CSN Brasil Reporte Anual 2022

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3 About this report 18 Who we are 50 Created and shared value 106 Annexes
5 Material themes 19 Organizational profile 51 Consolidation and Resilience Complement to GRI
Materiality matrix Essence, Mission, Vision and Values Financial management disclosures and SASB indicators
Map of operations Investments GRI content index
7 2022 highlights Tax management SASB content index
ESG scorecard
58 Stakeholders management Assurance report
25 Governance and management Corporate information
14 Message from the Shareholding composition
Human capital
Social and relationship capital
Board of Directors Governance structure
Dam management
Ethics and compliance
16 Message from the Risk management 84 Natural capital conservation
Climate change
Superintendent Director 39 Strategic pillars
Water management
Innovation and technology
Waste management
ESG goals
49 Business model

Off-road truck at the

Casa de Pedra mine,
in Congonhas (MG)

About this
Material themes
About this report For the third consecutive year, CSN Mineração
S.A. (CSN Mineração or CMIN) publishes its
Integrated Report, with the performance of its
to integrating indicators from the Sustainability
Accounting Standards Council (SASB) for
the Metals and Mining sector. Performance
operations and its breakthroughs in line with data are also correlated with the Sustainable
sustainable and perpetual development. Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations
highlights (UN) and the Principles of the Global Compact.
This edition, approved by the Company’s
Board of Directors, refers to the period Specifically, the financial data1 follow
Message between January 1 and December 31, 2022, the guidelines issued by the Accounting
from the Board
and considers all units under operational Pronouncements Committee (APC) and the
of Directors
control of CSN Mineração. Exceptions are noted International Financial Reporting Standards
throughout the text or in footnotes. (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB), as well as the
Message from
the Superinten- In line with best practices, this publication was interpretations of the International Financial
dent Director prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC).
(2021); the principles of the International Such information can be verified on page 54 of
Framework for Integrated Reporting (IIRC), this document and in the Company’s Financial
Who we are proposed by the Value Reporting Foundation; Statements, available at the Investor Relations
Organizational and the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial website at CSN Mineração S.A.
Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations; in addition (ri.csnmineracao.com.br).
Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model

Created and
shared value 1. In the case of conversions with foreign currencies in relation to the Real, the average
annual exchange rate for the reference period of this Integrated Report is applied.
and Resilience
Natural capital


Iron ore reclaimer

at Port of TECAR

3 GRI 2-3 | 2-14


How to navigate
The content of this Integrated Report
About this considers the operations of the Casa
de Pedra and Engenho mines, the Pires
Material themes
Beneficiation Complex and Port of
TECAR (Solid Bulk Port Terminal at the
Port of Itaguaí-RJ). The data shown in
highlights this Integrated Report were compiled Quem somos Menu
by conducting interviews with leaders Perfil organizacional Navigate through the
and through the collection and review Governança e
side menu to access Click on highlights
Message of indicators by the administrative and
from the Board Pilares estratégicos the chapters that to access additional
operational areas2. The MRS Logística
of Directors Modelo de negócio interest you. content online.
S.A. data were not incorporated in the
answers of the GRI contents and SASB
indicators, being only considered in the
Valor gerado e Contents
Message from Click this icon to
the Superinten- Company’s financial statements, which Consolidação e
dent Director consolidate the results through the return to the table of In the footer, the
Gestão de
equity method. stakeholders contents. notes indicate which
Conservação do
capital natural contents of the Global
Who we are The information shown was verified Setas Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Organizational internally, with the consent of Senior Anexos Navigate page to and indicators of the
Management, and underwent page through the Sustainability Accounting
Governance and
management independent verification with limited arrows in the bottom Standards Board (SASB)
Strategic pillars assurance by Russell Bedford, an corner left. are answered on each
Business model independent auditor registered in the page. Correlations
Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM). between GRI content and
UNCTAD, Global Compact
Created and
For clarification of doubts and/or Principles and SDG
shared value
sending suggestions, please contact indicators are presented
and Resilience us at [email protected]. in the GRI Content Index.
Click on this icon
management to access interactive
Enjoy your reading!
Natural capital contents.
2. The data and information shown in this Integrated
Report contain statements about current and future
measures, targets and other sustainability objectives.
These targets have been disclosed in the limited context
Annexes Casa de Pedra Mine
of the Company’s sustainability efforts and should
not be interpreted as statements of the management’s in Congonhas (MG)
expectations or estimates of financial results or other
guidelines. The Company warns investors not to apply
these statements in other contexts.

4 GRI 2-2 | 2-3 | 2-5 | 2-14


About this

Material themes
Material themes

The priority themes in sustainability Quantitative research, open to all stakeholders
management for CMIN – and from which the and available in Portuguese and English, had
Message content of this report was defined – were 175 respondents, of which 144 were employees
from the Board
identified from a broad materiality process, and 31 were from external audiences, such as
of Directors
carried out in the years 2021 and 2022, suppliers, shareholders and investors, financial
which involved: assessment of sectorial institutions, outsourced professionals, non-
benchmarkings and studies; public engagement governmental organizations, academia and
Message from
the Superinten- through surveys and interviews; consolidation teaching and research institutions, customers, local
dent Director of topics considering the principles of the GRI communities, public authorities and civil society.
and the Integrated Report; and validation with
the Company’s leaders. The material topics identified and validated
Who we are by the Executive Board and by the Board
Organizational In the first phase, six companies from the of Directors were also correlated with the
sectors in which CSN Mineração operates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
Governance and
management were analyzed in a benchmark process, with prepared by the United Nations (UN) and the
Strategic pillars report analysis, reporting frameworks and Principles of the Global Compact, as well as
Business model responses to sustainability indices. In the market indicators as shown below in order
second phase, a qualitative listening was of greater to lesser relevance.
carried out, which included nine individual
Created and
interviews, three with Company executives and
shared value
six with representatives of financial institutions,
and Resilience customers, suppliers and regulators. Drilling machine in mining
area at Casa de Pedra (MG)
Natural capital

Employees, third parties, suppliers,


investors, customers, government
and NGOs were consulted in the
materiality process.

5 GRI 2-29 | 3-1


About this

Materiality matrix
Material themes


from the Board 17 1
of Directors
16 2

15 3
Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director Financeiro
14 4

Who we are DEVELOPMENT GOALS Intellectual

13 (SDG) 5 Intelectual


Governance and

12 6 Human
Strategic pillars

Business model

11 7

Created and Manufactured

10 8
shared value 9 Manufaturado

and Resilience
Stakeholders Natural
management Natural
Natural capital

Social e de

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6 GRI 3-2

Aerial view of the Central office

and, in the background, the mine
at Casa de Pedra (MG)

About this
Material themes


from the Board
of Directors
R$ 12.4 billion
of net revenue
Message from
the Superinten-

R$ 6 billion
dent Director
Ore stock yard at Casa
de Pedra (MG)

Who we are of adjusted Ebitda

Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model R$ 3 billion
net profit
Created and
shared value
and Resilience
Natural capital



About this
Material themes


R$ 43 million

Message invested in replacing

from the Board
of Directors the small truck fleet

Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director
R$ 156 million
invested in expanding
Who we are waste filtering
Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model R$ 33.3 million
tons of iron ore sold
Created and
shared value
and Resilience

R$ 91 million
Natural capital
invested in the
dredging of TECAR

Port of TECAR


About this
Material themes

highlights 21.8%
female representation, a 21%
from the Board
growth compared to 2021
of Directors

Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director
representation of black in
Who we are
the total number of employees

Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model
reduction in accident
Created and
frequency rate1
shared value
and Resilience
Natural capital
female representation on the
Board of Directors
1. Accidents with and without leave of employees and third parties. Employee at
Port of TECAR


About this
Material themes

2022 Consolidation
of the ESG Committee
from the Board
of Directors Definition of new
technological routes for
Message from
the Superinten-
the reuse of iron ore tailings
dent Director

MoU with Shell and

Who we are
Itochu for the development
Governance and
of decarbonization
Strategic pillars
Business model

Created and Implementation

shared value
of a project to reduce sinter
and Resilience feed moisture conducted
by CSN Inova
Natural capital

Employees at the office
in Casa de Pedra, in
Congonhas (MG)


About this
Material themes


from the Board
of Directors

Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director

Who we are
Governance and Employee at protected
management area in Casa de Pedra, in
Strategic pillars Congonhas (MG)
Business model

Created and
shared value
and Resilience


Realization of the impact All electricity comes from

Natural capital
of water and dependency matrix a 100% renewable source
recirculation1 on ecosystem services

Completion of the works

to de-characterize the Vigia Dam
Kickstart on fleet electrification
with two 100% electric off-road
100% of tailings dry stacked
and independent from the use of dams
1. Includes the withdraw water of central plant, Pires complex
trucks being tested
and human consumption.


About this
report Kids from the
Garoto Cidadão
Material themes SOCIAL AND RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL Program, from the
CSN Foundation


R$ 3 Human Rights

Due Diligence in
from the Board
of Directors
billion Congonhas (MG)
paid to local
Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director

Who we are Launch of The Theory of Change

profile – CSN Group's Territorial
Governance and
management Development Strategy
Strategic pillars
Business model

Created and

R$ 35.5
shared value
Consolidation More than
and Resilience

Natural capital
people impacted by
the Environmental invested in projects
Education Project conducted by
(PEA) CSN Foundation
(Fundação CSN)


About this
Material themes
Message from the Board of Directors
Ready for the future
Message The year 2022 was marked by a series of best opportunities to generate shared value. Another bias in the design of these projects of tailings in dams – which has been
from the Board challenges for the mining sector. At the that deserves to be highlighted is that of carried out since 2020 – the program for
of Directors
beginning of January, torrential rains affected For 2023, very favorable conditions are the ESG. In addition to the numerous social de-characterization of current structures
the Iron Quadrangle region, in Minas outlined, both from an operational point benefits arising from the generation of jobs for is ongoing, which even exceeds legal
Gerais, which caused the interruption in our of view and from the point of view of the local communities, these projects strengthen requirements by providing for the de-
Message from
the Superinten- production and delays in the ramp up of external market. Operationally, the Company our actions within the circular economy characterization of all dams, regardless
dent Director projects connected to the Central Plant (CMAI is confident about the prospects for a recovery concept, transforming what is currently waste of the construction method, such as the
3, spirals and crushing), affecting the volume in production, which, in addition to ensuring a into a product, with important co-benefits Casa de Pedra dam. In 2022, another dam,
production at CSN Mineração in the year. In significant increase in volume, will also have a on biodiversity, because the reprocessing of the Auxiliar do Vigia, ceased to be part of
Who we are addition to the internal scenario, the sharp higher quality ore as a result of the maturation waste reduces the need for land use changes the National Dam Management System,
Organizational fluctuations in the price of iron ore, which of projects taken over in 2022. Externally, a and prolongs mine life. given its total declassification, and the civil
recovered in the second half, also had an horizon with better priced iron ore is foreseen works necessary to declassify the Vigia Dam
Governance and
management impact on the Company's gross revenue. as a result of the reopening of the economy In addition, reinforcing our commitment to were completed, both located in the Pires
Strategic pillars in China and the reduction in the cost of operate independently from the disposal Complex, in Minas Gerais.
Business model Despite the challenging outlook, maritime freight. All these conditions reinforce
CSN Mineração reached R$ 6 billion in our optimism regarding the short and medium
EBITDA in 2022, the third best result in its term dynamics, and signal that CSN Mineração
Created and
history, with a sales volume of 33.3 million tons is ready to deliver a remarkable performance
shared value
of iron ore, closing the year with a very robust throughout the year.

Our long-term strategy is linked

and Resilience balance sheet and solid financial health.
Stakeholders Our long-term strategy is linked to projects to

to projects to increase the

CSN Mineração also stands out for reconciling increase production capacity, especially the
Natural capital
conservation its growth with a strong flow of dividends by P15 beneficiation plant, in Congonhas (MG),
distributing between 80% and 100% of its result.
In 2022, more than R$ 4.97 billion in proceeds
and the projects to reprocess tailings from
the Pires complex, B4 and Casa de Pedra
mine production capacity and
were distributed. With its usual focus and
determination, CSN Mineração will continue to
dams, with potential to double the production
volume in the next five years.
reprocessing of tailings capacity
pursue these goals and be on the lookout for the

14 GRI 2-22

About this
Decarbonization is a core theme
Material themes of the ESG Agenda, which is why
we remain committed to becoming
highlights a benchmark in this area
from the Board
of Directors
Also as a highlight in the initiatives for the 2 emissions are zeroed by maintaining its quality ore to meet the need to decarbonize
decarbonization of our production chain, consumption of 100% renewable electricity, the steel production chain, added to the
Message from
the Superinten- the very high iron content ore that will be making the Company a benchmark in this area. growing premiums for premium products
dent Director produced by the new projects, will position are attributes, in addition to operational
CSN Mineração as a strategic player for the The Company also remained committed efficiency and cost control, that will provide
decarbonization of the world steel sector, as it to the inclusion of women and people with increasingly more competitiveness and return
Who we are will be fundamental in the new technological disabilities (PwD) in its operations. Female for the company.
Organizational routes for steel production associated with participation in CSN Mineração jumped from
lower greenhouse gas emissions. 18% in 2021 to 21.8% in 2022. Regarding the Finally, I reiterate my pride in seeing the
Governance and
management representation of people with disabilities, consolidation of CMIN as an independent
Strategic pillars In search of a future that is increasingly the annual growth in 2022 was 9.6%. And the company, which has been and will continue to
Business model distant from carbon emissions, CSN Mineração ambition is even greater, with several efforts be one of the pillars of the CSN Group's history
took another step towards building a new being led so that the company is increasingly of more than eight decades. We are convinced
chapter of innovation and sustainability in plural, diverse and inclusive. that the company will deliver more and more
Created and
the history of mining by starting tests with ore in the coming years, always of better
shared value
electric off-road trucks, replacing oil diesel by Another point worth mentioning is the safety quality and with a smaller environmental
and Resilience rechargeable batteries and supplied with of our employees, a fundamental value footprint. To all those who continue with us on
Stakeholders 100% renewable energy. for our Company. In 2022, we achieved a this path – employees, partners, customers,
34% reduction in the number of reportable investors – thank you very much!
Natural capital
conservation Decarbonization is a core theme of the ESG accidents, compared to 2021, and for the ninth
Agenda. In addition to the possibility of consecutive year, again zero fatalities. Together we will continue doing well, doing
electrifying the fleet, CSN Mineração signed a more and doing it forever!
memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Regarding the expected progress for the
large companies for technological cooperation, coming years, the projects in progress signal Benjamin Steinbruch
including tests with synthetic fuels with zero a promising future for CSN Mineração, as they Chairman of the
greenhouse gas emissions. These efforts will set the company apart among the world's Board of Directors
are added to the fact that CMIN's scope largest mining companies. The scarcity of high

15 GRI 2-22

About this
Material themes
Message from the
Superintendent Director
from the Board
of Directors
We ended 2022 with a feeling of and quality in conducting projects; and
overcoming obstacles, a lot of learning and investments to ensure our employees have
the certainty that we are even stronger adequate skills and resources to produce
Message from
the Superinten- for the future. The year was one of many safely, efficiently and with high productivity.
dent Director challenges: heavy rains, inflationary As a result, in 2022, we achieved a solid
pressures, rising interest rates, among cash position of R$ 6.7 billion and
other factors that required us to react leverage of just 0.3x.
Who we are quickly to changes in the scenario. China,
Organizational our main market, faced a crisis in the real These results were obtained at the same
estate sector, in addition to having suffered time that we intensified care for our most
Governance and
management serious restrictions due to Covid-19, which important asset: people. For the ninth
Strategic pillars slowed down its economy. consecutive year, we ended 2022 without Enéas Garcia Diniz
Business model any fatal accidents and with a frequency Superintendent Director
In the first half, we experienced more rate of reportable accidents 34% lower, of CSN Mineração
challenging scenarios and it was from the when compared to 2021.
Created and
second half onwards that we began a rapid
shared value
recovery, ending the year with important We also made progress in promoting an
and Resilience results. Our net revenue was R$12.4 billion, increasingly inclusive and diverse work The year 2022 was marked by
overcoming obstacles and learning,
Stakeholders adjusted EBITDA of R$ 6 billion (48.5% environment in all areas and functional
margin) and net income of R$ 2.9 billion. levels: in 2022, the Company achieved

ensuring that we are even stronger

Natural capital
conservation a 21% growth in the representation of
We managed to keep the focus on what we women in its workforce compared to the
can control: tight rein on costs; austerity previous year.
and prepared for the future

16 GRI 2-22

About this
report The year 2022 marked the beginning of the
electrification of our fleet of large trucks, with
Material themes

2022 two 100% electric trucks at the Casa de Pedra

Complex and has been promising results

from the Board
of Directors

Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director In the fight against climate change and CSN Also responding to external requests from of the ramp up of the Spirals, Recrushing
Mineração's participation in this great challenge investors and other stakeholders, CSN and CMAI III projects, will increase
for humanity, 2022 marked the beginning of Mineração reports to the CDP (Disclosure production, in addition to supporting a
Who we are tests for the electrification of our fleet of large Insight Action) the guidelines followed better quality of our products.
Organizational trucks, with two 60-ton equipment, 100% in relation to Climate Change and
electric, operating in the Complex Casa de Water Security. In 2022, the company's Therefore, I remain satisfied with what we
Governance and
management Pedra, bringing promising results; and with score evolved in Climate Change from have delivered so far and optimistic that
Strategic pillars greater operational efficiency when compared "B-" to "B" and from "C" to "B" in Water we will deliver even more in the short and
Business model to combustion trucks and no greenhouse gas Security. Thus, we reinforce our external medium term. What gives me confidence
emissions, since all the energy used to recharge recognition of our efforts in the ESG area. is the engagement and dedication of the
its batteries – and for all of CSN Mineração's 7,572 employees, for which I am grateful
Created and
operations – comes from renewable sources. Talking about 2023, the horizon is for another year of great results.
shared value
one of balance in world supply and
and Resilience I would also reinforce that decarbonization demand for iron ore, for which we Thank you very much!
Stakeholders is an objective that runs through all envision lower volatility with better prices,
of CMIN's projects. To move in this supported by the easing of sanitary
Natural capital
conservation direction, we rely heavily on the search control policies in China and stimuli
for technological innovations. We began for its real estate market.
investments in the Autonomous Mine
and other projects aimed at significantly Additionally, the conclusion of strategic
increasing the mine's operating efficiency. projects, such as the full operation of the
Central Plant next year and the conclusion

17 GRI 2-22
Who we are

in mine area

About this
Material themes

CSN Mineração is a Brazilian company, 1. Crushing and Homogenization:

Message headquartered in Minas Gerais (MG), the main A flow composed of primary crushing, buffer
from the Board
subsidiary of Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional pile, secondary crushing, screening and
of Directors
(CSN). Since 2021, when it went public, it homogenization pile.
trades shares under the CMIN3 ticker at B3 –
Brasil, Bolsa e Balcão, listed in the Corporate 2. Classification and Concentration:
Message from
the Superinten- Governance Level 2 segment. It works with sieving, classifiers, desliming,
dent Director cyclones, flotation, concentrate thickener,
The Company stands out as the 2nd largest crushing, spirals, tailings thickener, high
exporter of iron ore in Brazil and the 7th most intensity magnetic concentration plant (CMAI) I
Who we are competitive in the transoceanic market. (Ultrafine), CMAI II and III (WHIMS) and sludge.
Organizational These positions are result of its integrated
and vertical operations throughout the entire 3. Filtering, Loading and Waste Disposal:
Governance and
management production chain – from extraction and It operates with CMAI I, ore filtration, product
Strategic pillars processing in its own mines to participation in stacking and wagon loading, tailings filtering
Business model logistics companies for shipment and servicing and disposal in piles.
main consumer markets.
Pile of iron
The Engenho Mine, which began operations ore at Casa de
Created and Pedra (MG)
CMIN owns the Casa de Pedra and Engenho in 1950, is next to Casa de Pedra and is part
shared value
mines – both located in the Iron Quadrangle, in of one of the mining bodies in the Casa de
and Resilience Minas Gerais. In the first of them, the second Pedra complex. It has also the Pires complex,
Stakeholders largest in the country in terms of production a processing unit equipped with crushing and
capacity and over 100 years old, the ore screening (ITM – Ore Treatment Facility), mobile
Natural capital
conservation is mined in four bodies and goes on to be screening (UPEs), dry processing plants, spiral
processed at the central plant (wet route), classification and concentration (ITFG) and CMAI.
located close to the extraction areas. The open
pit mine with a beneficiation plant is composed
of three macro processes:

19 GRI 2-1 | 2-6


CSN Mineração’s global production capacity is 33 million tons per In logistics, CMIN also has a direct stake of 18.63%
About this
report year of iron ore, 22.5 million tons of which at the Central Plant in of the total share capital in MRS Logística S.A., the
Material themes
Casa de Pedra and 10.5 million tons at the dry plants in Pires. operator of the railway network that connects the Iron Reserves and Resources –
Quadrangle and the south of Rio de Janeiro to port Casa de Pedra Mine
The result of the beneficiation processes – granules, sinter terminals for the outflow of production and receiving
feed and pellet feed (see chart) – is shipped through Port of raw materials in the transoceanic market.
and Engenho Mineo
highlights of TECAR, in Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro, where the Company The MRS concession was renewed, in 2022, for Although it has only had its current configuration
manages a solid bulk terminal. With the capacity to export 45 another 33 years. The so-called Steel Railway since 2015, the Company has a history of more than
million tons of iron ore per year and discharge up to 4 million connects the Casa de Pedra and Engenho & Pires 100 years in the production of iron ore. Acting as
Message tons per year of reducers (such as coal and coke), with the mines to TECAR and the Presidente Vargas the second largest exporter of iron ore in Brazil,
from the Board
possibility of operating other types of solid bulk. In 2022, the Steelworks (UPV), a steel plant belonging to certified in 4.1 billion tons of resources and reserves,
of Directors
TECAR concession was renewed for another 25 years. CSN, parent company. according to the audit of Snowden do Brazil. In 2022,
the Company carried out a new independent drilling
campaign at the Casa de Pedra and Engenho mines,
Message from
the Superinten- in accordance with the international standards of
dent Director the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and
updated the Company’s resources to 1.98 billion
CSN Mineração products tons of measured resources, as well as confirming
Who we are total reserves at 2.1 billion tons – one of the largest
Organizational Granules iron ore reserves in the world.
Governance and
Iron ore obtained after the crushing and
management screening process. The granulometry
Strategic pillars varies between 50 mm and 6.3 mm and
Business model can be used directly in steel blast furnaces.
Mineral reserves (Bt)

Created and 2.77 0.38

shared value Sínter feed 2.08
Consolidation Ore obtained in later stages of the
and Resilience
beneficiation process, the sinter feed has
management a granulometry between 6.3 mm and
Natural capital 0.150 mm and must be agglomerated
in the sintering units before being used
in the blast furnaces.
2021 Physical Technical 2022
Reserves Mining Parameters Reserves
Annexes Pellet feed Restrictions (Economic and
Fine iron ore with a granulometry less than Geometric)
0.150 mm. Pellet feed goes through the
To learn more, please visit the Technical
pelletizing process before being used in Report Summary for Casa de Pedra
steel mills. Operations, available here.

20 GRI 2-6

About this
Material themes
Essence • Doing well • Doing more • Doing forever
We are a reference in what we do, always We do more with less Our learning is constant to
highlights seeking operational excellence. We act by being innovative and continuously act in building
with passion, we care like owners and committed. We constantly a sustainable future. This is
Message achieve consistent results, with safety, seek to optimize results and our success.
from the Board
of Directors quality, and customer satisfaction. processes for continuous
and responsible growth.

Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director

Who we are
Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model

Created and
shared value
and Resilience
Natural capital
Ore beneficiation
plant at Casa
de Pedra, in
Annexes Congonhas (MG)


About this
Material themes Acting in an integrated and innovative
manner, generating a sustainable Employee of
2022 and perpetual development. CSN Mineração,
in Casa de Pedra

from the Board
of Directors
Being the most respected and recognized
company, in Brazil and abroad, thus
Message from strengthening the meaning of being Brazilian.
the Superinten-
dent Director

Who we are Values

profile • Our path is one of respect for life,
Governance and
management ethics and the planet;
Strategic pillars
Business model • Our focus is on operational
Created and • Our solutions are innovative and
shared value
and Resilience
Stakeholders • Our strength comes from people
Natural capital
who make a difference;
• Our pride is BEING


About this
report Map of operations
Material themes CSN Mineração has production
units in the Southeast of Brazil,
in addition to holding a stake in Engenho and Pires Mine
highlights MRS Logística The Engenho mine is part of one
of the mining bodies in the Casa de
Pedra complex. The Pires Complex
Message has a crushing and screening unit
from the Board
of Directors
(ITM) and mobile screening unit
(UPEs), dry processing plants.

Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director

Who we are
Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model

Casa de Pedra Mine

Created and It is the oldest mine in operation in Brazil, having
shared value
started the extraction process in 1913, being
and Resilience recognized as one of the main mines in the country
Stakeholders for the quality of its iron ore and with one of the
management largest reserves in the world.
Natural capital
Port terminal managed by MRS Logística
Annexes CSN Mineração and connected The railway network on the axis Minas Gerais –
to the MRS railway terminal. Rio de Janeiro – São Paulo. The so-called Steel Railway
integrates the Casa de Pedra and Engenho & Pires
mines, the Presidente Vargas Steelworks (UPV) and
the Port of TECAR.

23 GRI 2-1

About this
Material themes
ESG scorecard
Employee of CSN
Mineração in area
2022 of environmental
highlights preservation

Message Dimension Materials topic Indicator 2020 2021 2022

from the Board
of Directors Emissions: kg CO2e per
Climate Change 7.1 6.6 7.9
ton of ore produced

Message from Percentage of waste

Waste management, responsible
the Superinten- sent to sustainable 39% 60% 78%
dent Director use and circular economy1
Environmental Efficient water use and effluent Water withdrawal (in
16.5 17.3 15.7
Who we are management practices thousand megaliters)
Governance and Fatalities 0 0 0
Strategic pillars Labor health and safety Frequency Rate (own and
Business model third parties, 1MM HHT 1.16 1.96 1.30

Created and % of female

shared value 14.3% 17.8% 21.1%
Social representation
and Resilience Diversity and inclusion
% of female
management representation in 9.5% 10.5% 11.5%
Natural capital

Governance, ethics % of employees

ND 82.6% 88%
and transparency trained in compliance
Annexes Governance
1. Considers waste destined for co-processing, recycling and re-refining.


About this
Material themes


from the Board
of Directors CMIN Faria
Lima (SP) office

Message from
the Superinten-

Governance and management

dent Director

Who we are
Organizational Shareholding composition
Since its initial public offering (IPO) of • Rules, policies and procedures for the prevention, The share capital, fully subscribed and paid in, is divided into common and
Governance and
management shares on B3 – Brasil, Bolsa e Balcão, CSN detection and remediation of fraud and illicit acts book-entry shares, with no par value. Each common share is entitled to one
Strategic pillars Mineração has been listed in the Level committed against the public administration. vote in the resolutions of the General Meeting – the parent company owns
Business model 2 segment of Corporate Governance, a 79.75% of the Company’s voting capital.
special segment for trading securities • Support from the Audit, Risks and Compliance
that has a differentiated corporate Board, from its controlling shareholder, CSN, which Shareholding structure of CSN Mineração
Created and
governance standard. In addition to acts independently within the organization and
shared value
comply all the requirements for the B3 has its own methodology and tools to carry out 1.86% 8.72%
Consolidation POSCO Others
and Resilience Level 2 listing segment, CSN Mineração its activities, reporting its results to the Board of
Stakeholders adopts other differentiated corporate Directors through the Committee of the 0.41%
governance practices: Company's Audit. China Steel Corporation
Natural capital
• Non-statutory audit committee, advisory The corporate governance structure and 9.26%
body linked to the Board of Directors. management policies and processes drive Japão Brasil Minério de
the Company’s strategic direction towards Ferro Participações LTDA
Annexes 1. Parent company.
• Denunciation Channel available for sustainable growth and the generation
internal or third-party reports. of value in the long term.

25 GRI 2-1 | 3-3


About this
report Governance structure
Material themes
General Meeting

Shareholders meet, ordinarily, in the first four months following the end of the fiscal year and,
highlights extraordinarily, whenever necessary. The General Meeting constitutes as highest decision-making
General body, responsible for electing and dismissing the members of the Board of Directors; setting the
Shareholders’ global amount of the management compensation; deciding on the allocation of net income for the
Message Meeting year and the distribution of dividends; among other attributions detailed in the Company’s Bylaws
from the Board
(available here) and consistent with the applicable legislation.
of Directors

of Directors
Message from
the Superinten- Board of Directors
dent Director
Audit • It may be composed of up to seven effective members and a number of alternates that cannot
Committee exceed the number of effective members. In 2022, the body was made up of seven members,
Who we are two of them independent, and one alternate – all with knowledge and experience to address and
Organizational deliberate on economic, social and environmental issues that have an impact on business or
Audit, Risk and corporate strategy.
Governance and
management Compliance Office1 • Two-year terms, with a permission for re-election.
Strategic pillars • It defines the overall direction of the business; approves annual and multi-annual budgets,
Business model expansion projects and investment programs, and also monitors their execution and
CSN Mineração performance; elects and removes members of the Board of Directors and advisory committees;
Director among other attributions detailed in the Bylaws (available here) and on the Company’s
Created and Executive Board Superintendent reference form (available here).
shared value
and Resilience Composition of High Management1
Stakeholders Age Position
Operations Financial Investment Benjamin Steinbruch 69 Chairman of the Board of Directors
Natural capital Planning
conservation Director Director Director Marcelo Cunha Ribeiro 45 Effective member
Victoria Steinbruch 30 Effective member
Helena Olímpia de Almeida Brennand Guerra 46 Effective member
Hiroshi Akiba 59 Effective member
1. The risk and compliance office is located at CSN, the parent company, with operations at CMIN.
Miguel Ethel Sobrinho 76 Independent effective member
Yoshiaki Nakano 78 Independent effective member
Daisuke Hori 50 Alternate member
1. Composition in 12/31/2022.

26 GRI 2-9 | 2-10 | 2-11 | 2-12 | 2-13 | 3-3 | 405-1


About this
report Advisory committees
Material themes
• The Board of Directors may set up committees, • The assignments, operating rules and
technical and advisory, with the purpose of advising budgets of a committee are established
it to ensure the deepening of discussions and the by the Board of Directors at the time of
highlights quality of decisions. its creation.

from the Board
Audit Committee The Company also has other advisory Committees
of Directors
Independent body that advises the Board of Directors in monitoring and controlling the for the Executive Board:
quality of the Financial Statements, internal controls, risk management and compliance,
as well as with respect to the results of internal audits and investigations. The committee
Message from
the Superinten- is made up of three members, at least one of which is an independent member of
dent Director the Board of Directors and at least one of which must have recognized experience in Sustainability Committee The Committee, which meets weekly,
corporate accounting matters – all elected for a two-year term, reelection being permitted. The Sustainability Committee meets includes representatives from the
monthly to analyze the performance technical areas of Engineering, Geology,
Who we are of sustainability management through Projects and representatives from
Composition of the Audit Committee1 environmental, health and safety the Legal areas, Sustainability and the
Age Position indicators. Company’s Board of Executive Officers.
Governance and
management Yoshiaki Nakano 78 Independent President of the Audit Committee
Strategic pillars Angélica Maria de Queiroz 65 Independent effective member Crisis Committee Communities Committee
Business model
Beatriz Santos Martini 68 Independent effective member Established to reduce the effects of a Aimed at establishing a direct
crisis or adopt preventive measures to relationship channel between CSN
1. Composição em 31/12/2022.
mitigate possible impacts on employees, Mineração and the community, this
Created and
ESG Committee operations, financial results, and the forum is used to discuss and clarify
shared value
Established by the CSN Group (parent company), it is characterized as a non-statutory Company's image. matters of common interest and
and Resilience Committee and advisory body to the Board of Directors of the parent company. It provide greater interaction and
Stakeholders aims to support deliberation on environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and Dam Committee transparency between the Company’s
on other topics related to the Company's ESG management, such as diversity, equity It seeks to ensure best governance processes and the daily life of the
Natural capital
conservation and inclusion, risks and opportunities associated with climate change and air, circular and implementation of the best market surrounding cities and its communities.
economy, water & effluents, biodiversity & ecosystem services, occupational health practices in the analysis of all aspects Composed of 23 members, including
& safety, territorial development, value chain, governance & compliance. The body is related to the management of dams key representatives of communities,
made up of 17 executives from the CSN Group, as per the latest update approved by and tailings piling under technical, NGOs, civil society and municipal
CSN’s Board of Directors in May 2022. legal and socio-environmental aspects. government, meetings are held every
two months.

