksheet

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Types of Samples:

Name Definition Strengths Weaknesses

Random Samples
Random sampling is a type of Its simplicity and lack of The difficulty of obtaining a list of a
sampling technique in which bias are two of its larger population, time, and price
each sample has an equal benefits. are all negatives.
chance of being chosen. Each
member of the subset has an
equal chance of being chosen
as part of the sampling process
in random sampling.

Samples Systematic sampling is a
type of probability sampling
When a smaller population group
is being studied, some
in which individuals of a Because of its structure, individuals may notice the
bigger population are researchers may quickly create, systematic sampling approach.
chosen at random from a evaluate, and conduct samples When this disadvantage arises,
larger population but at a when utilizing this method. the population may be skewed
fixed, periodic interval. since non-participants will be
different from those who are able
to participate.

Stratified Samples
Stratified random sampling is a
sampling method in which a A representative It is impossible to
population is divided into sample is produced reflect all differences.
when it is free of It is not possible to
smaller sub-groups called
researcher bias and is represent everything
strata. not influenced by the completely.

Quota Samples Quota sampling is a non-

probability sampling technique in Once the sampling is
which researchers create a completed, it is a simple
sample of people who represent a process to carry out and It is not possible to estimate the
decipher information. It also sampling errors.
population. These people are
chosen by researchers based on improves the representation of
any given group within the
specific characteristics or
population, ensuring that they
qualities.... These samples can are not overrepresented.
be used to estimate the
population as a whole.

Snowball Samples
When utilizing this sample
Snowball sampling, also known It's easier to locate technique, researchers are
as chain-referral sampling, is a samples: Referrals make also concerned about sampling
non-probability sampling finding subjects simple and bias. Initial subjects are more
approach in which the samples quick because they likely to nominate people they
originate from reliable are familiar with. As a result,
have hard-to-find characteristics.
sources. it's very likely that the subjects
This is a technique for recruiting
will share similar qualities and
samples for a research project in
characteristics, and that the
which existing individuals refer sample obtained by the
new subjects. researcher will be a tiny portion
of the whole community.

Volunteer Samples
Not time
consuming Easy Because researchers make no
Volunteer sampling is a
Minimal effort is effort to control sample
sampling technique where makeup, voluntary sampling is
participants self-select to especially susceptible to bias.
become part of a study Those that volunteer for the
because they volunteer study could be substantially
when asked different from those who do

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