CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials Into Groups Important Questions 2023-24

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Important Questions for Class 6


Chapter 4 – Sorting Materials into Groups

Fill in the blanks 1 Mark

1. Name one object made from the wood?

Ans: Table

Other examples can be chairs, sofa , almira etc.

2. Name one shining object?

Ans: Glass bowl.

Other examples can be diamond, metal, wrapping paper etc.

3. Name one item that floats on water?

Ans: Paper

Other examples can be piece of paper, wood, plastic bottle, boat, ice etc.

4. Name one material that floats on oil?

Ans: Wood

Other example can be balloon

Class VI Science 1

5. Name one material that floats on kerosene?

Ans: Thin plastic sheet

Very short answer questions 2 Marks

1. Define solid?

Ans: Any material with a defined shape and volume is considered solid. For
instance, boxes, stones, wood, and chair.

2. What is liquid?

Ans: Any material that does not have a defined shape but has a defined volume is
referred to as a liquid. For instance, water, milk, and oil..

3. What is gas?

Ans: Any material that has neither a defined shape nor a defined volume is referred
to as a gas. For instance, oxygen, nitrogen, and .

4. Define the term soluble

Ans: Soluble refers to something that can be dissolved, such as sugar or salt are
soluble in water.

5. Define the term insoluble.

Class VI Science 2

Ans: Insoluble refers to anything that does not dissolve. Oil, for instance, does not
dissolve in water.

6. Name two gases which is insoluble in water?

Ans: Hydrogen and nitrogen are the two gases insoluble in water.

Another example is methane which is insoluble in water.

7. Define the word transparent?

Ans: The term "transparent material" refers to a material that allows light to pass
through it.

Some transparent objects are water, air, glass etc.

8. Define the word translucent?

Ans: Translucent materials allow only a little amount of light to flow through them.
Plastic cup, clouds, coloured plastic are examples of translucent objects.

9. Define metals?

Ans: Metals are hard, shiny, and excellent electrical conductors. Copper,
silver, gold, and other metals are examples of metals.

10. Define non-metals?

Ans: They are fragile and do not conduct electricity well. They aren't really glossy.
Coal and rubber, are examples.

Class VI Science 3

Long Answer Questions 5 Marks

1. Name three states of matter and their characteristic properties?

Ans: Solid, liquid, and gas are the three states of matter.

Characteristics of Solid, liquid and gases:

Solid liquid Gas

Solids have Liquids have Gases have

Definite shape Indefinite shape Indefinite shape

Definite volume Definite volume indefinite volume

Example: Wood, boxes, Example: oil, milk water Example: oxygen ,

chair, etc nitrogen , hydrogen etc.

Table etc.

2. Describe an experiment to show that palm is translucent?

Ans: Experiment consists following steps:

1. With the help of your palm cover the glass of a torch in the dark place.

2. Switch on the torch.

3. Observe the light from the other side of the palm.

Observation: some part of light passes through the palm but not all passes through
it. This shows that our palm is translucent.

3. Why the grouping of the objects is helpful?

Class VI Science 4

Ans: Objects must be grouped in order to be easily and quickly located. It's also
useful to know whether the grouped objects are finished or not. This is especially
useful for shopkeepers. He'll be able to tell if his stock is finished or not.

Class VI Science 5

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