27 GRI 2-12 | 2-13 | 3-3


About this
Material themes

Illacid ea ametur
alitasp erciet ent,
2022 ipsamet elenihitas est

Executive Board
from the Board
• Composed of a minimum of two and
of Directors
no more than five directors, all of
whom are residents of Brazil, eligible
for the position in accordance with
Message from
the Superinten- the applicable law and with specific
dent Director knowledge in their area.
• Two-year terms, with one re-
election permitted.
Who we are • Leads the general conduct of business
Organizational guided by the strategic guidelines and
policies established by the Board of
Governance and
management Directors.
CMIN Office at
Strategic pillars São Paulo (SP)
Business model

Created and
shared value
and Resilience
The Officers guide
the general conduct of
Composition of the Statutory Executive Board1
Natural capital

business, based on the

conservation Age Position
Enéas Garcia Diniz 62 Director Superintendent

guidelines decided by Ricardo Grossi Neves
Hironori Makanae
Operations Director
Strategic Planning Director
the Board of Directors Pedro Barros Mercadante Oliva 37 Financial and Investor Relations Director
Otto Alexandre Levy Reis 57 Investment Director
1. Composition in 12/31/2022.

28 GRI 2-12 | 2-13 | 3-3


About this
report Executive assessment and compensation
Material themes

CSN Mineração does not have any formally regarding the performance for the year 2021, took Directors are individually assessed, based health and dental plan, life insurance,
established processes and mechanisms for place on February 9, 2022. on specific work and projects and different supplementary social security plan (CBS
highlights assessing the performance of the Board of goals – financial or otherwise. This process – Previdência – Caixa Beneficente dos
Directors’ members. However, the reelection of In order to strengthen the performance and level of is supported by the CSN’s People & Empregados da Companhia Siderúrgica
members considers performance and attendance knowledge on strategic topics, including sustainability Management Department, of the parent Nacional, through which participants can
Message at meetings during the previous term. Moreover, aspects, in 2022 CSN, parent company, inaugurated company, which assesses the results and contribute from 3% to 6% of their respective
from the Board
the Board of Directors has complete autonomy the Corporate University (learn more on page 61). advises on the permanence or promotion of nominal/honorary salaries and the Company
of Directors
to discuss the individual performance of each This content is available to 100% of employees, executives in their respective positions. contributes with 100% of the participant’s
member and, therefore, propose measures to including members of the Board of Directors and value) and yearly check-up. There is no
improve its mandate. Committees. One of the available schools contains Regarding the compensation practices share-based compensation plan for the
Message from
the Superinten- digital content on ESG and sustainable development, of these instances, the independent Company. Board members may also receive
dent Director The Audit Committee’s performance is measured contributing to broadening the Board of Directors’ members of the Board of Directors receive bonuses based on meeting financial and
through an annual self-assessment procedure, understanding of the topic. the same fixed monthly amount, defined non-financial targets or in the form of
based on an individual questionnaire included in in a meeting of the Board of Directors. recognition of specific work, projects or
Who we are the body’s meeting minutes. Subsequently, the The compensation practice of these instances Non-independent members, however, differentiated targets linked to projects.
Organizational responses are discussed among all members considers the compatibility between the renounced receiving compensation. None
to identify opportunities for improvement. The compensation offered and the responsibility of the members – whether independent or Lastly, the compensation of the members
Governance and
management most recent assessment by the Audit Committee, exercised and the time dedicated to the position. not – is entitled to direct or indirect benefits, of CSN Mineração’s Audit Committee is
Strategic pillars variable compensation or share-based defined by the Board of Directors, and all
Business model compensation. receive the same monthly amount, without
direct or indirect benefits or variable
The Directors receive a fixed monthly compensation or participate in any share-
Created and
compensation and benefits such as a based compensation plan.
shared value
and Resilience
Natural capital

In 2022, CSN, the parent company,

inaugurated the Corporate University,
CSN Faria
which improves executives’ knowledge
on ESG topics
Lima office

29 GRI 2-17 | 2-18 | 2-19 | 2-20 | 3-3


About this
Ethics and compliance
Material themes
To ensure integrity, transparency and alignment The main theoretical reference responsible for
with best practices, as well as the effectiveness of disseminating ethical principles among all teams is the
anti-corruption, conflicts of interest and anti-bribery CMIN Code of Conduct. The material is applicable to all
highlights controls in all units and businesses of CSN Mineração, employees, directors and members of the corporate
maintains a robust and effective Compliance Program, governance body, in addition to establishing responsibilities
seeks to guarantee the organizational reputation and for third parties, considering suppliers, service providers
Message ensure the performance of activities in a sustainable and any intermediary agents and associates.
from the Board
manner, in compliance with the legal system and
of Directors
applicable rules, and with the highest ethical standards. All employees, when admitted, are introduced to the
Code of Conduct, and must formalize their knowledge
The mechanism is based on eight pillars, in constant and agreement. In addition to being trained during the
Message from
the Superinten- improvement, which aim at certifying that internal integration period, new training on the Code of Conduct
dent Director rules and controls established are known and followed and Anti-Corruption Policy is conducted annually.
and also mitigate the risks inherent to the Company's Employees allocated in areas of the company classified as
processes. The program was developed in accordance being exposed to risks receive specific training through
Who we are with the parameters of the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law the School of Excellence in Results at the Corporate
Organizational (Law No. 12,846/13) and international legislation, such University. In this way, employees are in continuous
as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the UK contact with the guidelines of the Code of Conduct and
Governance and
management Bribery Act and undergoes periodic external assurance. must agree with them annually.
Strategic pillars
Business model

Created and
shared value
and Resilience
management Combating discrimination
Natural capital
conservation It is strictly prohibited, in all units, any mention or manifestation of discrimination
based on origin, religion, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, union status,
social class, age, marital status, political party positions, ideological positions,
physical appearance and disability of any nature. The Company also establishes Employees at Casa de
Annexes zero tolerance for any type of harassment, which includes any act or attitude, Pedra, in Congonhas (MG)
verbal or physical, that implies humiliation, embarrassment or threat to employees,
suppliers and customers.

GRI 2-23 | 2-24 | 3-3

30 SASB EM-MM-510A.1

Employees at Port of
TECAR, in Itaguaí (RJ)
The parent company also maintains a The Compliance Program also includes the
About this
report Compliance Ambassadors Program, which aims Whistleblowing Channel available – 24 hours a
to strengthen an ethical culture in all spheres day, 7 days a week – for internal or third-party
Material themes
of the organization. Through training and reports received through physical and electronic
monthly meetings, this team of professionals mail, telephone or by email and via the website.
receives training to promote and multiply the The first response to the whistleblower takes place
highlights company’s principles and values. In 2022, the within 15 days after its opening and the conclusion
program had 225 volunteers, 72 of them are may depend on the investigation process of each
CMIN employees. For external audiences, the case. In line with best practices, an external and
Message Company makes specific pages available on its independent company is responsible for managing,
from the Board
institutional website, Investor Relations recording and transcribing the complaints received
of Directors
website and the ESG website for the broad by the channel.
dissemination of the Compliance Program. With
this approach, 100% of the stakeholders are All information received is treated confidentially and
Message from
the Superinten- reached through communications on the Anti- forwarded to internal investigation professionals
dent Director Corruption policies and practices corporately in order to obtain the best possible outcome
adopted. In 2022, the number of employees and enable a thorough investigation. Calls from
trained in the Compliance Program increased the whistleblower channel are answered by
Who we are by 10%, reaching more than 6 thousand professional psychologists who provide care
Organizational professionals. focused on the victim so that all the necessary
support is provided in a welcoming and professional
Governance and
management manner. The procedure regarding the reporting
Strategic pillars received will be defined through investigation and
Business model assertiveness, always focusing on the safety of the
victim so that the "accused" receives appropriate
disciplinary action, always guaranteeing secrecy
Created and
shared value
and non-retaliation to the whistleblower. All How to access
information is stored on an external server, to
and Resilience ensure confidentiality and impartiality when dealing
the Whistleblowing Channel::
with issues and it is up to the complainant to
management In 2023, the Code of either choose to identify themselves or proceed
[email protected]
Natural capital
conservation Conduct was revised and anonymously, respecting secrecy and the policy of
can be accessed on all the non-retaliation in all cases, as provided in the Code
of Conduct. C/O Risk and Compliance Department Estrada
Company’s main websites, Casa de Pedra, s/n – Rural Area – PO Box 101 –
access here Congonhas /MG – ZIP 36415-000
For questions and additional information regarding
compliance, please e-mail [email protected].

GR 2-25 | 2-26 | 3-3 | 205-2

31 SASB EM-MM-510A.1

Manifestations received Manifestations received by the

About this by the Whsitleblowing Channel Whsitleblowing Channel in 2022 by category
Material themes
The conclusions of the investigations are 3
forwarded to the Audit Committee, which Out of the scope
acts as a supervisory body for corporate 3
Robbery, theft or embezzlement 15
governance activities. In addition, the entire Discrimination
2022 187
highlights Compliance Program undergoes periodic 15
assessment by an external audit.
125 28 89
Message The result of this investigation and the Violation Deviant
from the Board of laws behavior
channel’s statistics are presented every two
of Directors
months to the Audit Committee, ensuring
the independence and impartiality of the 34
Favoritism or
process. For cases determined to be valid,
Message from conflict of interest
the Superinten- the appropriate disciplinary measures 2020 2021 2022 59
dent Director are applied. In 2022, 246 manifestations Harassment
were received, of which 75 (30%) were
considered valid or partially valid at the end
Who we are of the respective investigations. Of the total
Manifestations received by Measures taken in relation to the cases of the
Organizational number of manifestations received, 15 were
profile the Whsitleblowing Channel in 2022 Whsitleblowing Channel investigated by the Audit,
related to possible cases of discrimination, by treatment status Risks and Compliance
Governance and
management 100% of which were investigated, with
2020 2021 2022
Strategic pillars the application of disciplinary measures
according to the result of each investigation. 11 Written notice 3 5 4
Business model
23 Out of the scope
No cases of corruption were identified Verbal warning 4 2 0
during the period, nor were CSN Mineração Resignation 5 7 3
Created and
shared value
or its employees targeted by legal 33 79 Resignation for misconduct 3 11 9
proceedings related to the matter. Insufficient Not
Guidance 5 2 4
Consolidation data conclusive
and Resilience
Suspension 0 2 1
Job transfer 0 1 4
Natural capital Not Training 0 1 5
Partially Total 20 31 30
22 founded
In progress

GRI 2-25 | 2-26 | 3-3 | 205-3 | 406-1

32 SASB EM-MM-510A.1

About this
report Integrity of suppliers and related parties
Material themes

The Compliance area executes Compliance and Anticorruption All contracts between the Company and
Background Checks and Know Your Customer (KYC) processes through its suppliers include clauses regarding
highlights tools to assess the integrity of suppliers, third parties and other related ethical management and anti-corruption Compliance Day
parties, with a focus on identifying adherence to the ethics, integrity and practices. Yet, before they are signed, a
For the seventh consecutive year, CSN, the
compliance criteria established by the Company, as well as detecting prior assessment is carried out via the
parent company, held the Compliance Day,
Message conflicts of interest, since one of the focuses of the Compliance Program Compliance Form, based on the National
from the Board which for the third time took place during the
is to ensure full respect for human rights and good labor practices, Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE),
of Directors ESG Week (learn more about this event on page
combating child, forced or compulsory labor in the supply chain. and all suppliers considered critical in 42). The event was attended by employees from
ethics or compliance issues are screened all CSN Group companies.
by the Company's Compliance area.
Message from Through lectures, the event enabled important
the Superinten-
dent Director
reflections and reinforced how compliance
In mergers and corporate restructuring
is part of the daily lives of employees. The
processes, the Company adopts
event, which had more than 800 participants,
procedures to identify vulnerabilities and was held remotely and broadcasted live on
Who we are the risk of irregular practices in the legal the Company's internal social networks and
Suppliers who went through Monthly average of
Organizational the assessment process contracts analyzed1 entities involved, which are provided for communication channels. The lectures dealt
(due diligence)1 in the norm for preventing and combating with subjects such as Ethics in Organizations,
Governance and
management fraud and corruption. Fraud and Whistleblowing Channels.
Strategic pillars 936 70
CSN Mineração also has compliance
Business model Among the practices adopted, the ambassadors which, through 72 volunteer
prior execution of due diligence for any employees, disseminate ethical values in a
705 53
corporate transaction is crucial, to be natural and mature way in operations.
Created and
514 42 able to identify and assess any irregular
shared value
practices in legal entities. The Audit, Risks
and Resilience and Compliance Board and the Legal Area
Stakeholders are responsible for assessing this process,
and may also rely on the assistance of law
Natural capital
conservation firms or specialized consultants.

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022

1. Data referring to the CSN Group, as the process is corporate without
the possibility of segregating the specific number of due diligences by CSN Mineração.

GRI 3-3 | 205-1

33 SASB EM-MM-510A.1

About this
Material themes

2022 Conflict of interests


CMIN's Code of Conduct establishes specific relationships, financial, commercial

Message rules on conflicts of interest applicable to all or any other type of interest. If there
from the Board
employees and members of the Board of is a situation of conflict of interest,
of Directors
Directors and Executive Board. All directors, the members in management must
when taking office in their respective abstain from deliberations, with the Employee at
positions, sign a term of adherence to the need to be included in draft (ata) if the Casa de Pedra,
Message from Congonhas (MG)
the Superinten- Code of Conduct as well as a Declaration case involves a member of the Board
dent Director regarding Conflicts of Interest. of Directors.

By means of this adhesion, the members If any member in management does

Who we are of the Board, the Board of Executive not manifest the conflict of interest,
Organizational Officers, and employees pledge to any other person may do so, if they
report any actual or potential conflicts are aware of the case. In 2022, there
Governance and
management regarding CSN Mineração's interests in were no cases of conflicts of interest
Strategic pillars situations involving family or personal managed by the Company.
Business model

Created and
shared value

Specific rules on conflicts

and Resilience
Natural capital
of interest are set out in
CSN Mineração’s Code

of Conduct

34 GRI 2-15 | 3-3


About this
Material themes

2022 Risk management

Message First: the business areas and units – the
from the Board
risk owners – which are responsible for the
of Directors
direct management of the risks inherent to
their processes, having as their attribution
the management and execution of
Message from
the Superinten- mitigation actions.
dent Director
Second: the Audit, Risks and Compliance
Area, which acts objectively and
Who we are independently in carrying out its activities
Organizational Equipment in to assess the effectiveness and integrity
profile operation at the
Casa de Pedra mine
of the control environment, uses its own
Governance and
management methodology and tools in line with the best
Strategic pillars market practices.
Business model
Third: the Board of Directors, which considers
the impacts of the Company’s activities to define
Created and
guidelines and strategic objectives, aiming at
shared value
and Resilience Risk Risk management is guided by the Risk
Manual, applicable to the all the companies
The identified risks are assessed and classified
according to the probability of occurrence and
perpetuity and sustainable growth; and the
Audit Committee, which supports the Board of
Natural capital
management controlled by CSN Group and prepared
based on the framework of the Committee
the magnitude of the impacts arising from their
materialization, allowing those of greater relevance
Directors in monitoring the effectiveness and
quality of internal controls, supervising the risk
conservation of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway to be treated with priority. The Audit, Risks and management structure and activities.
Commission (COSO). The document Compliance Area conducts the general risk analysis
recommends, for example, periodic risk process, supporting those responsible for the CSN Mineração's risk management structure
assessments, inherent to the Company’s business areas and audits the business processes, in is operated in a partially decentralized
operations, not restricted to financial accordance with the Annual Audit Plan. The results manner, based on the concept of lines of
risks, but also contemplating operational, are periodically reported to the Audit Committee, defense, with risk control and management
compliance and strategic risks, including which advises the Board of Directors. In this way, the activities carried out at all levels of the
ESG risks and opportunities – linked to the entire organizational structure is directly or indirectly Company and at different stages of
Company’s material topics. related to the risk management process: corporate processes.

35 GRI 2-12 | 2-16 | 3-3


Employees at Casa de
Pedra, Congonhas (MG)

Following the best market practices and internationally

About this
report recognized methodologies, the Company listed four strategic
risks that could directly impact (if materialized) its business:
Material themes

Cyber risks
CMIN’s operations depend on telecommunications,
highlights information technology systems and automated
machines. Disruptions to these systems caused
by cyber-attacks can have a negative impact on
Message operations, reputation and stakeholder interactions.
from the Board
of Directors
Climate change
Extreme weather events and the transition to a low-
carbon economy can significantly impact not only
Message from
the Superinten- productive activities, but society, the economy and the
dent Director environment. In this way, the Company is committed
to contributing to a more sustainable future, investing
efforts and resources to reduce greenhouse gas
Who we are emissions and mitigating impacts related to changes
Organizational in climate patterns. The risk management process, based on the COSO framework,
considers five elements that are interrelated and present Board of Directors/
Governance and
management Market throughout the Company's internal controls: Audit Committee
Strategic pillars The Company is exposed to various market risks that
Business model are inherent to the business. There are risks arising Control environment
from changes in interest rates, exchange rates, as Risk assessment
well as prices of raw materials and goods that may Control activity Management
Created and
adversely affect the value of its financial assets and Information and communication
shared value
liabilities, cash flows or future results. Monitoring


and Resilience
Stakeholders Supply chain
External factors, such as wars, pandemics and Audit, Risk and
Natural capital Click here to learn
conservation geopolitical events, may affect the supply chain, more about the Compliance Office
logistical operations and demand for CSN Mineração’s risks identified
products, materially impacting the business. by the Company
in item 5.1 of its
reference form.
1st defense line 2nd defense line 3rd defense line

Business Areas Risk and compliance Internal

Offices management audit

36 GRI 2-12 | 2-16 | 3-3


Climate risk management

About this
report Since 2021, CSN Mineração, together with CSN, has been carrying out a broad mapping and assessment of the most relevant risks Click here for
and opportunities related to climate change in the context of activities, sectors and regions in which its businesses operate. Risk and more information
Material themes
opportunity management includes aspects of Transition (Market, Technology, Reputation, Regulatory and Legal) and changes in climate about the climate
scenarios elaborated.
patterns (Acute and Physical), as outlined by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In 2022, new essential
elements for climate management were incorporated into this assessment, such as the Study of Climate Scenarios. The new version
highlights of the assessment of climate risks and opportunities includes four phases:

from the Board
Methodology of Mapping and Assessment Climate adaptation
of Directors Phase 1 climate risks and
opportunities process Phase 2 prioritizing climate
risks and opportunities Phase 3 of climate scenarios
The risk and opportunity
Phase 4 This component incorporated in the
new version of the climate risks and
From which it is possible Based on pre-established factors arranged in opportunities process is essential
to delimit the granularity criteria in Phase 1, the critical quadrants for CSN Mineração’s climate change
Message from
the Superinten-
and scope of the potential risk factors and were assessed from the strategy. In 2023, the company will
dent Director analyses, time horizon, opportunities that could perspective of different begin a climate vulnerability study,
elaborate the glossary of impact CMIN's business climate scenarios. The systematically mapping adaptation
risks and opportunities, were mapped. In this purpose of the scenario actions and consolidating a climate
define the taxonomy, phase, these risk and study is to encourage the adaptation plan, which corresponds
Who we are definition of the impact opportunity factors are Company’s managers to to phase 4 of the risks and
Organizational rule and the assessment/ assessed and distributed consider factors related to opportunities process.
profile prioritization approach. in a 5x5 matrix. climate change when making
Governance and
strategic decisions.
Strategic pillars
Business model
In 2022, an extensive benchmark with approximately 30 companies Risk/Opportunity Matrix
and internal discussions in the Climate Change & Air Thematic Probability of occurrence x Impact magnitude
Created and Granularity
Group was conducted, enabling the mapping of new risks and
shared value Low (1-15) Average (16-44) High (45-79) Critical (80-125)
opportunities for CMIN. Besides the benchmark, as a source for the Risks at a local level, with
survey of potential risk factors, strategic reports were used (from the Very high 25 50 75 100 125 granularity by business:

and Resilience
Stakeholders Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – IPCC; and from the
High 16 32 48 64 80
Natural capital
Institute for Advanced Studies – IEA, of the University of São Paulo), 1 Ports
conservation as well as from studies previously carried out by CSN. 31 climate risks Medium high 9 18 27 36 45
and 19 climate opportunity factors were identified, being divided
2 Mining
4 8 12 16 20
following the taxonomy set forth in the TCFD.
Low 1 2 3 4 5
3 Energy
The risks identified as critical were analyzed, considering three climate IMPACT MAGNITUDE
scenarios – Business As Usual (BAU), Stay On the Fence (SOF) and Corporate-level risks
Low Medion Medium high High Very high
Net-Zero Emission (NZE) –, and monetized.
(1 to 3 years)
(4 to 5 years)
(over 6 years)

A 5x5 matrix for each time horizon

37 GRI 3-3 | 201-2


Eight physical risk factors were identified, characterized by impacts a low-carbon economy, being classified as regulatory, legal, to meet the needs of changes in climate patterns or the
About this
report arising from changes in climate patterns and separated into chronic technological, market and/or reputational. accelerated transition to a low-carbon economy, among
(long-term changes in climate patterns that may cause, for example, other opportunities related to adaptation measures to curb
Material themes
rising sea levels or changes in precipitation patterns) and acute There were also 19 opportunity factors identified, such as potential impacts resulting from changes in climate patterns.
(extreme weather events such as cyclones, hurricanes or floods); the more efficient use of resources, energy consumption
and 23 transition risk factors, which arise when transitioning to from renewable sources, creation of products and services

The risk factors and opportunities categorized as critical are as follows:

from the Board Risks located in the highly Opportunities located in high
of Directors relevant quadrants relevance quadrants
Climate Actions and strategy to Sector/ Time Climate Sector/ Time
risk factor mitigate the potential impact Business horizon opportunities Business horizon
Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director • Elaboration of emission reduction targets for CMIN Demand for higher
Carbon market • Investment in the itabirite beneficiation plant for producing quality ore by the Long term
creation or high quality iron ore (biggest % of iron) final consumer
implementation of Short-term
Who we are • Long-term iron ore sales contract Mining
carbon taxation in
Organizational international markets • Construction of strategic partnerships aimed at selling high
profile Mining
(New pricing) quality iron ore to direct reduction routes Investment in
Governance and
management renewable energy Medium-term
Strategic pillars and energy matrix
Business model
• Acquisition of new power generation plants in different Energy
Water scarcity geographies
and droughts • Diversification of the power generation energy matrix Long-term
Created and
shared value due to changes in
precipitation patterns • Elaboration of a climate vulnerability study considering
Consolidation different climate scenarios Energy
and Resilience
Stakeholders The climate risk process is integrated with corporate risk
Increased intensity and • Rain prevention plan at CSN Mineração for critical periods management. In 2022, a thematic subgroup on Climate
Natural capital
conservation frequency of extreme • De-characterization of dams and stacking of tailings Risk and Opportunity Management was created as an
weather events (Urban, Medium-term operational governance instrument to specifically address
River and Coastal Floods) this topic. Due to this proximity, the climate risks and
Mining opportunities process is directly linked with the Company's
risks process, allowing the incorporation of these into the
corporate risk matrix. Learn more in the Climate Change
chapter under the scope of the TCFD on page 92.

38 GRI 3-3 | 201-2


About this
Material themes
Strategic pillars
Sustainability Climate People
highlights Change and Group
Air Group
The CSN Group and CSN Mineração have been This committee is currently composed
Message working to formalize their main ESG commitments of 17 directors and may call on external
from the Board
with a focus on the governance of the Company’s participants to strengthen the technical-
of Directors
material topics. In this regard, the ESG Committee Water and scientific perspective when relevant.
stands out, a non-statutory advisory body Effluents The committee's structure is also
Biodiversity Group
to the Board of Directors of the CSN Group, and Ecosystem Board of complemented by the ESG Integrated
Message from Directors
composed by the top executive leadership of the Services Management Commission, composed by
the Superinten-
dent Director Group
Company's Businesses who work together with the CSN Inova and the Sustainability Area, and
Sustainability Area, managing indicators, evaluating by eight thematic groups, coordinated
ESG Committee
and identifying ESG risks and opportunities. by 25 ESG ambassadors from CSN
Who we are Group and CSN Mineração. The main
Organizational CMIN's Board of Directors is responsible for ESG Integrated role of the Commission is to standardize
establishing strategic guidelines and deliberating Management concepts and disseminate good practices
Governance and
on economic, social and environmental issues Territories Commission Circular in all segments of activity and to make
Group Economy
Strategic pillars that have an impact on the Company's business. Group
the connection between the eight
Business model In order to be able support the decisions of the thematic groups and the members of the
Board of Directors of CSN Group and CMIN, the Committee, focusing on the acceleration
ESG Committee is responsible for presenting to and evolution of strategic projects and
Created and Compliance, Occupational
these bodies the advances, challenges, risks and themes and the achievement of ESG goals
shared value Governance Health and
opportunities related to the eight Thematic Groups. and Value Safety in a structured manner.
and Resilience Chain Group Group
Stakeholders These Groups were created in accordance with
the Materiality Matrix of CSN Group and of CMIN
Natural capital
conservation structured with 12 priority themes, (see more on
page 5). Materiality is highlighted through the ESG
Committee, which oversees high-impact initiatives In 2022, the first year of operation, six ESG Committee
and regularly reports to the Board of Directors. meetings were held, 1,400 hours of training and workshops with
25 ambassadors with 67 initiatives mapped. For 2023, another
25 ESG ambassadors will be incorporated, reaching a total of
50 participants in the eight thematic groups

39 GRI 2-23 | 2-24 | 3-3


About this
report The Sustainability Policy of CSN Group, applicable to
CSN Mineração (available here), defines the guidelines
Material themes
for solid growth and commitment to the Company’s
priority themes. The document was approved by the
Board of Directors of the parent company in 2021 and its
highlights pillars, represented by the acronym ALWAYS (SEMPRE
in portuguese), guide employees, own and third parties,
as well as suppliers and other stakeholders, for the
Message proactive incorporation of the best socio-environmental,
from the Board
competitive, ethical and governance practices in its
of Directors
decisions and the strengthening of the culture of
prevention and control of health and safety risks,
respect for the environment and safe behavior.
Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director

Sustainability Policy Pillars

Who we are

Employees at Sustainability
Governance and
protected area in
Casa de Pedra, in
in business
Strategic pillars Congonhas (MG)
Business model
E Ethical, transparent
and inclusive company
Created and

shared value
Continuous improvement
and Resilience
Environment protection,
Natural capital prevention of pollution and
occupational accidents

Annexes R Respect for the legislation

E Educating and training

40 GRI 2-23 | 2-24 | 3-3


About this Integrated management system

Material themes
As a way of helping the organization to consistently ISO 14.001:2015 standard. Regarding ISO 9.001:2015,
plan actions to prevent and control significant Casa de Pedra Mine and TECAR are certified.
impacts on the environment, health, safety and
highlights quality, with good performance and quality The Green Line – a channel open to all
productivity, an Integrated Management System audiences for clarifications, reports,
(SGI) structure was established for CSN Mineração. complaints, suggestions and other contacts
Message related to environmental and social issues
from the Board
The SGI is part of the organization’s global – complements the SGI. Occurrences are
of Directors
management system, which aims to control its received by specialized teams in each unit and
environmental aspects (air, water and waste, assessed and investigated, confidentially, so
among others), approach health and safety that the solution or justification is forwarded
Message from
the Superinten- risks for workers, as well as quality controls. within a maximum of 15 working days. The
dent Director It is a dynamic system subject to periodic volume and content of the calls, as well as the
assessment of the objectives and goals set and internal guidelines resulting from each one of
the effectiveness of the corrective measures the calls, are periodically reported to Senior
Who we are implemented. This management effort should Management and monitored in management
Organizational result in a continuous improvement of the meetings of operational, environmental and
organization’s performance and serve as a social indicators.
Governance and
management basis for the Company’s decisions. The general
Strategic pillars guidelines for the operation of the SGI are based The Health and Safety Management System
Business model on the requirements of the ISO 45001:2018, ISO (SGSS) is structured in accordance with the
14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015 standards, which guidelines of the Sustainability Policy and has
serve as a reference for the implementation and its procedures and structures described in the
Created and
maintenance of the system at CMIN. Occupational Health and Safety Management
shared value
Manual of the CSN Group, parent company –
and Resilience All CMIN production units – Casa de Pedra Mine which establishes procedures to guarantee
(MG), Pires (MG) and TECAR (RJ) – are certified, by the safety of employees, third parties and Iron ore reclaimer
management at Port of TECAR
an independent third party, in the communities in all CMIN operations.
Natural capital

Green Line E-mail:

CSN Mineração meio.ambiente@
Annexes Click here and access the 0800 282 4440 csn.com.br
Occupational Health and
Safety Management Manual.

41 GRI 2-25

About this
ESG engagement initiatives
Material themes
In addition to the management systems, several Another highlight is CSN Conecta, a program launched with
internal initiatives are undertaken to engage the support of the ESG Committee, during the 2021 ESG
employees, communities and investors regarding the Week and whose objective is to identify ESG initiatives that
highlights ESG thematic. In 2022, for example, the third ESG could transform CMIN and the other companies in the CSN
Week was held, organized by the CSN Group, including Group regarding ESG themes. The themes in 2022 included:
CMIN, with attractions led by external guests and the water, energy, emissions and waste. The top three winners
Message participation of internal teams. Also, during ESG Week, of the program and the launch of the new 2023 cycle was
from the Board
events such as CSN Day and CMIN Day were held, announced during the 2022 ESG Week. For 2023, the defined
of Directors
aimed especially at the external public and investors themes will be: water and effluents, energy efficiency, waste
with the presentation of the year's main results, management, atmospheric emissions and climate change,
including ESG achievements; the Compliance Day was diversity and inclusion, biodiversity and ecosystem services,
Message from
the Superinten- also held, focusing on employee' awareness. Learn and occupational health and safety. Learn more on page 52 of
dent Director more on page 33 of the Integrated Report of the CSN the Integrated Report of the CSN Group, available here.
Group, available here.
The best-assessed projects were directed to receive
Who we are investments and guidance for the development and
Organizational implementation in the next year, according to the analysis of
each business. Given the quality of the 12 finalist projects, the
Governance and
management Company decided to implement all of them, two of which are
Strategic pillars initiatives by CSN Mineração.
Business model

Created and
shared value
and Resilience
Natural capital


Iron ore reclaimer

in the Port of TECAR
loading area


About this
Performance in
Material themes indexes and ratings
External recognition in indexes and ratings
demonstrate that the Company is evolving
highlights in transparency and reporting of the main
ESG actions and indicators, and in line with
sustainable development.
from the Board
Also responding to external requests from
of Directors
investors and other stakeholders, the Company
has been reporting since 2021 to the Disclosure
Insight Action (CDP) on the guidelines followed
Message from
the Superinten- in relation to climate change and water security.
dent Director In 2022, the score on Climate Change evolved
from “B-“ to “B” and with regard to Water
Security, the score evolved from “C” to “B”. In
Who we are addition, in 2022, in its second year which it
Organizational carries out its greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory
independently of the parent company, CMIN
Governance and
management received the gold seal of the GHG Protocol
Strategic pillars again, demonstrating the achievement of the
Business model highest level of qualification of the document.
This achievement also supported the Company's
adherence to the ICO2, B3's Carbon Efficient Employees of
Created and
Index, highlighting the commitment to CSN Mineração
shared value
transparency of the Company's GHG emissions.
and Resilience
Stakeholders In 2022, CSN, parent company of CSN
Mineração, remained a signatory to the
Natural capital
conservation Global Compact. Within the Global Compact
Brazil Network, CSN participates in the
2021 2022
Action for Climate, Water, Human Rights and
Communication and Engagement platforms,
aimed at boosting the agendas in the strategic CMIN’s evolution Water C B
objectives of the participants. in CDP
Climate B- B

43 GRI 3-3

About this
Innovation and technology
Material themes
Innovation is another strategic pillar for CMIN On the first front, CSN Inova Open conducts a
and leverages the Company’s sustainable systemic and collaborative innovation process,
growth. Since 2018, CSN, the parent aimed at solving strategic challenges that represent
highlights company, has been strengthening CSN Inova, a high operational, socio-environmental and
an innovation platform that catalyzes the financial impact for the Company. The challenges
transformation of our businesses towards currently prioritized are: reducing the consumption Innovation and
Message management focused on ESG aspects. of fossil fuels, increasing the availability of assets, technology
from the Board employees at
reducing logistical expenses, digitalization, Casa de Pedra,
of Directors
With four pillars of action focused on bringing optimizing processes for decision-making based on Congonhas (MG)
solutions to CSN Group's challenges, CSN data, new products and materials, environmental
Inova has complementary tools to implement recovery and reuse of waste and new forms of
Message from
the Superinten- innovation strategies with an impact in the payment and financing to increase sales.
dent Director short-, medium- and long-term horizons.
Aiming at the decarbonization journey of The innovation management methodology
CSN's production processes and generating considers the elements of open innovation and
Who we are more efficiency in our operations, CSN Inova is based on an in-depth diagnosis, which involves
Organizational prioritizes development projects, partnerships mapping the processes of the Company’s segments,
and investments in technologies with industry areas and operations and the analysis of related
Governance and
management 4.0 solutions, new production routes, digital indicators. Based on this, pilot projects with
Strategic pillars transformation and circular economy. reduced scope and rapid implementation are built
Business model and executed. After evaluating these pilots using
measurable indicators, the initiatives are scaled up

Created and
in an organized manner within the businesses. Sinter Feed Moisture Reduction
shared value Water is a widely used resource in the iron ore production
In 2022, of the 55 initiatives coordinated by CSN
Consolidation process. This results in a product with a higher amount of
and Resilience Inova, eight of them were from CSN Mineração –
moisture for material use and transportation, which in turn
Stakeholders demonstrating the maturity of CSN Inova's portfolio.
management implies heavier ore and higher rail and sea freight costs. In
Projects are prioritized based on real relevance
Natural capital addition, there is a humidity limit at which the ore can be loaded
conservation for the Company and strategic alignment with the onto the ships that transport the product for export. With this

55 initiatives business, on the materiality matrix, on technological

maturity, on economic potential and, above all, on
challenge in mind, CSN Inova contributed to the installation of a
water drainage technology in the sinter-feed piles at the Casa
Annexes coordinated by CSN Inova, operational and financial indicators. de Pedra mine. The success of the initiative has already been
proven, generating not only operational and financial gains,
eight of them from but also environmental ones, since all the water recovered
CSN Mineração by the system is reused in the production process.

44 GRI 3-3

About this
report On the second front, CSN Inova Ventures is one

CSN Inova Ventures is one of the

of the first corporate vehicles of Brazilian venture
Material themes
capital focused on industry 4.0. and responsible

for bringing the CSN Group closer to startups
and solutions in Brazil and abroad, in addition first Brazilian corporate venture capital
highlights to agents that are reference in the Venture
Capital ecosystem, such as Endeavor, ABVCAP, BR
vehicles focused on Industry 4.0
Angels and investment funds and accelerators.
Message The objective is to capture the best investment
from the Board
opportunities in disruptive technologies with
of Directors
a high growth potential and that allow the
transition from traditional industries to a more
intelligent, connected and sustainable future.
Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director CSN Inova Ventures' thesis focuses on
companies in the Seed, Series A and Series
B stages; and whose solution is aligned with
Who we are one of the investment verticals (Industry of
Organizational the Future, ESG and Corporate Transition and
New Business) also having part of its capital Employee in
Governance and
management committed to adjacent opportunities. CSN Inova analysis laboratory
Strategic pillars Ventures ended 2022 with eight companies in
Business model its portfolio, with investments made through
contributions between R$ 2 million and R$ 5
million, with new contributions expected to be
Created and
made throughout 2023, maintaining the focus
shared value
on investment verticals.
and Resilience
Natural capital


45 GRI 3-3

About this
report CSN laboratory
Material themes

10 different types of
highlights technologies for new
technological routes evaluated
Message in 2022 by CSN Inova Tech
from the Board
of Directors
innovation ecosystem and trains employees
to stimulate the dissemination and scale of
the culture of sustainability. In addition, it
Message from
the Superinten- centralizes the ESG communication activities
dent Director of the businesses, to establish transparent
communication with its stakeholders.

Who we are Finally, on the fourth front CSN Inova Tech

Organizational assesses technologies and executes projects for
the development of technological routes. In 2022,
Governance and
management more than 10 different types of technologies were
Strategic pillars assessed for new technological routes and new
Business model materials/fuels. CSN Inova Tech acts as a radar for
trends in the most promising technologies for the
sectors in which CMIN operates.
Created and
On the third front, with the aim of ensuring the in sustainability and innovation in public
shared value
continuity of the Group’s operations and the companies, funds and academia, conducted by CSN Inova Tech acts as a bridge between
and Resilience evolution of its development purpose, CSN CSN Inova Bridge. The Committee operates as businesses, universities and research centers
Stakeholders Inova Bridge is responsible for the integrated a socio-environmental innovation laboratory, in Brazil and abroad, encouraging the evolution
management of the Group’s ESG innovation with ESG risks and opportunities discussed of projects and the development of new
Natural capital
67 initiatives strategy and works together with various
leaders and business areas to identify the
based on the Company's materiality matrix
in a systemic, integrated, experimental and
technologies that still present a lower level
of maturity and require R&D.
mapped in the main challenges and transition opportunities participatory manner. Always collaboratively and

Annexes ESG Committee, related to the Company's material topics. with multidisciplinary teams from operations to
The ESG Committee, which advises CSN's corporate, it unlocks and leverages resources
with support from Board of Directors, for example, is the result for critical structural projects, mobilizes the Click here and find out more about
CSN Inova Bridge of extensive research on governance models connection between knowledge of the social CSN Inova’s projects and actions.

46 GRI 3-3

About this
report Other initiatives
Material themes
In addition to the projects conducted by CSN Inova,
CSN Mineração develops innovative projects aimed
at increasing operational efficiency, GHG reduction
highlights and the safety of its employees.

In 2022, the Company signed an agreement with

Message Sany, a Chinese heavy equipment manufacturer,
from the Board
to electrify the fleet that operates at the Casa
of Directors
de Pedra and Pires mines, in Congonhas (MG),
consisting of 200 lighter vehicles and 64 heavy
vehicles. Two off-road trucks, 100% electric, with
Message from
the Superinten- capacity for 60 tons have been operating at the
dent Director mine since 2022, August. In addition to avoiding
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, innovation has
been promoting gains in efficiency and agility.
Who we are
Organizational The year was also marked by the Memorandum
of Understanding (MoU) between CSN, CSN
Governance and
management Mineração, Shell and Itochu Corporation for
Strategic pillars cooperation in the decarbonization thematic.
Business model Within the scope of this MoU, teams were formed
and advanced with investigations of potential
projects, partnerships, and carbon reduction
Created and
initiatives, in addition to defining areas of possible
shared value
long-term strategic business collaboration, with
and Resilience the objective of contributing to the fulfillment of its
Stakeholders climate-related and environmental goals. In Mining,
a synthetic fuel called HVO, which does not emit
Natural capital
conservation CO2, will be tested in the first quarter of 2023.2.
Under the MoU, other opportunities will
be pursued in the short (1-2 years), medium
(2-8 years) and long (above 8 years) terms.
Annexes Recharging area for
electric trucks at the
Casa de Pedra mine

47 GRI 3-3

ESG goals
About this
report Supported by its business and innovation strategy aimed at the application of new technologies and greater efficiency
in its processes and operations, the CSN Mineração is committed to goals connected to the ESG agenda that guide the
Material themes
journey towards a more efficient, innovative, integrated and sustainable management:

Indicator Indicator Indicator

2022 Topic SDG Goal Performance in 2022 Status
highlights (Base-year) (Goal-year) in 2022
The process started in Congonhas
Local Initiate the formal due diligence process on

2021 2022 Accomplished (MG), with completion estimated in

Message communities Human Rights.
the first half of 2023.
from the Board

Diversity and Double the percentage of female 13% 26%


21.8% +67% referring to the base year

inclusion representation at CSN Mineração by 2025. (2019) (2025)

Message from Reduce the accident frequency rate by at 1.96 1.30 CAF + SAF
the Superinten- 1.37
least 30% (CAF+SAF - own employeesand (own employees -33% compared to the base year
dent Director GOOD HEALTH
(20211) (2030)
Labor health and
third parties) by 2030 (1 MM HHT). and third parties)
safety Reduce by 30% the number of days lost
746 224 845 lost days due
due to accidents with own employees +13% compared to the base year
Who we are (2021) (2030) to accidents
compared to 2021.
Organizational Completed the civil works to
de-characterization of the Vigia2
Governance and Dam safety Carry out the de-characterization of CSN
management 0 4 auxiliary dam. So far, 2 of the
and de- Mineração dams built by the upstream 2 de-characterized
Strategic pillars
(2020) (2030) 4 upstream dams have been
characterization method by 2030.

Business model
decommissioned, with only dam
B4 being restored.
Reduce new water uptake in iron ore
Created and use and effluents 0.24 0.22 0.26 m3/ ton

shared value
production by at least 10% per ton of ore +8% compared to 2018
management (2018) (2030) of ore produced
produced by 20303.
Consolidation practices
and Resilience
Stakeholders 30% reduction in CO2e emissions per ton 5.77 4.04 7.92 kgCO2/ ton
management +37% compared to the base year
of ore produced by 2035 (scopes 1 and 2). (2019) (2035) of ore produced
Natural capital AND PRODUCTION

conservation Climate change

191,812 Carbon
Carbon Neutral in CO2 emissions of scopes
tCO2e neutral 208,487 tCO2e +8% compared to the base year
1 and 2 until 2044.
(2019) (2044)

Maintaining electricity consumption 100%

Energy efficiency 2020 Contínua 100% Mantained
from renewable sources at CSN Mineração.

1. The base year was updated, as it now includes all CSN Mineração units, including the Port of TECAR.
2. The acceptance of the competent authorities for the withdrawal of the national dam management system until the publication of this report is pending.
3. The water intensity is calculated based on the production of iron ore (wet + dry) and the abstraction of water intended only for the production process of the ore, considering the abstracted water in the central plant, Pires process and potable water.

48 GRI 3-3

Click on the green boxes to find out more about inputs and the value
About this
report Business model generated by CSN Mineração in the six capitals covered by the Integrated
Report, in addition to learning about the Company’s corporate guidelines
and management differentials.
Material themes


from the Board
of Directors

Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director

Who we are
Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model

Created and
shared value
and Resilience
Natural capital



49 GRI 2-6
Created and
shared value

Employee of
CSN Mineração

About this

Material themes

highlights and Resilience Employee of
CSN Mineração

Message From the point of view of the global iron ore Despite the better commercial result, the
from the Board
scenario, 2022 was marked by great volatility production volume had a reduction of 7%
of Directors
in iron ore prices on the world market, in relation to the previous year, a direct
mainly due to China’s Covid Zero policy and consequence of the impacts of heavy rains
the impact of the conflict between Russia registered at the beginning of the year, in
Message from
the Superinten- and Ukraine. addition to the ramp up of the projects
dent Director connected to the Central Plant (CMAI 3,
In this context, CMIN achieved net revenue spirals and crushing).­
of R$ 12.4 billion and adjusted EBITDA
Who we are of R$ 6 billion, with an EBITDA margin of For the future, the Company’s focus is on
Organizational 48.5% – a lower result compared to 2021, expansion. In 2022, an updated CAPEX of R$
when EBITDA was R$ 10.4 billion and the 13.8 billion was announced for the period
Governance and
management margin was 57.7%. from 2023 to 2027. This investment refers to
Strategic pillars the first phase, which comprises projects to
Business model In this period, sales by CSN Mineração improve the itabirite reserves and reprocessing
totaled 33.3 million tons of iron ore. This of mining tailings, currently stored at the Casa
volume is 0.3% higher than in 2021, boosted de Pedra complex, which will provide a very
Created and by inventory consumption and greater high-quality ore with up to 67% iron content
shared value
purchases of iron ore from third parties. – essential to support the decarbonization
and Resilience journey of the steel sector in the world.
Natural capital
Between 2023 and 2027,
CSN Mineração will invest
R$ 13.8 billion in projects aimed at
expanding its production capacity

51 GRI 2-6

With this announcement, CSN Mineração's Expansion Program To strategically sustain this process, in 2022, CSN Mineração Phase 1 Projects
About this
report schedule was updated; this was done to translate the Company's renewed its concession with TECAR for another 25 years (until 2047), Volume
Fe content Startup
desire to capture the best moment in the market to commission guaranteeing the use of this strategic asset and committing itself (mtpa)
Material themes
this type of project. Additionally, the schedule improvement also to the modernization of the port terminal. The concession of the Ultrafine Rec. 66% 1.0 4Q 2024
reflects the higher detailed level of engineering of these projects, MRS Logística was also renewed for another 33 years, guaranteeing Itabirite P15 67% 15.0 4Q 2025
considering new matters of locational and resource optimization. viability and competitive costs in the transportation of ore. Rec. of Tailings Pires 65% 1.5 4Q 2025
highlights Rec. of Tailings B4 66% 2.5 2Q 2025
Nominally, the first phase of the investment plan includes projects In October 2022, the Company completed the acquisition of the
Itabirito P4+ 65% 4.4 3Q 2026
such as the development of plants for processing itabirite (P15 Quebra-Queixo hydroelectric plant, in Ipuaçu (SC), with an installed
Rec. of Tailings COP 65% 2.5 1Q 2028
Message and P4), as well as projects for the recovery of tailings and capacity of 120 megawatts (MW). This move is in line with the CSN
from the Board Total 66% 26.9
ultrafines that are currently disposed in dams. At the same time, Group’s strategy of guaranteeing CMIN’s energy self-sufficiency,
of Directors
the expansion of production capacity is followed by an increase given the projected growing consumption of the resource resources
in the capacity to ship production to the transoceanic market, resulting from the projects under development in the medium and
thus, investment will also be made in Port of TECAR to reach the long term, and to continue with 100% of the electricity consumed
Message from
the Superinten- shipment capacity of 60 Mtpa in this phase. coming from renewable sources.
dent Director

Who we are
Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model

Created and
shared value
and Resilience
Natural capital


Storage yard at Port of

TECAR, in Itaguaí (RJ)


About this
Material themes
Schedule revised in 2022,
focusing on reducing risks and
maximizing project returns Expansion highlights:

Message Advancement
from the Board of project engineering and mitigation
of Directors of implementation risks

Message from CMAI Pires:

the Superinten- Volume of production + purchases / MTPA Reduction in capacity from 3.0Mtpa
dent Director
to 1.5Mtpa to maximize the project’s
financial return

Who we are
Organizational P4+:
Location change with
Governance and 68 optimization of sharing existing
Strategic pillars
55 of existing infrastructure
Business model 39-41 40 43
Created and Postponement of the project to
shared value reduce risks in the interconnection
Consolidation with the Central Plant
and Resilience
Stakeholders 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
CMAI B4 and CdP:
Natural capital
1st PHASE Prioritization of de-characterization
before the start of mining

Annexes R$ 13.8 billion Ultrathin:

of investment Completion of basic engineering
Average of R$ 2.76 billion/year and critical analysis of the project to
Employee performing reduce risks in the interconnection
maintenance on equipment
with the Central Plant


About this
Financial management Net Revenue:

Material themes 2020

The year 2022 was marked by a series of Despite the challenging scenario, CSN strong flow of dividends by distributing
challenges for the mining sector. With a historic Mineração achieved R$ 6 billion in EBITDA between 80% and 100% of its result. R$ 13.9 billion
volume of rain in the Iron Quadrangle region, in in 2022, with a production volume of 33.7 In the year, more than R$ 4.97
highlights Minas Gerais, and with the impact of the ramp up million tons and a C1 cost of USD21.5/ton. billion in benefits were distributed. 2021
of projects connected to the Central Plant (CMAI Thus, the Company maintained solid financial Additionally, the robustness of the R$ 19.0 billion
3, spirals and crushing). In addition to operational health, with a very robust balance sheet. balance sheet and strong cash
from the Board
factors, the year was marked by intense volatility flow from operations allowed the 2022
R$ 12.4 billion
in iron ore prices, as a result of uncertainties CSN Mineração stands out as a company Company to finance its projects while
of Directors
related to China’s economic performance. that achieve a balance between growth and a maintaining low leverage.

Message from Net profit

the Superinten-
dent Director
R$ 4.0 billion
Who we are
R$ 6.4 billion
Governance and
Strategic pillars 2022
R$ 2.9 billion
Business model

Employee at
CMIN's office in
Created and São Paulo (SP)
shared value
Adjusted EBITDA
and Resilience
Natural capital
R$ 8.1 billion


R$ 10.2 billion
R$ 6.0 billion


About this
Material themes
Total production + purchase from CSN Mineração (thousand t) Added Value Statement – main lines (R$ million)
2021 2022
36,075 Revenues 19,761.6 13,649.7
2022 33,720
highlights 30,513 Inputs purchased from third parties (8,020.0) (6,741.8)
Gross added value 11,741.7 6,907.9

Message Withholdings (751.3) (998.9)

from the Board Net added value produced 10,990.4 5,908.9
of Directors
Added value received in transfer 626.0 (159.4)
Total added value to be distributed 11,616.4 5,749.6

Message from Distribution of added value

2020 2021 2022
the Superinten- Personnel and charges 590.6 696.1
dent Director
Taxes, fees and contributions 3,839.8 1,604.7
Remuneration of third-party capital 798.3 498.5

Who we are Sales of CSN Mineração (thousand t) Remuneration from own capitals 6,387.6 2,950.3

Total added value distributed 11,616.4 5,749.6
Governance and
33,237 33,329
management 31,155
Strategic pillars 4,217 4,920
Business model
Investments Main investments made in the
year at CSN Mineração (R$ MM)
Created and 26,938 28,317 29,192 In 2022, CSN Mineração invested a
shared value
total of R$ 1.2 billion, a reduction of R$ 156 million
14% compared to 2021. It is worth in tailings filtering 3
and Resilience
Stakeholders noting the contributions made to R$ 45 million
management 2020 2021 2022 advancing expansion projects, P15 at the start of the Itabirito P15 Plant project
Natural capital
itabirite projects, filtering tailings and
Domestic market sales in the expansion of TECAR Port, which
R$ 43 million
in replacing the off-road truck fleet
External market sales should show greater concentration
in early 2023. With the Capex for R$ 27 million
Annexes in rebuilding the large fleet
operational continuity, the main
expenditure was linked to spare parts R$ 7 million
at Casa de Pedra and TECAR. in the development of the autonomous Mine

R$ 91 million
in the dredging of TECAR, the port’s expansion project

55 GRI 201-1

About this
report Tax management
Material themes

CSN Mineração's tax management aims to ensure compliance with the tax
rules and requirements set forth by legislation; and calculate and pay the taxes
Tax management
highlights due in a correct, controlled and timely manner; while seeking to capture tax practices are audited externally
incentives that promote greater competitiveness in the business segments.
This work is carried out by the Tax Management Area of CSN Group, which on a quarterly basis
Message also acts in the tax management of CMIN, with the consent of the Financial
from the Board
Management of the CSN Group, guided by good faith, value creation, risk
of Directors
management and strict compliance with local legislation.

The Company’s tax strategy is reviewed by the Chief Financial

Message from
the Superinten- Officer together with the Tax Legal Department of the parent
dent Director Group. The Board of Directors and Executive Directors of
the Company oversee strategic tax matters. The tax strategy
is continuously linked to various spheres of business plans,
Who we are including corporate restructuring projects, contracting
Organizational services, establishing partnerships and obtaining tax
incentives that promote greater competitiveness.
Governance and
Strategic pillars The Tax and Fiscal areas, together with the Legal
Business model Department, constantly monitor and evaluate changes in
federal, state and municipal legislation applicable to the
business, as well as compliance rules established by the
Created and tax authorities in the jurisdictions where the Company
shared value
is present and possible concerns about behavior and
and Resilience practices related to the fiscal and tax spheres. The
Stakeholders objective is to strengthen the process of identifying,
managing and mitigating (or minimizing) fiscal risks and
Natural capital
conservation tax impacts. Tax management practices are quarterly
submitted for review by external audit as per the balance
sheet review calendar and cover direct or indirect taxes,
as well as aspects of tax compliance.

Off road truck at

Casa de Pedra mine

56 GRI 3-3 | 207-1 | 207-2 | 207-3


About this
report Additionally, the Tax Department team regularly interacts mitigating (or minimizing) tax risks, so as tax impacts
Destination of
in sectoral forums, via entities such as the Federation of can be assessed at the Company’s Financial Statements taxes paid in 2022
Material themes
Industries of the State of Minas Gerais (FIEMG) and the available on the Investor Relations website here.
National Confederation of Industry (CNI) and the Association 2%
11% Municipal
of Large Industrial Consumers of Energy and Free Consumers The tax strategy is also continuously linked to State
highlights (ABRACE) in which the Company is an active member, and corporate restructuring projects, contracting
offers stakeholders the e-mail [email protected] services, establishing partnerships and obtaining
for comments on tax and fiscal aspects. tax incentives that promote greater competitiveness 87%
Message in the sector. The Company supports, through the Federal
from the Board
Changes in federal, state and municipal legislation applicable CSN Foundation and Incentive Laws, several initiatives
of Directors
to the business, as well as compliance rules established by that contribute to the strengthening of public
the tax authorities in the jurisdictions where the Company policies such as incentives for culture, sport,
is present, are constantly monitored and assessed in order defense of elderly, children and adolescent
Message from
the Superinten- to strengthen the process of identifying, managing and rights (learn more on page 75).
dent Director Payment method
for taxes in 2022

Who we are Compensation
Tributes paid by CSN Mineração (R$ million) 3,895
Governance and
Strategic pillars 99.9%
Business model Collection

Created and 2,429

shared value 2,305
and Resilience
1,730 Tax classification in 2022
Natural capital 12%
conservation 1,095 Withheld

608 663

272 280 379 303

Annexes 191 227 204 178
9 39 88%
2020 2021 2022

Taxes on products and services Payroll taxes Mining royalties Income taxes Others Total

57 GRI 3-3 | 207-1 | 207-2 | 207-3 | 207-4


About this
Material themes


from the Board
Human capital Attraction and selection
of Directors
The Young Apprentice, Internship and Trainee
In 2022, CSN Mineração had a total of 7,572 programs are the main entry points for CSN
employees, of which 1,598 were women, Mineração’s workforce. The first, an initiative by
Message from
the Superinten- who constitute its most precious asset, the CSN Foundation in partnership with the CSN
dent Director despite being intangible. The relationship Group and CMIN, is regulated by the Learning Law
with this audience is managed based on a and aims to generate job opportunities and social
robust model, based on five pillars: transformation for young people aged between 14
Who we are and 24 who are looking for their first job. In 2022, 657
Organizational apprentices were participating in the initiative at the
Company, going through a two-year path with practical
Governance and
management activities and theoretical training in the chosen area,
Strategic pillars Attracting job market, personal and professional development.
Business model The program is carried out in partnership with the
National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI).
Aligning and engaging
Created and The internship program aims at the development and
shared value
inclusion of undergraduate students in a structured
Consolidation Developing
and Resilience learning path, which addresses behavioral skills and
Stakeholders business topics in training given by executives from
Assessing CMIN and other companies of the CSN Group, in
Natural capital
conservation addition to providing experience in the profession
through practical experiences, actively participating in
Recognize and rewarding the Company’s daily routine, processes and projects.
With a view to diversity and inclusion, since 2020,
selection is completely blind and focused on identifying
and valuing what is unique about each candidate.
During the year, 113 interns were part of the team.

Employee of
CSN Mineração

58 GRI 2-7 | 3-3


About this
report Finally, the Trainee Program is aimed at admitting
recent graduates with no restriction on courses,
Material themes
and candidates who are most adherent to the
culture of the CSN Group are chosen. The program
lasts for 18 months, during which those selected
highlights go through a development journey that includes
technical content, behavioral skills and hackathons
which aim to put into practice all the acquired
Message knowledge. At the end of 2022, 10 trainees were
from the Board
developing projects in different areas of CMIN.
of Directors

In order to increase opportunities for professional

development and contribute to the employability
Message from
the Superinten- of young people, the Citizen Mentorship project
dent Director was launched in the previous year for students of
Garoto Cidadão (Citizen Mentorship) – an education
through culture project by the CSN Foundation.
Who we are For 4 months, between October 2021 and January Employee of
Organizational 2022, each young participant was closely monitored CSN Mineração
by a Company employee, who had the mission of
Governance and
management voluntarily sharing the practical and guiding vision
Strategic pillars of the corporate world. To become a mentor, the
Business model professional needed to be a specialist or manager
(supervisor, coordinator or executive) and work for
at least one year in one of the Group companies –
Created and of the 45 participants, 14 are working at CMIN.
shared value
and Resilience All opportunities to join the Company’s team are
Stakeholders published at our website (trabalhe conosco).
Nonetheless, they are also disclosed internally,
Natural capital
conservation as CSN Mineração seeks to foster the internal
movement of employees, expanding opportunities
for professionals aligned with the corporate culture
to be recognized.
The Young Apprentice,
Internship and Trainee
programs are the main
entry points for CMIN’s staff
59 GRI 3-3

About this Developing people

Material themes Employee of
CSN Mineração The team’s performance is periodically assessed In 2022, 90% of employees underwent a
in processes that establish a transparent and performance appraisal process, which resulted
purposeful dialogue, with a focus on professional in promotions, performance-based salary
highlights development and alignment between the Company’s increases and the implementation of a company
and individual objectives. The methodology changes talent retention program, with 56 retentions
according to each functional level: and 260 merits. In addition, 1,750 employees
Message were contemplated with promotions through
from the Board
• Executive Directors; Directors; General performance evaluation and other forms of
of Directors
Managers and Managers undergo a 360° recognition and merit.
Assessment in which they perform a self-
assessment and receive assessments from Percentage of CSN Mineração employees
Message from
the Superinten- the immediate manager, peers, customers, submitted to performance assessment1
dent Director and internal suppliers.
2021 2022
By gender
• Coordinators and Supervisors undergo a
Who we are Men 86.6% 91.7%
180° Assessment in which they perform a self-
assessment and receive an assessment from Women 77.8% 81.8%
profile By functional level
their immediate manager and team.
Governance and
management Executive 96.5% 100.0%
Strategic pillars • Trainees undergo a 270º Assessment in which Leadership 95.2% 99.0%
Business model they carry out a self-assessment, receive Specialist 88.1% 97.5%
assessments from managers, peers, customers
Engineer 89.6% 96.7%
and internal suppliers.
Created and Higher level 90.3% 94.0%
shared value Technician 85.9% 94.4%
• Specialists; Higher level; Administrative and
Consolidation Administrative 84.6% 91.0%
and Resilience Operational Level undergo a 90° Assessment in
Stakeholders which they carry out a self-assessment and receive Operational 54.5% 89.5%
an assessment from their immediate manager. Training Program 96.5% 23.4%
Natural capital
conservation Total 85.7% 89.9%
This process makes it possible to map potential 1. Considers effective employees in the CLT and Capacitar
leaders to strategic positions in the business, in Program categories in Brazil. The percentage is calculated as
the total number of employees assessed in the year divided by
addition to allowing the definition of parameters headcount on December 31, which includes professionals who
for the recognition of talents, up to the level of are not eligible for the performance assessment cycle.
supervision, and the assessment of leaders so
that they can guide the development of these
employees daily.

60 GRI 3-3 | 404-3


About this
report Corporativa
Material themes (Corporate University)


from the Board

of Directors

Message from
the Superinten- DE LÍDERES
dent Director

Who we are Off road

truck operator
profile ESG
Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model
With a focus on promoting the constant development of The structure of the Universidade Corporativa (Corporate
employees, in October 2022 CSN’s Corporate University was University) is divided into five schools: Escola de Excelência em
Created and inaugurated, an online platform, which has various contents Resultads (Results Excellence School), Escola de Líderes (Leaders
shared value
and training, which will contribute to the development and School) , Escola de Neócios (Business School) , Escola ESG (ESG

and Resilience improvement of fundamental skills and competences for the School) and Escola de Inovação (Innovation School). ESG School
Stakeholders career of each professional. and Innovation School. This division allows the direction of contents
according to the organizational structure of the company. From the
Natural capital
conservation During the last trimester of the year, the University was launch, some training initiatives that occurred independently in the
responsible for more than 79,000 hours of training for operating units were integrated into the University.
employees of CSN Group. In addition to promoting face-to-face
training, including mandatory and safety training, the online As a result, the average hours of training by employees
platform has already made available more than 40 virtual of CSN Mineração increased 31% compared to 2021.
contents in the on demand modality for employees to build Investment in training totaled R$ 1.8 million, resulting
their own learning journeys. in 202,000 hours of training.

61 GRI 3-3 | 404-1


About this
report Other actions aimed at fostering a culture of learning and development among
employees in CSN Mineração’s operations are:
Material themes

• Project to Improve • Continuous Improvement Program Human rights issues are addressed in the mandatory Compliance
highlights Mandatory Training By means of identifying, exposing and training and in diversity and inclusion training. In 2022, the Corporate
Initiative of the operational area in partnership solving problems, CSN Mineração seeks University offered an online specific course at the ESG School,
with Occupational Safety to carry out a Cycle of to perpetuate a culture of excellence, with addressing topics such as unconscious biases, race, gender, LGBTQIAP+,
Message Assessment of mandatory training to promote the support of structured methods to culture and religion, people with disabilities (PWDs) and generations.
from the Board
greater quality in training and provide a guarantee sustainable results, in addition With two hours of workload, the course registered more than 3,800
of Directors
favorable environment for employee learning. In to promoting and recognizing innovative enrollments from CSN Group’s employees.
2022, 229 mandatory training groups were held, initiatives. In 2022, 63% of the staff were
totaling approximately 4,393 employees trained. involved in improvements, leading to the
Message from
the Superinten- implementation of 4,646 improvements.
dent Director • Unified Training Center CSN Mineração human rights training indicators
Aiming to promote the multidisciplinary
2021 2022
training of Mobile Equipment Operators, CSN
Promoted training hours 5,611 8,777
Who we are Mineração invests in the Unified Training
Several initiatives
Number of trained employees 5,838 6,040
Organizational Center to act directly in training, qualification
and professional development. During the year, Percentage of trained employees on the headcount 78.1% 78.5%
Governance and
management 1,141 training groups were held. aim to encourage
the education
Strategic pillars
Business model • Knowledge Management

and professional
With the objective of providing new learning, Average hours of training
increasing the technical maturity and
Created and 28.7
shared value
performance of the teams, the company
promotes, through internal instructors, development of 26.3

CSN Mineração
and Resilience technical training focused on the employee’s 21.2
Stakeholders area of expertise to motivate engagement and
Natural capital
consequently leverage the results. 2,133 training
courses were carried out in 2022.
employees 16.8


Men Women Consolidated

2020 2021 2022

62 GRI 3-3 | 404-1 | 412-2


Compensation and employee benefits

About this
Material themes

The compensation practice aims to provide Salary adjustments are also carried out in
internal balance (between employees) and accordance with the base date of the applicable
highlights external balance (competitively in relation agreements or collective agreements, in addition
to the market), seeking to reconcile the to salary increases due to qualifications, merits
compensation offered with the responsibility and promotions according to the performance
Message exercised by the position, in order to attract, and level of employee engagement.
from the Board
retain and motivate talent.
of Directors
Moreover, CMIN offers all employees hired for
Employees are entitled to fixed compensation, a fixed and indefinite period benefits in line
composed by a nominal monthly salary, with market practice and agreements signed
Message from
the Superinten- vacations and thirteenth salary – as with unions covering 100% of the employees
dent Director provided for in the Brazilian Consolidation represented, which include daycare assistance,
of Labor Laws, with the aim of ensuring the food vouchers, healthcare plan, dental plan and
compatibility of the function performed with life insurance.
Who we are the compensation paid; and variable, paid
Organizational annually as a result of the results of the The benefit package also includes
Company’s and individual targets and the supplementary pension plans, managed by the
Governance and Employee of
management CSN Mineração result of the skills assessment. CSN Employee Beneficent Fund (CBS) – a private,
Strategic pillars non-profit pension fund whose members are
Business model The Company respects the conventions of employees and former employees of the CSN
the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Group. The objective is to support employees in
relation to labor laws, including not allowing their retirement plans.
Created and employees to have a weekly workload of more
shared value
than 48 hours in regular time and 60 hours
and Resilience including overtime.
Natural capital

Benefits are offered in line with market

Annexes practice and agreements signed with
unions covering 100% of employees

GRI 2-30 | 3-3 | 401-2

63 SASB EM-MM-310A.1

About this
Material themes

Diversity and inclusion
The diversity ideas and people on the team is a The company sees the importance of understanding
lever for innovation and business growth. For and encouraging the similarities and differences of
Message this reason, CMIN has been seeking to increase the group’s professionals, encouraging all the ways
from the Board
the presence of women, people with disabilities of thinking of employees and the public with which
of Directors
(PWDs) and representatives of minority groups in it operates. It is notable that this inclusive journey is
operational positions and in leadership positions, essential to accompany society in its evolution and
through the evolution of recruitment, assessment still drive development for all people, institutions
Message from
the Superinten- and recognition of talents. The governance of the and, consequently, to serve as an inducer of
dent Director theme is the responsibility of the Diversity and business growth.
Inclusion Management area of CSN Group, which
develops engagement and training actions and
Who we are projects, in all businesses, within the scope of the
Organizational Diversity Program; and the ESG Committee, in
which the People Group debates strategies and
Governance and
management results of the actions in course.
Strategic pillars
Business model In 2022, CSN Mineração continued to invest in a
more diverse, equitable and inclusive environment
for everyone. CMIN respects, promotes and values
Created and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion practices. At the
shared value
Company, the topic is treated as an essential pillar
and Resilience linked to the strategic objectives of the business.
Stakeholders Established policies and guidelines are put into
practice by each, and every one.
Natural capital


Employee of
CSN Mineração

64 GRI 3-3

About this
Material themes

In 2022, there was

a increase in female
Message representation at CSN
from the Board
of Directors Mineração, reaching 21.8%
female representation
Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director

Who we are
Governance and
Employee of
CSN Mineração The Capacitar 2022
Program offered
Strategic pillars
Business model
professional training to
Created and
shared value
129 people
and Resilience
Stakeholders Investing in training young people between the target of female representation in the
the ages of 18 and 24 is also CSN’s strategy Company, the Capacitar Women Program was
Natural capital
conservation within the scope of the Capacitar, training essential, reaching 124 women trained and
program developed in partnership with SENAI prepared to be included in CSN Mineração.

and the CSN Foundation. The initiative qualifies As fundamental points, CMIN also works
people from the local communities close to the to promote the inclusion of people with
operating units to enter the job market in the disabilities from the Capacitar PWD Program,
In 2022, there was a
areas where the company operates. In addition, developed with the same premises in relation increase in PWD employees
in the quest to ensure the achievement of to the gender focus. compared to 2021

65 GRI 3-3 | 405-1


About this
On the Culture front, in 2022, the Company
continued a series of meetings with the
MOVER companies
Material themes
leaders to promote awareness related to are committed to:
the importance of working in an inclusive
and diverse environment. In this sense,
highlights the webseries SOMOS stands out with its Create 10,000 leadership
approach related to the reality of minority positions for black people
groups that belong to the company with
Message more than 2 thousand accesses. As well as
by 2030
from the Board
the racial literacy videoconference, taught by
of Directors
the ESG School of the Corporate University Employ and train through
(see more on page 61), which reached more
than 3,000 training courses in diversity and opportunities that balance
Message from
the Superinten- inclusion in 2022, engaging 166 people the visibility of black
dent Director in leadership positions and almost 1,200
of the employees of CSN Group.

Who we are Ethnic-racial diversity is also a front strongly Make the population
worked on by the CSN Group. Through the
Mover Program and adherence to the protocol aware of the topic,
Governance and
management of the Global Pact for racial equity, the fight bringing diverse
against racism and the promotion of racial
Strategic pillars
Business model representation in leadership positions are
and relevant content
joint commitments assumed for the CSN
Group. With a view to expanding opportunities
Created and and promoting the inclusion of the black
shared value
population in leadership positions and other
and Resilience positions, in 2021, CSN, the Company’s parent
Stakeholders company, was one of the founding companies
of MOVER – Racial Equity Movement.
Natural capital


Employee at Casa de
Pedra, Congonhas (MG)

66 GRI 3-3

About this
report In partnership with MOVER, in 2022, the CSN
Group generated opportunities for 111 black Employee of CSN
Material themes Mineração
employees to study English with scholarships
lasting 12 months, 27 of which were intended
for CMIN employees.
In 2022, CSN Mineração increased the
participation of black people in the workforce
Message by 3% compared to the previous year, reaching
from the Board
55% of black and brown talent on the team.
of Directors

Additionally, the Company reinforces through

its Code of Conduct that it repudiates cases
Message from
the Superinten- of discrimination in its business and takes the
dent Director necessary measures to investigate and curb
such situations (see more here).

Who we are
Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model

Created and
shared value Total number of employees
Employees by Employees by Employees by race in 2022
and Resilience gender in 2022 age group in 2022
Stakeholders 7,477 7,572 0.3%
6,519 10.6% Indigenous
Natural capital 1,598 Over 50 2.5% 1.5%
conservation years of age Not informed
Women Yellow
32.0% 12.1%
Under 30 Black
years of age 43.1%

57.4% 40.4%
2020 2021 2022 White
Between 30 and
50 years of age

67 GRI 2-7 | 3-3 | 405-1


About this Health

and safety
Material themes
The 10 Strategic HSMS Elements
For CSN Mineração, health and safety at
Commitment and leadership
work are priority issues, being treated 1 6 Change Management
highlights with priority in terms of deadlines, It reinforces the engagement and It aims to ensure that all changes in facilities,
costs and production quality. The commitment of all employees, whether own technology, processes, work environment and
main guidelines regarding the topic or outsourced, in the daily challenge of making people are carried out in a controlled manner,
Message are set out in the Sustainability Policy, the work environment increasingly safer and so that risks or impacts are maintained at
from the Board healthier. acceptable levels and improve the performance
in the Occupational Health and
of Directors in occupational health and safety.
Safety Management Manual and in
the Occupational Health and Safety
Message from
Management Manual for Suppliers, It aims to reduce health and safety risks 7 Legal requirements
the Superinten- which reinforce the role of leaders in through an efficient communication with all It aims to ensure the identification, analysis and
dent Director the management of health and safety interested parties. adequacy to the legal requirements related to labor
aspects and establish mechanisms for health and safety.

3 Standards and Procedures

monitoring performance and action

8 Planning
Who we are plans by the Executive Board, the ESG
It standardizes clean, safe and healthy work
Organizational Committee and the Board of Directors.
profile practices through standards and procedures, It aims to establish a system that ensures that
Governance and involving routine or non-routine work for strategic, operational and routine actions are
management The theme is also monitored by the operational and administrative activities. planned in order to minimize the impact and keep
Strategic pillars Health and Safety Management System process hazards and risks under control.
Business model (HSMS), which covers 100% of own and
third-party employees, and disseminated 4 Behavioral Development
through programs focused on accident It aims to establish requirements for the 9 Management of service providers
Created and prevention, risk mitigation and training behavioral development of employees, It aims to ensure that service providers are
shared value employees and suppliers, focused on committed to practices, procedures and perform
of leaders and employees.
and Resilience
prevention and continuous improvement in in line with CSN Mineração’s values and principles.
occupational health and safety.

10 Management skills and abilities

Natural capital Risk Management
conservation 5 It aims to systematize a continuous process of
It aims to establish a system to identify, training, qualification, habilitation and adaptation, for
Click here to learn
assess, control, minimize or eliminate risks own employees and third parties, to be able to carry
more about the
Sustainability Policy and impacts related to processes, activities, out their activities in a clean, safe and healthy way.
facilities, services and products and their
possible consequences for people’s health
Click here to access and physical integrity.
the Occupational Health
and Safety Manual

68 GRI 3-3 | 403-1 | 403-7 | 403-8


About this
report With a focus on mitigating impacts on health to prevent risks and ensure a safe work
and safety at work for employees or third environment, such as preliminary risk analyses,
Material themes
parties, guidelines included in the Occupational work permits and the provision of individual
Health and Safety Management System and and collective protection equipment. Enterprise
established in the Occupational Health and risk management ranges from critical risks
highlights Safety Manual for Suppliers and in the General (constituting a categorization of the main risk
Conditions for Provision of Services, published groups) to risks associated with a task, which are
in 2022, define minimum requirements and identified and mitigated through specific controls
Message procedures, as well as provide the necessary and documented in operational procedures or
from the Board
information so that suppliers and sub-suppliers routine analyses.
of Directors
can adequately prepare to perform their duties
safely at CMIN’s facilities. Worker involvement is encouraged and ensured
through different consultation and engagement
Message from
the Superinten- The Manual and General Conditions are validated mechanisms. Among them, the Daily Safety
dent Director by annual internal audit and apply to every Dialogues (DDSs), the annual promotion of the
supplier that participates in bids at CSN Group Internal Week for the Prevention of Accidents at
and its subsidiaries in Brazil, who must receive Work and Environment (SIPATMA), the periodic
Who we are the documents and other specific materials safety meetings between leaders and teams and
Organizational relevant to the service unit in order to know their the representation of 100% of the workforce in
responsibilities in aspects that aim at quality, Committees, such as the Internal Commissions
Governance and
management health and physical integrity of employees. for Accident Prevention (CIPAs), a body formed
Strategic pillars by members protected by employment stability,
Business model A multidisciplinary team performs health and in accordance with the Brazilian Regulatory
safety risk assessments that consider the Standard (NR05).
entire life cycle of the projects, based on a
Created and methodology that adheres to ISO 31.001:2018.
shared value
Based on it, several programs are implemented
and Resilience
Natural capital

Click here to access

the Health and Safety
Manual for Suppliers.
Employee at
Port of TECAR Click here to access
the General Conditions
for Provision of Services.

69 GRI 3-3 | 403-2 | 403-4 | 403-5


About this Occupational Health and Safety initiatives to reduce

the risk of accidents:
Material themes

• Readiness Test • Health and Safety
highlights An online test that combines science and Performance Index (HSPI)
technology to assess readiness for work and The indicator measures the health and
predict possible alterations in the state of safety results of the business units on a
Message attention and response that could aggravate the consolidated basis and allows viewing, in
from the Board
risk of accidents resulting from personal factors. addition to the reactive indicator, compliance
of Directors
The test is carried out daily with employees who with and adherence to preventive and legal
perform critical activities at Casa de Pedra unit health and safety programs.
(Congonhas/MG) and, in 2023, will be extended
Message from
the Superinten- to the other units of CMIN. • Smart Lock System
dent Director Automated system that allows the blocking
• Awakening Program of dangerous energies, making the steps
For work purposes, a good night’s sleep is a safer, more agile and guaranteeing the
Who we are determining factor in the good performance of reliability of authorized professionals.
Organizational tasks as it preserves reflexes, concentration,
memory, agility and prevents fatigue. The • Virtual reality training
Governance and
management implementation of the Program showed a The company started implementing training
Strategic pillars significant reduction in the number of fatigue on a virtual learning platform with the
Business model and distraction events, contributing to the application of games and a virtual assistant
reduction of incidents. as a facilitator of theoretical content, rules
with animation pills and the use of 3D Employees at
Created and • Alcohol and Narcotics glasses for simulations, providing experience Port of TECAR
shared value
Prevention Program (ANPP) in a virtual environment. Implementation
and Resilience Program with the objective of preventing, began in Mining and will be extended to Port
Stakeholders accepting for treatment and combating of TECAR in 2023.
the undue consumption of alcohol and/or
Natural capital
conservation other narcotics, aiming at the physical and
psychological integrity of employees and
suppliers. This program is carried out respecting

all criteria of medical secrecy, with respect and For the ninth consecutive
year, CMIN ends 2022
support for those involved, and guidelines for
the company’s compliance.

without a fatal accident

70 GRI 3-3 | 403-2 | 403-4 | 403-5


About this
Furthermore, all own employees and third professional being away from his duties for a Accidents with and without lost time1
Material themes
parties are trained and communicated about period of more than 6 months, and once again
the preliminary risk assessment procedures and reached the zero-fatality rate. 1.96
encouraged to contribute with the indication of
highlights unsafe behavior or installations, being instructed The Occupational Health and Safety
not to start or interrupt an activity if a dangerous Management Manual defines principles and 1.30
situation is identified. The right of refusal is procedures for evaluating and investigating 1.16 40
Message also guaranteed to third parties working on the accidents in operations. The methodology Number of accidents
from the Board 28 Frequency rate
Company’s premises. During the year, 118,800 varies according to the severity of each case 21
of Directors
hours of training were provided. and the results must be documented and kept
on file for 30 years. In addition, the Company 1. Covers own employees and
third parties. Rate calculated
In 2022, the Company registered 28 accidents, undertakes to establish mechanisms for sharing
Message from with the factor of 1MM man-
the Superinten- only one of which resulted in the injured lessons learned. 2020 2021 2022 hours worked.
dent Director

Who we are
Occupational health and safety indicators1
Governance and
2020 2021 2022
Strategic pillars
Total man-hours worked (HHT) 18,046,215 20,408,757 21,556,860
Business model
Number of mandatory reporting accidents at work (with and without leave) 21 40 28
Number of accidents at work with serious consequences (except deaths)2 2 1 1
Created and Number of deaths resulting from accidents at work 0 0 0
shared value
Total number of days lost and debited 1,215 1,195 1,388
and Resilience Frequency rate of mandatory reporting accidents at work3 0.23 0.39 0.26
Stakeholders Frequency rate of mandatory reporting accidents at work4 1.16 1.96 1.30
Frequency rate of accidents at work with serious consequences (except deaths)3 0.02 0.01 0.01
Natural capital
conservation Frequency rate of accidents at work with serious consequences (except deaths)4 0.11 0.05 0.05
Frequency rate of deaths resulting from work accidents3 0.00 0.00 0.00
Frequency rate of deaths resulting from work accidents4 0.00 0.00 0.00
Annexes Accident severity rate 3
13 12 13
Accident severity rate 4
67 59 64
1. Covers own employees and third parties.
Click here to access 2. Accidents with leave of absence for at least six months.
the Occupational Health 3. Rates calculated with the factor of 200,000 HHT.
and Safety Manual. 4. Rates calculated with a factor of 1MM HHT

71 GRI 3-3 | 403-2 | 403-4 | 403-5 | 403-9


About this
Health programs
Material themes

The routines and intervals for evaluating the

health conditions of employees and third parties,
highlights according to the functions performed and
occupational risks mapped, are established within
the scope of the Medical Control and Occupational
Message Health Program (MCOHP), developed in accordance
from the Board
with the Risk Management Program (RMP).
of Directors

Employees also have access to a series of initiatives

aimed at preventing and reducing illness, increasing
Message from
the Superinten- well-being and preventing work accidents, which are
dent Director offered through CSN 10+. Employees of
CSN Mineração

The CSN 10+ was born in 2017 at CSN Mineração,

Who we are with the mission of supporting and encouraging
Organizational employees to maintain a balanced and healthy life,
based on physical, social and emotional well-being. CSN 10+
Governance and
management The program brings together several initiatives
Alcohol and
Strategic pillars and subprograms whose main objective is to
1 Narcotics Prevention 6 Itinerant Medicine Annually, vaccination campaigns are carried out at the
Business model promote the improvement of quality of life, the units, with emphasis on the tetravalent flu vaccine.
reduction of illnesses and accidents at work, and
7 Healthy Program In partnership with the municipal secretariats, we
which also result in increased productivity and carried out vaccinations for covid-19, meningitis C,
Created and
shared value
performance of employees. 2 Wake Up Program
8 Skin Health Program yellow fever, hepatitis B. In 2022, in partnership with
public health entities, CSN Mineração continued
Ergonomic Management
and Resilience The Company also offers Viva+, a program carried 3 and Labor Gymnastics
9 Anti-smoking Program to strongly encourage adherence to vaccination
Stakeholders out in partnership with a chain of gyms that against Covid-19 and other diseases transmissible ,
management Program
Natural capital
contributes to the physical, mental and social 10 Leave Management including carrying out the vaccination gesture within
conservation health of employees and their first-degree relatives; the operations units. In addition, internal flu (H1N1)
and the Personal Support Program (PSP), which Fit and Healthy
provides free telephone assistance in situations
4 Plate Program
vaccination campaigns were carried out, with the
participation of more than 6 thousand employees.
involving personal and professional issues, with
Annexes Hearing Conservation
psychological, financial and legal guidance.
5 Program

72 GRI 3-3 | 403-3 | 403-6


About this
report Social and relationship capital
Material themes

highlights Respect for human rights, ethics and best When applicable, registration includes
market practices is demanded by CSN presentation of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO
Mineração of all its 1,353 suppliers, with 14001:2015 certificates, self-assessment
Message which the established contracts totaled questionnaire and environmental licenses.
from the Board
R$ 8.2 billion.
of Directors
Companies that have a high level of
CSN Mineração prioritizes the contracting criticality are assessed by the Compliance
of local suppliers, as it encourages area, a process that ensures compliance
Message from
the Superinten- the generation of wealth in the areas with legislation, the non-use of child labor
dent Director surrounding operations and local or forced working conditions, the adoption
development, while bringing benefits of good socio-environmental management
such as agility, reduction of delivery times, practices, among other ESG aspects.
Who we are and close relationships. However, some
Organizational demands require the hiring of global During the year, 169 suppliers were
partners or specialized companies that are considered highly critical, of which 100%
Governance and
management not installed close to the units. In 2022, the were assessed in terms of environmental
Strategic pillars percentage of local suppliers, considering and social criteria. When it comes to social
Business model the state where each unit is located, criteria, 100% of the contracted suppliers
was 37.2%. When considering national were evaluated, thus, the Company
suppliers, this percentage reaches 81%. avoids any significant risk of violation of
Created and fundamental labor rights, such as freedom
shared value
Before contracts are established, suppliers of association and collective bargaining,
and Resilience undergo an assessment and approval and degrading practices, such as child,
Stakeholders process, in addition to being asked to forced or slave labor, in addition to
declare their agreement with the Code of preventing its chain from acting in breach
Natural capital
conservation Conduct and the Anti-Corruption Policy. of the applicable laws.


Employee of
CSN Mineração

73 GRI 2-6 | 3-3 | 204-1 | 308-1 | 407-1 | 408-1 | 409-1 | 414-1


About this
Material themes
Additionally, in 2022, a Supplier Assessment As of 2023, this questionnaire will be answered
questionnaire was developed with a focus on by all critical suppliers of the Company.
measuring risks in relation to ESG issues, focusing The diagnosis will help CMIN to improve its
highlights on health and safety management, engagement assessment of potential socio-environmental and
with communities, diversity and inclusion, reputational risks, as well as influence its supply
presence of a reporting channel, code of conduct, chain in adopting the best market practices.
Message certifications, climate risk management, water
from the Board
scarcity, biodiversity, among others. The level of The Company also has a Third-Party
of Directors
exposure to ESG risk will be defined based on a Management Center (TMC), responsible for
matrix created based on the SASB methodology, monitoring compliance with labor obligations,
which defines the level of risk exposure by such as tax collection, payment of employees,
Message from
the Superinten- material ESG topic, and the sector in which the transfer of collective and social security
dent Director company operates. agreements, among others, by suppliers.

Who we are
Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model

Suppliers in 2022
Created and
shared value
Consolidation Expenditures Expenditures by
and Resilience by category of supply geographic location
19% 81%
Natural capital
conservation 33.3% 66.7% International Brazil
Services Materials


Employees at
Casa de Pedra mine

74 GRI 2-6 | 3-3 | 308-1 | 414-1


About this
Material themes

CSN Mineração follows a schedule of routine other institutions. On this front, it manages
meetings held every two months with the CSN Support House, in Congonhas
highlights representatives of the local communities. The (MG), focused on CSN Mineração’s
objective is to discuss demands, criticisms and relationship with the local community.
suggestions for improvement in minimizing or
Message mitigating the socio-environmental impacts Also, in Congonhas (MG), the Foundation
from the Board
inherent to operations. manages the Technological Education
of Directors
Center (CET), which since 1961 has offered
The Company is also supported by the Elementary Education II (6th to 9th grade),
CSN Foundation, whose performance is Secondary Education and Technical
Message from
the Superinten- based on the territorial vision, understood Education, in addition to professional
dent Director from the space, economy, politics, culture training courses. Seeking to contribute to
and community relationships services; and the democratization of access to quality
seeks to engage public authorities and education, the school offers a discount
Who we are the local community, as well as partners based on the analysis of the socioeconomic
Organizational who, through networking, generate social profile, in addition to having a scholarship
transformations. program – which, in 2022, benefited 517
Governance and
management students out of a total of 732 students.
Strategic pillars The performance is sustained in the
Business model axes of education, culture, articulation During the year, CET also increased
and curatorship. Through the projects the number of scholarships offered
Students at the Technological
developed, it connects investments to the for the Trilhas de Futuro program, Education Center, coordinated
Created and agenda of the Sustainable Development carried out in partnership with the by FCSN, in Congonhas (MG)
shared value
Goals (SDGs) and to the principles of the State Government of Minas Gerais and
Consolidation Illacid ea ametur alitasp erciet
and Resilience UN Global Compact. aimed at candidates who wish to enroll ent, ipsamet elenihitas est
Stakeholders in Technical Courses in Mining and
The CSN Foundation understands the Industrial Mechanics. Students from
Natural capital
conservation importance of political articulation in the the 2nd grade of high school and young
search for a harmonious relationship with people who have recently completed
public authorities, local businessmen and high school can participate.


students benefited from
scholarships in 2022

75 GRI 3-3 | 203-1 | 413-1


With social actions, in line with the UN Sustainable

Development Goals, CSN Mineração contributes to
About this

transforming lives, families and communities, reinforcing

Material themes

its commitment in the cities where it operates

from the Board
of Directors

Message from
the Superinten- The CSN Foundation also undertakes the
dent Director Environmental Education Program (PEA) in the
mining town of Congonhas, Belo Vale and Ouro Preto,
with socio-environmental activities through lectures,
Who we are events and workshops in public schools and for CSN
Organizational Mineração employees.
Governance and
management The program consists of valuing the citizen’s autonomy,
Strategic pillars promoting Environmental Education as a daily practice
Business model of interpersonal relationships, aiming to transmit
information regarding the environmental activities
carried out by CSN Mineração and the teaching and
Created and learning process for the acquisition of a balanced
shared value
understanding of environmental issues.
and Resilience
Stakeholders In 2022, the PEA assisted 11,454 people through
various programs, including: Ambiance, Experiences,
Natural capital
conservation Giro nas Áreas, Fauna em Foco, Se Essa Rua Fosse
Minha, Pensar Eco É Lógico and Mining and You
These programs addressed various activities, such as
revitalization of public spaces, composting, projects
for reuse of rainwater, construction of community
gardens, training in the manufacture of low-cost solar
heaters, handicraft classes, awareness actions on
commemorative dates, among others (to know more
Students of the Garoto Cidadão about PEA access page 80).
Project, in Congonhas (MG)

76 GRI 3-3 | 413-1


About this
Highlights of CSN
Material themes
Foundation in 2022

74 sponsored initiatives

The Foundation is present in


from the Board cities with direct
of Directors social actions

Message from
the Superinten- The CSN Group invested, through
dent Director
the CSN Foundation, more than

Who we are
R$ 35.5 million
in social responsibility
profile programs
Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model
425 cultural actions
carried out with 246,916 people
Created and
shared value

644 students covered

and Resilience
by Scholarship Programs
Natural capital

4,643 young people
benefited from projects carried
out by Fundação CSN
Music class at the Garoto Cidadão
Project, in Congonhas (MG)

77 GRI 3-3 | 203-1 | 413-1


About this
report The CSN Foundation’s methodology starts Aside from that, the Company started the
from the territorial vision, understood from Due Diligence in Human Rights (DDHR) in the
Material themes
the perspective of space, economy, politics, Municipality of Congonhas (MG), where CSN
culture and community relations; and Mineração is located, following the United
seeks the engagement of public authorities Nations Guiding Principles on Business and
highlights and the local community, in addition to Human Rights framework. Established based
partners who, through networking, generate on the UN Guiding Principles, it is the main
social transformation. The performance is tool for identifying risks and impacts to human
Message supported by education, culture, articulation rights associated with business activity,
from the Board
and curatorship. including in the value chain. The objective of
of Directors
the project encompasses a broad diagnosis
In 2021, CSN Inova took on the challenge of of impacts, risks and opportunities adverse to
accelerating impact and social innovation human rights in the Company’s business model
Message from
the Superinten- to, together with the CSN Foundation, and the opportunities to influence internal
dent Director redesign the role of CSN Group and CSN decision-making and business partners based
Mineração as a corporate social investor. on this diagnosis.
Considering the degree of materiality of
Who we are the theme of communities, the Company The initiative began with the training of 22
Organizational designed a proposal for a Theory of employees in the methodology regarding tools for
Change in Territorial Development for the application of the DDHR and normative and
Governance and
management the CSN Group. The chosen approach is judicial trends in Brazil and abroad. The project
Strategic pillars systemic, so that its construction involved is already in the final stages of development,
Business model Dance class at the calling an ecosystem that operates in the and throughout 2023, the Company will start
Garoto Cidadão Project,
in Congonhas (MG) field of territorial development for listening implementing the methodology with direct
rounds, in which it sought to understand the monitoring by Senior Management. Completion of
Created and possibilities of action, and how it could play the first phase of the assessment is scheduled for
shared value
its role in strengthening the mapped system. the first half of 2023.
and Resilience More than 20 actors were summoned for
Stakeholders dialogue-interviews. Through this process,
the CSN Group designed an impact thesis
Natural capital
conservation under development that contains its main

In 2022, the Theory of Change objectives, territories, SDGs, assumptions,

monitoring indicators, and logical framework

Annexes in Territorial Development was for implementation. The Theory of Change

can be accessed here.
designed for the CSN Group Click here and find out more about
the CSN Foundation’s projects in
the CSN Group’s Integrated Report

GRI 3-3 | 412-1 | 413-1 | 413-2

78 SASB EM-MM-210B.1

About this Management of impacts on communities

Material themes
As an essential part of its relationship territorial characteristics and production Through the CSN Mineração Support House, permanent relationship channel between
management process and asserting the principle processes. Actions to mitigate the identified installed in a community on the outskirts of CSN Mineração and the local community. This
of Doing Well, Doing More, Do Forever, CMIN impacts are carried out according to local the Casa de Pedra Mine, the Company also forum is used to discuss and clarify matters
highlights monitors the adverse social impacts resulting demands and adequate plans to meet the established a direct communication channel with of common interest and provide greater
from its activities in communities neighboring its demands of communities. representatives of local communities, in which interaction and transparency between the
operations, as well as studies and implements it is also possible to present the management company’s processes and the daily life of the
Message the most appropriate mitigation measures for Beyond that, the CSN Mineração also actions and mitigation plans associated with the city of Congonhas (MG). The committee is made
from the Board
each of the cases. provides Linha Verde, a channel for possible perceived socio-environmental impacts. up of 23 members, including representatives
of Directors
receiving complaints, reports, questions In 2022, the Support House carried out 2,235 of communities, NGOs, civil society,
The main impacts on local communities and suggestions about the social and services to the population. municipal government, among other highly
generated by CSN Mineração are linked to the environmental impacts related to its representative members of the Municipality
Message from
the Superinten- operation of mines and ore processing plants. business activities. Access to the Linha In addition, created in August 2018, the CSN of Congonhas and nearby regions and CSN
dent Director Verde is made by telephone (0800 282 Communities Committee aims to build a Mineração. The meetings are bimonthly.
The types of impacts identified and managed by 4440) or by e-mail (meio.ambiente@csn.
the Company are the dispersion of particulates com.br). In 2022, the green line received 19
Who we are and the emission of noise that can cause manifestations, 100% of which were treated
Organizational discomfort, even if they are in accordance with and resolved according to the applicable
the legal and technical parameters applicable to assessment. The main manifestations are
Governance and
management each business. In addition, the increase in heavy related to dust, requests for information and The impacts can be real or potential,
Strategic pillars vehicle traffic generates impacts on communities suggestions for improvement projects in among which the following stand out:
Business model in nearby locations. local communities.
Real Potential
CSN Mineração has an Air Quality and Noise
Created and Monitoring and Control Program, consisting Commitment to the capacity and quality Discomfort due to contamination
shared value
of automatic and semi-automatic monitoring of the road network and traffic of water bodies
and Resilience stations and monitoring systems and automatic
Change in air quality due to the emission Accidents involving community
Stakeholders equipment for cleaning heavy vehicles, which
management of particulate matter members
minimizes the transport of dirt to public roads. in
Natural capital
conservation the towns around the mines. Increased risk of accidents (people and animals) Pollution of natural resources
due to accidental spills
Pressure on public education, health and
The socio-environmental impact studies carried
out allow the identification of the intensity, safety services Change in water availability
Annexes and quality
duration and actions necessary to minimize or
mitigate the impacts, considering the different Discomfort caused by sound
pollution (noise)

GRI 3-3 | 413-2

79 SASB EM-MM-210B.1

About this Impact on Local

report Environmental Education
Communities Management
Material themes
Program (PEA) Community visit
In accordance with applicable legislation to Casa de Pedra,
CSN also has the Environmental Education and industry best practices, prior to the Congonhas (MG)
highlights Program (PEA), which engages both the implementation or expansion of its projects,
internal public and external stakeholders and as part of the Environmental Impact Study
located in the area of direct influence of (EIA), the Company carries out an in-depth
Message the mining projects. The development of socioeconomic diagnosis of the region and
from the Board
the PEA takes place with actions based the communities that inhabit it. This is done
of Directors
on a participatory socio-environmental through the Socioeconomic Environment
diagnosis engaging stakeholders of its area Diagnosis, divided into two main stages:
of influence (employees, contracted third
Message from
the Superinten- parties and actors from the communities).
dent Director Its actions are continuous and flexible so 1
that the reality and particularity of those Diagnosis of indirect
involved are always taken into account influence area, about:
Who we are with socio-environmental activities • City living conditions: population
Organizational through lectures, events and workshops dynamics, migration, economy, education,
in public schools and for CSN Mineração sanitation infrastructure, energy and
Governance and
management employees, the program is being reviewed services, housing deficit, health, social
Strategic pillars for full compliance with the International assistance, public security socio-political
Business model Finance Corporation (IFC) Sustainability and institutional organization; and
Performance Standards. • Presence and/or impacts on traditional
Created and In December 2022, CSN Mineração Based on this in-depth analysis, a continuous improvement
shared value
delivered the "Se Essa Rua Fosse Minha" plan is established in relation to the points identified in this
project. Revitalization of the Córrego dos diagnosis, defined as priorities and/or critical to that territory
and Resilience
Stakeholders Pintos square, in Belo Vale (MG), with the
2 and community, so that the Company can promote what is
participation of the community. The project Diagnosis of indirect positive to the territory and mitigate, adapt or remedy the
Natural capital
conservation is part of the PEA actions and emerged influence area, about: negative impacts caused by the operation and/or expansion.
in 2018, from the Participatory Socio- • Characterization and land use; Additionally, 100% of CSN Mineração's mines have a closure
Environmental Diagnosis (DSP). The project • Environmental perception of the plan submitted to the competent authorities. The plans
aims to awaken in the target audience a local community; include environmental and socioeconomic analyzes aimed
different look at the place where they live, as • Natural and cultural heritage; and at minimizing the negative impacts of closing operations and
well as the various possibilities of caring for • Socio-environmental aspects maximizing their positive impacts.
and promoting actions that value and make and impacts.
these places more attractive and pleasant.

GRI 3-3 | 413-2

80 SASB EM-MM-210B.1

About this
Dam management
Material themes
Dam management is one of the priority topics on safety conditions of tailings dams by CSN Mineração
CMIN's ESG agenda, company that was the first large meets all the requirements and determinations of
mining company not to depend on the use of dams the ordinances and legislation applicable in Brazil and
highlights to dispose of mining tailings, even without having considers parameters established by international
a history of accidents at its facilities. The process organizations, such as the Global Industry Standard for
without the operation of dams requires use of iron Tailings Management (GISTM).
Message ore magnetic concentration plants and filtering
from the Board
systems that remove most of the water contained in Safety routines include: visual inspection of dams
of Directors
the tailings. The tailings are then piled dry, following and dikes at most every 15 days,, carrying out
the best national and international practices for safety georeferencing drone flights; external audits carried
and mitigation of geotechnical risks. out twice a year; cross-checking (peer review) of audits
Message from
the Superinten- and projects; online and real-time capture data, through
dent Director The reprocessing of tailings is one of the challenges automated instruments; data analysis and reading
being deeply studied by CSN Inova together with supported by software and data analytics for identifying
the technical team of CSN Mineração, with the aim changes; and endoscopic inspection to measure the
Who we are of developing technologies to reprocess tailings in a pressure and water levels installed in the dams.
Organizational sustainable and economically viable way.
In 2022, all of CSN Mineração’s dams were considered
Governance and
management For each of the structures, Dam Safety Plans and stable and had a declaration of stability issued by an
Strategic pillars Emergency Action Plans for Mining Dams (PAEBM) independent external auditor, as recommended by
Business model are established, executed in accordance with the National and State Legislation. All tailings are disposed
regulations provided for by the National Mining of by using the dry method and new projects are under
Agency (ANM). In addition, management of the way to reuse mining tailings.
Created and
shared value
and Resilience
Natural capital

All tailings are disposed of

by using the dry method and
Employees of
CSN Mineração new projects are under way to
reuse mining tailings
GRI 3-3
81 SASB EM-MM-540A.2 | EM-MM-540A.3

About this
Material themes


from the Board
of Directors

Message from Aerial view of

the Superinten- saddle dike - Casa
dent Director de Pedra dam

Who we are
Governance and
management Integrated action
Strategic pillars
Business model CMIN works together with other mining companies in the Iron Quadrangle within the scope of the
Municipal Dam Safety Plan (PMSB), in the city of Congonhas (MG). The initiative, coordinated by the city
hall, is unprecedented in Brazil and has an investment of R$ 6 million from CSN Mineração, intended
Created and for different actions, including:
shared value
and Resilience Unification of evacuation plans for Monitoring of construction, Visiting program
Stakeholders mining companies; operation, decommissioning and de-
management CSN Mineração runs the “Family in the Mine” Visitor
characterization models of dams;
Natural capital Program at the Casa de Pedra mine. The initiative
Superposition of flood maps prepared
conservation allows family members of employees and residents of
by each company; Acquisition of vehicles and equipment communities neighboring CSN Mineração's operations
for Civil Defense; to get to know the mine, the production process, the
Institution of Community Centers for deactivated dams, and the tailings stacking process, as
Protection and Civil Defense (Nudecs); Signage, awareness campaigns and well as monitoring the safety actions carried out daily.
training of the Municipal Brigade.
Construction of a civil defense
command and operations center;

GRI 3-3
82 SASB EM-MM-540A.2 | EM-MM-540A.3

De-characterization of dams
About this Left abutment of the
report saddle dike of the Casa
de Pedra dam
Material themes

A detailed schedule is being followed by the The works of de-characterization of the Vigia
Company for carrying out its program for de- dam on the Vigia dam has already been
highlights characterization of existing dams. The work completed, pending the formalization of the
is monitored by the Dams Committee, which documentation, scheduled for the first half
meets weekly and is made up of technicians and of 2023, remaining only to complete the de-
Message executives from the Company and who reports characterization of the B4 Dam, scheduled for
from the Board
directly to the Board of Directors. The Company completion in 2028.
of Directors
is also accountable to the National Mining
Agency and other competent authorities. CSN Mineração's dam de-characterization
program exceeds the requirements established
Message from
the Superinten- At the end of 2022, all CSN Mineração dams by governmental bodies, as it also provides
dent Director were at zero emergency level, that is, with for the de-characterization of all dams
guaranteed stability according to current regardless of the construction method. The
national legislation. The B5 Dam had already Casa de Pedra dam, built by the downstream
Who we are been de-characterized in 2020. In 2022, the method and which has no legal obligation to
Organizational de-characterization of the Auxiliar do Vigia de-characterization, is also included in the
dam, which is no longer part of the National Company's dam de-characterization schedule
Governance and
management Dam Management System (SIGBM), was and will have the contracting of engineering
Strategic pillars completed. So far, two of the four upstream projects for de-characterization started in 2023.
Business model dams have already been de-characterized.

Created and
shared value
and Resilience
Natural capital
Schedule for de-characterization of dams
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031+
Annexes Casa de Pedra B4

Casa de Pedra
Auxiliar do Vigia Dam
Vigia Dam

GRI 3-3
83 SASB EM-MM-540A.2

About this
Material themes
Natural capital conservation
highlights Climate change Participation in climate discussion forums
CMIN operates in a sector that is intensive in energy Engagement of customers and suppliers in issues
Message consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. CSN related to Climate Change
from the Board
Mineração's goal is to achieve neutrality in Scope 1 and 2
of Directors
to identify trends and Integrated Report and response to the CDP (Disclosure
emissions by 2044 as of 2021, and to reduce the intensity of
Insight Action) questionnaire, Climate Action Report
its emissions by 30% by 2035. On a journey towards carbon opportunities, build
neutrality, the Company has restructured its climate strategy partnerships and report actions Strategic partnerships
Message from
the Superinten- resting in three pillars: the first aims to build relationships Investments in startups through CSN Inova Ventures (see
dent Director like new stakeholders, incorporating external aspects more here)
(market trends, players, public policies and new technologies)
with dissemination of internal breakthroughs by means of
Data reliability and availability
Who we are reports (Integrated Report, CDP and Climate Action Report)
for consistent inventory and
Organizational to the interested public; the second, focused on mitigation, reporting
concentrates part of the efforts to retain reliable data, which
Governance and
will guide action plans and projects to be implemented; and Targets for reducing emissions
the last pillar is related toclimate risks and opportunities for Mapping of potential
Strategic pillars
Business model agile and correct adaptation. Mitigation technologies and construction
STRATEGY to build the de-
of the MAC curve by sector

carbonization Development of
Created and decarbonization projects
shared value journey
Consolidation Investments in renewable
and Resilience energy for the Company’s
Stakeholders integrated de-carbonization
Natural capital
The elements that make up CMIN’s strategy

climate strategy aim to present a Adaptation

Process for identifying climate risks
Annexes vision of the future with mitigation of to manage key
climate risks
and opportunities (see more on page 37)

potential risks and support for senior Study of climate scenarios

leadership decision-making Report in accordance with the Task Force on

Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

GRI 3-3 | 201-2 | 302-4 | 305-5

84 SASB EM-MM-110A.2

About this
Climate governance and strategy
Material themes Gestão Operacional
Operational indicators and GHG
The subgroups of CSN Mineração’s Climate Change Group meet Elements under emissions performance.
highlights monthly to report the main indicators (intensity of emissions, as well the supervision
Climate risks and opportunities
as performance status and specific projects) to business directors of High
Management Follow-up on external climate-related
and managers. As a result of these meetings, an executive report
Message is prepared. The objective is to promote alignment between Senior
from the Board
Management and operations to implement the Strategic Climate Action Investments in decarbonization projects
of Directors
Plan (PAC) in operations.

Message from
the Superinten- Mining Management of
dent Director
Decarbonization Climate Risks and
Journey Opportunities

Who we are
Governance and
Climate Change
Strategic pillars
and Air Group
Business model

ESG Integrated
Created and Management
shared value Commission
and Resilience
Natural capital
ESG Committee

Officers and
Annexes Board of Directors
of the CSN Group
and CSN Mineração
to the topic
Port of TECAR

GRI 3-3 | 201-2

85 SASB EM-MM-110A.2

About this
Building Decarbonization CSN Mineração’s Scope 1 emissions) From the projections of activities at
of 7.5 kgCO2e/ton of iron ore were the mine, the emissions profile was
report Journeys
recorded, 18% higher than in 2021. mapped until 2035. In 2022, CMIN’s
Material themes
The Decarbonization Journey is made up of decarbonization roadmap was
three fundamental elements: (1) Emission With the entry of P15, the mine should reviewed, in which potential emission
reduction targets, (2) specific indicators and operate more efficiently, with less reduction projects were identified, as
highlights (3) specific decarbonization roadmaps. The ROM and a significant increase in its well as the financial costs and related
decarbonization roadmap was established production. New decarbonization GHG emission reductions calculated.
based on the Marginal Cost of Abatement projects are also expected to enter, The result of this process was the
Message Curve (MAC Curve), a methodology that allows which should substantially influence following MAC Curve:
from the Board
evaluating different low-carbon scenarios emissions only from 2025 onwards.
of Directors
through carbon pricing and potential
abatement of different technological routes..
Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director
Mining decarbonization journey
The transition to a low-carbon economy will
Who we are require innovation and a medium-long-term
Organizational future strategic vision. The goal by 2035 is to MAC Mining Curve
reduce 30% of emissions, with 2019 as the base
Governance and
management year. According to the decarbonization roadmap
Strategic pillars prepared by CSN Mineração, a transitory Emissions
Business model increase in the intensity of GHG emissions is avoided
expected, until structuring projects related (tCO2e)
to the operational efficiency of the mine and

Abatement cost (R$/tCO2e)

Created and technological innovation projects have been
shared value
timely implemented. In addition, unexpected
and Resilience weather events can affect the production
Stakeholders capacity per tonne of CO2. In this context,
2022 was marked by historic heavy rains in
Natural capital
conservation the first quarter, which substantially impaired Operational Efficiency & Processes
operations and production at CSN Mineração in Substitution of fuels
the state of Minas Gerais. In addition to climate
factors, the ramp-up of projects connected to
the Central Plant impacted its performance in
Native vegetation the year. As a result of these factors, specific
in Congonhas (MG) emissions from mobile combustion (>95% of

GRI 3-3 | 201-2 | 302-4 | 305-5

86 SASB EM-MM-110A.2

Fleet electrification
About this
report During the year, CSN Mineração started the electrification
plan for its fleet of large vehicles, linked to operations for
Material themes
transporting ores and tailings at the Casa de Pedra mine, in
Congonhas (MG), and two prototypes are already in operation.
highlights The trucks are the Sany SKT90E model – which stands out
for its brake system with energy regeneration and lower
operating costs (OPEX), in addition to providing an interface for
Message autonomous driving – are being used in the transport of iron
from the Board
ore with capacity to transport up to 60 tons. The testing phase,
of Directors
expected to last until the end of 2023, includes monitoring
by Sany of several performance indicators, such as battery
autonomy, reduction in pollutant emissions, reduction in the
Message from
the Superinten- consumption of petroleum-derived fluids, greater physical
dent Director availability of the equipment, and lower operating and
maintenance costs. The testing phase already indicates higher
productivity than traditional trucks.
Who we are
Governance and Strategic Partnerships
Strategic pillars At the same time, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was
Business model signed in partnership with Shell and Itochu Corporation for
cooperation on the issue of decarbonization. Throughout 2022,
there was the development of the scope of work to implement
Created and the best solutions. As a result of this partnership,in the first half
shared value
of 2023, a synthetic fuel (which does not emit fossil CO2 in its use)
and Resilience will be tested. The signed MoU also aims to identify and evaluate
Stakeholders opportunities in the different stages of the decarbonization
journey, focusing on real chances of positive impact.
Natural capital


Electric truck
at the Pires unit
Electric vehicles with higher
productivity than traditional ones
GRI 3-3 | 201-2 | 302-4 | 305-5
87 SASB EM-MM-110A.2

About this
report Thus, current efforts and MAC Curve projects will support the sold". However, limitations of access to its customers,
Decarbonization Journey by mitigating Scope 1 emissions, which especially in terms of transparency in their GHG emission
Material themes
are mostly from mobile combustion emissions from the off-road factors, have been affecting the Company's ability
trucks fleet. to establish feasible targets for reducing its scope 3
emissions. However, from 2025 onwards, CSN Mineração
highlights Regarding scope 2, CSN Mineração has been, since 2020, powered will position itself as a strategic supplier of premium iron
100% by renewable electricity. Additionally, in 2022, the CSN Group ore, a high-grade pellet-feed. Thus, it will be possible to
acquired renewable electricity assets that will consolidate this access customers interested in the production of green
Message strategy, as they provide self-sufficiency in renewable energy for the steel, as this product with better energy efficiency will be
from the Board
entire Group, including CSN Mineração. fundamental to new technological routes (such as direct
of Directors
reduction) to steel productions. This new scenario will
Lastly, a challenging point for the entire Mining sector is Scope 3 materially change CMIN’s Scope 3 emissions pattern,
of its emissions. CSN Mineração has made efforts in its value chain allowing for the development of clearer collaboration
Message from
the Superinten- to reduce emissions in the category "10 – Processing of products actions with these customers.
dent Director

The decarbonization journey, as well as

Who we are Decarbonization roadmap the management of climate risks and
Organizational opportunities (see more here), make up the
profile 7.92 kgCO2e/ton
Strategic Climate Action Plan (PAC) and are
Governance and
management monitored by the Climate Change Group, one
Strategic pillars of the operating groups that make up the
Business model ESG Integrated Management Commission,
Intensity kgCO 2e

and by the ESG Committee, linked directly

to the Board of Directors of the CSN Group
Created and 5.77 kgCO2e/ton – to which the performance of projects and
shared value
indicators is periodically reported.
and Resilience
4.04 kgCO2e/ton
Stakeholders Decarbonization
management Carbon
Natural capital neutral

2019 2022 2035 2044

Annexes Phase 1 (Blue) Phase 2 (Olive) Phase 3 (Green)

Scope 1 reduction Operational Efficiency: Fleet Electrification, Fuel Cells (H2 Green), Offset
Autonomous Mine, Biofuels Use of Alternative Fuels
Click here to learn more
about sustainability governance
at CSN Mineração.

GRI 3-3 | 201-2 | 302-4 | 305-5

88 SASB EM-MM-110A.2

About this
report Indicators and performance
Material themes

In 2022, the total energy consumption In 2022, total emissions (market-based scope
within CMIN was 4 million GJ, an increase 1 and scope 2) added up to 208,500 tCO2It
highlights of 3.5% compared to the previous year, is. Compared to the previous year, there was
due to the greater movement of ore and an increase of 16.3%, driven mainly by the
ROM, with an increase of 3% in diesel increase in diesel consumption, the inclusion
Message consumption alone. In line with its ESG of new refrigerant gas emissions and the
from the Board
strategy, the Company sources 100% of suppression of vegetation to expand the
of Directors
its energy from renewable sources. mining activity, which did not happen in 2021.

Since 2021, the Company has published

Message from
the Superinten- its annual inventory of greenhouse
dent Director gas emissions independently from the
CSN Group. The document, prepared Energy intensity (GJ of energy
in accordance with the parameters of consumed/ ton of ore)
Who we are the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program on
the Public Emissions Registry platform 0.166
profile 0.164
of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV),
Governance and
management obtained, for the second consecutive year,
Strategic pillars the gold seal in the GHG Protocol for the 0.142
Business model quality of the information provided.
2020 2021 2022

Created and
shared value
Iron ore
and Resilience conveyor belt

Natural capital Emissions intensity (kg CO2e/ton of ore)



2020 2021 2022

GRI 3-3 | 302-3 | 305-4


About this
Study of Climate Scenarios
Material themes
CSN Mineração carried out the first study of climate scenarios in order to consider factors related to climate change
when making strategic decisions for the Company. Three climate scenarios were developed based on the narratives of
the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) scenarios, used in the most recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on
highlights Climate Change (IPCC):

from the Board
of Directors
Net-Zero Emission Stay on the Business as Usual
World (NZE) fence (SOF) (BAU)
Message from
the Superinten- Average warming
dent Director up to 2100 1.5ºC 2.5ºC 4.0ºC

The pace of society’s

Who we are preservation area, change towards a low-
close to the Casa carbon economy
Organizational de Pedra mine
Exposure to changes in
Governance and weather patterns
Strategic pillars
Scenario narrative The world is gradually but The world follows a path where GHG emissions will be even
Business model
broadly shifting towards a more social, economic and technological higher compared to current
sustainable path, emphasizing trends do not deviate sharply from levels. Consequently, society will
more inclusive development historical patterns. Development and be highly vulnerable to changes
Created and
that respects perceived income growth proceed unevenly, in climate patterns that will
shared value
environmental boundaries. Driven with some countries making be exacerbated by low social
and Resilience by a commitment to achieving relatively good progress while others development.
development goals, inequality is falling short of expectations. Global
management reduced both between and within and national institutions work to
Natural capital countries, and consumption is achieve sustainable development
conservation oriented towards low material goals but make slow progress.
growth and lower resource and
energy intensity.

Main Climate Scenarios IEA Net Zero Emissions by IEA Announced Pledges IEA Stated Policies Scenario
used as Base 2050 Scenario (NZE) Scenario (APS) (STEPS)
IPCC SSP 1- 1.9 IPCC SSP 2- 4.5 IPCC SSP 5-8.5 e SSP3-7.0

GRI 3-3 | 201-2


Qualitative analysis of climate risks

About this
report Segment Climate risk factor Associated risks BAU SOF NZE
Material themes
1. Increased operational stoppages and interruption of
Increased intensity and frequency production;
After building the scenarios, qualitative
Mining of extreme weather events (Urban,
analyzes were carried out for all risks and 2. Asset damage;
2022 River and Coastal Floods)
highlights opportunities classified as critical for the three 3. Increased maintenance cost;
climate scenarios.
Market creation or implementation 1. Increased of operating cost and reduced profit margin;
Mining of carbon taxation in international
Message In addition to the qualitative analysis, CSN markets (New pricing) 2. Loss of market share;
from the Board
Mineração carried out a quantitative analysis of
of Directors 1. Increased cost of electricity supply;
climate risks for some identified risks in order to
guarantee the robustness of the methodology. 2. Disturbances in decarbonization targets;
Water scarcity and droughts due to
The value ranges presented correspond to the Energy 3. Loss of income from electricity generation;
Message from changes in precipitation patterns
the Superinten- monetization of risks on an annualized basis. 4. Increased cost of water supply;
dent Director 5. Water scarcity
In 2023, CSN Mineração will monetize the other
risks and opportunities considered critical
Who we are and will improve the studies already carried Risk factor with the greatest impact on the scenario

Organizational out. To improve this process, discussions Qualitative analysis of climate opportunities Risk factor with impact in this scenario
on this topic will continue within the Climate Segment Climate Opportunity Factor BAU SOF NZE Risk factor not impacted by the scenario
Governance and
management Group – Climate Risks. Additionally, a climate
Demand for higher grade iron ore by
Strategic pillars vulnerability study will be carried out in order to Mining
the final consumer
Business model work with more models and make the process
more robust to support future decision-making Investment in renewable energy and
by High Management. energy matrix diversification
Created and
shared value
and Resilience
management Risks monetization
Natural capital
conservation CMIN performed Segment Descriptive
qualitative analyzes for Mining
Increased intensity and frequency of external weather
<R$ 100MM
<R$ <R$

Annexes all critical risks and events (Urban, River and Coastal Floods) 100MM 100MM

opportunities in the three

Water scarcity and droughts due to changes in
Energy <R$ 30 MM - -
precipitation patterns

climate scenarios
GRI 3-3 | 201-2

About this
report Climate Report (TCFD)
Material themes
Recommendation CSN Mineração Management Learn more
The Board of Directors, together with the ESG Committee and the Integrated Management Commission, is responsible for supervising
a) Describe the board’s oversight the performance of operational indicators and GHG emissions, managing climate risks and opportunities, monitoring external Page 85 of this report
of risks and opportunities related discussions on the subject of climate change and investments in decarbonization projects. At least once a year, the climate issue is CDP Questionnaire
Message to climate change taken to the ESG Committee in an exclusive forum for the topic. In 2022, the process of climate risks and opportunities was presented
from the Board (Governance)
in detail to the Audit Committee, which is independent and advises the Board of Directors.
of Directors
CSN, the parent company, has an ESG Committee, which supports the Board of Directors’ decision on environmental, social and
governance risks. The ESG Committee works together with the Sustainability, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Office.
Message from This area reports directly to the CEO of CSN, parent company, and has direct involvement in the management of indicators, assessment
the Superinten- and identification of climate risks and development of projects to leverage the low carbon agenda. Under the scope of this office there
dent Director b) Describe the role of Page 85 of this report
management in assessing and is a Decarbonization Manager who buildsstrategies, controls indicators and develops projects to reduce GHG emissions.
managing risks and opportunities CSN Mineração has the Strategic Climate Action Plan (PAC), which brings together the initiatives of the Company’s decarbonization CDP Questionnaire
to climate change (Governance)
journey and the management of risks and opportunities in the context of climate change. The PAC was built under the leadership of
Who we are the Sustainability, Environment and Occupational Health & Safety Office. To monitor progress on the subject, CMIN has an executive
Organizational report on the Decarbonization Journey, directed to senior leadership, built by the Decarbonization Management and supervised by
profile the ESG Committee and the Sustainability Office.
Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model

Created and
shared value
and Resilience
Natural capital


Cargo ship in
Port of TECAR

GRI 3-3 | 201-2


About this
report Climate Report (TCFD)
Material themes

Recommendation CSN Mineração Management Learn more

Since 2021, CSN Mineração, together with CSN, has been carrying out a broad mapping and assessment of the
Message most relevant risks and opportunities related to climate change in the context of activities, sectors and regions
from the Board
in which its businesses operate. In 2022, this process was improved and, as a result, 31 climate risk factors and
of Directors
19 climate opportunity factors were indicated. The risks classified as highly relevant for the business were:
a) Describe the risks and opportunities related Pages 37 and 90 of this report
• Market creation or implementation of carbon taxation in international markets (New Pricing) – Short Term
to climate change that the organization has CDP Questionnaire (Risks and
Message from identified in the short, medium and long term • Increased intensity and frequency of extreme weather events (Urban, River and Coastal Floods) – Medium Term Opportunities)
the Superinten-
dent Director • Water scarcity and droughts due to changes in precipitation patterns - Long Term
The CMIN considered three time horizons, characterized as short, medium or long term, respectively 1 to 3
years, 4 to 5 years, and 6 years or more.
Who we are
CSN Mineração quantified the potential impact of the two risk factors, considering the three scenarios foreseen
Organizational in its Study of Climate Scenarios.
profile b) Describe the impact of risks and Pages 85 and 90 of this report
Governance and opportunities related to climate change on the One of the most relevant risks for CMIN is related to the increase in rainfall intensity and extreme events. As a
management organization’s business, strategy and financial CDP Questionnaire (Risks and
result, the Casa de Pedra unit adopted measures to mitigate existing and future risks related to rainfall events.
Strategic pillars planning Opportunities)
Examples of relevant actions are the Rainfall Plan and the Plan for Decharacterization of the Dam. Such actions
Business model directly influence the Company’s strategy and financial planning.

CSN Mineração carried out its first Study of Climate Scenarios based on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways
Created and (SSP) scenarios of the IPCC 2021 and the International Energy Agency. Three scenarios were contemplated by
shared value the study:
Consolidation • Net-Zero Emission World (NZE) – 1.5ºC
and Resilience Page 90 of this report
c) Describe the resilience of the organization’s • Stay on the fence (SOF) – 2.0ºC
management strategy, considering different scenarios CDP Questionnaire (Business
related to climate change, including a 2°C or • Business as Usual (BAU) – 4.0ºC Strategy)
Natural capital
conservation lower scenario
The Company's main risks are associated with changes in weather patterns and not the transition. Therefore, Study of Climate Scenarios
ongoing adaptation measures direct the most exposed units to reduce their vulnerability. From the point of view of
climate opportunities in the NZE scenario, the company has opportunities that could increase its revenue through
the sale of premium iron ore with the entry of P15. The quality of the pellet feed that will be sold will be of interest to
players who opt for direct reduction routes, which have low carbon emissions compared to current routes.

GRI 3-3 | 201-2


Climate Report (TCFD)

Recommendation CSN Mineração Management Learn more
Material themes

a) Describe the organization's processes for Since 2021, CSN Mineração has carried out a systemic assessment of climate risks and opportunities in a Page 37 of this report
identifying and assessing risks related to climate four-phase process: Methodology for the process of climate risks and opportunities; Mapping and prioritizing CDP Questionnaire (Risks and
2022 change climate risks and opportunities; Assessment of climate scenarios; and Climate Adaptation.
highlights Opportunities)

In 2022, CSN improved the climate risk management process by incorporating new risks and a methodology with a
greater degree of granularity. This methodology considers the taxonomy provided by the TCFD. Based on a qualitative
analysis built jointly with the operational units, risks and opportunities are assessed considering the magnitude Page 85 of this report
from the Board
of Directors b) Describe the organization's processes for of impact and probability of occurrence. Risks and opportunities are discussed and validated within the scope of
managing risks related to climate change the Climate Change Thematic Group. After this assessment, priority risks undergo a qualitative climate scenario CDP Questionnaire (Risks and
assessment and, for some risks, a quantitative assessment. In 2023, CMIN will carry out a vulnerability study to raise Opportunities)
the company's maturity level in this phase of the process. After risk analysis and monetization, applicable adaptation
Message from measures are defined in accordance with their value.
the Superinten-
dent Director
c) Describe how processes to identify, assess The assessment and management of climate risks are integrated into CSN Mineração's corporate risk Page 35 of this report
and manage risks related to climate change are management model. Based on the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission
integrated into the overall risk management of the (COSO) framework, this model consists of three lines of defense and is monitored by the Audit Committee and CDP Questionnaire (Risks and
Who we are organization the Board of Directors. Opportunities)



Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model Recommendation CSN Mineração Management Learn more

The identification and assessment of climate risks is conducted in line with TCFD recommendations and
Created and based on strategic external reports (IPCC, IEA, etc.), benchmarking and internal analysis by the Company. The
a) Disclose the metrics used by the organization to Page 37 of this report
shared value assess risks and opportunities related to climate model includes, among other methodologies, the Marginal Cost of Abatement Curve and the Study of Climate
change in accordance with its risk management Scenarios. CDP Questionnaire (Goals and
and Resilience strategy and process Performance)
The prioritization of risks and opportunities considers a matrix of probability of occurrence and magnitude of
Stakeholders impacts in the short, medium and long term time horizons.
Natural capital Page 89 of this report
conservation CSN Mineração annually calculates and discloses its inventory of greenhouse gases, according to market
b) Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2 and, if appropriate, methodologies: Brazil GHG Protocol Program; IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, CMIN inventory in the Public
Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and 2006; and ISO 14064-1. The inventory covers scopes 1, 2 and 3 and is verified by a third party. The disclosure Emissions Registry
related risks of this information occurs in the Integrated Report, in the Public Registry of Emissions of the Brazilian GHG
Annexes CDP Questionnaire (Emissions
Protocol Program and in the CDP questionnaire.

c) Describe the targets used by the organization to Page 48 of this report

CSN Mineração has a target set from 2021 to neutrality of scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2044. The Company
manage risks and opportunities related to climate CDP Questionnaire (Goals and
change and performance against targets also has a 30% reduction target in CO2e emissions per ton of ore produced by 2035 (scopes 1 and 2).

GRI 3-3 | 201-2


About this Air quality

Material themes
The Air Quality Monitoring Program at CSN Mineração In Itaguaí (RJ), in the TECAR Port, air quality monitoring
manages the monitoring of legal parameters through is carried out by four monitoring stations, which allow
four monitoring stations, two meteorological stations and a thorough time-and-space integrated analysis of our
highlights two air quality states. Such equipments are part of the emissions. Moreover, it is also analyzed the compliance
Congonhas Optimized Air Quality Monitoring Network, of with legal standards of particulates concentration in the
which other companies located in the region are also part. atmosphere, supporting decision-making of operational
Message controls to limit emissions and to better air quality
from the Board
The stations of the Optimized Network for Monitoring around CSN Mineração operations in Itaguaí (RJ).
of Directors
the Air Quality Index (AQI) operate 24 hours a day, 7
days a week, and the monitoring results are transmitted In 2022, the average air quality index at CSN Mineração
online, for the supervisory centers installed at the was in the GOOD category throughout the year, the
Message from
the Superinten- Congonhas Municipal Environmental Secretariat best category in accordance with current legislation.
dent Director (SEMMA) and at the State Environmental Foundation
(FEAM). In addition, in Congonhas (MG), there are four
other Air Quality monitoring stations (Hi-Vol) located in
Who we are the neighborhoods closest to the mine, which carry out
Organizational monitoring every six days.
Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model
Air Quality Monitoring (µg/m3)

Created and 2020 2021 2022 Air Quality Index

shared value CSN Mineração – Nova Plataforma 26.3 29.0 32.6 Good
Consolidation CSN Mineração – Basilica 26.3 29.9 26.7 Good
and Resilience
CSN Mineração - Casa de Pedra neighborhood 25.0 27.0 28.0 Good
management CSN Mineração - Bairro Cristo Rei 27.0 29.0 28.0 Good
Natural capital CSN Mineração - Bairro Esmeril 24.0 24.0 25.0 Good
TECAR - Vila California 28.1 23.7 25.5 Good
TECAR - Vila Aparecida 30.0 24.6 25.3 Good
TECAR - Brisamar 31.1 24.9 25.0 Good
TECAR - Site Terezinha 29.9 24.8 27.2 Good
Collaborator at the
1. Monitoring carried out by CSN Mineração in compliance with Conama Resolution No. 491/2018 demonstrates the air quality in the community air quality monitoring
surrounding the developments. The impact on the territory is also influenced by the dispersion of particulates from other projects and the municipality itself. station in Casa de
Monitoring is carried out using Hi-vol devices, and the report is based on the annual averages of the PM10 parameter (particulate matter). Pedra (MG)

GRI 305-7
95 SASB EM-MM-120A.1

About this
Material themes


from the Board
of Directors

Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director
CSN Mineração’s activities have the potential to loss of specimens. As a mitigating measure, CSN Above all, the environmental impact on or even within Conservation Units. In
impact biodiversity in areas close to operating Mineração implements compensation actions biodiversity becomes positive when forest this way, it links the preserved Atlantic
Who we are units, both negatively and positively. These impacts that aim to protect and recover an area larger recomposition and recovery of degraded areas Forest fragments, favoring the exchange
Organizational are managed in line with the guidelines and the than the one that was transformed, in addition to are carried out, since such actions lead to larger of species and genetic diversity in the
Sustainability and Biodiversity Policy of the CSN programs to monitor and mitigate disturbance of areas than those of vegetation suppression. Biome. In addition, the Company develops
Governance and
management Group, with the objective of mitigating the negative the local fauna. recovery projects for degraded areas
Strategic pillars effects and enhancing the benefits of mining CSN Mineração maintains conservation areas to restore forest formations impacted
Business model activities for ecosystems. Impacts during the operation phase affect the in the Atlantic Forest Biome with a high degree and altered by various types of human
habitats through the generation of noise and of ecological interest, sometimes close to occupation in the state of Minas Gerais.
Due to the locational rigidity of the ore, the detonations, emission of particulate matter and
Created and main negative impacts can occur, mainly in the loading of sediments and effluents. To mitigate
shared value
installation phase of a structure in the expansion the impact on terrestrial and especially aquatic
and Resilience of the operation. In addition, soil compaction, soil habitats, the Company performs Control and
Stakeholders removal, and vegetation suppression activities can Monitoring Programs for Erosive Processes and
cause loss of habitats, scaring away local fauna and Sediment Carrying.
Natural capital
CMIN conserves areas
in the Atlantic Forest
Biome with high
Legal reserve of CSN Mineração
in Congonhas (MG)
ecological interest

GRI 3-3 | 304-2

96 SASB EM-MM-160A.1

About this
CSN Mineração has 1,061 hectares of
Material themes
Permanent Protection Areas (APP), 2,610
hectares of Legal Reserve, 5,237 hectares of
areas with native vegetation and 556 hectares
highlights of recovery areas, totaling 9,465 hectares of
protected areas.

Message In the cerrado phytophysionomy, there is the

from the Board
preservation of areas in order to promote
of Directors
the conservation of the associated flora and
fauna and their ecosystem services provided.
CSN Mineração also promotes the protection Protected area in
Message from Casa de Pedra, in
the Superinten- of an exclusively Brazilian ecosystem, with a Congonhas (MG)
dent Director wide variety of rare species, with an area in
the Cavernas do Peruaçu National Park, in
Itacarambi (MG), located in the Caatinga Biome
Who we are with 765 hectares.
The company understands the importance
Breakthroughs in the Biodiversity Management in 2022
Governance and
management of rocky fields and has conservation areas in
In 2022, the CSN Group carried out a comprehensive services of CSN Mineração, with information on the operations
Strategic pillars its Legal Reserve, through compensation, it
diagnosis of the areas protected by the Company, which total of the mining operations in Casa de Perda and Pires, and Port
Business model makes donations in conservation units with
9,465 hectares at CSN Mineração, giving the Company a more of TECAR1.
high ecological interest, helping to preserve this accurate look at the forested areas, paving the way for more
rare environment that is home to species of In addition to these efforts to improve the information base
effective management of biodiversity. At the end of 2022, the
Created and restricted occurrence to these spaces. and diagnosis regarding ecosystem services, as of 2023,
shared value process of adapting biodiversity management to Performance
CMIN will contribute to the Task Force on Financial Disclosure
Standard 6 (PD6) of the International Financial Council (IFC),
Consolidation Related to Nature (TNFD), an international standard framework
and Resilience In the coming years, the company will recover through the classification and mapping of critical habitats
for financial reporting that considers risks to biodiversity and
Stakeholders the areas of the Atlantic Forest by contributing under the management of CSN Mineração. This process is
management natural capital.
to the restructuring and connectivity of in progress, with review and implementation planned for the
Natural capital coming years.
conservation the biome and, consequently, providing
new extensions of territory to increase In line with the PD6 guidelines, the first version of the mapping 1. Port of TECAR operations were included in the analysis as they are under
and maintain biodiversity. Additionally, the was established of impacts and dependencies of ecosystem the responsibility and management of CSN Mineração.
projects have a great capacity for carbon
sequestration, collaborating with climate

GRI 3-3 | 304-2 | 304-3

97 SASB EM-MM-160A.1

Ecosystem services
About this
report Starting in 2022, mapping the dependencies and impacts of operations in relation CSN's Mining operations depend on water, About the ES for water flow regulation and
to ecosystem services involved teams from the corporate and operational units that with groundwater (Casa de Pedra) and surface water purification, in addition to dependence,
Material themes
deliberated and validated an understanding of the primary relationships between water (in the case of the Pires operation) being depending on the use in the operation, there are
operations and the environment. The result reflects the main ecosystem services collected. The negative impacts on ES water potential positive and negative impacts. Potential
with which the operation relates, indicating the nature of this relationship (whether availability are related to the generation of negative impacts are caused by the discharge of
highlights dependency or impact): effluents (outflows from dikes and dams), which effluents and the eventual carriage of sediments
in turn is properly controlled through mitigation into water bodies (both aspects mitigated,
actions and monitoring. monitored, and periodically reported to the
Message Diagnosis of dependency and impact on ecosystem services1 competent bodies). On the other hand, the positive
from the Board Has Negatively Positively Another critical aspect of mining is the emission of impacts on these ES result from the existence and
of Directors dependency impacts impacts
particulate matter (PM), which impacts air quality preservation of CSN Mineração's legal reserve area,
Provision Water availability maintenance. In addition to the negative impact which houses a fundamental water body for the
due to the release of PM into the atmosphere, air water supply of the city of Congonhas (MG). The
Message from Air quality maintenance
the Superinten- quality is also configured as a dependency, as it preservation of this area results in the integrity of
dent Director Global climate regulation causes direct impacts on mining activity when its ecosystem services, including flow regulation and
Regional / local climate quality is compromised. water purification. Proof of this is the fact that
regulation the Sanitation Company of Minas Gerais (Copasa)
Who we are Regulation Water flow regulation The operation also has a dependency relationship collects high-quality water from CSN's properties,
Organizational with the ES of global climate regulation and for subsequent distribution to the population of the
profile Water purification and
waste treatment regional/local climate regulation, as its city of Congonhas (MG).
Governance and
management activities are relatively vulnerable to climate
Erosion control
Strategic pillars variations and extreme meteorological events,
Maintenance of soil
Business model
such as shutdowns or decrease in productivity
Recreation and due to heavy rains. In the case of TECAR, the
ecotourism increase in extreme weather events (storms)
Created and Cultural
Ethical and spiritual disrupts operations. On the other hand, the
shared value values
impacts on these ES occur through the emission
and Resilience Habitat of GHG during the operation – caused mainly by
Stakeholders large and small vehicles that move the ore and
management Biodiversity
other materials within the operations.
Natural capital
conservation Mining/Ore Availability
Fossil fuel
Water collected with a
Annexes 1. The list of Ecosystem Services is based on the Dependence and Impact Assessment Tool Version 2 of the Ecosystem high quality level from
CMIN properties and
Service Review, published by the World Resources Institute (WRI) in 2012, and is not limited to it, also including resources
(Ore/Ore Availability) and Biodiversity. Ore and Biodiversity are not SE. Ore and fossil fuels are configured as a natural

distributed by COPASA to
resource and Biodiversity – the variability between living organisms within species and populations, between species, and
between ecosystems – as an element that provides the basis for ecosystem services. Nevertheless, they are considered

the local population

relevant elements for the business, and for this reason are included in the dependency and impact analysis.

GRI 3-3 | 304-2

98 SASB EM-MM-160A.1

About this
report of listed natural heritage (Morro do Engenho),
which has significant existence value and
Material themes
whose suppression would culminate in a high
social impact due to the inestimable value of
the landscape for the stakeholders from the
highlights surroundings.

The habitat supporting ES, as well as

Message biodiversity, are negatively impacted by the
from the Board
suppression of vegetation and positively due to
of Directors
the compensations that, generally, are carried out
in greater proportion in relation to the suppressed
areas, accompanied by constant fauna and
Message from
the Superinten- flora monitoring. In the case of Port operations,
dent Director the TECAR Port can negatively impact marine
biodiversity due to the eventual release of ore or
other products transported to the sea. However,
Who we are periodic monitoring of marine fauna is carried out,
Organizational and reports are made to the competent bodies.
The operation is highly dependent on iron ore
Governance and CMIN's protected area,
management in Congonhas (MG) and fossil fuel resources, negatively impacting the
Strategic pillars availability of such resources.
Business model

The ES erosion control is essential for the CSN Mineração also interfaces with cultural
Created and
shared value Since 2022, operation since its absence implies maintenance ES such as recreation, ecotourism,
actions to remove sediments. The potential and ethical and spiritual values. For
and Resilience CMIN has been impacts, which in turn are negative, also affect example, the Parque das Cachoeiras, in

mapping the
Stakeholders the quality of the soil, since removals and Congonhas (MG), is a place of entertainment
movements on the ground (in the case of for the local population, whose water

impacts of
Natural capital
conservation mining) and the drainage and eventual from the waterfall passes through areas
transport of stored materials (in the case of direct influence of CSN Mineração. In
operations of the port TECAR) can intensify erosion
processes, modify the soil structure, and
this sense, preserving these areas results
in the maintenance and availability of the
concerning contaminate receiving water bodies (mitigation, Recreation and Ecotourism ES for the
monitoring and reporting to the competent community. Regarding the Ethical and
ecosystem services bodies are also carried out). Spiritual Values, there is the preservation

GRI 3-3 | 304-2

99 SASB EM-MM-160A.1

About this
Mining activities can cause significant impacts on
Material themes
biodiversity, mainly due to the locational rigidity of the ore
and the need for vegetation suppression. Therefore, during
the entire life cycle of assets, issues related to biodiversity
highlights are assessed, starting with Environmental Impact Studies
(EIA), in which significant adverse impacts are addressed
according to the mitigation hierarchy, seeking to avoid
Message initially, then minimize and, where necessary, going through
from the Board
control, monitoring, mitigation, and compensation programs
of Directors
two socio-environmental impacts.

Investments aimed at preserving biodiversity are carried

Message from
the Superinten- out following the guidelines and parameters established in
Legal reserve of
dent Director the best market practices and licenses and environmental CSN Mineração
studies. In addition, partnerships with public authorities
and some associations of small farmers established the
Who we are Company to strengthen initiatives for the protection
Organizational and recovery of biodiversity, such as improvements to
nurseries that will be used for the production of seedlings
Governance and
management of native species.
Strategic pillars
Business model CSN Mineração employs a series of differentiated
measures related to biodiversity monitoring. In addition
to the programs for managing impacts on biodiversity, we
Created and highlight the partnerships and agreements established
shared value
with universities and research institutes to enhance and
and Resilience optimize the execution of fauna monitoring programs
Stakeholders and environmental studies of the licensing processes. In Flora rescue Prevention of forest fires
this sense, partnerships were established the Pontifical
Natural capital
Catholic University (PUC-MG), with the National Museum Phenological monitoring Execution of drainage projects
of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and the Seed collection Implementation of sediment
Federal University of Viçosa (UFV).
Biodiversity Fauna chase and rescue containment devices
impact Environmental compensation Signaling of roads against
management Revegetation of exposed soil trampling fauna
programs Monitoring of fauna and flora Environmental education programs

GRI 3-3 | 304-2

100 SASB EM-MM-160A.1

About this
report Wildlife monitoring program
Material themes

The monitoring of wildlife at CMIN consists of a series of data

collections to understand the local fauna since 2003. In 2019,
highlights the work plan prepared by a multidisciplinary team of specialists Monitoring campaigns
in faunal groups, restructured the program in two lines, namely: During the avifauna monitoring campaigns, from 2019 to 2021, 75 individuals
of the non-threatened category were collected, 32 of which were listed in
Message Fauna monitoring program the deposit of the Ornithology Collection of the Pontifical Catholic University
from the Board
A succession of surveys to learn about the local fauna and all of Minas Gerais (PUC-MG). In the monitoring of the mastofauna, two maned
of Directors
the phytophysiognomies of the enterprise, and direct mitigation wolves, named Pequi and Prophet, are tracked by radiotelemetry, through
actions and mapping of the population at CSN Mineração. Pequi, one of the collars for mapping their home range, allowing to know their pattern of
maned wolves occupation in the development and in the surroundings.
Message from monitored by
the Superinten- Endangered fauna monitoring and conservation program radiotelemetry The flying mammals are accompanied by acoustic equipment, mist nets
dent Director Consists of specific subprograms for target species of by the Casa de
Pedra team and numbered collar marking for analysis of the spatial distribution of bats,
conservation interest (bioindicators, endangered, cleaning up considering three physiognomies: rupestrian fields, cerrado and forest.
taxonomic confusion). The main objective is to direct efforts
Monitoring the ichthyofauna, in turn, is part of the set of measures to control
Who we are and establish partnerships with scientific institutions to enable and mitigate the impacts of mining activities on water bodies in the project's
Organizational molecular and morphological studies. area of influence.
Governance and
management Between 2019 and 2022, CSN Mineração directed efforts to
Strategic pillars the Taxonomy and conservation subprogram of species of the
Business model Bokermannohyla genus, targeting species of Bokermannohyla
gr. Circumdata and Bokermannohyla aff. feiol and consequently

Created and
its threat status.
Flora monitoring
shared value
A research project was carried out in partnership with the program
and Resilience Federal University of Viçosa (MG) and with visits to some of the
Stakeholders major Brazilian collections. As a result, two scientific articles Flora monitoring focuses on the phenological monitoring of native species
were developed with unpublished data on the occurrence of located in the Simeão Legal Reserve, in Congonhas (MG), and in the Jurema
Natural capital
conservation the species Bokermannohyla uglyi (submitted and approved for Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN), in Queluzito (MG). The selected
publication in the renowned international journal Systematics species are accompanied by their phenotypic quality and local occurrence.
and Biodivesity) and B. vulcaniae (completed in 2022 and in Selection criteria are: fruit quality, crown shape, phytosanitary and wood
submission process). condition. The expansion activities of the company’s operations are
Bokermannohyla licensed to start the suppression of the local flora. In addition to continuous
feioi flora monitoring, careful work is carried out in advance to rescue seeds,
seedlings and selected individuals that will be used in CSN Mineração’s
forest recomposition programs.

GRI 3-3 | 304-2

101 SASB EM-MM-160A.1

About this
Material themes
Water management
Water is another priority issue for CSN filtering existing tailings in dams for dry
Mineração taking into account the intensive stacking (see more on page 81) also
highlights consumption of this resource in its operations. contributes to reducing the water footprint
The resource is used in the processing of iron in operations, as it generates the recovery
ore and in the wetting of accesses and piles in of water existing in the removed
Message order to mitigate the emission of particulate material, allocating its use to the ore
from the Board
matter. Nonetheless, the Company has been beneficiation process.
of Directors
pursuing the goal of reducing, by 2030, the
withdrawal of new water per ton of iron ore Regarding recirculation in the beneficiation
produced by at least 10% per ton of ore productive process of iron ore, due to
Message from
the Superinten- compared to 20182. investments in operational improvements,
dent Director the index increased from 79% in 2018 to
By 2021, the Company achieved a reduction 88% in 2022. From the beginning of the Protected watercourse
of 11%. Yet, 2022 was marked by heavy rains operation of P15 and the deployment of in CMIN's area, in
Congonhas (MG)
Who we are in the first quarter that substantially impaired projects to de-characterize the dams, the
Organizational the operation and production in Congonhas expectation is that the mine will operate
(MG), which impacted the indicator related to more efficiently and reach levels of up to
Governance and
management the volume of new water in the production of a 94% of recirculation in 2033.
Strategic pillars ton of ore, culminating in a 8% increase in said
Business model volume compared to the base year (2018). The
expectation for 2023 is that the indicator will
return to the levels of 2021, mark that should
Created and be achieved as production stabilizes and the
shared value Water withdrawal from CSN Water intensity (m3 abstracted per ton
number of projects for recovery and reuse of Mineração (megaliters)1 produced)1
and Resilience water in its production processes increases.
Stakeholders 16,471
management 0.28 0.26
Investments in the Central Plant intend -9% 15,736
Natural capital
conservation to reduce, by 2024, the plant's specific 0.21 2. The water intensity is
consumption of fresh water by 45% – from calculated based on the
production of iron ore (wet
0.22m³/t to 0.12m³/t – using 2017 as a
+ dry) and the abstraction
reference. Moreover, breakthroughs in the of water intended only for
projects for de-characterizing dams and the production process of
the ore, considering the
abstracted water in the
central plant, Pires process
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 and potable water.
1. Historical data has been updated based
on updated measurement methodology.

GRI 3-3 | 303-1 | 303-2 | 303-3

102 SASB EM-MM-140A.1

About this
report Water stress
Material themes risk map


from the Board
of Directors

Cargo ship in
Port of TECAR
Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director High Risk

Who we are Since 2021, CMIN has measured its water footprint. It water. This originates from the fact that the Casa Medium Risk
Organizational is a complex study of all water losses, withdrawals and de Pedra and Pires mines are presented on the Casa de Pedra e
profile Pires Complex
stages of use, always taking into account the basin in platforms as an area of medium risk of water
Governance and
management which the operations are located and whether there is stress in the basin.but consideringthat water is an
Strategic pillars a water risk in order to seek maximum efficiency from essential resource in mining production process,
Business model the resource. With this study, the Company has more the Company, in a preventive way, considers
ownership over the monitoring and water management
indicators of its production process and can increase
this unit as a priority in the management of
water resources and defines its management
Participation in
Created and
shared value
the process of identifying risks and opportunities for strategically so that the water resource is used basin committees
improving water management throughout the iron efficiently and with high criticality. Regarding
and Resilience ore production cycle, as well as seeking a significant CMIN’s port logistics operations, the TECAR The Company acts in partnership with society in assessing
Stakeholders reduction in the volume of water withdrawal, in addition Terminal is defined by the consulted platforms the impacts and opportunities for the management and
to forming a more robust basis for assessment of as an area under water stress and its hydric shared use of water. For this reason, it actively participates
Natural capital
conservation environmental, social and economic impacts. resources are managed and controlled very in river basin committees in the regions where it operates.
thoroughly in consonance with its geographical Through these bodies, it collaborates with the participatory
Additionally, based on a study conducted in line location. The data were obtained through the hydric management of the Paraopeba River and its
with the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas platform, from the affluents with continuous improvement practices in favor
Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, CMIN has World Resources Institute (WRI) and the Water of biodiversity in the surroundings and water quality. In this
identified some physical climate risks related to Risk Filter, from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). regard, the following stand out:

Paraopeba River Hydrographic Basin Committee

Alto São Francisco Basin Committee

103 GRI 3-3 | 303-1 | 303-2


About this
Material themes
Waste management
highlights The main residues generated by CSN Mineração reduce the generation of waste. The Magnetic
are sterile (soil removed without economic use) Concentrator Plants (CMAI) are solutions that
and tailings (material discarded after processing increase the recovery of processed iron ore
Message the ore), which are disposed of by means of from existing dams by around 700 thousand
from the Board
piles, continuously managed by a management tons per year.
of Directors
system and inspected to guarantee the security
and stability of formations. Through investments in R&D, CSN Mineração
seeks to advance in the use of mining tailings
Message from
the Superinten- The Company has equipment that filters 100% to produce new materials and co-products,
dent Director of the tailings generated in its operations, which promoting the circular economy. There are
are dry-piled in accordance with procedures two technologies in the testing phase: the
that ensure greater security and geotechnical first, conducted by CSN Inova, aims to extract
Who we are stability of the piles. For this, the material is even more iron from the mining talling from
Organizational introduced under pressure into the filtering the central plant, in order to make it possible
chambers of the filter presses where, after to use it in the steelmaking process. And
Governance and
management filtration, its percentage of humidity is reduced the second route, conducted by the CSN
Strategic pillars to 16%. Regarding the water recovered in this Mineração and CSN Cimentos team, is aimed
Business model process, 90% of the volume extracted from the at producing materials that can be used in
tailings is reused in various stages of the plant's the cement industry, such as pozzolana. Both
production process. In addition, projects are initiatives were successful on a pilot scale
Created and undertaken to increase the efficiency of the and are being analyzed for applicability on an
shared value
beneficiation processes and, as a consequence, industrial scale.
and Resilience
management Mining waste (tons)
Natural capital
conservation 2020 2021 2022
Tailings 5,870,789 4,486,492 4,416,484
Sterile 22,532,916 26,095,919 32,503,000
Annexes Total 28,403,705 30,582,411 36,919,484

High Intensity Magnetic

Concentrator (CMAI)

GRI 3-3 | 306-1 | 306-2

SASB EM-MM-150A.5 | EM-MM-150A.6 | EM-MM-150A.10

About this
report In addition to mineral waste, non-mineral refuse, reduce, reuse, and recycle) and Non-mineral waste generated by Non-hazardous waste
waste classified as class II (non-hazardous) disseminates among employees the CSN Mineração (tons) by treatment method (tons)
Material themes
is also generated, arising from the activities importance of correctly segregating
of operation and maintenance of structures, waste for proper disposal or treatment. 21,234 85
and class I (hazardous) with potential for In 2022, non-mining waste amounted 1,933 17,913 Coprocessing
highlights contamination of soil and water bodies if to 17.9 thousand tons, an increase of 45
14,280 2,703
not properly managed. In this category are, 25% compared to the previous year. Of 1,573 Others
2,218 Wastewater
for example, materials contaminated with the waste destined, 76% was not sent to treatment 2,333
19,311 15,211
oils and grease resulting from washing and the final destination but for sustainable Class II landfill
from the Board
maintenance of equipment and vehicles used treatments such as co-processing, 12,062
of Directors
in mines and in the port terminal. Protocols recycling, or re-refining.
and mechanisms are established by CMIN to
guide the treatment, storage and disposal of The increase in waste generation is due 2020 2021 2022
Message from
the Superinten- this waste in a correct and environmentally to the implementation of new projects 11,228
dent Director Hazardous Recycling
appropriate manner, to avoid any type of and the Company's organic growth. It
harmful impact on biodiversity. should be noted that, even with the
increase in generation, environmentally
Who we are All waste management follows the guidelines correct is a priority for the Company.
Organizational established by the Solid Waste Management
Plan, considering techniques recommended
Governance and
management by norms, standards and guidelines
Strategic pillars established by licensing environmental
Business model agencies, international agreements, and
internal procedures. Employees in the Non-mineral waste Hazardous waste by
operational areas are trained and instructed generated by type treatment method (tons)
Created and to segregate materials according to their
shared value
classification and type. 20 88
and Resilience External Wastewater
Stakeholders To encourage continuous improvement 15% recycling treatment
management Hazardous
in waste management, the Company
Natural capital
conservation conducts Repensar Program. The project
is developed on the axis of the 5Rs (rethink, 85% 1.496
Non-hazardous Coprocessing


GRI 3-3 | 306-1 | 306-2 | 306-3 | 306-4 | 306-5

SASB EM-MM-150A.4 | EM-MM-150A.7 | EM-MM-150A.10
Employee at Casa de Pedra,
in Congonhas (MG)


About this

Complement to the GRI disclosures and SASB indicators

Material themes

GRI 2-4 | Restatements of information
Historical data of the GRI 303-3, 303-4, 303-5, 306-3, 306-4 and 306-5 contents were
Message restated after the identification of inconsistencies in the consolidation of the previous report.
from the Board
of Directors

GRI 2-7 | Employees

Message from
the Superinten- Employees by gender and region at CSN Mineração1
dent Director
2020 2021 2022
Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total

Who we are Indefinite period 5,231 740 5,971 6,064 1,063 7,127 5,814 1,090 6,904
Organizational Determined deadline 250 130 380 1 3 4 4 7 11
Determined deadline (Apprentice and Capacitar Programs) 107 61 168 78 268 346 156 501 657
Governance and
management Total 5,588 931 6,519 6,143 1,334 7,477 5,974 1,598 7,572
Strategic pillars 1. Considers effective employees hired in the CLT, Apprentice Program and Capacitar Program categories on the base date of December 31 of each year. They all work in the Southeast Region and work full-time. CSN has a working hours policy for operations in Brazil,
Business model which establishes respect for the 8-hour day, as established in the CLT. Employees cannot work more than 2 hours of overtime per day in order to ensure compliance with labor legislation.

Created and
GRI 2-8 | Workers who are not employees GRI 2-21 | Annual total compensation ratio
shared value
The third parties that work at CSN Mineração’s units are related to outsourcing contracts for
and Resilience activities and processes, such as surveillance, cleaning, maintenance, transport, civil works, IT and Proportion of annual compensation and its increase in 2022 (times)
Stakeholders equipment assembly services. The inspection of the labor regularity of the contracted companies
management 2022
responsible for these services is conducted through the Third-Party Management Center (learn
Natural capital
more on page 73). Proportion of compensation of the highest paid individual X average of other employees 28.8
Proportion of the annual increase in compensation of the highest paid individual X average
of other employees
Total number of third parties
2020 2021 2022
Total number of third parties 3,462 3,828 2,266


About this
report GRI 2-26 | Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns GRI 2-28 | Membership associations
Requests for guidance and clarification on how to act in line with the Company’s conduct CSN Mineração participated in the following associations and class entities in 2022: Federation of
Material themes
guidelines are received by email by the Compliance team. All requests made through this Industries of the State of MG (FIEMG); Brazilian Association of Port Terminals (ABTP); SINDIEXTRA –
channel are evaluated by the corporate team of the parent company, CSN, totaling 2,144 Union of Extractive Industries of Minas Gerais.
requests in 2022.
highlights GRI 2-29 | Approach to stakeholder engagement
Investors: results conference call (quarterly) and CMIN Day (annual), when the Company’s Board
of Executive Officers presents and discusses with investors and capital market analysts the
Message performance of the business and the main investments and strategic challenges.
from the Board
GRI 2-27 | Compliance with laws and regulations
of Directors
GRI 206-1 | Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices Local communities: Conducting structured public consultation processes within the scope of
SASB EM-MM-140a.2 | Number of incidents of non-compliance associated with water environmental licensing for communities, participation in local councils/groups, environmental
quality permits, standards, and regulations education programs and dealing with manifestations received by the Linha Verde channel, for the
Message from
the Superinten- CSN Mineração did not receive non-monetary sanctions, fines or respond to lawsuits for non- services provided at the Support House and in the Community Committees carried out.
dent Director compliance with laws and regulations related to socioeconomic aspects and free competition
practices during the year 2022. Likewise, it was not sanctioned for non-compliance or non-
compliance associated with water quality permits, standards and regulations.
Who we are The Company received three infraction notices for alleged visible emission of particulate GRI 202-1 | Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage
Organizational matter (dust) from the activities carried out by the Company. All of them were fined in the
amount of R$ 15,270,000.00. The Company presented a defense that awaits judgment at the Proportion between the lowest wage paid and the minimum wage1
Governance and
management Municipal Secretariat for the Environment (SEMMA) of the municipality of Congonhas.
2020 2021 2022
Strategic pillars
Men 44.6% 47.0% 47.0%
Business model
Women 47.0% 47.0% 47.0%
1. The only wages paid below the minimum wage refer to apprentices, who follow the regulation and differentiated workload,
Created and Non-compliance cases by CSN Mineração compensation governed by municipal or national floor agreements, presenting differentiated CLT regulations based on the
shared value workload performed. The Brazilian minimum wage considered in 2020 was R$ 1,045, in 2021 R$ 1,100 and in 2022 R$ 1,212.
2020 2021 2022
and Resilience Total number of significant fines 1 2 3
Stakeholders Total monetary amount of significant fines (R$ thousand) 2,190.0 6,343.0 15,270.0
Number of non-monetary sanctions 0 4 0 GRI 204-1 | Proportion of spending on local suppliers1
Natural capital
Percentage of expenses with local suppliers
2020 2021 2022

Annexes Materials 39.6% 38.3% 41.0%

Services 37.2% 40.9% 29.7%
Consolidated 38.7% 39.1% 37.2%
1. Local suppliers are considered those located within the Brazilian states where CSN Mineração operates.


About this
GRI 205-2 | Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures
Material themes

Employees trained in ethics and compliance by functional levell1

2022 2021 2022

highlights Number of people trained Percentage over headcount on 12/31 Number of people trained Percentage over headcount on 12/31
Executive 2 100.0% 4 66.7%
Leadership 244 84.4% 290 97.3%
from the Board Specialist 240 69.8% 40 87.0%
of Directors Engineer 336 98.5%
Higher level 176 87.1% 201 98.0%
Technician 1,243 80.0% 1,289 90.3%
Message from
the Superinten- Administrative 100 100.0% 96 98.0%
dent Director Operational 3,790 80.8% 4,051 86.1%
Capacitar Program 383 100.0% 124 50.8%
Apprentice Program 20 100.0%
Who we are Internship Program nd nd 113 85.0%
Organizational Total 6,178 82,6% 6,752 87.5%
Governance and 1. Considers effective employees in the CLT, Apprentice Program and Capacitar Program categories. Percentage calculated as the total number of employees trained during the year divided by headcount on 12/31, therefore, in some cases, the percentage of trainees
management exceeds 100% of the staff at the end of the period. All employees work in the Southeast.
Strategic pillars
Business model
GRI 207-4 | Country-by-country reporting GRI 301-1 | Materials used by weight or volume

Created and Nature of the 2022 ta. (in R$) Consumption of materials by CSN Mineração (tons)
shared value
Consolidation Brazil 2020 2021 2022
and Resilience
Mining royalties 302,922,483.36 Non-renewable virgin materials 6,427 10,562 11,519
management Income ta.es 1,094,961,910.12 Renewable virgin materials 0 0 0
Natural capital Payroll ta.es 203,870,896.93 Total materials consumed 6,427 10,562 11,519
Ta.es on products and services 378,656,481.97
Other ta.es 178,170,909.02
Grand total 2,158,582,681.41


About this
report GRI 302-1 | Energy consumption within the organization GRI 303-3 | Water withdrawal
Material themes
Energy generated by fuel consumption (GJ) Water withdrawal from CSN Mineração by source (megaliters)1
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
2022 Diesel/Brazil 2,162,203 2,604,852 2,675,282 Collection
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 2,563 2,660 3,010 Surface water2 1.697,0 1.697,0 1.697,0
Gasoline/Brazil 7,699 6,466 6,424 Underground water 7.988,4 10.505,6 8.490,0

Message Subtotal non-renewable fuels 2,172,466 2,613,978 2,684,715 Rainwater 6.662,3 4.981,4 5.425,7
from the Board Total energy generated from fuels 2,172,466 2,613,978 2,684,715 Third-party water 123,5 107,4 124,2
of Directors
Electricity (GJ) Total water collected 16.471,2 17.291,4 15.736,8
Electricity/Renewable Brazil 1,211,857 1,242,045 1,286,951 Collection in areas with water stress
Subtotal electricity consumed 1,211,857 1,242,045 1,286,951 Third-party water 123,5 107,4 124,2
Message from
the Superinten- TOTAL consumed energy (fuel + electricity) 3,384,323 3,856,023 3,971,667 Total water collected in areas with water stress 123,5 107,4 124,2
dent Director 1. All collected volume (100%) has a concentration of total dissolved solids equal to or less than 1,000 mg/l.
2. Data for 2020 and 2021 were updated based on the value measured in 2022, in order to ensure better accuracy of historical

Who we are
Organizational GRI 302-2 | Energy consumption outside of the organization
Governance and Energy consumption outside the company (GJ)
2020 2021 2022
Strategic pillars
Business model Total nd 4,670,945 26,954,248 GRI 303-4 | Water discharge
GRI 303-5 | Water consumption

Created and Discharge and consumption of water by CSN Mineração by source (megaliters)1
shared value
20203 20213 2022
and Resilience GRI 302-3 | Energy intensity Water discharges 2
8.496,0 7.008,0 6.503,9
management Water consumption 7.975,2 10.283,4 9.232,9
Indicators of energy intensity
Natural capital Discharge and consumption in areas with water stress
conservation Premise 2020 2021 2022
Surface water nd 2,1 99,4
It considers all the energy consumed
Energy consumption Total water discarded and consumed in areas with water stress nd 2,1 99,4
within the organization (Scope 1 +2)
(GJ) divided by ton of 0.166 0.142 0.164
and the total production of the Casa 1. The entire volume discarded (100%) has a concentration of total dissolved solids equal to or less than 1,000 mg/l.
ore produced
Annexes de Pedra unit. 2. 100% of the discharge occurs in surface sources.
3. Data for 2020 and 2021 were updated based on the value measured in 2022, in order to ensure better accuracy of historical data.


About this
report GRI 304-1 | Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and GRI 305-6 | Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)
areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas In 2022, the total emission of ozone-depleting substances was 0.17 tCFC-11eq.
Material themes
This indicator includes the units of CSN Mineração: Casa de Pedra and Mina do Engenho (Pires
Processing Complex) with 4,703 ha and the port operation TECAR with 688 thousand m².
Among the assessed units, 100% are close to or overlapping conservation units. The reporting
highlights of this indicator uses the National System of Conservation Units – SNUC as the main source of
information, in addition to state and municipal databases, when available. GRI 305-7 | Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other significant air
Message The following operations are located within a radius of up to 5 km from conservation units or SASB EM-MM-120a.1 | Air emissions of the following pollutants: (1) CO, (2) NOx
from the Board
areas of high biodiversity value: (excluding N2O), (3) SOx, (4) particulate matter (PM10), (5) mercury (Hg), (6) lead (Pb),
of Directors
• Port Operation (TECAR) and (7) volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
• Casa de Pedra
Air Quality Monitoring Mining Segment (PM10 annual averages in µg/m3)
• Mina do Engenho
Message from
the Superinten- Air Quality
2020 2021 2022
dent Director Index
CSN Mineração - Novo Plataforma 26.3 29.0 32.6 Good
GRI 304-3 | Habitats protected or restored CSN Mineração - Basílica 26.3 29.9 26.7 Good
Who we are CSN Mineração - EMMA 1 - Bairro Plataforma 35.0 35.0 36.0 Good
Type of preserved area CSN Mineração - Bairro Casa de Pedra 25.0 27.0 28.0 Good
Area (ha) Total area (ha) State CSN Mineração - Bairro Cristo Rei 27.0 29.0 28.0 Good
Governance and
management Permanent Preservation Area (APP) 1061.7 CSN Mineração - Bairro Esmeril 24.0 24.0 25.0 Good
Strategic pillars Legal Reserve (LR) 2,610.16 TECAR - Vila Califórnia 28.1 23.7 25.5 Good
Business model
9,465,43 Minas Gerais
Other areas with native vegetation 5237.3 TECAR - Vila Aparecida 30.0 24.6 25.3 Good
Recovery areas 1
556,27 TECAR - Brisamar 31.1 24.9 25.0 Good
Created and 1. The reported recovery areas are still in a state of development, or awaiting formal acceptance by the environmental agency. TECAR - Sítio Terezinha 29.9 24.8 27.2 Good
shared value 1. Monitoring carried out by CSN Mineração in compliance with Conama Resolution No. 491/2018 demonstrates the air quality
in the community surrounding the operations. The impact on the territory is also influenced by the dispersion of particulates
and Resilience GRI 304-4 | IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with from other projects and the municipality itself. Monitoring is carried out using Hi-vol devices, and the report is based on the
habitats in areas affected by operations annual averages of the PM10 parameter (particulate matter).
Natural capital Number of species identified in flora and fauna monitoring by level of extinction risk

Critically endangered 2 1
Annexes Endangered 11 0
Vulnerable 19 3
Near threatened 5 9
Safe or of little concern 430 487


About this
report GRI 305-1 | Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions SASB EM-MM-110a.1 | Gross global Scope 1 emissions, percentage
GRI 305-2 | Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions covered under emissions-limiting regulations
Material themes
GRI 305-3 | Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions

Gross GHG emissions (tCO2e) Scope 1 gross emissions by type of gas (tCO2e)
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022

Scope 1 156,115 183,437 208,487 CSN Mineração CSN Mineração CSN Mineração
from the Board Scope 2 0 0 0 CO2 146,500.38 173,326.97 198,658.67
of Directors Scope 3 40,269,240 42,948,338 48,882,721 PFCs 0 0 0
CH4 2,393.38 3,003.50 2,588.23
N 2O 2,374.27 2,512.95 2,610.57
Biogenic GHG emissions (tCO2e)
Message from HFCs 4,846.73 4,593.65 4,630.09
the Superinten- 2020 2021 2022
dent Director SF6 0 0 0
Scope 1 18,024.37 20,470.87 14,959.10 NF3 0 0 0
Scope 3 37,129.17 38,639.45 35,271.95 Total 156,114.76 183,437.05 208,487.56
Who we are % of emissions subject to some type of
100% 100% 100%
GRI 305-4 | GHG emissions intensity
Governance and
Strategic pillars Mining-related GHG emissions intensity indicators
SASB EM-MM-130a.1 | (1) Total energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity,
Business model 2020 2021 2022 (3) percentage renewable
Iron ore production (ton) 21,891,493.0 27,239,253.0 24,279,000.0
Created and Emission scopes 1 and 2 (kgCO2e) 1
155,499,452.0 179,245,076.0 192,436.8
Energy indicators
shared value Intensity of GHG emissions (kgCO2e/ton of ore
7,10 6,58 7.92
produced) 2020 2021 2022
and Resilience 1. Does not consider scope 1 emissions related to vegetation suppression. Total energy consumption (GJ) 3,384,323 3,856,023 3,971,667
management Consumption of renewable energy (GJ) 1,211,857 1,242,045 1,286,951
Natural capital % of renewable energy 35.8% 32.2% 32.4%
Consumption of electricity supplied by the
0 0 0%
network (GJ)
% of electricity from the grid 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%


GRI 306-3 | Waste generated

About this
report GRI 306-4 | Waste diverted from disposal
GRI 306-5 | Waste directed to disposal
Material themes

Waste generated and disposed of by CSN Mineração by type (tons)1 Waste diverted for final disposal by CSN Mineração per disposal method (tons)1
highlights 2020 2021 2022
2020 2021 2022
Contaminated waste 270.3 293.3 840.2
Message Coprocessing 952.9 1,099.6 1,495.5
Oily residue 1,599.5 1,486.3 1,796.3
from the Board E.ternal recycling 48.7 39.9 20.2
of Directors Other 62.6 438.8 66.4
Re-refine 893.3 894.0 1,091.2
Total hazardous waste 1,932.5 2,218.4 2,702.9
Total hazardous waste 1,894.9 2,033.5 2,606.9
Message from Recyclables 113.2 93.6 575.5
the Superinten- Co-processing 2.2 469.4 84.5
dent Director Oily residue 50.3 0.0 0.0
E.ternal recycling 5,950.1 6,283.1 11,227.8
Equipment scrap 194.3 332.0 265.7
Total non-hazardous waste 5,952.3 6,752.5 11,312.3
Scrap metal 5,127.0 2,240.0 6,429.4
Who we are Other 13,825.8 9,396.5 7,939.9
Organizational Total non-hazardous waste 19,310.6 12,062.1 15,210.5
Governance and
Strategic pillars Waste directed to final disposal by CSN Mineração per disposal method (tons)1
Business model All waste generated is destined for treatment and external disposal. There is no recovery of internal energy in the waste treatment
2020 2021 2022 and final disposal processes.

Created and Incineration 0.2 0.1 0.0
shared value
Wastewater treatment 60.6 184.0 87.7
and Resilience Other 0.1 0.2 0.0
Stakeholders Total hazardous waste 60.9 184.8 87.7
Natural capital
conservation Classes IIA and IIB Landfill 10,494.9 3,990.5 2,332.8
Incineration 16.6 0.0 0.0
Wastewater treatment 1,933.8 1,678.8 1,573.3
Annexes Other 0.0 24.3 44.9
Total non-hazardous waste 12,445.3 5,693.6 3,951.0


About this
report GRI 308-1 | New suppliers that were screened GRI 401-1 | New employee hires and employee turnover
using environmental criteria
Material themes
The registration of new suppliers considers their scope of action to define Hires and dismissals at CSN Mineraçãos1
the criteria by which they will be analyzed. Suppliers selected based on 2020 2021 2022
environmental criteria are those that work in activities that are directly Hires Dismissals Hires Dismissals Hires Dismissals
highlights related to issues of this nature and have gone through the CSN Group
By gender
registration process.
Men 480 799 1,404 874 986 1,196
In 2022, 100% of the new registered suppliers whose scope of action
Women 192 191 711 326 538 262
Message involves environmental aspects – that is, 169 suppliers – were selected
from the Board By age group
based on these criteria.
of Directors
Less than 30 years old 456 454 1,205 561 126 35
Between 30 and 50 years 201 490 849 576 1,395 1,420
Over 50 years old 15 46 61 63 3 3
Message from
the Superinten- Assessment of environmental aspects when contracting suppliers By region
dent Director Southeast 672 990 2,115 1,200 1,524 1,458
2021 2022
Total 672 990 2,115 1,200 1,524 1,458
Total contracted suppliers 1,228 1,171
Number of suppliers assessed with environmental 1. Considers effective employees in the CLT, Apprentice Program and Capacitar Program categories.
Who we are 158 169
Organizational Percentage of suppliers assessed with
profile 12.9% 14.4%
environmental criteria
Governance and
management CSN Mineração hiring and turnover rate1
Strategic pillars
2020 2021 2022
Business model
Hiring rate Turnover rate Hiring rate Turnover rate Hiring rate Turnover rate

GRI 414-1 | New suppliers that were screened using social criteria By gender
Created and
Men 8.4% 14.0% 23.3% 14.4% 16.4% 19.9%
shared value
Assessment of social aspects when contracting suppliers Women 18.9% 19.9% 56.6% 24.9% 36.1% 18.0%
and Resilience
2021 2022 By age group
Stakeholders Less than 30 years old 20.9% 22.0% 51.6% 23.8% 39.3% 25.6%
management Total contracted suppliers 1,228 1,171
Between 30 and 50 years 5.1% 12.4% 19.9% 13.4% 12.2% 17.9%
Natural capital Number of suppliers assessed with social criteria 1,228 1,171
conservation Over 50 years old 2.4% 7.6% 8.9% 9.0% 6.8% 9.9%
Percentage of suppliers assessed with social criteria 100% 100%
By region
Southeast 10.0% 14.8% 29.1% 16.3% 20.3% 19.5%
Annexes Total 10.0% 14.8% 29.1% 16.3% 20.3% 19.5%
1. Considers effective employees in the CLT, Apprentice Program and Capacitar Program categories.
2. The hiring rate is calculated as the number of hires in the month over the effective headcount for the month. For annual data, monthly rates were summed.
3. The churn rate is calculated as the number of terminated in the month over the effective headcount for the month. For annual data, monthly rates were


About this
GRI 403-9 | Work-related injuries1
Material themes
Indicadores de saúde e seguranç CSN Mineração's health and safety indicators2
2020 2021 2022
Employees Third-parties Consolidated Employees Third-parties Consolidated Employees Third-parties Consolidated
Total man-hours worked 10,988,422 7,057,793 18,046,215 11,880,492 8,528,265 20,408,757 12,435,839 9,121,021 21,556,860
Number of mandatory reporting accidents at work 14 7 21 18 22 40 18 10 28
Message Number of accidents at work with serious consequences (except deaths) 2 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 1
from the Board
of Directors Number of deaths resulting from accidents at work 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total number of days lost and debited 851 364 1,215 746 449 1,195 845 543 1,388
Frequency rate of mandatory reporting accidents at work 3
0.25 0.20 0.23 0.30 0.52 0.39 0.29 0.22 0.26
Message from Frequency rate of accidents at work with serious consequences (except
the Superinten- 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01
dent Director
Frequencyrate of deaths resulting from accidents at work3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Accident severity rate3 15 10 13 13 11 12 14 12 13
Who we are 1. Types of accidents at work can include death, limb amputation, laceration, fracture, burns, among others. The greatest risks of high-consequence injuries are related to the critical activities mapped and addressed in the SSO Management Manual. Critical activities
include moving vehicles and mobile equipment, power blocking, electrical service, cargo handling, working at height, hot work, contact with moving parts, hazardous chemicals, confined space, flammable gases and liquids. The identification of health and safety risks is
Organizational carried out using internationally recognized qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies (NBR ISO 31000:2018) and appropriate for each situation.
2. Considers effective employees in the CLT, Apprentice Program and Capacitar Program categories and third parties.
Governance and 3. Rates calculated with the factor of 200,000 man-hours worked.
Strategic pillars
Business model
GRI 403-10 | Work-related ill health
Hazards to workers' health are identified and mitigated through audits and health and
Created and
safety risk management routines (learn more about these practices on page 68). There
shared value
was no record of any case of occupational disease at CSN Mineração in 2022. In the
and Resilience previous period, six cases of osteomolecular disorders had been registered in employees.
Natural capital



About this
report GRI 404-1 | Average hours of training per year per employee GRI 404-3 | Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career
development reviews
Material themes Average hours of training per employee at CSN Mineração1
2020 2021 2022 Percentage of CSN Mineração employees submitted to performance evaluation1
By gender
2022 2021 2022
highlights Men 16.8 21.2 28.7
By gender
Women 6.5 14.4 17.5
Men 86.6% 91.7%
By functional level
Message Women 77.8% 81.8%
Executive 0 10.5 1.2
from the Board By functional level
of Directors Leadership 1.9 10.3 15.8
Executive 0.0% 100%
Specialist 2.6 9.3 9.5
Leadership 96.5% 99.0%
Engineer 10.6 13.5 18.3
Specialist 95.2% 97.5%
Message from Higher level 4.4 8.2 11.1
the Superinten- Engineer 88.1% 96.7%
dent Director Technician 14.2 17.1 22.3
Higher level 89.6% 94.0%
Administrative 7.6 8.4 14.5
Technician 90.3% 94.4%
Operational 16.7 23.0 30.0
Administrative 85.9% 91.0%
Who we are Internship Program ND ND 50.4
Operational 84.6% 89.5%
Organizational Capacitar Program 1,028.1 19.2 33.2
Capacitar Program 54.5% 23.4%
Apprentice Program 0 2.8 0.6
Governance and Total 85.1% 89.9%
management Total 15.3 20.0 26.3
1. Considers effective employees in the CLT and Capacitar Program categories. The percentage is calculated as the total
Strategic pillars 1. Considers effective employees in the CLT, Apprentice Program, Capacitar Program, Internship Program and Trainee Program number of employees assessed in the year divided by the headcount on 12/31, which includes professionals who are
Business model categories. Average is calculated as total training hours delivered in the year divided by headcount on 12/31. not eligible for the performance assessment cycle.

Created and
shared value
and Resilience
Natural capital



About this
report GRI 405-1 | Diversity of governance bodies and employees
Material themes Diversidade étnico-racial por nível funciona CSN Mineração's ethnic-racial diversity
Gender diversity at CSN Mineração by functional level1
by functional level1
2021 2022
2022 Yellow White Indigenous Black Brown Not informed Yellow White Indigenous Black Brown Not informed
Executive 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Executive 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Leadership 1.4% 68.9% 0.0% 4.2% 24.9% 0.7% Leadership 1.0% 68.5% 0.0% 3.7% 26.5% 0.3%
Message Specialist 2.4% 83.3% 0.0% 0.0% 11.9% 2.4% Specialist 4.3% 76.1% 0.0% 2.2% 17.4% 0.0%
from the Board Engineer 0.3% 68.5% 0.0% 6.0% 24.2% 1.0% Engineer 1.2% 63.3% 0.0% 6.2% 28.2% 1.2%
of Directors
Higher level 3.0% 72.3% 0.5% 4.0% 18.3% 2.0% Higher level 2.4% 73.2% 0.5% 5.4% 16.1% 2.4%
Technician 3.0% 53.8% 0.3% 9.2% 33.3% 0.4% Technician 3.1% 50.6% 0.4% 9.7% 35.6% 0.7%
Message from Administrative 4.0% 48.5% 0.0% 8.1% 35.4% 4.0% Administrative 3.1% 45.9% 0.0% 9.2% 38.8% 3.1%
the Superinten-
Operational 2.6% 33.4% 0.4% 13.1% 48.3% 2.2% Operational 2.6% 32.9% 0.4% 13.6% 48.7% 1.9%
dent Director
Capacitar Program 0.8% 28.9% 0.0% 19.0% 49.4% 2.0% Capacitar Program 2.1% 26.3% 0.0% 21.0% 49.8% 0.8%
Apprentice Program 2.2% 26.7% 0.0% 17.8% 53.3% 0.0% Apprentice Program 1.9% 35.0% 0.0% 18.4% 44.7% 0.0%
Who we are Total 2.5% 41.7% 0.3% 11.5% 42.2% 1.7% Total 2.5% 40.4% 0.3% 12.1% 43.1% 1.5%
Organizational 1. Considers effective employees hired in the CLT, Apprentice Program and Capacitar Program categories on the base date 1. Considers effective employees hired in the CLT, Apprentice Program and Capacitar Program categories on the base date
profile of 12/31 of each year. of 12/31 of each year.
Governance and
Strategic pillars
Business model CSN Mineração's age group diversity by functional level1
2020 2021 2022
Men Women Men Women Men Women
Created and
shared value Executive 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
Consolidation Leadership 90.4% 9.6% 89.6% 10.4% 88.6% 11.4%
and Resilience
Specialist 62.8% 37.2% 66.7% 33.3% 60.9% 39.1%
management Engineer 83.8% 16.2% 82.8% 17.2% 78.9% 21.1%
Natural capital
conservation Higher level 39.0% 61.0% 42.6% 57.4% 42.9% 57.1%
Technician 80.0% 20.0% 80.0% 20.0% 85.6% 14.4%
Administrative 53.0% 47.0% 56.6% 43.4% 53.1% 46.9%
Annexes Operational 90.8% 9.2% 89.0% 11.0% 83.8% 16.2%
Capacitar Program 0.0% 100.0% 9.1% 90.9% 10.7% 89.3%
Apprentice Program 50.0% 50.0% 46.7% 53.3% 38.8% 61.2%
Total 85.7% 14.3% 82.2% 17.8% 78.9% 21.1%
1. Considers effective employees hired in the CLT, Apprentice Program and Capacitar Program categories on the base date
of 12/31 of each year.


GRI 405-1 | Diversity of governance bodies and employees

About this CSN Mineração's age group diversity by functional level1

2020 2021 2022
Material themes
Between 30 Less than Between 30 Less than 30 Between 30
Less than 30 years old Over 50 years old Over 50 years old Over 50 years old
and 50 years 30 years old and 50 years years old and 50 years
Executive 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
highlights Leadership 2.9% 80.0% 17.1% 2.1% 78.9% 19.0% 3.4% 77.5% 19.1%
Specialist 4.7% 74.4% 20.9% 0.0% 81.0% 19.0% 4.3% 76.1% 19.6%
Engineer 12.1% 82.2% 5.7% 13.2% 82.1% 4.6% 10.9% 82.4% 6.7%
Higher level 17.5% 75.0% 7.5% 16.3% 75.7% 7.9% 14.6% 77.6% 7.8%
from the Board
of Directors Technician 28.1% 65.5% 6.4% 26.3% 67.2% 6.4% 22.3% 70.6% 7.1%
Administrative 39.0% 52.0% 9.0% 34.3% 57.6% 8.1% 34.7% 56.1% 9.2%
Operational 33.4% 56.0% 10.6% 33.3% 55.4% 11.3% 34.0% 53.6% 12.4%
Message from
the Superinten- Capacitar Program 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 72.3% 27.7% 0.0% 77.4% 22.6% 0.0%
dent Director Apprentice Program 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Total 29.8% 60.5% 9.7% 30.9% 59.3% 9.8% 32.0% 57.4% 10.6%
1. Considers effective employees hired in the CLT, Apprentice Program and Capacitar Program categories on the base date of 12/31 of each year.
Who we are
Organizational GRI 411-1 | Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples
GRI 405-2 | Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men There is no record of violation of the rights of indigenous people in
Governance and
management CSN Mineração's operations. The Company fully complies with Brazilian
Ratio between the average salary of women and men at CSN Mineração by functional level1
Strategic pillars legislation and the determinations of the National Foundation for
Business model 2020 2021 2022 Indigenous People (Funai) and the Brazilian Institute for the Environment
Leadership 117.7% 115.4% 116.5% and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama). None of the units directly or
Specialist 101.2% 91.7% 87.4% indirectly affects indigenous communities.
Created and
shared value Engineer 89.7% 84.5% 80.1%
GRI 412-1 | Operations that have been subject to human rights
Consolidation Higher level 82.6% 81.3% 86.0%
and Resilience reviews or impact assessments
Technician 83.2% 83.7% 90.5%
Stakeholders SASB EM-MM-210a.3 | Discussion of engagement processes and due
management Administrative 94.7% 89.9% 87.0% diligence practices with respect to human rights, indigenous rights,
Natural capital Operational 91.6% 89.3% 89.3%
conservation and operation in areas of conflict
Capacitar Program NA 100.0% 102.3% Currently, risk assessment related to human rights aspects is
Apprentice Program 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% incorporated into CSN Mineração's Compliance Program, covering
Consolidated 110.4% 91.3% 84.5% 100% of operations. Guided by the United Nations Guiding Principles
on Business and Human Rights, the Company has been improving its
1. Considers effective employees in the CLT, Apprentice Program and Capacitar Program categories. The calculation of this indicator does not consider factors
such as length of service, area of expertise and collective agreements applicable to specific categories, which is why it is possible to notice the occurrence of mechanisms for this type of assessment. In 2022, a pilot project on the
salary differences. The compensation of each function in the company is defined based on market research, following the Hay Group methodology, and does methodology of Due Diligence on Human Rights (DDDH) was started at
not consider gender as a criterion for defining compensation.
CSN Mineração (learn more on page 78). As of 2023, the methodology will
be implemented.


About this
report SASB EM-MM-000.A | Production of (1) metal ores and (2) finished metal products1 SASB EM-MM-150a.4 | Total weight of non-mineral waste generated
SASB EM-MM-150a.5 | Total weight of tailings produced
Material themes
Total iron ore production (tons) SASB EM-MM-150a.6 | Total weight of waste rock generated
2020 2021 2022 Indicators of mineral waste (tons)
2022 Total iron ore production (tons) 21,891,493 27,239,252 24,279,000
2020 2021 2022
highlights 1. CSN Mineração does not produce finished metallic products, it only produces iron ore.
Total de rejeito gerado 5,870,789 4,486,492 4,416,484
Total de estéril gerado 22,532,916 26,095,919 32,503,000
Message Total de resíduos não minerais gerados 28,403,705 30,582,411 36,919,484
from the Board
of Directors
SASB EM-MM-000.B | Total number of employees, percentage contractors

Message from
the Superinten- 2020 2021 2022 SASB EM-MM-150a.7 | Total weight of hazardous waste generated
dent Director A. Direct employees 6,519 7,477 7,572 SASB EM-MM-150a.8 | Total weight of hazardous waste recycled
B. Third parties 3,462 3,828 2,266
% representativeness of third parties over Hazardous waste indicators (tons)
53.1% 51.2% 29.9%
Who we are employees (B/A)
2020 2021 2022
Organizational Volume of hazardous waste generated 1,956 2,218 2,695
Governance and Volume of hazardous waste destined for treatment 1
1,895 2,033 2,607
1. Considers the total waste destined for co-processing, recycling and re-refining.
Strategic pillars SASB EM-MM-140a.1 | (1) Total fresh water withdrawn, (2) total fresh water consumed,
Business model percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress

SASB EM-MM-150a.9 | Number of significant incidents associated with hazardous materials

Created and Water indicators 1
and waste management
shared value
2020 2021 2022
There is no record in CSN Mineração's operations of any significant incident related to the
and Resilience management of hazardous materials and waste.
Total withdrawal of fresh water (thousand cubic meters) 16,471.2 17,291.4 15,736.8
management Withdrawal of fresh water in areas with water stress
123.5 107.4 124.2 SASB EM-MM-160a.2 | Percentage of mine sites where acid rock drainage is: (1) predicted to
(thousand cubic meters)
Natural capital
conservation % withdrawal in areas with water stress 0.7% 0.6% 0.8% occur, (2) actively mitigated, and (3) under treatment or remediation
Total water consumption 7,975.2 10,283.4 9,232.9 There is no risk of acid drainage in CSN Mineração's operations.
Water consumption in areas with water stress ND 105.3 24.0
Annexes % consumption in areas with water stress ND 1.0% 0.3%
1. The Casa de Pedra and Pires mines are presented on the platforms as an area of medium risk in relation to water stress in the
basin, however, considering water as an essential resource in its mining production process, the Company, in a preventive way ,
considers this unit a priority in the management of water resources and defines its management strategically so that the water
resource is used efficiently and with high criticality.


SASB EM-MM-160a.3 | Percentage of (1) proved and (2) probable reserves in or near sites SASB EM-MM-210a.1 | Percentage of (1) proved and (2) probable reserves in or near areas of
About this
report with protected conservation status or endangered species habitat conflict
CSN Mineração's Casa de Pedra unit is located close (within a 5 km radius) to the Parque CSN Mineração's units are not located in or close to areas of active conflict. The reporting of this
Material themes
Natural Municipal Cachoeira de Santo Antônio, a fully protected conservation unit. Additionally, indicator uses the official definitions of the Upssala Conflict Data Program (UCDP): "A conflict, both
CSN Mineração has mineral resources that have not yet been subject to a study of long-term state-based and non-state, is deemed to be active if there are at least 25 battle-related deaths per
reserves (probable reserves), which in the future may also meet the requirements of the SASB calendar year in one of the conflict’s dyads."
highlights indicator due to potential overlapping or proximity to areas with protected conservation status.
SASB EM-MM-210a.2 | Percentage of (1) proved and (2) probable reserves in or near
indigenous land
Message The reporting of this indicator uses the official data available on the website of the National
from the Board CSN Mineração reserves in 2022
Foundation for Indigenous Peoples as a source of information.
of Directors
Total volume of mineral reserves (millions of tons) in or near sites with protected SASB EM-MM-210b.2 | Number and duration of non-technical delays
conservation status or habitat of endangered species.
There were no delays for non-technical reasons in CSN Mineração's operations in 2022.
Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director SASB EM-MM-310a.2 | Number and duration of strikes and lockouts
There were no significant strikes or blockades (involving at least one thousand workers and lasting
at least 1 day) in the last three years at any of CSN Mineração's units.
Who we are
Governance and
Strategic pillars SASB EM-MM-320a.1 | (1) MSHA all-incidence rate, (2) fatality rate, (3) near miss frequency rate (NMFR) and (4) average hours of health, safety, and emergency
Business model response training for (a) full-time employees and (b) contract employees

Health and safety indicators according to CSN Mineração's OSHA standard

Created and
shared value 2020 2021 2022

Consolidation Employees Third-parties Employees Third-parties Employees Third-parties

and Resilience
Number of recordable incidents in mines 14 7 18 22 18 10
management Number of fatal accidents 0 0 0 0 0 0
Natural capital Number of near misses (near miss) registered 4,940 49 5,981 405 9,056 1,638
Number of hours of health, safety and emergency preparedness training 72,743 nd 110,552 nd 11,8840,75 nd
Number of workers at the end of the period 6,681 3,262 7,744 3,533 7,686 4,072
Number of man-hours worked 10,988,422 7,057,793 11,880,492 8,528,265 12,435,839 9,121,021
Recordable incident frequency rate in mines1 0,25 0,20 0,30 0,52 0,29 0,22
Fatal accident frequency rate 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Near miss frequency rate (near miss)1 89,91 1,39 100,69 9,50 145,64 35,92
Average hours of health, safety and emergency preparedness training 11,15 nd 14,79 nd 15,44 nd
1. Rates calculated by 200,000 man-hours worked.


About this
report SASB EM-MM-510a.1 | Description of the management system for prevention of corruption SASB EM-MM-510a.2 | Production in countries that have the 20 lowest rankings in
and bribery throughout the value chain Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index
Material themes
The Compliance Program is in line with the main market references and frameworks, including CSN Mineração operations only take place in Brazil, which occupies the 96th position (out of 180)
the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) Standards, the Organization for Economic in the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index ranking.
Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guidelines, the Rules of Conduct and Recommendations
highlights to Combat Extortion and Bribery of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the Business
Principles for Combating Bribery of Transparency International (TI), the UN Global Compact
Principles (Principle 10) and the Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) of the World
Message Economic Forum. For more information about the practices covered by the Program, see page 30
from the Board
of Directors

Message from
the Superinten-
dent Director

SASB EM-MM-540a.1 | Tailings storage facility inventory table: (1) facility name, (2) location, (3) ownership status, (4) operational status, (5) construction method, (6)
Who we are maximum permitted storage capacity, (7) current amount of tailings stored, (8) consequence classification, (9) date of most recent independent technical review, (10)
Organizational material findings, (11) mitigation measures, (12) site-specific EPRP
Governance and
management Identification and location1
Strategic pillars
Material Existence
Business model Maximum allowed Current amount Structure Date of most recent conclusions of of a specific
Operational status Construction method storage capacity of tailings stored consequence independent technical the inspection emergency
(thousand m3) (thousand m3) classification inspection and mitigation preparedness and
measures response plan
Created and
Barragem Casa de Pedra (MG) Inactive Downstream method 70.000,0 65.374,8 Low September 2022 None Yes
shared value
Barragem B4 (MG) Inactive (under characterization) Amount method 13.001,8 13.001,8 Significant September 2022 None Yes
and Resilience Barragem do Vigia (MG) Inactive (under characterization) Amount method 812,9 812,9 Significant September 2022 None Yes
Stakeholders 1. All dams are operated by CSN Mineração. There are 5 tailings piles at CSN Mineração that do not fit into the dam category.
Natural capital



About this
report GRI content index
Material themes

Statement of use | CSN Mineração S.A. has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards
for the period of January 1st to December 31st, 2022.
2022 GRI 1 used | GRI 1: Foundation 2021
highlights Applicable GRI Sector Standard(s) | Not applicable

Message GRI Standard/Other Requirement(s)

from the Board Disclosure Page Reason Explanation UNCTAD Global Compact SDG
source ommited
of Directors

2-1 | Organizational details 19, 23 and 25 - - - - - -

Message from 2-2 | Entities included in the organization’s sustainability
the Superinten- 4 - - - - - -
dent Director reporting
2-3 | Reporting period, frequency and contact point 3 and 4 - - - - - -
2-4 | Restatements of information 107 - - - - - -
Who we are
2-5 | External assurance 4, 132, 133 and 134 - - - - - -
profile 2-6 | Activities, value chain and other business relationships 19, 20, 49, 51, 73 and 74 - - - - - -
Governance and
management 2-7 | Employees 58, 67 and 107 - - - - 6 8 and 10
Strategic pillars
2-8 | Workers who are not employees 107 - - - - 6 8 and 10
Business model
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
2-9 | Governance structure and composition 26 - - - - 16
GRI 2 | General 9 and 10"
Created and Disclosures 2021
2-10 | Nomination and selection of the highest governance "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
shared value 26 - - - - 5 and 16
body 9 and 10"
and Resilience "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
2-11 | Chair of the highest governance body 26 - - - - 16
Stakeholders 9 and 10"
2-12 | Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
Natural capital 26, 27, 28, 35 and 36 - - - - 16
conservation management of impacts 9 and 10"
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
2-13 | Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts 26, 27 and 28 - - - - 16
9 and 10"
Annexes 2-14 | Role of the highest governance body in sustainability "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
3 and 4 - - - - 16
reporting 9 and 10"
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
2-15 | Conflicts of interest 34 - - - - 16
9 and 10"


About this GRI Standard/Other Requirement(s)

Disclosure Page Reason Explanation UNCTAD Global Compact SDG
report source ommited
Material themes Conteúdos gerais
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
2-16 | Communication of critical concerns 35 and 36 - - - - 16
9 and 10"
highlights "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
2-17 | Collective knowledge of the highest governance body 29 - - - - 16
9 and 10"
2-18 | Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
29 - - - - 16
Message body 9 and 10"
from the Board
of Directors "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
2-19 | Remuneration policies 29 - - - - 16
9 and 10"
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
2-20 | Process to determine remuneration 29 - - - - 16
Message from 9 and 10"
the Superinten-
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
dent Director GRI 2 | Conteúdos 2-21 | Annual total compensation ratio 107 - - - - 16
9 and 10"
gerais 2021
2-22 | Statement on sustainable development strategy 14, 15, 16 and 17 - - - - - -
Who we are 2-23 | Policy commitments 30, 39 and 40 - - - - 10 16
Organizational 2-24 | Embedding policy commitments 30, 39 and 40 - - - - 10 16
Governance and 2-25 | Processes to remediate negative impacts 31, 32 and 41 - - - - - -
Strategic pillars 2-26 | Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns 31, 32 and 108 - - - - 10 16
Business model
2-27 | Compliance with laws and regulations 108 - - - - 10 16
2-28 | Membership associations 108 - - - - - 16
Created and
2-29 | Approach to stakeholder engagement 5 and 108 - - - - - 17
shared value
Consolidation 2-30 | Collective bargaining agreements 63 - - - - 3 8
and Resilience
Natural capital



About this GRI Standard/Other Requirement(s)

Disclosure Page Reason Explanation UNCTAD Global Compact SDG
report source ommited
Material themes Material themes
GRI 3 | Material
3-1 | Process to determine material topics 5 - - - - - -
Topics 2021
highlights 3-2 | List of material topics 6 - - - - - -

Material topic | Safety and de-characterization of dams

GRI 3 | Material 39, 40, 43, 48, 81, 82
Message 3-3 | Management of material topics - - - - - -
from the Board Topics 2021 and 83
of Directors
Material topic | Labor health and safety
GRI 3 | Material 39, 40, 43, 48, 68, 69,
403-1 | Occupational health and safety management system - - - - - -
Topics 2021 70, 71 and 7
Message from
the Superinten- 403-2 | Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident
dent Director 68 - - - - - 8
403-3 | Occupational health services 69, 70 and 71 - - - - 3, 4, 5 and 6 3 and 8

Who we are 403-4 | Worker participation, consultation, and communication

72 - - - - 3, 4, 5 and 6 3 and 8
on occupational health and safety
profile 403-5 | Worker training on occupational health and safety 69, 70 and 71 - - - - 3, 4, 5 and 6 3 and 8
Governance and GRI 403 |
management Occupational health 403-6 | Promotion of worker health 69, 70 and 71 - - - - 3, 4, 5 and 6 3 and 8
Strategic pillars and safety 2018
403-7 | Prevention and mitigation of occupational health
Business model 72 - - - - 3, 4, 5 and 6 3 and 8
and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships
403-8 | Workers covered by an occupational health and safety
68 - - - - 3, 4, 5 and 6 3 and 8
Created and management system
shared value
403-9 | Work-related injuries 68 - - - - 3, 4, 5 and 6 3 and 8
and Resilience 403-10 | Work-related ill health 71 and 115 - - - - 3, 4, 5 and 6 3 and 8
Natural capital



About this GRI Standard/Other Requirement(s)

Disclosure Page Reason Explanation UNCTAD Global Compact SDG
report source ommited
Material themes Material topic | Climate change
37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 48,
GRI 3 | Material
3-3 | Management of material topics 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, - - - - - -
Topics 2021
2022 90, 91, 92, 93 and 94
37, 38, 84, 85, 86, 87,
GRI 201 | Economic 201-2 | Financial implications and other risks and opportunities
88, 90, 91, 92, 93 and - - - - 7, 8 and 9 12 and 13
performance 2016 due to climate change
from the Board 3, 7, 11,
of Directors 302-1 | Energy consumption within the organization 110 - - - B.5.1 7, 8 and 9
13 and 17
3, 7, 11,
302-2 | Energy consumption outside of the organization 110 - - - - 7, 8 and 9
GRI 302 | Energy 13 and 17
Message from
the Superinten- 2016 3, 7, 11,
302-3 | Energy intensity 89 and 110 - - - - 7, 8 and 9
dent Director 13 and 17
3, 7, 11,
302-4 | Reduction of energy consumption 84, 86, 87 and 88 - - - - 7, 8 and 9
13 and 17
Who we are
305-1 | Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions 112 - - - B.3.1 7, 8 and 9 12, 13, 14 and 15
profile 305-2 | Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions 112 - - - B.3.2 7, 8 and 9 12, 13, 14 and 15
Governance and GRI 305 | Emissions
management 305-3 | Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions 112 - - - - 7, 8 and 9 12, 13, 14 and 15
Strategic pillars
305-4 | GHG emissions intensity 89 and 112 - - - - 7, 8 and 9 12, 13, 14 and 15
Business model
305-5 | Reduction of GHG emissions 84, 86, 87 and 88 - - - - 7, 8 and 9 12, 13, 14 and 15

Material topic | Biodiversity

Created and
shared value GRI 3 | Material 39, 40, 43, 48, 96, 97,
3-3 | Management of material topics - - - - - -
Consolidation Topics 2021 98, 99, 100 and 101
and Resilience
304-1 | Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or
management adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity 111 - - - - 7, 8 and 9 3, 15 and 17
value outside protected areas
Natural capital
GRI 304 | Biodiversity 304-2 | Significant impacts of activities, products, and services 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 and
- - - - 7, 8 and 9 3, 15 and 17
2016 on biodiversity 101
304-3 | Habitats protected or restored 97 and 111 - - - - 7, 8 and 9 3, 15 and 17
304-4 | IUCN Red List species and national conservation list
111 - - - - 7, 8 and 9 3, 15 and 17
species with habitats in areas affected by operations


About this GRI Standard/Other Requirement(s)

Disclosure Page Reason Explanation UNCTAD Global Compact SDG
report source ommited
Material themes Material topic | Innovation and technology
GRI 3 | Material 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46,
3-3 | Management of material topics - - - - - -
Topics 2021 47 and 48
highlights Material topic | Waste management, responsible use and circular economy
GRI 3 | Material
3-3 | Management of material topics 39, 40, 48, 104 and 105 - - - - - -
Topics 2021
from the Board 306-1 | Waste generation and significant waste-related
104 and 105 - - - - 7, 8 and 9 3, 11, 12 and 17
of Directors impacts
306-2 | Management of significant waste-related impacts 104 and 105 - - - - 7, 8 and 9 3, 11, 12 and 17
GRI 306 | Waste
Message from 2020 306-3 | Waste generated 105 and 113 - - - 7, 8 and 9 3, 11, 12 and 17
the Superinten-
dent Director 306-4 | Waste diverted from disposal 105 and 115 - - - B.2.2 7, 8 and 9 3, 11, 12 and 17
306-5 | Waste directed to disposal 105 and 113 - - - - 7, 8 and 9 3, 11, 12 and 17

Who we are Material topic | Governance, ethics and transparency

Organizational 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
profile GRI 3 | Material
3-3 | Management of material topics 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, - - - - - -
Governance and Topics 2021
40, 43, 48, 56 and 57
Strategic pillars 205-1 | Operations assessed for risks related to corruption 33 - - - - 10 16
Business model
GRI 205 | Anti- 205-2 | Communication and training about anti-corruption
31 and 109 - - - - 10 16
corruption 2016 policies and procedures

Created and 205-3 | Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken 32 - - - - 10 16

shared value
207-1 | Approach to tax 56 and 57 - - - - - 1, 10 and 17
and Resilience 207-2 | Tax governance, control, and risk management 56 and 57 - - - - - 1, 10 and 17
Stakeholders GRI 207 | Tax 2019
management 207-3 | Stakeholder engagement and management
56 and 57 - - - - - 1, 10 and 17
Natural capital of concerns related to tax
207-4 | Country-by-country reporting 57 and 109 - - - - - 1, 10 and 17
GRI 408 | Child labor 408-1 | Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents
73 - - - - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 5, 8 and 16
2016 of child labor
GRI 409 | Forced or
409-1 | Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents
compulsory labor 73 - - - - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 5, 8 and 16
of forced or compulsory labor


About this GRI Standard/Other Requirement(s)

Disclosure Page Reason Explanation UNCTAD Global Compact SDG
report source ommited
Material themes Material topic | Local communities
GRI 3 | Material 39, 40, 43, 48, 75, 76,
3-3 | Management of material topics - - - - - -
Topics 2021 77, 78, 79 and 80
highlights GRI 203 | Indirect
economic impacts 203-1 | Infrastructure investments and services supported 75 and 77 - - - - 8 and 10 9
Message GRI 411 | Rights of
from the Board 411-1 | Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous
indigenous peoples 118 - - - - - 1 and 2
of Directors peoples
412-1 | Operations that have been subject to human
GRI 412 | Human 78 and 118 - - - - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 5, 8 and 16
rights reviews or impact assessments
Message from rights assessment
the Superinten- 2016 412-2 | Employee training on human rights policies
62 - - - - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 5, 8 and 16
dent Director or procedures
413-1 | Operations with local community engagement,
75, 76, 77 and 78 - - - - - 1, 2, 4, 5 and 10
GRI 413 | Local impact assessments, and development programs
Who we are communities 2016 413-2 | Operations with significant actual and potential
Organizational 78, 79 and 80 - - - - - 1, 2, 4, 5 and 10
negative impacts on local communities
Governance and Material topic | Diversity and inclusion
Strategic pillars GRI 3 | Material 39, 40, 43, 48, 64, 65,
3-3 | Management of material topics - - - - - -
Business model Topics 2021 66 and 67

GRI 405 | Diversity 405-1 | Diversity of governance bodies and employees 26, 65, 67, 117 and 118 - - - - 6 5 and 10
and equal 405-2 | Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women
Created and 118 - - - - 6 5 and 10
shared value opportunity 2016 to men
Consolidation GRI 406 | Non-
and Resilience 406-1 | Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken 32 - - - - 6 5 and 10
discrimination 2016
Natural capital



About this GRI Standard/Other Requirement(s)

Disclosure Page Reason Explanation UNCTAD Global Compact SDG
report source ommited
Material themes Material topic | Efficient water use and effluent management practices
GRI 3 | Material 39, 40, 43, 48, 102 and
3-3 | Management of material topics - - - - - -
Topics 2021 103
highlights 303-1 | Interactions with water as a shared resource 102 and 103 - - - - 7, 8 and 9 3, 6, 11, 14 and 17
303-2 | Management of water discharge-related impacts 102 and 103 - - - - 7, 8 and 9 3, 6, 11, 14 and 17
GRI 303 | Water and 303-3 | Water withdrawal 102 and 110 - - - - 7, 8 and 9 3, 6, 11, 14 and 17
from the Board effluents 2018
303-4 | Water discharge 110 - - - - 7, 8 and 9 3, 6, 11, 14 and 17
of Directors
303-5 | Water consumption 110 - - - 7, 8 and 9 3, 6, 11, 14 and 17

Message from Material topic | Supplier management

the Superinten-
dent Director GRI 3 | Material 39, 40, 43, 48, 73 and
3-3 | Management of material topics - - - - - -
Topics 2021 74
GRI 308 | Supplier
308-1 | New suppliers that were screened using environmental
Who we are environmental 73, 74 and 114 - - - - 7, 8 and 9 17
assessment 2016
profile GRI 414 | Supplier
Governance and social assessment 414-1 | New suppliers that were screened using social criteria 73, 74 and 114 - - - - - -
Strategic pillars
Business model Material topic | Staff management
GRI 3 | Material 39, 40, 43, 48, 58, 59,
3-3 | Management of material topics - - - - - -
Topics 2021 60, 61, 62 and 63
Created and
shared value GRI 401 |
401-1 | New employee hires and employee turnover 114 - - - - 1, 2 and 3 8
Consolidation Employment 2016
and Resilience
404-1 | Average hours of training per year per employee 61, 62 and 116 - - - - - -
Stakeholders GRI 404 | Training
management 404-3 | Percentage of employees receiving regular
and education 2016 60 and 116 - - - - - -
Natural capital performance and career development reviews



About this GRI Standard/Other Requirement(s)

Disclosure Page Reason Explanation UNCTAD Global Compact SDG
report source ommited
Material themes Additional disclosures - not included in the materiality, but kept in the report for transparency and comparability
GRI 201 | Economic
201-1 | Direct economic value generated and distributed 55 - - - - 8 and 10 1 and 8
performance 2016
highlights GRI 202 | Market 202-1 | Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender
108 - - - - 6 1, 5 and 8
presence 2016 compared to local minimum wage
GRI 204 |
Message Procurement 204-1 | Proportion of spending on local suppliers 73 and 108 - - - - - -
from the Board practices 2016
of Directors
GRI 206 | Anti-
206-1 | Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust,
competitive behavior 108 - - - - 10 16
and monopoly practices
Message from
the Superinten- GRI 301 | Materials
301-1 | Materials used by weight or volume 109 - - - - 7, 8 and 9 3, 11, 12 and 17
dent Director 2016
3, 12, 13, 14 and
305-6 | Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) 111 - - - - 7, 8 and 9
GRI 305 | Emissions 15
Who we are 2016 305-7 | Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other 3, 12, 13, 14 and
Organizational 95 and 111 - - - - 7, 8 and 9
significant air emissions 15
Governance and GRI 401 | 401-2 | Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not
management 63 - - - - - 3, 5 and 8
Employment 2016 provided to temporary or part-time employees
Strategic pillars
Business model
GRI 407 | Freedom
of association and 407-1 | Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom
73 - - - - 3 -
collective bargaining of association and collective bargaining may be at risk
Created and 2016
shared value
and Resilience
Natural capital



About this
Material themes
SASB Metals & Mining 2021 content index
highlights SASB topic SASB code Metrics requested by SASB Page

EM-MM-110a.1 Gross global Scope 1 emissions, percentage covered under emissions-limiting regulations 112
Greenhouse gas emissions Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an 84, 85, 86,
Message EM-MM-110a.2
from the Board analysis of performance against those targets 87 and 88
of Directors
Air emissions of the following pollutants: (1) CO, (2) NOx (excluding N2O), (3) SOx, (4) particulate matter (PM10), (5) mercury (Hg),
Air quality EM-MM-120a.1 95 and 111
(6) lead (Pb), and (7) volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

Message from Energy management EM-MM-130a.1 (1) Total energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity, (3) percentage renewable 112
the Superinten- (1) Total fresh water withdrawn, (2) total fresh water consumed, percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High
dent Director EM-MM-140a.1 102 and 119
Water management Baseline Water Stress
EM-MM-140a.2 Number of incidents of non-compliance associated with water quality permits, standards, and regulations 108
Who we are EM-MM-150a.4 Total weight of non-mineral waste generated 105 and 119
Organizational EM-MM-150a.5 Total weight of tailings produced 104 and 119
Governance and EM-MM-150a.6 Total weight of waste rock generated 104 and 119
Waste & hazardous materials
Strategic pillars EM-MM-150a.7 Total weight of hazardous waste generated 105 and 119
Business model EM-MM-150a.8 Total weight of hazardous waste recycled 119
EM-MM-150a.9 Number of significant incidents associated with hazardous materials and waste management 119
Created and EM-MM-150a.10 Description of waste and hazardous materials management policies and procedures for active and inactive operations 104 and 105
shared value
96, 97, 98,
and Resilience EM-MM-160a.1 Description of environmental management policies and practices for active sites 99, 100 and
Stakeholders 101
Biodiversity impacts Percentage of mine sites where acid rock drainage is: (1) predicted to occur, (2) actively mitigated, and (3) under treatment or
Natural capital EM-MM-160a.2 119
conservation remediation
Percentage of (1) proved and (2) probable reserves in or near sites with protected conservation status or endangered species
EM-MM-160a.3 120
Annexes EM-MM-210a.1 Percentage of (1) proved and (2) probable reserves in or near areas of conflict 120
Security, human rights & rights of EM-MM-210a.2 Percentage of (1) proved and (2) probable reserves in or near indigenous land 120
indigenous peoples
Discussion of engagement processes and due diligence practices with respect to human rights, indigenous rights, and
EM-MM-210a.3 118
operation in areas of conflict


About this Tópico SASB Código SASB Métricas solicitadas pelo SASB Página
Material themes 78, 79 and
EM-MM-210b.1 Discussion of process to manage risks and opportunities associated with community rights and interests
Community relations 90
EM-MM-210b.2 Number and duration of non-technical delays 120
highlights EM-MM-310a.1 Percentage of active workforce covered under collective bargaining agreements, broken down by U.S. and foreign employees 63
Labor relatons
EM-MM-310a.2 Number and duration of strikes and lockouts 120
(1) MSHA all-incidence rate, (2) fatality rate, (3) near miss frequency rate (NMFR) and (4) average hours of health, safety, and
Message Workforce health & safety EM-MM-320a.1 120
from the Board emergency response training for (a) full-time employees and (b) contract employees
of Directors 30, 31, 32,
EM-MM-510a.1 Description of the management system for prevention of corruption and bribery throughout the value chain
Business ethics & transparency 33 and 121
EM-MM-510a.2 Production in countries that have the 20 lowest rankings in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index 121
Message from
the Superinten- Tailings storage facility inventory table: (1) facility name, (2) location, (3) ownership status, (4) operational status, (5) construction
dent Director EM-MM-540a.1 method, (6) maximum permitted storage capacity, (7) current amount of tailings stored, (8) consequence classification, (9) date 121
of most recent independent technical review, (10) material findings, (11) mitigation measures, (12) site-specific EPRP
Tailings dtorage facilities
management Summary of tailings management systems and governance structure used to monitor and maintain the stability of tailings 81, 82 and
Who we are storage facilities 83
Organizational EM-MM-540a.3 Approach to development of Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans (EPRPs) for tailings storage facilities 81 and 82
Governance and EM-MM-000.A Production of (1) metal ores and (2) finished metal products 119
management Activity metrics
Strategic pillars EM-MM-000.B Total number of employees, percentage contractors 119
Business model

Created and
shared value
and Resilience
Natural capital



About this
Material themes
Assurance report
highlights Independent auditor’s limited assurance report

from the Board To Board of Directors, the directors and other greenhouse gas emissions in 2022 have CMIN's management is also responsible (Assurance work other than audit and
of Directors
interested parties of the been prepared in accordance with the for the preparation and proper presentation review), issued by the Federal Accounting
CSN MINERAÇÃO S.A. guidelines of The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) of information related to greenhouse Council - CFC, which is equivalent to the
Protocol, ABNT NBR ISO 14064-3:2007, gas emissions, in accordance with the international standard ISAE 3000, issued by
Message from São Paulo – SP
the Superinten- and were verified by the independent specifications of the Brazilian greenhouse gas the International Federation of Accountants,
dent Director auditors of Bureau Veritas Certification program (GHG Protocol), with the ABNT NBR applicable to non-historical information.
Introduction Brasil (Bureau Veritas). ISO 14064-3:2007 standard and with the
internal controls determined to be necessary
Who we are These standards require compliance with
We have been hired by CSN Mineração S.A. to allow the preparation of this information
ethical requirements, including requirements
Organizational free of material distortion, regardless of
("CSN Mineração", "CMIN" or "Company")
CMIN’s management for independence and that the work be
Governance and for independent and limited assurance whether caused by fraud or error.
management responsibilities performed with the goal of obtaining limited
report on the information contained in its assurance that the information in the 2022
Strategic pillars
Integrated Report and Annexes for the year Integrated Report and Annexes, taken
Business model
ended December 31, 2022, prepared based CMIN's management is responsible for
preparing and presenting in an appropriate
Independent auditor’s together, is free from material misstatement.
on the guidelines of the Global Reporting
Created and manner the sustainability non-financial
Initiative ("GRI"), Standards version, and
shared value
in accordance with the basic conceptual information disclosed in the Integrated
Consolidation Report and Annexes 2022, using as a Our responsibility is to express a conclusion
and Resilience framework for Integrated Reporting,
Stakeholders elaborated by International Integrated reference the Standards for Sustainability on the information contained in the
Reporting Council (IIRC) and guidance Report of Global Reporting Initiative – GRI, Integrated Report and Annexes of 2022,
Natural capital
conservation issued by the Accounting Pronouncements and in accordance with internal controls based on the limited assurance work
Committee through CPC 09, approved by determined to be necessary to allow the conducted in accordance with the Ibracon
the Securities and Exchange Commission preparation of this information free of Technical Comunication (CT) 07/2012,
Annexes on December 9, 2020 through CVM material distortion, regardless of whether approved by the Federal Accounting Council
Resolution No. 14. Information related to caused by fraud or error. and prepared on the basis of NBC TO 3000

GRI 2-5


About this
Material themes

highlights A limited assurance work conducted in associated with the material sustainability d) The analysis of information and evidence sufficient and appropriate to support our
accordance wich the NBC TO 3000 (ISAE information disclosed in the Integrated from the SASB (Sustainability Accounting conclusion in the limited form.
3000) consists mainly in inquiries to the Report and Annexes 2022, in which Standards Board) indicators related to
from the Board management of CMIN and other CMIN’s material misstatements could exist. The material issues.
of Directors
Scope and limitations
professionals who are involved in the procedures included:
preparation of the information contained in
e) The evaluation of the sampled non-
the Integrated Report and Annexes of 2022, The procedures applied in a limited
Message from a) The planning of the work, considering financial indicators:
as well as in the review of the Verification assurance engagement are substantially
the Superinten- the materiality for the activities of CMIN,
dent Director stantement prepared by Bureau Veritas on less extensive than those applied in a
the relevance of the information disclosed,
greenhouse gas emissions, and also by the • understanding of calculation reasonable assurance engagement.
the volume of quantitative and qualitative
application of analytical procedures and methodologies and procedures for the Consequently, they do not enable to obtain
information and the operating systems
Who we are substantive tests, by sampling, to obtain compilation of indicators through interviews assurance that we are aware of all matters
and internal controls that served as the
Organizational evidence that allows us to conclude about with managers responsible for the that would be identified in a reasonable
profile basis for the preparation of the information
sustainability information. A limited assurance preparation of information; assurance engagement that is intended
Governance and contained in Integrated Report and Annexes
management engagement also requires the execution of • application of analytical procedures on to provide an opinion. Had we carried out
of 2022 of CMIN;
Strategic pillars
additional procedures when the independent quantitative information and inquiries about reasonable assurance work, we could
Business model
auditor becomes aware of matters that lead qualitative information and its correlation have identified other matters and possible
him or her to believe that the information in b) Understanding and analyze the with the indicators disclosed in the distortions that may exist in the information
Created and the Integrated Report and Annexes of 2022 information disclosed in relation to the form Integrated Report and Annexes of 2022; contained in the Integrated Report and
shared value may present material misstatements. of management of material aspects; anexes of 2022.
• analysis of evidence supporting the
Consolidation information disclosed;
and Resilience
Stakeholders The procedures selected were based c) The analysis of the processes for the
on an understanding of the aspects preparation of the Integrated Report and
Natural capital
f) The cofrontation of indicators of a financial
relating to the compilation, materiality and Annexes of 2022 and its structure and
conservation nature with the financial statements and/or
presentation of the information contained content, using as reference the principles
accounting records.
in the Integrated Report and Annexes 2022 of content and quality of Standards the
Annexes and other circumstances of the work and Sustainability Report of Global Reporting
Initiative - GRI (GRI-Standards). We believe that the information, evidence
our consideration of areas and processes
and results obtained in our work are

GRI 2-5


About this
Material themes

highlights Non-financial data is subject to more has come to our knowledge that could
inherent limitations than financial data, given indicate that the information contained in
the nature and diversity of the methods used the Integrated Report and Annexes of the
from the Board to determine, calculate or estimate suchaimed toCMIN
Our work applyoflimited
are not balanced, consistent
procedures on the sustainability
of Directors information disclosed
data. Qualitative interpretations of materiality, and reliable, in all relevant respects, inof CMIN of 2022, not
in the Integrated Report and Annexes
relevance, and accuracy of data including the assessment
are subject accordanceof the
the recordsof and
its policies,
files that practices, and
performance in sustainability.
to individual assumptions and judgments. In served as the basis for its construction,
Message from addition, we do not perform any work on data following the guidelines of the Global
the Superinten- Conclusion Point your mobile phone
dent Director reported for the previous periods, to assess Reporting Initiative – GRI, Standards version, camera to the image above
Based on the procedures carried out, described in this report, and the Bureau and complete our satisfaction
the adequacy of its policies, practices and and the International Integrated Reporting research. If not compatible, get
Veritas Verification
performance in sustainability, or in relation to
Statement, with
Council (IIRC).
regard to greenhouse gas emissions, nothing a QR Code reader to access
has come to our knowledge that could indicate that the information contained in the content.
Who we are future projections. the Integrated Report and Annexes of the CMIN of 2022, are not balanced,
Organizational consistent and reliable, in allApril
Barueri, relevant respects, in accordance with the records
24, 2023
and files that served as the basis for its construction, following the guidelines of
Governance and Our work aimed to apply limited assurance
the Global Reporting Initiative – GRI, Standards version, and the International
procedures on the sustainability information
Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).
Strategic pillars
disclosed in the Integrated Report and
Business model
Annexes of CMIN of 2022, not including the
assessment of the adequacy of its policies,
Barueri, April 24, 2023
Created and practices, and performance in sustainability.
shared value
and Resilience Conclusion 2 CRC RS 5.460/O-0 “T” SP
management Assinado de forma digital
Natural capital Based on the procedures carried out, OLIVEIRA:9023843 OLIVEIRA:90238435091
conservation Dados: 2023.04.24 17:39:30
described in this report, and the Bureau 5091 -03'00'
Veritas Verification Statement, with regard Roger Maciel de Oliveira
to greenhouse gas emissions, nothing Accountant 1 CRC RS 71.505/O-3 "T" SP
Annexes Technical Responsible Partner

GRI 2-5


About this
Material themes
Corporate information

from the Board
of Directors
CNPJ no. 08.902.291/0001-15
(PORTUGAL) Rodovia dos Inconfidentes, Km 40, s/nº Mining MARKET
Message from NIRE no. 31.300.025.144
Av. da Siderurgia Nacional S/N Zona Rural – Rio Acima - MG INTERNAL (purchase and sale)
the Superinten-
dent Director
Trading Name/Trading Code
Aldeia de Paio Pires ZIP: 34.300-000 Phone: (31) 3749-1652
ZIP: 2840-075 Mining MARKET

Who we are
Phone: 00351 212 278 351 MINA E COMPLEXO DE EXTERNAL
00351 212 278 352 BENEFICIAMENTO Phone: +852 2236 3400
Logradouro Casa de Pedra, s/nº
E-mail: [email protected] PIRES
Governance and Zona Rural – Congonhas (MG)
management Rodovia BR 040 Km 590, s/nº (parte), PRESS OFFICE
Strategic pillars PO Box: 97
COMMERCIAL OFFICE Zona Rural, Distrito de Miguel Burnier, Phone: (31) 3749-1069 / (31)
Business model
ZIP: 36415-000 (HONG KONG) Ouro Preto - MG 99619-7817
Phone: (31) 3749-1212 Units 1203-4, 12th Floor ZIP: 35.400-000 E-mail: [email protected]
Created and Site: www.csn.com.br
shared value Agricultural Bank of China Tower
(exclusively for journalists)
IR: www.ri.csnmineracao.com.br
Consolidation 50 Connaught Road Central BULK CARGO TERMINAL (TECAR)
and Resilience
Hong Kong Ilha da Madeira – Itaguaí (RJ) – Brasil –
management BUSINESS OFFICE Phone: +852 2236 3400 ZIP: 23826-600
Natural capital (SÃO PAULO)
conservation E-mail: [email protected] Phone.: (21) 2687-1912
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3.400
19th and 20th floors
Annexes Itaim Bibi – São Paulo (SP)
Casa de Pedra – Congonhas (MG) – Brasil
ZIP: 04538-132
ZIP: 36415-000
Phone: (11) 3049-7100
PO Box: 97
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (31) 3749-1212


About this
Material themes
This Integrated Report brought together the work and
collaboration of the following people, companies and institutions:

from the Board
of Directors

Benjamin Steinbruch (President) GENERAL COORDINATION, Investor Relations Department MATERIALITY, CONSULTANCY,
Message from
the Superinten- Marcelo Cunha Ribeiro WRITING AND Pedro Barros Mercadante Oliva – Director CONTENT AND DESIGN
dent Director
Victoria Steinbruch PREPARATION OF THE REPORT Finance and Investor Relations usina82
Helena Brennand Guerra Sustainability Board, Environment Team:
Who we are Hiroshi Akiba Environment and Work Safety Pedro Gomes de Souza MANAGEMENT OF
Organizational Miguel Ethel Sobrinho Helena Brennand Guerra Danilo Dalapria Nascimento ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATORS
Yoshiaki Nakano Team: Rafael Costa Byrro GRI, UNCTAD, SASB, SDG, sectorial
Governance and
Lívia Ballot de Miranda assessments (World Steel Association,
Strategic pillars International Council of Mining and Metals,
Business model BOARD Karoline Castro Oliveira Francisco CSN Inova
Global Cement and Concrete Association),
Enéas Garcia Diniz (Superintendent Eduardo Guadagnini Lima Alessandra Steinbruch risk assessment water and GHG Protocol –
Director) Fernando Salina Catarina Lagnado Combustech Combustion Technology Ltd.
Created and
shared value Hironori Makanae (Director of Planning Flavia Tranjan Andreotti
and Resilience Strategic) Pablo Belosevich Sosa COLLABORATION PHOTOS
Stakeholders Pedro Barros Mercadante Oliva (Director Renan Reis By gathering and analyzing information, CSN image bank
Natural capital
Finance and Investor Relations) We appreciate the support and cooperation
Otto Alexandre Levy Reis (Director Institutional Board of managers and other colleagues involved
ofInvestments) Luiz Paulo Teles Ferreira Barreto inall corporate units and areas
Team: involved in CSN Mineração:
Ana Carolina Diegues de Faria Passaro • Mina Casa de Pedra;
Carlos Miranda Lima • Mina do Engenho;
• Pires Beneficiation Complex;
• TECAR - Solid Bulk Terminal.


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